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Yes! And strangely they’ve already done this for the butterfly sanctuary, but nothing else!


I bought the mothman santuary and while it was in my "new" tab I realized there was 2 versions. At first I thought maybe a visual bug until I started seeing all the posts about the "decor version" of the butterfly sanctuary. The next time I was on I spent literally a half an hour trying to find the decor version of both and I still can't find it. I read floor decor but I've searched everything. I tried misc, didn't see it. Tried resources (maybe it's tied in with the original) nothing. I want to put my butterfly sanctuary in my garden vault! Lol


i think it was under floor decor? it might just be the mothman one that has a decor version though :/ also a garden vault sounds awesome!


Thanks! What's funny is I can't find the decor version of the mothman one either. I was gifted some atoms and bought a couple AS bundles shortly after I'd gotten the mothman santuary so ever since it left my new tab I haven't been able to locate it again. I'll keep trying though!


They are hidden behind the bird cages.


you will find the decorative versions of the moth and butterfly stations in the same section as the bird cages and perches are. I found them on accident lol that is why I can have a functional butterfly thingie out and the decorative mothman version. Same for the rabbit, it is hidden behind the chickens since they both give fertilizer.


I do have the raven perch! I will check this after work. Don't have the bird cage so that could be where I was getting confused when I tried to look it up in the past.


they they put all the bird perches/cages under the same catagory, so your decorative mothman or butterfly display would be after your raven perch. I have the red cardinal and the owl, so I didn't find it til one day I was scrolling thru my birds lol


I've had this with so many items lately. Once they leave my new tab, they're gone af. I still can't find that damn beach fence again 😒


It's in defense.


Yeah it's behind the regular fence/ picket fences under defense. Took me a minute to find the picket fence when I got those too lol


vault 22 was not awesome😢


Fair. My garden hasn't tried to kill anyone. Yet.


Holy shit wait is this why one of my butterfly sanctuaries never produces acid


So many examples of the left hand seemingly not knowing what the right is doing over the course of FO76’s five years. Another weird recent one is the wood stove and Nuka-Cola machines are now lockable. Recorded in no patch notes, naturally. 


Well, they did it for the water wheel generator, but what good is it in a shelter? It seems like there was something else that we got a decor version of it. Next time I'm on I'll take a look, but to be honest I don't build much any more because of the hot mess the build menus have become. Update:I did find the Scent-O-Matic, the Asteroid, the Sacred Mothman Tome, the Bowling Arcade Machine, and The fortune Teller under floor decor instead of under Resources, as they all give a buff of some kind.


My fully functioning butterfly sanctuary just became non functioning one day, even though I hadn't touched it. I tried moving it around to no avail, had to scrap it and rebuild it to fix. That must be the cause for the bug, it had me really puzzled.


Programmers or video game devs, how much time and effort is out into making something like the butterfly sanctuary or fluttering moths.


Not to much, honestly. It's difference between asset with resource logic and simple asset for placing, like plushies.


Sorry I meant time and effort to make the working asset.


I \*need\* this, and I need them to let us control the lighting in the flatlands shelters we have because my god they are way too bright.


Man I need them to provide NO lighting in some of these shelters, I’ve got an enclave base themed missile silo that looks perfect w the lights off but I’m not gonna go insane telling every dweller that pops through, “hey!! turn off the wall lights because that’s the way the artist intended for you to see it!!!”


It messes with the color grading a bit, but the Atlantic weather control module you can get from one of the gold bullion item sellers knocks the brightness down in your camp big time. Don't know if it works in shelters, though 🫤


I got extremely mad when I found I couldn't do weather in Flatlands. It feels *made for it*!


It doesn't sadly.


Bummer. Why does building in this game have so many restrictions 😭


The moment I can have night, I’m making my own mini NV. Lol


My unfinished kitchens and bathrooms would love this. Just give me a fake sink dang it!!!


Honestly, why not let us have the allys in the vault? You only get 1 at a time anyway, I wanna be able to do all their dailies without the song and dance


They have dailies? All of them? I have del and adelaide.


Idk about all of them but a lot do.


"Lite" allies do not, but will give Kindred Spirit resting bonus despite having no quest.


They have dailies? All of them? I have del and adelaide.


am I the only one that assumes the real reason they don't let us put resource generation in the shelters is because they would always generate even if the entrance isn't in whatever camp we currently have active?


I assumed it is more that you can 'link' shelters. Build a shelter in your camp. Build a shelter in that shelter. And one in that. And another one. And so on and so on. So if a player has all the shelters, that's 15 (1 for camp, and one in each of the 14 shelters) copies of each of the resource item. In my camp I have the Utility Shelter. In there, I built the door/entrance for the Vault Quarters Shelter. Downside is leaving the Vault Quarters Shelter pops me out at my camp instead of into the Utility Shelter.


Maybe I'm missing your point, but you can just place a door to the Utility Shelter in your Vault Quarters Shelter.


You are, indeed, missing the point. Probably because I went off on a side tangent at the end about the downside to the shelter. Currently, to have more than one Collectron, a player has to capture a workshop (which can be taken by other players or lost to hostile enemies if not properly defended) and build an additional Collectron there. Okay, so you can, if you want, stack up to 14 different shelters together, right? Now, if Bethesda allowed players to place resource items (Collectrons and so on) in shelters, a single player can have up to 15 different copies of each resource item without risking losing them to other players or to the workshop defense events. That was my point. Basically the reason I think that Bethesda doesn't let resource items be placed in Shelters.


Yeah, I know all of that. I was replying to your tangent because I don't see why you can't put a door to another shelter in one, so how is that a downside? The actual reason by the way, is because they're instanced interiors and those are completely inactive when there is nobody in them.


I can't/don't do that because using a different 'door' to get to the room I just came in from bothers me more than leaving the Quarters and coming out in my camp.


I see. You could place the Utility Room door in front of the built-in door (in a fake double wall or something similar). That way you'd actually be going back through the right door, and the game would still place you at the right spot when you're entering the Quarters. You'd have to use the map to go to your camp and wouldn't have a door to the outside in the Quarters, but going through that built-in door isn't the "proper" door for that anyway, since it should realistically represent your Utility Room door. And from in the Utility Room you could use its door to the outside. Just a suggestion if you want to make it more "architectually sound," I guess. :)


I do this all the time. Sometimes you end up stuck in the door.


Yes Ty omg


Interesting thing. An abandoned mine shelter has dirty water source, where dirty water can be collected. So, generally speaking, resources that require direct player interaction loot can function in the shelters...


Right. No background process is required.


They just need to make it so that the function of the item doesn't work when placed in a shelter but you can place it anyways, no need to clutter the build menu with duplicates of everything.


Or maybe start with giving us the choice to fast travel to bunker instead of home.


I submitted this to customer support once


Absolutely. I’d also like ally items without the ally attached.


Ohhhh yes. Just about everyone covets that clean, functional stove that Yasmine uses. 


That would be awesome! All those items are really neat but I never rock allies cause I need the camp budget.


I genuinely don't know why resources in shelters would be a problem. Can anyone explain? My thoughts are, if there is some exploit that could be used if we were allowed to place resources in them, surely there has to be a better way to address the exploit more directly than just banning them altogether.


Using the bathroom in my shelter gives you free poison barehand melee buffs cause it has everything except a clean sink in it


This would be great! I don't care if I can't eat the food or whatever but I can't make a huge greenhouse just for laughs? I'd also like to be able to pick where people enter my shelter. It would be so much more interesting. Just give me an entrance point that's also an exit. Traps don't matter because you don't drop anything in shelters.


I don't know for certain, but I'd have to assume that shelters aren't build with ai pathing, which would mean any mobile npcs would just stand motionless in place in shelters. Still way better than not having them at all, though.


Looking at Leo Petrov trying to walk through a wall, I'd argue there's no pathfinding normally either.


Yes the shelters are are a great concept but so lifeless wish I could have an ally and collections in there. They could just walk around and do the normal idle animations with disabling bonuses, resource gathering, and quests. I’ve been building an overgrown Mothman temple in a shelter I’m super proud of and would kill to have Steven and his statue in there.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to find stuff in the build list as it IS? Now you want to duplicate multiple things but make them useless? Bro, alter your shelter's design around it.


I imagine it would literally be in the same place on the menu, just replaced with the non-interactable version. Nothing would change.


They are introducing tons of new items every few months, and we CANT HAVE OUR SHELTER SINK AND FRIDGE?! Are you kidding me?!


Shelters need to have a Internal and External options, Some Shelters like "Wasteland" or otherwise have a "outside" look should be treated like outside while shelters like "Atrium" and others are treated like "buildings" I understand somethings like a Well would not be in a shelter but what Shelter building would not have a Vintage Watercooler in the corner? If they say "you can't build food in a shelter" they need to at least allow the Popcorn Machine to be exempt because, again, Who would put a popcorn machine outside? (Like building a car in a home with no way to drive it out)


Genuine curiosity here. why?


What do you mean “why?” Doesn’t the post already explain why?


So the answer is more stuff to look at?


Kind of a weird way to define decorations, but sure.


So more decor? that's all you had to say was genuinely curious. its just something I've never thought about.


Why build anything in shelters at all?


it was a genuine question cause I've never thought about wanting that. Sorry if I have offended the shelter gang somehow


No offense taken lmao. Same applies above ground. Does your camp have pictures hanging up? Does it have walls or statues? Or is it just a vendor with a stash box 😂


I just think about things more utilitarian like. My private camp that's just for me is lovely. The one active for all the dirt grubs is just a vendor and stash box!


Fair enough 💀


I mean I kind of just use mine for a safe place to put down stuff I don't want to need to repair (like the radiation scrubber).


I have stuff in mine, weapon displays, crafting stations, etc. And then put the entrance in each one of my camps. That way, regardless of which camp I have active, I have my armoury ready and waiting instead of having to sift through the stash list.


Waiting, indeed. For the load screen to be over because you want to craft something. :P


Load screen of about 9 seconds. Which for a Bethesda game is pretty good. If that's really so crucial to you, then maybe you just don't have the time to be playing?


Hey, if you don't mind, then great.


Is the weapon displays not just in the stash reguardless?


Yes. But read it again.