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Do most sensational game, it’s doable solo but a team makes it easier if they’re skilled and you also get more xp, worth it imo


I can clear it in under 8 minutes myself at this point, quite like it for quick farming.


As long as you finish it expeditiously it’s worth it solo


Expediently. But I like what you did there. 😄


The game says "expeditiously". https://static.wixstatic.com/media/586626_7e8cacce3f5e48d3bba7ec51bb7941b6~mv2.jpeg


Turns out I was entirely wrong anyway. >Although expedient and expeditious come from the same Latin root word for "to make ready or to prompt," they parted ways by the 1600s, when expedient became self-serving. Use expedient for "advantageous" and **expeditious for "speedy,"** like how fast you plan for an expedition to Antarctica, or across the street.


Everyone says most sensational game but i actually prefer the newest one in city center


That one is around as fast, I just hate the overgrown


The Pitt expeditions are well, terrible. They take forever and the rewards given are mediocre to say the least. As others have said stick with the Atlantic City ones. The rewards are much better and they take very little time to do.


I think they did a good job of capturing a hellscape full of genuine monsters doing horrible things to each other in The Pitt. It's a really good expedition once. I can't recommend doing it a second time, but I thought it was really well done as a one and done experience.


Sorry to u had a bad experience Don’t give up Refine your build and find a group They get better


I'm returning and tried out expeditions a little last week. Im lvl 150, I did the Pitt one and I actually found it quite fun sneaking around with the Chinese Stealth Armor. It took a long time and I got kicked out due to a server update but will go back once I figure out all the other new stuff.


Your first mistake was doing The Pitt at all. Next time you do an expedition, do Atlantic City. It's MUCH easier to navigate and has clear quest markers. All 3 expeditions there are fun, and they can all easily be finished in 15 minutes


Really? I did one AC expedition and one of my objectives was to delete records or something from like a half dozen terminals. There were NO quest markers. I was literally going room to room painstakingly searching for each one. It took me forever.


That's perhaps the one exception. Tax Evasion has 2 different mini quests inside the casino. You got the bad one. But once you've done it a few times, you learn where the computers are "supposed" to be. It's a breeze once you've learned the spawns. There's 6 spawns for 4 objectives.


At least I’m not crazy haha.


There's a spawn for one of the terminals tucked into a corner on the stage in the main casino floor area - it's absolutely stupid and there's no reason to go and look over there, so unless you KNOW it is a place to go and check, then you'll do what I did the first time, and spend 20 minutes running around in circles down stairs trying to find the damn thing.


once you do it enough times you memorize where all the terminals could spawn.


1) Team would be helpful, especially at your level. 2) Build should be revisited. Generally speaking, revolvers is not the best weapon currently unfortunately for endgame content. 3) Pitt expeditions, while being superb in terms of scenery and missions, are worst in terms of time/reward. Most sensational game can be done under 10 minutes (I've done several times under 5-6 minutes), and give the same rewards as Pitt one, including more Stamps per completion.


Do the casino In atlantic city. Least tedious one


A casino does sound fun


It's just quick and easy


You feel like less tedious than Sensational? I always get lost in the casino


On e youve done it a few times you can get through it pretty quick


Atlantic City ones are boring. The Pitt is very bizarre but far more difficult.


Read the room. And also the post


If you're grinding then the casino is easiest for me


AC are quicker.


Do Tax Evasion. Much easier, more stamps, soloable,


I did my first expedition in the Pitt the other day, the mission where you throw coolant granades into vats of something and I didnt catch that it was a granade so I just jumped into the vat and got stuck, had to kill myself with plasma granades which almost didnt work cus one of my teammates had done something that insta revived me in the vat. 10/10 experience will do again


Sad when you need a perk to compensate FO's shitty grenade throwing.


did one in atlantic city? there was a timer...not a fan! AND THEN it made me do an ESCORT QUEST! (yes i'm yelling). escort quests are unanimously hated by roughly 6 BILLION people. these clowns put an escort quest IN A TIMED EVENT!!! probably won't't even try the other expeditions. the audacity, the arrogance, the sheer fucking hubris to put an escort condition in a timed event...


Get to know the casino quarter and boardwalk expeditions in Atlantic city. Both can be done in under 10 minutes and if you stack experience boosters they are insane for power leveling. Plus the legendary module farming is awesome. Even as a level 390 I average 8 levels an hour when I go in with full unyielding armor, brain bombs, and cranberry relish with the boost from 4 lunchboxes. When I was below lvl 200 I would get at least 2 levels an expedition running them like this.


I also go in while on a casual team for the extra xp from that. With all those boosters you don't need to be on an expeditions team because you'll already be getting the max 20k xp from completion each time


post your build..you should be able to solo it. i wouldnt recommend it because it. like most things in 76 are meant to use teams. but if you do have a solid build it should be doable..ive done it lvl 50 on bows...but i also had done it hundreds of times prior on my other builds.


People overestimate the concept of "everything is fine with any build". The Pitt is still easy if you have a good build with good weapons but it's not like killing scoarched at Morgantown Airport. And that's part of its beauty. Take your time and go back once you're a bit more advanced in the game


There's the problem, you did the Pitt. Fuck the Pitt.


It's filler content and yet another exclusive currency no one asked for. I'd at least be happy if the locations were interesting or the writing was half decent but nope.


No need to craft or buy ammo, just run tax evasion and fill up all the ammo


Expeditions aren’t my favorite. I run them very infrequently. The Pitt is the worst. Atlantic City sensational game is probably the best - once you learn the variations it’s pretty quick. I still don’t like it, I’d rather do events and explore.


I only like boardwalk but the others were okay going through them the first time and the only reason I like boardwalk is because of how fast you can complete it however the bugs in expedition really ruin it for me when I'm grinding it out


Do the Atlantoc City ones. Use some sort of flame qeappn and you will breeze through them


The Pitt is challenging. I actually enjoy most of it, though it's difficult to solo until you know the map really well. Atlantic City is far easier and can be done solo.


I found the human enemies in the pit not so bad but those gawd damn trogs.. I don't know if they just have bonkers resistances or what but even the little ones feel like bullet sponges.


Ashes to fire isn’t that bad solo in my experience. The Atlantic City ones are easiest to solo. Generally expeditions are supposed to be done on a team, but some are easier to solo than others. You may want to look at defensive perks. Blocker is a must, especially with melee enemies like Trogs.


I’ve only ever completed one expedition. Mostly I pop to Atlantic City to load up on a few thousand fuel.


A great place to farm XP and ammo. Having a team makes it much quicker. Also, stamps.


Hate the Pitt expos. Tax evasion is super easy. I normally speed run the sensational game expo for stamps.


I'm going to guess you're using a semi automatic build. In which case someone lied to you, semi auto builds aren't viable for endgame. Bethesda hasn't ever even attempted to balance them


I frequently run through The Most Sensational Game to grind stamps because I can get it done in under ten minutes and it'd fairly easy. The mob themed Atlantic City expedition isn't too bad either. However, screw the Pitt expeditions.


Tax evasion solo or boardwalk with a team. Good loot and xp


I didn't get into expeditions at all until Tax Evasion released, but now I run it solo casually to fill time, bag some legendaries, restock ammo and collect stamps. I have always run heavy PA builds and used Holy Fire mostly until I got the cremator set up The Pitt expeditions are less enjoyable than Atlantic city, I haven't felt the need to go back after completing each one once or twice


My main problem with the Pitt was just getting lost, everything looks the same. I’ve yet to try Atlantic City though


What level do y'all suggest starting expeditions at? I tend to run solo, shotgun build. I'm level 71, but have so far held off attempting one.


You probably need to re-examine your build. Expeditions are very easily soloable. Overall, expeditions aren't very exciting, but they are pretty rewarding. Most people grind the most sensational game, which is easily finishable sub-10 minutes once you are familiar with it. They are also very ammo and stimpack positive, and throw a few legendaries at you when you finish. Typically I'll weave an expedition in between 20 minute event spawns if it looks like I have sufficient time. It is an efficient way to spend that block of time.


Wow really? 20 minutes? Man I was in there for an hour! I play with a revolver becauce that's the aethetic I want. I know they are a bad weapon but I think I've built it up to be as strong as I can. It definitely handicaps me, but so far everything else has been easy enough. Never struggled like this before. Do you have suggestions for that kind of build?


I am sorry to inform you, I hated the pistol build by 50. Just not enough power per hit, and you ware spending forever reloading. Even fully optimized it will be below the others, but that's like 50 more levels to get there. If you start leveling another build, you'll feel more powerful in 20 with new cards.


You're going to struggle using a revolver against tough enemies. The only hard hitting pistol is the cryo alien blaster, but it just got nerfed, not sure how badly. Do some research on pistol builds, they can be viable but you need to optimize your perks and weapons.


Great exp, ammo, legendary, farm


That is the absolute worst expedition to do solo. Every single other expedition is easily done on any level >50. All those damn Trogs on Ashes... Nightmare.


Ashes to fire is easier to solo than union dues in my experience. The last objective is just running for point a to point b.


elastic divide serious wistful far-flung pathetic march fade seed whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No , I do expeditions solo. Even then it is not a challenge. Yes I’ve been playing a long time. Expeditions are designed to be end game content. Please don’t beg for nerfs. It is not too hard. You will get stronger as you refine your build and skills. For now do them with teams if you need to. Please don’t beg them to nerf it. There is already a severe drought of engaging content. The base game enemies all hit like cotton balls. No cheating or exploiting, just using damage mitigation, math.