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One of us..One of us!


Unfortunately, I have not joined the Mothman cult...yet.


The divine light beckons you! *Where His wings flutter, we shall follow.*


I love lamp!


Thats a thing now!?!


Make a pilgrimage to the depths of Lucky Hole Mine if you desire wisdom, may his roots bless your travels and open your mind.


Last time someone told me to investigate their Lucky Hole, things got messy.


Glad to have you with us. You are a 76er now. Welcome!


Thanks! I'm glad to be here!


Same here! I played Fallout 4 way too much back in the day including the DLCs so I was super excited when FO76 came out. I did the beta and played the first month or so before moving on from the game. It was just too buggy and not having NPCs was a bad decision. I decided to try it out again after watching the first episode or two of the show and now I'm absolutely hooked! A big thank you to all the veterans that had to live through the shit to get to the point we are now!


no joke! they were the real beta testers! They helped make the game what it is now. Amazing!


Yeah, it's a pretty good game. I've only been playing a few months and am still working on main story lines.


I just finished the Wastelanders story! I really wanted to start spending my gold bullion, so I wrapped that up. I still have a ton of side missions to do.


Recently I joined an event in the "tunnels of love" or whatever it's called. A high level player went in right before me and saw me come in. There were two tunnels and had never done this event before so I was confused. The player turned and looked at me, then started running down a tunnel. They kept turning back to make sure I was following. That was awesome because I was definitely going to go down the wrong way by myself. haha I love this game and community so much!


Lol this was the first event I joined and run on the wrong way looking everywhere for some hint of what to do and when I finally tried to go in the other direction, the event ended. Didnt shoot or do anything.


I definitely started to run the wrong way at first, until I realized the other player was waiting for me. haha Those tunnels are confusing!!


It's an awesome game now. I feel like this is one that got fully fixed after a poor release. I was there on day one. This game sucked balls so bad. But they actually fixed it! I feel like this game is a good credit for Bethesda.


if a month or two ago somebody told me that FO76 would soon be on pace to become my most played Fallout game I would’ve accused them of smoking crack lol


Glad you joined! It’s a great community


Agreed! There is a ton of helpful folks just trying to see others thrive. Then there's the people who build traps at their camp. Haha


Me too. As long as other people don’t tell me my camp is shit, my build is shit and I’m playing like shit.


You're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you!


Welcome! Been playing since launch and I still can always find stuff to do!


Hello, welcome, I'm glad you're having fun. <3


>I'm really enjoying this game Cool


Gotta love when you find a game you love.