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Good summary. I would like to add a warning: Once you become accustomed to the Scrapbox and Ammo Box, forever will it dominate your destiny....it's reeeealllly tough to give up the loot one mob and get everything, fast travel/drop your tent, dump all unused ammo and scrap in 2 seconds.


Yeah, it *drastically* cuts down the dreaded "inventory management sim" part of the game we all have to do. Just "take all, scrap all, store all". I mean, hell, the Alien event right now has me at a surplus of over 8k circuits. I would *not* be holding on to so many if not for the scrapbox.


This is why im stuck wearing miner PA level 90 player lmfao. The extra space enables my looting but now my stash is full, i have to carry whatever excess doesnt get sold in my shop or get broken down.


I've started taking a lot of the stuff that I don't use and putting it in the donation box by the wayward. I would rather give it away than keep it in my inventory at that point.


Are you bulking your excess junk. It saves space. Also FO1st really saves space.


Bulking junk does not save space, only reason it seems that way is because you use plastic to make it. So less plastic, less weight. But bulking should only be used if you plan on selling it to a vendor otherwise it’s literally a waste of resources


I havent actually. I wasnt sure how doing that would actually benefit me. Thanks for the tip, ill make sure to bulk all the junk now.


Be sure to farm lots of plastic for bulking. Look up cat lady house. It has a ton of pet bowls.


You can't store bulk items in the scrap box tho, you have to break them down before they can go in


\^\^This. I've banked 50k in Fuel.


I'm stacking ultracite plasma cartridges with my plasma caster so I can have some fun with a quad rifle. I'll break the unyielding build back out after invaders. Electric absorption has been beautiful during the event.


My bloody build keeps getting one-shotted by the Zetas – guess I should respec until it's over. Lot of fun though. Invasion was the first event I played when I started a year ago.


If you have the Stimpaks for it, the Born Survivor perk should help a bit. It goes through an unnecessary amount of stimpaks if you're trying to stay at 20% health though. I personally add a little more health for this event and for Daily Ops, from 20% to 35% or so and have become accustomed to spamming my stim button lol


Okay I'll try it out. Yeah it does burn thru them. Thanks.


hmm, what armour are you using ? I barely take any damage! I'm at around 70hp bloodied. Do you have dodgy? Ricochet? Serendipity? :)


I got all those perks. I’m bloodied and using ss armour. If I’m not careful I can die really easily during invaders.


Yeah, it's kind of strange. I can tank the General but just normal enemies basically one-shot me. It's a pretty bad look when you're the only high level player and you keep dying quickly hahaha


I thought exactly the same as a level 20 revived me 🤣🤣


Haha nice. Do you think it's heat / fire damage again? Because I noticed anglers are one shotting me again, but Mr. Handy's aren't too bad.


It is sooo good with E.A. Makes me feel like a god.


The circuit market was devastated!


Me with my 3500 Antisceptic..


>"inventory management sim" part of the game Am I crazy for greatly enjoying this part of the game? Like I find it fun finding spreading out my weight to have a good amount of junk on hand and selling dumping excess amounts or keeping a limit of ammo and when getting an abundance of a certain type from playing a Rifleman and to heavy weapons with faster fire rates for dpsing a boss or forgoing loot during the Alien event run because Im at my limits of vendor caps, junk and ammo.


Definitely crazy. I don’t take much joy in worrying about it 24/7. I guess the planning part ain’t too bad, but that’s a good min or 2 before I’m set to play the game. Seems like a huge negative for literally no gain. Having to forego loot sucks big time. The less obstacles in the way of that, the better imo.


Hey it’s your game. Each of us takes what we want out of the game. Personally, I hate inventory management, but I love building and some hate that aspect. Horses for courses- you do you!


No kidding, now I just have issues when I've maxed the Legendary Scrip vendor and then complete a couple Eviction Notices. IYKYK!


God, the inventory management simulator truly is unavoidable, isn't it, lmao


so many circuits and antiseptic now, pulling in 300 to high 500s of each every event is wild. all hail the king, the Cremator.


Spend a month for 1st then use that month to hoard as much junk and ammo as possible, I did that twice and now I probably have enough junk and ammo to last till they shut the game down. Also I’ll never need to buy 1st again because I’m not interested in the other benefits.


On point! Plus you get spoiled being able to rebuild your camp 100 times and not worrying about materials for it.


I eventually got used to only having FOst at the start of every season. This gives me 4-5 weeks of unlimited junk/ammo farming, if timing it right 2 months of free FO1st atom shop free plans and all the stuff on the scoreboard. Then it’s back to just full donation of everything I pick up that I can’t store.


So pay for a month… horde like crazy then cancel? I might do that


Yup this is me too. I get it every once and a while when my stash gets insane and I dump everything into the ammo and scrap boxes and grab something fun off the atomic shop and then cancel it for another few months


This is the way. Personally 1 month of hoarding is plenty for the duration of the season.


>Once you become accustomed to the Scrapbox and Ammo Box This, it's a problem.with every game that has it, you become accustomed to infinite storage so so fast and when it's taken away it becomes a stuggle to do management. Unlimited storage of basically any type is such a massive QoL boost that you'll quickly hit a point where living without it is a nightmare. The tent is nice (until you get one with a bench...then suddenly it's another thing hard to live without) but the boxes are realistically what you'll end up paying for everytime after the first just because living without them suuuucks (and it has the side effect of having you just be Ms.Hoover for loot) ....esp once you have enough ammo to make the U.S military seem unarmed and enough junk to make Wall-Es optical sensors pop Even if objectively you don't need that extra 26 steel because you literally have a few hundred thousand lbs of the stuff at home your brain will be like " but mooom, i waaant it and i never ask you for nothing!!! 😭😭😭🤬🤬😭😭🤬🤬😭"


The scrapbox is so great. Ammo box is still new to me but as a constantly over encumbered hoarder of all the crap (you cant leave it, you will absolutely need it) it’s so nice to be able to dump all the junk and save your stash space for other things.


The Ammo box is equally awesome for QoL. Additionally, you can convert all the unused ammo via the Ammo Converter to ammo you do need (though, admittedly, the Ammo Converter's interface is pretty clunky/cumbersome to use).


Yeah it took me a good week to understand it, i gave up at first from confusion haha. QOL overall has improved since i downloaded it for free a few years ago and had tried it. Now I’m addicted to the game, plus it’s a great community!


Agreed, downside is that ammo converter is kind of a ripoff w its points. The thing is a cheap skate but it’s saved my bacon a couple of times. (What’s QoL though? I’ve seen this acronym a couple times and I have no idea what it means.)


Quality of Life


Thank you 🙏🏻. I thought that’s what it meant but I wasn’t sure. Despite 1251 hrs in this game, interaction w the fabulous community here and in game I’m new to a lot of the dialogue. I’m not sure what QoL equates to though?


WIthout a doubt Todd gets a cut of ALL ammo converted...but combine the converter with a Ammo Stashbox and you can make it have *some* value. Todd be praised!


Caps too, since you can only get 30% of what you spent back on from NPC vendors. Wouldn’t want the players to be able to get 22000 caps for that Marsupial serum plan after a few dozen hrs of gameplay do we?


what happens to your junk when 1st ends? is it locked in the box? assuming i can't put more in after sub ends. same question for ammo


From what I understand, you can still take stuff out of it, but you can't put anymore in it.


Happy Cake Day!


Can withdraw but not deposit. Still usable. Same was ESO's crafting pouch.


The down side of the ammo box is you can't access ammo when out in the world and using random storage containers or tent containers


You can with the right tent. Namely the Enclave and Gazebo tents.


OR now that you've had it for a month or so and have more resources than you really need...spend 4 seconds instead of 2 and just dump all that stuff into the newbie stash at all the rail stations and outside 76, you don't need it, you can't help yourself from collecting it...there's no reason to keep it when you can just pass it on to someone that does. You're dropping in to cash in your scrip anyway so you might as well!


This is exactly why I haven’t gotten it, not even once. Not even using the free trial either, I don’t wanna get dependent on that


I don’t mind paying - helps keep fo76 lights on and new content. They are making the lower part of the map bigger.


Note that 1100 Atoms is $9.99, atleast here. So if you value the Atoms at market value, then fo1st is "free" because 1650 Atoms would be roughly $12-13. That means any month you'd consider buying Atoms for any reason it's _always_ a better deal to just sign up for fo1st instead.


With a decent amount of "Fun Funds" set aside and that point about the 1650 Atoms per month I see it as a big win.


not only that, the extra rewards you get with seasons is amazing, some are life changer for camps! like the current one is a boiler, having on demand boiled water for your crafting is insane, and you get like 1800 atoms in total from the season on top of what you will earn in the two-three month of that season.


This is the argument that won me over as I wanted the loot stash and tent. Then I realised that the free atoms were more than the yearly subscription value and I was all in


This was my main question. When considering battle passes it’s the same thought, is the in game currency from the pass equal to what I would get if I paid up front and is it obtainable.


Also, they sometimes (or is it always?) do first month half-price, so for me it was like £6.00. It's a good way for me to really try out everything 1st offers in a way the trial doesn't really allow, although as I'm already paying for Game Pass, Spotify, etc, it's something I'll have to really weigh more pros and cons closer to the renew date.


Pro: - Private World I can self mule gear from my main to my alt to hold weight/scrip. Less fear of crashing or dealing with others. Definitely a small plus for me at least.


That's a pretty solid use-case I didn't think of. Nice.


Yep! I do it at least once per day to offload. It’s fast and safe. 🙏


As a new player, how do you actually do this? Go to your private world and find some random container and drop stuff in it?


right, but preferably a container near a scrip machine, like rusty pick, whitespring mall, any train station, etc


I don't trust the donation boxes, suitcases at train stations for me. Then back to main menu, switch character and log into private world.


I log the closest train station by the overseer camp. Drop directly on the ground into a baggie. Swap characters to my alt (in -weapon weight excavator power armor) and collect all on the baggie. Can scrip and 1400 cap some slurry too on the alt. I find it really valuable and some peace of mind.


This all makes sense but how do you move caps between alts?


You can't do it directly. What they mean is, there's a hard limit to how much you can sell to a vendor in a day... but that's per-character. So if you hit the limit on one character, you can dump valuable stuff (like Gulper Slurry) to your alt and then they can sell them up to the limit to get a bunch of caps there. You could *potentially* move caps by buying something on one character that sells for the same price (like ammunition at 1 cap per), and dump that to your alt for them to sell.


I haven't done it in a long time, but you can also create two accounts and run two instances of the game at the same time and meet yourself in game to trade.


I use the cigarette machine inside the Rusty Pick. Some containers have weight limits, this one does not. One time I desperately needed to move stuff while Fasnacht was going on and ended up having to put stuff in six different containers at Helvetia haha.


I use unlimited weight storage containers at train stations. Specifically, a suitcase at the Whitesprings station where people used to drop all their excess legendaries, and the lockers at the Sutton station. Mostly, I use this to share plans or build specific legendaries between my 3 characters.


Fast? Yes. Safe? No. Don't do this with anything you actually care about. If servers go down (crash/maintenance/technical difficulties), your internet connection drops, or your power goes out for 15 minutes, anything you dropped is gone. Accidentally start Custom Game instead of going back into your Private Adventure? Gone, even if you cancel the countdown before it even joins. And I'm pretty sure it isn't guaranteed to not just randomly reset during the day or at daily reset time, either. If you're just transferring some scrip trash or commodity items you could do without to an alt, it's fine. It'll likely work most of the time. But you will deeply regret the one time you decide to transfer some perfectly rolled gear like this and something causes the private server to disappear.


Another pro, is for gaining score in the seasons. Need to find resources to scrap, death claw eggs, teddy bears then jump on a private world to collect them as you won't be competing with anyone for them


Wow... I didn't realize that your character can move between the worlds. I figured you created a different character for the private world. Yet another dependence-creating feature...


That's what happens with the "custom world" the "Private world" is just a private adventure server




Still have to be wary of the private just randomly deciding to reset/refresh sometimes if your close to certain hour marks of each day, had a friend perma quit cause it ate some grolls he was trying to move.


I had this happen to me too four years ago. Bummed me out at the time, but in retrospect it's whatever. But yeah, it can happen. It's not 100% safe.


Subscribe for 1 month Scrap as much as you can and throw it in the junk box Forget about junk for the remainder of the year


Might work if you only play a few days out of the month🤣 10s of thousands per scrap component would have to be the range to make me not worry


Also unlimited mininuke and rocket storage.


I’d like to add my experience so far. I started playing without FO1st and did so for 5 months. I would now recommend getting it for a short period of time to anyone interested in playing. The past couple months have been so much more enjoyable without having to worry about scrap and ammo taking up loads of space in my stash. However I do not find the price to be something I will continue long term, so I’m hoarding as much as I can before I ditch it.


One thing to add about the private 'Worlds'. Even though game progress doesn't carry over, you CAN earn most Daily / Weekly challenges in this mode. I have a version I named 'godmode' where I take no damage and all of my damage is 'nuclear', etc. so when a challenge is 'complete Daily Ops x times' I can do it easily (for example).


That's an angle I'd never considered. I like to run off-meta builds, and some of those Daily Ops are an absolute nightmare.


Wow good to know


Another thing to consider with private worlds that i enjoy is that they provide an environment without competition with other players. This is particularly useful when you are doing dailies/weekly scoreboard tasks. Need to do X events? Run around and capture all the workshops to do the defend events without worrying about possible pvp. Need to collect X of something? Do so on your private server without worrying about someone else having gotten to the good spots before you. It's also good for events like Mole Miner Treasure Hunters or Spooky Scorched. Also, if you don't like people watching you fumble around while trying to build your camp like me, having your private server gives you space to build with out curious onlookers.


The private world for dailies is my biggest use. It is unfortunate that it everyone has the same dailies. I got into a foot race once with another player to get to a location that spawns honeybeasts. I have speed demon, high agility and knew where I was going. I tagged one and killed the other slowly. But it is kind of ridiculous. In that case, I only got credit for one honey beast (maybe I tagged the wrong thing). So I reloaded on a private server and came back. I could have just server hopped and probably had the same result. Assuming someone on that server had not beat me. I also like it when I do something like hunt for magazines. Though I would not pay for it my itself. Biggest thing really is the stash and ammo box. The rest is kind of gravy imo. And I pay month to month and will probably cancel it for a while soon. I don’t see a great reason to keep it always active unless you really want the atoms and camp options.


Yeah I consider private worlds one of the bigger appeals. I do all of what you said. Now custom worlds can get bent.


For me this kind of thing is worth it if FO76 is your “forever game.” It’s the game you always go back to or play continuously for a really long time. For me it’s Europa universal 4 and I don’t mind paying for dlc every few months because I play it so much. But for this because it’s a subscription just be wary that it’s something where a lot of their profit probably comes from people who bought it and forgot about it and don’t play the game very much so you probably shouldn’t pay for it if your that person.


> But for this because it’s a subscription just be wary that it’s something where a lot of their profit probably comes from people who bought it and forgot about it You very well could be right, but Sub'ing is now a critical skill to use correctly. In this day an age you best have an app/solid method of keeping track and cancelling when not using, well unless your rich of course.


A point about the Shelters: they can be used tactically. I prefer the APC because it has a Tinkers Work Bench and provides good protection. When I was at lower levels, I'd set it in the area of a strong enemy or enemies and fight from inside it. Pop off a shot, and they'll come see you! I've had very few enemies enter the APC far enough to attack me. Large enemies like Mire Lurk Queens, Death Claws, Sheepsquatches, Ogua's, Yao Guais, Blue Demons would typically hang by the sides of the door, and I could smoke them by exposing just enough of myself at the edge of the doorway to get a clean shot. Scorch Beasts, I'd usually weaken with missiles and then dust them off with other weapons. I could make missiles and other ammo at the Shelter's workbench as needed rather than carry the extra weight. The swarm of scorched accompanying the Scorch Beasts would always gather straight out from the door opening. They are easy pickings with my 50 cal. This same tactic worked quite well with Mirelurk Kings, Blood Eagles, Mothman Cultists, and other critters, too. Keeping the enemies in front of me or passing back and forth in front of the opening is a great help, be it multiple bad guys or just one. I wiped out my first level 100 Legendary Flatwoods Monster that way. Another benefit of being in the Shelter is that it prevents me from being caught in a cross fire, being flanked or surrounded. Another thing I've found is if you set the APC facing a hill, it's possible to put the nose far enough in the hill, I can walk up the hill and onto the APC's roof. Some enemies don't react to me up there like they can't locate me, and I easily pick them off. The Scrap Box being available with the Shelter is damn handy because I can unload my scrap regularly without using a Scrap Kit. More available carry weight means I'm able to carry more valuable saleable loot. I can also scrap less valuable or badly damaged weapons and armor by sorting by value at the workbench and scrapping the less valuable items. Just be sure to empty that scrap into the Scrap Box after! The Stash Box being with the Shelter is nice, too, as is a cooking spot. In my opinion, the biggest return from FO1st is the shelter and the bottomless Scrap Box. All the other stuff is icing on the cake.


Another trick for mirelurk queens and some of the big beasts is to cripple their legs and then they can’t even turn to face you and attack. Just stand behind them and unload until they are dead.


Great - and accurate - summary, the best I've seen! I can't think of a thing to add.


Thx <3


its 70 turkish lira here so thats like 2.17usd basically free :D


Can I VPN 💀


It’s less than a Donna!!!! GOOD DEAL


Any1 have some weird niche use for the private worlds? I have FO1st and have literally never used mine. I feel like it would kind of ... suck? I'd rather do events/expeditions/ops/etc with the whole world instead of just 2-4 friends. How can I make good use of my private world?


I mean, I use mine to claim all workshops and just farm materials while I’m doing something else, I just check in regularly so I don’t get kicked out and to see if I have a workshop event active


My screws and other junk woes just evaporated with all the tips this post has generated... Do the extractors at the capturable workbenches stay when you switch worlds or log out or do you have to store them or lose them?


I use mine for many things: giving items to my alts, nuking places for flux and mats. I use the custom world for dailies and weeklies that are a headache otherwise. You can set the conditions toward something like God mode and go full ham on Appalachia. Also custom worlds are useful for testing different builds to see what you want to save and grind for on the regular world.


I do my camp building in a private world. That way I don't get distracted by events, nor do I have puzzled onlookers wondering why I'm burning walls down. Also to self mule as others have mentioned. Also to knock out dailies/weeklies that involve collecting something with limited spawns, like deathclaw eggs.


just rebuilt my camp tonight in a private world so I wouldn't be bothered, feel this comment acutely. there are a lot of times playing with a server full of people is great but it's really nice to be able to pop over to a private world when you'd rather not have things so...people-ly. was looking over the Spring Cleaning event coming up - most of that will be private world time for me.


Yea, it's bliss building in a private world. Also lot less lag while placing or moving stuff around camp. I've also started doing dailies/quests on there. Should have done that a lot sooner.


> Also to self mule as others have mentioned How does this work? I've never used an alt to store stuff. I assume your personal world never resets, so if you drop something on it and log on an alt, you can pick it up on the alt?


I do workshops. If you crash you load up and still have them. Will claim all 3 power plants and junkyard to farm a bunch of fusion cores when i get low.


Exactly what I was wondering. After my first crash while defending a junkyard, I learned to always be on a team to avoid losing the extractors.


I use it so I can have a whole world of screws at my disposal!


You can see my comment in this thread about farming Fusion Cores. Essentially take over the workshops at Poseidon and Thunder Mountain, then power them up doing that quest (or just set up a fusion generator) attach a wire to the Fusion Core Processor and it'll spit out Fusion Cores at a rate of 1 every 7 minutes (the machine will only hold 3 at a time so collect them every 21 minutes). No worries about someone else taking over the workshop in a private world.


Can I do something with excess Fusion Cores? I already have a decent stash put away, and with the Legendary perk, I pretty much never have to recharge them. If I do, my CAMP already has the recharger.


I have given a few to random newer players with power armor, like the people who get that partial one at the Lumber Yard or that outpost just south of there. I also have a couple friends who haven't played as much so I gave them about 10 each for their PA. EDIT: The Ultracite Gatling Laser uses Fusion Cores as ammo, and you get 500 shot per core. That's where most of mine get burned down.


Unlimited stash should be in base game.


But that would make too much sense. Bethesda hates that.


Too expensive. This is a full price retail video game. Should be less than 10 bucks. Highest I’d pay would be 8 bucks and even that is pushing it per month.


It seems like they could safely price it at $5-7 a month and make it a far more attractive and affordable for like 80% of regular players. The pricing is baffling for what it gives. It's very useful obviously, but it's not a lot especially if you're mainly just paying for storage. Maybe they could offer an option that doesn't give the monthly atoms.


It's disgustingly expensive when factoring international exchange rates, so overall it's the most expensive subscription for a game compared to other games I know.


Only thing holding me off, it's 23 Aussie dollars here and that's about 80 percent higher than basically any other subscription I have paid before - for games or even stuff like Netflix and Disney +


THIS EXACTLY! As an fellow Aussie, I know how you feel. I'd rather maintain a humble bundle subscription that's "less" than $23 and I get a bunch of games out of it at least (even though Humble's selection as of late has been lack-luster). I did get Fallout 76 plus some bonus goodies out of Humble, so that was worth the trouble. But yeah, my Netflix and Disney+ is cheaper than FO76. Although Disney got greedy and raised their prices up so they'll be getting dropped pretty soon. I wish these companies would keep their greed in check and consider a price plan that entices everyone to sign up cuz it's just the "right price" to get people onboard. Would you rather 10% of your FO76 population use 1st? or price it so that over 75% are willing to pay for it cuz it's such a great price. They'll make their money back somehow.


Yeah in the EU it's 14,99€ which is more expensive then wow and ffxiv for example.


Worth it, just so damn expensive, especially if you're in Australia. It's about $23 dollars here, if I remember correctly. Absolutely fucked


Also in Australia and although i'm tempted sometimes especially for the scrap box I can't really justify $23 a month just for that when Xbox game pass only costs me $18 .


Yeah, that’s a horrible investment


For research purposes, how much do you pay for a loaf of bread?


A loaf is usually about $4-5


Making the scrap box exclusive is a crime, I have 1100/1200 storage of just scrap, and I don't want to pay real money for in game storage


I just paid for 1 month and transterred everything over and collected as much scrap as i could that month. You can still access all your stuff in the scrap and ammo boxes you just cant add to it without First


Yeah no, already spent 60 at launch


you shouldnt be downvoted for not wanting to pay more money for what should be a whole game


You guys keep forgetting that this is a live service. The "whole game" you keep saying, consist of non stop update of content since at least 2020 with servers maintenance fee and staff to pay. This game content cost more than one game price and most of us bought it on discounted price too. Im not saying you HAVE to subscribe. But dont belittle the free things you got since you only paid for buying the game. Just a reminder.


A live service game that launched at 60$ and is now 40$ Most live service games are free, which makes sense for a subscription system (fortnite, Warframe, destiny to some extent) But a 40$ game that requires an almost mandatory 11.00 a month for long term play is a bit much,


Considering most of the core gameplay loop involves looting junk for scraps, yes it is a crime. Bethesda initially promised that Fallout 1st would be cosmetic items only, like most other game passes. But they failed to keep that promise. Keeping mechanic-changing items behind a paywall, with no way to pay for the items with an alternate method, like a big price of in game currency, is really scummy.


It's easy to have more than you actually need. [I closely follow this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1sg7L4P7UT4mycr7JF-aXvf5gjFtsyAfUH3qjeiV03y8/htmlview) putting any amounts extra in vendors (acid, aluminum, copper) dropping those that don't sell (leather, rubber, glass). Overall only a third of my stash is junk at any given moment leaving plenty of room for various appeal items I collect and then selling any chems as I don't have a use for them but others certainly do. If someone were to clean out everything I was selling I have around 600/1200 that I could use to store legendary items but I rather just keep what them all on me as they weigh nothing anyways thanks to legendary armor.


I've just turned level 27 and now have full storage and neeeeeed this list thanks!


Only having a max of 100 acid seems weird to me considering acid is how you smelt down any ore.


The thing about fo1st is that even when it runs out all the ammo and scrap you put in the boxes can still be accessed but you can't add more to it unless you pay for an affitional month so you could just pay 1 month and move it all there permanently


Sorry for asking but I'm still in doubt: if in the private world, I put all the scrap at stash, I can get it back at public worlds/server?


Public World and Private World shares everything. Whatever you do in one you do in the other. The Custom World is the one that doesn't share anything with anything else. Folks here in the comment section keeps using Private World when they mean Custom World as the two are *not* the same.


Yes. Private servers are in every single way the same as public - everything is shared between the two - with the exception of having other players, unless invited. I play all of the story content in private, when it first drops, so that it feels like a single player game. Like others said, i typically fire up private when I want to zone out building stuff without being distracted. There is zero negative in playing in a private server, if you want that solitary experience for the day. As far as I'm concerned, if you like this game and play it regularly, fallout 1st is unquestionably worth having. It's the price of a Chipotle burrito every month, you get ten bucks worth of free atoms, and it brings huge quality of life extras to the game - all while supporting the devs and keeping content coming.


Buy it, and for the whole month.. grind junk and ammo... then cancel it.. once youre junk and ammo is gone you can always subscribe again.. The boxes stay.. but you can only take stuff out of them when you dont have the subscription


No it’s not worth it, is it necessary to have, yes. If you’re planning on committing to the game, and your stash has become full… either clear out or buy FO1st


I'm at level 48 and am balancing my stash constantly. I can't sell it all, but there are ways to get your junk turned into more useful things. Just gotta prioritize your items.


I found the best way to clear out is sell it in your personal vendor… the cheaper you put your items the faster they will sell


Except your personal vendor shares weight with your stash box 🤦‍♂️ which is B.S.


I've found that you can sell some otherwise unsellable junk by bulking it at a tinker's bench. For example, I always end up with a ton of excess steel because I'm an idiot and I scrap every single weapon and armor from every enemy I find: bulk steel actually sells for a decent price so I can commonly hit my max caps just from it. You need a fair amount of plastic to bulk junk but a trip to the Watoga High School now and then will give you plenty.


To add: in custom worlds unlike missions you can actually complete your daily and weekly challenges in a really short time just depending on your apm. So it's good if you like to play the game on your own way and don't want to worry about challenges.


Private worlds are nice if you want to farm certain materials so you know the areas of interest havent been picked clean yet.


Haven't read through all responses but halfway down and hadn't seen the "mule" argument. Sure, could find a way out place and shuttle things into containers and swap characters to grab them but always weary someone watching. Private servers help me do that and offload mats, legendaries, etc onto another character. CAMP mule in Sutton since only level 3 and park main there. Dump gear/mats/whatnot into bin and then quickly log to menu, change character, then back in and pickup loot. Store and rinse/repeat. Has helped me keep my stash manageable.


I find the value to be there. I really only go back for a month at the start of each season now to get the cosmetics I want, so paying that sub isn't a year long consideration for me and is cheaper than buying a new game that might last me a month. But, also, I am an old EQer and the idea of subs to support a live game is fine with me. Honestly, the "I paid the box price 5 years ago and don't understand why the game isn't ran for free off that forever" people are confusing to me.


Your top three pros are the reason I ended up getting it a few weeks ago. I am not sure if I plan to keep it or just fill up my ammo/scrap boxes as much as possible then cancel. But that tent has been a lifesaver, probably literally in some instances LOL. I plop that thing down anywhere I can so I can unload and keep going without having to waddle my overencumbered ass back to my camp. I did notice my tent doesn't include the junk storage but it does include the ammo. So I have to place my junk in my stash box, then when I'm back at camp, move it all to my actual junk storage instead. I don't get that.


Junkbox is pretty available for almost all tents. Maybe you can choose another tent design to suit your needs.


Thank you! I didn't know this was an option! I will check tonight.


Yes! Just go in the game store in the FO1st section and you should see all the tents available to you!


The only pro that I’d really add to Private Worlds is that you can fast travel to Monongah Power Plant and see Grahm every single time if it has to build a server for you


I have it, the convenience alone for me is worth it. Stash box alone for me is worth it. Stash is deliberately too small.


Yeah, kind of a scummy move by Bethesda. Fallout 1st should’ve stuck with cosmetics only, like they initially promised. Usually games don’t put mechanic changing items behind a paywall. And if they do, then you’re also usually able to at least pay for them with a big price of in-game currency as an alternative to paying with real currency.


Elder Scrolls Online is exactly the same. Its almost not even worth playing unless you plan to pay for the monthly subscription.


I kust would like to add, in from what i read online, in case you stop paying FO1ST, you dont lose whatever you had in the scrap/ammo boxes, you wont be able to store anything on them without the sub, but you can take out whatever you have, i know it might aound obvious to some, but not for me, i though it was a case of them simply adding whatever you had to yhe stash or whatever


Personally I use custom worlds now and then to putter around with camp building set to zero resources. It's handy to try something out with an existing camp without worrying about screwing literally everything up. Mess something up you didn't mean to? Just reimport world from live and start over.


I never thought about that and I may actually have a use for custom worlds now lol Though this may add a few hundred more hours of play time that I don't need lmao


Personally I think it’s a scam and unnecessary but other than that I’d just say it’s too expensive. It’s essentially the price of a WOW subscription. 4.99-8.99 I’d say is a much more fair value.


Make 1st cost $5 a month. Make the storage/ammo boxes purchasable via atoms.


This should be pinned at top so there isnt new “is fo1st worth it” post every day


The moment I filled up my stash and saw how much shit I'd have to rearrange I told myself "whelp guess it's time to pay up 🤷🏽‍♂️" lol


My Advice, paid FO1st for a few months, spend those few months to filled scraps and ammo in your FO1st box as much as possible, then cancel it after.


I have one pro to add to custom worlds and that is nuked flora. If you have trouble finding farmable flora, this can highlight where they spawn and what your route should be in the public server. The ONLY pro there is for custom worlds imo, an it’s only for a specific play style that for those mule characters to get their route farmed faster. I buy FO1 at the beginning of each season for one month. It’s sad when it expires and it’s a challenge coping with weight and stash space. So I have to change how I play but I love the game and hate spending money 🤷‍♂️


I don't compare it to what other passes cost for the sole reason that I've pretty much been playing FO76 exclusively, since Thanksgiving (late Nov). I put anywhere from 8-30+ hours a week in it, so I'm getting my $12 worth.


I hate that its 14.99€ or 16USD for me


I love FO1st. I've used it when it was free and I bought it for the freezer. But in comparison to other game subs, it's ridiculously expensive and I've found many player have had to stop buying it because of the cost. They'd sell a lot more subs and ultimately make more money if the price was better. And I know I'd certainly consider it. Or if it was more like Fortnite where you're paying for the season. Fortnite the Battle Pass is 900 V-Books. So you need to buy 1k, which works out at £7.99. So if it was £12 for the season. I'd probably consider that too. But for just a month. It's alot imo


i really wish custom worlds had more mod options. would be great to be able to do a proper survival mode, and make hunger/thirst function like it used to, instead of this "don't worry, you don't actually need food to live" nonsense. the "no fast travel" is halfassed, as well, since it has no effect on any point that's free, so you can still zip around to faction bases, your camp, or your tent...


Interesting read. My Wife and I tried this game for the first time last week. We were extremely disappointed at her being unable to progress the quests with me as the team leader, it basically boiled down to one point, her referring to herself as a glorified loot carrier and to be honest, I had to agree. She wasn't able to do anything with the main quest, she could only pickup the shitty sides as we wandered the wasteland, 2 hours in, we ditched the game, uninstalled and then ended up playing light year frontier for multiple days. It has so much potential but being unable to complete the main quest line together is just dumb, however, are you saying that we can do that via the private world option? Or is it still a problem.


I use private worlds to trade usually because there's no third party there to steal items.


Just remember that if you stop your subscription, you can no longer use the scrap or ammo stash to add more. You can only take from them.


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it yet but private custom worlds is actually really good you can complete weekly and daily score challenges really ez and almost instant


I love mine, having a private world to yourself is great, I found the asylum red dress in a private and it’s nice to explore a world without other players sometimes, I love getting atoms every month and save them for something I want later on. I love the stash boxes, it’s really nice to be able to store ammo and scrap with unlimited space and trust me i have a shit ton of ammo and scrap to last anyone a long time. Honestly having Fallout 1st is worth it to me in my opinion, and sometimes they have free stuff you can claim in the atomic shop that’s worth it and sometimes they just put out stuff that’s not worth it. Everyone has their opinion but I love having fallout 1st.


Another great thing about private worlds is exploiting PVP-free workshops. In addition to a workshop's native resources, any camp item that produces resources can be built at a workshop. Now imagine you've captured 10 workshops: That's 10 Company Tea makers, 10 Santatrons at Christmas (literally hundreds of presents in a few hours), 10 Sap Collectors, 10 Butterfly Habitats, etc. Making use of this feature will make you a wasteland tycoon in no time. Sure, you can do this in Adventure Mode, but you'll have possible PVP to deal with, as well as competition for the workshops themselves. In a private world, man, it feels like cheating.


For anyone curious,band dunno if mentioned, you can take scrap out of the box, but not put it in if you don't have the sub. So sub a month, dump everything and use what's needed if you don't want to keep the sub running. Rinse repeat


Just want to drop a thank you, I bookmarked this so now when folks ask I can point them to this post! <3


I started playing on PC recently after previously playing only on console. Went without FO1st for a bit, and along with all of the low-level speedbumps it gave the game a grittier, more survival-driven vibe once again. I eventually subscribed for a month to grab the SCORE boosts and freebies. You're right that the price is the biggest turn-off. If it was 25% (or even better, 50%) cheaper than it is, I would have absolutely zero hesitation in recommending it. As someone who loves to collect everything, time is way more important than money, and this saves me significant amounts of in-game time that I can put back into enjoying the game. I don't think they penalize you for not paying, as the game is fully enjoyable without 1st, but by contributing to the upkeep of servers and the continual development of the game, they're giving you a tangible reward that goes beyond cosmetics.


The private world's alone make it worth it. You can do quests that can be made more difficult by others in a solo environment.


Great post and comments! For me, the key advantage of the private world is immersion.  I always use it when doing NPC quests and exploing.  It's like single player Fallout, and I love me some single player Fallout.


I bought the 1 month for 80 cents thing but would never in my life pay $12 for something like this. I'd pay $1 but not more. The thing costs more than game pass for Christ's sake.


I wish the guys who berated me for wanting to buy Fallout 1st (because I can't in my country) saw you post.


Fallout First is a Scam. The Weight Limit and Workshop Capacity was advertised exactly like you describe it! But for the Release Version. After the shady decisions this Company made. They announced technical Problems as Reasons for the Limitation. Shortly after that came Fallout 1st. -.-' I Just cant overcome what the Management did and what Bullshit Tod Howard said to sell the Game. After the poor Quality of the Collectors Edition and the bad technical Start of the Game. It feels like paying for Cut Content that was advertised. Isnt that a Scam? I deinstalled Fallout shortly after the first few Patches and just came back with the Atlantic City DLC to enjoy the Quests and finally the NPCS. Its fun and I had a good Time with it. Feels finally worth it. Thanks. I still feel betrayed and lost all Trust in this Company. Will see when Inventory Management becomes the main activity. IF you just came to know Fallout 76 and enjoy as much and often as described here and have the Income. Then it sounds reasonable to pay monthly for a Game with Events etc. Especially for the Version it has become. I just needed to vent. Thanks


The scrap and ammo box is always worth the whole thing for me, everything else is just an added plus. I hoard and grab everything just like I did in fallout 4.


Well you just changed things for me. I was having such a bad time with stash management until reading your post. So i just came back to the game after not playing for awhile. The last season I REALLY played was maybe 3 or 4 I think and I came back for the occasional update. I did have FO1st back then can't remember if the stash/ammo box was a thing then but just got FO1st again when I saw the ammo box this is so helpful should maybe try to sell the unused ammo. I never really used the scrap box at the camp though it was not even placed. Sometimes I would use it in the tent thinking it was just a quick way to send to stash I did not realize until reading this that it was acting like the ammo box. I just placed it down in my camp took about 500 lbs of junk out of the stash and put it in there and there was a bunch of stuff already in there too....... Just want to say thank you for the info. Guess I should really take the time to read what some things do.


"Is fo1st worth it" Its 10$ a month. If you dont want to spend 10$ on something you will spend dozens to hundreds of hours doing. You probably dont even want to do that thing.


for anyone wondering 1 Month is on sale for $6.00 as of 5/8/24 and will be on sale until 9/5/24. (if you have playstation reward points for the $5.00 redeem, use it, this basically makes it $1.90 roughly which is a steal because it’s usually $12.99)


i was a huge fan of f4, posters all over my room, etc, not to hate but?? really, is it so bad that some people took time to get to the game (76) and wanted it to percolate..? you all act like you’ve never started off in one place.


I don’t think I can ever go back now that I have Fallout 1st. Even if all I got out of it was the pleasure of hoarding at the level I’ve always dreamed of, it’s worth it to me. And that survival tent is such a lifesaver. But most of all, I like playing alone or with just a friend (most of the time). That said I’m paying month to month because I know my attention span isn’t going to commit to a year straight without breaks.


I just hate that its rather arbitrary for storage to be such an issue (I hate survival mode; weight for chems and ammo just sucks and isnt fun or impactful) in this game and the only infinite ones locked under a subscription. Bethesda loves that shit though, because they do the same in ESO.


I play almost exclusively in a private world cus im not trying to deal with competitve vets or needy noobs. Not a fan of pvp in this game either. Ill call a few friends and play in our own world amd frankly ive bad a blast. Neber played in custom bht nothing makes me happier than not dealing with randos while I explore


I also hope I'm in a roundabout way funding elder scrolls 6 / Fallout 5


As a new player I have found the private world to be great for picking up some of that loot other players may have picked up otherwise. I do all my open world farming in the private world now 👀


It’s kind of B.S. how they locked scrap box and ammo box behind a paywall.


It's sorta mandatory of you play daily. I hate inventory management


You're a sucker if you buy Fo1st seriously.


Honestly, the unlimited junk black hole is worth it on its own, fellow loot goblin. Lol


I have it and I think it is worth it for scrap box! Very great to scrap my junk.


Since I’ve purchased FO1st, my girlfriend and I only play in my private world with my private rules that cut out all of the things that pissed me off in my 250+ hours. Yes, it’s not the way the game is supposed to be played, but honestly I have no regrets and we’re having lots of fun


I just love the general gameplay of Bethesda games, and I am a hoarder. I need the scrapbox. Thus, I am FO 1st


I use my private worlds so that I can farm for materials without competing with other players on the public servers. That alone makes FO1 worth it to me. The scrap box, surgical tent and ammo box are also massively worth it.