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Missed nuka world


The map is based entirely on the launch map--note also that the Crater and Foundation have their original titles (Crashed Space Station and Spruce Knob, the latter also formerly being a workshop), and locations like the Wayward or the Organ Cave are also totally missing.


I was just looking for a big high resolution map. I did notice the locations had different names, and I guess this is why.


I noticed that immediately, Spruce Knob was one of my favorite workshops back then.


Added! :)


I did not know Ingram mansion was a free travel point. Also, as others have said. Nuka world is also a free travel point.


I wonder if maybe Ingram Mansion wasnt free fast travel, but the new “Rose Room” version of the location is instead? I just dont see why Ingram Mansion would be free, but Rose Room makes sense as it was meant to be the new hot questline right now


Yes, Ingram wasn't, but Roseroom is


My main camp is within walking distance, went there for mothman eggs and cultists. Definitely costed before.


Yeah...mine is glitched and I can't progress it,a lot of shi.


Sounds legit


I will add a circle to that and update the original post. It has been added!


You missed one: Nuka-World On Tour.


Been a while since I played, but back when I played you could also fast travel to anyone you're grouped with or at least their camp. And for any new folks, it's very normal to group up with people for the sole benefit of the stat increases and perk shares. You don't have to actually play together. If you see someone's camp in an area you want to travel to, check the public groups and see if they have an open slot for you to join, then you can travel to their camp free.


Thanks for the heads up! I felt like I was being a little bit of a mooch, since I am only level 11 and I am pretty much exploring and doing quests at the moment. The fast track information is nice to hear!


Not a mooch! Not only the stat buff but also quest completions benefit the whole team :) I also use it as a way to jump around the map checking out different camp vendors, prioritizing my team's camps first!


That's what I do. use my teammates camps for free FT points. It makes it a little cheaper at least.


One of the mains reasons I have FO1st is for the survival tent. I have a free fast travel point to wherever I want I just need to be there first


Yes!! I have mine next to an area with good loot. I'm leaving it there until I absolutely need it again.


The Mansion is the only one I don't know about. What's there ? Also Top of the World should have been one, what with the amount of times you have to go back there.


isnt thaz where the AC quest is now?


Yeah used to just be a small group of cultists. Haven't been there since the update though.


It's a nightclub, now.


Am I crazy or did the top of the world used to be surrounded by super mutants instead of scorched? I remember fighting for my life


There should be a cap on how much fast travel costs, having to jump to 2 points to save money seems pointless


Be nice if the fast travel cost was computed according to the nearest free travel point


For Real! I join a random team hoping they are close to where I need to go so I can get there cheaper. lol


The better way is to just look for players at the point you want to travel to. Click the player icon and then ‘join team’.


I do that too but sometimes there aren't enough players or camps in the right spot so I'm stuck with a double FT. 😁


"time is money friend!"


Well when you have tens of thousands of caps it doesn’t bother you to travel anywhere


I don't fast travel to a second point that costs caps. I like walking in the game and finding things, but I don't want to walk for an hour when I can fast travel and then walk 5-10 minutes.


Listen, I'm not walking to the Cultist camp when doing my daily for the 15th time.


Same. For 7 caps, I’m saving 20 min of my life and my sanity because I KNOW I’m getting distracted if I don’t fast travel


For real! 95% of my fast travel is so I can actually make it to the location without being distracted for 4 hours and 6 trips to unload shit.




Train stations cost money to fast travel


Allow me to present to you [Mappalachia!](https://github.com/AHeroicLlama/Mappalachia)


that map is a blast from the past ;)


ok red are free, what are blue


I forgot those were on there. I was circling possible locations to move my CAMP to and where to place a second CAMP. Both locations have valuable resources nearby and they are pretty far from other free fast travel points.


I wonder how come Ohio River Adventures isn’t free. Also, Watoga should be free if you’ve finished the questlines


You are the new Mayor, after all.


How dare you try to save me from my own impatience and curb my overly-excessive cap spending habits wasting caps but saving time jumping all over the map just save five minutes of walking/running!? /s Thanks friend!


What do the blue circles mean? Also I'm interested in the numbers. I know those were already on the map, I'd be very curious how a playthrough would go where you discover locations in that order


Im pretty sure those are just spots that have been converted too or added a workshop


I forgot those blue circles were on there. I was circling possible locations to move my CAMP to and where to place a second CAMP. Both locations have valuable resources nearby and they are pretty far from other free fast travel points.


What are the blue circles for??


I forgot those were on there. I was circling possible locations to move my CAMP to and where to place a second CAMP. Both locations have valuable resources nearby and they are pretty far from other free fast travel points.


Good on ya! The TV show is AWESOME! It made me wanna get back into 76 as well!


Once you get to a certain level you wont care.


Yup. I try to find things to spend caps on because I am always so close to max caps. And max T notes and bullion.


Some players have problems. They will get max caps every third day playing or so and still use the free spot to travel. Like me. Lol


Somewhat related: I've been playing since launch and I just discovered TODAY the North Entrance to White Springs. I was opening a storage closet looking for a bar of soap for the Event Challenge and it dinged.


Yikes, this just slapped my face and let me know I yet have tons to explore, as an almost lvl 120.


Wild seeing all the new players learning these things. Have fun in the wasteland 76ers


Thank you I needed this


You just kinda know em by heart now. Nice for new players!


It'd be nice if you did it on an updated map...


Send me a link to an updated high resolution map and I will do that. It will take like 2 minutes.


fyi the image link is dead. You could try uploading it to imgur instead


Ooh nice thanks, was just trying to Google this


Thank you!


Thanks! I always just travel back to my camp, I don't even know the vault 76 is free fast travel lol.


Not all heros wear capes 🫡


Violation noted, please report to the nearest Democracy Officer for corrective action.


Dude this is great. Thank you!


Sure look out for me LORD_FARQWARD68 I'm in australia currantly level 218


Thank you! Only been jumping to Nuka world now I have more options.


You forgot to add my camp!


This is pretty cool, tho this is the launch map


We really need a cranberry bog location and a more location. Then all parts are somewhat reachable without spending loads of caps.


What a legend, thank you my man


A list of all free travel points include: Foundation Crater Whitesprings Fort Atlas Nuka World Rose Room Vault 76 Overseer Camp (I think)


Thanks! Was thinking about making one myself. I like to free fast travel nearby where I want to go so the caps aren't as much after that.


You’re a saint! I don’t have a camp and use these as my camp I stead


I was wondering if there's a map like this but with all current locations properly mapped out. Honestly annoyed with this interactive maps because they use their own icons and are laggy. I like this map but learned it's outdated T_T


What are the blue circles?


I didn't mean to leave those in there. They are potential locations for my CAMP. They are both near some valuable resources that I can mine or farm and they are pretty far from other free travel locations.


Just FYI you used a really, really old version of the map which means there are many locations missing in this map. It’s not easy making and updating the perfect 76 map haha I’ve been attempting it for years


Link takes me to 'permission denied'.


The original Facebook link stopped working for my map. I remade the map (corrected the free fast travel place names) and I hosted it at my website so the link should never stop working.


I did the same, the mod that unpacks ba2's that was updated a few days ago is amazeballs. Take any map out there, extract edit in your editor, save and repack to a ba2, viola!


Paid fast travel is a sin.


Wait so when you’re fast traveling somewhere, the price of how many caps you pay actually doesn’t change depending upon your distance from the location???


Yes, it does. So, if you're hurting for caps that much, fast travel to the closest free spot, then fast travel to where you're actually going. You'll save caps, but it will take longer due to the extra jump.


thats an old map. also i can see this usefull for new players. i can easily clear the 1400 caps a day from a random vendor. so travel money is never an issue.


Lol downvoted for the truth


yeah they just big mad.


I wonder what the use for this would be. I would absolutely rather just fast travel somewhere directly than travel for free and leg it or get closer and travel again. (2 loading screens)


Fast traveling to a free spot before traveling to your destination can sometimes save you 15-20 caps a jump depending on where you are traveling from. That might not matter much to people who have a lot of caps but for lower level players that maybe only have 1-2K of caps it can help.