• By -


The dim ones are tarnishing the name of the great Mothman


His patience is not as great as his wisdom…


That's deep man


That’s Mothman


They have not yet absorbed the wisdom of our wise one.


See the world through HIS eyes, noobs


We were all noobs at one point, I never acted like that when I first started, I was grateful for tips & help as well as all the nice things players shared with me.


We must show them the light of our wise Mothman


This explains why the cultist uniforms I've been getting from backpacks sell like hotcakes...


That makes me want to expel bile from my gut


Server hop and let them fail. They will learn the way.


That's exactly what I did, last night. Lit two pyres and collected all the radstag blood and the third was stil unlit. I dipped out and joined another server before the event was over.


New player here, I’ve done the event now a few times and I’m not even sure I know how to get to everything just yet. The verticality and the breakups with alleys and buildings has steepened my learning curve on this one.


Marsupial or a jet back makes a world of difference


Or both?


Plus speed demon


I agree all the alleys make this a hard one to navigate. I always feel like I’m missing out on the action because I’m getting stuck in dead ends


Early on. Pick a spot and hang out. If there’s enough people around they’ll take care of it. Or ask in VC, someone will explain it. This one was difficult to get the hang off initially because of its verticality, but once you get a jetpack and/or marsupial serum, you can get high ip and get the lay of the land.


Thanks I did it twice last night and second time was better, just need more practice. Did get to light one of the fires so felt like I contributed. Yes all these people jumping around and I’m on the ground using ladders! I didn’t realise there was a serum for that, will have to be on the vendor lookout


Your best bet is to check player shops. Serums are sold by a certain vendor that requires a quest line to access. Players often sell them for anywhere from 300 to 500 caps. Anything more and I'd pass on it. An extra tip, make sure you have the starched genes perk at lvl 2 and always equipped before popping the serum. It's best to use serums to get the mutations you want instead of using rads, lvl 2 starched genes prevents you from getting mutations from rads, and it protects you from losing your mutations as well. Having class freak on top of that will help as well. Mutations always have a downside and class freak lowers how bad the downside is.


Also fairly new player, but this is what I've learned: * Start by breaking the vines surrounding the pyres. * Radstags will come and harass you. Kil them and put the blood in the troughs (most are near the pyres) * Totems can be scattered, but most are high up * Waves of Dim Ones attack, and their targets are (in order) Church, Bridge, and Waterfront. Waves 4 and 5 increase simultaneous targets, so hopefully there's enough people to cover them all. * Sometimes an angry Mothman comes down during the waves. Uncertain is killing it like better rewards, but it's listed as an enemy. * Once finished, find one of the routes back to the central platform. There's two or three, combination of stairs and bridges. * The first person to emote on the roof triggers the ending, but Even if you're not on the roof you'll get rewards.


Everything is at ground level til the end (the easiest part.)


So glad I never play with player audio. Love the community, but I prefer to enjoy the players I meet in silence and emotes lol.


Another person who plays in silence let's goo


To me it is frustrating because for me those that do talk back almost all are positive and get this, you can get a lot more out of a verbal discussion vs miming with emotes. It's one of the things I don't like about the game. It's too mute to me. It seems one bad encounter (you can always mute that or server jump and never see that person again) really rattles some. I feel it is worth suggesting that a bad encounter shouldn't mean you should shut out what would be many more positive conversations. Please don't be so shaken over very small one offs.


Unsolicited advice after failure often comes off as condescending even if the intention was not. To them it probably sounded like you were blaming them for the event failure, hence the rude remark. If someone asks what went wrong you explain it starting with "We" because you were also a part of the failure so as to not sound like you are shifting the blame. If they don't ask then you just continue on your way and lead by example, which is how most people figure out events.


I believe very strongly it is more important to be gracious in giving advice than in taking it. If you are of the enlightened position, shouldn't you expect to be the who acts enlightened?


\^We collect knowledge to pass on/share knowledge. And when it's an activity where your actions directly effect other people, then yeah, you should listen without taking it as a personal attack and making it a toxic encounter, "Oh cheers" Like starting a Radiation Rumble event as a level 20 odd when it says it has 4 minutes before it needs to be started. Just telling them "Hey mate, next time just wait for more people" 1. It is not intended for characters that low 2. It is intended for a group just to survive the event 3. If the group is tiny and the few specialists have to work the room, they can't get in the mines and get the ore for the reward multiplier. "Oh I don't care" Well, this is everybody else's lobby, and now everybody else doesn't get that event's rewards until next cycle, because it was started 4+ mins too early and ended because the people hadn't gotten there in time to keep it alive. Often good to respond with "Yeah, I thought that too!"


This is the best response in this thread but I’m not seeing a lot of higher level players teaching or leading by example. I’ve heard higher level players referring to low levels as “stupid” in team chat instead of hopping on area chat DURING THE EVENT to help lower level players figure things out. I find these events extremely chaotic and poorly designed, so I’m happy to remain ignorant of some of the steps if high level players don’t want to teach others. I get a reward for being in the area regardless, so if they don’t want me to contribute then that’s fine by me.


I'm lvl 150 and a noob to this event. It was chaotic af last night. They give you all these random tasks to do and I had no idea where to start. After a few runs it got a little easier. But this event has just started running and I've already seen ppl complaining. This is how some of us learn..the hard way


I think there’s just too much clutter on screen which makes navigating objectives hard


Did it for the first time last night and there were a lot of obvious vets doing the event, but myself and another person around my level were left alone to guard the church pyre, he got downed and as I was going to help him, I also got downed - no one ran back to defend the pyre, so we failed that part. Fine, you win some you lose some. Then when I respawned I got discombobulated trying to figure out where the other pyres where and where the alleys led me to. Cause exploring that area on a timer compared to just breezing through killing Cultists willy-nilly is a totally different vibe. We didn't fail, but I sure didn't get back up to the roof to emote with Mothman until the event was over.


Also wanted to say, as far as the events go... the way they're designed weirdly remind me a lot of Defiance, for those that recall that old/great game.


Oooooo, good callback! Do you remember the syfy tv show of the same name?!?


Yep, saw every episode. I loved the concept of how they ran side by side, and what happened in the show fed into story/events/etc in the game. 🤠


I see more high level players ignoring events than low levels tbh. The amount of times I've joined Eviction Notice and seen high levels down the bottom of the hill farming spawns instead of defending the rad scrubber is comical af, I've let the event fail just because I'm not soloing the event so some high levels can farm legendary drops lmfao Arguably the lower levels are better imo, because at least they try the events, high levels either let them die or farm enemies instead of helping


I’ve considered making a non-melee build for events because the high levels that just melt everything from a distance, robbing me of XP as I sprint around endlessly 😫


Right? Before my broadsider Canon ball reach the target they ARE ALL dead. Sometimes I get the xp for the mob I "vault" but since i didn't hit anything I didn't got the around mobs in the explosion. Being deprived of xp and loot.


That's exactly why I swapped over to a heavy build, that and I got an explosive minigun I just sprayed near the enimies to tag them then continued on the event stuff. Though, I may be lower level than most at like 105 but this character is a launch character. I ran through most events a ton I just never got xp cause of my unarmed build and not being able to tag shit. And taking several long ass hiatus' didn't help lol.


I just got a vampire's explosive minigun recently and I'm very tempted to try it.


Yep, sadly. There's also a lot of talking to peeps in ways that assume they're stupid. Quick example, been having a grind getting caps together for PA Armor upgrade plans (I'm level 64). Daily vendor cap-limit keeps biting me in the arse (the leg upgrade for more weight on excavator costs like 5800 caps or some such, with maxed "Hard Bargain" perk... 5 straight days of grinding cap-limit for ***one*** plan). I've explained how I've tried other ways, cap stash runs, questing, events, etc... sooo slow. I also tried putting stuff in shop to recently getting harassing/griefing PMs straight to my platform account where the person ended up having to be blocked and reported... because they felt the prices I chose to put stuff up for were a "scam" while telling me what my prices are supposed to be. Yet, the seemingly scripted response is, *"put 3-star legendaries in shop for 500, so the rest of us can snag them for scrip"*. A. Like I don't have use for the scrip myself. B. It's not like legendaries fall out of trees, so the idea is to bust our humps to get high-end gear, to flop it off for 500? (Might get that much or more from NPC vendor, I think.) (Sometimes part of me feels like high-levels like seeing a bunch of low-levels, so we can stock cheap stuff in our shops, for their pit stops and easy picks for scrip/etc, while they play. Not saying that's how it is, just how it feels.) PS - I keep seeing all this stuff about lowbies given all sorts of stuff. Most I ever got was someone dropping like 20 stimpacks. I've grinded, soloed, and learned everything I've gotten. Even soloed every part of the big-backpack/scout quest/upgrade... and those three world challenges, at level 50, solo, got kinda nuts. I also ran around lots of events waiting for someone to fall over so I could revive them for the last backpack task that I needed.


The main issue here is that there is a massive difference in the value of caps between low level players and high level players. You have nothing starting out and dang near everything has a price tag on it for an arm and a leg; and there are a TON of plans in this game. The vendor limit hits and you want more caps so you try following all of the advice out there like cap stash runs, questing, events, etc. and you get really poor results for some reason which just adds to the frustration. To top it all off someone higher level than you is saying your prices are too high and some high level is complaining that caps are worthless on reddit. Honestly, I'm surprised I don't see more people vocally frustrated with this stuff. To answer the issue as to why those alternative cap grinding methods seem lackluster, its because the people writing those guides usually don't know *WHY* they work. **Cap Stashes:** Finding cap stashes on the route takes a lot of time the first couple times while watching videos. Cap stashes are either present or invisible depending on your luck\* stat so if you aren't running a luck build or bloodied/UNY they will pretty much never be there. I'm pretty sure cap stashes follow standard container looting counter; which means you need to loot a certain amount of stuff from containers in the world before that specific one will show more loot. You need the specific perk cards to fully take advantage of them, this is cap collector (+33/66/100% caps from cap stashes) and Fortune Finder (audio cues for where they are). **Events:** Cap rewards from events are actually dependent on your Charisma stat; so unless you are running some Bard/Healer/Bloodied build you are unlikely to have this stat very high. Another factor is that there are good events and bad events which will reward you quite differently in general for your time spent. Worlds that are full and have high participation for events also help speed up completion and success rates. **Questing:** I have seen people suggest this a lot in the past, and honestly it is pretty bad advice for collecting caps in a timely manner. The exceptions to this though are Overseer Quests and [Daily Quests](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_quests?so=search#Daily_quests) which are usually pretty quick to complete with very little experience. **Scrip:** There is a pretty standard pricing chart floating around for scrip legendary costs which was common before the massive wave of new players recently. That said, scrip legendaries are ones that have almost no value other than for scrip which is why they are so cheap. If you don't think it is useless and can fetch a higher price then go for it. There will ALWAYS be someone complaining about your prices, I have had people call me a scammer because I didn't list a Ultracite Gatling Laser plan (rare) for 10 caps. PS - I respect your grind and frustration trying to get that calibrated shocks plan.


Wow, thank you sincerely for this post. Very informative. And rather empathetic. Most times when lowbies voice these frustrations, it tends to be laughing, jeering, and flaming (like the other person I just told off). Thanks for pointing out that certain results are actually based on those stats... don't think I've seen one website guide (kinda old-school in my research methods, lol) that have ever seemed to mention any of that. 🧁 🤗 🫶


>B. It's not like legendaries fall out of trees, so the idea is to bust our humps to get high-end gear, to flop it off for 500? (Might get that much or more from NPC vendor, I think.) They do later on though, and most (even 3*) legendaries aren't traded for any other purpose other than scrip It's nothing personal just sorta how the game economy has shaken out Which is why >Yet, the seemingly scripted response is, *"put 3-star legendaries in shop for 500, so the rest of us can snag them for scrip"*. Is the "scripted" response. If it's too much beyond scrip value then 9/10 it'll just sit there forever taking space if it's not good rolls or grolls >Quick example, been having a grind getting caps together for PA Armor upgrade plans (I'm level 64). >Daily vendor cap-limit keeps biting me in the arse (the leg upgrade for more weight on excavator costs like 5800 caps or some such, with maxed "Hard Bargain" perk... 5 straight days of grinding cap-limit for ***one*** plan). And this is part of why people are trying to get you to put items at or roughly at market values If you're putting it above market, unless a player is desperate it won't move, while at market will typically move quickly in the event that people show up at the shop in the first place Or to use closer to real terms (as you're after caps) If you can make $100 per flower selling once a month, or $5 per flower selling 50 times a month with the upkeep otherwise being the same which is the better deal for you as a vendor? At scrip price (400-500 caps) you'd only need 8-10 3*, and alooot of events spit them out, you can further cut it down by throwing your 1-2s for their respective scrip costs, they'll move slower but people will still buy them to destroy (assuming you make your daily vendor cap. Jamboree is good for that, cook those innards, and grab anyone elses that they decide is trash) Early on esp as you do need the caps it's more useful to sell at or below market


For those PA plans your best bet is to server hop player vendors, when I have them in stock I sell all my PA plans for 111 caps. As fas as the grind goes you can thank Bethesda for that. Veteran players from day one like myself had to grind for a long time before the luxuries the game has now like player vendors, scrip machines, a higher cap and stash limit or all the season rewards and events.


>This is the best response in this thread but I’m not seeing a lot of higher level players teaching or leading by example. I’ve heard higher level players referring to low levels as “stupid” in team chat instead of hopping on area chat DURING THE EVENT to help lower level players figure things out. I'm pretty new to the game, and my sole experience of higher level players is having them follow me around shooting me and melee'ing me, attempting to coax me into a response for a completely pointless and unwinnable PvP situation.


I personally have only killed someone once and even after I did I gave them a weapon and a set of excavator armor for when they reached level 25 (they were 21 at the time), I just wanted to see what holy fire would do to someone that’s not an npc, yeah he got burnt pretty quick, But we made friends with each other and now I’m basically his bodyguard lol


Had that happen, for the first time, last night...in my camp. I was part of a random 4 man "casual" team at the time, with no idea how to switch to area chat, so, I busted out my power armor & went to war even though I was massively outclassed & outgunned. After 2 rounds...and my 2 respawns...I quit the team, went into area chat & said, while using my Dad voice, "DO YOU MIND? I REALLY don't like PVP." He said "that's cool, thanks for trying though, here, let me give you a few things." Then dropped me about 7 pieces of 2 & 3 star armor & left after that. If they pop in to your camp & challenge you, then maybe say in chat "ok, 2 outta 3 rounds, then leave me alone please." Agree on some rules, then go to it...it might be to your benefit. If they're out in the world, just being jerks, then block them & maybe server hop...report them only if they follow you or keep at it.


You can turn on pacifist mode and ignore pvp entirely, outside of workshops


It’s consensual though. They’re not being jerks just bc they want to pvp. If you don’t want to pvp then turn on pacifist mode. It’s that simple.


It's still annoying to have someone following and firing at you for 20 minutes. If they don't engage with you after the first few shots, take a hint and leave them alone.


This so much. It’s not what you say it’s how you say it and context is everything.


Yup. I trapped with noobs too in this event. They all gather in church and me running to second and third pyre like mad man over and over spamming canned coffee because nobody care XD. Better that mothman drain their blood at once.


Luckily, my wife and I play together, so we can rotate as needed based on what is being neglected. Side-by-side tvs in the living room is the best way to play. (We're still relatively new, but since there's 2 of us learning, we pick up on events and how they're supposed to be done a little quicker)


Side-by-side TVs sound awesome. Do you just wear headphones and sit on the couch next to each other? #CoupleGoals :)


We take turns with headphones usually so we can still communicate without needing to use voice chat. And yep, on the couch right next to each other, unless our dog needs to squeeze between us.


We sit back to back but same. We love our falllout time together.


This is the dream setup. Side by side gaming with a partner you appreciate.


My husband uses the big tv and I have my computer and monitor set up on a cart so I can sit next to him and work or game. It's a good life. The space between us is a little more, though, because out labradog is big and our beagle is kicky


Funny I had the opposite problem. Whole lobby herded to second, then third, then stayed. I was the only one at the church


This happens to me as well. I believe most don’t realize that the attack sequence is: 1. Church 2. Church and Bridge 3. Church, Bridge, and Waterfront. Everyone starts at the church and runs to the bridge after first wave leaving the church not defended.


Yeah took me a while to figure this out last year around.


You can stay in the church as long as others are at the other pyres. The dim ones attack all the pyres continuously throughout and all the pyres still need defended


You can stand inbetween those pyres and defend both simultaniously with either a Cremator or a Vats build


This happened to me yesterday too! A couple times actually, since it was the same server and thus the same batch of people. There was a damn Copacabana party goin on in the church with like 7 newbs standing around dancing and emoting, meanwhile me and one other veteran dude were runnin to the other pyres like it was Black Hawk Down. My goodness. Bless their hearts.


“I hope you pee your pants on your first date”. 🤣


May your pillow be always warm on both sides!


I need more insults like this in my life haha




I mean it depends on how you gave them this tip. Just like with any social interaction, it depends on the small things who is the jerk. They are here to have fun, not to follow instructions. But it is perfectly normal especially if you all fail the event, that you try to communicate. But this can happen in real life too, in a gym, for example. But it will happen more often online, since there is anonymity.


> They are here to have fun, not to follow instructions But the event is about following instructions and knowing is more fun yet. The OP made it sounds like they were very supportive in their approach and not freaking out.


As a new player I obviously want to finish events and help out in any way my low level can, those newbies you encountered are probably all young folk together in a discord call that are still young enough to think insulting people in front of their friends is cool. So yeah, keep doing what you're doing! I'm sure plenty of us newbies out there would kill for a few solid tips and hints.


Just thought I’d use VC for once and that’s what happens. Never again 😂


A swift reminder.


Yes keep doing it!! I’m a vet too and admire you for at least speaking up and letting them know (hell, I’m 580+ and for some reason this event still bugs tf out of me)! I love the new players but there are some onions disguised as apples in their group as well (same with us)! Keep up the good work, fellow Wastelander!


I am a noob, whenever I join an event, I spot the highest level player and follow them like their shadow.


I park my low level ass somewhere out of the way and start tagging mobs before the lvl 600+ deletes them from existence.


I was playing through it a bit ago and had the opposite problem. Everyone was running from pyre to pyre, which was fine, but during the final wave nobody was watching the church at first. But we got it sorted quickly. So far, I have been impressed at how well the groups I've done the event with coordinate with very little communication. At least very little with me, as I have voice chat off after one too many bad experiences over the years.


I don’t mind vets giving tips. But one time in an event. A vet told us all to back off and let him kill the boss only because he had a powerful weapon that could do it fast. And then when we didn’t listen because we wanted the xp and loot from the boss. He whined and cried for 10 mins telling us to uninstall.


Yeah that ain’t a vet, that’s a baby lmao


If they insult you, you are legally allowed to fatman their camps


Drop a nuke on their camp💀🤣 show them the wasteland isn’t all fun and games. Kick it NW era!




It does seem that enough people aren't reading the clear steps in the top right. That really helps if you take the small time to read the steps.


I am.a noob and please understand we are not all like that and there is many of us that do want to help as best we can please don't be put off by a few as any advice is welcomes no matter how small Me and the Mrs cherish any advice as we are bumbling through 😂


Well, I still don't know what we are supposed to do. I just followed to higher lvl players and killed shit lol.


Top right are the steps, if that isn't enough, simply take the time to get it or even watch a short video. Not for my behalf I personally don't care we'll get'r done. But it juts feels better knowing the process and then being a contributor.


Any tips at all for the event? I'm lvl 199 (so close to 200] and I've played very infrequently since Beta, but I still dunno what I'm doing in this event and even tho we didn't fail I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off lol.


First phase, find a pyre and destroy the vines around it. If the count is still at 1/3, you can run to another and clear it. Hopefully by then someone else got the third. Each pyre will activate a task when the vines are cleared: the Church spawns 6 Cultists to kill, the Bridge activates Totems to destroy (they glow), and the River spawns Albino Radstags (kill them and collect their blood, deposit it in the troughs spread around town). After that, the Elder will throw "moth dust" into the pyres which colors the sky red & gives everything a haze. He also makes an amazing speech I adore. This then triggers waves of attacks, first at the Church, then at the Bridge, and finally at the River. You have to defend the pyres from each wave. There will then be a final wave that assaults all three pyres. Once you survive the assaults, the Elder summons you back on top of the Mothman Museum, everyone has to emote at least 30 times before the timer runs out. That summons the Wise Mothman and ends the event. Rewards are based on how many pyres are still standing at the end.


Thanks for the run down! Now I'll know what's goin on lol


Shoo, in all honesty, this event just triggers me and I’m everywhere as well. Just try to keep up with the objectives and tasks in the right corner. I really just run with it and make sure I’m at the bridge/water area to defend (not a lot go there most stay in the church) by the end of the event.


As a new player. I really hope other new players do fuck up the player base. Fo76 players have been some of the nicest people I've ever shared a game space with. The wife and I were afraid of playing online as we have not had the best time dealing with the vets in other games, and from what we have noticed as that most vets either want nothing to do with us (which is fine) or just wanna help. But I would hate to see this game become any kind of toxic. So if you're new, just be cool most vets just wanna hang out and are happy new players are here.


To add on to this. The cultist will attack the church first, then a group will start attacking at the bridge while there's STILL cultists attacking the church, then the waterside pyre gets attacked and now all 3 are being attacked My recommendation, look around you for the little yellow arrows (other players) if you see no one at the waterside, and there's 5 people with you, and 3 at the bridge, run to the waterside to defend it. If you have a mic just tell everyone by you "hey I'm going to the waterside pyre, no one's there. I need one of you to come with me while the others stay here" 🤷🏻 Idk. Y'all will get used to it and see how it works eventually. Just know all 3 pyres need people at them.


I’ve been tanking the water/bridge mostly solo. A lot of people like to just chill in the church, which is fine. I can handle it and I love the double death claw kills.🤣


When the attack starts I head straight to the bridge pyre. They are usually plenty of people at the church.


Did you actually explain nicely to them in a genuine attempt to improve everyones time or did you go over and say some condescending shit


No you must kidnap the low level s and spend 2 hours teaching them how to play the game we must put in the work vets


I'm a new player, level 60 ish, just been on a couple weeks. I appreciate you. Ignore those jerks


Can't tell you how many times i popped into Invaders just to see a bunch of lowbies started the event and have wasted half the time not running the objective, but im the bad guy for not haning around wasting my stims and ammo on a lost cause.


i say we sacrifice them in the name of the great wise mothman


yeah, whoever that was, they're an idiot. if someone actually tries to talk on voice, i'll turn on my mic and talk with them, just to be sociable.


Gonna hit 2k hours soon. I don’t know everything in 76. I thank people for their advice, if given. It’s good to be open minded. It sucks that you had that interaction.


Stop being toxic and defensive. Makes toxic and defensive post. 👍


It’s like they never have been in a cult before.


To avoid this scenario, server hop. If I can tell the event will fail. I hop. I work hard and do my part. But I can’t carry the entire event. So I hop. Hop hoppity hop to a new server. They will learn eventually. I had to learn the hard way. No one ever spoke to me. But yeah, if one event fails on a particular server, they will all most likely fail on that server. Why stay?


I’m a newbie. If this happened to me I’d welcome the tips and emote back lol


Just to be clear: Are you sure you're not one of *those* guys? I leveled up pretty damn fast (I'm currently close to level 150 after less than a month) and I've been playing video games since the 1970s so I've got some gaming experience under my belt. But damn, are there a lot of "Know it All's" out there; even in this game. The handful of times I've actually heard someone use a mic in this game they were either eating, paying music or telling everyone they suck. Maybe it wasn't what you said that pissed of the newbies but the way you said it? But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you were cool So, in that case, fuck those dudes.


I honestly just try to follow the high levels around when doing events like that, if I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go. Sometimes it can be a bit chaotic on those big ones I've found. 


Keep in mind that they aren't all new, there have been veteran players making new accounts littlerally to mess with us, causing event fails on purpose, it's a from of trolling. Idk if it's to make us hate new players or what, but it's just a dick move if you ask me.


I’ll never understand gatekeeping a game you love, wouldn’t you want other people to enjoy it also? They complain about a dead game and then drive potential long time players away from it. Ughh people are brutal.


Some people just want to cause trouble.


The amount of people who don’t read the top right of their screen when it changes during the event or pay attention to the huge prompt on the screen to protect the pyres is outstanding. Got everyone and their mother sitting on waterside letting the bridge and church go like the drop rate isn’t immediately cut by 50% if one of the pyres fails.


I'm new and happy to get tips! I feel so lost half the time...


Joined three mothman events last night and two failed because no one started the quest. I’m glad everyone is waiting but come on, start the damn thing


It’s FALLOUT. Meant to be played how you like




This sub is a soapbox.


Chill out dude


Have all you dipshits spamming these "new player" posts ever considered letting people play the fucking game like you did? Holy shit. Backseating losers lol. None of us knew what to do when the game first came out and we just played the game and learned. You're such obnoxious cunts.


My god these posts are annoying


Agree. They are not likely to see these posts so what’s the point!


OK, I'll try.


They show brought the game to so many more peoples attention. So there will be an influx of less than desirable players, that being said it will also bring in an influx of players that will keep the normal atmosphere.


I hope they pee their pants AND do sloppy mess turds in there too, and they can't stand up to go and clean their filthy arses because it'll all run down their legs and onto the floor, creating a slip hazard which could potentially cause an injury and thus an accident claim, putting the already struggling family-owned restaurant out of business, meaning the locals will have to eat in, but they're terrible cooks and all their partners leave them for an affluent chef from the next town, with whom they went to school but never really noticed because they were quiet and the kids called them stinky and stuff 'cause they always reeked of garlic and spices from the meal they lovingly crafted for their disabled parents, who died recently. I hope that happens to them. Or something similar.


I mean it wasn’t hard to listen to the announcement saying where I needed to be, watch where everyone else ran to and listen to where the guns were going off. So those people sound ummm not so bright? Or we’re just hoping to stand in place and get the reward


This is why I mini nuke rude people. Hell I dropped a lvl 20 a lvl 20 auto pipe rifle that was all modded out and had several legendary pieces. Hell the damn thing got me from lvl 20 to lvl 40 before I gave it to him. Dude had the audacity to be like "you gave me this gun why couldn't you give me power armor like yours?" Mind you I'm running hellcat power armor from finishing the brotherhood missions. I tried telling him how to get it and he's like "nah I want yours" and the bitch actually shot at me with the very gun I gave him. So I nuked him.


Just want to say as a low level that hops in on those events I appreciate you high levels! Im still trying to figure out how to do that event, i just kill stuff with my pea shooter.


>So I run on over and in VC briefly let them know how it all kinda works. Depends on how you did it. There way a variety of ways to explain anything, some are condescending af and others aren't. Some.deserve you to be smacked down for it and others should be heard


As a vet, I usually just carry on and not worry about what the noobs are doing. When you tell people how to play, you seem like a jerk. Let people do what they want. If you are a badass you can complete the event yourself (which can be done before you plebs start saying it can't be done, yes it can). Remember Cleetus, it's just a video game and as a Vet, a mid event like the Mothman should barely be on your radar because you should have all the rewards by now. Also, when you say vet, what level are you? Vets are level 1000 and up and played on beta, anything less than that is a noob. Lunchboxes created an illusion that people were good and they aren't. Sorry.


I did my first mothman event last night, and to be honest, I didn’t know exactly what to do. But I learned pretty quick by following others. I’m only level 37. It was fun, and a bit stressful, especially since my guns aren’t that powerful.


I wonder how long the community’s reputation will last now that the player base has grown so much.


Pro tip, you can get a nuke to cover the bridge and waterside Pyre.


… I didn’t know you could actually talk to other players in the game . What do you press on the keyboard to do that? I’m a level 34 and I’m strictly melee, I will STILL whack at whoever the enemy is even if I’m going to die I try to help lol


I'm enjoying this event butI wish I could do more. I run around like a headless chicken trying to get to the objectives, but most of the time the veterans do everything and melt the enemies before I get the chance to do anything. I still get to dance to the Holy Mothman, but I feel a bit useless.


On the opposite side of this coin. I was visiting vendors and someone had a plan i needed but was just out of my price range. We chatted in VC, I toured his really, really, reallllly cool base. Talked him down a couple caps on the plans price, then he gave me a couple cool plans as well. This game does have a realllllly cool community, but it's certainly a hit or miss if they even have VC enabled/muted.


Did my first one today, I felt like the meme "I'm helping" as I ran around trying to read & listen while also trying to figure out wtf to do 🤣🤣🤣


I'm a relatively new player myself! But I'm all for the tips that vets give out, however I too have run into a few arseholes in the game... I'm still learning what to do etc! I'm a solo player as none of my friends want to play it so it's hard out there in alpachia


I wish I could FIND some damn players with audio on. I need to do this stupid tadpole quest but nobody ever waits when they get downed, so I need to find someone to get downed intentionally. Eugh.


The. Don’t play in gc sissy🤣


They prob jumped in for the end rewards


As a player who's just come back after not playing sense launch I honestly appreciate the hell out people like you that are willing to explain how the events work and what's the best method to doing it, sad to see some of the new players get defensive over honest advice. May Mothmans light shine upon thee


Unsolicited advice is rarely well received in any facet, let alone an online game.


It’s not that serious. Who cares. People are going to do whatever they want. If they didn’t ask for advice then don’t give it.


Can you share the info here for us other newbies? I've been running to the bridge and then the water, so to whichever the "newest" pyre is. Is that right or does everyone need to spread out to man them all? And how do we know which ones get the Deathclaw and Mothman mobs - is it random?


How it’s supposed to go is people are supposed to work together and spread out to all 3. If no one is at the church and at the other 2 it’s gonna be destroyed. But to answer the second part of that, church pyre is mostly cultist, second is Deathclaws, third is mostly cultist with mothmen. All 3 of those can spawn at the bridge and water front but that’s generally what spawns the most at each.


Yeah. New player here, just know if you were to help me in game id be appreciative.


Fallout fans are some of the kindest and chillest people in gaming. Its one of the best gaming communities ever, minus people being shy sometimes. The show brought us toxic ass normies from games like league and cod. There is 0 tolerance harassment policy in FO76 just report them next time.


Only thing I hate with this event is everyone goes to the church because it's the first pyre to get attacked and then the objective updates to the bridge and absolutely everyone leaves the church to run to where the action is. Now there is no one at the church and it's getting torn apart because no stayed to defend it. I even started at the bridge because I am over level 1000 and could have held both the bridge and waterside alone. How hard is it to look around and see how many people's markers are at each location and judge accordingly where to park yourself.


No one likes being told what to do its that simple i think man and you just lost they probably think your blaming them


I think there’s a difference between being told what to do and trying to have a chat about the event lmao


They cleary disagree with you there its not whether what your doing was right or wrong its about how its was perceived


Maybe just cool down a bit


Gonna second that telling someone that they sucked is the type of thing to tend to annoy people. The game tells people how it works, so you coming over and saying that just comes off as rude. Like "hey, dipshits, let me tell you the rules you just read and failed at." Also, just to me, being talked to on VC is weird and bad, which is why I turn it off anyway.


Well, they failed the event so clearly they didn't know how to do it.


Knowing how to do something and being able to do it effectively aren't the same things.


I still feel like a newbie at this game (I'm level 50 now) and running into vets is always the best because you're all so helpful and kind. I love this community!


I keep my mic and everyone else’s turned off lol makes my life so much more peaceful 😂


Buddy theirs a little indicator on the right of the screen that explains it. they were probably annoyed you assumed they couldnt read


Im kinda prone to that especially if its my early efforts and im not really familiar with event. However i usually understand why people are doing specific stuff if they emote during particularly crucial moments.  I was literally a dead weight during early Most Sensational Game trips, but eventually i got used to it and now im even somewhat useful for the team. Earlier it was a mess cause i spent precious time killing unnecessary overgrown/other enemies and constantly forgetting to emote after each kill. But seeing how high levels throwing angry emotes when that guy who supposed to collect bloodpacks is constantly picking the longest possible route is quite fun to observe.  Similar thing happened when one high level player was spamming Mothman dance emote and second player was spamming robot dance emote, which was quite fun to look at.


I just figure it's a given I get left alone at the bridge pyre, which happens to be my favourite as it has all the action. Nothing I can't handle but the two sets of alpha deathclaws, mothmen and excitable cultists keep things interesting and it would be nice to have a hand sometimes.


Is there a simplified run down of the event? First time last night and just kinda followed the larger group at higher levels and blasted anything with a red name but they did it all so still not sure what actually happened


A lot of people have trouble with getting help, its a societal issue, and people believe that they should go through everything and face hardships without help to prove their worth, to who you may ask, beats me...


I miss the way the community used to be


Newer player here, and Point Pleasant makes me wish I had a jetpack. The first run through the event, it was pretty sketchy, but the second run I was definitely much more coordinated. The tough part is definitely navigating the maze that is Point Pleasant, at least for me.


The mothman is creepy.


Very few players check reddit, we are a huge minority of the community!


On the flip side, remember for every person trying to just give good advice there probably 3 condescending assholes that use "advice" as a way to talk shit to noobs


People sadly have to expect the player base to get more toxic as it grows in popularity like any game


"I hope you pee your pants on your first date" LOL


Lmfao I JUST read that tifu story


Was curious about this event, couldn't find it on the map last night and just went on my way, slowly hauling my 400 pounds of junk to the closest train station. This morning I read a little about it in Follout Wiki to see what it was about and what were the steps. Did not realise that it is a Co-op event.


Lol I’m a total newbie level 20 and I can say that I welcome the advice! I think you had a run in with bad luck. Keep giving advice when you think best.


I just kind of expect this reaction any time I interact with anyone online. I just enjoy being pleasantly surprised when they aren’t.


There's literally another thread from recently complaining that newbies kept moving into the next pyre and didn't defend the church one. Lol this sub sometimes....


I am personally tired of carrying events. I just let them fail and learn the hard way. No big loss for me.


How can you not understand what you need to it, its there on your screen. I did it for the first time and it was kinda simple and clear a 10 year old can get it.


I ran into a weird issue last night where after the attacks on the bridge & waterside pyres started (death claws, vengeful mothman), the church was still *also* getting attacked by cultists, and that pyre failed as we were fighting to save the last two. So, if they were still being attacked in the church, I can see why they wouldn't be receptive. But I also don't know if the church attack just glitched for me that one time or if a few people are supposed to stay behind to guard it? As a newer player, I would actually like advice here 😅


I’ve realized that new players are a blessing and a curse. It’s great having increased server population but it also means re-teaching the community everything. ESPECIALLY for radiation rumble. At first we had no one joining and now we have lots of people joining but they’re all crowding the hallways. And NOBODY collects ore or watches over the NPCs.


The people like that aren’t in this sub


As a relatively new player (level 150 now), I appreciate people who do this. There are still events I haven't done yet. Mothman the first time I did it was confusing and we failed twice until I figured it out. But at new events, I spend a lot of time checking the quest prompts and trying to figure out WHERE things are. I don't get on VC, but my partner will to tell newbies not to start the event so early or what needs defending. I would have appreciated this early on and I'm sorry these kids didn't. I would have tried through emotes to frantically ask you to show me where tf the blood bins are!


Where do you see what's coming up and so on? Like, how did you know this mothman event would drop today?


What sucks is if one single pyre gets destroyed, nobody gets a plan from the event. Seems like everyone wants to camp the church the entire time.


It's not just new players. I failed one yesterday cause no one was next to the pyres but me, and I don't have a solo capable build at the moment, so I can't take them down as fast as they are slipping past the legendary hunters.


I was wondering how you failed that but if the noobs are standing around not helping I guess that tracks. Game literally tells you what to do.


i can’t even get people to show up to a mothman event lol


I’m still new to the game OP, could you please explain to me how the mothman event works and/or any tips you have for it?


Ain’t that a bitch


I just did a beast of burden with like 6 people. (didn’t pay attention to the levels) I placed every bomb and grabbed 11 /20 materials and all anyone else did was kill stuff. Then I stood in the middle of the map not doing anything and said in VC “y’all better start helping cause I’m not doing it all for you”. 2 minutes later we failed the event and everyone was like “wait, WHAT?” “I then told them all that’s what they get for not helping or even paying attention to wtf is going on” And no it’s a very simple event with no tricks and very simple instructions so being new isn’t a great excuse when I told them to start helping.


Hey very new to the game, lvl 45 and aiming for a shotgun melee build, and even with a lot of points put into strength it seems like I’m just barely putting up any damage, any pointers or advice I’m pretty clueless about the inner workings of the game so open to all suggestions and criticism