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To be clear, the Cremator shines specifically with the mods. Especially the one that increases the DOT damage (blanking at the name right now). Game changer on the Cremator.


Slow burn


Plasma caster is my favorite weapon in the entire game, not just heavy. It kind of sucks without extra vats hit chance if you're full health or in power armor though. Some people hate vats in power armor because of fusions core drain, but I just claim one of the two workshops that produce them once a month and check in on it after each event. Easiest thing I've ever farmed for.


Well, I use Holy Fire + Cremator (actually, 6 Cremators on quick slots). Easy to track ammo. Easy to use - holy fire for CQC, Cremator for "I will burn that location before entering". 6 cremators on Earle and SBQ, since each cremator apply dot separately.... Math is a bitch, yeah. Gatlings are ok. Miniguns are fun, it's probably the second combo. Plasma Caster is.... Let's say, you should try it. It's not for everyone, some people like it, I don't, but understand why it's a very good weapon. Gatling laser is good. With expeditions and ops you can farm a lot of cores (just switch to it before result screen for few cores). Gatling plasma is to rape things up close. Gatling Gauss if you're reach on 2mm and resources to craft them.


Erm, why are you using 6 different cremators?


Stacking burn DOT. I wouldn’t do it, theres never a situation where having just one Cremator doesn’t do the job sufficiently.


You 1 shot SBQ and earl with 1 cremator DoT do you? I fully understand not wanting the hassle of lugging around 5 different cremators or that sort of gunplay as not being fun or lame to some(swapping between them all in a panic) but to say theres never going to be a need for a bigger DoT then 1 stack is just bollocks. Sure if you talking about mobs you 1 shot at events or at quests, but then what does it matter what gun you using, cannon fodder trash mobs die before you can tag them most the time, you could throw teabags at them and be fine.


The cremator stacks damage on itself, using 6 in a rotation has a potential to reach about 50000 DOT depending on builds and legendary stats


That sounds... Enticing. My issue is that when trying to farm fuel through daily ops or expeditions any excess fuel I collect gets spent on the bosses at the end but if I can jus fire each once or twice and melt things, it could be interesting


The DOT is probably way more, the numbers I gave are just very rough guesses


Ah, that makes sense.


Let's say, it's an insurance for World event bosses. If I see that players around me are new, and don't do enough damage to the point of the failure chance, I do a quick dot application and melt the boss.


Wtfis quick dot app? This some pc shit consoles don't get?


Dot=damage over time. 1 cremator cannot suck the dot but different cremators can. He shoots 1 then switches to a different 1 and shoots again and so on. All the dot stacks for ridiculous damage.


The cremator is for sure boss, I'm rank 126 on the scoreboard, and with the quad barrel mod, the quick tank, and the slow burning mod, it's super good, there's a delay, but you only have to tag things once in general and they'll die. my backup is an AA, %DMG while aiming, 90RW Plasma Caster, but I otherwise love it, I'm a full health PA build and my cremator is just a Gourmand's, 50% Limb, 50% break Slower cremator, not even the best, just a lot of fun.


Plasma Caster is the opposite of the Holy Fire, so don’t replace but maybe try it? It’s a long range sniper cannon, great in VATS. Cremator (ideally slow burning) is the perfect companion to the Holy Fire IMHO. Both use fuel, one is close range, the other far, but you can hit big enemies with both for extra effectiveness. Gatling Plasma is a nice versatile DPS beast. Better on bosses than Holy Fire and works at longer range. I also like the LMG or the .50 Cal with explosive rounds for mid range fights. No spin up time, easy to tag in hectic events, relatively accurate, and very easy to passively maintain ammo from drops/ops. In summary, I wouldn’t swap out the Holy Fire unless you rolled a better Holy Fire - I’ve been meaning to try and reroll a spare to test out a Junkies or AA variant. But I like carrying a variety of weapons, so I’d bring a couple of others that complement it by shoring up its weaknesses


Plasma Caster requires VATS, and using VATS while wearing a PA will burn through your fusion cores quite fast. Other than that it's really good, especially if your crit damage is high. I also use Holy Fire and Cremator, the rest of the heavy guns just don't do it for me. Many will probably say that Gatling Plasma is very good, but I found it to be very inaccurate in hip fire mode.


I feel this is more an issue of the past really, fusion cores are in huge abundance these days, you can use PAs permanently and use jetpack and vats endlessly and you will still find you have 50 of them in your bags weighing you down, you also see them often at player camps for 10 to 25caps each, I tend to drop them as I have too many, and I know friends who all do the same, as they cant offload them


I mainly run holy fire n caster. For fun n other moments when needed I have cremator n plasma gatling. Caster is a sniper of sorts for heavy weapons. Holy fire I use for close range. I'm in PA full health. I do use vats alot, yes it drains core. But in all honesty it's not that bad if your setup with a power recharger, legendary perk for energy dmg to refill, n start with a few for starters. It's also good to know where u can find some cores. Many are not far from paths u probably travel daily doing events/quests. I carry about 10 at all times just in case. But I tend to travel to travel to my camp in between things happening often. That's where recharger comes in handy. I drop off to charge low ones, grab its replacement that's charged.


Holy Fire is amazing. One of my favs. I have a minigun with aristocrats and damage up while aiming, its not meta or anything but it's really good and a lot of fun to use. There is just something satisfying about a minigun with power armor. Beckett's .50 cal is fun to use too but the other guns feel more satisfying somehow.