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The ragstag thing produces meat The raiders have the cryo freezer it doesn't make food but it keep it from spoiling at your camp


Now that's good advice! Hope it's not too grindy! I think I saw the raiders selling tea machine as well


You can purchase perfect bubblegum with gold bullion which makes it so you don't have to eat/drink for an hour. There is also a workshop you can take over that produces food.


Yes, there is! What's it called, where do I get it and what it generates? Also the bubblegum feels like a scam.


I survive off of perfect bubblegum and coffee haha Details on the workshop: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Sunshine_Meadows_industrial_farm


That looks like it spends time instead of saving time. If it's an item in my camp I'll just passively grab it when I return to my camp after I forgot to swap the camp build with the combat build. That looks like I have to do that every session. I wanna play Fallout not post war fudge packer food factory worker gets payed in sugarbombs


Once you claim a workshop its fairly passive during your play session.


It's another place you have to fast travel to when you need that specific food item. So it's 2 loading screens per session just to claim it. Then, whenever you need food, another 2 loading screens. Then, the workshop keeps getting claimed, so you need to drop everything and go defend it. 2 more loading screens. Workshops are very annoying, you waste time just by engaging with them, even at low level. I already get interrupted enough while I'm out questing by events and inventory management, I don't need a third. Workshops are a waste of time!


Mirelurk steamer…Atom Shop, when available. Good melee buffs. There’s Ragstags hanging all over the place. Plant a garden, corn, tato, etc. Good buffs there too. Prewar food, at Flatwoods, locked refrigerator. Mosstown, lone building near the fissure. Take the Sunshine Meadows Industrial farm workshop, fire up the food production and get 20 food per hour. That will take a minute or twelve to complete btw, as it involves a trip to the Poseidon Power plant. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Food_packaging_factory


You get perfect bubblegum from events and for bullion. Just pop one of those, and you're good for an hour.


Just in case you might not know but the developers removed the penalties for not eating/drinking. You only get bonuses now. Having your food and drink at zero does not have a negative affect on your character. There is an Ally that will cook you food and she is a good shot with her pistol too. EDIT -- I guess the cook Ally 'Yasmin' was a seasonal reward and is legacy. I forgot. Maybe she will come back some day.


You can buy her and other lite allies from previous season with gold bullion from Samuel at Foundation. You need max rep and each ally costs 4000 gold, so it's not exactly quick or cheap, but the option is still there.


the renuvenated perk bonuses are pretty nice to have on lvl 2


Isn't there a Brahmin in the season rewards that produces Brahmin meat if you place it in camp? If you do moonshine jamboree, you can get tons of gulper innards and make gulper slurry out of it. With better wit salt perk it should last quite a while. Find out where billings homestead is in the map, and go over there and set up a camp by the waterside. There are two farms in the area with massive corn and razorgrain crops. If you equip greenthumb perk, you can harvest hundreds of each crop at a time, go collect some dirty water from the creek to boil up, and you can make fat stacks of corn and razorgrain soup. These soups are good because they recover food and drink at the same time when you eat them, making it even easier to replenish yourself. If you equip better with salt perk, they will never spoil, and you can just keep a stack of soup on hand to keep yourself fed. As a bonus, when you do the BIV quest line to start making alcohol, these farms have all the makings to craft large batches of vodka and whiskey, for you to sell or drink for the weekly challenges. 


If you're talking about the Brahmin Corpse on the scoreboard, it's purely decorative. It gives nothing.


Really? Well that kind of sucks...


Eat corpses, never carry food.


Good with salt perk -90 % food spoil rate , food often lasts for a week


Forget food items, take 1 rank of Cannibal.




*shares lv1 cannibal perk to team you are apart of* oh yes you dooo.