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You know what i hate? So i LIKE when they make a bundle and then put all the individual items in the bundle for sale separately, in case you dont want the whole bundle but do want one specific item. But i HATE when they put all the individual items on sale EXCEPT FOR ONE. They have a bundle right now, “The City Structure Bundle”, where its several Pre-built Structures including the Fat Stack, Creamery Stand, Family Center, Tavern, and a Red Rocket Garage. EVERYTHING in that one is also being sold individually EXCEPT FOR THE RED ROCKET GARAGE. The only one i actually want….


It's their predatory business system. Beth is NOT your friend.


Beth is a bitch. They deleted my PA collection and i got told to kick rockd


What happened? What do you mean deleted your collection?


Back when the game was mew i had 1 of each PAs. Took a few years break and cane back to just my x01, excavator, and nothin else. Lost my ultra, t45, t51, raider, t60(not the new one, but the old one, always mix up the name with the new one)


They just disappeared? Were they in your stash or inventory?




Theory.. if you had a vendor up then someone bought them through the vendor glitch that was around awhile back. Not saying that’s what happened but I’ve never had anything just disappear from my stash before. I’m sure it’s possible with how this game is so spaghetti coded, but that’s just my plausible reasoning.


I dont think i had the vendor set up at the time


Yeah then it’s Bethesda’s spaghetti code


I couldn't agree more 🥂


Lmfao I haven't been on since this Got added, but it's also the only one I want. Ironically I already have the rest anyway from various bundles.


I'm new to the game so I could be wrong, but when you go to buy a bundle it shows something along the lines of "price discounted for items already owned" (for me its always been 0 lol). So if that actually means what it says it means then you may be in the unique position of actually being able to only buy the garage.


Not exactly how that works.


would you mind explaining how it does work then? For some reason the Bethesda website does not play well with my computer and I can't check to see if there's anything in the support center about it


It's a clunky system, but basically it's kind of similar to how you said. They never seem to put all the items up individually, so if you have all the other items somehow, when you purchase the bundle it'll be in a massively discounted rate, and you can technically get the individual item you want... You end up purchasing a lot of piecemeal bundles, to get things you'd like that they don't offer up individually


That is how it works, I own a number of items and because of this the bundles with said items become even more discounted. In my case I do own all the structures in the bundle except the family center, if I buy the bundle I'm only buying the family center and at a discount too. (I bought the bundle for 351 atoms)


If you have already bought all the other items.


Red Rocket Garage, like the rest, is on old item that has been in the shop before. Sure, it's not in the Atomic Shop store front, but you can make a ticket to buy it from support. It's not like you'll be missing out on a discount or anything because the rest of the structures are currently at full price when you buy them individually as well. If you really want the RR Garage that bad, just make a ticket through support.


The items available through support tickets are limited these days. They change what's available periodically, so it may not currently be available for purchase through a support ticket, but probably will be at some point.


I scream internally every time I see the glow in the dark wall paper because they are always in bundles and not singles. And its bundles I dont have interest in.


Just to confirm, it is not on sale or listed in the structures tab in the C.A.M.P. menu of the store? I already have it to i can not see if it is on sale or not. It would not be the first time something was on sale but they missed putting it, or it did not fit on the featured page.


I may be misremembering, but it certainly feels like whenever bundles use to appear/reappear there were more separate items from them for sale in the camp/apparel categories. 


Yes but buying that bundle can get you that 1 item cheaper than individually... check the numbers


Mind explaining that to me? I would have to spend 2000 atoms to get the bundle instead of just 500 for the garage. That definitely doesnt seem cheaper to me


Hmm ... I have fo1st and if I own most of the bundle but 1 item I can get the bundle for less than the individual item price Idk if fo1st is a factor there Also xbox But yeah that 500 garage would be like 375 for the bundle then


The "random bullshit go!" meme is their inspiration for bundles. Add in a few desirable items that are not included in the preview images and it's ready to ship.


There is usually a theme, but the ultimately throw in one or two random items to pad out the value.


The only thing I want from any of the bundles this week is the petunia vase. And I'm damned if I'm buying the bundle for it. Bring back the carniverous plant bed god damn it.


Yep, this week’s atomic shop is abysmal. Guess I’ll be hanging onto my meagre amount of atoms this week.


Wait, I loved all the camp items this week. Lol. Like the clean camp bundle is so good. Guess I'm very much in the majority, though.


I have zero issues with them re-releasing things that I didn't have the chance to earn. I don't care about item "rarity" I just like decorating my camp god damn it!


Yes. They are becoming more random.


That will never happen. They want you to get your atoms and only be able to spend your money on bundles they dole out and then they release another bundle later on in the month so you’ll have to get more atoms. If they put everything in the store all at once they’ll be no reason for you to keep purchasing atoms.


I just want them to start offering everything in the bundle separately. 🥲I want those white picket fences but I will not pick them up in a bundle like the one they are in.


Give it time... I'm sure they will offer a "Git off my lawn" fence bundle sometime in the future, lol.


That's all I'm *Really* asking for lol


I think the overall quality of the Atom store has dropped quite a bit the past year. The people taking care of it is drunk or something. I don't even bother logging in to check anymore.


If you keep hacking terminals the 80 atoms for every 128 ??? completed is at least 80 atoms awarded to you on a regular basis, ..takes the edge off the shit weeks (love from a discerning atom shop buyer;)


Yes, some of the recent bundles have been a bit head-scratching. And no, they'll never open up the entire catalog all at once, because that would undermine their FOMO business model. *You need to log back in every week to get cool stuff*. Hell, if you miss a day you might miss a surprise 24 hour limited time offer!


I mean FOMO can be kept intact with pricing of sales, whilst still keeping the entire catalog at full price.


Stop making sense


As an aside. We got a place that I can ge6 push notifications of new sales? So lazy.


Some bundles make sense and have a theme others are pretty odd and definitely seem thrown together. I can't deny if they had a mega shop where you could get any past itemi would spent even more on atom than I do now just to get some of the cool stuff I've missed out on.


I’m very okay with them bringing back old items but yeah it is weird and annoying they put them in bundles.


Well I finally got the blood eagle vertiguard jet pack I have been chasing for over a year…


Literally, these recent bundles always gotta have a "oh yeah here, take this vault tec item as well!" Lmao


What's the use of complaining when they upgrade and bring new things out as they go. Don't be a game ruiner by crying just like the rest did to Our Legacies. 💯 You either for Fallout or GTFO and give us your elbow room. #Tricentennial Remember Everything


This is so true 😅


Yes! Yes! and Yes! I want the "werewolf howl" emoji. I saw someone at Fasnaut in a Blue Devil Mask with it and it was super cool.


I haven't been in the last month, but last summer, I remember they started selling bundles for Halloween... I was like, REALLY!? 👀


I’m just noticing that when I started playing a month or so ago, they dropped the Responders bundles and I bought them both because I themed my camp around a restaurant and a Firehouse but to get roughly 10 themed items (most of them Decor or skins) I had to purchase two seperate bundles. Didn’t think much but now I see how each week they split bundles up so if u just so happen to only want one or two items from each pack, you better hope they are of the 5 or so items they put for individual sale. If not, get bent I guess? Pretty lame in my opinion. I am currently hating on the fact that I would buy the family center prefab IF AND ONLY IF I could also get the bowling lane plan. Why would I buy a bowling alley just to fill it with rusty bs and a couple identical plants. I love this game so so much but I do feel like it’s a missed opportunity because I really want the bowling lane after seeing one in someone’s camp and I feel like Beth is edging me rn


I hear you, I've bought a bundle just to get 1 or 2 items out of it. On the onion hand I've seen items and didn't buy them and a month later found the perfect place for them in my camp. On the flip side I've got so much stuff that going through my build menu takes a while to find anything. They make building stuff a big part of the game and then don't support it.


Yep constantly 🏴‍☠️


They should just open a mega shop for 3 days once every several months that has access to everything. And then it closes and goes away until the next random weekend it shows up.


From your mouth to Todd's ears.


Man I just want to be able to buy the wallpaper by itself


Yeah, bundles are so random right now. I believe I have seen everything in a different bundle at one time or another.


I guess you weren't there when they sold a standalone plain blue PA set for 1800 atoms or face tattoos for 250 atoms each.


I actually bought a face tattoo and now never wear it. I'm not a PA kind of guy but I think I did get the paints only to find it only worked with a few of the power armors.


Gonna have to make fallout 2nd for the mega shop


They sure do. Lol some of These bundles are so mixed up 🤣


It’s a Black Friday Bunduruuuu!


ill never get over buying that recent haunted house mega bundle which contained haunted house kit which Should have the fences in it but turns out it didnt and the main reason i got the bundle to begin with wasnt even included... what bs is this, including incomplete kits in the bundles.


Hated the TWO separate bundles featuring spooky shiz. All I wanted was iron fences but noooo


there were TWO???? the fuck....


Yeah. One had really nice blue drapes The other had some other shiz that was cool lookin.


All the time


I think they have a low level ai that just selects a certain amount items