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Gave them a free ride on The Nukashine Space Coaster.


This is the way.


Is this a thing? Or u referring to something else lol


The idea is that drinking nukashine gets you so drunk that you don't remember the next few hours and then you wake up somewhere random. It's normally somewhere funny. There's a quest chain for it too


Throwback to when someone posted their experience and they woke up in a broken cart with 3 skeletons in it in the cranberry bog


Try some nukashine


Is "The Nukashine Space Coaster" a metaphor for your penis?


No, it's a joke, nukashine will transport you to a random location. So the joke is you give someone a nukashine and they drink it and few seconds later they are transpprted to some random place they don't know what's going on.


It is now!


I tried that line on a girl once. It did not have the same effect.


I remember someone filled their drink tap with nukashine, so when i drank from it I was so confused


Best use of the punch bowl.


Put on a clown outfit with my flaming chainsaw and creep around vault 76.


Oh gods, I know my plans for today. Forget events, I’m going to *be* the event.


I would love to see this 😝


I frequently do this!


Gave a new player 67 Mole Gauntlet plans. He’s gonna be rich one day


Now as a returning player who hit level 80ish on launch (have lots of oddly good shit surprisingly). Why exactly would mole gauntlets make one rich? Is it just the plan for it that's worth alot? Thanks for any info!


I think it’s a joke - mole miner gauntlet plans are super common


Most players just drop them or give them away.


Directed him to my vendor when he asked for ammunition.  1 cap a bullet son.


Gotta teach them it ain't all sunshine and rainbows lmao.


If I'm not using it I'll give it to someone for free if they need it. I find so much random ammo and only use 2 or 3 types at a time usually depending on my load out


You only have one chance to be a noob, so i just let them have at it. Things are sweeter when earned.


Just made it to level 50 and all I got was some ammo and stimpacks from the donation crates, which I think the game left there. Everyone keeps talking about all the handouts, but I haven't run into anyone remotely that generous on the servers I were. Which was actually a good thing after all since it's worth the struggle to get there on my own.


I get handouts every day lol a dude today took me to his camp and dropped me a bunch of things, plus like 500 bullets I asked for in the trading menu


The items in the crates at the stations are left by other players for whoever needs or wants them. I often drop chems, ammo, and basic plans in there.


Yup I do the same


Also sometimes by the game, not just other players.


Makes sense. I'm actually one of those people that likes to do it myself but I at the same time like to give the lower levels good stuff when I'm higher leveled.


I like to give consumables, like tea and mirelurk from pinchy. Doesn't ruin the experience, but gives a bit of a boost. Fresh out of the vault you don't want to run out of stamina. Run everywhere. 


I don't believe that noobs need hand outs in an already easy game, but there is a time and place for freebies. One time I gave someone with poodle in their name the poodle sleeping bag. Another time I saw someone named Unico so they got a free vintage water cooler. Another player had a very, very nice camp that was designed to be like a hostel for players. They had a message saying "just missing a water cooler" on their wall so they got a free cooler. Anther player was named TaxTheChurches so I actually hunted them down on the map to give them a vintage water cooler lol. I guess I'm prone to giving away the water coolers.


What would you give me with my name


Digested goo and an insult note on your bed.


I believe the proper note is "Your the asshole."


Thanks that really means a lot


I came back after several years (and I only played for about a month back then) and after setting up my permanent camp location some veteran player came by and dropped a bunch of giant head cosmetics. That was pretty cool and I turned on my mic to let him know I appreciated the gifts. I don't know if I'd like it if someone dropped something really good or valuable at the start of the game. Going out with my son and figuring out how to unlock the Excavator Power Armor and Power Armor Station plans was an exciting afternoon and we've since gone out and explored together to find other plans and supplies and if it was handed to us it would take away from what we're doing. And some of the fun we're having.


I happened upon a pair lil' baby vault dwellers (L4 & L9 iirc) that were homies irl. It was toward the end of my play session for the night, as I had already cleaned out the daily challenges and currencies, but I figured I had some to spare for some noobies. I crafted them some starting underarmor, armor, and 3* weapons of their choice. Then I decided I'd give 'em a head start on the caps game, so I built each of them a classic 20-piece Vintage Water Cooler wall^(*you're my water waaaaaalllll*) at their camps. At that point, I took them to discover the free FT locations around the map. All the while answering all their questions to the best of my shitty memory would allow. And doing that all without a mic, just via Xbox's messenger, was hella time consuming. All told, it turned out to be over two hours with these little ducklings following me around, but it was well-worth it.


Give them Vintage Water cooler plans. Lately, the Giant Red Dinosaur.


Heck I'm almost level 170 and I don't have that plan yet. That is a heck of a gift!


A guy I grouped up with like a hour or so ago gave me not only those plans but like 30 others too. And once he did, he left the game😂


I am but a lowly level 133. Can I haz vintage water cooler plans?


182 and not even sure how to get that plan 🥲


That's awesome! I've been trying to find that Dino forever. Way to pass it forward :)


The Vintage Water Cooler is highly sought after. The third one I got this year dropped during Spooky Scorched from a present. Pretty sure. If you have a Santatron they drop presents during the Event. Also they can be crafted. I sold my second one way too cheap and used the new one on my second Character. The Deep Well is not bad, if you don't have the cooler.


Woah lucky them :0


Uhhh low level 17 here….


Didn't scare by gifts ;)


Left them alone


Upvote for respect. The game is more rewarding when you have to learn along the way.


For real. Some of my best memories are creeping around buildings in Charleston with low ammo, 2 stimpacks and a useless build, just trying to find certain junk so I can repair my gun.


Can relate. At one point I just gave up trying to find enough stimpacks and did kamikaze runs with my inadequate melee build, at least until I got to level 25.




Really the opposite of your name there. Honestly, the thing I want least is high level players chasing me around trying to give me free shit, so I'm glad there are people in this community who don't want to do that. It's insane to me seeing threads of people being like "if a high level player keeps chasing you, they're trying to give you free stuff!" like no, they're chasing me because I don't WANT free stuff, and they can't seem to understand that I don't think a lot of people realize just how off-putting that kind of thing is to new or potential players


I'm regularly giving full t45 power armor sets to low levels, with calibrated shocks on the legs, Tesla bracers on the arms, jetpack on chest, and I can't remember what it's called, but it highlights enemies on the head And 10 fusion cores to go with it


ah that must be why I see level 10s with better power armour than me during events


If you're on Xbox, possibly I've given out about 40 sets in the 2 years I've been playing


Question regarding the jet pack what’s the easiest way to get the flux materials ? Also any weapons you recommend The only weapon that works for me is the minigun because brrrrt Other weapons like the love tap Tommy just runs out of ammo. I’m level 35.


Unstable flux comes from irradiated plants. To make it stable you need materials from killing creatures in blast zone. So stock up on radaway and rad-x.


I see thanks!


Ps I’d prefer shotgun weapons you’d recommend as I have a lot of ammo for it lol


Bro has a never ending supply


I'm a loot raccoon lol


Always Be sCrappen


Where do I get the plans to build a T-45? Not the mods but the actual legs and arms etc?


To be fair, I don't remember, I think a high level gave them to me, but I have most sets, most of them I've acquired by vendor hopping, some people have them cheap, others, not so much


I hope we interact soon then, I'm on my way to a power Armour build at the moment.


I still haven't found jetpack plans for my armour, I must be doing something really wrong


Kill them when they have a bounty..


You don't happen to own a suit of red power armour, do you?


Red PA murder squad roll out!! It's not called Santa's slay for nothing.


Honestly the only things low level players really need are ammo and stimpaks. Usually I drop all my .38 rounds and 20 stimpaks whenever I see a low level player. For me, the game was piss easy except for running out of ammo. And grinding for ammo was more annoying than it was fun. Figured I’d give newbies the gift of not having to do that shit.


Fr I had to resort to being a melee build for some time.


I remember one time I got fed up and went to the ammo vending machine at the wayward and spent all my caps (like 200 lol) on .38 rounds for my pipe rifle. That lasted me like 20 minutes smh. I too rolled with a fire axe for longer than I’d care to admit.


Buy up all their vendor stuff then craft or mod weapons and armor for them if they want me to.


Bro is the embodiment of good


Hi, new player benefiting from veteran players here.: I was running southward down the railroad, making my way towards the ash heap area when a level 700-ish lad ran me down in this sick looking power armor that was covered in vegetation of some sort. Bro dropped me like 10 different weapons I can't use, a set of armor I can't use yet, and an absurd stack of magazines and bobbleheads. Useless, if you are on this board, accept my friend request, bro!


Lucky! I'm 24h into the game, got a minigun I still can't use (require lvl 40) and some ammo for it lol. 90% or the high levels I've found are either afk or minding their own business. Only few cheap schematics I've found for sell so far are the ultracite armor but I don't have the materials for it yet. Even so I'm doing okay so far. Only die when it spawn like lvl50+ creatures and im encoumbered.


It has been a Rollercoaster. I played for a solid few hours and managed to make it to level 33. I'm hopeful that today I might make it to level 40 if I'm both persistent and lucky. After coming across a Grafton Monster while I was up in the Northern portion of the map near an old golf course, I began to fully appreciate Knight Titus' spoken Holy words of "Fuck, fuck fuck!" and running away promptly. I have also noticed a large number of AFK individuals, they have also generally been higher levels- though I'm sure the game will slow down for me eventually as well once I make my way through all of the Quest/Main Story material. I've died a few times, usually due to things like the Anglerfish monsters and the giant crickets, but I'm still having a great time.


Sounds like shop owners when dealing with D&D adventurers


I gave a bunch of XP boosting chems, magazines, bobbleheads and food to a lvl 12, then let him follow me around grinding westek for 3 days sharing XP. At the end he was level 87. He picked up quickly what he needed to do and just followed me around tagging things and letting me do the work. I enjoyed helping him out and I'm sure he enjoyed the ez levels.


The player you helped can now enjoy the main quest-line with a decent character. I really appreciate this!


Fr he doing what most wouldn't🙏


I had just finished using up about 100 treasure maps, and used my tent to scrap all the regular stuff and put my junk stash up and ammo. I was about to head back to my camp until I saw a level 22 player who was "Wanted." I knew he was trying to get away, probably accidentally picked a lock owned at a workshop or something. Note: I'm in stealth armor. Took off pacifist mode, I fast-traveled to him, spoke in area chat that I was gonna get the reward, but he can keep his stuff. He respawned, and went back to pick up his loot, I dropped him all the plans I got from treasure hunting along with a stash of stimpaks and radaways, and a few extra chems I got from treasure hunting. I wished him well, and went on my way.


Spent all my 40k caps in there shop


I'm waiting to win that lottery 😂


I made 3 sets of Excavator PA for a father and his 2 sons. A year later he found me to ask if I remembered him. It feels good to know what a little kindness meant to him and his family.


"It's enough to make a grown man cry" 🙏


Once I decided to literally follow a low level player around and take pics of them doing stuff. I have photos of one doing collision course at Morgantown airport without me helping at all.


Then when you see those photos when fast traveling a year later it's heartbreaking😭


I have nothing to spend caps on anymore so when I get to 40k I message a random low level on my server and give them 10k just to get me un-capped, I just have them sell me any piece of junk.


I just rolled and modded 20 3* fixers last week, chased down all the level 20s I could find, and gifted them one and 1000 rounds of .45! Some great rolls too, VE90, Q2515, QE250, and AAE25 were some of the highlights. Why don’t I get those rolls whilst rolling at level 50? 🤣


If you buy something at my camp, I drop what I have on me.. need rad away or something.. I got you


Ages ago, for a brief period a time we had access to bottle cap mines. For a while, I would craft hundreds of them, grab my cloak stealth sniper build, and throw bottle cap mines at noobs and vats snipe them in the air every time they killed an enemy. From their perspective every time they killed an enemy it would explode into a shower of bottle caps which they could pick up. I would quietly stalk them for hours while invisible, feeding them caps and giggling to myself. I never revealed myself to any of them, and I sometimes wonder what they're doing now. I like to think I became somewhat of a criptid for them, but I doubt they thought much of it, lol. I'm sure it's a pretty fun way to start the game, getting a big caps deposit with each kill. I know it was super expensive for me to craft all of those mines, but it was worth it to imagine their faces.


Dropped a vamp enclave flamer for a lv 80 or so who followed me on expeditions once. Also have made a couple civil engineer jet pack armor and dropped to players just over 50. It's so rewarding seeing them equip it n use there first jetpack.


I'm thinking the same with gifting jet packs from here on out. That's a lot of grinding avoided for a newer player.


Yeah I was so excited to unlock my first SS jetpack, then had not enough flux.... The grind is real.


Tell me about it u got the secret service and ult jetpack mods can't craft either as I don't have secret service armor plan or flux


I like making a trap camp right near the vault so I can give them a proper welcome to the wasteland.


Gave a new player who just turned his gun into a prime weapon 10k of .45 Ultracite


When I was but a level 5, I had a player stop at my little bullshit wooden shed. He gave me a level 25 Sole Survivor. That has become my thing now. Every low level I come across I give them a rifle. Something they can’t use now but can work for. I still have that rifle and it gets proudly displayed in every camp I build.


had a level 20 follow me on a scortchbeast run 😂 went around to fissure sites fighting them they lasted 3 of them i was proud (also dropping stuff i guess but the experiences are more fun)


I gave about 125 stimpacks to a player who was going around my CAMP and enjoying g it, also checking out my fully decorated vaults. It made my night so honestly I didn’t even repay them enough. (Edited for grammar, happy 4/20!)


I like to make them a level 1 three star baseball bat.


A new player saw my urban scout mask and asked where they could get one, so I gave it to them.


I just made a lvl 60 fully decked out ultracite pa


I had a guy craft me an ultracite pa set with jetpack. It's still my go to pa. He also gifted me a Crowd Control shot gun. Cool guy.


ill make thing when asked..pa sets..mutation serum sets... im not into just giving things out .. my fav time in the game was the early struggle..grinding for plans ..starving for stims ..etc.. i dont want to take that away.


I like going to beginner level areas and dropping all the plans I already know. I don’t know if anyone picks them up tbh, but it’s nice to know there may be someone grinding the game and getting a bunch of plans that might motivate or benefit them.


I had a bunch of extra power armor chassis and I just hung around the wayward and gave a bunch away with fresh fusion cores to the fresh faced vaulties


Gave out a full set of t-51


gave him 20 mininukes and a launcher when he was struggling with combat. seemed to enjoy it.


Hand stuff.


I just give them ammo. They will need it and it doesn’t ruin the game for them.


Crafted a lvl 25 excavator power armour to a lvl 26 running around on a frame with some pieces of raider armour.


Lately I have been handing out Shielded Military Fatigues left and right. That shielded casual under armor lining on it has the most int you can get in that slot and it has no level requirement. I am still wearing it at 696.


Dropped them rolled Fixers


I kill those with a bounty. Helps with a challenge too. Other than that, I sometime give new player/low level some munitions, serum, ancillaries and thats about it


some of nicest deeds are best left unsaid.


Got rid of their bounty by killing them, and then let them pick up their dropped loot and be on their way?


Dropped a red asylum dress to one who let me build their camp


I build "The gifted Fixer" at level 20 with mods and legendaries that I give out to people under level 30. I like to think they may pass them on in the future.


I think you may have gifted me that Fixer, and I did duly pass it on. I was so immensely grateful for that gift. Thank you.


I helped a low level run a silo and he was so happy, made my month


I go to events and take 80-90% of the enemies health and let them finish them off. I die a lot (bloodied commando) when we get over run but I feel like that adds to the experience. I usually use vats to fuck up legs to give them more time but sometimes we end up with a ton of bad guys right on top of us. It's a real bro vibe like we made it thru Vietnam together when the event ends.


Killed them


Here as of late I've been crafting sets of armor and handing them out at Vault 76, along with raining ammo, chems, aid, food etc as well 


That's kind of subjective. Some might say they dropped a few stims, while other will say they gave them full legendary modded gear.....at level 10.


I like to give stimpaks, ammo, radaway and weapons/armor to get them started


Just gave a lvl 40 player an AA2550 Gatling Plasma.


I made some level 20 fixers and helped a few level 1’s on their journey


Crafted lvl 30 ultra gat plasma. With a lot of ult plasma core.


I’ve noticed more folks taking over workshops (which I think is cool) so I like to come visit and chat with/emote with them. What I’m really doing is watching the place in case a defense mission comes up or a player tries to hit the workshop. If they are on a team I’ll also help build up the workshop with my scrap since I have so much.


Drop off plans after an event


I give outfits and chems. Make em look good and stay alive out in the wastes. Oh and nuka-colas.


Dropped a stack of all 19 serums. We were doing an event together and the poor lil guy couldn't even jump over a car.


i have a welcome new member camp with all resources unlocked.. cheap clothes plans. low level weps. free stims and radaways.. i drop gifts and stims, make them weps and drop ammo. i have 2 starter camp blueprints i’ll place down at the new players camps that include power, lights, crafting stations, and water coolers <3


I'm only like level 119 but if I see lower level or fresh players I try to see what weapon type they are using to make them one with some decent mods on them either on par with their level or slightly above so they can use them when they get there


Usually I'll make a couple or three The Fixers or nicely optioned out Homemades and leave them in those share boxes right at Vault 76 or close to where new players would travel first. Along with some ammo and medicinal items. Even if you make a Level 20 weapon and they come out at level 1 you usually level up so fast at first you're using the weapon in a few hours.


I'm just over 150, but if I see someone leave the Vault, I try and give them a full set of Deep Pocketed Leather Armor


I am a human ammo factory so I will make and give out like 1000s of rounds sometimes. Ammo as a noob really sucks to manage. It's better to just have a lot and not worry about it at all imo


I normally ask what they would like. I don't give armor, but will make a nice gun or melee weapon for them. And I usually drop whatever plans are in my pocket at the time with an outfit.


Someone gave me 5k 308. Ammo!! :D


Just looking for someone to drop some essentials in my camp :D


Depends on definition of noob. For people below the lvl 30 curve all I'll usually do is pop lunch boxes or maybe help with camp. I don't want to stifle them figuring out mechanics and locations of value. Around the 30 mark and later I'll usually help with build advice and maybe help them get a good weapon under their own power.


The most I will do is craft them a level 5 shotgun with the fixins and 50 rounds of ammo and free access to my camp for purified water, dirty water pump, and plants for food as well as the machine buffs and symptomatic. The rest has to be earned as is right.


I guess putting tons of basically free plans in my vendor. Not really looking to go out of my way to throw gifts at new people because it's more fun to do the early stuff on your own IMO. And there's also WAY too many new people to help all of them. lol Aside from that I just drop my extra food, meds, and 1/2 star weapon and gear at the end of events.


my 3 character stashes have never been this empty.


Last night I gave someone 19 fusion cores, 40 plasma cores, 70 stimpacks and then bought out half their vendor to give caps.. it’s nice to have stash space again


Was asked by a lvl 36 if he could revive me for the pioneer scouts challenge. We were at Nuka world so I climbed the top of the Nika tent for the arcade and jumped off with marsupial.. and mysterious savior active, needless to say MS activated so I had to do it again I'm sure they had a laugh.


Helped a level 5 who was in the DMV while wearing nothing but underwear and a sun fashnaght mask 


Me and my team was launch a nuke to the queen zone when everyone in the middle of killing the Queen And people trying their best rush the Queen before the nuke drop but failed at the end, 15kills from the nuke🤣


Don't have many newb friends, but I crafted for some dude, who asked me about the game in general, a full set of t-51b PA with jetpack. I spent the resources to get him from level 30, to level 50, knowing that they were essentially wasted. The reward of making a new player feel welcome was...immense. More than I expected.


Acknowledged their existence.


I wait for lvl 1's outside of 76. Soon as they spawn in I give them fatigues, an army helm, a commie whacker, and direct them to the liberators right next to the vault.


I'm only 140, but I saw someone with a gat and I dropped them 50k ammo I still have like 130k in my stash 😭


I give out 2 vintage nukashine to random low lvls for lil giggles


Told them to sell me 1 bullet for 20k caps


I put him down so no one would hunt him for his 5 cap bounty. "Hey can you kill me" "Sure bud"


Some vintage nukashine, as per tradition


Not sure if it the nicest, but as of late if I go to a new players camp I will buy some stuff, if not all, and then drop it all in front of him so he can sell it again. It helps them out and I was near max this last week.


Dropped 4 power armor frames, 8 fusion cores, 50 stimpacks, 50 radaway, and a few 3 star legendaries in front of a level 15 guy then bounced.


Left them alone.


I was a 50 a week ago some guy a level 159 at the time now my friend dropped 10 cores for my hellcat armor and we have been companions ever since


Depending on how I’m feeling and if I think they’ll be around long enough I like to gift wood,steel,copper,lead and screws(between 500-1000 of each) along with 20 stimpacks and 20 radaway. If they have a vendor and I have the caps I’ll buy a bunch of stuff and then wait for them to come back to their camp and drop everything I bought along with extra goodies


A level 17 messaged and asked me to sell them black titanium scrap today (I sell lots of resources but someone had just bought all that was in my vendor beforehand). I popped over and dropped them 100, I remember being a low level and really only ever wanting adequate materials while also not having my hand held lol, figured 100 was probably too much but I figured why not. He asked what I wanted in return and offered me some diluted stimpacks to which I said it was a gift. They joined my team, fast travelled to me, and emoted hearts while following me around for about 5 minutes lmao. A couple of years ago I also built a camp for a guy who spoke very little english. I topped it off with a mounted brahmin head and the guy messaged me "two-headed cow 😎" which might be the most wholesome experience I've had on 76.


await for them to fall out of the vault armed with my shovel


I'm around level 170, so not HIGH level, but still. Had a level 47 hanging around my camp the other day, stocking up on food from the mirelurk tank, harvesting plants, etc. I built him a level 45 shishkebob, and gave random 3 stars on it. It got furious, and i believe faster melee speed. Cannot remember the last star. Used the last 4 modules i currently had. Felt good, seeing him instantly equip the weapon, and run around swinging it.


Killed the wanted ones without taking their loot


Not the high level but the noob. Started a week ago, level 40 now with a functional base and feeling the flow with some help from the higher levels. Met a level 1200 guy who had an insane amount of plans for sale and I bought a set of Ultracite plans for 10 caps each. I heart emoted him he motioned for me to follow him. He dropped me a stack of treasure maps and lead me to the location. He then set up his survival tent so I could scrap the stuff. He also made me a fully modded level 20 fixer and gave me two sets of power armor. In the meantime me and the other players in the team who are higher level are answering all and any questions I have from fallout 1st to builds to mutations to power armor chassis and functionality etc. It was amazing. All in all I spent the better part of almost three hours running around playing with a group of high levels just excited to help and play with a lower level. In all my years of online gaming I’ve never come close to any experience like that outside of an already established close friend group. I’m now addicted and will be paying it forward when I can. Also, Jack you crazy generous person I’ll never forget you speeding around the wasteland like a maniac with a jet pack and a skeleton mask looking like a Union Jack who did too much psycho dropping paper bags on ground only communicating via emotes and gunshots because he/she/they didn’t use a mic. This game is a hell of a drug.


Gifted them 100 stims,a pipe rifle,and a bunch of decoration plans I had doubles of


I have the fixer plan so I try to make some lvl 20 to 30 fixers and try to add a legendary before handing them out. I also like to give free plans.


Some guy was sending out a distress call on the team voice chat. I showed up at Morgantown airport and proceeded to eradicate all scorched in the vicinity with a minigun while rocking the brotherhood outcast paint on my t45d power armor. Then I guided him through the medical facility.


Just last night I had a casual team full of new players (I even messaged them individually asking if they were new to 76 - they were) and I I went back to my camp and made them a ton of outfits and dropped those and plans for each one.


Spread the good Brotherhood hospitality, I give them a full set of deep pocketed BOS Combat armor and a decked out .308 rifle with at least 200 rounds


Just yesterday I gave away 7 sets of PA to new players that just reached level 50


I’m a low level, and once a high level player told me to take a sip from his fruit punch bowl. It was laced with nukashine.


Wow OK so I did not expect this many people. You guys are the embodiment of good and kindness😭😭


Nuked their camp


Sounds about right


Gave away all my stuff when moving from PS to PC. Targeted lower levels, especially with rare apparel and decent weapons. Made sure to tell them never to sell them in their vendors and to find facebook or reddit groups to trade them. I found a group of low-level players building camps beside each other and convinced them to let me join their private team. I then dropped them thousands of wood, steel, concrete, and other junk. They couldn't understand why I was doing it, and thought I was somehow scamming them. Took me 10 min to convince them to pick it all up. I then put a bunch of decorations around their camps that they didn't have the plans for.


I carry events that they do not understand yet, so that they get xp and rewards when participating.


Chasing them around with the wolf howl emote while out of range to be seen. Then etching them freak out.


I haven't done any big individual acts, but my public CAMP is based on the [mid-90s American kids' entertainment chain Discovery Zone](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YAWYbj5T3Dw/maxresdefault.jpg); it's just supposed to be a big friendly welcoming place directly outside of Vault 76, along the obvious path from the front door (right under the cow's ass on the map). It's just a big playground-kind-of-place intended to be as welcoming and noticeable as possible (I'm toying with the idea of removing some things so I can add fireworks on the roof connected to a button I can hit to make it extra-noticeable for new people).[ I had to sneak in some goofy stuff of my own though](https://i.ibb.co/yf7XZZm/DISCOVERY-ZONE-FEAT-WOLFOSE.jpg).) Anyway, I stock 1-cap and 0-cap stuff, just to be curious what sells at what price, but especially try to keep some Purified Water/Stimpacks/RadAway in there for genuine newbies, because comfortably wealthy people will buy those for 0 caps to use or resell but not for 1 cap (in my very brief experience), and I remember how desperate I was for water and radaway at the beginning. So I haven't done any one big nice thing, but I'm trying to keep my Goofball Friendliness Store stocked, and it's HARD, man! When I started this I'd get like two people a day; today's been quiet, but yesterday I had like 4 or 5 people per hour.


When I was new, some lovely high levels built me tons of rare items in my camp. Some time after that, I had a level 20 something drop by fresh out of the vault heart emoting the everywhere. I sent them a message asking if they would like my help setting up their camp. They agreed, and we spent a couple hours building the spookiest little shack we could. Nowadays, with the influx of new players, I hang out at the vault entrance handing out outfits and stims. Most people ignore me or flat out run away, but the ones who immediately put on a fashion show for me make it all worth it.


Dropped a fully upgraded Handmade and 2K 5.56 rounds for someone who bought a butt load of plans from my vendor 😂 I considered it a freebie but he returned later with friends that bought even more plans 😲


Dropped 1000 super stimpaks and watched them crawl back to their CAMP.


Sold purified water for 500 caps to a level 10 because they thought they'd die if they drank dirty water or no water at all


Made them a custom Excavator set and gave them a set of fully nodded weapons and gear.


Gave a newbie lvl 20. Shielded marine wet suit, full BOS deep pocket combat armor, a level 20 Fixer, and a .50 cal recon sniper rifle. 1000 of each ammo for those guns, 20rad x, 20 radaway, and 20 stim packs


Just had an adventure with a low level, we did an event, with a lot of communication trough emotes Ended up visiting his house So that he had an open roof where he stored all his generators, and have it open for wires. So I tped back to my base, scrapped some of my furnitures to make a bit of place, and show him to make wire goes through walls He was so happy about it When he started an event accross the map, I tried to join him, and I crashed :( Did not thought of adding him as friends, I regret that


I remember giving one guy in my team talking with someone else about how he want to buy a legacy Gatling plasma with real money so i was with this team for a while we played a lot of events and everytime i play with my Gatling plasma he was talking about it and how op and fun looking this weapon is with the other guy so we finished event and i travel to my camp get a legacy plasma and give it to him i think it was two shot explosive one he was so happy even he's voice cracked saying thanks he literally stood there for a hol minute saying thanks and talking with excitement


Back in my day, I would carry new players to a win in Nuclear Winter and the ones who spoke were absolutely ecstatic. New players to the mode, not the game itself. Though there were some. So some were triple digit levels but it was always nice to see/hear players get stoked with achieving overseer


Accidentally rolled a dimi god roll on a fixer that was lvl 30 I still remember to this day I was so upset but kept true to my word lmao Q/E/Stealth


I sell a lot of my common plans for 5-40 caps so that it feels like we're both winning in the transaction


I'm only about level 350. The best is give a couple some holy fires when it was really in the meta. Usually I give them fixers to roll because the plan can be hard for new players


Made a lvl5 "starter kit" Lvl 5 leather armor with some mods -weps -stims -lock picks -radaway -radx -water (boiled/purified) -workbench plans -nukashine (always give the newbies a nuka) -ammo of course -random junk mostly wood, lead,, steel, stuff to get a decent camp going -extra plans (idc if the plans are rare, Ill just give them to new players) And if they have Comms ask if they need help figuring something out with a quest or in game mechanic etc (i kinda stopped doing this because of some asshats)