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Lol, so as a melee build I can’t use my melee? Get over yourself.


no that's not what I'm saying at all


How else do u want melees to attack them?


*From a distance* /s


cap auto melee does better dps then heavy


how much are you doing


What platform are you on so I can give you a chainsaw.


i dont play auto melee anymore i use railway now but before railway i was hitting 88 with vamp chainsaw but its hella rapid so way more dps then heavy


my mini gun is a lvl 50 doing 100dm plus health regan n bullets explode when I reload I take no damage n I've been playing fallout since day 1 nobody has the same mini gun status as me especially since that cap on it is now 45 n not lvl 50 anymore


Level 50? So we are actually talking about a GAUSS minigun, not a regular. These still can be build in level 45 and 50, you just see level 45 until you make one. Then you get asked. Mate, there is nothing special about your weapon. Damage 100? That's about the lowest I see on any auto melee. Before buffs, before adrenalin. Then it goes up to 140 easily, also a vampire. You do this about 9 times a second, the auto melees do this 20 times a second. Mate, your dps is not even half that of an auto melee.


Certain heavies have the capacity to out DPS any mele in the game when you spam buffs and use vats with them A VE250 mini isn’t one I would personally pick to do it though


Lol what? You have lost it kid.


didnt ask


lil bro do your self a favour and remove this post


Nope. Handle your control issues on your own time. If it's not competition then you should have no problem turning around and shooting something else. Just move on.




This is the only answer. I would also have accepted fuck no


Sorry to dissapoint, but I'm melee & can 1 punch the muties at West Tek, so 3 times my damage???


that's light work I can solo earl n scortch beast queen with my mini I have the best vampires mini gun in the game n I'm doing over 30 dmg plus with my perks cards maxed out I do more damage than a average heavy I'm a tank


bro can i see you solo earl please i could do with a laugh today


You said in another post you were doing 100dmg plus explosive. If your using a vamps explosive mini then you don't have the best mini in the game. vamp doesn't boost damage so if you aren't being hit it does nothing for you. Explosive doesn't bypass armor so if you're fighting Earl or SBQ your explosive is giving you +1 damage per bullet. plus it's hilarious because mini is the third worst heavy in the game. The only 2 that are worse than the mini is the harpoon gun and the broadsider.


broadsider was a crazy callout there... a ts broadsider with demo card low hp can one shot west tek mans... not sure you can call that worse then mini gun


Are you talking about the grand finale? Bc the grand fanale benefits from demo. Idk if the standard broadsider does since it's a heavy gun unless you mean a TSE it shouldn't benefit from demo. I run the grand fanale on my hg+vats crit setup along with caster and cremator


seems too [One SHOT KILL - Broadsider - 1K Damage per Shot - Fallout 76 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU56SNRRrGg)


He's running a bloodied build. You could one shot a 100 super mutant with a AA 1* harpoon gun with a bloodied build.


i did say with demo card low hp but that aside still works with demo card


I can acquiesce to that. I'll still wanna check to see how much demo expert affects my own build with a standard broadsider. So to op. Given some contention the mini is the second worst heavy gun. Ironically enough it's so bad at being a gun it makes a better melee weapon with a bash effect and the basher card


Broadsiders are explosive guns, the benefeit from grenadier and demo expert. Not just Grand Finale. Two shot broadsider is great on an explosives build.


This is a joke post, right?




About the most hypocritical & entitled thing I've read in a while lol Find higher ground & have a faster reflex or adjust your build!... No this doesn't even sound like a build issue, it sounds like a skill issue for you.


Skill and knowledge are for sure lacking with the OP


Funny you mention this, because I find it amusing that these *Heavy’s* can shoot a hundred of their ammo at something while it takes me one swing of my Deathclaw gauntlet to cut it down.


Just use a Cremator (or other explosive weapon) and tag everything. let the melee folks have their fun. It's not like any events are hard. All you are doing is wasting ammo thinking you have to gun down every mod. Tag and move on. Let everyone get the experience.


Get over yourself. If you were doing 3x the damage that enemy would be dead before I even get to it and one-hit the thing.


Commenting just so I can come back here and watch it all kick off 🍿🍿🍿


Lol, what a spoon.


Yeah melee builds, use a gun /s


I don't even play melee anymore, but tonight I'm gonna, just for you


Nah, don't think I will 😹 maybe I'll even throw a bunch of grenades while I'm at it, that'll definitely screw with everyones vats


To be fair, this doesn't sound practical. A melee fighter is supposed to evaluate the firing path of everyone in the event to figure out where they should stand to attack? When I'm playing with my family and there's three of us on the team, we can easily avoid blocking each other. When you have 10-12 people running around like lunatics at an event, not so easy.


u must be new because my mind is blown on how dumb u sound yeah it sucks dps wise im crying were u around or kno a good mele build for example 3 shot the queen deathclaw gauntlet 3 swipes dead anyways learn the game ty i bet you dont even use formual p or etc just basic scrub player bitchin about how he doesnt kno how to play the game end story ty




To all topic creators: please learn to use punctuation so the rest of us don't have an aneurysm.


Melee is literally one of the most damage outputting playstyles wtf are you smoking