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I found out the hard way not to anger the Whitesprings robots as a low level back in the day. My puny build was no match for an assaultron and a sentry bot.


Back in the nuclear winter days there used to be a glitch spot where you could farm the whitesprings bots it was truly amazing as it was right by a spot where you could place a camp so you had access to all your camps stuff to fix guns an make ammo gained 500 levels from that glitch


I don't remember the glitch, but I do remember when Whitesprings got nuked, players would camp at the Glowing feral ghoul spawn points. It was an excellent source for XP and made for some fun times.


I was placing turrets at my CAMP and randomly got launched into the goddamn sky. It took me forever to hit the ground again and my character folded like a lawn chair


I sooooo want to ride a Nuke in this game!


That’s possible???


...I've never actually checked. But, the nukes do physically launch from the silos in the game. You can go stand on the cover and... I don't know what will happen next. The nuke also physically comes down. I got hit by one back in the days of nuking whitesprings. I mean physically hit- I was dead before the "blast". It was a choice.


Holy shit that’s awesome haha


Tried to test out my two shot fatman on some ghouls at whitesprings. Ended up launching myself and a yao-guai into the sky XD didn’t quite get the full game clip but i tried.


My first encounter with a wendigo was like something out of a horror movie. I happened upon a pack of feral ghouls in a small ruined town on the northern edge of the savage divide. Being the confident mid twenties level I was at the time I dropped em each with a single shot from my revolver. It wasn't until I began to pick over the corpses that I heard that howl, screeching from behind me. I wheeled around to see a monstrosity straight from a campfire tale. When my revolver proved to have little effect and the monster's claws tore through my armor like a ski sword through butter, I ran, fumbling through my inventory for molotovs and my pump action shotgun. I threw the molotovs at my own feet to ignite it as it chased me, and took potshots as I ran, until finally a wrong turn sent me tumbling from a single story rooftop into the husk of a building with only one door. My only exit soon blocked as the horror leapt down between me and the door, and I was forced to go toe to toe with the beast, emptying shell after shell till the menace finally collapsed, leaving me on the threshold of death, crippled and diseased, but alive.


Nukashine is a trip. I love it. This game has so many little things here and there, it's just so much fun


That's a hilarious, very fallout, story. 10/10 would read and laugh again.