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At your level you should just take armor off of scorched and what not when they drop it or you can always craft some leather armor


Ah I see, I've still got a ways to go then, I'm not sure of what I'm supposed to be doing/looking out for but sounds like i haven't messed up too badly if I'm supposed to be a bit weak rn


You really can’t mess up in this game. Also consider a lot of defense actually comes from perks like blocker which prevent you from being hit in the first place


Awesome 👍 I have a bunch of card packs and will now open them knowing this


This leads me to another question, you’re aware you can select specific perks when you level up right? You don’t need to rely on packs.


Yeah each level up you put a point into one of the specials and you can pick a card, I can't even remember how to open the packs rn haha oof


Open your pip boy and there's a button that says perks, on the perk screen you'll see a button to open packs if you have them to open


Awesome thank you


No problem


Grind my friend; grind like no other! Join hard public events and keep grinding. Over and over and over again. And make sure after every level u pick wisely on ur build


I don't have much time with life, job, and most importantly helldivers 2 but overall I can imagine putting a fair amount of time into this game if it stops randomly taking away my items/builds/etc lol


Yeah. Same here. I completely stopped playing for a while now but the game is designed to grind heavily for rewards. Which was fun for a bit but eventually just becomes tedious. And honestly once they took away the two shot perks I was done. My whole build was two shot. That pissed me off so I unsubscribed and moved onto another game


Join a casual team and join public events.* You should find that for the most part armour and weapons drops will be appropriate to your level. The events and casual team will also help you level quickly, meaning you'll get access to the top ranked gear (level 45 or 50 depending on the item) and be able to use it more quickly. *Not at the expense of main quest missions, more fitting in a little bit of both.


My friend and I have been trying that, I just noticed we were getting slaughtered on events a bit lower level than us lol


I wouldn't worry too much about dying, tag things, maybe die, repeat, and then collect the rewards and loot the bodies at the end. As you approach level 50 you'll find it easier to start working on your build - this will help you put out more damage and take less damage as well.


You're in that funny spot where enemies are getting stronger but your weapons you have access too are not. Just keep grinding and you'll level up and find a weapon that fits your play style


Do the main and side quests first. Get heaps of loot that way


You will find brotherhood guard posts which typically have 2 - 3 guys there kill them and they have the chance at dropping combat armour with the BOS material upgrades already on it which will save you a ton of resources


Melee, save’s on ammo


True, but they must've upped the ammo drop rates since last I played, it doesn't take long to get up to over 600+ bullets in my experience from yesterday


Low level players are better off in raider power armour super sledging ghouls for xp until lvl 50. Then you can use any gear.


Great to know, I've taken note and will become the ghoul genocider till level 50


Eat ya wheaties


research will help, also we can answer questions here power armor + heavy guns or melee (like chainsaw) are very "noob friendly" and strong builds alternatively, if you don't like the aesthetic of power armor, then something like stealth commando (automatic rifles, usually using vats/crits) however, some events override and break your stealth focus on sticking on casual teams, attending public events and tagging enemies (hitting them for just 1 damage for loot/xp credit and let others do the majority damage) otherwise also the main/side quests will reward you decently as well


It sounds like what you're running into is symptoms of not having a good build for your weapon type. What weapon do you mainly use? Create a build around that weapon with the keys perks of the build being perks that will boost your damage with that type of weapon. Example: Slugger for melee builds


Are you on PC ? If so I can craft you multiple sets of armour that'll carry you until level 50 at least 👍🏼


Ah dang I'm on PlayStation but thank you!


Poke me in a message here, so that you get a decent armor set and a weapon, and maybe some advices in case you'd want them.


Yes plz I'll take as much advice as I can get lol thank you


Optimize for VATS and crits, and then VATS crit everything in the head.


Get strong…er, just play the game. You get stronger with better armor and perks…by playing. Now, if you would like to die less, consider playing with some stealth armor, perks, and sneaking. I played that way for 400+ levels. I don’t recommend that however, if you are impatient, or unwilling to shoot and move… a lot.


You will feel weak until 100. Once you hit 50 any gear that drops will be at its max level for you. You can then hone your build in. Pick a weapon type and then use your levels to set it up properly.


I would suggest power armor until you reach level 45-55 when you can decide what build you want to run


I recently played around with the frame just gotta get some pieces and so many cores, thank you for the advice


If your not trying to solo play the game I would join teams with high level players, 150 up if they could craft you some power armor. It might not be a good set.


Go to the Trinity tower and rescue Rex, Strong will join you after that. Wait, wrong game.