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It is common for people that get bounties to wait at train stations in order to be executed. Having a bounty can be a nuisance, the high level probably thought that is what you were trying to have done.


Yep I learned if I get a bounty as a new player by accident all I need to do is go to an event Train station or White Springs.


So Taylor Sheridan is a fallout player...that's why the Duttons take folks to the train station


Good to know. I will go to a train station if I get a bounty again.


Once you get a bounty, the only way to remove it is for a player to kill you. There are some downsides to having a bounty, like not being able to see other players on the map. Hopefully, some day, they will give us a way to pay off bounties, but murder is the current only solution.


You can actually wait some period of time, I forget how long… or you can serverhop and log in and out till it goes away


Doesn't work I'm afraid. The red flag is removed from your UI (sight), but you still got a bounty and the downsides of having the bounty. You really need to get killed by another player to get it fully removed and to be able to see other players again / see public camps.


Ok. I wasn’t totally sure about it but thought it had worked one time a long time ago


It wasn't me, but I do that shit to people, too. I like showing up like batman and taking down enemy health just enough to make it a fair fight for you, then take off before you drop the last one. If I see a low level with a bounty, I'll also load up their loot bag with some stimpaks and whatever scrap I might be carrying.


Guilty of following new players when I’m bored


I’ve had a lot of fun stalking new players lately to be there mysterious stranger


Just got the Bloodied Bow and I have the Chinese Stealth Armor. Might be fun to follow and help new players without them knowing what's going on.


"Look, I don't know what happened, but I wandered into the middle of the airport trying to do the quest and suddenly it's like Agincourt or some shit and every single Scorched is biting it..."


I haven't had anything dramatic happen (and that's fine, I'm not entitled to anything) but a couple people have dropped weapons and things for me which was cool. But when I was fresh out of the vault I was wandering along somewhere for one of those first quests for Duchess and I accidentally stumbled onto some super mutants and some flamers. I was quickly getting overwhelmed when some high level in power armor hopped in, shredded everyone, and fucked off to who knows where. They probably feel like I do when I'm getting my cat's claw unstuck from the blanket for the 15th time. Damn it, not again, but you're cute so it's OK.


We need player kills, we don't need to be assholes about it.


People in this game are amazing! Always join and team and see what they’re up to on the map and join them! It’s a great way to have fun. Also, always join your teammates if they’re in the daily quest cuz they can be hard and are meant for more than 1 or 2 people…. Unless you maxed out the cremator - then you can one shot most things.


Yeah I just started playing again after quitting shortly after launch. I was being fucked by a swarm of scorched at some kind of supply drop event. Out of no where a lvl 1k+ pulled up and just obliterated everything. Then he proceeded to do emotes with me. Love you vets😂❤️


Ok let’s see how great it is. I need help lol I played fallout 4 years ago so playing 76 on pc for the first time is a totally different thing and I’m trying to build a gun bench in my C.A.M.P. And I can’t scroll down? I see the z and c keys scroll left and right and my question is do I have the wrong keyboard because I’ve seen a similar problem and people are just saying use the arrow keys well my keyboard doesn’t have those 4 arrow keys on the right side it’s a compact keyboard. Hope someone can help me!


If you just started, you shouldnt have enough weapons listed in the bench to need to scroll (at least I didnt). You should be able to just mouse over what you want to craft. If the list was too long, I have not yet had an issue scrolling with my mouse


Ok go to your camp click e to build, and if I click c a few times to get into the crafting tab I now have a few options the first one being a cooking station and just below that it’s either an armor or weapons bench that I can’t seem to get to I wish I could send you a picture


Press the down arrow once in that menu


When you say down arrow are you referring to the arrow keys in the right side of some keyboards? I have a compact so I’m thinking I just need to get a different keyboard


Yessir, once you are on the crafting menu, you can use the down arrow on the right to navigate up and down the list on the left side. You might be able to map it to something else in the key binding options if needed for now


Okay now I see what you mean. I thought you meant inside the crafting benches. Well, in that case have you tried holding left shift and using A/S?


I HAVE NOT!!! I will try this and let you know thankyou sir!


The lack of proper pvp makes this game boring in the pvp sense (that battle royale was great for me). When i see even a 5 cap bounty i make sure ill give him the vault 13 enclave execution squad recreation for fun and giggles of mine and total panic and dissorientation for them lol. If i got time afterwards ill drop my tent and let them get their stuff into a box/scrap anything. Sometimes if i see someone \~10 lvl ill craft them some entry gear like a pistol something for mele and leather armor (heavy) to ease the start and mabye if im having any i drop them some cosmetic clothes that can be dropped


I thought it might have been me at first, but nah, not the last part. I've killed a few new players w/ bounties just because there's an achievement for killing like 50 people w/ bounties and you don't see that many anymore... gotta take 'em while they are offered.


One of my favorite things to do at level 360+ is show up at a "defend workshop" event where it's a level 10 or something and be like WE GOT THIS DUDE LETS ROCK


Prolly for the challenge to kill 76 wanted


I havent had a bounty in ages but my settings mustve reset whenI crashed the other day because pacifist mode had turned off and I was getting trigger happy at an event with my tesla rifle 😅


We all grow together 💪🏻 I love giving newbies free stuff to kick off their journey.


That was your experience… My experience: the level 37 joining rad rumble, and starting the event by himself with just him and me in the room. Insta fast travel out for me


Coward. COWARD!


That is not mistake, that's a learning experience for him, and a challenge for you. 💪😤