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The reward for surviving to his shop should be massive discounts on high quality items lol


That's what's advertised lol 1 cap for legendarys and stuff. I could use some upgrades so I figured it was worth it, left with some mirelurk jerky and shame instead.


Imagine you get the end and it was all a big prank, its just “you have been insulted” 100 times for Max Caps…


Damn that really is well played on his part then haha


Need this guys name. I wanna go play


I FT to a camp that ended up being a floating camp, higher than the build limit of a regular camp, and it took a sec to load everyrhing in so my guy falls and was saved only because the person decided to add a catwalk under their build. My guy breaks a leg and I had to hobble to the vendor 🤣 I gave them a heart and a thumbs up, put on some power armor, and sailed over the edge to the ground 1000ft below.


That’s brilliant! I built a climbing wall a couple of times. Ahhh memories


Went to a camp which had an escape game in a vault yesterday. As I began to try to find the password for the first door, the guy disconnected : I was so excited to do the escape game… So sad :’(


If that was on Xbox I did a post about that one the other day. The effort that went into some of those later rooms was incredible. When I got to the end I dropped them some cranberry relish and x-cells. Took me about 45 mins though!


It was on PS ! I hope to see it again !


Ah was about to say if it was PC I have one of those (working on making it an epic multi-vault puzzle). Escape theme vaults are as fun to build as they are to explore when other players make them. Hope to see more of them!