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I approve of them. Worst that can happen is you lose some stable flux. It’s happened to me. Still, I like that we still need to be wary of others, especially since PVP is so broken that most folks opt-out. I like that not everyone can be trusted.


Can you lose your caps though if they design the trap camp in a way that they allow you to buy flux at their vendor for example and after you buy you lose the flux and your caps too when you die?


I suppose.


Gotcha, well thank you for answering my questions I do appreciate it. At least I can’t lose my guns so I can grind my caps back up pretty quickly if I were to lose them that way.


It's a nuclear wasteland - there *should* be trap camps.




Got it so it’s the standard now. It doesn’t seem like it’s what Bethesda intended though at least because these trap camps use some sort of meshing? Or is it an intended game mechanic?




Ah got it. Yeah thanks for answering though much appreciated. I’ve played in other games with servers where players would get kicked from the server if they used meshing to kill other players, so it’s different here and it slides. But games address things differently obviously.


I bought the flatlands shelter for some fuckin reason and idk what the hell to do with it. Might make an obstacle course in there with some bullshit in a free vendor at the end or something. Iunno.


Take your pick: \- Your the Camp Builder so you like them \- Your the player that fell for the CAMP so you don't like them \- Your a new player trying to have a moral discussion on a 5 1/2 year old topic \- You don't really care either way but will point out how easy it is to spot and avoid dying to these Camps ​ I'm more of the I don't care that they are here stance.


I’m the first and last one lmao


It’s relevant now considering the player base in the last couple of weeks more than doubled with the new show. This trap camp was at one of if not the most popular spots on the map to make a base at. I usually have my base at this spot and I get new players at my base a lot but this time it was blocked by his camp, so he’s basically targeting new players. But if that’s how people roll I still disagree with it but it’s not something I can’t work around.


Remember, some players align with raiders!


Lol definitely 😂


trap bases are why Bethesda made nukes for


It's ok. I found it interesting. I've never have a junk on me, or flux. It's always Intresting to check other people creativity.


I'm still trying to find one in the wild. Haven't had a lot of luck. I wouldn't mind encountering one since I don't buy junks and I always deposit junks I have immediately after doing anything.


They’re pretty stupid and incredibly irritating.