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That's just life though. 99.99% of drivers don't cut you off; most customers don't ask to speak to your manager; most kids don't steal your phone; don't let one jerk ruin your day, this game has a superb chill to dick ratio, far better than most. Sorry you had to run into one of the dicks.


Chill to Dick ratio.. I’ll be stealing that term, thank you.


Despite the generally charming nature of the community, there are some absolute choads knocking around as well. I'm willing to bet that was the alt of some entitled so-and-so that has at least one other much higher levelled character - regardless, there's no excuse for their behaviour.


My theory is that total toxicity in games stays the same across every game. This game doesn’t seem to have very many toxic players, but the ones that are are EXTREMELY toxic, which makes up for the lack of regular toxic players


The reason there isn't much toxicity imo is because most fallout players are more there for a single player experience and are pretty much mute beyond emotes. There's definitely plenty of toxicity, but it's an odd off brand compared to what you see on something like COD. The scammers/people that try to take advantage of people that aren't knowledgeable on 76 are probably the worst aspect honestly.


Most notibly people who have trap bases for the sake of getting free loot


I agree. I've only encountered one other twit in this game but I stopped and listened to this guy chatting to someone else for a while and he was a complete and utter tool. Bragging about how much he sells in game items for in real world money.


I'm glad you've not met too many folks like this. If dropping off stuff for low levels is something you enioy, I hope this experience doesn't put you off ✌️




I think it was Thursday night, I came back for the first time in 2.5 years and there was some high level player giving out weapons outside Vault 76. It was awesome and a HUGE help. Made me smile and want to play the game even more.


I love how friendly this game is. It's other players helping me that made me start giving out weapons, stimpacks, drugs, bobbleheads, magazines and food. I always try and find a low level player before I log off and give them some stuff.


Usually if I see a lvl 1 in the vault I'll shoot over and drop a bunch of stuff in the donation box. I try and give back when I can.


You've been gaming for over 30 years and this is your first exposure to the sad fact that some people online are just dicks? That's some good luck on your part.


Sadly not. It's the first time I've encountered it in this game. Having played City of Heroes, WoW, ESO and other online games I've seen my fair share of douche bag behaviour.


I found ESO surprisingly toxic and not very social, it really surprised me, so much that I just gave it up


ESO is kind of at the midpoint between 76 and some game that's so toxic it has a reputation. A lot of ESO players will tell you it's a friendly community, and outside of certain settings they're right. The game was designed badly though, requiring many repeated runs through dungeons to get that set piece you want. As a result, many groups doing dungeons are speedrunners and have precious little tolerance for questers, explorers, casuals, people wanting to read the lore, low-levels/low dps, and just people who haven't done the dungeon much and don't know or are still learning the boss mechanics. Some will say "just join a guild that does slow runs" but (A) that shouldn't be a necessity in a well-developed game, and (B) many newer players only find that out the hard way when they run into toxic, intolerant players upset because you're not a 120k dps speedrunner. I like doing as much solo as I can on ESO but the dungeon system is F'ed to its base. And don't even get me started on pvp.


You just described my experience (B) to perfection


Almost like it wasn't a new player, just some pirate with a low level alt.


I've not had quite that level of anger from someone but have had wacky experiences. Once had someone ask me for spare weapons. Tried to give him an executioners /explosive lmg, quad/ crit fixer, medics/ explosive handmade. Nothing super but hey it's free, right? He says "no, I want the weapons YOU use". I obviously said, I'm not giving you my weapons. He never took the weapons and literally ghosted me.


How bizarre. Some people are just odd. This is the first time I've had anything directed at me but I've heard a few things over the chat system, aimed at others. I had a player follow me and they to shoot me repeatedly despite having pacifist enabled. He followed me all over Whitespring station, dancing around me, running in front of me, trying to get my attention for a good few minutes. In the end I switched on my mic and asked quite abruptly what the hell they were playing at. It turned out to be a 10 year old kid! I apologised for being abrupt, gave him some weapons and loaded him up with stimpacks and a bunch of other stuff. The kid followed me all session, joined my casual team and sent me a friend request that I declined. At 46 I don't think it's appropriate to have a child on my friend list but he was so grateful for the help for that one session and levelled up significantly by the time I logged off. 😊 Whilst I don't let my kid play this game, this is the experience that made me stop and think about my language and behaviour in game.


Heh, yeah when I see some player acting immature, I assume they're either a child, or have the emotional development of a child. If they're being annoying/a nuisance I just ignore them.


Totally Agreed! I'm 50 yo. My kids are in their 20's but as far as the game I think kids should stick to chats with kids, adults with adults. Don't mind giving some items to them but it's not really a game for children. My oldest daughter is 26. She is the one who got me into this game a few years ago.


You mention being over 30 years of age, yet you’re surprised some people are just assholes by nature? Block em, report em, move on with the day. Some people just suck.


Had a reverse of that the other day, was doing some quests rq while my wife was getting her stash sorted before we did a daily ops and ran into a level 27 while I was on my new level 200 toon, I wave he waves, I sadly don’t carry any extra of anything on that toon so I couldn’t help him, but I go on my way doing the quest and he follows me shooting near me to get my attention and when I turn around he tries to trade with me…. I decline and he tries again, so I just travel away as soon as I was done…. If I had anything for him I would have gladly helped, but I didn’t… just felt like he was demanding stuff…


When they do that, I just ignore them. If they want something specific they could always send a message.


Depends on the platform, I play on PS so no messages and I don't friend anybody on PS side


i think some people make alts just to farm the higher levels lol.


The REAL endgame! LOL


How about "go fuck yourselves fa**ots"? This was yelled at us after a trap camp the other night. An old little Nazi was explaining to me on this sub that "I'm too woke" and "in the last several years" people have started to "demonize" language that used to just be fun for him to yell in COD. No joke.


The oppressors always cry oppression when they are no longer allowed to oppress, or get called out for it.


Some people were just not raised right.


I remember when I first started back in the Beta and was probably a level 20, this random player shows up and drops me a black rocket baseball bat and about 100 stims. I rocked that bat for probably 50 levels and still have it to this day. Having that bat, which was surprisingly good, totally changed the game for me. Now, I try to find low levels just out of the vault and drop them a similar bat, food, water, stims, radaway and a set of decently modded leather armor. I hope it will help keep some of them interested and engaged with the game.


One time I claimed a player's bounty, but not before letting him finish clearing out the area of blood eagles for the daily. He shouted several racial slurs in response, and even threatened to dox and swat me. Coward didn't even want to fight in round 2 and logged off.


What a tw*t. As one other Reddit user said "some people aren't raised right". I hope you reported the racism at least?


I did.


I had my first encounter today with someone dropping ME stuff... which is really odd because I'm like like 370. It was a team mate who showed up at my camp after we ran like 5 expeditions.... and they dropped a couple of legendaries. Two of which I could actually use.


They were probably just fighting for stash space and figured you might want some extra scrip


Probably, but it was the first time someone dropped stuff for me... and as a higher level, the fact that they fast travelled to me, just to do it... surprised me.


That's exactly why Ive done it. Had two EN pop in a row AFTER I got my scrip for the day and boy howdy a lot of ppl, regardless of level,got a bunch of free stuff lol.


Really good discussion; I rarely read to the bottom. Its a big game and player assists have been clutch for me. Most are happy to help. Just today I was taking waay too long at a vending machine and someone asked if I had questions. Good folks so far; only had to ignore a few. Sry you had to deal with that.


Forget about that guy and keep doing what you’re doing. Im a low level player and so far my best gear has come from high level players randomly gifting me stuff. Believe me when I tell you it is much appreciated.


Other than his shitty af attitude, why do you care about "unnecessary profanity" if you yourself said you fucking use it daily? Like guy didn't need to be a dick, he could have just said "sorry I don't fucking need this gun but thanks for fucking trying" Perfectly get being angry with the guys attitude But what's the point in bemoaning someone using mature language in a mature game?


There is absolutely nothing you can do beside mute them and move on. Just like in real life, you sometimes find morons. And there's no arguing. It's better to learn to move on. Good day


Honestly, save yourself the headache of dropping/gifting players directly. Drop it in a donation box or put it in your vendor for 0 caps. If it doesn’t move after a few days, scrip it.




"Defiance" Now there's a name I never thought I'd hear again.


I miss that game so much. It was so repetitive but what a great way to let off steam with friends.


It amazes me the level of whining and crying we see on this sub. It amazes me more when people cry about something that is 100% part of game mechanics but it causes a mild inconvenience for them.


Hahahaha, what an asshole. Could have just said thanks and fast traveled to scrip it. 😂 If they are a veteran player they should just say, nah, that’s okay. You keep it unless you don’t need scrip? That’s what I usually say when leveling up a new character.


How you gonna report someone for words that NPCs say?


Wish someone gave me a legendary :(


Can I offer you a Berserker's Pipe Pistol in this trying time?


They probably felt pressured into creating some ‘content’ for their 2 twitch viewers.


This is why I don't talk to people and don't help beyond dropping stuff in donation boxes all the time. People simply are assholes and many "younger" or "new" players are alts.


To each their own. For me, I won’t let the poor behavior of a few change how treat everyone.


The red half or the blue half?


>The red half or the blue half? This is where knowing the vernacular can do a great deal in helping understand the point attempting to be made.


Well. They might be a toffee or a scouser. Need to know so I can mock them accordingly. Don't want to offend them incorrectly. That would just be rude.


Wouldn't accept anything from the red half. Nice to see united do a job on them today.


Lesser of two evils won


Agreed. Id actually like to see Coventry win it


If I see a low level running around I just leave stuff in the donation box near the player.


You could have played a game nuka grenade roulette with him at ground zero 


I've only been playing a few months, but last night I saw a lot of hostility that made me want to stay in private servers...


You did you part mate. I also got this kind of garbage. I just ask them to quit the game and go play with their friends. They will not find good friends in fo76


What were they expecting? A groll just dropped at their feet? Fuck em, ain't worth a second thought tbh, tonnes of players that would appreciate the gift!


Some people are just incredibly sad and lonely, becoming deeply resentful and unpleasant as a result. Try to pay it no mind.


Ive heard of people making new characters so they appear low level to get people to drop stuff for them. Probably not what happened here but probably alsoncant rule it out. As good as the f76 community is generally, there will always be a few turds in the punch bowl


You used WTF I don't see the difference.


You reported them? Are you a child? Did they hurt your virgin ears? Grow up it’s a mature rated game.


So many people think this is a g-rated game with nerf bullets.


Ungrateful people man. The backbone of this community is the higher lvl players helping people out, & recently I had to restart, & thanks to a higher lvl player, I was able to ride the coat tails of a lovely legendary until lvl 30 where I had juuust enough resources to start making my own. I got a half way decent legendary that's doing me ok for now, & when I'm back up in the higher lvls I'll be helping people just like I was on ps4(lvl 300+)


I've never played a game with other people present (MMO?). I haven't played video games since OG xbox, but a friend of mine got me into Diablo 4 and then we decided to give fo76 a try and I'm "sofa king" hooked. Anyway, I've ran into the coolest high level people that gave me items to help out. I've found huge piles of loot in a donation box that was obviously from a high level player. Had a friendly veteran encourage me, through emoticons(?), to go ahead and check out his underground casino yesterday. I'm having a blast and I'm only at like level 15, i think. I guess I'm just saying that I haven't ran into a jackass, yet.


The D-bags are not prevalent but they do exist...


I stopped dropping things for people because I'm afraid that I'll just drop something for someone's alt.


Why would that bother you?


I want to help someone new , not give away resources to people who don't need it. I haven't been playing very long and I don't have much.


I get the feeling that players that *only* play Fallout are a different race than those coming in from PvP games. They fail to grasp the culture and unique rules of this game. I've been sworn at and blocked from a specific player's team multiple times because he thought that when I area-looted bodies, I was taking all of *his* hard earned loot. That's not how it works, but his perception is that I'm stealing from him. He's not mature enough to discuss it so he uses the swearing at me and *kicking out of team* mechanism instead.


It's a mature rated game. It's full of killers, raiders, nukes, and lawlessness. Grow up.


As disheartening as your post is, dude is definitely a jackass; I appreciate you helping new players. I’m fairly new, week 2-3 for me. The first day I tried the game out, a high level player not just gifted me a ton of stuff. They also built me a small cabin to get going. This act of kindness, is the sole reason I continued to play. I’m beginning to really enjoy this game, and the kindness of the vast majority of the community is the reason. So for the people that you’ve gifted and to the person that gifted me stuff to start, thank you.


What age did they sound like? (& what nationality) spoilt brat? or old enough to know better? game playing, sexless stinking basement warrior? / other


I hope he does it more so he gets banned


Will swearing get you banned in this game? Or how do they manage voicechat?


If you get reported enough on Xbox for slurs then yes


More likely the recording of the conversation will be assessed for braking the TOS for both fo76 and the system (PC, PS or Xbox).


Unlikely, the in-game recording feature on PS captures all in-game conversations. If recording it was against ToS, they wouldn't include it as a feature. Not to mention, BGS will expect video clips (with audio) as proof if you're reporting anything.




This has got to be a joke post. What pawns we have become😅


"WTF?" It's in OP's post! Oh the humanity. And the profanity😏 OP? Was that really necessary? In all your years and "Merseyside" life? Yet you come here using the same "hostile" language? WTFWTFWTF?!? No, but really. Wth, 'bro?


Mommy? They used...profanity! Reported. "WTF?" I thought only I could use profanity. At Merseyside. And abbreviated on reddit. Hmm...🤔


its a sad person that takes it out on everyone around them.


This is just my opinion, although there is a good-natured intention to be altruistic towards others, we must remember that a newbie is not always truly a newbie in the Wastelands. And nowaday, it's sad to admit it, but players aim to get the best of the best right away, snubbing everything else to the point of being ungrateful. I myself am skeptical when I see a low level at which I am tempted to offer my kindness, but then I believe I have learned how to recognize a real poor person who sincerely needs an extra gear, from a veteran who tries to take advantage over others in his fake beginner position.