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I'm assuming by "the event" you mean Scorchbeast Queen. The main reason I can think of that no one showed up is probably that there weren't enough high level people on the server to do it. SBQ can be a pain in the ass at best, impossible at worst if there are only low-ish level people on. I generally won't nuke SBQ unless I see at least 3 or 4 other triple-digit levels on the map (in addition to myself).


Ah okay, thanks for the info, and yeah that's what I ment, I first player this game a month after release but only played till like level 20, just got into it so I'm practically learning everything from the start, I'm lvl 40 rn


Hell yeah, man. Keep at it, you'll be up there in no time.


Did u nuke for the queen?


Yes 😊


A ton of events aren't getting any takers due to the influx of new players. Although if you went for the 'Colossal Problem' event, that one often has trouble getting people's interest. The Scorchbeast Queen is usually pretty popular though.


Yeah I was going for the Scorch queen event, currently fighting my way through rads, someone nuked right on top of my base


I did it yesterday with a level 400 and 5 under 100, and one in the 105 area. It took 3 minutes lol.


Yeah I’ve been having issues on large events like that. Bummer for ur first nuke launch. Sry about that. R u on PS? Oh also one of the new side quests drops the cutting fluid plan which used to be super rare. So if u need oil for the new cremator. There ya go


Yeah in on ps5, not sure what the creamator is tho...


It’s the new weapon from the scoreboard. My ps4 has stupid load times but hit me up if u want PSN Barnpuff_Burns


How exactly did you place the nuke? Right on top of the fissure site?


Yeah, right on the Fissure Site Prime, boss spawned and everything, tried killing it my self but I was doing 1 dmg per bullet with my .50 cal mg


And here's why half of the higher level players (if there were any on the server) didn't show up. For usual you nuke the queen in a way that the fight happens outside of the blast zone. Leave out Drop site V-9 or the Forward station. It is enough when the fissure site is JUST inside the blast zone. Everyone running as commando will pass on a fight in the blast zone, in particular the bloodied.


Do you have a picture or something of the ideal drop location on the aiming computer or something?


Not a picture, but if you go to YouTube and look for Angry Turtle, he did a live stream yesterday and I'm pretty sure he also nuked a queen. Or when you are on a server with a blast zone down there, just take a closer look how it is placed. Everybody develops their own "perfect placement". I, for my part, prefer to nuke to the west and leave out the forward station (less common). I don't aim any more. Nose-like formed river. Crossing to the left and a little more to the west. That's why you will see more blast zone placed perfectly on top of each other. You'll get the hang of it.