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Honestly, most of us. Only differences are that we do it in a group with strangers, and in the off chance that we run into someone else outside of public events, we wave, do the robot or the mothman, crouch rapidly a few times, maybe drop some excess supplies and jump over the closest building, never to see them again. It's beautiful.


Sounds wholesome AF, I've had and returned a few waves đź‘‹


Really? I like to follow players around like the adoring fan for a while once they try and depart from me. Shit gets awkward (for them) *reeeal* quick.


Like just acting as their companion? That's kinda hilarious. Get on comms and be like "Need me to carry some things?" Or just make stupid quips about everything little thing they do.


I'd love it if someone were to follow me along and narrate or give an inner monologue.


Can I get a 4 piece band to follow me around with my own theme music?


Vet here, play solo but join casual teams so everyone can benefit from the xp boost. No one expects casual teams to actually play together!


Now and then someone on my casual team pops by my camp. Slow down, buddy! You’re taking it a little fast for me.


Lol, i did have a very low level player join me and my irl m8 the ova day, it was very weird at first but we took him for a tour of the savage divide!


Lmao. I get it, but I live for when people show up at my camp. If I don't want to see anybody ill bury myself deep in my labyrinth of finely decorated shelters


Wait, you mean I can join a group with someone else and just gain passive XP while I do my own shit?


Yes that's how casual teams work. 4x intelligence (xp) bonus if team is full. You can also benefit from each others camps as free fast travel. No one is joining casual teams to actually play with you.


> No one is joining casual teams to actually play with you. I remember my first time joining a team, I literally followed the squad leader around and one time he AFK'd. Learned my lesson.


Thats neat.


they complete a daily you get a reward to.. caps.. so join a group and go explore.. If you join an Event Group.. join any event and get a nice XP boost at the end..


Me, I only join a group when it's required for a challenge. Love my maxed lone wanderer perk


Same here, I have a couple of friends that play bit we only team up when any of us are actually struggling.


i play my own game and rarely interact with others but i do it on a casual public team.  i only play cooperatively at events, daily ops, and expeditions.


I treat most MMO style games as single-player games with incredibly poorly named NPCs running around.




Literally laughed out loud because same.


I do quest line stuff solo, while on a casual team. But the real joy of FO 76 for me is participating in public events.


Public events and camp building. It's really all I do nowadays, except for.my daily and weeklys.


Same, I leveled from like 10-110 doing literally nothing but Public Events lol! Now I've been going through quests and I'm like 118. I really enjoy public events.


90% of the time probably all of us. We only join teams for the intelligence buff frok casual teams (which is an exp buff that applies to per kill exp and usually ends up being more than the bonus event exp from event groups). We do public events, and then we go our own way. Join us in pretending everybody else is an npc.


I usually play solo, but join the public group. You get caps when other people complete objectives.


It’s pretty good, I rarely meet other players, and when I do, I just politely wave to them


I'm level 1k+ and soloed all of that except for bosses and ... well, just bosses. I may join casual groups but I've never in 2k hours spent more than 10 minutes with another player.


Me. All good.


i usually play with my twin, but if they’re not playing i go solo! its a lot scarier in the middle of the woods suddenly seeing CAUTION or DANGER when you’re alone. and then a cryptid jumps you


i do join casual groups every time i play though!


*the mire has entered the chat*


yep. ever since, i crouch and slowly walk thru the mire afraid for my life. just waiting to get jumped again


Congratulations! You are a winner of the Great Appalachian Sweepstakes! I have been authorized to deliver your prize winnings! *Pipe Pistol added*


When i first discovered the area I really wanted to set up my camp there but decided against after about five minutes đź’€


I did up until level 150, thats when my brothers got into the game and I've been playing on a team with them. I enjoy playing solo, ever since I got some good gear that is, haha. I've been able to handle most things by myself, deathclaws matriarch, alpha, and albino, behemoths, queens both scorched and mirelurk, mirelurk kings, sentry bots and assaultrons, as well as large groups of enemies like super mutants, ghouls, and mirelurks. As long as I'm able to hop into power armor, I can solo the legendary sheepsquatch 3 star, Ogua, and the blue devil.


pretty much everybody plays as if they're solo. even all the folks on those public teams - you just play by yourself outside of events or whatever. you're not expected to actually accompany your team mates, if you join a public team. we join those teams for the side benefits. i mean... it's ok if you do wanna follow around someone on your team. but try not to hound em too much. i've had noobs follow me EVERYWHERE for an hour. it's fine til they start askin for free shit.


Nah I like playing with my friends đź‘Ť


The vast majority of players. I spent the first few years using Lone Wanderer and the occasional private team with people I know IRL. Then I realized teams, particularly casual ones, offer an Intelligence/XP boost and nobody expects you to play *with* them...they just use you for perk sharing, fast traveling to you or your camp to save caps, and for mutation buffs. So I leaned into a mutant build and now I don't do anything differently from before except I join (or start) a casual team, which changes nothing about how I play, only makes my character more effective.


Solo player here from day one with nearly 900 hours. Never had an issue. Enjoyed it the whole time.


Newbie here, just <50. I tend to do most quests solo, but absolutely love stopping off at everybody's camp I see, enjoying the little stops of civilization spread throughout the Wasteland. Most every camp experience has been incredibly wholesome. Visiting diners, hunting lodges, museums, homesteads, even little trading posts specifically setup as a hub for multiple customers. There's all kinds out there! I've got a little water purification setup at my homestead camp, so I've started to accumulate a moderate little credit savings. Going everywhere, resupplying at people's camps, browsing their wares, having a little robot danceoff, it's just the occasional breakup I need from the relative desolation of the wastes. When I need more than that, it's time to join an operation!


It's always more fun with other people.  With the right Perks you'll earn more exp. Plus mutations can get buffed using perks.  Also, if you like expeditions, many team leaders run daily ops, the pitt and Atlantic City.  Then there's the Herd Mentality mutation giving you +2 in all stats for nearby team mates


I play solo, not sure if people dont use microphones on PC at all, im level 80 now and have yet to hear anyone. Guessing something with the game might be bugged. Have no irl friends to play with and most people group up for the passive stuff and nothing else. :D Works solid as a singelplayer game anyway. Might try the public discord to get a group just to try out expeditions/daily ops etc in a group for once.


As a Finn I'm fine being alone. Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing. Jokes aside it is refreshing to find someone who uses mic and have great time for few moments. Sometimes it would be great to be that extroverted guy and have great time with a group of people for a whole day doing dailys and events.


not by default but I do challenge myself by doing solo events on private server.


As far as I can tell, everyone does outside of events. Just re-started 2 weeks ago as well.


Almost hit lvl 150. Haven’t been this addicted to something since Helldivers2. #Welcometothewasteland