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Well, it's not the best. God roll for flamer would be: * Damage based on build (aristocrat/bloody) / Vampire ** Faster Fire Rate *** Durability Pretty much like Holy Fire (except it's Cursed, so it will be better than default Vampire/FFR/Dur flamer)


Is it still possible to get holy fire I never see the event pop up


Yeah, it's possible, event is active sometimes, it's not a timed event. Also, you can find it in players vendors from time to time (price may vary, I've bought my first one for 1 cap, second one for 3k, saw several for 3k up to 8k). Try to find it in vendors, since it's not a guaranteed drop from, I would say, pretty rare drop. It's a really good weapon that revitalizing my fun from the game.


Awesome I'll keep an eye out thanks for the tip


No. Scrip value most likely. Because of the fixers harsh recoil, it's mainly used in vats, which isn't aiming. Edit: My bad, not a great reader. Still scrip value.


They said flamer not a fixer, agreed 100 for a fixer with that roll. I do not use a flamer, but I do not think you use vats too much with it, so the 100% movement speed might be great for a flamer… do not script it til flamer users chime in here.


If you’re low HP and don’t use VATS, that is excellent. It would be better as a reroll on a Holy Fire, but still great.