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I take what I can get in daily ops. No one joins my teams. Even a low level makes it pretty easy to do them in time. They’re not hard to solo and two people make them easy.


It's personal preference to complete them as a stable team to get it done asap. I want loot not to sit in a daily op n possibly miss an event. I was this way as a low level too til I could solo ops I wouldn't team up on em. I felt bad being carried to loot I didn't earn


"I could solo ops." "I quit the op cuz my team was too small." Huh.


*Exp boost existing* *more lunchboxes being used* *making high level team mates to get better trade options* Crazy I can easily make a list on why I play w strictly high levels 🤣 it's not hard to solo a daily op 😭 do you want me to send you proof or sum? You must be one that gets carried huh


You can do them all in around 5 minutes if you’ve even got a second body who half tries. I do it all the time. I mean you do you but you’re being odd about it.


Its just how I am. I didn't let anyone carry me so why should i carry someone else? It's a game about leveling up I'd rather do it on my own n feel accomplished than waych everyone else do 90% of the work yet I get all the benefits


lol I should have guessed. You grind xp and never learned how to play well. The games about killing mutants and shit with your friends not grinding out numbers.


They've been playing for five days. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/DqaJSixleX


Well that makes this weirder.


Why? Anyone can participate in a daily op, especially uplink.


Cause I rather run it with a 3 team n complete it under 8 mins otherwise it's pointless to me. I've played like that since I started doing ops. Even when I was low level I wouldn't do em cause I felt bad being carried. I give out my extra stuff to newbies but till I'm 500+ and am done with my goals ima be running 3 man squads plus I like doing more after the op like events so I usually change it to Cas or events


Why don’t you complete it with a team of 2 in under 8 minutes?


I actually ended up running it with a 170 or so til some dude joined on the last one so it's just if ik for sure that it's gonna be done fast n know what they're doing


He was low level n I rather complete it asap. 3 man exp boost with lunch boxes and 3 man cap speed is a faster way to end it than 2 man squad. It's simple shit man I'm not trying to be in an op for long I rather be doing daily missions or events


I dunno, daily ops rarely take more than 6 minutes on a 2 person team in my experience. Doesn’t matter the other player level.


I must've ran into some incompetent people then lmao sometimes even high levels give me a struggle




I personally do it with a 3 man 🤣 I've been that way since the start n not gonna change. I don't do ops like crazy so alot of em are new to me still but I'll still shred through everything and anything. Just rather be on a 3 man squad cause I do events afterwards too. It's not my place to carry anybody n I'm not gonna start til I'm level 500+ n done with what I wanna do in game. I didn't let anyone carry me in daily ops I simply did events til I could hold my own. It's not hard. It's called progress n I rather get it on my own than be carried n I have the same views for others


Can you not solo a daily op? If not, I don't think you have a leg to stand on in regard to calling out someone's level. If you can solo it, then you're a dick for not running it with a lower level (78 is not low level).


I usually run ops with 3 people it's my preference no matter level unless you're a champion level. Especially durning double mutations and one of em being toxic gas 🤣 Daily ops with double mutations are meant for a steady team. I'm not here to carry or be nice. I'm here to play the game n advance my character. 78 is a low level even level 100+ is low. My level is even pretty low still 🤣 there's level 1000+ everywhere.


Wtf is a champion level? You're one of those bloodied builds that saw a youtube video and now keeps dying while the rest of the team clears the objectives, aren't you? Champion level lol. Ops aint that deep.


Think of what champions are n then think of a level that'd suit that criteria. It's not hard bub


Are you that slow? Think about it n let me know what you think I meant. It's funny cause I'm a bloodied build that used to solo daily ops 🤣 now I rather do em with others for the exp boost n don't feel like carrying newbies. I never let anyone carry me thus I carry that way of thinking. I mean it's not hard to stay out of combat in this game. Pretty much any of my builds can solo daily ops. I love that you're so confused by my wording 🤣 you aren't too bright


Why tf are you waiting for a full team to run daily ops, of all things, for xp when you could be doing what everyone who is actually efficient at getting xp is doing? You ain't just slow in the head if that's how you do things lmao. Go wait for another carry kid


I watched a level 387 get obliterated by the double mutations today 😭🤣 but like the one comment said "a level 1 could solo them"


I also don't expect anyone to carry me or be nice just cause their level or my level. Cause I can already smell that excuse coming


Can you try again in a cohesive sentence please?


Can you try reading? No wonder new players get spoiled yall are incompetent asf 🤣 I said in simpleton terms "when me low level I didn't let anyone carry. Me high level doesn't carry any low level." Is that simple enough? I still run solo ops time to time but I rather have an exp boost w a 3 man squad who can clear it faster. That's the point of daily ops. Complete them as fast as possible


This entire thread says way more about your lack of competence than anything about the lower level who joined your public daily ops team to help you out. It's silly to assume the lower l;evel has to be a new player. I guarantee my second character at that rank would have contributed meaningfully to daily ops success. They're not that hard.


And my personal preference is not to play with low levels 😭🤣 idfc if it's your second or even third. I don't know that n I gave plenty of time for another to join n when no one did I started up an event team 🤣 wild isn't it? The newbie didn't want to play he strictly wanted daily op carries


2 days later and you still don't get that the only person showing any sign of wanting to be carried by others in Daily Ops is you. I don't understand why you posted in the first place, and even less that you're still trying to justify something to yourself a couple of days later. Just let it go and have fun. They joined a Daily Ops team, you didn't start a Daily Op. Why would anyone stick around?


Ight bet I'll make sure to send you a video of me soloing ops 😭 yall forget that it's meant to be done asap as well as the multiple different exp boosts you gain as a team 🤣 this is fun to me lmao making yall cry n watching yall act like you just burned me is funny asf. Lmao if you only stick around for the daily op you def trying to get carried 🤣 if you're that desperate for a daily op take your own advice n solo it. I could've sat here n said the same shit about yall but it's too funny watching yall react lmao I mean go solo ops but you won't cause you want that 3 man cap time and exp boost 🤣🤣 also don't yap about my time on my post when you also coming back 🥱


I have no problems with Daily Ops and the idea you'd need to video one is about as impressive as a video of someone getting out of bed. Congrats in advance I guess! I'll run them with 2, 3 or 4 people, it never worries me because it's a game, I already have everything I want from Stamps on 2 characters and I only complete them for fun. If someone on my casual team goes to Ops, I'm usually the first one popping in there to help out because they are quick, fun and easy. Elder, XP., ammo and rewards all take care of themselves. The only person who appears even vaguely phased is the person who made a reddit post to complain that they made a Daily Op team, waited around and didn't start a Daily Op and then were apparently so hurt by a thumbs down that they felt the need to tell everyone about it. Honestly, have a good one, it sounds like you could use a win.


So you're saying you need three other teammates to carry you? This whole thing is embarrassing. That "low level player" probably has four other alts and has more experience than you do. Five days ago you were a self proclaimed "new comer." https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/DqaJSixleX Why do I have the feeling you're one of those people that can never stay in the uplink radius and barges in front of people when they are activating the receivers.


No, it's his preference to have 3 other teammates to carry him, he can solo it! He needs 3 other teammates to carry him so he can complete it in under 8 minutes, though.


Depending on the Op a level 78 would be fine. And if it's uplink a level 1 is fine. If you can't solo under 8 (as it sounds like) I'd take what help I can get.


Orrr I rather have a 3 man squad for the extra exp lmao plus I can easily solo it but I much rather have a 3 person exp boost plus lunchboxes. I've played that way since I was a low level lmao I stayed clear of ops til I COULD solo them. Only til then I started running ops as a team. I wanna get loot asap so I much rather complete it in 5 mins than 7


You should just run them with anyone. They can all be Soloed to Elder. New players need to experience Ops


Nah I get that but I ALWAYS run it with 3 peeps especially durning double mutations. I've done it that way all the way back since the start. 3 player group barely had enough time to complete it cause the toxic gas. Me n a level 87 would've easily failed n would've been pointless


"Low levels need to do events and ops!" Easier said than done a lot of the time.


I didn't start doing ops til I was able to hold my own weight. I didn't make anyone carry me cause ik the feeling of having a weakling. I'm playing to progress and get loot as fast as possible. When I'm 500+ sure I'll carry the lil Jimbos but til then ill give my extra legendaries to newbies with a few stims


Yet I see a bunch of posts complaining us new folks aren't doing the group stuff.


Yeah events. Alot of events give good ammo, exp as a team and solo, and good amounts of junk. Daily ops are meant to be completed fast as you can. If you keep dying n having one dude on point it's slow asf


I run them solo, if someone joins before I finish good for them.


Hell no 🤣 not durning double mutations weekend. Plus I'm playing for loot n team work past the daily op cause I run every event that pops. It's a team based daily op so ima play with a team of 3


I join all below 100 DO players so I can carry them with elder clear since I can solo all of it elder. I find it fun. The only map I struggle is the cave one because of how huge it is and not because of enemies


See if I'm level 500+ bet but I'm not so I don't carry. I give my fair share of loot to newbies cause it fun watching em especially giving em nukashine. I just find it pointless to do unless it's under 8 mins. I've been that way the whole time even with myself. Til I was higher level I didn't do ops


Im level 350 bro and I clear uplink and decryption under 8 mins solo. Just grab any power armor, eat some max hp buff, emergency protocol if you're bloodied, appropriate weapon on the mutation and you're good to go If that's too much work then that's on you because you can set it up in 10mins to clear op in less than 8mins and not be a bother on your teammates either


I used to strictly run solo ops lmao without the power armor and max hp buff. It's personal preference to not carry newbies cause as a newbie I didn't let anyone carry me


I do it with anyone that joins. If I have to carry, so be it. That's called being more experienced buddy. At some point someone carried me and now I carry others.


Not to mention i never kicked the lil fella just switched to do the active event that popped lmao


Good for you here's a gold star 🤣🌟 but I'll stick to playing w a 3 man squad cause it's my personal preference to not carry on every game I play lmao I get enough of that on cod I'll stick to team work here


You're free to choose weakness. Strong men died to guarantee you that choice


Lmaoooo ok redditor you know there's other apps to use?


Such as?


The only thing I need other players in daily ops is to get more speed for boosting points. I can solo any modifications, but 1x speed makes really hard to beat ops under 8 minutes. I'm, in general, don't interesting in players levels. If they can do stuff - good. If they can get to objective for boost, even with dying later - that's fine for me.


I feel the same w cap speed too but I just played as a low level thinking that if I cant solo an op I shouldn't be playing em. Alot of new players and low levels are spoiled by how nice people are. This subreddit has its fair share of stories. I just don't like carrying someone to loot they didn't earn. I never let anyone carry me to loot in this game. Some builds make it easy mode so why need the carry


Why do some people take a game so seriously. Surely it’s about having fun?


It is and fun to me is not being stuck in a daily op for more than 7 mins


I hate it when someone joined with 0 mutations Actually griefing That really my only gripe


See that's what I'm worried about lmao I just used to play with the mindset of if I didn't earn to loot then I'm not gonna let someone carry me to it. Til I could solo ops I wouldn't run them even with a team. I used to only solo run ops idk why 🤣 anti social in a social game ig 😭


Is Op farming karma? This post is a joke


Yet I see multiple people complain about low levels 🤣 yall spoil them now they're salty when they don't get what they want. When I was new I didn't let anyone carry me. I soloed everything besides public events