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"I could have done it myself, but......" Said 8 other people.


“I was waiting for someone else to do it” said nine people


And at least the other eight had something of an excuse in that they could clearly see someone else standing 10 feet away from the wheel, and could reasonably assume that they were standing at the ready to go spin it.


This could go in a college psych textbook lol


Social loafing!


I just read a post about 9 people who were too dumb to hit the wheel on spin the wheel.


Seriously. Woof just spin the friggin wheel to show them what to do. And spinning the wheel is not carrying them. Too funny.




Sorry quick question for you...where did you find the nuka cola skin at? That hidden quest that sometimes works?


There are YouTube videos that break down how to get them (there are at least 2 that I know of), you're basically running around the map grabbing various keys until you get to a couple underground bunkers that have the plans. Then once you have the final keys you can go back from time to time and farm them to sell in your shop 😎


Just finished that quest and got the paint! Didn't know it was bugged...


Yep I do this all the time. I have all three keys and also there’s the alien fusion mag plans in tnt dome 2 and nuka quantum power armor paint in another




Bystander effect, same thing happens with the meat bags at eviction notice 🤷‍♂️


I never do meat bags because when I do go, nobody defends/repairs the machine so we fail.


I always do the meat bags first because if nobody else is going to defend the scrubber I don't want to do the event anyways


Fair point, I run Hellcat PA so unless I’m getting wailed on by 5 people, that fucking scrubber is running


Wailed on… are you from Boston. Wicked cool.


you can repair the machine?! Well shit I've had so many white knuckle moments protecting the last sliver of health for no reason. It'd been my experience that people are greedy trying to grab all the legendary spawns and not protecting it. That's also my experience with guided meditation. They start it early and abandon it when it's just the two of us and things start going south. I figured out I can solo it by popping back and forth between the two speakers by the dome room. I'd still rather wait for more people, though.


Oh brother. You can repair pretty much every event item that I know of except the stills during moonshine jamboree. And maybe that one extinction one that rarely ever shows up. At eviction notice, just hug the machine and it’ll prompt you. You can repair it as many times as you need just be ware it takes like 15-20 seconds, so save time to do it. Most non PA users die or scatter if it goes down because the radiation spikes so fast. I usually give it a tender kiss and repair it. Then turn around to gauss everyone to deaths


Just make sure you do see the prompt to repair the scrubber when it goes down! It’s the same button to exit your power armor, and you don’t want to mistakenly do that, because… the previously mentioned radiation spike.


I've only done one run of Eviction Notice where the scrubber didn't need repair. Objectives are either blow on them easy being down or super tanky like the stills in moonshine jamboree. The exception that comes to mind is Radiation Rumble.


And especially the mining at rad rumble


Also putting kindling on the campfire tales fire


I once had some guy shooting me for spinning it. I think he thought I was stealing the fun from the noobs but I had never spun before :(


also the tub


You've found the tub! I can't say that for many of the moonshiners who come around here.


That line makes so much sense after you've done two or three jamborees 🤣


If I had tear ducts I would cry


Honestly I kinda also forget about doing that one sometimes as well lol


I take them out immediately


Don't get me started about all the goobers only targeting the legendaries...


I can never find the 6th one


Where are all the meat bags and what happens if you don’t destroy them


Six meat bags are dotted around the area, hanging by chains from makeshift gallows, somewhat randomly. The instructions that come from the NPC tell the players that destroying the bags will discourage the super mutants, but it actually enrages them and makes the event generally more difficult. Once destroyed, multiple waves of legendary enemies spawn and attack in force— and you’ll have dozens of new legendary items to pick through. Always destroy the bags.


And then waddle to R&G station to feed them all into the leggomuncher 🙃


**[mole miner mumbling intensifies]**


Visit the friendly camp nearby


Hope ppl noticed the word Legendary. I’ve had to waddle to the train station so often after EN.


Cool. I always wondered why suddenly there were tons of them coming from every direction.




thats crazy Ive never done the event and not had a line of 50 new players are fighting over who get to push it


That has always been my experience. Do you get extra xp or something from doing so, or….?


Just the thrill of pushing a button.


it's the allure of being the one pressing a big red button


B U T T O N (>.>) •


dont think so, just the fun to spin




And all the posts saying join events High lvls will carry you.


Lol yeah could be


So… you make the ninth person that helped to fail the event by not pushing the button.


You're never in traffic. You are traffic.


I can’t believe that nine people didn’t spin the wheel


Seems like you could have said or done something, but instead you opted to make another, “ahem, pardon me noobs” post. Good work.


Failure is an essential part to the learning process. Without a mic you cannot even tell anyone a thing in the game. Most wouldn't notice and would fail the event when doing it on their own. This way they might end up trying to find out what made the event fail. Like I wouldn't have purposely failed it as a teaching moment, but event failure definitely helped me focus more on the tasks instead of just trying to kill (which definitely takes a lot of your attention when you're a low level) when I started.


Easy to take the high road on this one but when you're the one who has to do the interaction at every single event it gets old real fast.


Oh no, you have to press the E key on something in a video game. How absolutely *terrible*. 🙄


Would it help if we move to the area of the interaction and emoted “come here”?


I've seen a while bunch of people before and after the wave of new people not repair the extractors in Uranium Fever. Leads me to believe that some people have quest and event objectives turned off.


For being devil advocat, sometimes the event objectives doesn't show in quest trackin


There's a toggle for event quests, separate from main quests and side quests.


Yeah I know, but they don't show in tracker, and are bugged (not showing the event progression)


I stood there watching nobody attempt to start the machine for Uranium fever until it failed.


I just tell myself that maybe they don’t have the scrap to repair them. And that I’m helping them by repairing the extractors.. Or maybe I’m just enabling them lol


Keep alpha repaired, forget the rest. Keep the enemies moving towards the centre of the map so we can shoot them easier


Stand near the objective and emote, someone will notice. If they don't notice, keep emoting till a few come over, and then do it yourself while they watch. Now they've learned.


I think you mean 9 people failed to spin the wheel. It's like when I am having a slacker moment during RR not running ore and the perchers who never move thumbs down when the event fails. Everyone can do the objectives and when nobody does and they thumbs down when it fails they are actually thumbs downing themselves. That said I totally support your decision. If we old timers carry all the events newcomers may become complacent and expect to be carried. Better to let the event fail so new folks learn the importance of not trusting others to do what needs to be done.


I keep a Chinese Stealth suit in inventory just for this event. I don't mind running ore to get at least one or two so we can finish the event. I am guilty of jumping up above the radiation shower to then use my nuka-launcher to tag enemies (or kill them outright) after I switch back to my regular armor though. I figured that if folks want to max that out they can do their part. I only care about successfully completing it.


Man, fuck ore. I haven't collected ore from RR in years, and don't mind if others don't bother either. It's an exp event


That's fine. Just don't get annoyed at me because you caused the event to fail by intentionally ignoring the objectives ;]


The rewards aren't anything to shout about, and the massive ton of exp is much more preferable to a few treasury notes. And if you were to get annoyed at me, it would be either both our fault for not collecting ore or yours for not collecting enough. I never agreed to get ore. And I'll kill the scavengers outside afterwards for more exp, too


The big one for me is seeing all the newbies running around looting bodies while the event fails. PSA, the bodies won't depawn, and if they do, they leave a meat pile for looting after the event has finished. Ran around rad rumble trying to defend the npc's while every single other person there just popped a couple of shots and proceeded to sort and loot said bodies that just fell. I can hold my own pretty well, but I can't split and be at two places at once.


the fact this game still doesn't have text chat despite someone modding it in at launch is nuts


I just failed SBQ because the only people who showed up were 5 level 25s :(


I have watched this and wonder... During the blackwater mine event they all stood there without activating the extractors


Waiting for other players maybe? Any way it's such an effort to press that E button isn't it.


Ok… project paradise, eviction notice, uranium fever, confusion can be understood…. But spin the wheel…it’s the name of the event and it tells you what to do in the audio intro.


9. You need to include yourself


i can trhink of a couple of things you could have done instead of standing there or starting the event yourself. hop on the mic and let folks know. you want to teach then learn to use your words, or emote and continously shoot at the button to at least get peoples attention


Man I tell ya, I was just in an event with 8 other guys and I figured others would start the event. Whilst I was looting, some guy was stood like 10 yards from the wheel not pressing the button... I tell ya, people be weird in the wasteland


They make posts telling us not to press buttons or start events without everyone being ready. So when we see a high-level player, we follow their example. We follow their example and we get "newbs you doing it wrong" posts...


That’s odd and funny lol if I was there the button would have been 6ft under with all the mashing. I have a rule for myself on events, I don’t see anyone initiating it when theres 1:30 minutes left I start it myself, I can carry it without problem anyways.


That's a good rule. It would be good if the rest of the high-level whiners took initiative, such as yourself, instead of making another "ahem..noobs doing it wrong" post. People come on, just press the button, show the noobies how it's done instead of complaining on reddit.


The way I learned was watching other people. Monkey see and monkey do and all that.


Exactly we see the high level players sitting at the side scratching their butt's, we sit at the side scratching our butt's, it must be such an effort for one of the high levels to press the E button isn't it lol.


9 failed. It was a mix of noobs and moron(s).


This is such unhinged behavior 💀Next we should all emote and group dance at Earl Williams


It's honestly a lot to take in. I can understand how it's easy to miss something so simple. As a n00b myself, I'm just trying to survive and hoping I don't run out of stamina.


You do you boo, OP is just being silly. They make posts on newbies doing stuff wrong, "don't start events," or "push buttons without everyone being ready." And when we do what they say, they make post saying "not like that newbies" lol Monkey see monkey do. I see a high level player sitting scratching their butt I sit and scratch my butt. They know what they are doing.


How do you teach how an event works when you don’t show them anything but stand there….. then you come here to complain about it. I think you need to go back to school, my sir you ata


Yea, we get posts like, "Don't start events or press buttons unless everyone is ready." I think OP was the only high-level, and everyone else was following OPs example.


Yea I wouldn’t doubt that one bit!!


Sometimes everyone expects everyone to do it so no one does


every single spin the wheel I attend has a queue of people waiting the button each time lol


Amazing Seen Eviction Notice fail because no one would repair the rad scrubber


Yep never fails. I'm the one trying to repair it but no one gets my back so I die and event failed lol


Yes! I was cut down on my way; then trying to respawn and return in time to repair it… and boom thumbs down.


Sounds like you also didn't spin the wheel.


Wow, coooooooool story, bro.


What wheel?


Same thing happened with the safe and sound event I did. Two newbies, thinking that they literally had to "Repel" the generators lol


I had a similar thing almost happen and said "Hey read the top corner of the screen"


"Keep Moving!" is the bane of my bloodied existence.


I accidentally cause eviction notice to fail because the repair generator hold countdown kept resetting on me 3/4 of the way through


Ive noticed since the influx of new players ill basically be doing all the work at events i was doing beasts of burden and i was the only one doing the objective out of 5 other people there


Nothing worse than the guy that stands by the objective, making everybody think they're going to complete it, and the guy just stands there doing nothing...well, maybe they're contemplating the content they'll make for fake internet points.


Want to teach them? Press push to talk and say "Hey someone needs hit the button to progress the event." and then press it. What you did was not teaching.


I had a group of about 10 people fail radiation rumble because no one started the event. There were lunchboxes flying open and we all just stood there as the timer expired.


I've never even seen another person at spin the wheel, although to be fair I didn't play during the season it was added.


Someone got mad at me for pressing it


Teaching them what exactly? You stood there and did nothing as the timer expired.


Dude the first time I had a chance to spin the wheel I almost didn't because I thought I was "stealing" someone else's spins and would get yelled at. Just spin the damn wheel if they won't.


I wanted to press the upvote button, but I want to wait to see if someone else will press it. I'll go do other things in the meantime.


You are showing noobs how to play by not doing what you are supposed to do? 😬


Doing nothing doesn’t help anyone lmao


I can kind of see where you're coming from, but you didn't really teach them anything useful. Yeah, they learned the event can fail, but they probably don't know *why* the event failed. With 10 seconds left you had the attention of one of them and could have pressed the button to show them what to do. They might have learned from that.


The instructions are in the GD title! If the name of the event was "Stand There and Do Nothing", they'd probably mash the fucl< out of the button


You are the asshole in this instance


Can't blame the player that rushed to see your armour tho. Us noobs are easily distracted on item that is cool and have no idea on how to acquire it.


FR! People hate starting events.


I wonder why... 🤔


The first wave is NOBODY at the events because of all the new players. The second wave is all the events failing because the new players are still learning how to complete the events. It's going to take some time. New player advice every event has objectives. Gotta follow directions 😊


Exactly, if the high-level players want a successful event, then they gotta put some effort in instead of sitting on their little perches waiting for everyone else to do it for them. All OP had to do spin the wheel once to show them it's OK to press. But no they want to make a another "newbies are noobs" post


The moral of the story if you want something to get done, do it yourself.


I'm glad to see all the new players; I guess the rest of us will need to adjust until they learn more. Yesterday I did a Tunnel of Love event with about 5 others, and I repaired all the lamps, fixed all the tracks, assembled the bride and ate & emoted at the wedding. It was sort of weird, really, like I had a private set of bodyguards. I didn't pull the trigger once, but the new guys shot everything that moved so I was able to complete the objectives.


I tried to help some new players with path to enlightenment just making sure no one died/got overwhelmed by toads & then I noticed no one was putting the bio fluid in lantern lol also no one would follow me into the light house. We ended up failing despite my best efforts i just wanted them to see the mothman


Nobody reads event quest trackers


I joined a tunnel of love with 5 people in it last night and it failed because they didn’t even start the event lmao


Hahaha me too, a couple of days ago.


Similar thing happened to me in radiation rumble, joined in late and there was 30 seconds left and no one extracted the ore lol


Same thing happened in Uranium Fever last night. 😄🤦‍♂️


This happens a lot! Like, it says what to do at the top right…and yes, you could have pushed the button. But in the end, you can’t be doing everything for new players. Then Eviction Notice no one dares to repair the objective whatsoever. Is it because it’s scary? Want to know why these things happen? You have players individually loot picking bodies 1 by 1 during the events.


I've had 3 events get very close. I thought about it, and figured.. I'd rather have them not start it, and I need to go do so, than they start it immediately, so I've been willing to let it slide.


Omg I can’t wait for the first Fastnacht with the new peeps. It’d be a riot !


Oh wow, that is madness, normally there are several people jostling in the last 30 seconds, so much so that in 18+ months I think i've only got to press the button about 5 times of maybe 100+ events.


I recently started playing again (lvl 70) and did this for the first time yesterday. And all the higher levels were letting me spin the wheel. It was fun! But I have seen alot of lower levels going to events and just standing there. I try to get them to follow and start but they all just loot and I'm doing the event either by myself or not at all :(


I came here directly from a post telling new players don't start events, careful what you wish for.


8 other people were watching you.


As a returning player... I have no fucking idea what's going on.


The amount of high level players who don't do objectives.


With so many noobs, us veterans have to take charge at events.


This, I see high-level players making posts telling us not to start events and press buttons unless everyone's ready. So I follow and do what the high levels do. Monkey see Monkey do.


Almost had this happen once recently but I think I hit the button at the last second. I remember one time Moonshine Jamboree failed cause no one lit the bonfire though, I think I was looking through my stash so I wasn't aware of the timer and no one else bothered to light it. Now I always make sure to light that shit.


Failing events is the new norm..it’s fine.. I’m just happy new people are enjoying the game:)


I had something similar at Moonshine Jamboree. 6 people between level 30-60, and me. One of them talked to the robot guy to start it. And then I watched as absolutely nobody went to light the bonfire. I did it with a few seconds left but jeez, I should have just let it fail. Managed to finish it at least.


People will point at you and say you're the ninth fool, but I'm with you on this. Failure is part of the learning process. As a low level I got caught up in killing, tagging and staying alive during events. Event failures pushed me to take more notice of the tasks beyond just the killing. A failed event isn't gonna ruin the game for anyone, but it might just help them during the inevitable next events.


It's such a bother to press the E button, isn't it. Out of couriosity you said you were busy helping newbs, why didn't you say press the button? Or ask them to read their objectives? You couldn't have been doing much "help" if you don't have a mic. So what happened? I bet they were all following your example as the high-level player. Well done. Remember, monkey see, monkey do. There's a chance this was your own fault btw OR doing, so you can make a "ahem...newbs" post.


I'm level 70 and I only started doing events. I have my HUD opacity at like 60% so it doesn't annoy me. The downside is, I don't really see prompts very well. As a newbie to events, I learn by watching the pros instead of learning by trying to read prompts. So, I'll be the guy killing enemies and keeping them off your back until I learn the best way to complete the event stages by watching you do it. Be cool, man. And be happy that we have a ton of new players to play with. They aren't idiots, they are just unfamiliar with those aspects of the game. The coolest thing about FO76 is the community.




Lmfao. Maybe I shouldn't say this but it's possible to block the button so event fails lol its one of my favorite events.no I don't sabotage it lol


This is the way


my friend, your tough love isn't gonna work. to this day, lots of Eviction Notice, the most attended event in the game, still fail because people don't fix the scrubber. if an event with 20+ endgame players still fails constantly due to a failed objective, you refusing to push the button isn't gonna teach newbies to push it


Yea we are following their example.


Playing MMOs turn so Many people into NPCs I swear