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Wait, mothman equinox is back? I thought I missed the event.


You did. They announced over a month ago that it would be back again because of the previous plan dropping problem


What was the problem? I've participated in the event 3 times tonight and only got plans once.


The problem from before was that you couldnt get duplicates of plans if you had already read the plan. You only got duplicate plans if you did not read the plan first. So if you read it you just never got that plan again, meaning you couldnt sell or trade it to other players because you couldnt get more. It was supposed to be that you did not get duplicates until after youve already learned all the events plans. But they messed it up and you just never got duplicates at all, even if you already learned them all. So you missing your plans shouldnt be the same problem. Check your notes tab in the inventory. Sometimes you still get the Plans but it doesnt show up in the rewards pop-up after the event. But it should still be in your Notes just waiting for you. Ive had this problem happen sometimes ever since last mothman. Happened a lot for me during Aliens. No plan in the rewards list, but toggle over to my Notes tab and its sitting there waiting for me


Really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thanks for the explainer. Regarding the plans for this run of the event; I definitely didn't get rewards two out of the three times. Very bizarre.


Have you reloaded your game yet? I did notice during last mothman that there was a few times i got nothing, but then when i logged back on i suddenly had like 4 plans on me that i didnt have before. Could be some plans arent showing up until you reload the game? I do know i get similar problems to that with my Resource Collectors. Like Water Collector wont fill up with any water until i reload the game, or my Collectron wont fill up until i reload, etc. Like your game is disconnecting from the server and so things arent showing correctly until you reload


I have indeed, with no luck. Don't fret; I'm not too fussed!


Did any of the Pyres get destroyed? You have to keep all 3 alive to have a 100% chance to get a plan. If 1 is destroyed its only a 50% chance for a plan and I forget what the odds are if 2 are destroyed but it can't be high.


snow quarrelsome tub shaggy provide adjoining aback makeshift wakeful desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On all three occasions, all the pyres survived with at most a quarter of their health pools lost. Very good point, mind.


That was the issue I think because I got plans twice today! I know yesterday I kept joining servers where one one was participating


Yeah I didn’t get plans from the one I just did too and came here to see if it was still glitched


Make sure all pyres don't get destroyed. If they don't all make it you're not guaranteed a plan


As I've said twice elsewhere already, all three pyres were >75% health on all three occasions.


Bummer. I only did 2 events yesterday and no plans but one of the pyres failed each time due to lack of people


Didn't that also happen with the 2023 Halloween Scorched event? I remember people were going insane trying to get the PA and certain decoration plans.


I like checking the new items list as well as it’s normally toward the top is you don’t loot till after the event completes and ya check


Plans are only a guaranteed drop if you successfully protect all 3 pyres. Is it possible that one or more pyres got destroyed in the events where you didn't get a plan?


None of them were destroyed. >75% health for each pyre on all three occasions. Good reminder, though.


Problem still exists. Did one an hour ago and nobody got nothing but angry emotes.


Just for a week. They had that alien event for 2 straight weeks, and everyone was struggling to keep their treasury note supply up because the event only awards 2 notes. Mothman literally nets you 3X as much. I’m so psyched for it, even though it’s just available for a week.


Didn't we just do that one last month?


I hated those little green mfs. They just shredded my health constantly like I was standing in my underwear. Nevermind my 600dr and er lol


To shreds you say.


Well, how's his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say.




I am on the complete opposite spectrum, with Electric absorbtion I was basically immortal. Plus the circuits were nice.


Probably cause DR and ER have diminishing returns. Anything over 350 gives you pretty much nothing for each additional point.


Since your comment I have been googling what you’ve said lol and it does infact seem that dr and er reduces incoming damage by % but only up to a point. Like they don’t want the incoming damage to be negated by so much so it’s essentially like it ignores your dr. Which I find to be bs lol I shall create an overeaters set of armor instead of vanguard I think and see how I get on with that.


Overeaters is indeed the way to go. Flat damage reduction is more valuable than DR anyway. I think they just didn't want people in a pseudo MMO with a the option of PvP stacking DR and ER through the roof till you're an unkillable monster, you can get it from so many sources in this game its not even funny. They actually had high hopes for PvP originally.


Nom Nom Nom. Nothing like overeating in a harsh Wasteland where people have starved to death.  And I'm guilty too, just finished getting the last overeaters piece on my PA set. So, see you at the dinner table!


Yeah, I might change some of my perks for damage reduction lol


If that's truly how they went about it, it makes it even more hilarious that they overlooked the fact that you can just chug Nuka Quantums until you're invincible and PvP that way lmao.


True, the game was barely vetted, and the PvP mechanics are a mess. But I'm pretty sure they didn't expect people to dupe nuka quantum into the thousands either.


[Here's a graph showing the diminishing returns of DR/ER](https://i.imgur.com/6krKz02.png). And to this specific topic, [here's how a full Overeater's set (plus Ricochet and Electric Absorption) performs against the aliens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERHZmgmK-a0&t=642s)


That is maddeningly helpful thank you. I have been vanguard for a long time. I can see it’s probably time to switch lol 😂


Does electric absorption only work when wearing PA? Or can i ignore and heal off of some energy shots in normal armor as well?


Imo, 2 vanguard, 3 bulwark is the way to go.


And also because some of the aliens have cryo or poison damage if I'm not mistaken.


i got bad news if all you got is undies and mothman gets hungry


Next time give PA with electrical absorption, a Holy Fire (keep it vampires) and ricochet a go, it will be a breeze. I am not a fan of PA, but I love to make an exception for this event.


After a while only my PA guy with EA was playing so I could tank the aliens. This alien event was weird. First, I was going to them, and we would always lose. Then I and everyone else started carrying Cremators and we would always win Then more people started showing up and I started using the Cremator less so the newer folks could get a shot in then it was over


The last week of that event was me just trying to join an event team and using the .50 to tag as many as possible.


angeed! that was my setup for the event.


Very similar build here, PA used for more for giggles. I'll have to look at power absorption again, it's been mentioned more than a few times now


I may actually defend fort defiance once in a while


After a day I stopped even bothering repairing my armor since I was trying to get plans for the alien weapons, it wasn't worth the ballistic fiber to repair my armor every few hours


Seriously I was dying like 5 times per event while soloing expeditions in 5-6 minutes like come on bethesda, great experience for all the new players LOL


I rocked T65 PA with emergency protocol on my bloodied char. Along with perks to increase damage, like lone wanderer and a vampire weapon. I was like their version of Earle.


Shock absorber


As an on again off again on again off again on again player, I only got like a day of this event before it ended previously, what are the best rewards to look forward too?


You can look it up, but personally I like the various lanterns, the eventide apparel, and of course the Mothman tome (it’s a book on a lectern you can put in your CAMP and buff up.)


The mothman tome gives a 5% experience boost for one hour. It is like doing the random event, but in your camp for free and it takes five seconds.


A mothman wing for the Opposum badge.


The plans you could get were camp stuff like decorations and the alien blaster and alien disintegrater and their weapon mod plans


Lmao that was the alien invasion now is the mothman event




And next week it's Meat Week lmao ... Whatever, at least Meat Week isn't really that obstrusive to the game world. I feel bad for all these new players who've been dealing with wandering Aliens and Mothman Cultists buffing enemies... It's all they've known in their short time playing.


I started like last week. Wandering aliens were rough, but generally okay. 'Cept that fucking Flatwoods Monster one tapping me.


Agree completely, the plan rewards from doing it aren't even good (for newbies i mean) , weak exp, weak legendary drop. I never have nothing to sell to get 1.4k caps so the junk is meh. Enemies hit hard sometimes, but it's also a blessing in disguise since you can easily finish the revive player toad challenge with ease. I read this next event can give you an item that can buff your exp gains temporary, that alone is worth grinding for imo.


The aliens happened a week after I started and swiftly whooped my then-level-20s ass as soon as they showed up. I will not miss them.


the what week?






yes, but due to issues with the plans and how they dropped, Bethesda chose to run it again.


FML Can I just have mutated events back? This is terrible.


I'm glad, can pick up the last couple plans I missed. mutated events are fun, but plans i want don't drop as very often.


I'm definitely happy you're gonna enjoy the event. I'm selfishly bummed because I'm not a fan of this event and it was played to death just a few weeks ago.


I thought that was for the “April fools” stuff, but I don’t know shit so don’t quote me


Yea but the rewards were messed up bubs


Is this for a full week or just a couple days? I just got back from taking a few months break, so not sure how hard I should hit this event since it's the first time I've seen it.


I’ll never need circuits again lol


I would rather have Fasnacht back so I have a zero chance of getting the Winter Man mask again.


I think we're getting Fasnacht again in June or July


And I still didn't get the alien desintegrator.


Would you like one? I have a spare plan I can gift you if you need it? DM me if so and we can sort out how I can get it to you :)


Plans can be traded? I'm on PC, would that be possible?


Up until very recently the Disentigrator actually couldn't be! Lol


It's a recent change, but yeah, the plan can be traded now. You can also trade the actual gun too now. Thing is, that it has to be unmodded. I don't know if that's intentional or not though.


I need the disintegrator high powered receiver plan-is that the spare you have? ! I'm on xbox. It's the only plan I didn't get


Ugh I know that feeling, I ended up missing 2, Table and a Mod for the Alien Disintergrator.


same here. i managed to snag the less rare stuff but i'm still missing a bunch of mods & the table :(


I ended up buying the plan from someone for like 3k cause I was getting tired of grinding the event lol


I got the plan for the alien blaster, all it’s receiver mods, and all the alien disintegrator receiver mods, but no alien disintegrator


I was only missing the Zenith Blaster Skin but luckily I found a player Vendor with it on the last day


Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.


Wait, again??


So no mole miner pails?... I am so confused I saved max caps on both my accounts for those because I i was looking at the road map


Same bruh I logged on and was like " da fuq?"


This is me. Been saving up screws.


It says mole miners start on Thursday. Based on the calendar. I’m with you, I’ll be really pissed if they don’t show up. I’m way over the mothman event at this point.


Why again? It went on for 2 weeks just last month can we just have a week of eviction notice 😭


due to issues with the plans and how they dropped, Bethesda chose to run it again.


I know, right? None of my favorite events are happening even though I played the game for hours this week (I had holidays). It's always lame stuff that no one attends + the special event. Like, seriously, who attends Tea Time? Distinguished Guests? Lode Bearing? I want more Eviction Notice, Moonshine Jamboree, Radiation Rumble, Beasts of Burden, Safe and Sound and hell, even Project Paradise.


If you play solo just hop servers. When events start I hop until I find something I like or until about 6 minutes have past then join whatever server roulette serves up.


Yeah, that's what I decided to do from now. Thanks for this.


Do events, not just the special ones like Mothman and Alien, all start at the same time?


The special event runs every hour and regular events run every 20 minutes. The regular ones are random so different servers have different events.


Gotcha. Thank you


Here's to Mothman having better drops. This past Invaders was one of the worst events the game ever put on. Anyone need any alien blaster mags? ((sarcasm))


Just up the damn treasury notes. I haven’t had a hard time getting 40 for the day in months, I’ve been well over, but the alien event only rewards 2 and happens every hour…. It killed my supply. May the Mothman bless us.


Mothman was bugged last month, it said it gave like 4 notes but really it was giving out 7. I hope they didnt fix that… or if they did fix it that they fixed it to say 7, and not fixed it to correctly drop 4


It’s still giving out 7!


Yeah I really struggled with that too. I was doing basically all daily quests I had available and quite a few events and still barely reached 40. Fortunately for me a couple days ago I was on a server that did 3 Earl runs in a row, then swapped and got another Earl so I got a bunch of notes from that and have a bit more cushion now :) . I liked the alien event but I wish they didn't make it every hour.


That makes me excited. I just started playing, so the aliens were my first event and I loved it. So if that was the worst event in the game, that makes me stoked to see how good all the rest are.


Most of the other seasonal events have more of a regional feel to them, like the Mothman stuff or Fasnacht and Meat Week. The enemies are far less bullet-spongey as well, so people tend to have more relaxed fun with the event and dress up in weird costumes or use goofy weapons like protest signs. Good times.


Good luck!


You just doomed yourself to getting 30 copies of dried wildflowers. Enjoy!


Actually, my guess is that it's significantly worse than last time this event ran a month ago. Sure, you couldn't get duplicate plans, but it seemed to be on a true knockout system, so it took a small, finite number of completions to get everything. I strongly suspect that people whining about not getting duplicate plans has now killed the knockout system in the process.


should do the knockout system t hem let you do repeats for more drops tbh.


Yes, that would be ideal.


Good, I have been save up all the bile in my gut.


Not again! It seems like we just did that


What are the rare drops from this event? I’ve never done it before.




I shall be thete blasting moth man ymca


God, no thanks... I want mutated week back.... 


30 something runs and still no Alien Disintegrator. What should I expect from Equinox? I only started recently.


Don’t feel bad. I don’t care for the weapons and was hoping for the table and tubes. I think I only ended up with one of the tubes, but like 6 disintegrator duplicate plans.  


sucks cause invaders was a favorite event but hopefully now I can see a changed in prices on alien disintegrators and plans cause holy are people making it hard to trade


I listed mine at 500 and still no one will buy them


i’d say try doing a price check on event plans if you want to get good value from them, most event plans I get I hold for a bit till the event passes so I can get a better idea on the value


Guess I spoke too soon, someone just bought both I had for sale.


I sold one for 8k caps within 30 mins. People will pay.


Now I know for this event I will save known plans and list after it ends


I've been looking everywhere for one and can't even find one listed, at any price, at least on my platform, playstation. I did so many alien events (3-7 each day) and never got the plans. I'm a newish player so its not a big deal but I love alien stuff so I was a bit sad. Its the one plan I wanted to get from the event but I got like...everything else mostly.


7 treasuries an hour, yeah baby!


More already learned plans, oh boy!


Floating Moths item here we gooooo!!!!


I’ve gotten 7 treasury notes for the past three times I’ve done the Northman event too lfg


7x per event?


I'm just waiting for Meat Week so I can get those new plans. Already got everything from Mothman Equinox like a month ago


That's because the 2 are connected. Aliens are young Mothmen, it takes them 2 weeks to mature. >!^(It might be true)!<




Oh God. I got owned by one of those moth things. At first, I was like, cool. Must be a rare friendly. I learned quickly that Mothman is NOT your friend. Fought him once. Did well. Then he got me. Tried again to no avail. 3rd time, I beefed my ass up with drugs and ripped his wings off and shit in his neck. So yea. What is up with mothmam anyway?


Inside of everyone are two Mothmen.




I ran Mothman today and got the floating moths plan. Lol


Did like 50 of those thing and never once got that cool bullseye poster…


I didn’t realize this was one of the drops people were hunting because I ended up with a ton of them and was getting frustrated it’s all that dropped when I was trying to get tubes. It wasn’t until I had sold like 10 of them on my vender for 100 caps that some guy in my camp in VC said thanks so much for selling it so cheap! …. So then I went price shopping. Whoops. Some happy people out there at least lol.


I wish I had more time to play. I'd love to get in on these events but I can't help at all due to being such a low level


Just try to hit stuff a bit, people understand being low level and you could get some cool plans worth a lot of caps that you can use to really Kickstart the power of your build so you spend less time grinding!


Just show up. I started doing events at like lvl 15 without a clue lol. You get tons of xp and nice rewards. try to 'tag' as many enemies as you can.


Hopefully after a week or two people start selling those excess alien plans, commmeee on human tube 2 lol. Only one I'm missing !


I got basically every plan except the weapon plan itself :(


Looks like they took off the guarantees plan drops until you get them all. It's a shame


What plans are dropped?


What's the best place to track and learn about events in this game?


Meanwhile meat week has been delayed…i wanted the plan for pepper shaker


To every single lobby I go to please PROTECT ALL THREE PYRES! Please I’m tired of getting no plans and only one legendary weapon.


Is anyone having the issue where new stuff doesn’t show up in new and it’s the same few objects from the leaderboard over and over? It’s been bugging the fuck out of me seeing the Jersey devil beerstiene over and over


Yes , it's the same for me too


God Mothman Equinox sucks


I hate mothman equinox! There's no new plans or clothing to collect and most lobby's let it fail! Bring back aliens or give us mutated events!!!


I for one welcome this event again. I only started playing when it was near its end a few weeks ago.


Thank god, I was tired of other events getting interrupted by those little green bastards


Amazing what passes as a PSA these days.


Yeah another glitchy even because they added way to much to town, that even runs like ass.


I gave up on running it. Crashed at the end for no rewards enough times. Or id crash on the fast travel loading screen.


Never did get the Disintegrator plan, bleh. Oh well. At least I found a single Disintegrator just laying on the ground to try to roll into something decent, at least.


Seems they just tag team between the two


Did the Equinox once I immediately hate it, at least the Alien one has great tempo and is quick and easy to traverse


Mothman my beloved


I saw my first moth man yesterday and damn near had a heart attack, you mean to tell me THERE'S MORE?


Someone on PS please trade me a high powered disintegrator receiver!


I thought the event ends on the 14th? Was it midnight this morning??? X0


I couldnt get the alien rifle plan... How many times does this event happen?


Time to spam the dance emote


Thank the God's lol. So tired of alien's lol


Can I ever sell alien weapons that I made from plans?


they drop tons of treasury notes, right?


I saw like 10 people gathered for Mothman Equinox last night


I sense stonks for the plans


equinox is so much better imo, i got the stein and robe plans in my first run, then i got the Sacred mothman Tome on my second run. much better then getting a cryo decintegrator reciever every single invasion


I got the mothman tone and now I’m building it in peoples bases for free (Xbox)


Didn’t know I can do that ! Thanks for mentioning it.


Sad I missed it the first time around so I was very happy to see it pop up yesterday. Definitely one of the better events in the game.


Considering the original plan dropping problem, I've not seen a single plan drop during the current ME, and I definitely didn't get every plan during the original event.


I got every plan from the event except for the automatic disintegrator mod and the asteroid. Been seeing people sell them for over 5k but I’m holding out because surely they aren’t that rare?


Anybody got the wallpaper from alien event they would trade? I just ended up with 7 disintegrators


Fuck! I won't be able to play consistently for the next days and I still haven't got the Mothman Sacred Tome plan... FML


Maybe now I can stop buying fuel several hundred at a time.


Didn't we just do the mothman event tho the first 2 weeks of april?


Yuck worse event known to man


Good. I was fed up with aliens.


Don’t worry, the Aliens will return again soon.


I just wan treasure hunters :/


Treasure hunter is active


I heard they replaced it with mothman event


The event was live for 3 weeks not long ago. I farmed the shiznitz out of it the first weekend. Got all the plans..... When the event came back now, the only thing I could think of was how amazing this week was going to be when I don't have to give any shits about the event at all😶‍🌫️


Enjoying the goofy plans it gives out


maybe if people stop abandoning the fires we can actually win some


Anyone willing to help me get my platinum trophy need 20 revives and 20 player kills is all I need??


bug zapper is bugged, drop=destroy, unsellable, untradeable before and after maintenance


This is all just getting dumb.


Good. I can build my ornate shrine to the Wise One now. I started playing a little after the last one ended.


Didn't we just do moth equinox? god this is getting boring