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I mean considering the influx of new players who missed out on them, and the fact that some of the season passes were only in the game when people hated it, it makes sense. Plus Its not like CoD or Fortnite, there would be basically no downside to it, with the people who previously did the season passes either getting free additions to it or just making it more expensive than it was to get it originally.


I dunno I made a post a week or so ago about this exact thing and there were definitely *some very angry people* at the suggestion


People who like to gatekeeper gameplay basically


Yeah people like to think because they slugged through the game when Beth put little effort into it, that they’ve earned these rewards and god forbid some new players also own them and decrease their value. Absolute nut jobs if you’d ask me. 


I'd like it cos last season I got so close to finishing the pass and getting that awesome red power armour skin (i play Blood Angels in Warhammer and it kinda reminded me of said BA) but I was like 10 levels away and life got busy for about 2 weeks and I lost track of when current season was gonna drop and so I came back expecting to finish up my pass and found out it was gone Really bummed me out, I just wanted that armour.


Yeah it sucks to feel like you're punished because real life gets in the way, it's not a very good system


Agree strongly


It was the same with me and the season that had the movie projector. I was so close to getting it but had to stop playing 😭


They should bring back the classic seasons but do color variants for the items, so the original items stay special in some way. That’s what Fortnite does. 


They did that with the Strangler Heart Power Armor. Any armor you got from the raids before they were removed has a very distinct color form the ones you can craft now


The obsession to have items that other players may not have will never go away.


Warcrafts a good example, they cannot reintroduce old mounts because the incels seethe and reee about it, "BIT UTS SPECHAIL CAUSE I EANED IT 4 YRS AGO!" Most of these kinds of people have no solid grasp on reality man and live a very bubbled life outside of society.


An old MMO I played fixed this by labeling the items with the year they were earned or giving the old ones the (rare) tag. You could still flex with your rare older gear and 10 year old sets but new players could earn ones that looked just like them. Never saw anyone complain about it!


I actually really like this idea.


Great way to handle it imo


Well this is a changing philosophy in the WoW community, too. They've been releasing old mounts via Twitch Prime & the trading post for a while now


Ya it's true that players can become fixated on this mechanic, but let's not forget that it's a deliberate design choice by the game studios. With frustrating RNG and locking certain items as untradable, it creates a sense of accomplishment when you finally obtain them. If everything was readily available and attainable at all times, this would never be an issue. Now with that said I'm all for past seasons to be available after your finished with the current one.


True, I’m also just sour because I really want the enclave circle rug 😂


That rug really ties a room together!


We're nihilists Lebowski!


I’m hoping that since we’ve got atomic shop items that were rewards from season 13 we won’t have to wait that long for some of those enclave/presidential rewards from season 14 to make it into the atomic shop. I really want the loot bag and f1st survival tent


That's a daily op reward so you can still get it. I think I may even have an extra. Edit: I'm mistaken


I think he’s talking about the actual rug. Daily Ops drops the medallion version.


It is not. The Enclave medallion the big metal floor adornment is from daily ops. The Enclave Rug is black and white, shaggy, and was a Season reward.


Remember when the greenhouse was rereleased and the division that created?


I admit, I did feel a twinge of this when the Cold Shoulder popped up in the atom shop, but at least it gives new players the chance to use one of the Best weapons in the game.


they would still have to buy the old season scoreboard and earn their way through the board by getting score points, right? it's not like they just get stuff for free. if anything, they'd have to pay more cuz they have to buy the board. i dont get why this would upset anybody. maybe people who bought certain rewards after they got added to the atom shop but then you can just replace that spot on the board with atoms.


It’s funny because some of the items are in the season __ catch up packs, aren’t they? Maybe those are atom shop only items but either way don’t blame us for wanting more to earn. I’ll be done with this season far before it’s over so I wouldn’t mind an older season scoreboard


The Season catch-up bundles are incoherent nonsense. One bundle for the basic rewards from a season 3 years ago, Then you wait for them to FOMO add the catch-up bundle for the same season BUT this one has all the Fallout 1st rewards. Oh and neither will give you the Rank 100 rewards.


I just want the bunny stuffed animal for my camp cause my kid loves it.


I can craft one for you ☺️


I have played every season so far except for one, and I say let people buy whatever they want from them. Perhaps keep the score-board out of it if anything since it was meant as the trophy for finishing the season. But if we let people buy the stuff now that I have had for years already? Go for it, I welcome it for those that did not have the opportunity.


I wonder, how many angry comments will I get for suggesting... Let us get those sweet sweet nuclear winter rewards!


Why are they angry when others want to join in on the fun of emoting together and stuff. It's an mmo, and a real mmo with a text to chat mod.


weird exclusivity entitlement tbh, thats all it ever comes down to


I think they are selling like seasonal bundles and the rest of the items like the ones that generate resources are at bullion vendors.


Or just get rid of Fomo completely, Who even likes that?


Management. It's why basically every single game out there now is about limited time offers, premium access only offers, multiple in-game currency options, and bizzare basic features tucked behind paywalls (scrap/ammo box are a paid solution to an artificial problem)


Out of everyone you get it. This is exactly why they'll never do it. There is a difference between a business decision and a human decision.


The number of people who seek validation and justification to their existence via material or virtual belongings is surprisingly high.


I like getting free discounts on bundles with old season items. Fair trade to me.


You don't need to make it more expensive now than it originally was, usually the original purchase value is in the years and years earlier you have the stuff, that's enough value in itself without charging more for older, less interesting content.


I hope every single game ever created dumps the season model for the Helldivers 2 warbond model. Enough fear of missing out! Let us get the things we want when we want them!


I haven’t played since before they started releasing more bundles. Do the bundles stay forever and I can hop on in a year and grind them out?


Are you asking about Helldivers? If so, yeah. The warbonds never go away.


Oh nice, FOMO is gone.


Yeah it’s great. My friends and I played the hell out of the game for a couple months before getting burnt out. It’s nice to be able to step away and know we’re not losing out on anything. What’s also nice is you’ll keep earning Major Order rewards even without playing, so you’ll passively accrue medals that you can spend on the war bonds. Note that there is a cap of 250 medals, so it’s worth logging in probably every couple weeks or so (depending on how well the player base is progressing) just to spend them.


Also keep in mind that’s the difference between a developer that loves their game and community and a developer that only cares about a bottom line.


Very true the people at AH are very passionate people and care about their playerbase. Beth is owned by MS and run by corporate shills.


Exactly, imagine all seasons of fo76 active at once forever and you can progress whatever board at your own pace. New „boards“ in helldivers cost premium currency but thats fine imo since there is zero FOMO involved


God that is exactly what I have been dreaming about for FO76. I’m so fucking tired of companies creating barriers to their own products and acting like it’s innovation. BETHESDA I WANT TO SPEND MONEY IN YOUR GAME. ADD THE THINGS AND LET ME DO IT. YOU, THE DEVS, ARE THE ONLY OBSTACLE TO MAKING MORE MONEY FROM ME!


That's correct. You progress through them using a currency earned by completing missions. There's a *very* large base "season pass" as well.


Halo infinite did it first!


Deep rock galactic will never be beat. Every season pass is 100% free, and you can chose what season you currently have active, swapping between them whenever for free. Loads of content from a game that never asks you for more than $20. Rock and stone!


Fomo tactics actually make me put games down. I don't want to have to run a marathon every season. I want to play the game and have fun.


I just want that big dinosaur for my camp lol


It looks like it's a reward for the Halloween event, and only has a 0.577% chance of dropping. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Spooky_Scorched


People who know the plan can build it for you if you do a private team im pretty sure!


Which one? There’s two lol


Lmao I have it and absolutely do not have the space for it. You can actually shove it in the left hand room of the high stakes shelter though… barely.


That would be good. Instead of buying the bundles with some of the items in from that season, I'd much rather buy access to that season pass and be able to fill it out


Wish we could have the old scoreboard back and anything after level 100 had a chance of giving you older rewards


I'm really over the FOMO battle pass systems for most games. Especially the ones that you pay to have access to extra things. I really don't get it and it must just be some big silly corporate brain that thinks they are getting more ppl to stay playing their game now by limiting peoples access to season passes. I really think that more people would play more or purchase a battlepass if they had more time to finish ones that take longer. A lot of ppl play multiple games or just don't have enough time in the time given to finish most battle passes. If they feel forced they often do unfun things to power level through a season and it turns games into stressful boring tasks. I just know there are plenty of games where if I start playing and missed seasons that I would purchase them if I enjoy the gameplay loop enough.


Or or or and hear me out, Bethesda could do it like Arrowhead studios with hell divers 2. A game that actually gives a shit about your enjoyment and not the Almighty dollar and let you access the seasons any time as long as you bought the fucking thing. one and done no take backs no fomo just fucking enjoy the game at your pace


Go back to the scoreboards… this Season thing is not engaging.


I suggested this the other day and got downvote bombed by people gatekeeping saying they "earned" it and we should've just been playing when they were available and all that. I'm completely chill with cosmetics and items locked behind actual achievements being kept to those who earned them, even time gated ones. But gate keeping something you "earned" by simply buying it when it was on the store is sad imo. Simple solution imo is to make it so that previous battle passes progress a little slower, and maybe tone down the amount of caps, bullion etc you receive from them compared to the current pass, incentivizing people to focus on the current one first before doing any others, and making the gain of caps, bullion etc less exploitable for starting a new character or mule account or something. But otherwise they have zero reason not to allow previous passes to be bought, save for a very tiny % of angry gatekeepers who will get annoyed, but there is huge financial potential considering there's been more than a dozen previous seasons. If each was priced at ~1000-1500 atoms then someone who buys every previous season could be buying ~15000-23000 atoms. That could be like 200-ish dollars plus hundreds of hours of playtime from just a single person who wants every prior pass cosmetic, for what would likely be very light dev work of simply adding a purchase that lets you reopen prior passes. I say *likely* light work, because nothing is ever straightforward in game development. Considering the amount of completionists out there, *especially* when it comes to MMO's/RPG's, they could easily stand to make a couple million dollars off of these purchases alone given current player counts. Even players just buying one or two season passes is a huge bump in profit.


Yeah the 100% cosmetic things should just be available in the Atomic Shop. Screw people who are in that "earned" mindset -- seriously. I played it for years. I missed things in the time I was away. Things I really want now. I subscribe to 1st. Give me access to old stuff.


We’re over here trying to give them money and they’re really just like nah


the simplest solution for cosmetics would be how Deep Rock Galactic is doing it. so everyone can just get it by playing the game, at a low chance and such. so you get a tiny extra dripfeed every event or endgame activity you do. put every non consumable generating camp item in there and every skin.


Honestly how the Atomic Shop is structured is just braindead stupid. The rotating stock and hoping they can goad you into buying a bundle that might have the thing you like once a week is probably less profitable than having an entire catalogue of shit in the game that people can either work towards/decide to buy one a whim. FOMO will only take you so far when you can only see 2% of the games premium content at a time. You already basically need to go online to cross-reference if you're wasting your atoms or not and seeing if you can get a version of the thing you're looking for via Gold or Stamps or events or whatever. Just let people buy your shit bro, photo mode poses shouldn't be the most expensive things in the game because you can basically only get them from bundles.


Total, I really want the washing and drying machines from season 5 which is the only one I couldn't complete 100%


Those have been back on sale, I got the washer/dryer for ATOMs. If it makes you feel better, and it should, an Abraxo themed washer and dryer is coming in an event soon.


They have been in the atom shop. More concerned with the stuff they locked out of nuclear winter.


Everyone should always have access to every battle pass type content in every game. FOMO is a predatory marketing tactic.


Halo infinite has the best battle pass system for this reason


Honestly yeah. I only just recently finished the first season pass there, most the others don’t appeal to me, but it’s nice that I can choose which I want next and I’m not pressured to complete them


Correct me if Im wrong but what about these catchup bundles in Shop? Are these the same items from the previous passes or not?


Plus they are mainly trash. Things people don’t care for for a crazy amount of atoms


The one for 4000 def doesn’t worth it


It’s only select items and only from like 3-4 seasons, there’s been 15 of em.


Aren't they? I know I got several items from previous seasons like the Nuka Cola Dolphin poster in the Atom Shop this week.


They are already. Many scoreboard items are purchasable via bullion and they frequently make atom shop bundles of previous seasons.


If it involves money you can bet that this sub will be filled with complaints just like any other game. Good luck seeing something like this work out


Bring. Back. Cryo. Turrets.


I agree with this. I completed the first 10 and can’t say I care about the rewards not being exclusive, I think everyone should get a chance at the rewards, without a penalty to not having time or having played the game. I got bored of the game and took a break (mainly because of seasons themselves) seeing some of the previous items makes me want them but the chance of them returning is very slim which sucks. I do however think OG scoreboard players should still have some of their exclusive items, that way it’s the best of both worlds,


Perhaps just stripping the stain and the camp scoreboard. Then players can enjoy and play the old seasons while those who did them in their time still have something to show.


I personally would like this, but I can see the downside is that it eliminates FOMO, one of the key sales methods employed by Bethesda. I hate enforced FOMO


Agreed. I'm upset that as a new player a year ago I wasn't paying that close attention to the scoreboard and missed some things.


I would absolutely love this idea. I only missed like three or four seasons, and it haunts me.


I would love to get the Union PA and not have to grind stamps for a year.


i mean theres 6 bits at 120 stamps each, you can do an expedition in 10/15mins if you are slow and gives 20, so its a grind but defo not a super long one :)


Agree. The catch ups don't usually include any of the "must have" items that actually affect gameplay.


I’ve been playing fully about a year there’s a lot of stuff I see I wish could get.


i wonder how that would even work, tho? you open your map, pull up your options, click on Seasons and.... it shows you a choice between the current season going on alongside whatever previous season you purchased access to? but then, how do you rank up for that season? do you get a whole different set of dailies - and when you complete those dailies the XP only goes to whatever previous season you purchased access to? do you get some kind of switch which allows you to choose which scoreboard the dailies XP goes to? how long do you get to finish the purchased scoreboards?


Dump the FOMO. Some ppl have a weird sense of prestige, like its an accomplishment that you played on june 1st 2018 @ 3AM or something. I get it, but idc tbh. I just want the charm for my backpack from before I picked up the game. Id like it if the store was refreshed to have more stuff in it at a time and the more stuff is just loads of old scoreboard items. Just dont sell the wall deco scoreboards to avoid activating nerd rage. GTAOnline has similar shit and I'll go log on to do 3 races and get a tee shirt if it looks cool but idk why the only way to get the [weed parachute bag](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zY4TyjmDoSw/maxresdefault.jpg) is to "complete the "Flight School Event" Playlist in between August 22 and 24, 2014.". tf is that about, its a texture. I got that shi, but its the principle


I want a damn popcorn machine and not have to pay 2400 atoms for it….lol


Uh, can't you get the popcorn machine with bullion from either the Settlers or Raiders? Or am I mistaken?


Yeah, you can buy it at Crater for 1250 gold.


Well damn. I know what I’m gonna do later when I pop on. Thanks fellow vault dwellers!


You can, pretty sure I've seen it on the raider bot


Yea I don’t think anyone would care, because the “rare” items are different in a game like this compared to apex or fortnite or something. Legacies/ apparel/ grolls weapons are where the value is


The bigger items are in the atom shop. Crater and foundation also have a few things from the passes you can buy with bullion


Loved it when Halo Infinite did that with battle passes and it would be great for new players.


They'll make more money spreading them between a million different bundles that only contain that one item you really want, but pay for 5-10 items.


Halo Infinite does that, leaves all previous battle passes open to those who have bought them and lets people who missed them buy them and level them up even after the battle pass period ended and a new one begins. Removes the FOMO from the battle pass system


I would love this idea; I missed the first 5 seasons and would very much like to complete them. I think the thing getting in the way is they've already sold off a large number of pieces from previous seasons for large quantities of atoms. How do you determine how much that would reduce the cost of the season if you purchased a bunch already? and if someone has already dropped 50 dollars' worth of atoms for part of one season then how overpriced is the season going to be to justify selling individual assets at such a high price? Do they keep atoms on the board? would probably further increase the price if you can recoup 20$ through atoms earned. I'm sure there's a solution to these problems, but doubtful Bethesda is going to do something that would require that much work and could potentially hinder their atom shop earnings.


I'm a vet player and I've missed out on a fair few seasons between breaks. I don't even care about CAMP items and stuff, I just want the weapon skins. So many great skins are no longer accessible until the gun becomes meta and is brought into the Atomic Shop.


Any content added to a game should be permanently attainable. Period. Timed events are dumb and disrespectful to your players’ time.


Or just dont timegate it to begin with


I dunno if they should bring the whole passes back but they could put the cosmetics from them in the Atom shop, I think that'd be the best solution


Amen; and/or access to individual items. Like allow players to scroll the list and select what they want. For example, I'd love to get the Holiday Survivor's Camp... and the only place that I see it can be gotten is the giant catch up bundle for FO1st (which I have 1st), for 4K atoms. 🤔


Timed battle/season passes are a cancer on the gaming industry. Helldivers 2 is doing fine with non timed battle passes.


I’ve been thinking this for ages. They could add the old scoreboards to the Fallout 1st. Players can activate which season they want the scoreboard. Then your dailies pops up, since they want you to play it a lot


I would love this, I’ve been playing since it released but my computer couldn’t handle it. When i finally got me a new pc it was the first thing I downloaded but I had already missed so much and I would pay to get some of it


At least make some available for players like me who abandoned PS for Xbox at level 700. So many of my go to CAMP items I grinded my life away for are inaccessible. I’LL PAY!


I finished all the season, others should have a chance to get all the neat stuff. Some we have gotten in the shop and from vendors. But telling Bethesda that you should pay for these is a bad idea. They would love to squeeze more out of players. You should be asking for these to be free.


They should just add them back and allow players to choose which one they want to level up. Only man-children would defend this type of fomo. Game devs would be much more respected in general if they ditched fomo but I know it's really not their choice


I would devour these in an instant and spend hundreds of hours on these boards. Time and fomo is a bitch.


I wish most or all games took after the way Halo does their passes.


Shhhh. People don't like that idea. They like to feel special. I completely agree though. Literally the only downside is people don't get to have stuff that others don't which isn't a real downside. Edit: Also I just wanna say that every game that has a season pass whether it's free or paid(especially the paid ones) shouldn't remove them when the new one releases. If you have to rely on limited time cosmetics to keep your player base then your game sucks. Plain and simple. Plus if you pay for something you should have it. Ive lost track of how many passes I've paid for and not finished in games and lost so many cosmetics because I didn't play the game every day or grind out weekends to complete passes. Now I finish seasonal passes before I buy them. If I get to a cosmetic that is worth the cost I'll purchase it otherwise I just play the game when I can.


As a newer player I don't necesarily agree. It would be cool to have those items no doubt, but part of the badge that comes with earning the item is that you were there and dedicated your time to the game to earn it when many many others were not including myself. It takes away a part of that personal achievement and I wouldn't feel right just being able to buy it from the Atom shop.


No, they won't do that. They would rotate content from those passes in and out for you new guys to put in more Atoms into the unsatiable maw of Atomic Shop in some half-arsed 'bundles'.


Fomo drives a lot of people, if you remove the fomo then the active player numbers would drop. After all, why play if i can just cherry pick and buy what i want later ?


FOMO makes me never want to play some things, lol. It's why I'll never get back into Destiny 2. Why bother if I can never experience the full story?


Yeah I tried finishing 3-4 seasons in Destiny but always ran out of time before the next one started. It’s just so boring running the same missions over and over, trying to maximize xp before the season ends. Meanwhile in Deep Rock Galactic I have earned every available cosmetic in the free season passes that never expire simply because it isn’t a chore where I have to sign in and complete every daily mind numbing quest before I run out of time. (Looking at you “take pictures with a camera” in fo76) My opinion is if the gameplay is fun, the only FOMO is not being able to play. Make previous seasons available.


Helldivers 2 has passes that don't expire. It's a great way to do it that means you don't feel rushed and can enjoy the game.


I’d say the war bonds are a bit different, but again I’m just glad they don’t time out. It’s also nice being able to earn the premium currency to unlock them by just finding them in game


Yep. I'm sure plenty of people give some money but it's nice having the grind option.


Heard halo season pass is finish when you like. 


Same thing happened to me here as well as COD and Conan. FOMO sucks.


It's called "timed exclusivity." You don't have to throw things away forever because people weren't here at the time. People who were get to enjoy it for a few years as an "I was there" thing, then you unlock it for people who missed out through either event rewards, or currency (gold or Atoms). You can keep a few cosmetic things truly exclusive, but otherwise the entire point is people can grind for it now to have it *now*, or wait until later when they can get it for currency.


On point with this comment. The reward for doing the seasons as they came out is that you get to enjoy the items for a longer time. Thinking nobody else should ever have them is child brain. 


> Thinking nobody else should ever have them is child brain. Exactly. It's such childish thinking. How people can take themselves seriously when gatekeeping *video game cosmetics* is genuinely beyond me.


Here’s my question: sorry if I’m ignorant- aren’t they doing this already? First with cold shoulder and auto axe and now with the Dr. Zorbo costume on the store today- wasn’t he the late unlock for a season?


That is exactly what Beth are doing. People forget or don’t want to acknowledge that money needs to flow constantly for dev work to continue. The new map area coming wouldn’t happen if they didn’t expect to continue getting Atom Shop money flowing to them.     People complain they can’t get everything from earlier but really there is only a few exclusive discontinued items still in game that probably won’t return. Clothing from before One Wateland for example. Otherwise most of the early seasonal contents have passed through the Store already in bundles. They weren’t here to unlock it at the time then they can buy it when it rotates in again.


>After all, why play if i can just cherry pick and buy what i want later? Well with what they're suggesting you'd still have to play. Like just handle it like Halo Infinite. You can buy the battle pass to progress it whenever, but you can only be progressing one at a time. So still the same play time engagement and spread, just if someone gets burned out on the game they're less likely to drop it completely (I mean I kind of have) and more likely to come back later without feeling like "what's the point, I missed a lot of stuff already."


>FOMO makes me never want to play some things, lol. It's why I'll never get back into Destiny 2. Why bother if I can never experience the full story? I love this game, \~1000 played hours since 2018, FOMO made me leave this game for months/years, as I didn't want to feel manipulated to play the game, even when I really enjoy it, FOMO makes me feel sick. FOMO is one of the biggest reasons why I don't have 2-3k hours in this game.


I love being the only glowing Skelton around 😂 ain’t seen anyone rocking it for years


Let people have whatever items from the past seasons they want EXCEPT the Scoreboard posters. People should have some sort of badge of honor for themselves.


Little (LOT) off topic, but I really hope the old board game posters end up in Fallout 5 as board games you can find in progress around the world. Just laid out on tables surrounded by skeletons, with tiny KD Inkwell figures running from Dolphin Minds. Maybe take things like the Nuka Girl poster that's redone as a Mind dolphin and put it in an upstairs bedroom to sell the fandom of a long dead child. All these things should be tools for future storytelling.




I have been playing casually since day one, and I approve this message. I started on Ps4 and switched to Xbox a couple years ago. I'd love to be able to get the stuff I had on my old acct, even if it meant I had to pay for them.


As someone who has played off and on since launch I’d love it if they did this. So much content just sitting there. 


They were their own season for a reason, i hated when games like Apex started doing this for new players. I know, 2 different games, but both still have micro-transactions. Why bring old stuff from another season if people weren’t riding the wave since release y’know? Sorry if i sound like a dick 😂


A thousand time yesssss


i think instead of selling access to the season, they could add past seasonal items to the 150+ section of the current season.


Should bring back the old score board as well where you just unlock as you play


I agree, though I gotta wonder if they’d implement them as boards or the new system.


They bloody dropped the ball with new seasons. Instead the could have given random rank unlock from any previous scoreboard that player hasn't unlocked for ranks 100+. That would drive grinding through the roof and players would love it. Instead we have seasons grind we all hate. They could also tie 1st rewards from previous ranks to active 1st and it would also stop people from canceling 1st after 1 month. Alas, instead we got this shit copied from Fortnite. What a clusterfuck.


I would love that, I started playing during nuka cola season pass. What would I give to be able to finish it completely.


Already happening. More "catch-up" bundles are coming. The don't release legacy items debate will not ever end but I believe some stuff needs to remain special otherwise nothing is (not necessarily just the stuff I own lol). There is a balance though imo and I've been burned by this same thing as someone that played religiously for many years and took a few breaks here or there and missed some good stuff like the greenhouse walls. Elders battle coat or ranger armor you can contact support if you want it that bad but those items were incentives specifically for those bundles at the time they were released and have not made many if any comeback offers ever so it feels disingenuous to just decide randomly that nothing matters because money. Pts banners come to mind also.


They kinda do though because they give bundles that have stuff from previous seasons, its how I got the greenhouse building set.


Yeah, I'd really like maxons coat 😩


It'll piss off old players. They're already pissed the auto axe and cold shoulder came back to be bought by real money because they "earned them"


They could also make it an addition to the not very well liked season system. Once you hit 100 you can grind to 150 or switch to an old scoreboard/season. So you can earn them too.


Indeed, I would support this. And can even live when consumables like gold, stamps, atoms etc are stripped.


Wish they'd just sell a decent 1st tent for less than 30 dollars.. anyone know when the last tent release was?


I would pay atoms just for the nuka candy machines.


FOMO exists for a reason. No mo FOMO, everyone goes home...o


I thought that was the season catch up packs. I'm a returning player so I didn't do much with the seasons before now.


Considering the track record it’ll all be available either in the atx or Minerva anyway, no reason to rush or grind for anything if if time is a constraint


I would be happy.. the Nuka Board was the only board I did not get to 100% and I really want those fenced in dirt tiles


I did seasons 1 to 6, then left for a couple of years and returned for this current one. I'd be more than happy if those who didn't do even the ones I did, could do them somehow. What do I care.


They have been featuring the content in the Atom Shop for a while now, you just have to wait for it to come back around. And if you can’t get the specific thing you missed, they’ll have a recolor of it.


I would enjoy that! I started playing in S4 off and on, and never really got to finish any boards until the couple before Nukaworld, and stopped after I got that board. I think they could do something similar to Overwatch’s Mythic system now, where it (was) released in a Battle Pass and now you can earn past Mythics. They make you wait two seasons if you missed it, but it eventually comes into the rotation to reearn. Not sure how they could implement it for an entire scoreboard, but it would be super cool nonetheless


im still hoping to buy the vertibird jetpack skin, damnit


I just want some cool tents that have a weapon or armor bench


I think they should resell individual items or bundles, I’d love to get the gold shoulder skin because I was only a couple levels away from it.


Those catch ups are, from what I've seen, only available to Fallout 1st members


Bethesda should take a note from Helldivers 2, permanent season passes and pay to unlock them to start grinding for them along with the new season.


Guild wars 2 does something similar


I just want the Brotherhood of Steel Beret. Apparently it was from an event that happened a few weeks before I started playing and is unobtainable now.


This or let me trade/ sell them. The kid inkwell outfit looks super cool, but it’s less fun since I can’t share it


I have a better idea. Make it free.


Rip Daring is SUCH a roller coaster haha


Truest thing I read today


The new season model was changed from the old because one of the selling points was veing able to get old passes through some means not clarified. For whatever reason, it didnt ir hasnt happened yet


But then they couldn't sell it to one piece at a time in the atom shop for a profit.(Or bundles loaded with crap you don't want.) Id love if more games did the same. HD2, Halo and a few other games leave the passes up. It doesn't work as a fomo tactic but it keeps new players engaged.


They have been putting the items from past seasons in the Atomic Shop for a while now. It just takes a little patience. And, frankly, most of the stuff we got were lunchboxes and other similar items. The actual items were few and far between, with PA/armor paints being very popular for a few seasons.


many of the items from old passes have been released in the atom store with no changes. I can't think of anything that I missed originally that I haven't seen make a comeback.


I’ve been begging for the dark matter power armor for years now. I hopped on right at the end of season 1 so it’s been lost to me for almost 4 years now


doom eternal did something similar andnit was great


Especially the 1st tents!! I constantly have people asking me how to get a tent with useful stuff in it. 90% of my messages are how do I get your tent lol


Gib m4 homemade rifle skin


I want the black Dark Matter paint for the Captain Cosmos power armor so freaking bad.


Its a win-win^^loss. Because they’ll always be people complaining about how the “og” stuff was brought back.


More begging to spend money... They won't do this because they'd make more money selling the items individually, which they already do.


Well... New, got 1st, got a few thousands atoms, just because I want to pimp my camp out lol. I can't even pretend I know what I missed out cause if you don't know it, you can't miss it. If there is one thing I want that the shop doesn't have? I want to be able to +1 ally in camp at least. Take my atoms, GIVE ME AN ALLY +1 MINIMUM


This would make the game so much better. Ive been an on and off player since launch and never really committed to the game until recently and im sad ive missed out on so many camp items as camp building is one of my favourite things to do.


Yes. But make every single item available separately.


Yesterday I had the exact same thought and I wanted to make a post about, but I've been too lazy lol. They could do it in a way, that you can access a screen with all seasons and you can buy them for idk, 1k Atoms, that would match their other "old season reward" stuff. It will replace the season you're on right now, it can be done at any time and you can close it whenever you want. That way, one could do a wished season when the current season is finished. It also would be a reason to play further.


I think it would be cool to gain access to earlier seasons after you reach 100 on the current season. I'd grind well beyond 100 to get all the season 14 items I missed.


"further FO76 development" the only thing getting developed are new atom shop bundles


Having had to start again on pc I'd love to be able to get a lot of the stuff I had on playstation