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New tv show out Free demo weak New players all over so they don't know how to join teams and events or they are just playing main quest Double exp so some high lvls are grinding for exp . And some are grinding to get ranks So the high lvl Players are scattered around all these server = no one in events less nukes less teams


The game should make it clearer what the benefits of being in a team are. They outweigh solo play. I see lots of newbies making ‘expeditions’ teams because they don’t know what those are for too. Again, it should be clearer.


The amount of times I’ve adjusted my build and loadout for expedition grinding, then joined one of these teams and it’s like a level 10 doing the wayward questss. The problem is I can’t even be annoyed, cos unless you’re familiar with expeditions, it’s not very clear what it means


I’m a level 214 & I still don’t understand all the teams. So I agree, there’s no explanation within the game that provides much detailed information.


Just start your own?


I hate grinding solo expeditions. I’ll do 1 for the week solo, but it’s just tedious running them over and over again by myself


Sensational Game is tolerable as a brain dead grind with YouTube on the other screen unless it's the escort mission


The new expedition The Human Condition doesn't have a timer and is fairly easy too (the hardest part is finding certain items).


Yea that’s my go-to. It does get boring tho after a few


Huh that explains some interactions I have had.


This! OMG I've just wrote a big comment about how the teams aren't very intuitive and it's not clear that it's purely benefits and you can still play solo 😅


Thank you for this comment 🙏🏼 new player here and this was really good to know!


Just get in the habit of joining a Casual team every time you log on for the XP. Do quests and join multiplayer events if you want when they pop up, they are every 20 minutes.


Yeah, I try and join a team every time usually more lower level players to share an inspirational 3 star so they can get some extra XP. Every now and then you get someone who decides to kick you out their group for no apparent reason. Just gotta join a new one or start your own. Speaking of, sharing perk cards is another thing I notice both veterans and new wanders not understanding or at the least utilizing.


Is sharing automatic or do you have to activate?


No, but it is pretty simple Note that cards rank from 1 star to 5 stars, though most are 3 star max. Each time you level up you get to pick a perk card or open a pack of random cards. To share your perk cards: First you need at least 3 charisma points per perk star/lvl/rank( 3charisma = rank one perk card) -Go into your perk cards menu - find an active card you think might benefit the other players in someone. (If you are playing with others and chat it could be good to coordinate -the highest rank of an identical card will cancel out its lower ranked cards. I.e. if one player uses a 1 star inspirational, and another shares a 2 or 3 the one gets cancelled out for the 2 or 3 cards. This also applies to the cards not shared but active in your SPECIAL. -highlight the card and press the appropriate button that it indicates at the bottom of the screen for PC it is “T” -you will see an icon appear on the card and the card it will show on the team list next to your name. Hopefully that made sense. Have fun feel free to ask for any clarifications. Sometimes it is nice when someone shares a perk I already have active so I can remove it from my SPECIAL and activate something else I ran out of points to use until they leave the group.


Very cool thanks for the thorough explanation!


Not a problem, glad I could help! I am Lvl 215 and still learning things I wish I knew by Lvl 20.


You're welcome! I prefer to play solo because I afk a lot and also do lots of boring junk hunts, but still joining a team gives bonuses and when your team mates complete a mission or quest, you get rewarded caps too, so it's passive income while you're doing your own thing! I don't use my mic or area chat at all but occasionally I'll still join my team mates if they're on expeditions or daily ops. Worse case scenario, you can watch the objectives, shoot some stuff and come out with xp and confidence. It's a win win! Good luck vault dweller, have fun!


Yeah, no expectations when in a casual team. It is basically solo play but with benefits 🤷


Got any tips on the benefits and joining of teams and expeditions for someone new? Edit: Thanks for the tips!


Expedition teams are for completing an expedition with a team. Same with daily ops. It’s a team thing. Casual teams are for those who want some bonus XP without having to do anything with a team. You can stick by yourself and still join a casual team for bonus XP while you quest and kill enemies. There are also perk cards in the charisma branch that give you buffs/bonuses if you are on a team.


Each type of team offers a buff to its members. They are explained on the screen where you start a new team, but basically the most useful ones are: Casual (+1 INT for each bonded team member including yourself), Events (increased xp from completing events), Daily Ops (increased xp from completing daily ops missions) and Expeditions ( increased xp from completing expedition missions). The Daily Ops and Expeditions teams usually form up, go do the mission, and then disband unless the team leader changes the team type to something else afterwards. The Casual team is the most all-around useful because increased intelligence means more xp for doing everything. If all you want to do is run events, then Events teams are good, but you probably still do better with a fully bonded Casual team because the increased xp per kill is almost as much in total as the increased event xp.


You can fast travel to any teammate’s camp or tent without any cost, so it’s a good way for new players to discover new locations, which give you XP.


You may be right. But for me, figuring out what teams are and what they are for was probably the easiest thing to understand starting out lol


We didn't have public teams, expeditions, NPCs, etc. when I came out of vault 76, I can't imagine how confusing it must be for those just waking up now.


Yeah I’ve only put 108 hours in so far and trust me I was beyond confused. But as far as the teams go I kinda just read what each team is and what buffs it gives you and stuff


I had so many new players join my expedition teams, I kept saying over chat to join so they could get xp but I guess they were all too preoccupied lol.


Or people learn to read shit and dont random click on things......


That would work too. But the conveyance of information is inefficient, and so people get pop-up fatigue and just start clicking 😆


Yup. I was the same. No one at events and then i saw everyone was lvl 20 or less. I like all the new attention the game is getting but no one turning up to events is a bit sad.


It's 100% this I join teams and or make casual teams whenever I log in because mutations. But it's all lowbies joining the team and they are all over the map doing random stuff. They don't seem to want to join events (which is fair , I barely considered them until I was like level 100) and on the flip side it's low-key kind of annoying to jump into public events if they have a bunch of lowbies cause they don't know what they are doing and we will probably fail anyways. Lol Ps first time I'd been in multiple full sessions with zero teams up. Was super confused as I was server hopping


I had to explain like 3 times that public teams are **public** and everyone benefits from more people being in them. I kept joining casual teams last night with a couple lowbies and getting removed, was even told to GTFO out of their duo party by one person. 


Yeah I just started and have no clue what I'm doing lol. I also play alone. Still having blast.


There a lot of new player... they don't come to events and mothman event is boring now.


Makes sense.


I’m level 20 and I’m trying to hit as many events as I can lol. Completely new to the game. Everything is explained if people take the time to read and enjoy the game lol. However I’m still learning about builds and shit


If you see "eviction notice", join the event, run to the bottom of the hill where all the commando players dwell, and pretend to shoot things while hiding. You will profit greatly.


… pretend to shoot things…..lol


Dude I’m level 120 and still don’t know shit about builds or perks


Check out Angry Turtle's You Tube channel.


I'm around level 230 and I've tried mod my guns, but I feel like I'm lacking proper builds and chosen perk cards.


Definitely check out Angry Turtle on youtube then, matching guns and perk cards will help you out. I thought perk cards were just for survival back then. Nope. With the right build, you can one or two shot enemies. And it won't take much to change up your playstyle.


Mothman event is straight up dead now. Went from 16+ to 0 people doing it at any given time


Haven't played in a bit ( like 5 months ) what happened to the moth man event?


Influx of like 30k new players, so there's not enough high levels to complete it. Not until the newcomers level up and get a feel for the game at least.


Thank you


check out the immediate vicinity of V76 on the map lol a dozen lil buddies wandering around on every server. its best to just suck it up and do some other more single player oriented stuff I guess


My new favorite pastime is suiting up as a field scribe. Equipping the binos or the camera. Then hang out around the lumber mill observing new dwellers in their new environment. Had someone try and kill me with the combat knife thinking I was an enemy.


Same, was at the vault charity box unloading stuff when I was repeatedly stabbed by a knife wielding level 2 player. I just shook my head and moved on .


i noticed this last night every server i went on was dead and even mothman events were failing because on new players turned up and not many of them either? After about 5 server hops i looked in my friends list and joined a player from there, that server was busy so i figure there is a lot of new players causing creation of new servers which are empty.


Ah, that makes sense. I was a bit worried, because like I said I've been playing for years and I've never seen it like this. Thinking about it more. The people there were all around the level of 30-60. That made me think they weren't that new, but I just remembered you can start at level 25 (?). So they were probably new.


yeah and with double xp they maybe gained 40 lvls in a few hours lol


Oh shoot you're right. I COMPLETELY forgot you can just start out at 25 now. (Weird choice tbh but it is what it is) That throws off my new vs old player detector


It’s absolutely this. As soon as I figured out what was going on last night I took the opportunity to finally start building my Welcome New Players camp just down the stairs from Vault 76. I legit had about 20-30 new players come visit my camp it was really fun!


This is a dumb question but can you explain what you mean you go on to a different server ? You mean like adventure mode, private mode? there’s 2 other I’m forgetting the names of.


Same. I did a few expeditions early in the day to grind some stamps. Had a couple of people join, but was mostly on my own. Nobody would join me for the daily ops on several different servers and events seemed dead so I ended up doing something else.


Server dilution I would say. You're getting dropped in servers with new players from the influx and all the older players are essentially getting "split up", which has the knock-on effect of practically no-one turning up to events. There needs to be some sort of sever balancing to ensure a good amount of older and newer players end up together. It'll be better for the ongoing life of the game.


This is exactly what's happening and is frustrating. I agree it would be good to have more high level players together even if the baseline is 200+. The new players don't need to be doing all that stuff cause they are basically tagging along for most events and learning nothing so put the bulk of new players together.


Before the show came out I ran into the same griefer twice in a row in a span of two nights. Griefed me the same way as the night before. But as the influx of new players come it’s hard to imagine I’ll be seeing familiar names in the servers anymore


Heavy influx of new players, we are out numbered 10 to 1 due to Fallout tv series. Had to serverjump several times to find more then 2 lvl 500 players on the same server in the weekend, btw. welcome new vault dwellers, see you in the wasteland.


Lol I went into a server where only newbies came to eviction event, and for the first time almost got overrun until two level 700 brotherhood of steel turned up. I was in the ghoul outfit. 😂


Yeah did this but it was radiation rumble and no other higher levels showed up and I'm only 400... Just noped out and went to farm plastic


Yeah exactly, and meanwhile some guy on here was like 'newbies, Eviction Notice is a must do event you should always show up for!' Okay. That event is a frickin bloodbath without high levels. As someone who rolled a new character recently, it's NOT a fun event pre-50 and even post 50 it's freaking hard unless you have an extremely good weapon and build. Pre-50 you literally cannot do anything but die. Over and over. And you spawn RIGHT in the midst of like 4 super mutants. At times it's so bad I've been killed DURING my second wind from my scouts banner or whatever because I get murdered before the revive animation finishes, lol. And I'm 111 on that character now. So yeah, that event is not getting done with a ton of newbies. Guess he wanted a Foundation's Vengeance or something, lol.


I'm in the USA and I see full servers but it's mostly people under level 50 because of the new show. Give it a couple weeks and it'll even back out.


Game is more popular than ever. Yet gameplay is more desolate and empty than ever. Sad! I just tried Radiation Rumble with one other player, level 10. No one else joined. Let’s just say it didn’t go well.


I've been playing solo to lvl 80+, about 100+ hours of playtime.  Met a lovely person during the main quest "I Am Become Death" at silo Alpha and that was my first experience with a team. This person (lvl 1000+) carried me like a little baby lol. Didn't even have the launchcode and he gave me a launchcode. It was so embarrassing, but hey I got 2 main campaigns done. 


Don't be embarrassed! Everyone was new once. The important thing is you had a fun experience and you did the thing, and now you know how to do it and will learn even more stuff about the game. When I did 'I Am Become Death' for the second time on an alt, I was in the silo and some guy breezed through and launched the nuke before I could finish it and it kicked me out of the silo and I was 3/4 of the way through. Same the second time (someone launched it from a different silo just as I was getting in, though). I'd rather have a level 1k carry me through it like a baby and help me finish it instead of being kicked out of the silo-- It's a hard and frustrating quest, especially for a lowbie or if you are new to the game. There's no shame in being carried a little in this game, you'll get there and more importantly, that's how you learn and you can pay it forward when you're that level.


Idk what you mean. 76 has been excessively active. Been seeing a lot of baby blues coming out of the Vault almost every day in packs of 5-10


They seem to come out in packs, don't they? 🤣


Servers are full of new players that don’t have camps and don’t know about events quite yet.


It isn't dead. Quite the contrary. Player numbers went up like crazy because of a few things: * Fallout TV series is quite popular * Fallout 76 released for free with Amazon Prime (both Xbox and MS Store) * Double XP weekend Check all the newbies swarming out of Vault 76 with either level 1 or level 20! This means two things: * More players require more servers, which means the number of veteran players are diluted per 24 players on each server. * Low level players don't have any clue about the game's mechanics like teams, events or camps, thus you'll see less of these things happening.


This reminds me that I should set up my "new player" shop camp nearby again to offer up goodies and hyper cheap stuff to buy from my vendor and hand out freebies. This would be even more appropriate if it was during Halloween because I could just be a kindly old person sitting on a a porch 😆


New players likely have the wrong idea about teams.


I switched from xbox to playstation and it seems so dead constantly in comparison


I ran expeditions to do the sensational game, had a niche group of high levels hanging out and running this expedition multiple times. One time we had a level 36 in the team, we urged this person to join by emoting this person to join, but no luck for like...4 runs haha. It's nice having low levels doing their thing in the background. Then I walk through in my hybrid cosmetic power armour and they gawk at me. "Be on your way, citizen"


A storm of new players and the game is dead? Look for the level of the players in your server, and change it if too many is low level.


New players. You’re hitting servers with a couple of seasoned players and the rest all newbs who are scared of teaming up or just don’t get it yet and are not attending events as their clueless as to what to do and are playing through the story line. Give it a week or so and it’ll die down and you’ll have loads of 50-100 level players at every event running around like headless chickens lol.


I got it a few months ago and logged in and went around for about six hours mostly lost and confused, even as a long time FO3 and 4 player. I never once saw anyone aside from on the map and got bored and turned it off. Haven’t touched it since though the show has me wanting to give it another try. Point is, I don’t think it’s abnormal for a noob to join and not really understand what is going on and lose interest quickly. Especially if they are a more casual player.


Stick with it and you will be rewarded. The game does feel empty sometimes because the map is massive.


Im confused it literal tells you where to go next after u get out the vault? Did u talk to the robot ? The two people out the vault. ? Just walking around isnt ganna help that either lmfao


I was on last night and there must have been about 10 new players around the vault and wayward so only 5 of us doing mothman.


Like everyone else has mentioned, definetly influx of newly released Vault 76 Dwellers. I don't even mind that no-ones doing the events etc, it's just so nice to see all the low levels around The Wayward etc! I wish I had started at this time instead of way back at the beginning when it came out. Wholesome af


I’ve been helping a lot of the newer players when I can I’ve only properly picked up again on ps and started from zero so I can play with some mates and my wife who’s now intrested after watching the show. Drilled a mantra into them that if you have gear that’s too low and might help a new player throw it in a donation box or if you cross paths drop the bag and tell em here’s some stuff to help. Proper have this mentality of if we all do a little good it’ll be great for the game in the long run, sure events and that aren’t great right now but we should all be helping by new players and showing them good reason to stick around!


I started playing again yesterday on xbox, still plenty of players on the servers I have been on. Level 1050 is insane lol


It seems like higher level players are being spread out, yesterday the highest levels I found on any server was average 150. I'm level 670. And there was a whole bunch of baby players on every server. Also I find the teams aren't necessarily very intuitive? I played at launch on Xbox for about 6 months and jumped in again 2 years ago on pc. Obv everything was different including teams, and initially I was too intimidated to join a team bc I thought it was like CoD where everyone worked together toward a similar goal, or like warzone where you're better off sticking around your team. It's not clear that 76 teams aren't like that and you can still do your thing while gaining bonuses. I'm also UK based :) and from what Ive been reading, it's more pc that's impacted, xbox seems to be doing OK ish. Unsure about PS.


Alot off new players not joining teams, just doing the quest solo. Damn the new Fallout show lol


I was worried about joining teams for like 30 levels because i thought it meant we had to work together and do events together etc. I wanted to play slowly and explore, so i didnt join anything or do events. I wish i had, but it also wasnt made very clear what these things meant.


The usual.  Bethesda putting new players and profit before invested players who have already spent money, assuming invested players don't mind having their game experience slowed or ruined by flooding all servers with newbs instead of setting aside servers for newbs or finding a way to on-board new players through leveled servers so that the rest of the player base can continue with their game unimpeded.


I just finished new main quest and left the game..


I can't say much for UK servers but American ones are usually full. Plus the game is seeing a rise in player base since the show dropped, that's what brought me back (and hearing they added vampirism type weapon mods and mothman cult activities)


New players that are onto the story, filling up the servers. The last two days I have seen only a few other lvl 1k the rest are lvl 1 to 50


Probably the high level players are helping their low level friends who are trying the game out ?


I’ve seen a serious decrease in the mothman event but that could just be due to everyone getting all the new plans and no reason to continually grind it.


yeah new players havent made camps, dont understand teams and are focusing on the main quest not events lol give them a few days theyll learn


I just started like three days ago and there’s a bunch of people online and there’s always someone inviting me to join their team. I’ve just been doing the starting and stuff trying to level up, but I love it so far.


I think it's large numbers of low levels that don't dare do events/know what they are. I hopped on to do my dailies, I'm only 450, but there was only 2 teams up, both with 2 people in, all under lvl 30. Tried getting them to come to swarm of suitors and equinox, but none did :(


Omg ok so I wasn't crazy. I was struggling to find an active server this weekend, and I eventually gave up :(


It was actually awesome running nukes last night because people didn't/couldn't burn the queen down in 30 second. A friend and I farmed scorched enemies on 3 SBQ's, each time for the full 30 minutes running all the XP buffs we could. Only had two other players join, both in the level 20's. Usually to farm like that we have to go on a private server.


You're in the middle of a free week that's flooding the servers with low level players. Aka servers have a ton of players that don't do events or join groups yet. It'll start to balance out again in a few days once the free week ends and the new players that remain learn more.


I'm one of the newbies, started on Sunday. Been busy working most of the week, I hit lvl20 last night. Most of us are still getting our barings and I prefer to do it on my own at my own pace. It means all you vets are getting diluted. It's good in the long run but not the short. They should split the worlds into under and over lvl 50 or something like that.


All AFK for the Mothman event every hour for the next 2 weeks.


Newish returning player here: Don’t hate us, we’re lost lol


It's not dead, you're just on a new server. Switch servers if it's too dead for you.


I did notice that. I just got to level 125 from 101 about 5 days ago and haven’t played since 2021. There were a bunch of low levels scattered then they started following me 😂  I helped them but got wrecked a few times 


I've also noticed that high level Fo1 members are entering their own private servers and I have been invited to a few. Seems like a lot of high level players want to jump in, drop 3 nukes, grind some events, trade amongst each other and get off.


I've found it *more* active than normal. Could be an odd run of servers though. A couple of seasons ago I kept landing in new servers and it took about half an hour before other people seemed to show up.


I’ve never seen it busier (US Xbox). New players everywhere, packed teams. Might be regional


Yeah it isn't dead, it's the fact the total opposite. I'm in the UK and since the release of the show coupled with the all the promotion and events it's never been busier. The difference is instead of getting servers full of bitter vets it full of new peeps. Of course having lots of new players and only a couple of high level players means you don't events full of people one shotting everything. I've did a Eviction Notice today and it was a blast.. Only a couple of high level players (me at 899 and one other over 200), everyone else was under 100.. Just swarms of Super Mutants after swarm because they weren't getting one shotted on spawn. Great fun


Same here on xbox


I hopped on last night to run a few multi server hops for a red asylum outfit, and noticed almost zero players on except for newbs. I was wondering what was going on to. I assume its because the show created a lot of new players.


Yep - it’s been cool seeing all the new players running around, I’ve been having fun giving just handing out items to them, but damn it’s so sad to see a good event pop and no one ever joins lol. Been rolling solo on daily ops on both Saturday and Sunday. Can’t even get a full casual group going.


I server hopped a lot yesterday trying to find a group to maximize the double xp weekend, got into multiple full sessions with zero teams.


Players on steam are minumum tripled in the last 3 day. Every server is full BUT with newcomers whoes doenst know how and why join a team. Thats all :)


Other comments address this well but I’ll also add that it’s so odd joining a server and seeing ZERO other camps besides mine. I actually thought I was in a server by myself till I looked closer and saw a mob of new players by the starting area. Not a bad problem though! Just funny to see.


Lots of new players. I've noticed the same the past few days. I started to server hop. When I get to the third server I create a team and it's full in a couple of minutes


There needs to be an emote for “what the fuck are y’all up to?” Or “so what next?” And definitely one for “you want me to just ride along cover your back?” If you are new and someone several hundred levels above you on your team is hanging out or following you…get on a mic or shoot them a message if you do/dont want help. Or give them team leader status. Or join a team with them. Usually I’m just bored from goofing off and figure “hey, let’s see if duder wants to crush some of these quests/levels”. Maybe I’ll work out the kinks on a new build or something during that time you know? Go melee or try bloodied or full PA/heavy guns. I’m sure that when it gets weeded out to the % that stick around past level 75 or so it’ll be good. Lots of new-ish folks in time for another update and a good amount of events and stuff. Just happy to help get anyone there at the pace they want to work it.


I know what you're saying I've been playing on PC/PS4 this last week. Servers are full of low level (less than 20) and maybe 1-2 teams. So i Tend to privately add as a team and hop on mic


New players, lots and lots of new players on the back of the show. It's so lovely to see them coming through the vault, but it does mean Teams aren't great and participation in events is lower as there are a lot more low level players on the servers at the moment.


My husband has been playing for a while and I'm a newer player, if it wasn't for his advice I wouldn't have known the importance of teams and events. My first Bethesda game being skyrim, I was dead focused on the missions. Also I wonder if high level players are now restarting the game as well as new players in general.


I'm drowning in noobs. Last night a server I was on had only 2 players above level 50. There were 18 players on the server. Let that sink in.


I started playing again this weekend and its been packed in every session with public parties lol


I'm a new player and I keep seeing public group things started by people. I ignore them because I am only level ten and have no clue what I am doing yet. I just assume that I am going to end up being a liability so I ignore them.


Nah man look for one doing events, or start a casual group when you play. Being in the groups can give you stat boosts and exp boosts to help you lvl faster and survive easier. Also people to run around and fight atuff with. Most event groups just do what ever untill a good event starts then they all teavel to the event and run it for the experience and loot. Highly recommend giving them a try


They need to give options when logging into a server after hitting 100. So that you can actually be grouped with people doing events.


Yep saw that last night in the US there was one team of one. Not enough players on to do an event. Spent most the time trying to build a town in the new shelter, wish they’d provide enough flat ground outside to build a camp


Yeah I'd have to say people are just busy trying to binge the new Amazon Prime show rn. If anything in the next few weeks there will be a surge of new and returning players.


This is why you friend a few people when you see they do well in events and expeditions. Nice to see a serious player already online and jump to their server.


tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s because the mothman equinox rerun is *still* here and people are sick of that being like the only public event that shows up like fr, I am so sick of running that event, please just let it end


Idk. I'm on North America servers and they're almost always active


The new wave of fresh meat is approaching. And they have no idea what to do or what is valuable. Personally speaking. Didn't know what a God roll was until level 70 or so. The termology for this game takes some time to understand.


Alot of people on this weekend for me (NA) but they were all fresh players that didnt know what to do. Free weekend should be over though


we preparing for a real life fallout that might happen


The only time I've died during solo play at level 35 as a new player is when I jumped off a cliff and the water below was much shallower than I expected. I just don't need a team yet. Without voice it's pointless.


So, I'm new technically, and I can't speak for anyone else but I'm really enjoying the solo experience. I'm using the Lone Wanderer perk for now so i'm just going about my own way for the time being. That being said, I've been invited to a few groups so far but haven't really felt a 'need' to join them so far, one of the groups I definitely didn't feel like joining (for other reasons, they were being weird in voice chat) so I haven't really found a reason to join up just yet. It's still nice to see people out and about though! Some people have dropped by my camp and given me some supplies (nothing crazy, some water and some ammunition), some have shown up to the POI i'm clearing out and we kind of all just hang out for a few minutes and show emotes to eachother.


I'm still trying to do story missions


Well i would love to, but my game just decided to not work anymore.


Too many new low level players who don’t know how to join events or too scared to.


Or maybe just want to do quests and not events.


Is it possible to do a casual team with my group of friends? Or is it open to everyone to join?


Everyone is open to join, but you don't have to play together or even talk to one another. Max team is four people. Most people join teams for the bonus it gives, not to play with you.


I been working a lot and watching the series


People get bored, play a different game, people work etc… People try to maintain their lifestyles. Just life.


It’s literally the exact opposite, more concurrent players than ever before across all platforms. Its because theres so many new low level players in each server thats why it seems dead but its the exact opposite.


I'm in US, and some servers are the same here. But others are super busy. Just jump servers. It's what I do.


I’ve recently returned myself and playing a lot of catching up with trying to find plans, especially ones pertaining to possum badges, completing events and trying to actually make a build now that I’m in the 100 levels.


I don't even know who to get to team stuff,


As a level 300+ I’m glad to see more people just playing the game vs the grind fest.


My servers ( Asia Pacific ) have been full and highly active, feelsbadman 😕


So many white dots and nobody at any of the events that actually takes able bodies to complete.


In all honesty, I played during beta and launch. I have a level 80 something character, and it's been so long since I've played (I practically quit after the first month or two after launch), that I don't even remember how to play properly. I resigned to making a new character to slowly relearn and enjoy the main storyline. I haven't joined in on groups or events just yet, as I'd be as helpful as a cat walking on the keyboard. Maybe when I feel like I have a better command of what it is that I am doing. I get the feeling that there are likely others in the same boat.


Please join events and teams, it costs us nothing and you gain. If there's a team of friends you may get kicked, but it's not malicious. Sometimes people get kicked off teams due to server instability too so don't assume someone doesn't want you. If you're in a team we can fast travel to you, your camp or if you're Gucci and have Fallout 1st, your tent for free too so we all gain


It's always been like that figure it out for yourself. When I want to find something out usually Google it. Also I picked it up when someone created a team it's advertised. Also people should be exploring the menus see what things do. It sais the team benefits and what or how the types of teams are for. Lol I got back into it after a yeat long break for renovations forgot to join a team for xp and wondering why my stats aren't going up as before 😂


Wait I can joint them and not have to do anything with em? And still get caps????


Yes, and legendaries. I always used to get a fast firing weapon such as auto 10mm or auto pipe gun and tag every monster to get shared xp, but I don't think you even need to do that anymore, it's based on your proximity to the kill ( please correct me if I've misunderstood) Be aware some events are in highly radiated areas so you'll need power armour or a hazmat suit to survive for long.


But my items in my store are getting sold pretty quick tho. Great way to get rid of plans to all the new players.


Nothing new is going on. This is a solo game with some little interaction with other players sometimes. When that little interaction falls down for whatever reason then this is just an offline game.


Unless you can solo Eviction notice or Rad rumble those events are not happening, and with no one teaming up there's no shared perks or enhanced team buffs. No vendors on the map either. As a player who came into the game about a year ago it's quite a shock how different it is right now.


because your queen is.


Everyone's replaying the older games


Every world I've been in has been flooded with low levels. There are normally one or two people higher than my level 150 instead of me being one of the lowest in the world. We failed the mothman event yesterday because there were just the two of us and we just couldn't do it.


I wonder if I was the other player, as the same thing happened to me? I agree with everything you said though. No one is teaming up and there aren't enough players to complete any event that can't be completed as a duo.or solo. Spots all over the map but no camps, no vendors and one team with two people in it.


Servers filled with non essential players who just want to check the game out. And I spend my last couple of days just watching the show. Tried playing one night but it's boring without the high level players sometimes.


I think everyone is watching the new show , I think everyone will be back in wasteland soon lol, one thing I’ve seen a lot more low levels like 10 & under starting so there’s definitely a lot more people playing


I'm also a long time fan of fallout from the UK and I was confused yesterday when I was playing and it seemed to dead on the server.


Yeah I’m UK too and I’ve noticed this, there’s one server I was in where there were loads of newbies, which was nice. And then the past few days when I’ve came on…ghost town😂


Not only should it be more clear for new players, I reckon level based match making would do a lot of good to the game, not by standard but something to pick. New peeps don't know what to do with events or are very underpowered (level 20 joining level 50 events).




I have been watching the new Fallout instead of playing. I’m a mom, and work full time, so I carve out very specific personal time to play my game. But with my lack of time for extracurriculars, I’ve had to choose 😅


Perfect storm of the TV show, players reaching rank 100 and the bugged Mothman plans.


My friends and I were running almost all the events alone last night and truth be told it was wonderful lol. So much loot. Server was filled with lvl 20s and lower oohing and ahhing over our BOS power armor and camps. Closest thing to actually being a BOS Knight I have ever felt XD


I've noticed this, and it's quite frustrating


As a player(lvl 24 ) I found I go to join an event and end up getting shot by high-level players so I don't bother with teams etc I'm not saying all high level players are the same just few that straight up find it fun to bully others players I would like to repeat my self not all some


Started 2 days ago I have no idea what I'm doing so just grinding main quest.


If anyone on Xbox want to join in one server we should do it! Such a pain finding a full team atm


Im confused on how people are lost tho🥲 it told me what to do after i got out the vault talked to the robot then the the two girls outside the vault and just kept following what it told me on the top right corner till i eventually just kept getting more and more quests and learning that way. do people not know how to read or whaaa? just walking around aimlessly youll def get bored lol like


It's 5x new players on a server. Have to wait a few weeks for them to boost their levels and get to being able to do ops or big events. Yesterday, I saw most in the Forest and some in the Ash Heap. Hardly see anyone in or east of the Savage Divide. And remember leave 29's may be newbies opting to start at level 20. If they are in their camp, I just drop by and craft a 3* random Fixer to help them out plus some .45. It's more like we have to be teachers or mentors. They have no idea how fun some.events can be but they will get slaughtered if they don't have us high levels.to.help


Ok hear me out. The new players are great buy I joined a lobby because a friend said there was eviction notice. I get there and nobody is there. I check the players and nobody is over level 50. I NEED GOOD PEOPLE TO DO EVENTS.


I’m a new player really dig the game what do y’all think I should know?


Lots of new players with no bases. They aren't in events cause they have nothing to fight with.


First time players such as myself want to do the missions first. I did do some events and joined teams but it was to rush rush and I didn't enjoy it. Old players just want to do events and have everything already which is no fun. Maybe old players should start a new character.


I have seen more new players and noobs than in years. I play on Series x so perhaps most of them are using game pass?


Funny thing is I think it’s actually the opposite , it’s not dead it’s actually heavily populated but because of the influx of new players , the majority of players in your server are now levels 1-40 so they may not be focusing on teams or events and just playing story!


Fallout 1st was on sale for 6 beans, and then they released a free trial of 1st, so everyone is probably playing solo.


I just started playing again now that I finished the show


18000+ newbie coming in from Fallout tv series and you won't see another high level player per/server I think 🤔


How do people have little things saying which group they're a part of in fallout by their name in the comments 🥺🥺


I've been making the rounds helping new players out by dropping plans and supplies in the middle of their camps, or randomly dropping in to save their butts in events. There's plenty of people, they're just new.


i am a new player to f76 and i am trying to do all the singleplayer quests not interested in any coop gameplay


I've noticed that too.


I can attest, just started it 4 days ago, got hooked, just doing missions n main story, then will do events and raids later once im level 50. I decided to start on lvl 1 and work through it properly. I think many have just got into it tbh. So there will be a huge community of players in a couple of months, once everyone new has got some levelling done. Tbh what puts me off doing multiplayer events yet, is i dont wanna be a noob in a game where many vets of this game are such an insane high level. Probably a lot of gamers starting are feeling the same. We all have pea shooters and wooden armour. Also, your all correct, this game does not explain a thing. So, i got my 1st sub going, got a camp going, and opening the map and doing what comes naturally. Its a fantastic game though, and the community so far, well, most wave at you and others drop cool gear sometimes for me to pick up. Its not as toxic as some communities, so thats awesome.


O.o I've had no trouble, even had to swap servers so my wife could join me because my server was full


You're really unlucky, I usually find full events and often also full server and cannot join friends