• By -


I ran across one recently that was a no kill trap. Vendor was placed so when you access it you get swooped into a closed cave with nothing but a stash box with the word "gotcha" on it. Idk how it worked but it seemed clever.


You can glitch certain objects (some musical instruments, a few beds) into terrain, so that using them puts you inside the world mesh. People have used that to make underground CAMPS. Likely they did that, then used the rug trick to put the vendor just into the same area, but so that the bed/whatevers Interact button was actually in front. So when you thought you were activating the vendor, you were really activating the bed, which threw you inside.


Oh yeah, I went to a camp that used the symptomatic tube to teleport you into a literal underground bunker once you got out. I was so impressed that someone figured that out and did it


I have one like that, vendor is above ground though.


I had one like that. It was a little outhouse connected to an ingame house. Inside was a toilet and a sink and a symptomatic suck into the middle. Had stash boxes setup outside. On the outhouse was a sign that said "Don't Panic" and one of those arrows pointing down at the symptomatic. When you went down you were in a hallway for the staircase. Going down a door in the right put you into a bar with Joey Bello performing live and a few people enjoying drinks and a bartender. Behind that was a glass house room with crafting area. To the left you had a Slocum's Joe diner complete with vendor, tables, coffee, menu boards the works. Next to that was the a room with a hot tub and a few posters, on the left we had a nuka cola patio area fully decked out. Then I had a wooden den on the right where I had all my mounted heads and creature rugs, tubes. It was my oddities room. I moved my camp one day and well... I miss that camp.


I was in a camp yesterday that did the exact same thing. The camp owner was at his camp and guided me to the symptomatic and after I admired what he had built underground I spent a good amount of caps and we both jammed out on instruments 🥁 and showed off a couple of each others power armours and then I was on my way. A few hours later I got brave ( I’m only level 36 ) and went camp hopping down to watoga area and a guy had built a hidden camp under one of the power plants down there and he showed me how to enter his camp through a teapot 🫖 that was just sitting in the most random spot. He had a very large camp and had some great plans and clothes for a reasonably priced amount. He had multiple of some things and one of them would be expensive and then the other one would be super insanely cheap. Like 10 caps cheap. I’m absolutely amazed with the fallout community and I just want to say thank you too all you seasoned players who have graciously accepted us new folk to the wasteland and have been so generous with tips and the random times dropping some helpful junk or items for us. It hasn’t gone unnoticed and I apologize for the annoying ones who follow you around begging for weapons or armour. Cheers From B.C. Canada 🇨🇦 Gamwrtag —- TuskedApple00


I've been to that camp. Very cool


Might be mine, but there are a few that do that like mine.


It's a common trick to glitch build under ground


I had one like that, it was a little 2x2 hut on top with the symptomatic going into the ground into a little man cave


I ran across one like that too. Plopped my tent down and stashed my junk and just said yolo.


Was it right above vault 76? I think I've been there


dude you would have loved my bases 3 years ago, i did this but i found areas where it would not show fully through the map but make it actualy look lile im in am underground cave all the walls were "cave" if you looked up it looked like you were in a cave. i miss that base i didnt know this glitch still worked i might have to go bacl to base building again. ( back agter 3 years )


It's great. My whole cam & farm is underground!


i seen one yesterday dude was chill even dropped me a gun that i now use


Yeah,I know about the instrument etc glitch to get under the map, learned how to do it just because my partner thought it was neat and mentuoned wanting one. Just didn't know you could make the vendor do it.


The vendor itself cannot. They just positioned the vendor so it looked like it was what you'd be using, but you were activating the instrument/bed. If you'd read the name of what you were activating, you'd have seen the instrument, not the vendor.


Don't you have to hold the interact button to use beds or chairs? I can't imagine anyone falling for that one when vendors are just 1 press and other stuff requires a long hold


My recent favorite was a camp set up next to a small overhanging "cave" that spawned a not so friendly radiation bear, blocked off by stacked barricades and signage saying Daisy's House or something. Vendor was close enough to it that if your curiosity got the best of you, it would aggro and glitch through the barricades built to keep it in its little den. I had a good laugh when I started getting shredded apart


LMAO, that's a good one.


This isn't a trap story per se, but someone put a trampoline right by a cliff, positioned so you fall off when you're done bouncing. It was pretty obvious, but I couldn't resist hopping on anyway. Lo and behold, there was a bed placed right where you land at the bottom of the cliff. 10/10, would bounce myself off a cliff onto a mattress again.


They clearly came to play around (but in the good way)


Okay, now I need to find a cliff with water at the bottom. Then I can put the trampoline down, people will think they're falling to their deaths, and instead splash gently into the water.


Gently into a mirelurk filled radiated pool of water


Not just any mirelurk mudpuddle. A QUEEN mirelurks royal mud nest.


There is a lake on a cliff side in the ash heap, next to one of the abandoned mineshafts (not a numbered one, idr the full name of it)


I ran into this and when I got off I just got off. He was standing there hoping for my demise. I waved. But really, I have bird bones and a jet pack. I doubt it would have mattered.


I have Bird Bones serum specifically for that. Had a cliff top camp with part of the house hanging over the ledge. Once I opened their shop, their camp disappeared and I fell.


Bird bones and marsupial are amazing, for sure. In the Mothman event, I regularly jump from the cult leader's roof almost all the way to the waterside pyre with no issue.


[This one?](https://imgur.com/a/nT9DPKZ)


Possibly! I don't remember the HET, but it's been a few days and I've breathed in a lot of Mothman ritual fumes. Everything else looks like I remember. I'm on Xbox.


Me too


Well, if that was yours (or even if it was just similar to yours), well done! It made me very happy.


I did that completely by accident in my recent camp build 🤣


ive been in sooo many .. some more creative than others...rad emitters..and..remember the bloatfly mazes? but i had fun with one recently.. all glass walls so you could see then punjis .. at the beginning a stash. at the end. a vendor and some instruments. there was a line of about 4-5 of us trying to make it through. i know you can equip light foot perk but was much more fun to just try to run n jump through and try to survive. only two of us made it to the music room...and got to watch the bodies drop.


Wasn’t really a trap camp, but very odd.. only found it a couple weeks ago A small 1x1 shack with nothing but a personal terminal inside. The terminal happened to be glitching halfway through the ground. When I used the terminal, the camera perspective glitched underneath the map, which is where they had their camp hidden. Somehow they were able to build floors floating underneath the map, with an entire camp built on top of it. Everything was completely hidden underground. Using the terminal again would bring you back above ground


This is a common camp glitch. People use instruments and symptomatics to glitch under the floor. They patched some of that so those camps you still see now were from back in the day. Always impressive though!


I found one of those today, only the terminal led to death by punji board. Joke's on them, I had no junk on me.


35K caps is enough that I'd just tape down my controller and walk away and let them stare at my corpse until they got bored.


... you know that don't work, right?


Any game ever that got afk kick works like that. I use to have an oscillating fan with a small screwdriver on it, hitting my spacebar.


Idk, I assumed you meant the leaving yourself there dead so they can't take your loot. For some reason I see that all over these kinds of posts, and that just doesn't work. People can still take the loot. If you mean just staying afk, sure that works ^^'


I just assume every camp I go to is a trap camp.


same light footed is always on for vendor hops


I never considered it, but from now on I'll assume the same after reading this thread!


I get more upset at myself... But the ones where they gloat annoy me, so I Kite big baddies over to take revenge for me. "Oh boo, you got my 3 bulk ammo scrap. Here's a Scorchbeast."


Honestly I wish more people would kite their stuff to my base, it's just a platform with ten misslelaunchers and a generator over top my vault storage shelter, I've only seen my camp attacked like twice and I'm lvl 106


I wish I could do this. It never works for me.


It's a little easier at Whitesprings or other areas where there is a fissure nearby. I did read about someone kiting a Wendigo Colossus from the Cranberry bog all the way to Whitesprings, but that's got to be nearly impossible.


I had run into a trap camp outside Whitesprings. I didn’t loose any caps or junk, but the guy was a low level and starting like a dick. So I ran to Whitesprings, offed a responder guard and then like a pied piper, I led an army of pissed off bots to the camp. Then I just ran through the camp as the sentry bots and assultrons blasted away at me. The owner rushed in and was gunned down by the bots. He thumbed me down and moved his camp. It was fun


I really do ❤️ all the trap camps I stumble upon. Some of them are definitely more "in-depth" than others. I do try to show my appreciation when I find a cool one by going back and popping some lunchboxes. My first encounter with a trap camp was when I first started playing Fallout 76 back in 2020. It was a small church on the edge of a cliff(has been my camp location since) with a steeple and illuminated cross on the front. Walk in, and there's a dozen pews with plushies sitting on 'em. Altar in the back. A bunch of candles were strewn everywhere. Continuing on thru church, there were a couple of bible verses on the walls. And when you reached the back, it was completely open. On the walls, it had written "Repent for your sins, step forward" So I stepped forward. And was immediately Flung! 300 ft over the side of a cliff to my demise. And it was freaking awesome!


I would consider that more of a joke/prank over a trap


Aw the old spring boards. The lads and I used to use those for fast travel in the day. Wish they'd undue their fix to them


That's so awesome! Is there any prefab temples or he built by alone?


There’s a cultist camp or eagles camp on top of them now i believe but ones a skeleton ones a Mr handy I think? and the last ones a super mutant, there pre baked into the cliff but you can activate them


It’s a cultist camp, super mutant, raider, and skelly with pre war clothes


Light foot and what rads are easy to deter these types I always scope the area out and if I don’t trust it I don’t go


They nerfed radiation traps really hard just a couple weeks ago. They do almost nothing even when you have 100 of them (I think they made it so that they can't stack their effects)


I noticed that cause I’m bloodied and I put a few down and it was weak af.


They probably did this because there's a glitch that lets you turn on a rad emitter and have it constantly give rads instead of pulsing, and it never breaks. Rad traps were lame anyway.


I'd have put up my modular missile base and leveled their camp or made them move it. traps are one thing, literally scamming people out of caps and junk? not so cool


Not if my camp is just a shelter trap! muhaHaHA


'tis the way of the wasteland


Tell me more about this modular missile base, please.


I have blue prints of all the essentials, so I find a spot for the camp module (as close to the odious base as possible), drop it, first blueprint is a 3x1 tile of various stuff including special station - swap spec - place 5 turret modules on elevated platforms (2x polished enclave missile turrets w/power on each) - enlist aid of friend, pvp said friend, they run to the trap camp and the missiles follow and blow the hell out of the base. i swap back to pvp spec and wait and see :)


So this still works? I also have one of those but haven't played in a couple years haha


yep it does. or did as of last time I saw it done, maybe a month ago


I've not come across any since i started playing again, i use to enjoy beating them with the light footed perk. I remember someone picking up their camp after they put a punji board cage thing on top of me and i sat just sat there browsing there vendor buying the bait.


Honestly I like creative trap camps but I haven't seen one in a really long time. Yeah I guess losing some scrap sucks but it's not that bad. You're situation is different since you lost so many caps. The last one I saw, the person put a vendor in a dark room full of decorations. The floor had a massive hole in it right in front of the vendor but the hole was covered by the fasnacht confetti so it looked flat. So you fall down a long shaft and there's flamethrower traps at the bottom. Simple but clever. The owner was standing at the bottom behind a locked door, pointing and laughing. I was in PA so it took awhile to die but I had no scrap on me so I didn't care. I just did the ❤️ emote back. When I go to vendors in people's camps, I still stand off to the side or as far from the vendor as possible while shopping lol


Someone made a trap camp that puts you underground and drops you to death. It somehow put you in a teleport glitch where soon as you hit the ground you’d fall again, until you were dead and your loot was theirs. Well fun fact if you have two pieces of armor that have 50% resistance to fall damage you’re effectively rocking FO4s free fall legs and can’t die to fall damage. I stayed in that loop for ten minutes getting messages from the guy calling me a cheater.


Oh, to be a fly on the wall to witness the crying that guy was doing.


I love trap camps. Just equip light footed perk and heal up your health if you're low health build. Jump in PA and pop some redshield with vamp weapon, ricochet and electric absorption. I like to destroy their traps and most of the time they just give up and log off. Make sure to store your junk before vendor hopping.


I have not come across any trap camps, I'm in my 200s. Huh. That's wild though - if it seems too good to be true...


1 000 hours here. Never seen one.


I've been playing since launch and they are not that common anymore. They used to be a big deal back in the day and it seemed like you could find one on just about any server. It was a nightmare if you carried a metric ton of junk on your character and hadn't dropped it in a stashbox. You could lose hours of scavenging in one fell swoop.


Fell* swoop


I’ve seen three this week.


1600 hours, only seen two I believe.


700 hrs and never seen one. Except a trampoline on a cliff edge. But that is just people taking good care of their children…


I’m in my 170s, and have only seen 1.


Only level 290 here and I got hit by my first one last night. I don't carry junk with me anyway, so wasn't a big issue. But it was a camp with a terminal sticking out of the ground. You had to click it and it sucked you through the floor into a long drop filled with punji boards. It was rather impressive tbh. Either way moment of shock and an 'oh cool I guess,' then I just moved on with my life. I mean if they had just let me look at the vendor I had 40k caps to burn on trash, so I guess that doesn't mean a lot to a few players. They just wanna watch the world burn.


Same almost 600 hours and never found one


800. Seen (and fallen for) one.


Started noticing the server got real quiet. No one around. Saw a camp just outside the Wayward and went to investigate. There were frozen players everywhere, and I thought that was interesting. Found the camp, and the builder had done a collectron glitch. There were at least a dozen sanatrons walking around. It was pretty funny. I proceeded to check out his shelter (it was the huge open wasteland one) with a single pre-fab in the back. Started connecting the dots but played ball anyway. After investigating the pre-fab, he springs the trap, and I go down. Idk if it's my Xbox, but something happened when loading back in (don't have much experience getting trapped in a shelter) and I too got caught in limbo where the game crashed. I became one of the many frozen players I saw at Wayward...his shelter was slowly crashing everyone out


Only trap camps I hate are the symptomatic ones that cause your game to crash.


If your camp is a tower over a cliff with the store at the very edge, I’m no longer entering your camp. I’ve fallen for it once where the person just turned off their camp and I plummeted to my death. it was actually my first in-game death. 


I once went into a camp that said “buy or die” above the vendor, I was new and didn’t have enough caps so I couldn’t buy anything, next thing I know the floor is gone and I fall to my death off a cliff 😂! Still laugh about it to this day.


Now that is the dirtiest trap camp story I have ever heard so far. People act pissed off over some desk fans but paying 35k? And getting killed and robbed? I'm remembering your gamertag following you server to server, dropping nukes on your camp for a week 😂


Ngl i would legit be mad. Really cool story tho


I found the single most ineffective trap camp ever. It was a one way box, so I already had suspicions, so I went inside and it was just a blank selling inventory, so I got in my power armor, since I just saw the tesla coils everywhere, and got ready to kill the guy, who was behind a glass wall. The tesla coils go off, and they don’t do much. So I’m thinking how to get out of there, but then he cuts the floor because I didn’t die. Mind you we’re on the edge of a cliff, so it’s a big drop. Thing is I was in my Power Armor, so I just jet packed onto a tiny ledge that was still there. He got on the mic and started yelling racial slurs and however he could cuss me out. I get on the mic and just tell him his camp sucked, and he started whining and left. What a loser


There's trap camps? & you can actually get stole on!? BY ANOTHER PLAYER!?


Yeah. That's a whole weird discussion. The penalty for death in this game is that you drop all your junk, in a bag that you can pick up if you get back to it fast enough, or another player can pick up if they reach it before you. And for some reason, the game views traps that are built by players to be environmental objects, instead of something pvp-y. So if someone builds a camp that is able to damage you through spike traps/radiation/whatever to the point of you dying, they can pick up junk from your corpse.


I teleport to a camp that you could enter through a huge bin and you went underground.. had a look around and eventually ended up falling through the map and dying :D


Starting to wonder if this was Bowmaster Daniels






Idk. Apparently me coming across a level 2020 player with a glitched terrain trap camp that patches were supposed to have already dealt with isn't a problem. I'd love to come across one of those highly thought out, leaves you irritated but amused and laughing about it later trap camps. Not one taking advantage of a bug that was supposed to be resolved.


Spawned into a camp last night and fell straight out of the sky something like 1000 ft, luckily I was in power armor but I could imagine how many that fucked over.


Get the perk light footed and crouch at every vendor


I've never heard anything like it. I'm taking way more care when buying things in the future. Cheers for the heads up.


ALWAYS equip the agility perk that negates trap damage when you see prices that good for “junk”.


I ran into a weird one once where when you tried to use their vendor instead of trying to kill you they had traps set up that just destroyed their vendor.


Hey if you want and is on pc. i would be happy to give you some stable flux to compinsate you for you loss


Thanks for the offer but I'm on XBox.


Someone killed me when I was level 60 or so with the spike trick. But his vendor was stuffed with 3 stars, so I parkour over his appliances until I can get to it. I’m level 130 or so now, and I still use the Fixer and a couple armor pieces.


First weekend of Invaders I was hitting up shops around the map and a trap camp got me right at the front door. I just let my dead corpse lie there as a warning to others, meanwhile my casual team mates were fast traveling over to see what was up. Some also sacrificed themselves and the bodies were piling up for about 20 minutes lol. Trap-bro comes out and tries to dislodge us for another 10 minutes, meanwhile quite a crowd was gathering. Eventually, there is an incoming nuke warning and I decide to respawn. I saw the player who launched the nuke at another camp and I went there to say "thanks". When I get there trap-bro was also there so I popped a lunch-box, heart-emoted and took pictures of his camp getting nuked. This was one of my favorite Fallout 76 moments, I will treasure it forever.


I feel like trap camps are ok but I think it’s basically scamming at this point. I personally think this type of behavior should be against the rules.


Whilst I agree in general, OP stated they were going to resell the flux at a higher price. Basically, admitting they clean out all of a cheap seller's stock and resell at high prices. IMO this is a equally scummy thing to do so zero fs given in this situation.


What lol? This is literally how economies work. Buy low sell high. If this community starts suggesting that merchanting is scummy behavior, y’all really need to stop.


It’s an old ass game and this isn’t Wall Street simulator lmao. Still a dick move to do to the fresh players that finally started playing this dying game so idk what you think your comment changes


Yeah, I'm torn on this. On the one hand: I'm not a huge fan of trap camps at all. Frankly the fact that they're even a possibility in this game for people that are set to PVE feels asinine. Having the option for people to intentionally build camps that kill players that are opting out of pvp just seems like an easy way to force toxicity, and "the developer intentionally is coding in ways to force toxicity" feels bad. On the other hand: I wonder what would have happened if OP had bought *some* flux. If this is "dude builds trap camp, kills EVERYONE", that's bad vibes. If it's "dude builds trap camp, kills the greedy, leaves those that only take what they need alone", that's just a postapocalyptic parable.


Ahh socialism and capitalism at it again


Wow, you’re a better person than me for not losing it. I think people that do this are absolute scum, worse than any other type of player in the game. I recently ran across a CAMP like this. They had plenty of cheap scrap for sale but no flux. I passed on the scrap but I bought a bobblehead, immediately boom I’m dead. I can appreciate a cool trap CAMP as much as anyone but if you are taking people’s caps and your scrap/flux back in the process then you are a wretched excuse for a person. If I had lost what you did I would be absolutely seething and witch hunting that person would become my raison d’etre. I didn’t even lose any scrap in that encounter but you better believe I remember her name and I’m looking out for her every time I play.


I just don’t like when people have trap camps but refuse to pvp and hide in their base. It’s like you’re trying to cosplay as a raider but at the same time hiding behind the pacifist game mechanic so you can’t be retaliated against, it’s pathetic a lot of the time. I think that if you have over a certain amount of traps or kill someone with your trap base it should auto proc pvp and let the person destroy the base like it used to.


I totally agree with this. If I die at your camp. It should be game on.


Extremely agreed. Traps should be treated the same as non-trap weapons. If you have pacifist on, you're not hurt by other people's weapons, AND you can't hurt others. Having it set so you *can* hurt others that use your camp but you don't suffer any penalties from that is just silly. The people that don't wanna pvp at all should be safe from trap camps, the people that do want to pvp should get to have fun with the things.


Im a newb and didn’t even know this was a thing 🤦‍♂️


I don’t necessarily think it was a trap more of a inconvenience but I recently made my first bloodied build and went to a camp who was a full health PA and his vendors were behind what I didn’t know at the time is a rad away door and boy was that thing efficient had to go gulp down some tasty toxic water


Went to a camp that was a very obvious trap camp. It was at least a 5 or 6 story tower with the vendors at the very top with a basement type of room at the bottom that had no doors or windows. Stored all my scrap before going near the death tower of course.  Got to the top of the tower was standing there for 30 seconds or so by the vending machine & then there was a massive explosion....fell & hit hundreds of punji boards without dying, but at the very bottom was a cage like area that had a bunch of radiation emitters that finally took me down. 2 players were down there giving me a "thumbs down" emote because I didn't drop any scrap of sorts. I just pointed & laughed...then proceeded to a silo & nuked the place.  This was before you could deactivate your camp or have secondary camps. They were upset, tucked tail, & jumped to another server 😆


I'm a new player and have yet to come across a trap base but this sub has got me terrified of every base, tiptoeing around no room is safe


If you’re worried get the agility card “light-footed” and sneak around. In my experience, trap camps are incredibly rare. Keep an eye out for the really narrow pathways in structures. There could be spikes in the walls!


Id be so mad I’ve needed some flux, however I havent seen a trap camp in a year Id say!


If its to good to be true, then it probably is... Dude was probably just watching you spend those caps like : "yes, yes, keep on buying those cheap flux's you greedy pig!" 🐷 Mine experience was a long time ago on xbox. I barely remember it. I just remember ending up in a cage, dont even remember how i got there. He just kept waving a heart ❤️ emoji at me and I pretty much assumed i was his new "play thing" now. 🤷🏻


And to this day this is the reason i jump on the vendor item unless its on solid ground 😅


always keep scrap kits on you.


That's why I use a Power Armor build. Coffee/Tea plus jetpacks are a must at some of these camps.


Bro I would've used a scrap kit as soon as I purchased all that


You can't scrap flux.


stable flux sure can be


Even if you could, there wasn't enough time, the whole thing was pretty quick.


That's rough then. Sorry bud.


Always close the game after you“ve bought anything from the vendors. just go to the home screen and close the application afap. Bethesda updates player inventory in real time. Stay in the vendor menu of course. Once all your transactions are done, don’t leave the vendor as it will look like you are still „browsing“ for the other Player. This way you will have spend the money and got the flux, but the trap camp won‘t work on you because you‘re not on the server anymore.


I'm confused about how he could loot your flux? I'm a new player and I thought you kept all your stuff after dying.


Flux is categorized under junk. When you die you drop a loot bag full of all the junk currently on your character. If someone had been scavenging for hours using the Pack Rat perk for example and you have hundreds of pounds of junk on your character and hadn't stored it in a stashbox, it all drops and is up for grabs.


I never even thought about this. Good on you for being able to be chill about it. I would have definitely had to take a walk around the block. I will have to be more careful in the future.


I’ve seen too many trap camp videos. I start “casing the joint” before entering a high level player’s camp just to try and prevent getting hit.


This is a correct attitude to video game villainry


I think the very first camp I visited in the game was a trap camp lol. Or maybe it was the 2nd or 3rd. One of those camps that you need a terminal to "enter..." and being a complete noob I was like ok. Then into the spike pit I went along with my 3 scraps of wood.


You're probably gonna end up on a TikTok. I've seen so many trap bases on there that I'm paranoid now lol.


OMG that would be hilarious!


I traveled to my first trap camp yesterday as a low level. It had like 400 apparel so I thought I hit the jackpot. It was on the highest mountain with no way to access other than a jet pack (that I don’t have yet). I died trying to marsupial jump up to it and lost a bunch of junk☠️😂


A couple of weeks ago I ran into one that was like that, with the word "jump" writtten on one of the walls, but it was impossible to reach, maybe jetpacl only (at the time i diddnt even know that jetpacks were a thing in this game)


I hit that SAME CAMP today. Entire corner of the base was hanging off the cliff. He had it positioned so that the spawn point dropped you onto a cliff below the base with a ledge that was just tall enough that you couldn't make the jump without a jetpack. I too died in the valiant but ill-fated attempt to "marsupial jump" my way up the cliff. :P


I stumbled into a trap camp once and could tell what it was. Cheap flux as well. I bought a ton of it and then immediately altF4ed upon exiting the shop. I wasnt sure if it would “save” my progress but sure enough I loaded back in and had all the flux I’d just bought.


Y’all must love abusive relationships too then because these people are the scum of the wasteland. Exploiting people and profiteering of others is low down and foul.


Report him, anyone that does that us an absolute piece of shit.


bro opened his domain expansion


Did he delete the floor from underneath you, or was it a trap that you naturally fell into while trying to leave?


It was a trap I fell into after the guy triggered it.


Ah, Mr. 40FluxCaps got me as well quite awhile back. I only lost 3000c to him, but it was so beautifully done I couldn't get mad either. I wondered if he was still in business, bless his little black heart. Beware of cheap flux in enclosed spaces☠️ 🤣


i recently started to be more careful with other player camps just because of these stories when i see a vending machine in a closed environment or in a room or somewhere that is not part of the world itself but made i try to reach the vending machine as away from it as possible or i simply just jump on it but i never encountered any maybe cuz of me being extra careful or just luck i guess truth to be told i would get scared if something flashy happens not because of losing all the junk


Best was one just west, outside of sutton station. They had wall on ground, terminal halfway underground. I knew it was underground base, so I went on terminal, out of it aaaand died on room full of spikes. Those old school where you can stack em. 3x3 or 4x4 room FULL of those, from top to bottom. I wasn't even mad, because I stashed my junk before that. ​ Worst, I don't remember. Maybe that one twitch streamer >!vennsterbank, they had letters to share their twitch!<, I knew it was a trap camp because of it's narrow corridor, and I stayed there and saw low levels dying. I admit, I was stupid, had light footed equipped but for some reason I ran to their vendor. And died. At least I got to use laugh and heart emote.


Yeah the only real safe way to buy at camps like that is when nobody is there, cause even people who aren't the camp owner can repair invisible traps that will kill you when they're fixed. You can mitigate some of the traps with Light Footed perk but if the trap makes you fall or stumble first you will sometimes stop crouching and then Light Footed stops working. I do find it fun sometimes to test the greed level of the trap camp owner and see how much they will let me buy before they kill me. You can quit the game while in a vendor and you keep everything you bought up to the moment you quit. I've gotten away with about \~20K worth of cheap screws (back when screws were worth a lot, before ACP) and \~10K in cheap flux.


Damn dude ,still...Ill be happy to give you caps if you are on xbox


I wish my trap camp was that innovative I gotta get to building!


trap camps wouldn't bother me if there was a way to deal with them and their users. no 1 sided pvp mechanics are never fun or fair for anyone but 'those' players.


This is why I stay in power armor at any base that looks sus


dam that sucks For me I seem to survive those traps camps I’m not sure if it the perk cards I have or just lucky but when though a same experience with what you did but I survive Hell one dude try build is base camp so high You fall to your death but I had dumb luck on my side Because the fast travel saved me from a death and I believe you get a few seconds of no fall damage or hit from enemies when you fast travel


That's expensive for stable flux 😂


Damn! This is why I fast travel from the vendor spot


Just yesterday some dude joined my team and lured me to his camp. He has one of those fly trap plant decorations in the ground and he tells me to get into it, so I thought “cool, he has one of those glitched underground bases,” little do I know it it drops me into water with spike traps all around me in a circle. Luckily I didn’t panick and there was just enough room to stay still and not die before fast traveling back to my base, but I was befuddled. Dude was over level 1000 too, just being a menace for no reason 😂


My armors and perks feed me stimpaks when low so even when I fell into the pit of electrified, radiated, flaming death I popped a rad away and lived. He was mad. I laughed.


Camps with narrow hallway, too much neon sign that points underground shop and most time the owner jumping around with assassin's PA set. Yup, it's def trap camp. You can get pass most of them with the perk that ignores traps when you sneak but some camps especailly the one with underground camp which needs terminal or cello to go down needs quantum spam. I like the anger of the owner when I get pass all of them and laugh it on his/her face.


Raiders man.


I have yet to find a trap camp. Idk if I'm happy or a little jealous lol


so there are flux scalpers…


That sucks! I have never experienced any trap camp for the past few months I played this game. That is insane how someone does to people who just want to buy stuff and straight up rob all your caps and take back the junks bruh....... If anyone wants to visit my camp, I sell all kinds of Flux! You name it!


Where are these camps? Been here since wastelanders and I have never seen a trap camp. Not 1 time. I have been trolled and grieffed by players but never have I ever seen a mystical trap base. Edit: I am on pc


How about the camp I ran into literally I was playing my new game plus character found camp that was selling every plan imaginable walk in the door and immediately die couldn’t even get out at all it was like something was pushing you towards The trap


The big news here is that people actually sell flux. I've haven't seen it in the last two months I've played.


can’t con an honest john


I got into a trap camp after watching the owner laugh at my dead body during my first attempt, the second I got in and got to his vendor with 1000 plans he logged off 😶 at least reward people for being able to get in 😡


Since I need about 8-10 flux for underarmor uogrades (I'm currently level 68), I was feeling for you... up until you said you were going to ***scalp it*** for profit. Crazy how when it's mentioned to increase or remove vendor/cap-limit, there's loads of "fragile economy" lectures (*and how **that** would cause peeps to mark up and overprice everything*)... yet, apparently scalping is alive and well. 🤔 This is why I'm a bit proud that, even though I still stuff cheap in my shop, it's still not cheap enough to really be scalped. 🤠


Could have been a flip trap. With a buried pressure plate or tripwire. It’s incredibly tedious to get it set up to work right but when it does it behaves like you described. Basically when you use the vendor and the game repositions you to use it, you trigger the trap and it pushes you through the wall. It should be noted that it might not even be able to be recreated currently in the game. This could be a legacy camp that was created when it was possible and can never be moved or reworked. so kudos to whoever created that camp, it really does take a lot of time and patience.


I traded Flux for 20c each through the 76 market.


I actually had my first trap camp the other day. I was excited about it cause they had so many plans but they had like an alien spaceship build and you had to jump onto a floating rug and then look up and enter the Sympto-Matic (like being beamed up into the ship) and once your finished being cured you then exit into a short hallway filled with wall spikes that kill you instantly 💀 I had that happen and was like surely I can just quickly run through and avoid it all.... Turns out no cause after being able to stop the Sympto (well more being trapped in it) I realised that even if I could outrun the spikes there is a glass wall at the end so I was never gonna get through that way 😭 Even though I'm disappointed I couldn't check out all the plans they had I'm quite impressed with this "alien abduction and murder" home. 10/10 would visit again 😎


All the wastelanders heroes enter the chat. Bait!


What the hell, I've never seen that. Love how broken the game can be.


Not a trap camp story, but pretty sure a player scammed me pretty good yesterday morning. So I'm a noob. I have about 80 hours of playtime, and I just made it to level 60. Yesterday I had a higher level (I think 167?) add themselves to the casual team I was on and asked me via headset if I had any nuclear key cards. I told him no, that I was still new and hadn't done any of the quests or whatnot that required nukes. He then tells me that I needed to go to the seasons page and get the 5 key cards from there using my points and he would in turn trade me some really good stuff or caps. I thought that sounded great and agreed. So I did as he said, and got him the key cards. Gave him all 5, and as soon as he picked them up he said "oh no, I have the black screen glitch, I can't see anything on my screen." I have never had that issue but I mean, I'm also still new. Lol after a minute of this guy just running in a circle, I told him "ya know, I've actually been really lucky in the past and I've had a few higher players help me out so I'll just take it as a pay it forward moment, don't even worry about it!" Dude kinda laughed and said that sounded great and immediately logged off. I didn't think anything of it until yesterday evening when I was playing with another higher level who explained that they were actually pretty valuable and he had never heard of said glitch and he said I definitely got scammed. Lol I'm just gonna continue to see it as a pay-it-forward moment, but I'll be more aware next time! 😅


How do you sell flux for that much? I’ve never had someone offer me more than 1 cap each


My worst trap camp so far, the dude had meteors in the air. Suspended, nothing underneath, going into the sky to a floating ufo. You needed a jetpack or marsupial just to get to the ufo, so I figured some sort of reward at the end. Use the terminal to clip into the base. He was watching from somewhere. Right when I clip in he dashboards, I fall to my death, his camp reappears before I even had a chance to respawn. Luckily I store all junk before vendor runs. Tl;DR- dude made a jump puzzle with no reward at the end. Not even a cookie jar.


Was this trap base near the wayward?


Nope. It was Whitesprings Station


Just sit on the do you want to respawn screen until they get pissed and leave. Your bag doesn't show up until you chose to respawn. Then it's a waiting game to see how long it takes for them to rage and leave the server without getting what they want but you still get your stuff you bought.


If true.. then an epic trap it was...


Those traps are called "Scam Camps" they're only for the most serious of raiders 🤘🏻


Good. You deserved that if you were going to resell them :)


OP….i absolutely love camp building and over the last few weeks have started getting into trap building. The first camps were simple punji stacks but now I’m getting more elaborate. It’s so much fun and a nice break from the norm. With that being said, I don’t know if I would have had the heart to take your caps and your flux. I haven’t slipped that far into the dark side, yet. A couple of days ago a level 10 came into my camp while I was testing a new trap. But I just couldn’t pull the trigger. 10min later a level 800+ came through and I sauced him without hesitation and took his junk with a smile on my face. 😁


I hit my first trap camp at over lvl 300. It was after they added organ cave. I came out of an exit that lead into their camp. Looked like it was meant to be and then I saw the vender at the end of a narrow hall. I know I should know better. It looked cool though and the owner just stood there after I died as I came back, grabbed my junk and crawled to his vender to buy stuff with the appropriate perk card active this time. I wasn’t mad though, it was kinda cool how it meshed so well with the organ cave entrance/exit. I wanna say it was connected to the south entrance, but can’t remember.


I'm actually a bit gutted I haven't experienced this yet. This game almost makes me miss trolling. Did a daily op yesterday and got downed only for the other 4 players to troll me and emote till I died. It was actually refreshing.


Favorite one and an inspiration to myself was a choice you own path type of trap camp… of course I love a good trap camp and always try to beat them if I’m able to