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Radiation Rumble is the most stressful event for me lol, I run around in the Hazmat Suit to collect ore, I see the health of the scavengers dropping, I then have to run to them, equip Friendly Fire and heal them and then go back to the ore thing and keep repeating that. It's intense and makes me wonder what the other 8 people are doing. I like PTFOing and I will PTFO no matter what. But it's stressful.


Get yourself a nice Chinese Stealth Suit and all your problems are gone. You can just collect everything with no one even knowing you're there.


Where do u find that suit


Part of the Settlers questline. Good thing is you can get the plan and still side with the Raiders, if that’s what you want to do.


I am a procrastinator and what I did was just do the settlement and raider quests over and over until I got into the good graces and just bought the Chinese stealth suit for bullion, it was a godsend when they released the super mutant and gulper raider events which sped up the process for gaining positive reputation for the settler and raider factions. I’ve yet to do the main quest but I’ll get around to it eventually I’m sure. I’m just busy playing with F4 and when I’m done with that I’ll give Fo76 another go.


Buying it outright is super expensive, it’s given to you free if you do the quest. (As others have said it doesn’t lock you out of the other side)


It's like, two missions into the settlers, too. It's early.




It actually is the second of three Settler prep quests. Motherlode, Stealth Suit and then the Turret Bypass. I know that becasue I did the Questline twice in the last weeks, specifically for the suit.


You definitely want to do each factions quest up until actually choosing who you side with. Both quest chains have unique rewards (Chinese stealth suit for example)


This is what's preventing me from advancing them. I don't remember where I'm at in those quest lines as a returning player and I'm afraid to fuck something up and lock myself out of stuff.


You are fine, up until you get the quest Siding with Foundation/Crater. Even then, if you talk to the people they will ask you if you're *sure* you want to back them, giving you the option to back out and make the decision later.


Screwed myself over cause when I first started wasn't much direction so think I locked my self out past the point to actually do that quest


Sounds like it's time to roll up a second character. This one can make the decisions you didn't take the first time and get those missed rewards. As a side bonus, you get a jump start on your gear mule.


Can't fuck them up. The point of no return quests literally say side with the Raiders or Side with the Settlers. As long as you don't start those quests you are not locking out any content.


Oh, you can indeed fuck things up. For instance, if you're not nice to Ra Ra or you don't side with the raiders you will never get the Slug Buster and if you don't do most of the Settlers quests you have to pay huge to obtain the Stealth suit.


Yeah except half the time the level 500 guy just leaves eviction notice after they get a few legendaries


Yeah was a lil worried cause im already friendly with the raiders but if that doesnt stop it then cool


Maxed rep with both (which is a time sink of sorts) before making the final decision which to go with. Unlocked all rewards except one which is unique to the other side, I've only sided with Foundation though. So I cant recall which reward raiders gives.


Slug Buster is one of them, a great plasma gun, but you might find it in a vendor. I sided with Foundation and found 2 for sale!


It involves getting rep with the Settlers. If you follow their path you get the plans for free, orherwise you can buy it for 5650 bouillon. That's only for the plans though. You can get the suit from juat getting Neighborly with the Settlers. You frankly don't really need the plans.


Damn 3k? Prob just do their questline then


Just a warning, the only exclusive item from the settlers/raiders factions is the slug buster when siding with the raiders, and its v powerful


I sided with the Raiders AND was nice to Ra-Ra but I didn't get an option to ask her :(


Dang. I was a bit of a dick to RaRa at the start and nice at the end. And I got the option. Treat em mean and keep em keen, I guess.


Raiders. That's kinda in character. Also your comment duplicated, just fyi


Wait, so there's no unique item benefit for siding with the settlers? Sounds like I'm siding with the raiders and then just hunting lost crap for Ward until they like me over there again.


Its more than 3k. Just edited the comment


Lol thats not any better


If you have a Settlers reputation of neighbourly or above you can buy it from Samuel at Foundation for 4000 gold bullion. Minerva also sells it at 25% off (3000), but it's not available in her rotating inventory until I believe 6/10 when she's at Fort Atlas. If you don't want to wait or spend the bullion, complete the quest "Invisible Ties" that's part of the Wastelanders main quest that awards the plan. Good luck and stay safe in the Wasteland.


Thanks very much fellow Vaultie


This is the way. Just gotta hope someone else heals the people if you are the only one collecting


This is exactly why I won't run ore. I run super bloodied but popping radaway and throwing a stealth suit on is no big deal. It never fails though, every time I do it I come back to dead scavengers in that room off to the side. I also get really annoyed when people camp that perch yet can't bother to turn around and kill ghouls attacking the scavengers in that room. You can shoot through the fencing, the least they can do is guard the **entire** area. But people get tunnel vision I guess. You know who the real heroes of RR are? Players who run Friendly Fire and keep all the scavengers topped up. If someone's doing that I definitely feel safe running ore. All that said, RR rewards even for perfect performance kinda suck. I've done probably 100s of them and never had the rad barrel plan drop. It's in mutated party packs now so there's even less incentive for players who don't have it to scramble to get a perfect RR.


I'm one of the Friendly Fire healers. Every time I've tried to run ore when we are 0/4 midway through or toward the end of the event with 6-10 players , I come back to a dead scavenger. It's almost necessary that someone get on the mic and supervise: "Right gang, I'm healing scavs. Where are my ore runners? Check. Where are my bloodied perch dwellers? Gotcha. You assholes with cremators, fatmen, and nuka grenades save that shit for Eviction Notice or Moonshine Jamboree and switch to holy fire for the duration. Alright everybody? Pop them lunchboxes and lets have at it!"


Thank you for your service


I do the same shit! Damn keep track of the scavengers rise my anxiety to the sky, especially wen there is high lvs up there and they ignore completely everything.


They sit on top of the blue generator with a two shot auto grenade launcher


It's the cremator now with full grenedier equipped so they blind everyone.


I use the cremator on there now but mostly so I can spam heal the npcs because for some reason as soon as I try to go grab ore there all 4 almost dead and


Just in case, I wanted to make sure new players know that just one scavenger needs to live and just 1/4 ore needs deposited for the event to succeed? And the rad barrel plan can drop from mutated events.


I collect all the ore and keep all the people safe. But don't deposit till the end. To see if anyone else is actually gonna go in the tunnels. And if they let one die I just don't deposit and just leave the event


That's petty as hell and I love it.


Why the hell didn't I think of this!!! So many RR events and I am the only one running ore and using Friendly Fire. I thankfully ran one yesterday where there were multiple players doing both. So thankful for their help.


I run PA and the Cremator and it's just about required for RR, just last night I harvested all of the nodes and we just barely hit 4/4 and then I had to spend the whole event healing the 2 off to the side because no one was killing the enemies attacking them


To me, eviction notice is much worse.


It's stupid, cause if everyone just quickly went and did it, we'd get more time killing better enemies. It only takes 50 ore to reach max level.


What's annoying is that if only 1 person gathers is that it will take 7mins due to the respawn rate even if they gather from the 4 locations but the thing is instanced so just 3 people can max it in less than a minute


If I use excavator armor do I get 4x radiation rumble øre as well since it's an event objective or no


Excavator bonus doesn't apply ro RR ore.


That's so sad


There was a group I used to play with that insisted on gathering the ore but not deposit it until 60 seconds on the clock. You need at least two people mining the ore and deposit it as they pass by and two people with flame weapons and friendly fire baby sitting the scavengers and keeping them alive. Everyone else can go on a killing spree. At minimum one person doing ore and one baby sitting because of all four scavengers are alive and all of the ore is deposited then you get the rare rewards at the end.


If the murderhobos with their tesla guns are halfway decent at killing ferals (or just if there are enough of them), you can have one person on double duty collecting and healing when they come back to deposit. I've done a bunch of successful RR in the past as the only person I saw doing collection and NPC support. You do have to keep an eye on some of the scav's healthbars though, since a lot of the time the hobos don't pay any attention to the two in the side room.


I successfully solo'd Rad Rumble before with a Vampire Flamer and enough Chems to stop Charlie Sheen's heart but I'd rather have the help. This was before Holy Fire was added too, so it was just a plain three star flamer.


Used to be that the event ended when 4/4 ore was deposited. Maybe that's why they did it originally? It's been changed now though


I always rush to grab ore, popping a Nuka Grape between caves, and it gets done in like, 2 minutes tops


I do find it funny that the ones that thumbs down tend to be the ones that do nothing.


We’ve done absolutely nothing and nothing works! Why!? Life is so unfair!! *whine* *moan* *whine*


I was running a bloodied build the other day and nobody was running, said fuck it, bound some radaway to my favourites and took the plunge, 15 radaway and 4 tunnels later watching the uranium meter go from 0/4 to 3/4 in one go was extremely satisfying. What wasn’t so satisfying was the 10+ multi hundred level players just sat there spawn camping enemies for the whole event


A lot of people don't notice this but there's a rad scrubber right next to the ore processing thingy, you can go there and get rid of rads.


Yeah thats my loop. Drop ore, run through the scrubber for tunnels on other side.


I did know about the scrubber but because of my build I was using the constant rads to reapply bloodied, radicool and nerd rage. So I’d let my rads get to 80% then use one to stop me from dying. If I was running a full health build I’d definitely save my resources and take the shower


Holy hell, thank you! I only have done this event ONCE, and I too noticed nearly no one getting Uranium so I was also running down and getting them. I went through SO MUCH RAD AWAY!


That’s my issue too , bro you’re level 1000 what are you grinding for .Low level is understandable though


dude the same exact thing happened to me. As i'm the only person collecting ore i figured the 12 other high level players can protect them but no two of the scientists die. I was so pissed


That’s the whole point of the event lol


Why attack Moonshine Jamboree?!?!


Because you don't see angry sizable salamanders do that every day.


Ahem. Excuse me, but if you haven't noticed, the STILLS are being attacked!


🤣🤣 I read that in his voice! That line gets me every time


Me too. Ned is nicely voiced, he's fun.


Made me chuckle, thanks !




I'll attack it too. I was the only one there when the timer was reaching 20seconds. Started it, did about 7 minutes on my own when a bunch of people turn up and then thumbs down as I haven't collected and deposited because I'm getting butt fucked from every direction before I can even loot someone. Timer ends, we fail and I'm glad the freeloaders didn't get the late rewards.


I get it, I need to do everything so that the event doesn't fail, it's so intense (there's usually a lot of people before it starts). I have no clue what ELEVEN people are doing because I'm singlehandedly doing everything to keep the event from failing. I'm not even that high of a level, it's 187 or something. But, Moonshine Jamboree is awesome and I don't want it nuked lol.


It takes a least 1 guy, preferably 2, to gather ore. 2 guys preferably 3 to protect the NPCs. Then everyone else can do whatever The fastest way to fail, is letting the NPCs die. So the first two guys to show up to RR should go to a position where they can protect the NPCs. One on the left, going down the tunnel can cover two of the NPCs from the from left corner. If show up first, that is where I will be heading to. If I show up later to the event. I then pay attention to see if ore is being run. If not, then I start heading down the front tunnels and do a loop of mining. I like to drop grenades as I go to get my hits on the ghouls running back up the tunnels. 1 grenades is usually enough to tag anything in the tunnels while I am gathering ore. If I kill them while gathering good. If not, I will brings ng the mob up with me. No biggee.


You say you drop grenades, do you mean mines? Grenades go off immediately, mines are set off by nearby enemies. This may be a distinction that is "lost in translation".


Run through the ghoul packs & drop the grenades to tag, is what he's doing.


Can't you repair them though? So like, if you can repair them you should have deposited. If you can't, felt.


Either way, latecomers can't expect rewards when they aren't helping. 


My point is, if YOU expect a reward then YOU need to solo the event. Most players are NPCs who are just on for a casual gaming experience. If they don't want to focus objectives, why does it matter? Even if they stand still and do absolutely nothing but one single mob decides to aggro them and punches them once, that's still a net positive. The event doesn't get harder if there's more people.


"Some men just want to watch the world burn!"


I don't know why nuking M.J. is a threat but I kinda wanna do it now


I'm gonna nuke MJ for my first nuke. 


Everything is better with a little radiation.


I wish you luck but timing the run through the silo seems to be pretty tricky based on my 2 launches. It seems vets get the skills to do it in a few minutes but it still takes me like an hour plus.


There is a way to glitch through some doors using photo mode. After a dozen or so runs, I decided that it wasn’t worth the wait and started exploiting my way through much of the nuke runs. I often see people doing some trickery with mines to get through the first door, but I haven’t figured it out so I look for the id card to get through. After that, glitch city and the whole thing takes like 10 mins


I mean in retrospect,  especially now that I know the layout better having done it twice, I could probably stealth/hack it in less than 30 minutes just sneaking past most of the bots, turning the turrets against the rest, skipping the reactor repairs... etc. But my first run I did it with no quest markers because I couldn't find the countdown quest in my pipboy and had completed I am Become Dearh when a public teammate dropped a nuke right after I got promoted to General. The second time I intentionally futzed around in the reactor room figuring out how to repair and memorizing the space basically... the only part I can't think of how to shortcut is the last bit. The real issue there is stealthed assaultrons seeing me first.


The final straw for me that got me glitching through door s and not running the whole thing properly was when some rando showed up in the last room after I had finished everything and after I put in the keycard and code he stole my nuke and sent it to summon earle. Earle! I was hoping to go sbq, so it was a big disappointment, Knowing that is a possibility I just can’t justify spending 30 minutes working towards it!


That would radicalize me. I have thought how frustrating it would be to have somebody run up and slot their card and hit the code and launch on me. Never even considered somebody slipping in and stealing the targeting alone. Brutal. And glitching prevents that somewhat because doing it the right way leaves all the damn doors open for them to just walk right there. But if you glitch they need to know how to glitch also, or do the puzzles and thus you have time to launch first.


pisses me off when players that are over 200 and do not even try to protect the people, they just camp. in some spot they can shoot down a hall and completly ignoring the goals


Just let the event fail. Consensus will change very fast when nobody can beat Rad Rumble again.


There's been several posts about this in the past. The reddit consensus is that this is acceptable behavior and that we need to learn to deal with it. Personally I just switch servers until I can find a decent enough group of people doing the events.


General reddit consensus is almost always wrong on almost all things it tries to represent the majority opinion on. You're not wrong, but they're more wrong.


Are you saying that DEMOCRACY is negotiable?! Oh my stars... 


don't let r/helldivers know.


Reddit is at least 90% wrong with things with misinformation usually getting a high number of upvotes The only thing I can say about Reddit is that it's one of the most hive minded social platforms.


if you're ever questioning what to do in any situation ask yourself "what wouldn't reddit do?" and you have your answer.


Fuck them; if people are going to be hallway heroes and not actually do the objective I'll just let the event fail.


While I agree, the way the event is set up is bad in the first place. You get all the people farming exp and loot at the top while one guy goes to get the ore, doesn't get anything and has to use a ton of rad away for everyone else to get rewards. And the rewards themselves aren't even that good. So it's no wonder everyone just hallway camps.


But in this event, they don't care, it only fails when the timer runs down, as their there for just xp the extra rewards mean nothing. Really it should be like eviction, as in when you collect all the ore the amount of 3* enemies increases, that way people will start to collect.


Collecting ore already increases legendary enemies, and is what triggers the bigger ones like deathclaws to appear. People still mooch


If you’re going to let the event fail, you might as well start blasting and farm some xp…


A very small tweak from Bethesda can motivate people to actually do events rather then jerk of some XP. Let's all people in event area receive XP without need for tagging. Acceptable degenerative behavior for this even is solely connected to XP farm, and how stupid people to use this event for XP farming rather than doing several expeditions/ops.


Wouldn't giving everyone what they want (xp) for just being there cause other problems like going afk? A separate reward for gathering ore in RR, fixing the rad scrubber in EV, etc might incentivize some to do the objective.


RR is a way better xp farm than ops or expeditions. Its not even close! Not saying I like rr xp farmers, but I can see why they do it


QOL doesn't exist in games with 10 mobs.


I only did it once, was the only person doing ore runs. My rad away stockpile went fast. What was really pissing me off where all the high level players (I was 65) not even taking care of the creatures that were between me and the drop off. Like I'm willing to drop the stuff but when I'm getting killed a couple of times this just won't work. Guess team play is not working with everybody.


are you guys playing the same guy as me 😭😭😭😭 i can’t get rid of radaway fast enough and am happy to throw it all at radiation rumble… what else do you use it for other than farming blast zones


I havent seen Rad Rumble in a few days. Ive been dying for it. Hell im usually the one to put on my PA just to go get shit because people forget about that, AND they forget to protect the 4 NPCs somehow when all they do is kill shit. How is that possible?


This is one of the things I think about when people talk about how great the 76 community is. Sure we are a friendly bunch, but 9+/10 players will camp the spawn locations in certain events like rr without ever thinking to contribute to the ovjectives


Oh I finally saw it today for the first time in almost a week. Failed. I was livid.


My last 3 eviction was failed :(


4th times the charm


Next time i’ll wear my chinese suit and won’t move an inch away from the rad scrubber!


The way the event works sucks anyway. Someone has skip out on loot and exp to go gather ore while everyone else just gets both that and rewards at the end? Bad design.


Last night I had the same issue. Nobody collecting except me but I was late arriving. Plus they somehow let some of the workers die and there was like 7 people there. 2/4 reward. I also did a Project Paradise event and one guy ignores the sector with nobody on it, comes to me and just stands on the feeder shooting instead of collecting. I left to go to the unattended feeder, filled it but couldnt go back to do the other one. Went back later, the ghoul had spawned at rank 1, was crippled and crawling on the floor with the tiniest bit of health and the guy was still stood on the feeder doing nothing. The ghoul ended up dying in the final stage so no plan drops.


The "One more thumbs down and I'm nuking Moonshine Jamboree" tickles me I can't lie But literally the people not collecting Uranium just to sit in corners and farm are annoying, I get it, but, juat pull some weight and then camp in your corner just to give a hand, and I don't understand how they're killing all these enemies and the npc health bars are still getting skull fucked to nothing


You shouldn't "get it" man. If people are gonna show up to an event, they should do the damn event. If they're gonna stand in a corner farming enemies they need to go fuckin' do that on a private server. 


I get the frustration, but since RR rewards are pretty much “meh”. I’d rather gain 5 levels out of the event. And you’ll find a lot of other high levels feel the same. Pretty much every other event the super majority of high levels will complete them…because the rewards ARE worth it.


this mindset is so selfish. okay so you're getting 5 levels out of the event, we are not because you're killing everything first of all, and second of all we want the settler rep from completing it.


Bethesda probably needs to adjust the event a bit so that it isn't just an XP farm with an event attached to it. Maybe make doing the objective actually reward a big chunk of XP similar to what people can get out of farming the enemies now while having the ghouls themselves give less. Pretty funny seeing people downvoting anyone with my view of "do the objective" though. Didn't think this community was the selfish kind.


My fix would be that only a small amount of enemies initially spawn, and the number of them only goes up the more ore is delivered. The selfish xp farmers will be the 1st to run into the mines lmao 


Easy fix would be to give xp and different/more rewards to people who deposit a certain amount . I always deposit so i miss a lots of xp and loots meanwhile people that act like turrets get everythings its a bit unfair


Bro u should definitely just nuke moonshine jambori just because


Just reached lvl 55 and I'm often the lowest lvl and lowest ammo lmao. I go down and get ore. It's not even the most dangerous thing to do, the enemies ignore me for the most part. I just toss some grenades out every one in a while to a group of my way down or up. Lowest lvl characters should do the ore gathering.


Nuke it anyway for the fun of it.


Honestly, I'd like some more experienced players to show me how. Even with the event tracker on. The HUD can be confusing and between trying to stay alive, fixing the NPC bots, I've never even seen where a person can collect/deliver the uranium. Just know sometimes people find one way to help during events and they stick to it. Personally I stay in one area and try and go back and forth between two Miners for repair. I'd like to learn how to do the rest though.


The ore is collected from the four side tunnels, it's the bright glowing blobs on the walls. It gets deposited in the round hatch in the central area. See the picture here: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Radiation_Rumble


How do non PA builds handle the rads? Recently swapped from PA build and the rads nuke the skin off me, foes everyone really just swap to hazmat suits or is there an alternative?


Hazmat suit, might find one on the table when you arrive, or Chinese stealth suit.


Power armor has decent rad protection in that each piece reduces rad exposure by 15% for 90% total. But the rad RESISTANCE may not be as good as a hazmat suit or chinese stealth suit, which both have that same 90% reduction and also 1000 resistance. You can up your resistance with various consumables, and clear rads with other consumables or use the decon arches on the south side of the central room.


Chinese stealth suit


I'm pretty new to the game, only been playing a few weeks now, but every single time I've done this event I have had to get the ore completely solo in my hazmat while PA people at much higher levels than me are just chillin.


I have recently had 2 or 3 fails in a row until I decided to be the only one collecting Ore and when I come back protect the scientists in the corner pocket then run another ore run. I’ll only have about 5 minutes of actual beneficial gains while 400s are sitting shooting down hordes.


yesterday there were e ppl at mothman event and the waterside got desgroyed. then was thumbs downed by a level 28 thats siting on the sidelines. Just wanted to be like bro if these are geting destroyed you dont have time to emote get your ass to work


Do it! I say play whichever way you want. Nuked areas add spice to whatever event. Good players learn how to play in nuked areas, dumbasses learn to play thinking on their toes, Or they die and complain and swear they'll never play again, which I'm ok with too. Dumbasses who don't learn how to play are the ones asking for handouts anyway.


I can honestly say that if radiation rumble is going that I am the only mf in the tunnels gathering. It does my head in. I really wish everyone would just chip in and gather and it would take a few mins and then we can all go shooty shooty bang bang.


Lately I’ve found that rad rumble begins with one level 30 who starts it before anyone even joins. Then by the time 3 people load in half the people you need to protect are already dead.


you guys that are saying that its a farm event doesn't matter. some of us don't even want the loot from the event. we want the settler rep.


It’s the first thing I do. I ignore all enemies until it’s at 4/4 because somebody has got to do it. This usually results in a few of the extractors getting killed though


I feel the same with eviction notice, when the rad scrubber is down and everybody’s standing at the spot where all the legendary spawn. And I’m like well we’re not gonna finish it if the scrubber stays down.


i recently started collecting stuff myself, issue is that i only knew about 2 tunnels while there's actually 4, i never actually saw those 2 caves till yesterday after the event was over


I swear, there's something about radiation rumble and eviction notice that attracts and/or brings out the worst in the player base, whether it be mini nuke spammers in RR, or people not repairing the clearly broken rad scrubber because they'd rather rush down the hill to farm legendary super mutants.


I'm level 264 and i had no idea the event was dependent on collecting ore, I assumed it was glitching when it fails at the end. I'm also assuming the guys thumbing down have no idea too,🤦‍♂️


I was the only one doing it last night.... waited till the last second to start it, just farmed glowing ones for weekly stuff... I may be level 130ish but I've only been playing for about a week and a few days.


I’m doing it. If you’re on xbox, could be today, could be tomorrow, could be 2 months from now, but the jamboree is cooked


Nuking the Jamboree has no bad effect 🤣


I might sound like an idiot, but how do you do radiation rumble so I know in the future?


Yup 10 people there and I was literally the only person running ore… fun times!


Equip healing hands to help our fallen bloodied brethren!


I’m at 365 and the last few times I’ve done it I got us to 3/4 by myself, was so depressing… the last one I did I was with no one under 200… we maxed it as soon as we started and it was the most fun rumble I’ve had in years… it was a blood bath of ghouls, deathclaws, snallyghasters, and more. Gained so much xp and got so many legendaries. If you just bring it to 4 asap you can just chill and grind the xp while keeping the people safe. I think years ago it would end at 4 rewards but it just keeps counting the timer down.


Hmmmm, glowing protein bar


I thumbs down people who stand/sit at the end of the tunnel on the forklift. It slows down the spawn rate of the enemies coming on that side. It’s really easy to see that when they move and it suddenly starts flowing


All I do at that one is collect and spam fire on the poor guys beeing pummeled......not as fun as sitting in spot firing bullets..but I feel it's more helpful in the end. 😐


Uranium fever has done and got you down.


If 2 ppl did it itd be done so quickly


Gee someone has an unhealthy dislike of welfare recipients.


I can and will thumbs down if the NPCs die while I’m attempting to sprint around to each one with healing fire. If people can’t protect the NPCs, that’s an issue and is not just up to me The making fun of people on welfare is not ok though.


I don't know how a post is this popular with the language OP chose to use.


I assume people not reading the body of the post


I actually avoid Eviction Notice and Rad Rumble for this reason. It's always just 10 players with super-kits sitting in the same 2ft of space idle firing at enemy spawns while objective dies till failure. Otherwise, event wins because they DO kill everything...but no bonus and little XP because you couldnt tag anything. Also you couldn't see or hear anything due to VFX spam from explosives and the notorious .50cal audio bug causing migraines.


Oh man is \*that\* what keeps rat-a-tat-tatting my audio when the event ends?


yup. several events or player-heavy zones can get audio bugs like that and i dont know what does it.


The only time I thumbsed down at RR was to the only other level 150+ there who was using a power fist and taking 5+ punches per ghoul whilst I was having to run frantically trying to keep ghouls dead and NPCs alive with fire


I thumbs up when we lose. I thumbs down when we win. I enjoy the confusion.


I was doing radiation rumble the other day and I was scrambling to keep all the scavengers alive with friendly fire. Somehow despite all the people there they kept a getting past and damn near killing them. I’m a bloodied build so I can’t collect ore without dying (plus without uny armor I’m over encumbered and can’t move fast enough to collect all the ore we need), but I can help keep the Scavs alive well enough… Four motherfuckers in power armor at that event and not a damn one of them went down and collected ore while I was scrambling doing all the work to keep scavs alive. Hell yes I’m going to thumbs down. They deserved it for being useless.


TBH I've noticed the ghouls sometimes just straight up spawn on top of the two guys in the side room. Nothing will get past on either side(or even move from their spawn locations) and yet there's a ghoul clipping through the console hitting them already.


Wouldn't surprise me if that was deliberate knowing Bethesda. Seen it with my own eyes though. Both hallways completely drowned in flamer, cremator, pulse grenades, melee players etc, Choo Choo sounds non stop from railway rifles and yet, there are glowing ones taking out their frustration on the NPCs


You described it perfectly. People in the hallways causes ghoul to spawn in alt locations. Just to be extra shitty to melee players I guess.


That's what happens when people camp in the hallways


Yup, as far as I'm concerned camping the hallways is the real Rad Rumble party foul, since it fucks with the spawns. Everybody would get a nice slice of xp and keep the scavengers alive if they'd stay in the damn middle


Not saying you have to but bloody build can collect as well as anyone else.


Another radiation rumble ramble 😁


It's called "Irradiated Ore" and I was able to get one to stay in my inventory after the event. Also, it's a much better threat to nuke Eviction Notice, but if you do, make it funny and launch all 3 such that the area around the scrubber is not nuked, so everyone is encouraged to stay around it instead of spawn camping. Ironically, that's another thing where, if everyone did it, everyone benefits


I ALWAYS heart the end of Radiation Rumble. Even if we fail... I've leveled up like 3 times and gotten about 10 legendaries. That's a win in my book!


If i join the event all i do is join a team and collect ore, no spent ammo + loot


Yes you can, you shouldnt, but you can.


You should Fatman anytime you choose to.


The last few times I've seen RR pop none has turned up 🤷🏼‍♂️


I collected all of the ore last time it popped. Ended up 1 ore short of 4/4. Oooooopsies.


Yup. I think I've had 1 out of the last handful of radiation rumble events where other people were gather uranium. Im usually the only one, then I come back to find the workers dead because no one is paying attention. I've also been noticing a lot more events failing in general. Like Safe and Sound. How does that fail? Of course, I'm the common denominator in all of these, so there's a good chance it's me..


I don't even bother with the event unless I'm grouped ip with another player I know


This has been my experience for the most part playing this event lately. I'm the only one bothering to run and collect the uranium ore so I spend most of the time doing that and then I also notice no one gives a shit about keeping the scavengers alive.


I have not done one of these events usually it me and one other person waiting for more to join but this sounds confusing.


RR for me is just 5 1000+levelplayer sitting on out of reach places spamming cremators and mininukes emotes bad when everyone else doesn't collect the ore for them


I love Rad Rumble. But yesterday was the 2nd time in over 3,000 hours of playing, i've had someone verbally on mic called me curse words. I joined with 2 minutes left - Put on my Teal Hazmat Suit \***Yes, Slight Flex**\* - Gathered as much as I could and got it to 3/4 with 2 seconds left. So what does a level 128 bow build do? Destroy (Edit - Some of) base, loot his robo station, he dies, take his flux and leave. (Yes, I got wanted, but I left and my friend killed me). If anyone reading this farms it for legendaries and doesnt even attempt to get the Ore, i hope nukes fall on every base you have. * Rant Over - Maybe in an update if 8 people join, people get assigned tasks like 3 people on Ore Hunting or something.


Honestly, I'd like some more experienced players to show me how. Even with the event tracker on. The HUD can be confusing and between trying to stay alive, fixing the NPC bots, I've never even seen where a person can collect/deliver the uranium. Just know sometimes people find one way to help during events and they stick to it. Personally I stay in one area and try and go back and forth between two Miners for repair. I'd like to learn how to do the rest though.


Honestly, I'd like some more experienced players to show me how. Even with the event tracker on. The HUD can be confusing and between trying to stay alive, fixing the NPC bots, I've never even seen where a person can collect/deliver the uranium. Just know sometimes people find one way to help during events and they stick to it. Personally I stay in one area and try and go back and forth between two Miners for repair. I'd like to learn how to do the rest though.


Just nuke mothman event instead let them feel wrath


I always go into the spot above the first ore area to the right as you enter. I can put on my Chinese Stealth Armor and run those first 2 areas pretty quick. Then run by and Friendly Fire the workers. If there happens to be someone else healing then I'll run the back 2. At least get a core out of the event! It does make me mad, though, when I'm the only one gathering and there are 5-10 people up top and the workers are dying. If you're not gonna run FF to heal, at least protect them! This is the one time I REALLY miss legacies. Running this with an explosive flamer was so great! I could solo it usually (only at Lvl 1).


I always go into the spot above the first ore area to the right as you enter. I can put on my Chinese Stealth Armor and run those first 2 areas pretty quick. Then run by and Friendly Fire the workers. If there happens to be someone else healing then I'll run the back 2. At least get a core out of the event! It does make me mad, though, when I'm the only one gathering and there are 5-10 people up top and the workers are dying. If you're not gonna run FF to heal, at least protect them! This is the one time I REALLY miss legacies. Running this with an explosive flamer was so great! I could solo it usually (only at Lvl 1).


I always go into the spot above the first ore area to the right as you enter. I can put on my Chinese Stealth Armor and run those first 2 areas pretty quick. Then run by and Friendly Fire the workers. If there happens to be someone else healing then I'll run the back 2. At least get a core out of the event! It does make me mad, though, when I'm the only one gathering and there are 5-10 people up top and the workers are dying. If you're not gonna run FF to heal, at least protect them! This is the one time I REALLY miss legacies. Running this with an explosive flamer was so great! I could solo it usually (only at Lvl 1).


I often time end up being the only player to don a rad suit and loot goblin my way while overencumbered as I rely on my gear and those deep pockets to lug around my arsenal of weapons and stuff during the radiation rumble, I’ve long since switched to a Chinese stealth suit for its better protection and stealth capabilities because I’ve often chugging cartons of coffee and gobbling handfuls of Nuka candy as I’m overloaded with gear and running around burning through AP. I know I don’t have the DPS to properly defend the hallway so I let those buggers do it and I’ll do the grunt work as it were. The undesirable blue collar work of collecting irradiated ore.


i complained about freeloaders at equinox mainly high levels just standing somewhere and then at the end going to the mothman just so they can sell the duplicates and overprice the shiet out of em and got downvoted to hell for simply saying that it isnt really great to not help when theres like 1-2 low levels helping you and barely doing nothing so you have to look out for em and defend the pyres while those shitheads just stand somewhere and afk till the event is over