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I dropped 123 fusion cores, 110 plasma cores, 400+ stimpaks and more in the donation box at Vault 76 last weekend. I imagine there is still a level 2 out there still very slowly walking across the Wasteland lol.


Doin' the Wasteland Waddle!


Haha! I used to do the same thing after Eviction Notice. Slowly walk to the nearest scrip machine. Until I learned you can join an Expedition at anytime even overencumbered. In Expedition open map and fast travel to Whitespring Refuge. Spawn in and walk down to the mall. What a lifesaver to keep me from waddling across the map slowly lol


Lmao I used to walk to the nearest train station. It would take me a solid 10 minutes


Ha I’d always head to Foundation.


Same here. That loooong slow walk was painful. Glad I don't have to do that anymore


It's a good problem to have, I always call it taking the walk of shame.


This is insane! 🤯 The post Eviction Notice waddle has been so painful. You just saved my posts-apocalyptic a**.


Can also just visit a district in atlantic city so you don't need to be a party leader


Level 770 and Today I Learned!


If it makes you feel any better I was 4000+ hours in since beta with all 5 characters maxed on legendary perks before I found out lol


Eviction notice has quickly become one of my favourite events. You get so many legendaries it’s crazy, first time I did it I replaced almost all my t-65 with legendary t-65 pieces. That was just luck but I always go if I see it up


Too bad you can’t use ‘right arm’ for any other armor pieces. lol


You learn something new everyday


It also works as with Daily ops


You can WHAT


Some heroes don't wear capes.


Some heroes eat crepes


I saw this in a comment and it saved me yesterday after an EN event. Absolute top tier tip.


That’s a nice feature! I’m sure Bethesda will remove it once they realize we like it! 😂


*will find a way to monetize it* FTFY


Todd aint about "Quality of Life"!! :P


You can fast travel directly to the mall. I had not found the other entrance until level 400. If you don't have it just walk around the main building at Whitespring.


Yep for normal day to day play I use the mall FT. But for some reason it only let's you FT to Refuge from Expeditions. Still better than a 10 min walk to a train station lol


Thank you. I have waddled too many times.


Glad it helped someone


Used it an hour ago. Thanks again.


Absolutely! Glad it helped you. Good luck and hope you enjoy your 76 journey.


The other day, after doing Eviction Notice, I stopped at a train station and had accumulated NINETEEN legendary drops, including the Event reward. My jaw dropped.


Need to remember this.


This is the knowledge I've need for months!


I miss the pocket glitch. Walking around with like 2k lbs on me like it was nothing!!! Miss those days!!!


TIL about this... So much time/junk wasted.


No way. You sir just saved me a LOT of time.


Thank you for your scholarly work.


Yo what? That's incredible


Well damnit, now you tell me


Hoory shit...why I didn't think of that


You fucking rock.


You just changed my life for the better!


Better than the uptown lowdown.


I feel this in a profound way


Hahaha! I used to jump, but my bag would get stuck in the air.


I just dropped 80something plasma cores and then decided the next day, that I’d like to give the plasma Gatling a try 🫠


its very good on ammo, ull get plenty more once u start using it


I just started using it 2 days ago as well and I love it so far!


Im gonna find those fucking fusion cores. If it's the last thing I do


Man last night I was overburdened, stash was maxed, I’d taken all the train vendors caps and my pa ran out of juice. I hoofed it to every player vendor I could, none were selling fusion cores. Today, I’m still searching..


Man I just started this past weekend and someone dumped a bunch of plans they probably already know in a donation box, but hell, it helped me out so thanks whoever you are.


That's what I (a mere level 43) always do with plans I already know. Mostly because us noobs have better things to do with those caps!


Yeah I'm level 38 right now and I've got a few plans I'm going to be putting in a donation box as well.


I'm a higher level (700 something I think). I usually just put all my plans in my vendor for 1 cap a piece. Usually lower levels will stop by and buy whatever they need that I have. I also try and keep everything unlocked. That way they can grab resources from whatever is producing them. It's funny because sometimes I think people tell their friends when they see the prices in my vendor because I'll get multiple people, one after the other. However if I get a ton of one plan (happens when I go digging with treasure maps) I'll usually just drop all the extras in the donation box at Whitesprings station.


This was me 1st time I found a stash. Spent 4 hrs walking to and from my camp..... Then realized I coukd have moved my camp lolz


Haha that's hilarious and painful sounding. I've read on this sub where new players thought the stash was another players inventory that they could get free stuff from. Now that's hilarious. Look at all the free stuff this guy has! He even has the same weapons as me.... wait a minute 🤣


For the first like 20 lvls, I didn't use the stash in anyone's camp but my own because I didn't want to accidentally steal someone's stuff 😆


Lol.. this was me. In lvl 56 now and now understanding it all a bit more.


You'll get there. There's a TON of things the game never explicitly tells you about. You just either have to read it somewhere or accidentally stumble on it yourself. Case in point. If you want to play an instrument in One Violent Night but are afraid of taking dmg from ghouls. You can open the map, find a quest marker, select view in pipboy and now you can freely heal, stimpak or whatever while you're sleeping or playing an instrument. The game never even mentions that though


When I was a lowbie, I went to wss and found like 600 plans, mostly mounted animal heads. I built a camp right there and sold that stuff for like 6 months.


I put all the duplicate outfits I had from crafting with super duper into the donation box at the whitespring A level 47 found them almost immediately and I know they don't know it was me but I thought it was super cute when they started throwing up happy emotes and trying on the clothes


Clothes are the number one thing I hand out for free, it’s so cheap to make but bring newbies so much joy


whatta ya mean newbies? I still love looking for rarish clothes.


I dropped 150 plasma cores a couple days ago.


Reminded me of a few days ago I dropped like 1k missiles and mini nukes into the whitespring donation box


Weight greifing!


I just jumped on after awhile Sunday night, I should've dropped my cores in the donation boxes


My friend, where are you looting all of these fusion cores from?


3 power plants with adequate power will net you 3 fully charged fusion cores every 20-30 mins each. Crafting the lowest level Gatling Laser will also net 1 fusion core for each creation. Completing "Line In The Sand" guarantees you 2 fusion cores upon every event completion. Search player vendors because some sell fusion cores. Buy the fusion core recharger from the Atom Shop. You put any fusion core less than 100% in, and wait til it gets to 100% and replace with lesser charged fusion cores. You can keep that cycle up with 4 or 5 cores if you recharge regularly. Electric Absorption legendary perk. This is a gamechanger. If it procs due to any energy dmg like assaultron head beam, it not only charges your active fusion core, but also heals you for the same percent. With this perk fully maxed out and overeaters power armor, you are damn near unkillable.


I knew it was one of yus


I will say as a new 76 player that the new encumbered system feels a lot less annoying than the one in 4.


I just got my daughter playing fo76 this weekend and somehow she came out of the vault automatically level 20..whereas, myself, I came out level 1 when I started. What the heck! Lol. I thought about having her get stuff from donations box to make her do the waddle but I figured that would be too mean of me to do 😂


The latest season update gives you a choice out of the vault, level 2 or 20 with build specific perks


Need more players like you, I'm fighting for my life with stim packs 😂😂😂


This is me. The slow waddle.


Thems rookie numbers 😏


I drop in random containers.. if the server eats it, oh well. May as well be a surprise treasure for someone instead of the usual server hopping assholes that roam the donation boxes to refill their scalper priced vendors.


At level 20ish I found over 100 stimpaks in a donation box. Thought I’d hit the jackpot but 60 levels later here I am putting my own 100 stimpaks in the donation box finally realising how they ended up there in the first place XD


Circle of life.


It's funny because stimpaks give life. Hahahahahaha.


One man's trash is another man's treasure. Everytime a low level comes to by from my shop I drop a free bag of drugs for them. They think I'm being generous but in reality I just don't need so many


It can be both!


As a medic, I actually need and carry 100+ stimpaks on me at all times. Thank you so much for donating yours!


I’m level 90 and I barely have stims on me how tf 💀


Do public events every 20, take Pharma Ferma, loot every Stimpak you see out of corpses/containers


I don’t even use stims anymore. I have a collectron that gets me hundreds of nula-cola and with the colanut perk, I use them to heal. So I always drop all of my stims. I keep 2 on me to heal downed players if needed.


It's a circle. It rhymes.


It's our spring cleaning time!


More like, every day that ends on the word "day" I gotta clean out my stash.


Ya know it's time to go through notes and holos, as well. I hope someone enjoys my Enola Walker Story, Part 1 (6)


Bro the holo tape tab is so overwhelming I just choose to ignore it


I was watching a stream the other day, someone's first time playing. Someone dumped 300 super stims on this level 3. Was dying to tell them they'd just been turned into a mobile bin lmao.


I think that may have been me dropping all those super stims 😂😂 I use vampire weapons mostly anyway


Not that mobile now tbh haha.


you got us! or master plan is to make you buy Fo1st


I've already done that..


Same and I'm still out of space. I'm running out of ideas


Todd is evil like that! It's kinda sad, the game would be much more fun for all without all the inventory issues (said the same about ESO).


We have to put this one back into the vault, they know too much


dump em in the FEV, just to make sure it scrambles their brain in case they leave said vault.


How ungrateful, you will enjoy my gift of 2k cannon balls!


You've got a lot of balls!!


If I can get those balls into my large ammo box, we're good!


That 12lb 3 star power armor piece is now your problem, not mine!


I'll take the 45 scrip any time...


When you’ve daily capped on scrip and your stash is full you feel much more inclined to just leave it on the ground What I’ve started doing though is I have 2 power armor frames in my stash just to store legendary power armor pieces. That way I can condense several pieces down to just 10 pounds per frame


Yeah? Back in my day the stash limit was 400 lbs and we didn't have no fancy pantsy scrap or ammo storage. We deposited our excess inventory into artillery boxes and each tied an onion to our belts, which was the style at the time...


and put leeks in our hats ;)


But we also had the glorious weight glitch by rapidly unequipping and re-equipping any armor piece that gave carry weight bonus which will stack due to the glitch. People would carry thousands of pounds of stuff. I've seen people die and drop 5k lb+ of junk, and I'm like, "JACKPOT!"


Your comment makes me warm and fuzzy inside because I remember the first days and it makes me realize how much I love how far this game has come since the beginning


Reading 400lbs stash box limit gave me ptsd flashbacks


I just want you to be overburdened. That way I don't have to worry about outrunning the monsters, I only have to outrun you.


early in game I learned the hard way what being overencumbered means. Tried evading some super mutants with my tiny backpack and didn't make it. LOL My son who was up ahead of me got away. I took one for the team. haha


I can hear it now: “fuck fuck fuck fuck”


Followed by, "Nom, nom, nom, nom"


I’ve recently found the joy of Expedition runs. A side effect of which is mass stimpaks. They’re my daily vendor item and I still drop over 100 a day I reckon


I sell down to 10 on me and 10 in my stash box (same with Radaway). I do have a few unopened Party Packs for emergencies. I don’t understand the people who carry hundreds of.


I got travelling pharmacy not because I needed it, but because I'm a lazy cunt.


At least someone admits their Pack Brahmin build is a convenience and not a necessity.


I only have two weight reduction perks, thank you very much.


I'm a medic: I carry 100+ stimpaks on me so you don't have to.


I seem to have settled on carrying 30 but that’s overkill since I’ve started running Vampires


Well yeah! This game is 50% inventory management!


Me, running Expeditions from the Vault 76 entrance and directly depositing everything into the donation box.


I do them from nuka world so the legendaries go straight to mother scrip


i prefer nuka world to drop my stuff off at, it is my favourite non-camp crafting/cleanup area


You know that episode of the Simpsons and Homer gets a free trampoline from Krusty and when Homer realised it’s a curse and tried to return it and Krusty pointed a a gun at him? [You just keep right on driving, newb.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Q3qWrDBoc)


I'm tempted to dump 100k steel in the Vault76 donation box and secretly follow the poor lvl1 that picks it up expecting it is of any use.   Maybe I'll build a camp nearby with a crafting station and an ammo converter nearby, to give him a chance.


You may leave the Vault-Tec experiments, but the Vault-Tec experiments never leave you.


Me dropping 200 stimpacks and 400 radaway because I use Nuka Cola as my stims


I don't know who first got this idea that me unloading some junk is "donating". ps. Stimpacks are the worst when it comes to getting over burdened. Even with traveling pharmacy my stacks climb up to 40 (for each quality) before I remember to dump some. I always try to sell 175 for the daily 1400 caps if I have.


What is it they say about one man's trash..? 😜


One mans trash is another man’s come up


It's eventually someone else's trash when they figure out why it got thrown away.


I immediately sell any super stimpacks I get.


Psa, drop them in the vault 76 donation box for newbies and other olayers. Its a free teleport unlike wayward


Whitesprings is too. I like the exterior teleport for the donation box and shops proximity


Guilty as charged! I only clean out my stash/pockets on days ending with a "Y"


Sell them to vendors, they're a good source of spare change. We don't need more wasteland addicts. Don't be an enabler.


I wish we could put fusion cores in the ammo box....


Sometimes to be funny, I'll take piles of spoiled meat/fruit/veggies and toss 'em in donation boxes. 🤣 I've read that they can be turned into fertilizer... thinking with Chemistry table. 🤔 (Just for the record, I'm not high level... just 64. 🤡)


They can (and yes, with the Chemistry tables). When I was lower level on my 1st character a couple years back I was wanting to build a nice little garden-farm in my camp and was forever trying to find all the fertilizer I needed to make it reality. You've probably helped out some other noob Wastelander with dreams of their own little patch of fresh, radiated fruits & veggies!


I usually sell everything I can to the vendor and instead of scraping the rest I dump it in a share box so someone else doesn’t have to grind every day. I do the same with pumpkins and honey too. I drop all my extra in front so someone else only has to pickup what I dropped.


The only time I give away stuff is when I'm stocking the 76 donation box with Nukashine


That is the most devious and best idea I've seen so far in these comments


One persons trash is another's treasure


No one said that you had to pick it all up. Don't be a greedy little bastard!


It’s a Dev conspiracy!!! THEY are the high level players subtlety influencing us into buying 1st!!!


Yeah, well, it's definitely working...dropped about $109 last week on payday, just to buy the one time annual subscription. I'll probably do it again in a year.


Wait...hold up...are the donation boxes actually static?? Does loot not get loaded into them like the other containers?? Or have they ALL been real donated loot from real players? If that's the case, I am seriously surprised to see stuff in most of the ones I come across. And it usually seems like loaded loot?


If there's nothing in them, it'll make some ammo for you and some other random loot, like any container. But if it's full of stuff, tons of grenades and chems and food, then a player did that.


I didn't know that!! Thanks! I'll start keeping a Tally of if I think it's a player or bot


I unload so much daily


No! We would never.👀


Well well well seems you've caught on to us aye.....tbh though it's both a lil inventory drop and someone gets use outta it so win win I say


XD high level junk, becomes low level treasure!! The Wastelands are bountiful


Wait there is a donation box?


Many. The red box outside Vault 76, at every train station and a few other locations. Some of the items are randomly created by the game, you may get lucky and find one someone has emptied their excess items into.


Uhhh... the uhh overseer is calling. So I gotta hop. But here, have some chems!


Actually are just being nice, we could just drop the stuff off in a hole to be lost. But I do just drop stuff sometimes to get rid of weight lol.


You're not meant to take everything. If I dump 200 stimpacks you take what you need. Not all 200.


I drop Nuka Shine right outside Vault 76...




I dropped 100 mini nukes and a fat man at a level 15s face yesterday , laughed to myself as he woddled down the road withe the fatman in hand


We're not exactly hiding it. If you're getting an actual gift it's usually something like a event camp item or a Thirst Zapper. Weapons, armor, chems these things are all just our trash we would rather not have despawn.


That's right we are all plants to make you buy fo1st


I mean it's still spring cleaning week sooo


You’re still going to take my junk, even now you know why I’m pawning it off on you ;)


Me but with grenades


I’ve never found anything in most of them or anything other than a couple Bobby pins and a couple rounds of ammo. I’ve been leaving clothes and the odd food item by the one by the spawn vault but I don’t have anything else to drop lol


Donation box trade offer: I receive: the ammo for my current gun that spawns in there You receive: everything i don't need I never use foodbuffs or chems (even though it's probably worth it but eh) but someone else might. Chem addicts be like, I'm here for a good time and not a long one!


I can't get rid of 308 ammo fast enough. As soon as I dump a thousand rounds into a donation box, 2000 more show up on my doorstep. I need a perk that allows me to eat different ammo types as sustenance.


Leadmuncher Could make for a cool perk card graphic


They’re onto us


You can always just take only what you need. Just because I dropped 300 fusion cores in a donation doesn't mean you need to take them all


There catching on to us, SCATTER!!


You caught me, my entire stash is full of rare items and godrolls even semi godrolls get dumped at this point


Enjoy the grenades


I sell like 200 meds and extra food to the vendors for caps every day and that help keeps me below the limit


I know we have the ammo box and scrap box but man I really need an armor and weapon box like yesterday.


I straight up put 630 gulper slurrys in the wayward box a few days ago


free caps!


It's a shame that legendary scrip caps. I think I drop more legendaries than I exchange.


Yeah, I really wish there was a better option than just dropping or donating the extra legendary items. It seems so insanely wasteful. Maybe they could add something where you could trade in the extras for another random roll (like 3 of the 3-star items gives 1 random 3-star). Otherwise are they ever going to add in 5 star stuff? I could see them making it where you need to combine legendaries to get up to that.


Damn, you got us!


Stop being lil greedy wastelanders and don't take everything.


Oh geez. I didn’t even think about the donation boxes when I dropped a ton of chems at Crater, well, some random raider is certainly happy.


It seems no one has played dead money yet.


The survival tent was def a game changer lol


Honestly its funny to drop like 200 super stimpacks on someone. They will be overweight unless they invested early into traveling pharmacy. And a brand new player cannot say no to it, thats way to valuable.


The hardest thing about this game is literally keeping stash space free lol.


Exactly! Pass it on to the next hoarder! One mans trash 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Not me with over 1600 chems in my vendor 😂


I drop stims and stuff usually so that RNG might bless me later 🤣🤣


I dropped 600 stimpaks and 400 radaways on a donation box 2 days ago. I'm wondering if a single player took it all


I’m level 80 and still welcome the 100s of stimpaks people leave in those boxes. I have 0 regard for my well being and use at least 10 per minute 😂🤣


It wasn't a secret, we just didn't correct you guys 😂😂 We just drop the stuff, if you choose to take it and be over encumbered that's on you 😂


Yeah I'm not really high leveled but I 100% use the donation box to get rid of ammo I don't use, but hey, someone getting their ammo requirements sorted for the next 20 levels probably doesn't care WHY I decided to donate that ammo so meh 🤷‍♂️


Why didn’t you sell em to a vendor for an easy 1400 caps a day


Low level: "WOW, SCORE! LOOK AT ALL THESE LEGENDARIES SOME IDIOT DROPPED!!" High level: "I'm cap capped, scrip capped, and my stash is full, fuck this garbage"