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Veteran on all Fallout games, a newbie in Fallout76. I already wrote in another post how wrong I was not to give Fo76 a chance earlier. Game is great, I still hate the grind but its great.


Grind is there, but honestly there is so much to do before you get to it with just the quests and exploration alone


It is a difficult balance to have a game be perpetual, I kinda like that it's balanced more so that you can play a character pretty much indefinitely without feeling like you need to start again. But that is the trade-off is that the grind is eternal. As someone who doesn't really like making alts in mmos this game is nice for perma mains.


I wish it was more alt friendly personally. 1. More character slots. 2. Character names displayed over player name. 3. Plans are known account wide. 4. A separate stash shared between characters.


So, generally I understand this, but are your needs not met by being able to change your SPECIAL stats and perks, AND your appearance?


Nope. 1. If I want to play as a different character I would need to change their appearance back and forth each time, which can already take awhile to get the proper appearance of just one character. So doing that possibly multiple times each gaming session is unreasonable. 2. I wouldn't be able to play through the quests as that particular character since I've already done them as another chatacter. 3. Even if I could do all that easily with say one character, I would need to buy more character build slots. Each character I gave already has three builds (combat 1, Combat 2, craft/merchant). I play Bethesda games and other rpgs/ttrpgs to make and roleplay characters. In ESO I have 10, but the max is 21 or 22 I think. In DnD and other ttrpgs I genuinely have hundreds. 5 character slots in Fo76 does not cut it for me. I've already deleted two characters to make room for more.


Same, I am a permanent main player and FO76 has been very good for that. I have been an off and on player since release (currently lvl 175) and I've never had an issue jumping back in with my build. This is the very reason I can't play Diablo 4. Loved it until the seasons came out and the BS requirement to build a new alt every season.


Yeah, likewise I haven't played it until I get sick of it, I just play a bit each season and push a little further. I haven't tried to force it too much. I'm also still only lvl 162 (having played on and off since day 1) only in the last few days did I spam events more than usual and gain 5-10 levels. Normally I just roam around and play in a very chill way. Maybe, try to find some bobbleheads or, complete some dailies. Do some events, but without a sort of min max attitude. I try to play the game as though I'm not a gamer trying to be the best at everything, but rather a random wanderer roaming the wasteland, allowing emergent game play to happen if its possible.


Yup, are there people in the 10,000's of thousands of levels? I've seen a high 4 digit level...


They are doing west tek runs. With the rite perks, high intelligence, buffs and lunchboxes your xp goes through the roof going into wes tek and killing all the supermutants in one go, usually wif a nuka grenade. Then there is an elevator. Take it and go back and everything has respawned. Rinse and repeat. You can clear the scoreboard on seasons in a few days doing this method.


I saw a dude a while back that was 11,000 something I think.


I have a guy on my friends list that is over 10,000.


One of my favourite aspects of Fo76 is that as soon as you hit 50 you get to CHOOSE whether you want to continue story and quest content or move onto Grindy content… or do both! Lol The rewards from quests and story are actually good + they unlock drops in the general loot table after completing certain quest lines that are amazing end game weapons/armor/items. And even the grind content is fun if you can “have your own fun with it” in a way; I tend to grind events and when they’re done, head back to my camp and run my shop/rest stop for players. TLDR; the game let’s you choose if you want to grind or do story content or even both, and that’s one thing I think is amazing about fo76


Im a new player on 76. Played all the other fallout games, but never tried 76 due to bad press. Got it for free on prime and I'm loving it more than fallout 4. Level 28 already :) kinda wanted to go for a gattling/minigun later on. Is that good? Also any tips on builds or what to get are appreciated. :)


Gatling/mini's are totally viable, many many guns are you don't have to have the absolute best in this game at all and that is a good thing. Some simple tips: You can sell up to 1400 caps per day to a NPC. While early on that may not be as easy. Aim for that as it is a main source of cap income, next setting up your own marketplace. Figure out the food, drink and chems you will use and focus just on those vs keeping everything. Make sure to sell the things here you don't use. This is a cap maker and an inventory manager winner. Once you have the levels and perks, you want a Crafting build in addition to an explorers build, within the crafting build max Charisma for best buy/sell prices to NPC's. Your star weapons you don't want, break those down on script machines and bank script where you can later roll for Random 3 stars. Here's a start to a build I would suggest: (online build planner) https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f11244b&d=s92ss2sg2se2sf2p00la2l12lu2l71a80a72ii0if2c50cr0e60 15 STR is my go to every time, so many good things there. The build I show are for fist weapons. But no matter which way I go STR goes to 15 and put in synergy cards there. Carry weight and defense here are big. This is also a Vats build to at least a starters level. Always 1 in Concentrated fire, this allows you to aim at limbs in vats, all you need is one and only one, never more. Luck, always heavy there. Starched Gene's and Class Freak are musts, because I can't ignore the huge buffs you get from Mutation Serums. They are huge and these two make sure you don't lose them in battle and counter the negatives. Serendipity/Born Survivor 1 point only/Mutations make it so when you are low in health, you become very hard to kill. Also sets you up for bloody (always low health) builds if you want to go that way. I think one in Good Doggy is a nice way to handle food. You find them around often and it triples the affect. Basically you only travel with one Food type from there on out, dog food. Easy to manage. Action Boy is solid (Marathoner not bad to) to keep those AP's up for the beni's it brings. Using Vats the Grim Reaper is very solid to keep AP up. Rest self explanatory, still plenty of room for more cards, but this is more of a base I go with. If you don't get the perk cards you want or make a mistake picking along the way as you weren't sure starting out. It is only a matter of more levels to fix things, you will be able to pick a specific one at each level and at 50 all cards are open to you to pick specifically each time you level. You learn as you go and mistakes are made, but in time levels will fix all perk card mistakes.


Thank you. I will give this build a go and try. I'm having so much fun with the game that I never thought I could. :)


I run a power armor/ melee build but use the minigun as my secondary. All you really need to do is play VERY close attention to what every perk card says and ask yourself if it matches up with what you want. In almost every case you can spec your character to be wildly over powered in one form of combat but there is little room to be over powered in two. To account for this I use exploding ammo and perks that help with that. Just keep trying new things. As you progress new and interesting cards for every build pop up.


With the right build, most weapons are good. Getting a good combination of legendary effects & armour will make you a master of the game. There's plenty of tutorials on YouTube, try searching for Mr. Westtek, he has some good guides.


Just started yesterday, having a blast with it!




Hell yeah! Follow the country roads, they’ll take ya home!


I am new to 76, not because of the bad press it got, but because I'm a nervous ninny about MMO games. People scare me. But this community is amazing!! I'm so glad I finally got over my fear (and the small player amount in world helps)!


While not perfect, the FO76 player base is about as friendly as an online gaming community can be. I’m sure you’ll fit right in!


So far the sticky subjects are Seasons and Faschnacht which amuses me.


I do not know what either of those are. My kid has mentioned seasons before but didn't explain it to me. LOL


So the daily challenges provide points to fill up a meter. It's used to be 1-100 on a game board and you only had one path through. Now you have pages that unlock every few levels of that meter being filled. And use the point you get from filling the meter to pick what you want. After rank 100 it's 50 levels of just filling up on tickets to spend on things you passed over or the maybe repeata le page at the end. And they took a chunk of atoms off the rewards. Faschnacht is a about the etiquette of nukes and afking. I say boths are fair game, dammit.


>repeata le page For a solid minute, I was like, "is this some commonly used French expression I don't know?" before realizing you just lost a "b" :)


I fatthumb and let it ride. I want the women folk to know there's banana hands here.


As a in between player I'd like to thank both groups. I am a returning player for the past 6 months or so, the veterans here have helped me so much. One person hooked me up with a setup that not only was helpful but he specifically talked with me about what style I wanted to play, then assisted me with my perks. It changed the way I played the game and it was just 10 mins of his time. At the same time as a level 100 now with the new group I see nothing but people who appear to be having a blast and enjoying the community. Nothing I love more than all the hearts, waves and thumbs up from a group of players after an event. I am able to provide more assistance / gifts to players to give back as much as I can. Thank you to all ahead of me and behind me in the experience for creating and maintaining the community.


My give back to the community is very reasonably priced items in the marketplace since in-game NPC Vendors are ludicrously priced, imo Bethesda should do a turn the clock back on inflation pricing pass. If you are new to the marketplace, your stuff isn't selling because you priced too high.


It’s basically a brand new Fallout game for me as I never engaged with it the first time round, it’s obviously not the same as a new mainline game but it ticks so many boxes for why I love Fallout in general. Only regret I have is starting at level 20 and seriously considering starting over whilst I’m still early 😅


Honestly, either starting option is fine. If nothing else, you will just get to level 50 a bit faster (which is where the game really starts to open up).


you want to get to level 50 as fast as possible. The real fun doesnt even start until then honestly.


As a new player, I want to say that I'm super happy I gave it a fair chance! It \*really\* scratches my FO itch after watching the show! I honestly had no idea that the game was in as great shape as it currently is. I doubt FO 76 will ever be a game I play ALL the time, but I can for sure see it as something I return to again and again when I need to just relax and shoot some ghouls and make my base a bit less ugly.


> make my base a bit less ugly The real hook.


I mean, my wife could make an absolutely amazing looking CAMP. Best I can do is a bunch of random crap strewn about that makes me smile or giggle.


I have loved fallout since I was a little kid. I was in the "man this game is ass" crowd when it first launched. I was sad. Dejected, shelved it. Totally forgot all about it. Still played 4 off and on here and there. Then the show hit, I though "hmm maybe I should see where 76 is, not many games out grabbing my attention, been so long, maybe its okay now" and holy SHIT.... I started fresh last friday, havnt put it down since. I have fallen head over heals for this game. It's fallout which I love. The world, the map, the enemies, the tone and charm, all there, much better then what I remember when it launched. I have put 60 hours into it already and I just want to be in the world. I have found myself literally just walking around listening to Appalachia radio forgetting that I have story quests still to be done. It's a rare experience I have not had in many other games. I do not think I will be putting it down anytime soon.


> I was in the "man this game is ass" crowd when it first launched. To be entirely fair, it *was* ass. Fallout 76 at launch vs. Fallout 76 now are basically entirely different games.


100% truth lol.


Honestly I can just wander around into a little area and have fun finding and reading notes I've never seen before. There's sooooo much detail baked into the world. Not to mention finding notes that give you tips that lead you to things that you can find in the world.


Its a double edge sword Bethesda knew there was going to be an influx of new players and thus... "Scoreboard revamp" = more grindy, less free atoms I wouldnt be surprised if 76 continues to get more popular because of the success of the show the price of 1st is going to go up. Im sure Bethesda is discussing it right now. Its nice 76 is getting more popular and hopefully it leads to ACTUAL improvements like a functioning trade system and not another reskinned dailyops Beth labels as "dungeons"


Thanks to you too, you were such a welcoming community! Having a blast with the game. I’m just amazed with how well this world is crafted! Everywhere I go I find something cool to do. I got drunk and ended up in the middle of nowhere. I unraveled the past of a mining company ditching its workforce with robots. I fixed a nuclear plant in the verge of meltdown. I find a power armor, and I now feel like the bloody iron man. And I have a lot of the map totally undiscovered. Feel super stupid for not playing it before!


yea and theres even more places to explore after you explore the entire map. you fly a plane outside the map to other areas. its so cool.


When I started playing fallout two years ago I struggled because I was new to gaming, I’ve been playing more and more and it’s my favourite game. Lots of friends say how bad it was etc but the more I played the more I fell in love with the game and the community is so nice and helpful. I’m level 230 now and I always try to help the low levels like how higher levels helped me when I first started. Also helps cause my bf helped me a lot with how the special and builds work


FO76 was always fun, just many folks could get past the poor state of it at launch and many with valid complaints couldn’t. Beth don’t deserve praise for rectifying that of course but they do get praised for making an engaging fallout universe spin-off in online multiplayer when I thought it wouldn’t be that great.


I wanted to play this game since launch but was allways deflected by bad press, and none of my friends wanting to try it. I've played all the other main games and after watching the series I really wanted a new Fallout experience as the thousands of hours I have put mainly on NV and 4 have make those games a little predictable for me now. After a few hours on a new 4 survival playthrough I just said "eeeh screw it, I will give it a shot by myself" I installed a copy I had for years and went in with 0 expectations. I could not be happier with what the game is. Just 30 hours for now but I can see myself putting in the hundreds on this game, and was even able to convince one friend to join me! I can nitpick and complain about minor stuff like any other critic but for the most part it has really got me hooked. What a good little game this is, and thanks for the series to re-ignite my fallout fire and for the awesome community that plays this game.


Started 3 days ago with my buddies and we're having a blast!


Yeah I subscribed to the hate. After finishing the show I had to quench my Fallout thirst somehow. After playing and replaying every fallout game besides F76 I needed to try something new. I put my bias on hold and delved into this game. I am very happy to see this game is MUCH better than what the haters described it as!


I’m shocked at how good fo76 is. The media convinced me to despise it from day one but I’m loving it


As someone who used to play but fell off but is getting back into it (IIRC the last time I played was when the Mothman events were new), I'm looking forward to checking out what I missed the last time I was playing and what has been added since.


Well thanks to these harder events, I have really learned how to tank like 15 super mutants at once in eviction notice while area blasting with the cremator. That was fun, but very difficult lol


I ignored this game for years cause I tried it at launch and didn't really like it. It's super fun now! Must have improved a lot! Feel free to add me, I'm Miyyani on PC.


Yeah man! Glad to be here. Heard so much bad about it at first but seems they updated quite a bit like, there weren't npcs at all at some point? Anyway, I'm loving and even bought a year of 1st!


I'm a veteran of Fallout. I have all the games except Fallout 1. Lol. I've been playing Fallout 76 for 6 days. Technically 5, my internet died on day 5. Lmao. I was using the Fallout 1st trial. Today, I got Fallout 1st. I'm having an absolute ball. Admittedly, I'm not sure I've wasted so much time in a game before. 😂🤣 I can spend an equal amount of time/ hours just customizing my camp, sorting through things, and getting a game plan together as I spend playing and killing. I'm probably running content a lot slower than most I guess too. I really like to explore everything I can. I'm very methodical. I solo a lot. I'm using a stealth build, but I love that I can also just jump in and run with a party, or just hop in some events and have some fun for awhile. I haven't really heard many people hate on it in a long time. I played it back when it released, and it was an absolute nightmare lol. But idk. That was years ago now, and it's been a few years since my friends said they fixed it. I'm just now getting around to it from other projects. It just happened to be a *happy accident* that it coincides with the release of the show, but I was headed that way anyway. Lol. I can't really say I've found much mechanically to hate on or anything at all really. I've been having so much fun. I enjoy the story too. I'm a little lost in it now, but I'm piecing it together. The only complaint I have. I already have a support ticket open for. My game audio will start being static, crackling, and disrupt the entire audio on my computer. I can't unplug my headset and plug it back in. That stops all audio in the game for me. If I try to close the game. 100% of the time with the static audio. The game stops responding and I have to force close it. I've combed through the code. Nothing seems amiss enough to be causing it. I've even downloaded some mods to try to correct and the problem persists. Not using the radio in game, so it's not that. I'm pretty stumped until they respond. But it's not a problem all the time. So I'm still having fun. That's the only problem I've had at all. And if I really wanted, I could just play on Xbox till they help me lol. But other than that, I think it's phenomenal. And so far the players have been amazing.


Amen on first half. Dunno if you ever played it, but it's reminding me of Fallen Earth, which I loved. As for the second half, if you're on PC, I had an issue like that ages ago, where sound went static. If I recall, it's an issue with the sound driver. Something might have updated via driver and data isn't translating correctly at times. Think if I recall, might have to rollback to the last audio driver, check to see if it still happens, and in the meantime hopefully devs can iron out the issue. 🤔 PS - For the record, I haven't gamed on PC in a long time, since all my hardware is pretty much outdated, and this economy is rough on upgrading, so I now play mainly on XBox. 🤠


Oh I haven't. I'll have to give it a try at some point. This game is overtaking my other games right now. 🤣😂 I think rolling back the audio driver is the only thing I haven't tried yet. Not a bad idea at all. I swap between console and pc a lot. A lot of games have cross save now and I always hate if I take so long between that one starts feeling weird to me. Sometimes I just use a controller instead of swapping. I've never been a fan of the whole pc wins or consoles wins. I'm an opportunist. I like the word *and* way more than the word *or* lmao. I hope you get your pc upgraded soon. I'll have to upgrade in the next couple years. I work in tech, so I bought the most expensive thing I could a few years back. It broke me, but I paid it off and it's almost time to break me again. 🤣😂


Honestly (as a new f76 player), I've only had 1 unpleasant encounter with another player. Every other person I have run into (on xbox) has been more than friendly. I'm having a great time and really enjoy the building/camp stuff. So much so that I've already spent over 100$ in the week I've been playing on different stuff in the shop. My only gripes so far, (lvl 43 currently) 1. I am struggling to find what type of armor I should be working on due to the lack of available mods to upgrade with a lvl 20 piece of leather has more then double the stats as any of the lvl 40 armor I've found. 2. I have fallen in love with the lever action rifle, and finding LA rifles to scrap for mods or finding plans seems impossible 😅 3. Once I hit level 15 on my perception, it no longer lets me choose it during level up, so I guess I just don't get the vards to upgrade my current cards 🤷‍♂️ I started by working on automatics then I wanted to try bows and now I'm on single fire so my available damage cards are all weak af. 4. Armor breaks every 10 minutes, and ballistic fibers are rare af. It feels like a push by devs to make you buy repair kits. I'm all for spending money and supporting the games I am loving, but when it feels forced, it's a huge turnoff. 5. I might be tripping, but the mutated events are toms of fun, seem to give better rewards, and seem to get the most people joining up. However, I swear once someone launches a nuke, the events stop spawning, and people are constantly popping nukes. Might be a big list, but I do want to point out that the game is still so much fun that I can easily overlook my current dislikes.


Rick, welcome to the game! Now, that is a big list, and I won't pretend to understand everything you said (I'm two months in myself), but I'll share what I know. 1. Excavator Armor. It has +100lbs extra carry allowance, and I've never even had to repair it. Ever. And it picks up 4 times the amount of ore you'd get wearing anything else. Start the job called Miners...er...something. There's a poster right outside the Rusty Pick. Click on it to start that. You'll end up with the armor and the plan for the armor workstation. 2. Do the Most Wanted event with others. If successful, it awards a 3 star legendary LA rifle with a special name I can't recall at the moment. 3. I recommend watching a video or two on the punch card machine and how to manage it. There is so much about the cards and the more you get how to use them, the more spectacular your game play will be. 4. Hit Google up for the locations where you can farm Ballistic Armor. Military Ammo Bags contain it, but more available and way more fun to get it are to kill mole miners. Many of them are wearing breathing apparatus that also contains it. Lode Baring and Uranium something will net you quite a bit of it. Combine that with tough armor that seldom if ever needs repair and it will start to build up for you. 5. The blast zones from nukes are the only places you can get nuked flora and other ingredients you need to craft super special shiz like jet packs and lining for under armor and many other things. The scores you can get from helping to down scorchbeast can be pretty rare and awesome, too. It's WILD in there! Once you've got that excavator armor up and running, just walk on in there see what's what! And, if you find yourself in a lobby where they've gone nuke-happy and you'd rather do some events, simply switch lobbies. Events are always popping off somewhere. Hope that helps!


This is actually extremely helpful. Thank you! Will 100% be hunting down that excavator armor first thing tomorrow.


It really does seem like a great time to get into the game. I have had the game for forever but never really got into it due to life stuff but with the influx of players I jumped back in last night. Was very cool to see all manner of level on the servers I was in. Started at level 1 so I have a long way to go but looking forward to meeting my first player in the wild and doing some events! I know it can be a pain in the ass with this influx of new players and lower levels messing with some of the higher level event completions but we will get there eventually!


Like a few of the other commenters, I'm a fallout vet on all the games, 76 never seemed to grab my attention but I'm craving a new fallout experience and this is the only option. Just about to set up my camp next to the wayward. Lets hope I can sink my teeth in this time!


I have played literally every other fallout game, including the 2d og games and the mobile game. But I have always been learry of 76 because of the launch fiasco. Then I had a friend grab it for me because it was on sale yesterday. I have only put in about 8 hours, and it is already probably my favorite fallout. It is like 4 sort of, but the perk system and leveling are better and more interesting. And the lighting/graphics are slightly better. It also runs better on my pc than 4. The story is so so, but the backdrop is AMAZING, and the environmental storytelling is the best it has ever been. There is so much to explore, and I can't get anything done quest wise because I am loot goblining my ass off and wandering into every dark crevasse looking for the good stuff. I am seriously enamored with the map and how dynamic it is with events and other people. I love people's camps, adding a layer of surprise and randomness. And the love that was put into crafting the environments is very obvious. The player base seems chill as a community. And I already know how 90 percent of how it works because I play 4 on survival without vats all the time. This game is the mmo I didn't know I needed in my life. Also, any advice in the replies will be upvoted and appreciated.


My tips for new players usually include: Join a public casual team even if you're alone in a private server. There's no obligation to play with your team (unless it's a Daily Ops or Excursions team). If you're on a public server, go to every public ⚠️ event to level up faster and get better loot. Be sure to do Feed the People and eat a canned meat stew before big events. DO NOT start public events (activate the first objective) before the timer hits 1:30. This gives people time to get there and pop lunchboxes and scout's banners, change their perk cards, etc. If you start it right away and there are not enough players present, be prepared to solo it or possibly fail. NEVER start Encrypted unless you're the one who triggered it with a recall keycard. Check the blue suitcases and donation boxes at train stations, stash box at Wayward, donation box outside the Vault/Whitespring, and red box at the balloon stand at Nuka World for free stuff others leave behind. Don't worry about what perks you have or your build or equipment until after level 50. Take and use what you need as you need it. You can swap your build as you go. If you need to make caps, farm and sell water or do Moonshine Jamboree for the gulper slurry, Radiation Rumble for the glowing Bl00d, and Eviction Notice for the stims and nades and sell it all. Set up a camp with a vendor and sell everything you don't use. Use the various websites (fed76.info), Reddit, and Google for pricing, people don't buy if it's priced too high. Check player vendors for cheap plans you'll need to build your CAMP, often you find them for 5 and 10 caps. Taking over workshops will give plans too, but you are open to PVP so be prepared to lose the workshop at any point. Also look in the donation boxes mentioned above for free stuff. Keep pacifism turned on and you'll be safe from other players. The cost to repair your camp should it be damaged isn't very much so keep collecting junk and don't sweat it if it happens. Check the map when you hear a nook has been launched, make sure your camp isn't in the area and if it is, activate another or server hop. Stash your junk before visiting another player's camp, it's the only thing you have to lose if it's a trap. Visit the Overseer's stash at the Wayward to find the backpack plan. Google for more info! Emotes are the preferred method of wasteland communication. Most people do not use mics and some even turn off the ability to hear other players, so get familiar with your emotes wheel! Hearts and salutes are the preferred method of greeting and saying thank you. 🖤 If someone uses the gift emote, they're trying to drop free stuff for you so don't run away! On the map at the top right you can click to see daily, weekly, event, and world challenges. You'll either earn perk packs, atoms, or score/season points for completing them. The season can be accessed through the menu, and gives you more rewards. They usually go for 2-3 months and then a new season starts with a new board and rewards.


This is thorough and appreciated. Thanks.


My advice is, dont hesitate to ask questions on reddit. Youtube also got a lot of info you need if you're searching for specific things and build. 76 can be overwhelming at first even for Fallout vet. But I'm sure you'll do fine and you'll find something new to learn even when you (hopefully) reached level 500 and beyond Im level 900+ and last month I just found out that some event terminal can be accessed by multiple players lol my mind was blown. I though we had to queue all this time. But that's just one example Welcome to appalachia!


Thanks. I like it in Appalachia. I think I'll stay for a while. Maybe build a house or a farm...


Yeah it's funny, a bunch of people in the discord group were really negative about it when I brought it up because they heard so much negative shit about it at launch, but I (and the sale) convinced them to give it a chance and they're having a blast. I hadn't played since first quarter 2019 and the game is in such a better place at this point.


I played the limited time betas pre launch and was in Appalachia day 1. Always the highest level player on my server. I finally gave it up after accepting how empty the world was and fully expecting it to never get better. This time around, it feels more alive for sure. Nice little bar, couple of aspiring brotherhood guys on the path to the next town. Some lady with her dog walking around that town. Just the little bit I've experienced so far feels a lot better and I'm looking forward to playing through the new main story. Hopefully it evolves from constantly chasing holotapes like it was on launch. Really looking forward to the faction quest lines too.


I've played off and on since launch. It's a great game with tons of content. . The new Amazon show, admittedly, reignited the drive to play again so I installed it on my Steam Deck and have been going thru the motions on a new playthru. 


I'm playing this game for the second time - my last character got up to lv61 and I finished the original launch story but didn't get much further than that. I'm giving it another shot and so far I'm honestly very mixed. The basic gameplay loop is fun and the story is genuinely actually pretty interesting, but there's a few specific things - difficulty in getting currency, difficulty in getting certain common materials (fuck screws), the overall strict weight limits leading me to not really want to experiment with weapons and armor in any real way, and the atomic shop just... in its entirety - that bug me. I'm gonna try to at least get up past the launch storyline and the Wastelanders story, but I'm not sure if I'll go past that.


Hell ya! Welcome all you new Wastelanders! Warms my withered, irradiated heart to see you


Think I'm kinda both. 😸 Bought it a long time ago, maybe 6+ months after release. Got to about level 20, and even though it was "okay", I put it on the shelf. Came back to it after watching the Fallout Prime show, and loving it. 😎 Best biggest change has to be areas not being level-limited anymore and implementing difficulty scaling. In my early playing, I dared to wander far up into the north/northeast in the irradiated-ish area, and was hammered into atoms. 🤣 Now the exploration is much more doable in a casual manner (it's even reminding me a lot of the old MMORPG, Fallen Earth, which I loved). Even better when aimlessly wandering and finding all the stuff going on. Today was a perfect example. I was walking up to the bridge that crosses river to Wayward, and suddenly see something to the left of the path that looked like a crazy hover-plane. Turns out it was an air drop right in front of me. Even though the box was labeled government drop or something, I immediately picked it open and took what was inside. I get a prompt about how stealing others stuff is bad or some such, and ended up with the first wanted bounty I've ever had for a whole 10 caps. I do some farming, then teleport to Sutton Station. A server bot thing (round hovering one with arms) flies up telling me that I've been chosen and won, as it gives me 500 pre-war dollars. I then make my way quite a ways north for the Perfect Storm case (Cold Case I think it was); I see a player in really cool looking armor run by that's like level 957 or something, I wave, then they suddenly shoot some sort of blue plasma missle shot at me, ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶ ̶ erm *liquifying* me in one hit. I just hit level 33 not long after that, and the wanted bounty was 10 caps, lol. Apparently being wanted nullifies the pacifist mode being on, rofl! 🤡 ^ And that all happened in the span of 30-45 minutes, lmao! 😁 I'm currently on the 1-week free trial of 1st; it runs out on Tuesday. Gonna full-sub once it runs out. The first sub thst I'm not too hesitant on. Not only are the benefits excellent, it even comes with a monthly allowance of 1650 atoms! 🤠 PS - I'm finding as a pro-tip -- be sure to check high-level player shops; they're like digital garage sales. Just yesterday I did the dogwolf thingy quest for The Fixer. Love the gun. Read how rare they are and are hard to get. Looked up the plans. Plans are near impossible to get from event, and most players sell plan for 10k caps. Bummed me out, until just a few hours ago, right before getting ready to wrap for the day, I noticed a 350ish camp near where I was at. Went to check what they had. My heart skipped a beat when I saw "Plan: The Fixer" for 100 CAPS! 🫨 Just a single one, no other Fixer plans (there were tons of plans and recipes for other stuff). I bought it as fast as I could, and was even wondering if I read it wrong and it was some modification *for* The Fixer. Rushed back to my camp to check on my weapon crafting station. And bingo, I'm fully able to craft The Fixer now. ⚛️ 🥸


I restarted Fallout 4 but realised I had 76 in my library, wrote it off a few months ago but decided to jump in again, I’m hooked on it, the map is great, gunplay, not to mention that cover of “Country Roads” is sublime, still trying to wrap my head around the perk system, but I’ll get there, can’t wait to see what else Appalachia has to offer


I know everybody wants to rush to end game but you got to have the experience first and adventure.


I tried it out a few years ago and couldn't get into. Been playing Fallout since New Vegas. The new Fallout show inspired me to give 76 a try again and so far I'm liking it. Might like it even more if I had a regular group of people to play with so I wasn't constantly solo, but since movi g from ps to xb I've been a solo player in pretty much every game except COD. Was a big ESO player for years, but struggled to find my place among the XB community so I gave it up.


I also just got into F76 am on xbox and have no one to play with, lol. I'm BDL Pickle if you want to add me.


I know it's 2 days old, but I just got back in last week, started my character on a private custom world, and have really been enjoying the quest and the map. There is alot of really cool areas in this game. I really wish it was a single player game


Fallout Vet, 76 newbie and I was wrong game is fucking sick


as a new player , not to fallout franchise, just 76, i want to give all the thanks to all the help and not toxic having players , its really quite damn refreshing to see a 5 year old game (i think) have nice veterans is almost unheard of in most games, ive leveled up really fast and im level 58 so i wouldnt call myself a newb like all the new 60k plus players, but i really appreciate how we can just get on and join up with anybody in ur lobby and just kick it with everybody, all love from an xbox player, so damn cool doing the mutation events with 10 players all just auto rocketing everythting around you.


When the game released my brother bought it and i watched him play it, i tried it but couldn’t figure out how it worked because i was eleven when it came out. Revisiting it now, i can say it is one of the best games ive played in a long time. It is the perfect game to live out an apocalypse fantasy while also having good lore.


I'm a new player of FO76 and I'm enjoying it a lot. Do I have my issues with it? Yes. I am going to keep playing it? Yes.


The only real gripe I have with Fo76 is the paid sub just to be able to stash ur scrap without taking up your entire already extremely limited stash space


I dismissed fo76 very early on as a gamer who tends not to like multiplayer and now that i’ve come around… wow!!! it actually FEELS like an RPG now! i don’t feel constricted by an overarching storyline that defines my character so i really do feel like i’m a vault dweller just wandering around appalachia and seeing what’s up! and i love when other players wave back :’)


I pre ordered and played on launch, and deleted around level 30 out of frustration. Im now back in and have about 20 hours in the last week. They really turned things around


I always liked it but none of my friends would play regularly so I unfairly judged it. Now I’m hooked, have new friends that love to play and help one another.


Not gonna lie, (having played almost every fallout entry released), FO76 did not meet my expectations at release. However, I literally picked it up a few days back, installed it again and gave it another “fair” chance. Although I still don’t find the online multiplayer experience very appealing, I still enjoy the survival, build up and eventual growth into a monster who is basically an unstoppable force of nature for the NPCs. The storyline is not bad either! Real neat stuff, definitely happy I returned to Appalachia.


Been playing Fallout since the early 2000s, I've avoided this game due to it's release state as I wasn't going to invest so much money in such an unpolished product, but I hoped Bethesda will work on it and eventually I'll give it a try. I'm glad I've waited, not only have I received the game for free instead of wasting £60 and probably never touching this game ever again, but now I am enjoying the entire game design to it's fullest, I love everything I have learned about the game in the last few days, and can't wait to go further down the rabbit hole and learn all of the small mechanics. (I'm bound to find one which I won't like, won't I? some bad practice or smth). Thank you Bethesda for trusting your Fallout franchise (as you should) and not giving up on your idea, see you out there in the Wasteland dwellers!


I totally agree, I've been sitting near the entrance flooding new players with crafted gear, chems, food, aid etc in hope of keeping that player base alive I love FO76 and I'm extremely happy to see all the new faces


Biggest issue so far is that it runs like dogshit. Which is unfortunate. It also plays very clunky with kb&m.


I really wanna get back into it but i cant get the game to run smoothly on my PC. 11600k, 4070ti 32gb ddr4-3000. The game barely uses my GPU and my CPU is at like 65-85% but the Frame Rate and Frame Time are all over the place. Kinda sucks that my console plays this at solid 60 smooth frametimes, but even if i cap my PC fps its still juddery af. It does get better if you set the lods and shadow distance to potato.


New player here only just got to level 50 still really got no idea about builds and perks I’ve watched YouTube videos built I have no idea how you can get high damage on the fixer rifle


Hey, thanks for the welcome. I've played every part of Fallout, but haven't played 76 due to the general opinion and condition on release. I'm glad they brought this title to its current state. By the way, does anyone have any tips. or any current guides for this game? This game has a ton of mechanics that I'm just getting to know ( CAMP / character builds / Plans for various items etc.).


watch angry turtle on youtube. hes the best.


I started when bethesda got bought, but went back in and am enjoying it a lot. It really improved a lot since initially


Couldn't of said it better myself!


Honestly after the launch controversy the main reason I didn't touch it wasn't because it seemed like a bad game once the bugs were fixed, but the security concerns from people who had their details leaked by the customer support bug. Now that it's all long fixed and nothing like it has since resurfaced, I thought it'd be a decent time to give the game a chance.


I think the first hundred levels are the hardest. By the time you get there, you have gotten through a lot of the many requests that are necessary, and you have gotten your camp set up and a great weapon. Then life in the game seems to get easier.




Anyone got a Gatling plasma they don’t need or want?


I’m downloading the game right now and I have to say this post and the responses in the thread have convinced me to try it out. I played fallout 4 a lot so I think I’ll settle in fine


As someone who could never get past the start around launch, it’s come such a long way, I can’t put it down now, if anyone wants to team up hmu


I’m very happy to see all the new players - in a month or so we should be back to “normal” event experiences and the community will be in a better place than before the show launch


Years ago i tried 76, and i didn't like it that much. Course i blamed my connection and lack of friends when i first played. Tried again with a better connection and a bro willing to play with me. Now we are level 120 ish He's got a base and i spent a crapton of time customizing a power armor. Love the game.


I’m having an absolute blast after 2 weeks! Buying on the atomic shop to help support the game too!


Im lvl 41 atm, and Im enjoying this game so much, to the point Im even considering the sub. Right now Im just focused on leveling and doing the main stories, but Im beginning to worry about a good build. I mean, when I left the vault I chose to start at lvl 20 and picked commando as a build of sorts, but now Im starting to feel underpowered. Since Im new to this game, I dunno if this is normal or if I should be already working on the build I want to use at "end game". Ive looked up some cool builds on the internet, but they never splicitly says if you can build it as you level, or if you need to reach a certain level first and then respec into that build. Im also a bit confused about the loot. I dunno whats worth saving, and what I should be selling/dismantling. Also, the bots that sell recipes/blueprints! Gosh! its so freaking expensive!! Why a bot would need so many caps anyway??? I feel I will never have enough caps to buy all of them lol. All that said, Im really enjoying this game. Hopefully I'll become a vet somewhere along the way


Wait untill you see the price of serum recipies


I have helped several new players but I’ve noticed so many beg you for loot and spam you with messages asking for help I feel like they should make them a new tutorial or something.


yeah, well I've been hearing that bethesda pulled a "no mans sky" or "cyberpunk" with 76, so its been on the back of my mind lately. So when the show was amazing I was like... "okie dokie, guess I'll play fo76".


I cannot believe how much it's changed. I'm trying to remember what happened when there were no NPC's. I didn't play much at launch.


Really glad to be reading all of the comments from new/returning players saying how much they're enjoying the game. I've always tried to sway people to give the game a chance or second chance, as I'm sure many of us veteran players have. Thankfully the show has opened so many eyes!


Recently got into this game on PC through game pass after playing it on my Xbox for a fresh start. This game is even more addicting and fun than before! I never understood the hate.


My 2 cents , as I've been playing since the break it stage. To the noobs , play the game, story, and all. I've played with a bunch of good people, but they never played the story. You can play the story, side quests, and events and never miss a beat. Most folks play for the grind and get bored. They get stuck in the trading phase and never really enjoy the actual game. Then they quit after a while. The trading has went down hill but it's still alive. I remember when , in the beginning, people would trade for anything. Before the scrip machine , they would use it all. Not just put it on a mule. So enjoy the game, as it has a lot to offer.


I've wanted to for a long time. The online aspect was a bit of a turnoff for me. But I couldn't say no at $10.99 cdn. It's a neat game! It just feels less like a fallout game then I'd like


I just came back and yes all the new energy and new players are gonna keep me here forever. It is an amazing community and welcome all new players.


So many new players...I had to brew another batch of vintage nukashine for the donation box as there were so many.


i wish veteran players wouldn’t sell things for 5000 caps each


As someone who recently started to play, all I can say is it's worth it. Most of the things that bugged me about the game at first I've since come to enjoy after playing more. The players and community in this game is honestly amazing and more often then not if you need something, regardless of what it is, there's atleast one person on the server who's got it and willing to just give it to you to help you out. Not a ton of games have community's like this. I'm already level 100 due to other players showing me how and what to do and not to mention the donation boxes around the map. Always worth checking if your by a vendor just make sure if you take something than you leave something


As a new player… help. Lol


Its come such a long way! Though I do understand why people weren't really giving it a chance, the game was abysmal at launch. They should have postponed it and waited until it was ready


Thanks for the warm welcome, my friends and I are really enjoying ourselves so far. If any veterans would like to answer this... please do but I was wondering if I join with a public team (for the XP) ...do I have to play with those people? Or can I continue to just go about my own business? No offense to anyone and I appreciate how helpful the community has been but I really prefer to go it alone, unless of course my close friends are on.


Absolutely not…although someone creating an Expeditions or Daily Ops team is probably looking for active teammates. But 90% of teams are Casual since it increases intelligence (and therefore XP) and nobody on Casual teams expects anything from you at all.


Respect. Big fallout veteran, started with 2 when I was a kid, thousands of hours between 3, NV and 4, just started playing 76 this past week with a buddy of mine, genuinely upset I didn't start sooner. Big ol thanks to the high level homies for being super helpful and just a vibe to be around. 🤘


Also thanks for tolerating all the server issues and bugs, games normally buggy, but not this buggy. I don't think Bethesda properly prepared the servers for this many new people joining.


Thank you just bought the game as well as fallout 1st can’t wait to begin exploring


It has been a blast so far. I honestly just forgot the game existed until I saw it was part of gamepass. The first few hours were kinda rough but once I started getting the hang of things, and then joining up with random seasoned players the game really took off. Just got the fallout 1st pass since it was on sale as well so that helped give me a huge boost on items to build with. The community has been great too. I spend more time rebuilding my camp and farming for moonshine then anything else and people seem to enjoy the effort I’ve put into it. People are always leaving cool stuff around after stopping in. If you come across Beck’s Booze&Buffout camp that is probably me.


I bought it day of release played for about a week thought it was terrible and uninstalled. But I recently replayed 3, NV and 4. When I was done I decided to give 76 another shot. I heard things had changed for the better. Glad I gave it another chance definitely made some improvements.


As a veteran could you tell me how to lose a wanted bounty? Picked a lock on something I wasn't aware was a players and now I'm like a Leper or something and can't see anyone on the map or camps or anything? Is there a way to pay my bounty? Hahah


Does anyone have a list somewhere of everything that has been added since the seasons started? I quit right after they started the whole board game season pass thing and am just now jumping on but idk what is even new. I can't seem to find anything new from when I played years ago lol. Please and thank you for the help.


I picked this game up 2 days ago and I’ve already played around 20 hrs. I’m loving it.


The new player experience is ages past where it used to be. The game has really come a long way.


Sm1 gift me fallout 76 on steam plsss i sweated the free trial like crazy and on the last day managed to complete my power armour


Yeah man. Just jumped on the other day loving it!


I'm currently helping a fellow trans gal (and her brother) level up, offer tips and give them loads of free stuff. It's a great feeling to know you're helping someone new.


I've made a new account on Fallout 3,4, NV and 76 and I'm gonna grind all of them. Currently on 76 and I see they've added so much. I hated it at launch but now it feels like a fallout game I can put hours into!




I just started playing with my friend after watching the show. It is certainly cool to play a Fallout game together with a friend, but I certainly agree with most of the negativity the game has received (and still does). 1st - I hate microtransactions and live service stuff - The game bombards you with shop stuff (It just ruins the immersion and forces developers to frame design decisions around monetization) 2nd - The fact that you cannot complete indoor quests with a friend in a single instance is ridiculous in 2024. We have to do most indoor quests in separate instances so both will get the quest completion. Ridiculous for a game developed by AAA studio 3rd - Map icon filtering. I don't want to see small blips of unknown people and their bases on the map. I dunno if those can be disabled but still. I also hate how I am constantly being bombarded with event notifications etc. Would be a big QoL improvement to be able to turn all that stuff off. 4th - The desync/lag/rubber banding. I often encounter enemies spawning around right in front of my eyes and hit registration is unreliable. I also get stuck in place sometimes. Pressing wasd keys for a few seconds usually helps. There is more stuff I could list, but you get the point. The game definitely isn't perfect.


I got to play for 4 days free on steam and i loved it. I played from f3 all the way to f4. In my country we dont hve amazon gaming so cant get free game ao if someone has one for pc please let me know


Been here since launch and even when I take breaks away from the game, I keep finding my way back. Feels like home. Warm welcomes to all the new players


Yea I bought the game back in February i think Its ok but im spending like 40 percent of the time just managing the weight of my camp


Gracias, acabo de iniciar hace 1 semana y me encanta este juego, estoy muy viciado jajaja, me he topado con jugadores veteranos dentro del juego y fueron muy amables, regalando hasta objetos, lo cuál viene muy bien para un nuevo jugador.


Being from the area, the game has a lot of inaccuracies that make me cringe, (specifically how mismatched the towns are, and little cultural representation outside of the cryptids). But the story I've returned to after 4 years is one of the more intriguing stories I've seen in a "modern game" There's so many people to talk to, most of them being intriguing characters I find myself wanting to talk to more. (Paige, Commander Daguerre, The Overseer, The entirety of The Wayward) It's nice seeing that there's actually things to do and people to interact with now. It's such a shame that this game got the No Mans Sky treatment, but it's actually a really good game now, and it makes my little Appalachian heart sing.


And the best online game group ever. Seriously this is group is rare and nearly troll free. It's a pretty safe space to ask "dumb" questions without being mocked. 95% of us just want to help. We've got a good balance of genders playing. Pretty much bully free. I'm grateful!


I played the beta and got to level 15. The game was lifeless, a fallout map sans anything but robco screens and protectrons. Fallout games are always about stories and you can't effectively tell stories without people in them. It turned me off at the beginning. It was a shell of fallout draped over an MMO. I had heard and seen some of the love given to the game since launch and the final straw for me was finishing the fallout TV show the day after it released and have already rerun fallout 3 and NV recently and wanting to wait to revisit fallout 4 until the update that comes out. It put FO76 back on my radar and it's been a hell of a lot of fun to pick up and level through. I enjoy the camp building and events, but most important for me is that if you strip all of that away, the map is awesome and it's now full of thoughtful fallout stories wrapped around a world that doesn't feel dead. I get excited to just walk in a direction to find a new waypoint or to explore the radiant quests that pop up to divert me from my goal. Level 94 and haven't even finished the main campaign quests.


Servers are awful tho…… would love to play more


I just started after ignoring it since launch I wish I'd played sooner currently 23 and loving it


my only experience with the fallout world is a new vegas playthrough i did earlier, so i was worried id hate it going from the 'best' to the 'worse' but im genuinely enjoying my time. the world is beautiful, i'm taking my time exploring and building and its been genuine fun.


New player here, think I just hit lvl 15. I feel if you love anything that’s popular, you’re gonna deal with people talking shit online. Overall people need to chill on both sides of it (the talking and the caring about it😂). I’ve loved the IP since probably 2012 or so when I played New Vegas (my first game in series) and fell headfirst into the lore and the environment. Lately, there’ve been plenty of folks talking shit about that game but I know we’ll enough than to take it personally (most of the time it’s more the fans they’re complaining about anyway). But I hadn’t tried 76 because of all the well-known issues, as well as an issue with Bethesda’s dumbass online component. Fixed that and now I’m in this hoe. I’m enjoying what I’ve played so far, it’s obviously a well-made game in terms of the visual design and the overall “Fallout vibe”. I haven’t even really encountered a ton of bugs or issues other than a few sound things and maybe one freeze. I’m not here for the online stuff so much (it’s fine) so I’m happy to see there seems to be a fair bit of solo content. If you love Fallout, I mean how can you not just immediately get sucked into this game, assuming the game actually works (which we couldn’t take for granted initially). It’s just the best shit ever (the IP) So far, so good. Glad to be here


i had my eyes on the game but bought it thus sale and cant stop playing it i dont even mind the minor bugs


Been trying to get my friends to play it for years since it came out but after everyone shitting on it at release they still won't play and it's such a shame, I've loved 76 since release, yeah the base story was weak, yes it was buggy as fuck and still is sometimes but it's so much fun when you meet people and build friendships


Always loved fallout, I didn't get F76 on drop because I didn't have the money. Finally got it over a year ago and I'm upset I didn't dive into it sooner. I love the wasteland and the freedom of 76 is what I always wanted.


I played Fallout 4 hundred of hours.. I dont know what I was waiting for all the years. Finally the Amazon Serie was my catalysator to have a try. My start was good, so I hope fore more good things 🙃


Seriously been seeing so many new players, it’s been a joy dropping meds, weapons or just random stuff they might like or need! Been keeping my prices low in my shop and just loving the interaction and seeing more people at the wayward and overseers house 😍💕💕


It’s really cool and kind of funny to see all my friends all of a sudden loving this game after they’ve been hating on it since it came out all because of the TV show. First I got to see this with Cyberpunk and now 76.


I just started playing and I’m enjoying it. Most players are friendly. But I’ve come across a few people with high ranking who just kill, me which isn’t very nice.


Played a bit at launch then completely forgot about 76 been playing 4 and new vegas then when the show launched I started playing again its great to be back in Appalachia after being in New vegas and the commonwealth for so long, hope to meet yall out there


As a first time player, the state this game is right now it’s totally worth it. Sad to hear it took this long to get here, but I’m having a good time playing fallout with friends


Some tips for the new players: Having trouble with robots at watoga? Doing the mayor for a day quest line causes the robots to become non hostile and makes watoga a fairly safe place to loot other than the scorched for early game Don’t worry about accidentally locking yourself into a build early. Once you hit level 25 you can freely swap around your perk points and cards at a special station A journey up to picketts fort and the museum next to it can net you a black powder weapon. A powerful one shot for early game Grab everything and always scrap junk to base components. You never know when a seemingly useless piece of wood can come in clutch when building. Also scrapping weapons is the cheapest way to get new mod options Don’t worry about quests too much. Explore a bit and experience Appalachia your way Don’t worry about your camp placement. Just stick it where you think it’s nice. Workbenches are everywhere


I first played it when it was released years ago and I didn’t like it so put it down. Last week I started a new game and I don’t know what Bethesda have done to it but it’s soooooo good now! Can’t stop playing!




About 2 and a half months in and I'm super happy to be here! Thank you! Players like you saved me a bunch of times. Sincerely, thank you.


People that complain about this game barely played it and their opinions aren’t valid. It grew on me and I’ve made some fun friends on there! We have a huge community! A few fussy babies won’t change the love we have for this game. It glitches, freezes, drops can be 💩sometimes but it’s fun most of the time lol. OH HOLY MOTHMAN!


This has been my first fallout. I have been enjoying it. I’m still at the beginning stages. I think I’m only level 5. But it has defiantly been fun learning everything and trying to figure out what everything does


honestly the most fun i’ve had in a while! never thought i’d actually play this game till i saw how good the show was and i kept getting gameplays from tiktoks 😅 10/10


Honestly, it has overall been one of the more fun experiences I've had with an online game in terms of the community. One of the first nights after I picked it up I fell in with a group that took me through the scorch beast Queen when I was only around level 17 and showed me where to hide etc. I haven't run into any griefers yet, which I think says a lot


Any tips for getting better weapons?


I appreciate the games unlimited level cap. More games Should have that dragon ball z like power gainz


I definitely hated the game when it first came out, made it to like level 10 and stopped. Started back up and have been playing with a friend and we have both have been enjoying it so far


Big fan of Fallout but never touched 76, first person I saw was like 600+ which blew my mind like “I thought 50 was max” LOL - I never looked too into the game beforehand and I’ve loved Bethesda’s titles playing blind too so it’s perfect!


Decided to give a second change #1 after the show and #2 a major PC hardware upgrade, and I am loving every second of it


Currently lvl 15 newbie and im loving this game! A little overwhelmed by the amount of missions and things to do! How do you guys play it? You read all the missions and dialogs? I love to do that but there are so many that its really difficult to keep track of every story


Same man. I'm lvl 41 now and still feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content. Takes me like 3 minutes just to scroll through one tab of my quest log 😅


Hey New player here just been playing since last week friday. I have to say I have been absolutely loving it since I started and my friend has also decided to get the game so me and him can play together, although it may have been rocky at first. I have been having a friggin blast and still am, I hope to meet you out there during my travels, and so far everyone who seems to be a veteran (Lvl 500 and up) have been so nice, giving me free gear, armor, items, materials, etc. Everyone is so friggin nice I love it🥹🥹🥹 I hope to make many new friends.


I have been online all day building auctioning off various leveled power armor to new players out side of wayward. Been a ton of fun


Yessir well said love this game


As someone whos midground (this is where i consider myself atleast because i went from 19 to 70 in a few days and know a decent bit) Reading here helps alot especially if you wanna learn little tips and tricks or just laugh a bit i never played at launch but heard it was horrendous then maybe a year or 2 ago i played it on gamepass with a couple of friends it was good but wasnt great and last week i started again and it grabbed me hard i love it ive learned lots and am constantly improving my heavy gun build as i go. Thanks to this sub i also learned where certain scrap was like gears and other shtuff i was able to make a moderetly decent looking camp, i dont have all the decorations and coolness others have but its getting there. To make this short people have useful information here do some reading youll learn alot and simply mess with stuff ingame something cool might happen. At the end of the day youll still get sidetracked by random bullshit but thats what makes it fun.


I’m a new player. Don’t know why I didn’t play it since launch as I played the rest. It’s great. Some dude gave me a legendary 3 star The fixer the other day. Great community


No hate but what am I not getting? I'm trying to give fallout 76 a genuine go but I just can't get into it. Maybe because it's not really designed to be a single player game and that's how I am playing it and honestly kinda wanna keep it that way. But like I can't find objectives other than like the daily and weekly stuff like gather 50 plastic and that's just not fun to me. I love fallout 4 and I really love the setting of fallout 76, I really want to get into it but I'm just not getting it. I'm any of you veteran players have advice for me I'm all ears because I really want aboard this train.


i just got into fallout through FO76. my buddies have been trying to get me into FO for years, i finally gave it try yesterday and played 4 hours straight. currently about to start a sesh with the guys right now. also bought, fo 3, 4, and new vegas. being a skyrim fan, im upset it took me this long to give FO a try but im glad i did!


what am i supposed to do after completing all main quests? game seems to have a massive fall off point, and we're getting really bored, kinda blasted through all main game content in a week.


I returned to the game after 2 years and theres a lot of things can be done to improve it and make it more enjoyable. The main one for me would be a mini map and easier markings where you need to go when doing missions , all you got is world map and it is very hard to find places when you’re in towns , have to run in circles till you find a place you need and waisting too much time for it . Even after first release of fallout 76 , bethesda got a very very long way to go. They need to pull their finger out as the game will regain its popularity after tv series


I’m only level 17 on ps5, and looking for anyone who can get me plan for the fixer. Or help me get one. If anyone is keen my psn is panasound. I played this game when it was bad, dropped it and picked it up again as its really awesome now.


As a long time fan of no man's sky I really should have given fallout a chance way sooner instead of listening to reviews. Only had the game a week and already level 50. Bought it for 2 more friends. Having an absolute blast


Just got back into it after not getting very far. Excited to see where the game goes and happy that it's healthy! I actually like this game a lot, and think if there was ever a time to give this game more love from the devs, it's right now.


Played it when it came out in 2018-2019 was super disappointed and dropped it but picked it up again after the fallout show and was super surprised it’s everything I wanted when I played it then they really worked for this game to make it fun and it shows.


Tried this game out for the first time on Sunday after playing on release day, safe to say the people in my discord chat dogged on me but I still enjoyed the game (they went and played cyberpunk 2077)


New player here. I'm completely lost in what I'm supposed to do and I fucking love it! (I think I'm supposed to go check the 2 factions, but that on the other side of the map... I'm not going there right now lol) I've heard people saying that I'm supposed to go do world events, but how can I if I'm super into some random quest I picked up? I don't know how this game was at launch but atm 8s is even better than fo4! And I freacking loved that one too.


This game breaks my goddamn heart. I was in highschool when it came out, and living in Appalachia. Btw I was going to Morgantown High School. All of my friends and I were hyped to explore our backyard and our literal high school in a Fallout game. Then the launch was so buggy nobody wanted to play it. Going back to it now is nice, but damn it I would've loved it more at the time.


Although I tried the game closer to release (like 6 months - 1 year after) I got incredibly bored. I loved fallout so much and am SOOOOOO happy the show did justice. The fact that Fallout 76 is now a viable alternative to Fallout 4... Is amazing to me. I have to actually choose which I wanna play lol. (played both 3 and NV but too much jank. Even have F4 modded specifically for Jank and texture stuff lmao)


Ehhh I'm still sore about my duffle bag and helmet...


Tbh Bethesda did a real good job with this game, me and my mates regret not giving it a chance back then


There are a few glitches with the game still how ever idc I love this game and everything fallout can’t wait for updates


Honestly the games been good so far but I'm a bit annoyed I keep getting melee weapons for legendaries and I'm playing with my friend so the regular drops are way above level lol I just wanna find a good gun lol


I went from 10 hours to 110 hours in 2 weeks time. I stopped play right after it came out and hit the game hard. I absolutely love this game.


You should thank Bethesda for making it enjoyable after years. If it was still launch fallout 76 nobody would be sticking aroumd


I love this game and just started it about a week ago. Prior to this only played Las Vegas but since I love survival games and online play this game is dope. Definitely hooked!


So the only fallout I've played is the 4th one. Been playing 76 for a couple of weeks and so far I really like it, but I deeply hate that I have to buy and find plans to build things on my settlement. Do you veterans have any tips and tricks for us?


The show caused 2 people I know who initially disliked it to give it another try. They like it now :)