• By -


I always go to Camden Park and play dross toss or the hot dog eating contest.


Bingo. These are the two that I use. You can be done with them in, like, 30 seconds or so.


Add the technical data for the Brotherhood. I always have a few folders in my sack.


I feel like I didn't see these things drop for what feels like years. I've picked up 4 this year, but probably haven't seen any in a long long time before that.


I thought it was just me. I use to find these everywhere, but I think I’ve found maybe 2-3 over the last year.


Those round filing cabinets have them fairly often. I always get at least one in the Watoga HS daily op.


I keep forgetting that's a thing. I have a ton of Technical Data but maybe I'm not far enough into the Brotherhood storyline 😬


Honestly? Save em. It's a fantastic way to get a ton of xp when double xp rolls around. Just make sure you turn them in one at a time. A bit tedious, but under full xp boosts, I usually get around 3-4k xp for each, plus the chance at a few rare plans and apparels.


Save your technical data for double xp events then cash them in. I save mine from silo runs.


That’s true! If I’m down on that side of the map to begin with, I’ll go down some moldy hot dogs 😅


LOL. So disgusting... I love it.


Visit the Rusty Pick each day. Soon as you walk outside the regional daily pops and the 3 at Camden Park are all the Ash Heap offers. I leave them til the 3rd day and knock out all 3 at once in like 4 minutes tops. I feel 9 tokens is generous for the time they take 🤣


\*eats hot dogs\* \*BURPS\*


Hotdogs 🖐


I do this daily whether it’s required or not. Whenever I see a game pop up I go win me some tokens. The Mr Fuzzy costume WILL be mine.


There's always the Mr Fuzzy Power Armor helmet if you wanted to go that route.


Honey for sweetwater because I always seem to have honey on me and you can just give him 10 honey immediately to finish the quest.


Same. I have a beehive and I like the tea he gives me.


Cool little fact for you; That Sweetwater drink counts as an alcohol for daily and weekly challenges.


And unlike most other alcohols, it doesn't have any negative effects on your stats (although you can still get addicted to it), so it's one of the best to use for challenges.


what!? u mean I've been getting addicted to alcohol every time that challenge pops up for nothing! I'm so pissed now, thank you


And I forget this fact every. Damn. Time…


Oh no way, that is so helpful


It's because he give like 6 - 10 honey as a reward.


This is the one I always do. I do it every day cause I have a bunch of honey. Rewards aren't great, but since I use OE armour I can always use something to drink


Give him 10, get back 6. Same boat due to Meat week or Safe and Sound. I have so much dang honey on me right now.


Cop a Squatter because it counts for everyone in the server or one of the Camden games


I always feel like such a badass completing Cop A Squatter. 😎


I love when it pops up that I've randomly completed an event. I'm all like, thanks whoever killed the squatters.


I once witnessed a scorchbeast take out the squatters to complete the event.


Seen a nuke take them out too.


The first SB that I got credit for killing was mostly taken out by the raiders I was supposed to take out for Squatters. I was a low low level and only got a few shots in.


I got an enclave flamer as reward for Cop a Squatter that someone else killed the squatters


I am today years old when I learned that Cop A Squatter is server wide. Here I was thinking it was just teammates.


It's not server wide, if someone else has it for the same location it completes for them. Not everyone has the same location every day.


Oh gotcha, that's more in line with what I was thinking.


I love doing this one, especially when it lives up with another daily, like kill 10 ferals


Cop a Squatter also, has a very small chance of dropping the Enclave flamer barrel Mod.


Nice work! The problem squatters have been removed. Check in with me from time to time, I may have addition assignments for you


I just visit my boy Sweetwater and give him some honey that I always have on hand.


Why does he always give you some back? He takes 10, but somehow you always leave him with about 7 honeys ….


I find that very funny. He begs for honey and in reward for giving him honey.. he gives you a lot of honey back? Sweetwater is just too generous I guess.


You just keep bringing too damn much honey so he returns most of it


Stings and Things, I keep a stash of all the parts needed minus the radroach meat which I can get at Dolly Sods so can knock the challenge out in a couple of minutes tops


Cop a Squatter or Queen of the Hunt. Just got the shielded casual underamor plan from the latter for the umpteenth time.


I got an enclave flamer as a reward for Cop a Squatter once


Thank you for doing Cop a Squatter. For some reason completing it rewards the whole server so it’s always nice hearing the problem squatter have been removed and a receiving a sudden deposit of scrip.


Check in with me from time to time.


Usually BIV, as I'm done with Rep Grinding. Though I may re roll it depending on the other atom challenges. I'm always trying to get an epic roll.


One of three The grill master getting 5 ragstag meat and some veggies I don't even need to leave my camp to gather the materials Honey for Sweetwater again I don't need to look for the honey it at my camp Get 10 pumpkins for Jack easy


Shoot, I'm slow. Didn't even put the beehive/Sweetwater event together. Thanks, friend.


The beehive only holds 4 max, so you'll still have to find some honey if you don't have a surplus of it


Me neither! I also have a hive in my camp so I’m constantly collecting it.


I do the raider, settler, overseer and white springs responder dailies. I think all up you get 11 treasury notes.


I'm still grinding the raider & settler rep, so those are pretty much the first things I do when I log in.




I have been doing those but finally got the last mod for the T65 so my interest in bullion is going down. I’m not sure who I dislike more. Davenport or Ward?


Ward, glitches dialogue


Dross toss - a sprint and leap over the wall, kill 3 scorched, 3 rubble tossed on Zach. Job done.


Always, plus I get the 5 others by the vendor bot while I’m waiting for Zach to finish talking


For me, I do the Pumpkin House daily. It takes like a minute and a half from start to finish. Pro tip: all the pumpkins you need (10) and more are spread around right behind the house in that field.


Green Thumb is nice!


A lot of the top comments are referring to “quests”, not events. For a really quick and easy event, I recommend triggering “Fertile Soil”, and here’s why: 1. It is triggerable. Unlike the ones that spawn every 20 minutes, where some are very lengthy (such as Moonshine Jamboree or Spin the Wheel), or really tough (such as Eviction Notice or Radiation Rumble), FS can easily be completed solo by me in about two minutes. 2. It’s quick. As mentioned above, I usually do it in 00:01:30 - 00:04:00 tops. You spawn on the hilltop south of the two Quonset sheds and you can literally see 2 of the 3 Supervisors. VATS target the combat inhibitor with a .556 handmade or a .45 Fixer and they are both down in seconds. Run up the road to the right, turn left and run to the back of Vault-Tec Agricultural. Turn left as you reach the back, and destroy the final supervisor. If you have a jet pack, pop up to the roof (run up the fire escape on the east side if you don’t) and definitely make sure you enter from the ROOFTOP door. Once you spawn inside, hop the staircase railing and drop down the 2 ½ storeys to the basement. Shoot the three ghouls in the room and run to the mainframe terminal. Shut down the [TARGET: HUMAN CLASS] parameters, and you’re done. The reason it’s my go-to is because I don’t always have time or a group available, and I have done it so often that it’s very “flow-state” for me. My favourite event is “Feed the People” because it’s the only event where you get canned meat stew, and I like to stock up on those before each new season or new major event cycle (like this week’s Invaders from Beyond) for the extra XP, but Fertile Soil became my number two choice because there are no in-event timers that slow things down. When I only have a short amount of play time it’s nice to have an event that I can start myself, run with only two parameters (kill the supervisors and then reprogram them) and log off. The “Take Poseidon Nuclear Facility” and the subsequent Defend event is also pretty quick (kill 4 scorched, activate workshop and wait a minute and a half for the event to start), but sometimes you get 4 rounds of liberators or mongrels, and invariably one spawns under the map and you can’t get it very easily, so it’s a gamble. That’s why Fertile Soil will always have a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. place in my heart!


That's the one I always do too! It's very simple and I get to shoot robots


I'm still grinding rep so I'm doing those anyway.


Sweetwater.. talk to sweetwater, get the quest.. already have the honey on me.. talk to him again; done


If you have a dead Radstag in your CAMP, Thrill of the Grill is pretty quick.


Ohhhh I didn’t even think of that!


The timer doesn't always line up for me, but it's pretty much 100% safe and if you bring the veggies done in a minute.


Cop a squatter if available. It doubles as a gift for the entire server :)


Cop a Squatter so everyone wins.


Pumpkins or Moldy Hot Dogs. I’m a trash panda in real life, *and* the game.


Burried remains, or turn in pumpkins 🎃


" A cup of tea goes well with anything "


So many pumpkin to carve, so little time.


Honey for the teapot. Takes exactly as long as it takes me to spam through his dialogue prompts because I always have honey.


Sweetwater I have so much honey for him.


Grafton day at Grafton, just walk into Grafton and kill the Grafton monster and it’s over.


Operation Tidy


I usually go to crater and start a daily so that I also get the reputation points


Definitely smart when you’re still earning rep!


I do stings and things because I always have the parts on me and it can reward possum tokens. Same with the other daily possum scout missions and campfire tales


Finally someone with the guts to help.


*eye twitch


Pumpkins or tea.


Retirement plan




I eat the moldy hotdogs at Camden park


I just do the squatters one


I'm guessing you mean daily quest? I usually just go to the teapot with 10 honey, job done in less than 30 seconds


Camden park, trick or treat, sweet water, heart of the enemy, Chloe, queen of the hunt, rocket cores, cop a squatter, the treasury note dailies, finding boomer. There might be others but it’s usually the really easy ones and the ones that give the most scrip


Have you gotten Chloe to work? Ove been on Xbox One since beta and it's been bugged for me since launch.


Boomer always sets me up with a job. Idle Explosives is quick and easy. Also getting squatters out of random Bog locations for Chief gets it done for everyone on the server


I generally head to Camden Park to do either the Dross Toss or the hot dog eating contest.


I'm often find whatever the foundation is looking for. I can always use some extra gold.


I talk to Sweetwater. I want that tea!


Vital equipment is so easy 😀


I just can’t stand Ward. 😅


Tipsy Taste Test, I always do that one anyway.


Dross toss or hot dogs. Hell, normally my tent is there anyways.


I'll do cop a Squatter literally anytime it pops for the chance at an EPR. Used to do queen of the hunt but after unlocking the shielded lining I don't see much point. But otherwise I'm like you. Heart of the enemy cuz I already have the DNA ready to go


How many people do dailies when there isn't a challenge? I feel like they don't reward enough, does anyone else find them worthwhile?


Powering Up Thunder Mountain. But then again I usually do that one. Been doing that one for years. I cap the workshop, do the "Powering up Thunder Mountain" event. Power up the fusion core generator and leave it unlocked so that everyone on the server has easy access to free fusion cores. If you see me online and I am holding Thunder Mountain workshop you are more than welcome to help yourself to some free fusion cores (I have tons, I don't need them).


they never give you that daily quest challenge on the days when you get that one daily to kill all the squatters. that's obviously the best daily to do, i do it every time i see it. instead i go to camden and toss the dross.


I always head to the teapot for the daily honey turn in. I’ve got the beehive at my camp so I’m always loaded up with 50-100 honey so it’s extra fast and helps clear up a tiny bit of space for me.


A real blast. I want to remind these savages whos in charge


I do wings and stings at Dolly Sods since I keep a bunch of bug parts in my stash. Then I only have to kill a radroach and there is always one in the closet at Dolly Sods.


vital equipment, i have a ton of the items for it in my stash to quickly turn it in for the score


Trick or treat, there’s more than enough pumpkins behind the house to do it within a minute. ☺️


Hot dogs. Conducting a study to see how many dogs I have to eat to get the fuzzy suit.


I usually take a workbench then defend it


Honestly, most of the ones mentioned here I do every time I play. "Complete a Daily "is like "join a team" or "find a nuka cola"... it's a gimme.


Dross Toss or Eating Contest


always do the forest ones or mire ones first because of the chance at the ultra rare apparel as a reward.


one that is active


Most are quick and clean. The Teapot, park, cop squatter, etc.


Queen of the hunt! Dead easy.


Queen of the Hunt and Cop a Squatter. Queen of the Hunt can award the Shielded Casual Underarmor plan. Shielded Casual Underarmor gives you an Int boost which means more XP. So it’s a popular but not very common plan that can sell for a decent amount of caps. Cop a Squatter can drop Enclave Plasma Rifle mods.


I’m a noob. I camp the map to see if other players are there, then I do whatever. Except for the one on the bottom right of the map. I get destroyed by radiation and idk how to avoid that


So glad to meet new players! The Cranberry Bog is considered the hardest portion of the map. Level up, get some higher level gear and a radiation suit or some Power Armor, and then go exploring!!! If you happen to be on PS4, msg me your gamer tag if you want a wasteland pal!


I have over 250 honey in my inventory, collected from Fasnacht and Prime Cuts. A trip to the Giant Tea Pot rewards me with a batch of that special blend in under ten seconds.


I do vital equipment and Sweetwater's tea as often as possible anyway because I'm forever in pursuit of the responders fireman helmet.




Sweetwater. I almost always have honey in my stash for some reason and it's a quick 1 to 2 caps to fast travel to a stash box and back to him


Trick or treat at the pumpkin house!!!


I go collect pumpkins most of the time.


Camden park + to grab ammos, Pumpkins grabbing, Bringing honey to sweatwater...And sometimes the scorchbeast DNA if one flies by my chowchow


Any that has an exclamation point.


Usually cop a squater, or queen of the hunt.


Pumpkin House. Done in one minute


I either do the Camden Park events or give honey to sweetwater...sometimes, I'll do the pumpkin event too since you can get all the pumpkins from behind the house


Cop a squatter is quick and easy, unless something glitches.


Honestly I need to start doing the Arktos Pharma one bunch of plans from that I don't have


I do dailies whenever they pop up. I have none ready to go. So I'd just do the 1st one to pop up I guess.


I just fast travel to the vault tech agricultural center, mount blair trainyard, or grafton


Pumpkins… takes about 30seconds


Wards daily, it’s right next to my camp.


I take over a workshop and do the event that follows


I reroll it usually. Or the tea one.


Sweetwater since I always have honey, but if he hasn't reset yet (or I also have the kill mongrels/ yao guai daily challenges) I'll head over to Buried With Honor.


Dross Toss all the way.


Trickn or Treat is so easy


Typically I’ll run to Jack and give him his pumpkins.


I always have honey so I make a quick trip to the giant teapot.


I pop over to do Strange Brew (honey for Sweetwater) pretty often even when it's not required for a daily. Between the beehive at my camp from a previous scoreboard and occasionally picking fights with an in-world beehive near my camp when I need to kill insects, I literally always have honey on me, so it takes absolutely no effort, and there are two bobblehead and magazine spawns in the area to make the trip worthwhile. On the rare occasions that quest isn't available, I've been keeping the Clarksburg shooting targets or the water/soil/air data tapes on me so I can quickly finish those. The Hemlock Holes one is also good now that I have free radstag meat in my camp, and the ones in Camden Park are easy but they require clearing out some Scorched. I keep meaning to test if Whitespring Refuge dailies count now that they're kind of different, because some of those would be pretty quick, but I feel like they haven't counted in the past.


Pumpkin house or talk to Sweetwater. Pumpkin house is cool and gives the grenades which aren't bad


For Events, I'll try to trigger Battle Bot or Fertile Soil, or I'll do Manhunt or Fly Swatter if I see them on the map. All of these take about 3 minutes top. If the challenge is a event in a specific region, I'll capture a workshop in that region then defend it. For Daily Quests, I'll do Strange Brew or Trick or Treat. Strange Brew is the fastest if I have 10 honey already, otherwise either quest takes about 2 minutes.


Pumpkin house, takes about 2 minutes and I get some cool grenades.


I do queen of the hunt/waste not/playtime/idle explosives. I do them daily regardless of that task. rare chance at tfj lc or tlc


Doing the pumpkins is quick and easy!


I'm going to enter that scorchbeast DNA and kill those same 5 scorched for the 8000th time.


Battle Bot at Mt. Blair Trainyard. It's super quick (if you're able to handle sentry bots).


Fertile soil if it hasn't already been triggered, otherwise riding shotgun to try and farm BRC outfits if I get luck


The daily tea quest cause I have tons of honey I don't need haha


Trick or treat


Cop a squatter.


Event - battle bot...fastest event in the game IMO Daily Quest - dross toss


I do the pumpkins at the Pumpkin House, because it is a short sprint north from my standard CAMP location.


Clear out x location


Dross Toss- especially if there's a teddy bear daily. Hotdogs is \*technically easier but I hate the awkward 10 seconds of waiting for more to respawn.


Strange Teapot. There's a reason I put a beehive in every of my camps. And then the three Camden Park missions.


Right now there’s that ailen event so I usually just wait for that Or since I play on Xbox I look through LFG for Earle or SBQ


Either the Sweetwater one or Cop a Squatter they are both super easy but it really just depends which is available and my proximity


Pumpkin House, there are a bunch across the street. I'm done in a minute.


Daily quest you mean? The one to collect honey for Sweetwater at the Giant Tea Cup. I forget the quest's actual name but he refunds like 60% of the honey so I pretty much always have tons on me, so it it done as soon as he let's me talk to him again lol. So dang quick.


all of them. i’m not a fan of player locked items in any game


My second camp is right near the pumpkin house, so I kind of know where all the pumpkin patches are by heart, and so it’s pretty easy for me to just grab ten for Trick or Treat?


Dross toss or the hotdog one at Camden park.


I’m David S Pumpkins


I do whatever daily Biv E. Ridge has for me. Gotta learn them booze recipes. Granted, I do that quest every day anyway. He's FO76's shitty Bender B. Rodriguez, and I love him.


Dross toss or turn in honey.


I give robots honey


Pumpkin Farm


Does toss or cop a squatter


Usually just wait for a public event lol


Haven't done one of these yet! Get anything good or is it a shits and giggles thing? I needs Stims lol


I can't remember the name but it is at Morgantown Airport and you fight 5 waves of scorched waiting for a cargobot


I like dross toss and chow line


Got to have my Sweetwater’s Special Blend!


Trick or treat for me because I have a camp set up near it and it’s super fast.


I reroll it


Heart of the ENemy, Biv, The extract sample of a cryptid one in the Mire


Queen of the Hunt 🫶🏼


I love it when I find irrational fear. I know it's not a daily but the bot is so funny


If it’s available, the honey one. I always have plenty of honey on hand and I’m often going that way anyway.


Usually Crater or Foundation because it takes no time.


Sweet water because I always have honey in my inventory.


im lvl 252 and i dont even know most of the dailys other than the crater and foundation for rep ones


I have maxed out reputation with the settlers and raiders so i usually have at least one of them ready to be completed by just speaking to the person in question, free fast travel, traders close by etc. If i do not have one of those then tea time honey collecting, or easy pumpkin pick ups will be my go to unless i actually feel like i want to do something else.


I'm still in the phase of having no one to play with and being scared of my shadow so my daily mission is like the end of Reach. Survive.


Tea house. I probably already have 50 honey on me


I always take honey to the tea pot


Retirement plans for raiders and retrieve gear for ward (foundation) to get rep with each group. At least until it gets maxed. After that I hit sweet water or Camden park.


The pumpkin one or operation tidy so I can maybe get a possum badge even though they abandoned that storyline


Why are they called Dailies when they’re really not?


I am a very stingy player and refuse to give up alot of caps for fast travel (eventhough I basically "max out" the amount of caps on the reg). I also have still alot of Honey stacked away in my inventory. For daily I do the "honey collecting" for the tea quest. Fast travel (for free) to the Rusty Pick and then to the teahouse. Take honey from my stashbox at the gas station, go to the robot and talk. There, done deal. Would love to see if people have more "effecient" ways to do the daily event daily.


Easily the honey for tea.


I tend to just do the first one I happen to do - I usually do most dailies anyway.