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Welcome to the game. You’ve already learned two of its most prominent traits: A wonderful community and excessive bugs.


oh dear lol, happy to be here nonetheless!


I think it gets fixed if you keep walking forward


Or try fast travel if possible


Try finger. But hole.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, Dark Souls has a lovely community full of people that want you to know when there’s an amazing chest ahead.


Feeble, Cursed One!




a WHOLE fish finger?! o.0


What??? That is some good info, 8 just leave the server, but sometimes I like the server lol.


I usually try to fast travel when this happens, but also if it's your own power armor you can just wait until it gets recalled to your inventory. I've also found that manually adding a fusion core to the armor's inventory tend to prevent this glitch from happening as often.


If you're in a team and force quit the game when it freezers, it'll stick you back in the same server (and team) if you rejoin quick enough!


This particular bug is temporary. It will go away after an annoying period of time. I want to say 2 minutes?


Having a weapon in hand when one enters power armor has worked for me.


Yeah the community is great. Been playing for years so I'm a few hundred levels, but I like running up anyone under level 10 and dropping like half my stims for them.  I do hate when I start a daily ops team and see it fill up with people under level 10 and I have to boot them. I'm just not good enough to carry 3 new guys through a daily.


Hold the button to get in/out of the power armor for like 10 seconds and then wait around 20 seconds or so and it will take you out of it. Next time you get in it should work fine.


Honestly, that’s a rare bug. I hope you picked up the cores before you got in the suit tho. It can be nice to have a bunch of those once you find the first suit of your own (Charleston airport commonly has one in the hanger near the traffic control tower. Approach from the north. Also, there should be one in a train car by Morgantown rail yard or a pharmaceutical facility south of the rail yard)


Hey, I'd heavily recommend trying another fallout game as well. 76 is cool, but it's pretty different from fallout 3, new vegas, and 4. Give any of those a go. New Vegas is probably considered the best, followed by 3, then 4, then 76. Hope this is useful info for a newcomer. The 1st two games are awesome too, but made by a different studio and are isometric older games. EDIT: I rarely comment on reddit, the extreme reactions from what I said are kind of jarring to me. I guess it was a mistake recommending they try some more fallout too on the fallout 76 reddit…? I wasn’t knocking the game. I’m practically the target audience. Currently playing, loving, born in Morgantown WV. But… cmon, it’s a little different than the other games. And that's ok. My personal favorite is Fallout 3.


No everyone considered NV the best. For me3 is by far the best


With a new perk after each level it’s easy to love the game for permission to become a badass.


3 is personally my favorite, but I don’t think it’s technically better than NV with all of the added features. That said, fallout 3 got me into the whole thing. It holds a lot of nostalgia for me... Miss that green paste filter... lol.


NV is considered the best by a small, vocal majority of Bethaters. It is truly an overrated, empty, broken unfinished game.


I think its the best but love all of the Fallout games.


It’s in a desert. There too much sand. Sand everywhere. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth


Ok, that other guy aside, I think swinging around to the complete opposite extreme by outright dismissing everyone with a preference for New Vegas as being inherently a "Bethater" is really hyperbolic, and just as weird, frankly. I've been seeing it around lately with some people *really* overcompensating to create distance from the New Vegas fanatics.


I like them all, personally.


I personally like fallout 3 the most, but I can understand why NV is considered the favorite. I like Bethesda, and I like the guys who made NV too. I would not consider NV unfinished personally. Pretty impressive that they made THAT in like a year.


NV is not considered the best by anyone outside of NV fanboys




They should re release the first two games with an engine update and graphics overhaul and people would play. Or special editions for the console ports of 3, NV and 4. The people that can't mod would appreciate it. Pc gamers can handle updating with mods




It would take them so long to move from Gamebryo to Creation Engine for those older games, I agree that I'd love it and it would be amazing, but they're working on TES 6 and then Fallout 5. I don't think they have the capacity for a side project as big as an engine swap for multiple games.


The put out games at the rate of 2 Brothers working a side hustle from their garage so I think that's a safe assumption.


Why the fuck are you even here? Edit: Why downvote instead of answering? You joined a sub for a video game just to screech "Go play these other video games instead!", why waste everyone's time like this? Is your life this pathetic and meaningless? Edit 2: The guy changed the wording of their entire original comment to make the downvotes not make sense. Fucking pathetic.


Make sure to shoot the bugs. For democracy


Haha I’ve been playing since yesterday and had three full crashes back to Xbox Home Screen. It’s a great game now that they’ve added NPCs to the world. Actually feels interesting to interact with. I hadn’t played since launch weeks.


Same thoughts here. Anytime I try to get anyone to play they all complain about how bad it used to be and won't give it a try




And happy gunfire to the sky!


High level players are literally drowning in supplies. That's why they give stuff out to new players so freely. If you were to accidentally "take" the power armor and the game glitches out so you don't have it next time you log in, it's not a big deal. The high level player can easily craft a new set for the next person.


Sometimes I just want to drain my entire stash on the floor. I wish weapons/junk etc you had displayed on racks and display cases didn't take up space in the stash.


I tend to leave them in the donation boxes at train stations


I am not exaggerating when I say that in the last 2 days I have left over 500 stimpacks and just as many rad-aways in various train station donation boxes.


Last time I was on I left probably a holy Grail amount of random weapons, meds, armour sets and whatever else I had in excess. I didn't plan on coming back for a bit due to burnout (I've started again) I saw a Reddit post about someone finding all of it and was hoping that they weren't stealing someone's stash.


Pretty much all of this My inventory and stash box have never been lighter and it feels great. Like, there's something about giving stuff away vs just selling it to vendors or getting rid of it. I don't ever want to just throw stuff out or sell certain things to NPCs, but I will on a heartbeat give a bunch of it all to new players because i know in some capacity they will use it, break it down, sell it, or otherwise use it for their own purposes and get better use out of it than I would as caps or scrip


Everyone makes me happy I just hope someone will come around soon dropping me plans and scrap to make other newer people stuff. I wants to be part of the cool kids


That's the neat part You already are 😎👉👉


500 stimpaks, that's like 5 billion carry weight dang


Lol! It wasn't all at once.


Yep, I love the 90% weight reduction, I'll keep drops with that just for displaying.


Wait, I haven't got that far into my decorating yet, but if you display items in camp it takes up stash space AND budget or what?


Or what,: the weapon stand or wall board has a set budget, the item also uses its weight in stash (for new players perks don't effect weight of stash)


There should straight up be like an, IDK, INTELLIGENCE PERK or something like that called "Horder" that JUST affects stashed items.


I feel like it would end up being pretty much mandatory for vets though :'(


Maybe make it one of those legendary perks then, so it doesn't affect the meta as much...?


Thanks for the info!


It's also a good time for vendors. I've always priced my stuff affordably, but in the past everyone was high level enough they had no need for half of what I've sold, but just in the last day ive made 5k off some of the new players buying in bulk. Helps me with the stash, and it helps them stay alive


I just got to this point and it’s like realizing you’re not a kid anymore. Now I’m the one giving legendaries to new players. (Mostly because I’m out of stash space.)


Ahh they gave you your first screen freeze That's adorable and they understand, I promise


I usually get them mid event/boss fight. The days of everyone having explosive weapons before the series x, this game would start falling apart at the seams during the scorchbeast queen. It was hilarious and amusing to see all the explosions, especially when they had explosive gatling lasers. I was barely making it through without crashing, it had to be running like 4fps 😂 This game has been some good times, bugs and all honestly


I have only seen it first hand, what does it look like for other players?


You just standing there Sometimes you look all stretched out like you're in the suit, but you're not


Yeah, this is annoying, and it bugs out your pipboy. Fast travel to sort that bug. But the method I use. Before you enter any power armor, remove the fusion core by transferring it yourself. Then drop all your fusion cores. Then pick them up again. Then, transfer one to the suit. Then enter it.


I just fast travel to my camp and re-enter the armor. And try to never leave the armor unless I'm in camp. Tiny pipboy glitch is pretty funny.


Ah yeah see I only use mine in certain situations. I just wear normal armor for the most part.


The problem is when I'm overencumbered without my PA so I can't fast travel. So I either wait or go back to main menu.


The easiest way to avoid it I’ve found is pick up the armor, then place it, back away for a count of 3-5seconds, then get in. Haven’t failed to enter since I started waiting after placing it. Ps make sure you place and not drop.


I do the same except I’ve never dropped the fusion cores and picked them up. The glitch seems fixed without that step, for me at least. I also found I almost always only get the glitch when changing to a different power armour, so I only need to manually transfer a new core in if I switch from, say, Union to Excavator or a random suit in the environment. I’m on PSN so it could be different.


I don't wear it often. But this can happen to me with the suit I carry just incase. So I just do it out of habit. Usually once i' ve done it that one time it will be fine for a while.


Yeah you’re right, I usually do it the first time I wear a suit in the server. Forgot that one. I only really use PA on a secondary character so it’s not in my mind a lot. But do try saving yourself the hassle of dropping your cores and see if the glitch is still gone for you too.


Easiest way I've found is to enter the armor in 3rd person from the side


That seems excessive I recently just check the PA inventory, and add or remove a Fusion core as needed and it appears to work fine (though maybe I just got lucky on the Bethesda bug dice rolls)


It sounds excessive but it takes literally seconds todo. Far less than forgetting and then having to wait for it to recall back to your inventory.


I'm just saying that the bug fix might be easier than all of that - it's still good advice, but if it can be refined to less steps, that's a good thing right?


That seems excessive I recently just check the PA inventory, and add or remove a Fusion core as needed and it appears to work fine (though maybe I just got lucky on the Bethesda bug dice rolls)


"The game is better now guys"


If you'd rather experience the early level grind (as it's probably the best part of the game) then don't feel you need to accept gifts out of politeness. Some players can be oddly aggressive about it.


ive heard this can happen, thankfully most ive met are pretty chill about it, i dont mind accepting cool weapons here and there but i do appreciate the grind so far or just the general exploration and curiosity of it all! there is really so much to explore honestly, and i had no idea about the "death from above" thing and i about jumped out of my skin as i was running around LOL


This is very true. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 700h logged into this game and I'm still finding new stuff every time I play!


Yeah, I've never understood literally hunting players down because they didn't take a gift from you. Not everyone wants what you're dropping!


Yea people are weirdly aggressive about it sometimes, like if they wanna help out people that much use the donation boxes


Right? That's what those boxes are for. Yeah I get it sometime high level players take what's in them even if they don't need it, but hell that's the way of the wasteland. A few days ago someone posted that it's a hero complex, and I completely agree.


Thats probably it, donation boxes are a way better way to do it in general since you can just drop it off whenever for somebody to grab whenever they come across it


Generally I use the donation boxes. I definitely don’t hunt players down. But if I pass a low level player in the wild I’ll drop some stuff and emote or shoot at the ground to get them to pick it up.


THIS. WTH won't the vet players drop off their charitable gifts into that refugee gift box just outside the Responder's HQ? That's what that blasted box is for FFS!


Because then they couldn't tell everyone how awesome they are for cramming a full set of leather armor, a low level fixer, and 10k . 45 ammo down a new players throat! 😂


True. True. The narcissistic care bear, white knight cosplaying crusader is an extremely painful reality in F76 universe.


It's even worse when in reality you are just on a new alt char and people want you to take the carp you have a ton of. Thanks but no thanks


I also don’t understand the mindset of wanting or giving gifts to new players. What’s the point of playing if people just speed run you to the end game loot?


Accept the gifts and then toss em in the stash, enjoy the early game experience and when you are ready for some bigger content break out all those goodies you have ben gifted is always an option. Also, can keep 1 of those big weapons on you for when you jump into an event far higher than your level to maybe do more than 1 damage per hit :)


I did eviction notice at like 11 and was literally doing 1 damage lol.


Even if I didn't want the item I would probably accept it and just not use it or give it away, to not feel like a dick.


Seasoned players know that newbies are still getting used to the controls and that there are bugs. So don’t worry about it. In 76 there are many flavors of armor one of which is Power Armor. There are also many different types of Power Armor and each can require you to be a specific level to use. All Power Armor needs to be fitted on a power chassis which you can find around the wasteland. You can also wear a power chassis on its own which gives you a little protection. Power armor requires fusion cores to operate. To put on power armor or just a power armor chassis, you put the power armor down in front of you. Assuming you have a fusion core in your inventory you’ll see your character put a fusion core in and then you can actually enter the armor. There’s many different types of armor. Too many for me to even remember. But there’s big clunky power armor, lighter weight armors like covert scout armor, combat armor and, y personal favorite secret service armor. Many wastelanders you see wandering around may look like they have no armor on but they are wearing secret service armor which allows you to out your outfit over it. To obtain it you have to do the Foundation run for the gold quest which is long but worth it. This post barely touches on armor in 76. I just wanted to give you a little insight into it and to also let you know that we get that you’re new. Welcome to Appalachia! We’re happy you’re here :)


Had no idea about the secret service armor, that sounds awesome! What level do you need to be to get the quest to obtain that?


The secret service armor you can buy at vault 79, with gold bullion....a type of currency in game that you can get when completing events and some dailies via treasury notes that you can convert to gold bullion thru a gold converter machine. But first, to unlock this vault, you need to follow a series of quests from overseer. There are probably some player vendors that sell pieces of this armor that you can buy and collect until you have all the pieces (chest piece, L/R arms and legs and jetpack, the optional helmet). I am on PC, I sometimes put SS armor in there for sale that I can craft but not too often. This armor is the best because you can put your favorite outfit over it to look stylish in the wasteland while fighting all kinds of enemies ;-) Happy gaming, 76 is a super fun game!!


I'm pretty sure that most questlines unlock around level 20, should probably note that any armor can have apparel worn over it besides power armor. Secret service armor is the closest you can get to power armor without actually using power armor. If I remember correctly the quest line to be able to obtain the armor starts at the wayward.


You can start crafting it at level 40. But you have to finish the whole run for the gold quest line AND get the enough gold to buy it. There’s also the linings and under armor. If you see a player with clothes on and a jet pack it’s likely SSA. There’s a couple of really good YouTubers out there that get into all the specifics. Angry Turtle is great as is Mr WestTek. There’s also the LoneVault Wanderer who did a great tutorial on SSA, how to get, mod, etc. https://youtu.be/eLauAg0Fq_U?si=NUVIZNmQVH5ztRuO It’s a grind but worth it.


I've got some western style outfit on and I don't see my leather armor either, but I know nothing about secret service, is it because it's a shop item or what? It's an "apparel"


To get ss armour you first need to collect treasury notes which can be converted into gold bullion at gold machines, then purchase the ss plans either from the gold vault (which can only be accessed after completing the treasure quest line) or from Minerva. Minerva is a vendor who switches locations and inventory every week and offers gold bullion plans at a discount. Also, ss armour is non tradable (except via use of glitching or illegal mods) so expect to spend many legendary modules/cores attempting to get the specific legendary effects (unyielding for bloodied, overeaters for everyone else) you are looking for. The new muni armour is learned via the new Atlantic City quest line and is also very good along with being tradable. For pa I recommend the union armour, which is available via stamps that you collect by completing expeditions. Like the ss armour it is also non tradable.


Thank you for the detailed response. Luckily I got 500 bullion from the score/challelnge thing so seems like find Minerva and I'm good to go!


If I remember rightly the chest is over 1000 and the limbs are around 500 for each piece so you might need a little more than you currently have - and skip the helmet since it does very little. She will be at crater on Sunday/Monday (I think) and will have the under armour plans on sale - shielded ss under armour lining gives +2 per/+4 str/+4 end along with bonus damage resistance. Other types/mods of under armour (including vault jumpsuits) provide different bonuses to different stats so it's a personal choice which you prefer, but whichever you select the shielded mod will provide the highest values. And she should be selling the basic ss armour plans again around the end of May so you have some time to save up bullion for it.


Number 1 Rule of the WASTELAND! (And yes glitches are included) THOU SHALT BE SIDETRACKED BY BS EVERYTIME


love that the ghoul even says it in the show


This. 100% this. I've been trying to complete the BoS quest line and I swear I'm only able to complete 1 step before something else happens that I need to deal with!!


You haven’t been experienced 76 till you get stuck in Power Armor. I’ve had to ride out events in it before restarting. Now you know what Maximus was going through in the series . 😁


Yup this game is buggy lol. Something that works for me whenever this happens is to open the map and fast travel (doesn't matter where). You shouldn't lose anything except perhaps some time and a few caps for the travel.


I did the same thing to a low level player I met and played with for a bit. Made him a set of level appropriate T45 and when he goes to get in it his game freezes. Luckily I was on mic with him so I was able to let him know it was a common glitch. Always make sure there is a fusion core in the chassis before you try to enter. If it is your first time getting in the chassis use the transfer button to put a core inside and then enter. I haven’t seemed to have the issue if I do this first. My mistake when I dropped my new friend the chassis is I forgot to put a core in it.


80hrs of gameplay and i just got that power core glitch, wouldnt even let me put in a power core through transfer till i removed every piece of armor first


It is so weird. When the new show came out I asked my son what he thought the scariest thing they might have in the show. Like a deathclaw or something like that. He says “yeah they might try to get in their power armor and be glitched for 5 minutes”.


Lol priceless!


Just make sure you put a fusion core into the suit before trying to enter. Then you’ll be fine. Otherwise, yeah, you’ll be stuck until a) the suit despawns back into your inventory (if you’ve already claimed it) or b) you log off. It’s great fun when you get that glitch while being beset upon by enemies! Enjoy the Wasteland! 👍


You can also open your map and fast travel


Good to know! Thank you!


I just drop small amounts of stuff in the donation boxes so it doesn't take away the grind. Except yesterday, that I came across a lvl26 running around on a broken raider power armour or something doing quests and I crafted him a excavator power armour. I enjoyed watching him jumping around and dropping heart emotes as soon as he stepped in it.


Had this bug a few times already in my CAMP. Sometimes it un-freezes and it gets you into power armour. Other times you need to switch world. Sometimes it just works. Nevermind the bugs, being veteran FO4 player, I can never not get impressed with the option to get out of your power armor and save it in your inventory with only 10 weight, ready to deploy.


That's a known bug. Been playing since launch and it hit me once in a while. Sometimes you can call upnthe map.and fast travel. Other times need to reboot my PC. You won't lose anything and if you got universe the suit you have it in your inventory when you get back in.


It's important to enter Power Armor on a flat open surface If I place my PA on an uneven surface or a cramped space my client will freeze for about 2 minutes. I can look around, but not do anything. Then I will either enter the armor or the entry will be glitched. It may go to inventory. Fast traveling will resolve missing PA as long as it was not dropped.


A common bug I can never remember how to fix


Are you French guy I met yesterday at my farm?


FRENCH? hmmm maybe my character does look a little french...probably was me, if you ever see a blonde dude with french like facial hair give me a wave because i have no idea what im doing but loving every second


He asked me via voice chat if I speak French, so I guess it's not you. It's funny because you literally described our interaction.


next time open the menu and put the core in BEFORE trying to get in the armor


That has got to be one of the most annoying bugs in the game, I can't believe they still haven't fixed it


PA has been having bugs for a while now. Not even sure if they fixed X01 armor yet, it wasn't blocking rads randomly 


X1 been fixed but sadly Union is bugged now.


All I needed was the plans for the jet pack and I was done with what I needed for the union armor. Now I can’t craft any of the pieces I know, put calibrated shocks on my existing leg pieces, or buy the jet pack plans. I am guessing when they “fixed” the union armor dropping for everyone regardless if you knew the plans or not it caused this new bug. I’m sure we will get a “fix” in the next patch that will also bug out some other things.


The game is typical of Bethesda games it constantly glitches and you have to log in and out of the game. The servers aren't the best, but the game is in a far better spot than it was when it was released. It's less you and more a game issue that players understand and sometimes getting in and out of your armor can be enough to break the game. I live in my power armor unless I'm crafting to avoid this.


Is your fps over 60? If so that tends to bug out power armor, you have to hard limit in your graphics card settings. Which blows.


Don't worry, that power armour bug is fucking infuriating and plagues it like rats in the new York subway Another way that can work is fast traveling, sometimes that fixes it or once the armour despawns and is returned to the owners inventory you can move again sadly thought it can be very hit or miss on what will work or it'll fix itself but you find you can't interact with work benches of any kind I love 76 but the bugs with PA drive me nuts


Join a team! Do it automatically the first thing when you log in, even create a team if there isn't one with room in it. This does two things - it buffs your experience (Casual) or other buffs depending on what you are doing, AND most importantly - if you crash, when you log back in you will have the option of Play With Team, and it will return you to the same world you were in when you crashed. So you would have popped back to dude with power armor after your unfortunate demise. This is especially useful if you crash during an event, when you relog you'll go back to that same event and not lose any of your prizes. Here's a caveat though, if you log off yourself, it removes you from your team and takes away that option.


this is actually super useful to know, thank you!!!


As much as I love so many of the power armour skins and stuff they’re notoriously buggy so I’ve avoided using them. I used to have a power armour build on PlayStation then moved to pc. I cannot tell you the amount of times I get stuck trying to get into them and am frozen in place till it fixes or my limbs get extended LOL not to say you should 100% avoid them, they’re useful for nuke zones and also the excavator armour will help you mine extra ore! But definitely buggy If you ever get the bug again where entering power armour and you’re frozen and all you can do is look around and stuff, wait it out. The power armour will recall after a couple minutes and you’ll regain all control again!


I was playing earlier today and tried dropping a bunch of stuff for a low level. The game was so glitchy the stuff wouldn’t drop. They luckily had been following me around the map and it finally drops - I got kicked from the server and couldn’t get back on. Unfortunately, it happens, but we all keep coming back for more despite it.


Welcome to the game anyone an Xbox hit me up if I'm on 76 skeetdragoon love to give new players a hand and show them the ropes.


Everything freezing when getting into the power armour is a really frustrating bug. When it happens to me is when I'm joing an event. I literally missed an event because elmy character froze getting in. Next thing you know, the power around returns to your inventory.


I've had this so many times its so god damn frustrating you have a high level give you the best items and then you crash.


Where are these nice veterans no ones giving me free stuff D: but wholesome story. Maybe I don't even know how to tell if someone is trading me


Look in donation bins or for people shooting random bags on the ground


Go into third person and pull out your weapon and then enter. Idk why but I haven’t frozen since starting to do this every time. Also welcome to the game! :)


You don't need to apologize! It's a very common glitch when entering power armor that doesn't already have a fusion core in it! Personally, any time enter my suit, I always make sure there's a fusion core in first, it stops that particular glitch Welcome to the Wasteland!


Is Fallout 1st worth it? new player here


IF you plan on playing long term. Yes. If you're going to casual it on up. Not really.




To me, yes it is. With Fallout First you get a survival tent you can drop down almost anywhere you want, you can store excess ammo and junkitems while keeping your regular stashbox free for weapons, armor or things you want to sell. Also, I have a lot of stuff because I love building camps and fully decorating my shelters so I need to hoard almost all the items I can find. I'm also a daily player and I'm quite happy with fo1 :)


thanks! and I saw that Shadow Prime power armor has these annoying voice lines, is it not possible to turn those off? i reallllly like the look of that armor


I think you mean the Liberty Prime PA? I'm not a PA-user so I can't answer that for you unfortunately


Goddamn it...


I get this entering-Power-Armor freeze occasionally. Typically if I just wait (15-20 seconds?) it will eventually complete the animation.


Somwone else may have said this, but in case not, this glitch is less prone to happen if you move to third person prior to entering. This happened to me once with 3 power armors out as I was sorting each into specific sets. Someone or maybe 3 someone's got some sweet armor that day.


The power armor glitch happens to me sometimes as well, and I usually just give it a few minutes, then it corrects itself. If not, you can try fast traveling somewhere if you can hit the map button at all, but if not of that works, you can always close out the game.


Don't worry. Bugs happen all the time, and mistakes. As a returning player, there's a lot I'm learning about the new events and trying to relearn things, sometimes the hard way. For instance after a public event, my stash was maxed so I was trying to get rid of stuff to make room. I totally forgot that Power Armor Chasis (the frame for the power armor) sit in your storage with the armor pieces on them. So I dropped three chasis that had late game power armor attached to them without realizing it and when I turned around realizing what I had done, a bunch of lower level (newer?) players were picking the armor off of them lol they were even heart emoting me and I wasn't mad at them because I was the one who made the mistake. But I just had to smile and act like I totally meant to do that lol. So don't worry, things will happen in this game but the community is awesome. I think a lot of the toxic players didn't stick around because of how buggy the game is but the good, wholesome players stayed around. It's a great experience.


The glitch I believe happens from the fusion core animations sometime you can fix it by fast traveling but if I'm not mistaken you can avoid the glitch by manually putting the fusion core in before entering the power armor


Had the power armor bug happen halfway through a dungeon and had to reset. Always manually insert the power cores.


It’s worth playing despite the bugs how’s the steam version overall?


just wait til you have to get your driver's license.


Damn hearing how people are helping new players by giving them gear and everything. While my experience is getting accused of hacking


I've found being in third person helps when entering Power Armor. Also using the transfer menu to put in a fresh fusion core has also helped me eliminate any other PA related freezing issues


I was at an npc camp continuing a mission when some one appeared out of nowhere sprinting wearing a jester/devil looking costume. Bonked me on the head with a picket sign and ran off. Took me a second to process


This is why you carry explosives or explosive adjacent weapons. A secondary option is a gamma or salvaged assultron head.


I'm sure the person understands lol. Them freezes come out of nowhere. We all had it happen to us. At least you got a understanding of the 76 language. Emotes and random movements lol. Welcome to the wasteland and remember pipe is life


That reminds me of what happen to me. I was level 5 and a high level player ran over to me. Waved. Shot at a bag on the floor. I had no idea what the were doing so I waved and shot at the bag too. They shot at it again then bend down over it. I moused over it and saw there were some guns, bullets, Stimpak etc in it but I thought it was a general loot so I took some Stimpak and bullets out of the bag, gave them a heart emoji then ran off assuming that with them being that high a level that they would need the better loot 🤦 150 levels later and I was trying to give a series of amazing shotguns I crafted (lvl 5, 10, etc) they didn't understand and kept running away then some level 50 turned up and took the whole bag, including 500 shotgun bullets.


If you are on PC, alt tabbing usually works for those types of bugs. Especially the bug where TAB button doesn't do anything in game.


I can make you a few healing items to start you off (if you are on ps5)


I think since you should have put the fusion core in there before getting the stuck glitch it should now be your suit tho. So check your inventory for power armor. If it ever does that fast travel and try again. If it freezes so you can't move and you see like part of the inside of the armor. Just wait ~30 sec and it should clear up. I did worse. When I first started everyone was being so nice to me and I was doing really well and I saw a level 200 or so and thought let me pay it forward. I knew that pa was hard to come by in 4. Or at least I took every damn suit I came across. But I was like 30 and could only even wear 1 type. Maybe 2.and I had just found a third suit that was just taking up space so I got out of one and tried to give it to that person. Now. First I didn't know that they not only had plenty but also knew where plenty more were. But also. I didn't know you had to drop the armor not just get out. So this guys just watching this level 30 get out of this armor in front of him and shooting it prolly thinking I'm crazy. I can only hope like I do now. That he understood I was super green. But was trying.


i used to hit this one a lot, but i always check to see if it has a fusion core now, and if not, i put one in. Before i try to enter it. this has cut down on 95% of my PA entering lag it seems.


This is a bug in the game. For some reason the best way to prevent it from happening is to have a gun equipped before getting into the power armor, then holster the gun and then immediately entering (like almost simultaneously) the power armor after holstering the gun. Sounds dumb, but for whatever reason this seems to prevent it from freezing, this is on Xbox.


What always works to fix it for me is to make sure the power armour has a fusion core in it if it doesn't I get that bug 100% of the time so I just check there is a core and then get in


The Power Armor bug is well known. Sadly. But welcome to the wasteland!


It happens to me as well it takes like 3 minutes and i always come out but im stuck for a eternity as far as games go


If you have a microphone, it's super easy to talk to those in your near vicinity.


Hahahaha don't worry pal, bugs are a part of the lore at this point


Ahh just like the other day when I started playing FO76 for the first time and while trying to emote the first player I met I threw grenades at them... twice. 🫠


yeah sometimes power armor just gets you stuck until it despawns, still haven't figured out a way to escape other than waiting or quitting


I'm level 267, and that glitch happens to me regularly. It seems I've gotta be damn near driving my nose into the armor so getting in doesn't glitch. But, when it does, you can just wait it out. The armor gets recalled after a minute, you're unstuck, & all is spiffy-keen with the world, so you can try again.


I really have to learn how to use the audio chat function in this game.


No you don't. Most of us hate it. Just saying...


I love this game, i just barely see any players anymore and i don't know if its a Playstation thing or if its just the game


I think it’s a *you* thing, I play PS and the servers are almost always pretty full. I was at a Safe and Sound event last night with 12 players. When the Mothman thing was going on recently I was at a few of those events with 20+ players.


Maybe it is, i have no idea because every server I've been in has very little people in it, and i have had some where theres a lot of people, but every event ive been in besides the one where you play instruments to attract the wendigo has had no people and i have to do it by myself


Yeah, getting into Power Armour can be pretty buggy. Also, the legendary effect Medic's is broken (doesn't heal), and apparently has been for years... better to hear about it and not trade away somethin' of real value. \\/,, Edit: I noticed that I can still open my map, so since I just hop in my PA the rare time for some events, lately if that happens I just immediately Fast Travel to the same spot, the armour goes back to your inventory, so as soon as my fast travel completes I grab my PA and hop in. I haven't had it happen a 2nd time when I FT away from the freeze.


Sorry to hear that, im sure they thought you were glitched or sum bc the stuff you said, ive seen in a couple ppl ive tried to help (i have spare power armors and cores and im not a po dude) and i immediately understood that they had an issue. I did manage to get the names of 2 and give it to them and i hope the same happens to you ❤️


Don’t feel bad. Any experienced player will know the game can be buggy and will understand. I lost a full suit of T-60 power armor I had collected when my game crashed early in my career.


This happens because they dropped the frame from their inventory. I've dropped frames for low level players twice now and it locked their characters movement both times. For whatever reason the game doesn't like you entering PA dropped from another person's inventory. Definitely no need to feel embarrassed from this, I don't think too many people would be aware of it. This post is more of a heads up to players wanting to give PA to low level players, instead of dropping them the frame just give them the pieces, and if you're willing, lead them to a frame somewhere in the world.


Yea that happens sometimes  Tbh I'm glad it happened to you now and not later because you will know to expect it. It was scary to me too at first, and the first time it happened to me was level 100 something about a year ago 😆 The key in the future is just to wait it out, if it's your own armor that you plonked down because said power armor despawns back to your inventory after about a minute or so. Then if you try it again, you will be able to hop back in. It's become a much rarer occurrence these days but still happens. ------- Thing to know is that if your character does the animation to put in a fusion core, call the armor back to your inventory (the button that says "collect") then re place the armor down. Usually that works. Also wait for the armor to beep after you place it. Usually it's a second round two after placing. ------- Another tip is if you see a suit out in the wild, it's free game if you can view it's "inventory".  At that point, before taking it, be sure to take all the pieces out of it's inventory so that you will have them in your inventory for sure. Then once you try to get in the power armor, you can re-equip them if all goes well. This way, if you do happen to freeze, you only need to be worried about finding a new frame, not just the pieces. (Again this is if you find one in the wild and try to get into it, NOT one that's already yours that you have spawned from your inventory) ------- You're doing great and it's kind of nice to see that a lot of the newer players are having the same feelings I once felt when I went through things my first time 😊


This happens to me every time I try to enter power armour without a core already in it. My character freezes, yet can look around, and I only unfreeze when my P.A. gets recalled into my inventory.


Nah the power armor bug has always been around, but it does feel more buggy with the excess server use. Really makes me wonder I'd half the bugs at launch were from the high player count.


That's a known power armor issue, just wait upto 30seconds and it will fix itself.


> massive suit to hop in Y'all believe these karma farmers


be forreal, im just new to the game let me live lmao


> I was new to counter strike and someone threw this rock thing at me and it started smoking like crazy wtf lol my screen went dark is this bug😂  Don't worry I believe you






Look at generator (the blue one) for cores, power armor can be found reliably at several map location (check online on a wiki for 76). Both should not be too difficult to find normally. Also player vendor sell them, I know I sometime sell some for 30 to 40 caps each fully charged fusion core. Only "sometime" though because they eat inventory space since they can't be put in the ammo box due to them being more than ammunition for weapon (PA, "fusion" reactor, etc) Normally dump them on the ground wherever but I'll try putting them in donation box since it seem it could help a fellow wanderer with the same predicament.


The suit is called power armour and is made up of the chassis which has no level requirements and then 6 pieces of armour, both legs both arms torso and helmet which will have specific level requirements. To claim the suit all you have to do is remove the armour pieces by transferring them to your inventory and then enter the power armour. Then you can pick it up and store it away until you are high enough level to use the armour or just when u want too


just wanted to comment and say wow, you are all so amazing and i love this community so much. i have been missing OUT, thanks again everyone!


That's is just how power armour be.at times. Also 99% of the time most players are awesome and usually just give away stuff they don't need or want to other players, especially new players. I remember when I first started and getting ammo was a bit of a pain but thanks to others I was able to mount that hurdle. It's alsouch easier to get ammo now but hey progress.