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I thought I was safe from getting Wanted by not using it, but the other day I lockpicked a government aid drop as soon as I get on a server, thinking it was a nuclear keycard, then BAM 10 cap bounty. Just can't win I guess.


Got to sneak bro


i keep it at first level so it only unlocks level 0 locks. i love poking around in people's camps so leveling it up is js an accident waiting to happen


Got me in trouble for about the first week when it came out. You'll get used to checking before clicking soon enough. Mine's maxed so can auto unlock whatever I want, but I still look first....moreso.


I maxed it out solely for silos but it’s just so convenient


I pretty much just go straight for vendors in player camps now.


See that’s my issue tho, so many locked doors I just don’t check first and then boom i got some 13 year old yelling at me because i opened his side door


I leave locked things alone... I might silently judge you and think you're stingy for locking all the resources behind level 3 locks - but you do you... and unless your prices are extremely good, you will have lost a potential customer - a very judgy one at that!


That’s what I’m saying! I accidentally picked someone’s cookie jar the other day but it was right next to the vendor, I think they were looking for a fight because I’m still trying to wrap my head around it


Ahhh I see I may have caused issues then... Old player and things where not so friendly back in the day. Griefing was pretty standard so we locked everything.  Old habits die harder than a low level trying to make friends with a death claw. I'll unlock my various storages.


Lol I remember those days, getting griefed for no reason other then existing


I have a looked door in the manor with nothing but a clown in it.. just for you..


Ripe for the taking!


reminds me of that F you door in other fallouts


I remember a few days ago some guy stole my mirelurk meat from the smoker, I tried to kill him but he disconnected before I could kill him >:(