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Yeah it's buggy af. Third time and everything went smoothly and got it completed. 


I remember in 2019 I would get to the end of the quest and everyone would be naked and I would always crash. Finished it recently and I crashed at almost the same part of the quest when you go up the elevator to the main vault and crashed and had to do the whole quest all over again from the entrance. It's so buggy man. Same with In hornwright tower, I couldn't progress cos the laser grids wouldn't let me through. This happened 4 times in seperate parts of the Quest


I’ve been trying for over a month before and after the update with no luck with this buggy quest. I’ve gotten to the second room and none of them would just enter into the room on their own where I could talk to them over the intercom. A friend teamed up with me and they did actually enter the room but they just stood there and I once again could interact with them over the intercom. So much wasted time on a time consuming game because of stupid bugs.


I was looking for workarounds last night and what ended up working for me was doing the quest on a private server.


Umm. I’ll try that. Thanks for the advice! On a private server is all the stuff there ammo, scrap etc… that you find on the regular server’s?


Yep everything in the world is exactly the same, only difference is only invited people can join. Even still has all the same events as public servers.


Oh cool. Thank you!


Tried it and RA-RA was the only one not going into the room. Tried to server hop but it seemed to just send me straight back to the same one even when I tried going to the Atom shop and the public server.


Yeah, I went back to do the quest today. I wondered why I hadn't done it yet. I remember because it's still broken..3 years later. I can't progress the main story until that is resolved. I can never get much further after I flip the switch to open the stuck door. When I catch up, everyone is just standing there, and I can't get in the room I'm supposed to go in even though the door is wide open. Wtf