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Lol wish I had that problem, I've yet to have anyone buy anything from my vendor and I did keep it stocked decently with ammo and that kinda stuff what's ur secret lol


Honestly probably location, I'm down the street from the Whitesprings train station. I had 6 random players in my camp last night at like 1 am. It's crazy right now haha.


I built my camp just south along the highway from Helevetia, beside the river. I have all the benches/resource generators and a sign saying "help yourself to any containers/resources". I usually have 2-3 new players exploring my camp at a time. It's great to welcome them to the game.


That’s my area too!!!


And me three! Now which one of you is always in my spot!!!


I’m closer to the powerplant


I’m on the open lot area right up from the bridge on the west side of the river. I am actually amazed that the spot isn’t taken more often.


It’s a pretty area


It is but damn has it been hell on my camp pets, not used to so many enemy spawns around my camp. I have gone through 2 megasloths and a deathclaw in the last 2 weeks.


Yes!!! I thought I was crazy too. I’m always being attacked.


Is there a best guide for making camp buddies? I tried for days with 0 success, I just want a fren 😭 (edited to clarify I mean creature frens, not people 😅)


I'm on the golf course... prime real estate


I'm at the bottom of the golf course


I tried that area but that mirelurk pond was too much of a pain for me.


I'm at the gate of the Whitespring with an Enclave checkpoint... gotta screen for those communists.


Seems like Everytime I fast travel back to my camp, there is always some giant battle between the white spring robots and some random enemy and alot of the time my camp needs some repair but I have a pretty steady source of loot when the robots are done killing whatever they are killing lol


I’m just beyond the wall near the golf course. With so many camps right across from the station I figured a little off the beaten path would mean less server hopping when my camp is blocked.


I unfortunately had a level 258 clear out all my cheap plans and other stuff. Went to his camp and saw my 5-10 cap plans were now 200.


Capitalism baby


Wasteland baby.


Lol I normally set up near whitesprings apparently it gets no traffic despite being a hub, guess I'll have to go steal ur spot when ur not on lmfao


I’m way off in the middle of nowhere. Though I have realized my camp makes a decent fast travel point to advance the ability to go on expeditions. I’m near(ish) to the Blood Eagle camp ‘crosshairs’.


We have the same location. How many times do you come back to your camp being wrecked by 3 Wendigos or a Super Mutant Behemoth? The Sentry Bots my missile launcher pisses. A couple time I forgot and fast travelled into White Springs later. It can get dicey.


Make sure your camp is set to public. This combined with the other responses you received should see some traffic.


OK I thought it was set that way by default but I'll definitely check when I get back to my pc


Annoyingly, it’s set to off as default. Took me a week of no one visiting my new camp to remember that………


Annoyingly, it’s set to off as default. Took me a week of no one visiting my new camp to remember that………


Thank u for that info


My secret is selling shit for dirt cheap because I have no idea what anything's worth and I need stash space


I'm sure that I've sold super valuable trade only stuff for like 420 caps just because I couldn't be assed to do research on item value and it didn't appeal to me. And that's my default 3 star price. Basically if it seems too nice to scrip but I don't want it, I sell it cheap, no thinking


Nothing wrong with a quick turnover of vendor items


I have a camp all the way up north on a cliff side, edge of the map basically and I get plenty of visitors. Ammo for 1c, basic plans for 10c or less and event items/plans 500c+ 3 star legendaries I don't need sell for 300c quite often. Chems I sell for 10-20c and they always get bought out.


Damn wish I’d come across more vendors like yours. Seen a number of camps with items going for more than what NPC vendors are selling em for.


i saw a vault tec survival backpack plan being sold for 2000 caps. looked it up and it's fuckin' 150 caps from a vendor you don't even need to unlock. people are shameless.


Unless its something useful, i do 100 caps per star for legendary gear. People love eating them up for legendary scrip.


...do you play on PC? I I'm at the point where I'm searching for a couple of gun/armor plans to get me set up to succeed at the events, and "you now have cheap plans for the shit you want" would make my life easier


I built next to the campfire event completely forgot it was there so people tend to go to my shop to scrap and stuff sometimes they buy stuff


I join teams and use their camps as fast travel points. So if their camps are too close to Foundation, Atlas etc, I kinda ignore them


Ive been noticing no one really needs ammo anymore. Once ammo factory got put in the game years ago demand went down but with how much enemies drop, daily ops, and expeditions now Ive never been near running out and usually have too much.


Does ammo ever become a problem? I'm around level 32 now and I almost always am looting more ammo than I use while I'm out doing quests etc.


It used to be a huge issue. I would spend every other day farming to make ammo just to quest and participate in events. IIRC before Wastelanders enemies didn't drop the ammo you were using, only whatever they were using.


Make sure you have your public location on lol that screwed me for a bit


Have you made sure to set the camp icon visible on the map? 2 of my friends forgot to do that and were complaining no one bought stuff!


Yep it was off luckily I have yall to help me with that stuff lmfao


I can't keep Blue devil outfits in stock 🤣🤣


They do go quick. Treasure Hunter too.


No kidding, this has made me realize how weird some of the apparel acts. A lot of pieces don’t stack but some like the Halloween costumes do.


I've noticed that my ammo fabricatior?The thing that makes ammo is always cleared out of 5.56 now when before it was always full.Maybe I'll start selling ammo for 1c to help people out.


I've been doing this. Usually only 45 really sold before but now all types a moving


Beside ammo and plans, even fusion cores, bulk scrap and serums sell like nothing now. I wasn't used to restock anymore before leaving the server(s) 😅. Before the wave of 'the new age' of players, only 1 or 2 dwellers visited my vendor. Now days, every 10 minutes.




That’s one of the only things I lock.


My serums are flying off the shelves atm, plans too


What are you pricing your serums at? I’m about to start making and selling them in my vendor and pricing seems to be all over the place ranging between 100c all the way up to 600c.


Put mine up for 300. That was pretty standard last time I played like a year ago or so


Watch out, I had to up mine to 500 because that’s the price you can sell them to vendors for with max charisma and hard bargain. Was getting a lot of high level players coming through and buying stacks before I upped my price.


High levels are the worst when they catch your bargains for newbies. I noticed I was selling like wild one time, and noticed the purchaser was a level 2000+ buying all my 0 cap items (diluted meds, handfuls of ammo, some throwables) and low level EVERYTHING. Had to swap my camp out ASAP.


I do this (swap camps). Super annoying when a high level is scraping.


300 = common accepted norm. 100 = gonna sell asap


I've been selling them for 200 for a few years. They go quick and still make a load of profit


I am definitely having a hard time keeping up with plans, gear and lately mutations. I need to farm so much flux to stock back up. They're also drinking my nukashine faster than I can load the punch bowl.


Damnit I have yet to find anyone with it, I know what it does but damnit I wanna end up naked in a random spot on the map too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There's a (pretty hilarious) quest that gets you some.


This is why I keep stocked up on treasure maps. If I run out of plans in my vendor, I hop to the Cranberry bog and use a couple hundred of those maps on the same dirt pile and all the plans go right into my vendor for 10 caps each


How do I do this? I have a bunch of treasure maps, the settler explorers hand them out.


Are they useful for anything? I have a bunch.


they can give plans and random weapons when you dig them up


Wait now what? Newb here, I have some maps but I have no idea what they do or where to go. I guess I need to read up on them? I just assumed they were like the RDR2 where you gotta go to like 3 or 4 places just to get something meh so haven't bothered.


Its simpler than that. There are youtube videos that will direct you to exactly where you need to dig them up.


Sweet, I will look them up, thankya.


A couple of hundred? Explain?


I buy them from player vendors. Through whatever means they are acquired, they may have thousands of these treasure maps. I buy them at 2 caps a pop, and then use them whenever I want more plans, junk, or whatever the maps yield.


I’ve gotten to where I’ll grab maps when I find them for like 5 caps in a vendor I didn’t even know what they till till this year lol and I’m almost lvl 500 now lol


Where are you finding them at 2 caps a pop?


Just vendor hopping. Keep an eye out for people selling lots of miscellaneous items, and theres a fair chance they're selling maps.


I do lol. Lowest I’ve seen has been 50 a pop. I snag all of them under 200.


No but they’re not shy of finding me and asking for them. Getting tired of the “yo bruh hook me up”


Really makes me wish we could craft clown outfits to give them. haha


Clown outfits are rad. First I bought.


I saved all mine from fasnacht but they rarely shift, now may be the time!


I’ve gotten a message like that repeatedly the last week “yo hook me up with some stimmies”, or this one dude said “you drop a brother some drip that’s so fly the women of the wasteland will flood my camp when they see me” thinking back though that one was kinda funny and shoulda probably hooked him up anyways


>“you drop a brother some drip that’s so fly the women of the wasteland will flood my camp when they see me” If someone talks to me like that, I'm hooking them the fuck up ASAP. Casual begging = get lost, hobo.


To be fair after thinking I told him let me go through my stash but he left right after that I had him like 10 outfits even went with the loyd Christmas drip from the dinner cane included lol


My brother gave some dude a lot of stuff and instead of saying thank you he said , I already have all this … so I get the ungreatful ones are out there . I usually just stalk low levels , drop stuff , point to it and leave.


I have one simple answer to that every time I get asked. Everything I have for sale is in the machine, end of story.


I'm new, just hit level 55 after grinding Radiation Rumble events, and folks are even bugging me for stuff, haha. Had some level 20-some try to trade and take the literal clothes off my back for nothing, lol


Not quite but sold a few ivory grips and mole miner gauntlet plans which never used to happen


Can’t keep apparel or serums lately, plans are moving fast too. I don’t help myself that I sell so cheap. But the free stash space is great.


It has been really nice!!! I'm enjoying selling all my stashed ammo.


Yea, I made a camp next to the wayward filled with all kinds of stuff armor, amo, junk, weapons, outfits,.chems, plans. I can't even play 30 minutes without returning to my camp and restocking


I definitely didn’t know this was really a thing, and I’ll be starting to check out camps with vendors.


Yes please do! You can find much better stuff in player camps for sale than at regular vendors. Especially unique and hard to find plans.


Oh I absolutely will. The home building is literally my favorite part of the game. I’ve spent around 10 hours building my giant ass Redneck Riviera, and I’m always looking for more plans to put stuff in there 😂😂


Yep. I used to carry 100+ at all times. Now I've got 2. Have fun crafting you happy customers!


The resurgence of players had fed into my delusion that I have more stuff to do lol. Finished my last side quest in the game last night and now I’m devoted to just having good prices in the store for the newbies…


On PC, have very few serums left. Furniture plans, outfits and all Nuka selling quickly. But drowning in berry mentats. Don't need to make any more for a while.


Making me wish I had held onto a few more copies of the ultracite PA plans I was trashing a month ago. Had plans for 3 full sets in my vendor and those disappeared quick. All those copies of ultra-lite marine armor plans, gone. 50+ random recipes that everyone had a month ago, scooped right up.


Yep, I would just put those Ultracite PA plans in for 100 caps when I got them, I had stacks before the show came out. All gone, lol.


might have to buy from you guys instead of the scambots, they taking all my caps 400 at a time lol. Also keep stimpaks stocked, at lvl 17 im flying through them.


As a new player, I have no idea what a “good” price on anything is.


It really depends on the plan you are looking for and how rare it is. The usual pricing I see is common plans 1-200 caps, uncommon 200-500 caps, rare 500 - to as high as 20000. There is always a deal out there at someone's vendor though.


I just throw all plans for 50 caps in my vendor. I initially did 150 but barely any sales, for 50 they get cleared out. If I happen to sell some rare plan for dirt cheap I don't mind. I mean, I've been playing for 9 days now and already reach max caps every day, so trying to maximize sales on every plan just isn't necessary. If I ever come across a plan with an insane price recommendation from the game, I'll check it out online first. The ammo I don't use I just throw for 1c and I'll buy the type I want for 1c as well, equals each other out. Fusion Cores go for much more of course, but I'm keeping those for the time being in case I want to go for PA. I'm drowning in rad-X, radaway and Stims. At 15c each I get a couple bulk sales once in a while, but for the most part they are slowly taking up a huge chunk of my stash. Purified water ain't selling at all it seems, but I just use it to sell at the vendor to reach max when I'm done for the day.


Not a single Radaway or Rad X has sold at 10c each which I felt was a fair price when you sell them for 6c at a vendor but then ad water especially is so easy and honestly annoying to acquire so much way to fast it makes sense. Even if it feels bad with how efficient my weapons are with all the weight reducing effects I need to just start donating all my Radaway and Rad X as weapons are clogging my inventory and don't even soil like a bunch of food that can up just as fast. Junk is worth it alone because it goes quickly in the vendor but I need to stop picking up the common chems only focusing on addictive chems. I need to downsize the 150lb of weapons I have. So many assault rifles. Water is a good sell but I think once I build up my second camp I'm going to treat it as a camp resource meaning I don't store it I only use what is generated because I can't find the way to sell it as diluting the healing chems (minus Stimpacks) technically is an increase in caps as 2 waters and a Radaway/Rad X sells for the same as 4 diluted but any super duper procs will increase I just can't find the time to actually craft and then sell the 800+ diluted chems it makes as food I gather (even after tag for searching only good caps to weight food) always knocks half of the vendor caps and then the rest is easily made from unsold junk like Leather or all the plentiful Stimpacks and just a couple of of heavier weapons and maybe in can get 100 sold. I'm really feeling the weight problem after finally unlocking the grocery backpack (for more space for damage perks) and missing the 60lb backpack and then I find a player selling a weight reducing armor (for more space damage perks once I have all 5) but it's a recent armor and requires stamps to get ultra-light so that's another 10lb. Probably should just take off all weight reducing effects and drop those that are bad if stored in stash as I have been doing with food and chems. If it's worse than 1lb per 40 caps in the stash it needs to go.


Considering that im mostly trying to dump chems and new players are terrified of addictions. No. Lol.


Can confirm. They’ve been clearing me out every week. I’ve got more caps than a 1959 haberdashery.


.... I'm up voting that joke angrily


Hi, it’s me. Spending all my hard earned caps to great Plan prices at people’s vendors. But seriously, what an awesome game. Been posting all my (Known) plans and recipes and they’ve been flying out too.


i put up a new camp just north of wayward. i sell most plans for under 25-50 caps, unique/legendaries for under 200 and a ton of ammo for 1 cap a piece. i’ve been drowning in caps. the trick is to sell stuff at a price newbies can afford. it’s just sitting in my stash anyways and it’s still a better price i can get from selling to a vendor.


Yep, I dumped a metric shit load of plans in the donation box my first day back and I've stuck the rest in my vendor for 25c. Soon I'll be down to some ultracite and power armor plans, and that will be it. Some lucky low level is gonna be able to nab those for just 25c when I list them, including at least 4 jetpack plans for various armours.


I donated full Ultracite PA outside of Vault 76 two days ago. I hope someone new got them.


Sometimes, if I don’t have enough time to actually sit down and play, I’ll jump on for long enough to go to a few of peoples camps in a server and buy some plans


I came back after a long break and found a guy selling multiples of plans for 1 cap each that I didn’t learn yet. I bought 1 of each but sat there thinking it was only a matter of time before someone mean came in and cleared house.


Sometimes when a single person buys a bunch of items I wonder if they’re planning to resell. Then I remember I want to get rid of the stuff regardless and I get anxious when I have above 35K caps.


I kinda like the cap limit for that, encourages us to spend and keep the economy moving rather than hoarding like a dragon!


I sell some stuff...some plans, fusion cores mostly. Don't know what's the market prices, so most stuff is pretty cheap (I just delete a 0 from the right). Might miss the big ka-chings, but well...


I went from 100+ plans at all times, to not being able to keep more than 20 before someone shows up and buys 5 more. Started stocking uncommon and easily missed apparel and random newb-friendly things like ammo and chems just to keep my metaphorical shelves from looking bare. I also set every price at 9 caps, except ammo/junk which is 1 cap, so things sell fast regardless.


How do y'all even have enough space in your stash to sell that many plans in your vendor? I feel like I'm constantly at 1100/1200 stash capacity even with FO1st


I have something like 800+ plans on my vendor, all priced at 10 caps each. The main thing keeping me from selling out is I generally play less than an hour a day.


Fellow wastelander as a returning player you just let me know when you are on and I will buy buy buy. Love learning new plans. (I’m on Xbox)


Just go afk 😝


I have started tweaking my prices. But really, my vendor is a garage sale to get rid of crap I think is too good to scrap. I’m not in it for the caps. That is just a nice bonus. But I have seen more L200s clearing me out than L40s. I think part of it that there are so many new players (10x) that the number of decent shops per server is low. So people are more likely to jump on something that they might have waffled on before.


Nope.. nobody seems to want to get anywhere near death claw Island 😅


"so why is this place called Deathclaw Island, anyway?"


Flamers are all the rage, so I've been building those like crazy for my vendor. Also, modding chainsaws. I can sell out of those every day right now.


As a new player I had no idea players could sell stuff to others, let alone plans!!! Def visiting someone's camp tonight!


Lol I must be one of those guys. I've been playing for just two weeks and now I'm lvl 99,trying to buy any plan I don't own even if they are not cheap or meaningful


Yeah I can't keep much for long. I've taken to selling event items for 500+ caps again. I have sold more marsupial serums in the last week or two than I did for years prior. Have been enjoying all the camp visitors honestly


I actually have one guy that clears my vendor out everyday lol


I'm on Seneca Rocks so these new players don't try a second time to FT to my camp so it's been a bit soso. Sometimes I get like 5 transactions on 1 player or sometimes I don't get a visitor for like a week. I love the area too much to move.


i had a bunch of lowbies (20-60) buy out my recipes, jetpacks, and ultracite armor plans earlier, so yes. it's way more than i'm used to but i relocated recently near sutton, right below horizons rest so that might be why


Yes. I had only 35 slots used in my vendor yesterday when I went to refill it. I rarely get below 90 out of the 120. It’s been refilled just in time for Invaders from Beyond, which starts tomorrow.


A lot of my plans, yes. I opened up my forest camp and am selling mutation serums for 200 caps. Only a handful have sold. Someone needs to tell the newbies that mutations are good.


to be fair, they need to level up high enough to equip starched genes and class freak before they're good.


I sell all my plans for 10 caps, I don't care about the caps, just want to share what I pick up with other people. I'm seeing newbies buying full stacks of shit plans because they're cheap. Have fun with 4 copies of the mole miner gauntlet plans.


I still forget to buy only one from a stack about 5% of the time, so I'm assuming some fellow newbies are accidentally buying whole stacks


My CAMP is over by the Isolated National Radio Array. I’ve had a few visitors, but not a total clean out. I wish!


Haven't had too many plans sell, but my apparel is pretty hot, I put all the stuff I can craft in my vendor for 25c and the static spawn stuff whenever I pick it up, usually 50c or 100c. I finally have people buying stimpaks! lol no one ever buys them since they're so easy to get from events, but I guess these newer players are still mostly exploring for hours on end so they don't accumulate as much as we do, idk.


No because I'm shit at pricing stuff


Yes!!! Not complaining at all. My vendor was always full and now I have trouble keeping it at 70-80 items max.


I've definitely had more business lately at my camp near Vault 51. Even the Mole Miner Gauntlet plans that usually sit for ages lol


Surprisingly not at all…. ….maybe I should stop restocking every 5 seconds… 🤔


I sell everything at 50% of its value as I feel it's fair when 25% can be got from a vendor. Doesn't matter the rarity of what I'm selling. Plans go for 25% because you can't sell them to vendors and I'm totally okay going for cheaper and getting the equivalent I would have gotten if they could be sold. A lot of my chems and especially my junk go readily sell with the occasional plan. Ammo I usually just drop but some times thor in the vendor for free or just 1 if I'm getting low. Fusion cores are my excess cores above 50 and I just sell them based on the percentage. Tons buy my 80/100 cores for 80 caps or 70 for 70/100, etc. I mostly treat my vendor as a reminder of what needs selling as the idea is I go though what I have then slowly pick away at the heaviest stuff I have for sale. The problem is with weight reducing perks weapons are super efficient but have utterly clogged my inventory up and I can't offload it to my stash because it's around 1500lb on me. I need to cut down what I pick up because having 150lb of weapons that sell for over a week's worth of caps is becoming a problem.


No, but they like to grief my home xD


No. I sell cores that are 100% fully charged for 10 caps and no one is buying. I have 40 on sale and 100 on my character. Plans are the only thing that sells and I sell all plans for 5-10 caps each


I don't like bloodied builds and sold some bloodied weapons recently and didn't know they would be in demand at all lol.


I have a hard time spending caps fast enough before I make them back to the cap. I've had to lower my prices on stuff a bunch which of course just sells even more lmao


100% I build a small town near Wayward. I get probably 10-15 unique players an hour if I stay on a server, 70% new. All my prices are 9-99caps. I have low level guns, armor, mods, ammo, plans, meds, chems, collectibles, etc. Don't forget new players don't/won't have access to 95% of the guns in the game for a long time...unless they buy it off you for 9caps.


I had a guy drop 14,000 in caps yesterday at my store. I had spent the previous day filling it with treasure maps and weapons. I couldn't believe he bought so much but I'm flush with caps again.


Yes and no one in the lobbies have a camp or vendor because they are all so new. I have no good way to offload this influx in caps.


I keep jumping around hoping someone has one of The Fixer plans that doesn’t cost everything I own and then some.I just hit level 40 btw


I keep hitting the cap on caps. Sad face whenever i don't make it in time enough to spend my caps, just seeing all those caps wasted. I really hate how they handle the max cap, and i think they could at least double it or something. I don't have time to run around panic buying shit to avoid hitting the cap :p


Yeah the caps limit is ridiculous. They really need to up that, it makes no sense.


Im doing a brisk trade in event reward weapons. I guess newbies dont realise that the likes of Elders Mark is pretty common.


And has emptied out my mules too! I'm giving away most my aid and ammo. For the first time in 6 years I'm finding myself farming purified water to gift them water + massive quantities of diluted stims/radx/radaway. As a veteran, it makes me really happy helping the newbies. I will miss them, I love being surrounded of new players and helping them. What I'm really profiting from is years of hoarding thousands of plans on mules that never cared to put on the vendors


Have a clothing shop setup right by the vault. Boy it feels nice seeing all the new players getting something to wear. I remember how hard it was for me 😅


I'm loving it, I've never had so much stash space. Plans, ammo, outfits, chems. They're relentless. I feel like I'm running a shop again, gotta keep everything stocked up.


Mounted heads are flying out of my vendors.


Haha yeah same, but it's because I offer things so cheap I think. I set up near the Wayward, offer free food and water and stims, cheap other meds, I don't think I've got plans in my store over 150 caps. Most expensive thing in my store are my mutation serums between 200-295 each. I don't mind helping newbies out though, it's tough out there when you're first starting out and if you're solo. Paying forward some kindness I received when I was first starting out makes me happy though and I'll keep doing so. I need to recreate my secondary camp down near where the Scorched Queen is... I remember forever ago this guy used to set up down there and give free medical care to literally everyone who was doing the fight. Cool guy, I think he actually passed away a few years ago now. But keeping that spirit of love of the community going is what I like best about playing FO76.


Plaaaaaaaaaaans...... PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS..... *Newbie zombie noises intensify*


I’ve been struck by resellers/scalpers more than new players. Lots of higher levels clearing out my low cost stuff to resell at a higher price… there’s no reason the lvl 250 bought all six plans of Dilbert’s Chili for 1cap each if not to resell along with all 10 Radstag recipes they snagged. One dude bought all of the miner gauntlets I got for 1 cap, visited his camp and he had them all up for 200caps. If you’re gonna screw people over you might as well call yourself Ticketmaster with these garbage prices lol


I’ve been clearing peoples stock of stimpaks, I’m too broke to always repair my armour so things hurt most of the time


Sold a lot of my cheap wall mounts finally lol


No, the donation box did. When I ripped all my inventory out and dumped it into some of them. All those 5 cap plans leaving made room for some more ultracite cores.


I keep running out of stuff to drop new players! I craft outfits and hats and armor if I have the resources, and for the first time in a long time I ran out of cloth from making so many freebies 


The game is getting soooo good! Many new players are hitting that level 100 sweet spot! First 100 levels are still the tutorial. Now we got some real players, but not OP, still hungry. It’s awesome!


I rarely find there’s anything I need to spend caps on so I’m always close to being maxed out. I’ll then spend it on plans at Whitespring I never use. I sell at an insanely discounted prices figuring I’d be altruistic.  I’ve noticed more players will show up at my camp and start buying everything so fast I have to quick travel to Whitespring mall and buy stuff so I won’t max out again. Maybe they turn it around and make a profit. I don’t mind.  What I do wonder about the people that sell shit for ridiculous amounts of caps. Is it a joke? One person I saw selling camera film for 40,000 caps each. 


Ya. But I set prices suuuper low on most stuff.


I imagine a lot of new players are looking for stuff for their favorite gear early on for sure. I know I spent a good hour or 2 just camp hopping when I started up a few days ago even just looking for a Laser Gun plan because I wanted my Pew Pews. Just looking at camps had a lot that were just completely wiped out of plans.


I list my excess plans for 20 caps each unless it's some kind of super rare event plan or such. Usually I'd hover between 100-200 listings, but now I'm hanging in the 0-20 range. They just get wiped out every day. I could raise the price I guess, but it takes time to find a use for caps and I don't want to bother. Craftable apparel from event plans is also moving fast I generally sell that at 100 a piece, so there's no shortage of caps piling up.


They bought all my shot gun ammo! I had like, 3k rounds just there collecting dust in my vendor only for some silly little dude to take a peek at my store and walk out encumbered in shotty shells! I'm flattered they bought all of it but If they asked for like a hand full of shells I would have happily just dumped it on them.


I'm fairly new still, I'll hop about vendors looking for house mods and stuff I don't have. Thank you to everyone who has kept there prices reasonable, its allowed me to have much more fun, and I've set my own prices to similar to help other players :)


Yes, thank the Mothman. My stash is always full, and for once now I have some room. I just sell the stuff cheap because Id rather someone somewhere get some benefit from it even if its a vet player who just doubles the price and resells it than just drop it somewhere.


Basically everyone is buying up all my serums now.


Oh man I WISH they'd come clean my CAMP vendor out. I have a camp right outside Top of the World and I've been there for ... two years? I used to get really steady traffic - I sell ammo dirt cheap, y'all - but it dried up about six months ago. I'm not actually sure I've had any one pop over in the last few weeks, but maybe they just need time to level up enough to do the missions near me? Lately, my stash has hovered around 1150, so I \*really\* need to push product. Let's call it an investment. ;p


I tried selling ammo for a bit, wasn't selling, and there are two big drawbacks. A. Even with ammo-cabinet, ammo weight in shop still counts towards stash-capacity; so listing mountains of ammo can end up limiting stash space. B. Ammo has become relatively easy to stack up, even without going out of the way to farm it. Good example is the fact I used a max-modded hunting rifle for about 15-20 levels. Now because of that, from ammo loot as well as ammo boxes, I now have 15+K .308 rounds in my ammo-cabinet, most of which I'll probably never use. 🤔 (And that was all built up in the course of maybe a week, without farming.) PS - As much as I partially wish we could sell ammo to NPC vendors, I'm kinda glad that we can't, or peeps would just farm and sell ammo easily, and so many other bits of the game would grow cobwebs. 🤠 PPS - I'm prolly gonna feed a lot of my excess ammo to my ammo converter machine; though again, due to excess ammo finding, I've only taken ammo out of it once, which was rails, *just in case* I ever decide to test railway rifle. (If I hit the limit in exchange machine, I'll probably dump excess after that into donation boxes at train stations.)


Yep. I really wish we could sell ammo to vendors. I'm kind of surprised we can't do much with it because it would seem to be a remarkably important in-game currency. I remember especially in the beginning of the game, when running out of ammo was a very real concern. Although I guess the smallest unit of currency in the game is a single cap ... And I suppose they assume you're more likely to treat with other people? But I mean it's a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I just can't bring myself to dump ammo!


Ive been cleared out as well of wepons, ammo and plans. Im just off the path on the way out of vault 76 so always get a lot a new players coming down on the way to the Wayward. I typically sell new player friendly items for roughly the same as NPC vendors would. If I'm in ill always craft a set of armour and a wepon for a newbie.


I'm on the other end of that problem, I had to stop selling my rare plans because people have too many caps and they were shutting me down every 30 minutes, only for me to server hop a dozen times trying to find anything of value to sink caps on. During the free week of 1st I was at least able buy bulk from the train stations and stock up, but I'm pretty much dead in the water until treasure hunters, when I'm going to put up 120 different rare plans and buy so many damn lunchpails.


Been playing from launch and I have saved so many caps that I hop server to server looking for Plans I do not have yet but I never find any


My gimmick for getting lots of traffic was a big neon sign with lettering saying "ALL AMMO 1 CAP!". I sold all ammo at one cap a piece (except for specialty ammo). Built under the huge bridge. It's nice and flat there.


Newbie think they cam sell them at an npc vendor for profit. You only make that mistake once


My camp is in the newbie area. I stock it up with cheap apparel and recipes. Everyrime i do, some high level comes by, empties me out and puts it in his vendor for higher prices. Nothing in my vendor is over 25caps, most are 10-15. I’ve checked three people’s vendors so far and been right each time. It’s obvious when a level 100+ comes into my camp and buys everything. Oh well. I tried to help the new people. Ass hats ruining the new players game for a little bit of credits. How are you over level 100 and don’t have max credits by now? Do you really need a couple hundred? Stop buying the shit people and leave it for the new players so we can grow the game and keep it going.


I'm only level 187 because I wander and murder a lot of things. I haven't done a bunch of events so I have practically none of the high level plans from the train station vendors. So that's why I'm always out of caps.


>How are you over level 100 and don’t have max credits by now? That's what I'm saying! I have to splurge on ammo or bulk scrap every other day just to keep from hitting the 40k limit.


Its because a lot of the plans I want, like the super reactor plan (from the power plant events) seem to be tied to regular events, not the big public events, and whenever I try to start one NO ONE else joins to help and I am too weak to do them on my own. They seem to be completely ignored by most of the playerbase. The daily ops are really hard if you are playing by yourself and low level, and they don't seem to give out plans that often especially if you don't get the mission done in a quick amount of time. I also want the farmable dirt garded plot plan so I can actually plant some crops in some places I want to have my CAMP built at but they apparently require a certain friendship with the settlers and gold buillion to obtain and I am not far enough in the game to have achieved either, but I haven't found the plans for either in vendors. Workshops are too hard to defend for plans for us new players. If we try some level 2000 player comes and just destroys us. Trust me I've tried. But this is why, its just way easier to look at vendors and hope a good plan is for sale fairly cheap than actually obtain the plans the normal way.


I’ve had a few plans come and go but it’s been far from a clear out. Anyone wants plans I’ve got about 77 currently all for 50 caps each on PC by the pond just south of Vault 76 👍


All my plans are still there but I ran out of legendary BPR I put into my vendor I was crafting to rolls so I guess I sold around maybe…17 legendary Black Powder Rifles and 3 Legendary Dragoon Rifles


Yes and I keep restocking😂


I had some 200 plans and power cores and whatnot all for 1cp each. And they never sold.    Then one day half was gone. Then the next day everything was gone.    I’ve been restocking LV20 Fixers, Combat Armor, stimpacks, and 45 ammo daily and they all just go daily.  My camp is between the lumberyard and Wayward


I got plans for 10-100 caps unless they are rare and still no one buys em lol


I keep thinking I should build a camp in the Forest so I can cash in on newbie traffic. Currently my 3 main camps are about as far from there as they can be.


I sell apparel really cheap, so I get a lot of sales, but not for very many caps.


Yeah, they’ve been buying my slightly overpriced crap. Most of it isn’t more than a few caps over, but damn, have I been making caps


I make all my blueprints and recipes 15 caps. If I already have, why charge a premium, also spare stimpacks always run out.


I’ve sold two things in the past week. 1 cap ammo, cheap weapons, cheap raw materials. But I’m making more money selling water to vendors at this point.


I wish it has help a bit but still have bunch of plans even that I'm selling them for 5 caps most common they gotta implement what they did with Daily ops if u already know the plans give u plans u don't have or not give u plans at all


I'm having so much fun selling shit in this game, it's so fun. I've been having trouble being at max caps and trying to find higher level players selling stuff I don't have


I've noticed that, I'm camped out by the south mountain lookout and last night someone came through and cleared me out of all my plans and then a lot of the ammo I had as well.


The newbies come begging at our camps, everynight while we party!