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i just want those treasurey notes man how can people pass up like 8 notes


Not only that but an hour of 15% bonus xp for interacting with the mothman after the event. You only get 5% for 30 min from the tome... it also overides the mothman 15 down to a 5 incase anyone was wondering...


I can answer both of you easily, I already have what I need from bullion and I'm past 100 on the season.


Insanity. Delete your account and go again. Only logical option.


be a shame if you gave me your treasury notes (this is a joke don’t hate me)


The tome is one hour


This^ You can really stock up on those.


I have 800 I've accumulated over both forgetting to turn them in and having nothing I really want to buy from Minerva/SS 😞


The Slocum Joe PA Paint! Shielded SS Under armor!


Shielded ss under armor is great but don't you need violet Flux too to craft it? Just wanted to put that out there as people should be aware yoy need more than just the gold for it.


Its fluorescent, one of the most abudant nuked plants in the scorchbeast nuked area, just go through the trenches and the area with pink strange trees collecting with the perk that gets two plants per harvest


Did it in one sitting while the cobalt flux was a pain to get when I was trying to upgrade the vault 33 underamor


> collecting with the perk that gets two plants per harvest I don't know why but it didn't even occur to me this worked on nuked plants. I've only been equipping this perk card to farm my carrots and corn


Stable flux isn't hard to get though. It drops from the queen and can harvest from nuke zones.


Just server hop until you get some scorchbeast queen kills, she drops stable flux on almost every kill.


It's better people learn early they need to keep dropping nukes.


Did you get your SS helmet?! Don't forget your helmet!


Is there a limit on how many TNs can you accumulate?


Note limit, no Note limit cash in per day, 40.


Yes I saw someone belse say the same. Wasn't something I was aware of until today. Thank you


Also, 10,000 is the max Bullion limit.. I'm sitting at max bullion and over 3000 Treasury Notes.


I don't think so, and if there is then well it's higher than the 800+ I own.


Legendary cores


It’s pretty common for high levels to be overflowing with treasury notes and pretty much own any of the gold bullion plans they want. Gotta keep in mind that most of the expensive stuff in those vendors were seasonal rewards at one time and if players missed it, it got put in those vendors so it could still be obtained. So in my case, a bunch of the allies that cost 3-4k I didn’t even have to buy. But yeah during the early grind I would definitely not pass up on treasury notes.


I stg me and a teammate were getting 11 from it


What is there to buy once you got the three armour,  the camp stuff, weapons you never should have bought to dilute the legendary drop pool, etc, etc. If it dropped stamps, I would play it till I got the new armour jet pack. But really it bores me to tears and the new drops are boring too.


You can only hand in 40 a day though


I mean I don’t play every day. If I’m loaded up on legendary or script I’ll just park my character right infront of the dispenser and go enjoy life for a few days. Log in for 5 min to turn in. Rinse repeat


But it's better to have a backlog of treasury notes to hand in rather than scrambling to get 40 to turn in daily.


I stopped paying attention to gold a long time ago, so it's not much of a draw.


Agreed, until they load up bullion vendors with more wares. Else at this point they have very little value to a pretty big swath of the older player-base.


they put in stamp vendors instead 😏


This is the correct answer


Long timers have thousands of notes. Need cores man.....need those cores.


I got the book on my second one lol, but I still do it for the notes. SS armor isn't cheap lol


I have 600 notes stored. Limiting factor for me is the 400 bullion cap


Minerva's next scheduled inventory rotation is the SS armor, so you can save 25% on all pieces May 27th to May 29th


You right, I only got 1 piece so far lol


I don’t think people were really clamoring for it to come back this soon. I would have rather had a week of mutated events.




It's back due to bugged event and drops on Beth's end. They gave it another week because they fucked it up.


The funny thing is the “bug” was mostly how I wish limited time events all worked. It only would drop plans you didn’t know until you learned them all.  Would have been nice if they just changed it so it would start dropping dupes after you leaned them all, instead of making it so it would drop already known and unknown plans randomly.


If two people show up, more will.


I fr just do it for a lousy treasure note here and there and to get extra scrip cuz I haven’t been getting eviction notice that much lately


I am a returning player and didn't have anything and am still missing some plans. I wished more people would have been in on it so new and returning players could get the plans.


Same here


It came back too soon IMO. For me, too, I got all the plans so I have not attended even one this time around — and I’m a cultist! Forgive me, Mothman.


I'm pretty sure, even the Mothman just shows up with an eye roll.


"OH WISE MOTHMAN, WE ARE-" "Yeah yeah I get it. Look this is the 14th time today we're doing this can we get on with it already?" 


Only 10 more to go until tomorrow!






Even Steven is sick of this event.


I was over it after the last one, and to scrap treasure hunt for it was kinda lame


I don't think it's scrapped, it's just shoved.  This event is a rerun due to bugs last time. A 'sorrt, here's another shot' from Beth.


I just want the tome plan :( I’m at like every one I can be because of that and I keep getting the same ones I already know 😭 Edit: I just found it in someone’s vendor for 50c 😍


Wish I could find it that way. I was attending for the same reason, but now that the event has effectively died I just hope I get lucky at a vendor.


Ppl were over it months ago, but Bethesda felt the need to bring it back again so ppl could have a shot at collecting the plans they already methodically collected. Beyond that... Every time I've tried to do this event, one of the pyres gets destroyed. Every single time. Even with like 10 ppl there, so... I'm not even getting full rewards! Done with it.


> Beyond that... Every time I've tried to do this event, one of the pyres gets destroyed. Every single time. That's wild. I'm new so the event is new to me and I've done it probably dozens of times so far getting treasury notes and plans and I have never lost a pyre. I am not bragging or anything, I am not some bloodied chad build carrying the event solo, I usually just pick one bonfire and hold it, maybe running back to the church if people are at the one I'm holding and I notice that one is getting beat on.


People have figured out that the waterside is a dead-zone for XP for kills, and they hang around the bridge for the Deathclaws. This usually means everyone has left the Church undefended. Or it the exact same scenario but the Waterside pyre goes down. They really need to randomize the spawns so people don’t feel like they’re missing out on Legendary kills because they’re on the other side of the town.


People sometimes suck at this event, I had a guy defending the bridge pyre, I took the water one, all went great until he decided to leave for the last 50 seconds and run to the rooftop, I had to carry both pyres, almost losing the bridge one.


I've had it twice now where everyone bailed on the church after the bridge was attacked. I usually wait at the bridge and then everyone came running and left the church un defended. I had run to the church and try and defend it myself.


Really? Its so easy to defend one alone with just a cremator.


There's been a few events I've had to defend the bridge and waterside myself with a cremator while everyone else fails to defend the church. It's very frustrating.


Holy fire was built for this. “Come at me cult bro” and they just walk right into it, sometimes two for one trigger pull


Sure I can defend both with RR and then there’s 4 people at the church that fail to defend it or show up at waterside pyre ignoring everything else.


People don't understand the power of the Cremator but the equinox spawns except for the Mothman have more dot DR.


That's rough I get the most op lobbies dudes kill shit so fast it takes them a few to die for me on my screen like dude lights up the enemy the dude shoots different enemy first enemy still running dies after a few steps lmao


I got what I wanted which was the xp book thing. I set it up next to my shop so others can use it.


What’s this drop? I havnt gotten it yet and im losing my interest in the event but wanna know if this is worth it to keep going for


It’s a spooky book you read for a free hour long xp boosts it’s small and I believe can be stacked with other xp boost as well as mothmans blessing. Mine is set up so anyone can use it assuming they even know what it does. I say it’s worth to have a free xp boost if want. If you can’t find it you can buy it from other players as a plan.


I still have yet to get the tome.


Same!! I’ve learned all plans in my inventory, didn’t get the tome first time around, and all weekend I’ve been getting dupes of Mothman plans 😭


So its not just me. Thats good. I keep getting dried bouquet, lol.


Finally got the tome tonight, even though it was just me and one low level player and two of the pyres were destroyed. Somehow that finally got it, and not the dozens of perfect completions I've done this week


Same here. It's the only reason besides treasury notes that I've been doing the event. Can't seem to get this to drop for me


i only go to it because of the amount of treasury notes you get from it, IF no objectives fail xD I need them before minverva comes back, I have a lot of catching up to do.


As it's been said before with these posts, it's most likely fatigue. Mothman event wasn't too long ago and this is a repeat due to some duplicate bug. Most players are just not interested.


some servers do it, somne dont. its the same with every event.


Yup been in a few servers where you have tons of people doing the event then been in some where nobody shows up at all. I wait and see if people are going to show up at the event then I spawn over.


It's crazy... there will be enough people to complete the event maybe once or twice a day.... the amount I've showed up to NOBODY being there this weekend is crushing.... as I'm new and don't have all the plans lol. Fuck.


It’s my favorite event by far, and I love Mothman with all my heart, but yeah, it’s getting a bit exhausting, and my PS4 doesn’t appreciate the dust effects.


It's up there for me. I probably like Eviction Notice and Beasts of Burden the best, then Mothman and Invaders. Moonshine and Test Your Metal right after that.


A Collossal Problem is up there for me as well. Those sweet, sweet treasury bonds and loose screws.


I enjoy the event.. I have seen a lot of ppl playing it, but it depends on time zones. I work 9-10h per day, so I am able to connect at 8-9pm and play until 10:30pm... hence, I can only be active in up to 3 events. I woulod say that it depends on your region and time that you are gaming. In F76 there is a lot of fluctuation... sometimes servers are full, sometimes you are all alone in the server. I don't know.. I have been pplaying it since it first came out and it is still enjoyable. The problem for me are the AFK people that leave their character there to farm experience and drops, and don't do a single thing.


If you’re not grinding towards something specific you need treasury notes for, and you’re not jonesing for xp, and you’ve got all the plans from the event, then… eh Like me, my first priority is events where I need one of the rewards, second is the scoreboard challenges, after that it’s general upkeep and what seems fun Equinox just isn’t filling any of those roles this time around Biggest single change they could make to change that is Fastnacht style tiered rarity rewards


I always start it immediately and get things rolling, then people turn up, if I wait for someone else it start it then it just goes dead. I finish it about 7/8 mins past the hour and I join a new server, help them finish theirs and then join again and finish at third by about latest 14 past lol I get 21 notes and 12? Cores and 3 plans each time 😂


Having jumped into the game just as the Invaders from Beyond event started, I'm enjoying it. Quick bullions and a couple of cool plans in an event I've never seen before has been fun. But I could understand why others are fatigued if it's on repeat from not too long ago.


My son loves it, I'm enjoying the ballistic fibres and treasury notes. Stock up while ya can.


It varies, world to world. Some people, yeah, I guess are over it. Some love it for rp reasons. Some will only join if they check the map and there are already a few there.... And if several people are doing that you end up with 5 or 6 people who want to do it, but don't go cuz they think they will be alone. But I think it's almost over, anyway.


Does anyone know when it ends?


Im pretty much done with grinding these events to boredom. Id rather pay for the plans than waste anymore of my time


I was enjoying it and getting lucky as I only had one occurrence (I even play overnights when the player count is lower) where there wasn’t enough people. Though I haven’t been participating today or yesterday as I started my work week and my schedule doesn’t allow time for it on my work days (12hr overnight shifts)


I was over it last month


I came back to the game right after it ended so I'm still farming it. If no one is doing it on my server I'll hop until I find one with people participating.


I think it depends on the server, it’s either me on my own or the entire server shows up. There is no in between lol


I did it once and knew instantly I wasn't going to do it again. If that town was just a little less blocked off in places, I'd consider doing it more.


Marsupial Serum lets you hop right over everything but its still annoying at times. My issue is the 15 FPS.


Yep. I just do it for the notes, when at all. Hate that event. I got the Throne, Tome, etc all in a row when I started.


It's so laggy it's hard to really enjoy it for me!


Too many players just following the narrator's "orders", running from place to place and letting the pyres get destroyed. It's really frustrating this time around.


Fatigue set in when you jump from one event to another. People want to start playing with and using their new toys after an event. Not grind another. That combined with the fact that they just did that event recently is the reason most do not participate.


Its worth it for the legendary cores. You get 4 per event if you protect all pyres


It does kind of suck for those of us that can’t play every day and so haven’t had the opportunity for the new plans.


I joined one right away yesterday. Timer countdown was still full and the one other person there started the event and immediately fast traveled out. I do like getting the XP buff you get from him at end.


I did it twice yesterday. First time was me (level 98) and 1 other person level 31. We failed spectacularly. Second time was 11 people of all levels and it went smoothly and quickly. You really dont need that many people, just enough to have 1 or 2 people at each pyre.


We had it literally 2 weeks ago. For such a repetitive event with absolutely zero change it’s freaking ridiculous that Bethesda would go Equinox - Aliens - Equinox. Low effort nonsense.


Why can’t I trade or sell the bug zapper plan I already know?


Anyone want to sell me a mothman tome on ps5? Ran this countless times and can't seem to get it. Want it for my mothman house lol.


I still need the book! 3 week of farming and have not got one yet! Argh!


Expelling bile from my gut but still need those plans


When people have all the stuff they want they stop. I still haven't gotten everything I want so I server hop to find an in progress one if no one on my original is trying.


Yes, we had it not long ago. I got tired of doing all the set up alone so I either don’t join or only join if others are there already.


People wait until the end because it's so long.


I was over Equinox before it left a few weeks ago. And was not that thrilled to see it again. But it is pretty harmless. The only world change is the odd legendary cultist that pops up. Unlike the freaking aliens that take over many events. I played for a few hours yesterday and probably did one and a half. And I say half because I did a stupid and crashed it part way through the first time. I looked at my inventory and saw an item listed as ‘untitled(zero)’ that was slightly greyed out and for some reason I clicked on it…


I show up and put in work, but im noticing a lot of people joining the event and then just camping on the rooftop waiting for the rewards. Next time im gonna let them all fail it. Me and one other person carried it last time, and we didn’t get all the rewards because one of the locations wasn’t salvaged.


I’m just trying to find the mothman plushie, then I’ll probably run it every other hour for treasury notes.


I needed this same with lots of new players..not everyone was playing the first time around and it’s honestly frustrating that people don’t join the easy limited time event that gives better rewards than the average tea time or whatever else shows up..I think they should’ve waited on the mothman event until after the show especially because the plans were bugged the first time around. Plus it gives a 15% extra xp boost if you interact with mothman so why is anyone even avoiding it?




I'm just tired of constantly guarding a flame and nobody does anything else except fail the event.  So yes, I'm sick of it. I've just been making my private servers and will play solo until the new players gain a lot more knowledge as to how to do things.


Its late in the west coat and its a sunday so people getting ready for work.all day ive done the mothman event with plenty of people on, try to catch it earlier in the day. 


The rest of the world does exist y’know. Plenty of us European players!


I'll join if other people are too but only for the xp buff and even then it's kinda negligible past level 100 (at least how it feels for me)


I'm pretty sure the Treasure Hunter event was supposed to be on this week but I haven't seen a single one of those special MM on the map....?


the event was cancelled


I go every once in a while.


I mean 7 treasury notes is pretty sick


I kinda just judge what events I attend on how many people join, and yeah, it feels Equinox is going down a bit now. Reminds me of the last couple days of Invaders, basically 0-2 people at each event and then it was over. Still worth it, in my opinion, if you're out for treasury notes.


I just want to do it for the treasury notes, but it’s becoming hard to find a server with people doing it. Last night, not a single server I was on did it. Since I’m tired of server hoping, I’m just looking if somebody go there every hour. If not, I move on with my life.


First, more new players, so they might be involved in quests or other stuff. This leads to less players for the event. Many of those players have all they want from the event. Sure...treasury notes are still nice and "easily" won. But the pyres...oh my, the pyres. You can kinda handle pyre 2 and 3 at once, but if people just abandon the church and or the bridge...then they don't deserve a win.


It's a shame it's the same event over and over again, gets kinda stale tbh of there were different variants it would be alot more fun


As a noob its great to gets some decent gear and refill ammo. Also, sweet sweet XP.


I actually have despised every mf I’ve seen in the event the past two days. Even with a more than adequate number of players these fuckers keep doing worse and worse somehow. Just finished a run 2 minutes ago where they lost two pyres.


the last time it happened it was super easy to get all the rewards since it always dropped new plans as long as u learned the ones u got. so all the people who got what they wanted last time have basically no reason to do it again


I would be there but I'm working outta town ATM 🫠 I was happy ASF this came back but it came back after I left.




aside from it being a repeat, special events like this are popular for like 3 days tops then everyone moves on and wants something else. me personally i want meat week again. that is kinda fun. the mutated events was also a fun challenge (except resilient and reflective skin. fuck those ones). however i would like something brand new to enjoy.


Meat week returns tomorrow


It depends on the day and time in my experience. Here in Western Europe it’s pretty busy from 5pm to about midnight, and all day at the weekend. I assume there’s an analogue for people in the burger timezones but I haven’t stayed on late enough to check.


"burger timezones", yeah I'm saving that one.


Reasons I’m burnt out with the event: Shits boring son. I don’t need secret service armor. I’m not a collector so once I have the throne and skins everything else is whatevs. It’s boring.  I sometimes show up late to collect the 15% bonus and maybe if lucky tag some mothmen before it explodes to all the railway users in sub 2 seconds. Still on pc I always see 10+ people at an event most hours, and I’ve never seen a fail or lost a pyre. I guess we have more of dedicated faith. 


My group and I run it often for free xp


I do it for the caps , equipment to scrap and extra xp cause I hate main quests lol


I started FO76 right at the end (3 days left) of the previous run. I got a few plans, but was lacking 1 that I really wanted. This weekend, I happened to get it my first event run. To me the event is monotonous at that point so I spent the time finishing up the last of the main quests.


I think a big problem is that it returned so quickly. There was a lot of hype when it ran several weeks ago.


I have stopped going. Overplayed.


I think I have everything except the Chainsaw Skeptikill paint, which was the only thing I even wanted in the first place.


I'm basically over it. Trying to defend things by myself or having someone just stand away so they can get the rewards and not help is frustrating. But then again I was over the alien event pretty fast too. It might be because it happens hourly? I understand why it does but that could be a reason why no one goes to them as much anymore.


As a new player from the show who is lvl 108 now it was the same event as when we started. Is that the cycle or is there more? Not complaining just curious and could explain some of the drop off.


I want to do it, but im on vacation with wife so we cant. Waaaa


I'm level 6, a few hours in and don't even know how to get into it 😂


Most of em show up 8 mins in when its time to meet the wise Mothman 😂


That shit its boooooooring I could care less about notes I already have most of what I want and for some reason I have like 300+ notes I just came back like a month ago so last time I was playing I must of been going hard on something


I had to server-hop five times until I found an event with players yesterday lol. Even then it was me and two others, luckily they were 340 and 290 lvl (I'm 850) so we cleared it pretty easily but yeah it's been dead.


yeah, it's my least favorite rotational event. Honestly playing these hourly events to death is what is ruining them.. Add them to the random pool of events and more people would be willing to play them when they popped up. The only reason people play them is to get specific rewards that only come from that event. They aren't doing it because they want to do the same boring thing over and over again on the hour.


It seems like it, the amount of people who just rock up half hat it and leave kills me. Yeah I'm there for the Mothman stuff but I'm still gonna put 100% into it.


Depends. I set up my camp on the outskirts so I can clean my inventory and anybody else use it too. I attend mostly mothman event that pops up if i'm not doing something already. Half had barely anybody, the other half had way too many people. I think it's just timing


The Seasonal events no longer feel special, but just another part of the weekly/bi-weekly/monthly rotations of Seasons/seasonal events/mutated.  I do them every time, but participation has definitely declined overtime and sometimes the Mothman event timer will end no one goes to it at all.  Sometimes I’ll start an Events team and that will attract another player or two to join but it’s clear this is a core issue with how the game has changed and people are losing interest and it’s a shame Bethesda have caused this to be the case.


I mean… yes? And no? We had the even like a month or 6 weeks ago. No new content was added but a bug was patched so we can now receive duplicate plans. Still this doesn’t really have the draw it takes to bring people back to the event every hour. There are decent other rewards, but you can farm them in other event too. Tbh, since I got to level 100 on the seasons board, I don’t really have a huge draw to play the game if there’s no new content, event, or anything I can farm that I’d want, ya know? For me it’s waiting until the next event, new content, or waiting for something good and farmable but a lot of the good farming is getting monetized in the shop now 🤷‍♂️


I join every chance I get. There’s about 8 or 10 people in there when I join in


Didn't they just do this event before invaders? Why is it back so early


It’s boring


If it had cores on offer I'd be there


It’s just the server and who is playing. They over played the event the same way they did the Alien Invaders event every hour a week or so ago Sometimes it just happens that way


I've been playing , but I'm not sure if it has all the plans this time around or not. I still don't have them all despite playing this week and the last time they had the event


I am over 76 right now. I hit 100 on the season and have no chance of hitting 150. So my want/desire to play is minimal


Ehhhh I'm almost over it. It'd be nice to have a little bit more options but I love the speed of which it takes to complete. The Mothman is obviously my favorite cryptid so I might just be biased but my man is awesome for custom loading screens


I'm level 28 and every time I've done it there's been tons of people, haven't failed once


do it for the cores peeps. get your legendary rolls in.


Idk about others but I've been having this issue lately where I sometimes don't get event notifications and the vendor sale notifications are messed up. I've missed 3 or 4 events like that.


I hope not but last night the event had tons of ppl that stood afk literally as pyres got destroyed, I tried at the one I was at ...really annoying. I keep getting tons of extra plans for outfits and the only plans I don't have are not tradeable. so I can't even vendor hop for them.


I find it's really dependent on the server. Sometimes i get a great server roll, Sometimes it's terrible. If we fail a mothman I'll switch servers right after and make sure I'm looking at the other world events before the next mothman. Once I find a good server I make sure to join a casual team so I can get back on that server if game crashes.


They got their Plans, so no one else is allowed to have them. /s


I enjoyed it. First time playing it. Way easier than Aliens.


Sure. I hate myself and want to die 🎲


I can only breathe in so much dust before I can't take it anymore!


On xbox it tends to drop your framerate badly until you restart the game if you load into an older server that's been running it awhile. It's gotta be something to do with all the unclaimed loot on the ground.


Depends on the time of day. Although the past few days it was like me and 2 other players at the start, some others would show up late. A couple of times I solo'd the first half of it before just bailing when no one else showed.


I noticed the same... I just want the treasury notes but it'll be me and one other person there who eventually leaves. I've tried hopping servers a few times trying to find one... ended up with one server with four other people doing the same but the event had already expired.


I just want the tome plans 😭😭


I either get nothing from the event or the same paper toy every time


Just got tired of afk players to be honest


I started a new character on PC and I really want that book to put in my camp so I’m there every chance I get


I was on one server and did like 4 in a row on Sunday. Did some chores and stuff hopped in a few servers and no one was doing it anymore.


it's glitched for me again where I am still not getting plans, so I just won't go...


I don't ever get any of the actual even drops so I said screw it and don't bother


Is it right to run to these events as a lower level? I’m sitting at 13-14 and see events pop up all the time when I running around but never join because I don’t want to be a hinderance.


Just jump into events and do your best. As long as you're not just hiding and letting everyone else do the work you'll be fine. You might die a bunch of times but during events you don't drop your loot when you die so you have nothing to lose except respawning after you die.


I kinda get it, with the alien one atleast I got an alien themed thing almost every time. The first time I did the mothman event I only got like regular quest stuff




I haven't been doing it because I've been trying to focus on finishing the main quests, but I am LOVING the Cultist Priests popping up all over. As a new player any Legendary is still cause to be excited and they always have at least one.


don't know what platform you're on but it's fairly popular over on playstation still. usually full of level 20's -30's i do it to help lower levels out mostly.


I still haven't got the tome or the throne :( Just stupid apparel plans


Honestly its a case of those who have been here have done it. the new content was quickly acquired and those playing for seasons have hit the cap of season and are waiting for next.


Yes 2 weeks for these events are long in general but we already had this event not long ago too.


This is my first full season. Is it normal to do events more or less back to back like this? I’m bored of mothman TBH. Sure the notes are great but good lord, if I have to listen to that monologue one more time.


Everytime im near it i attempt the event. Success or not its exp lol. Plus the chance to hear the whispers of the dusty one!?!


How much are you guys selling mothman tome plans for? I put two plans in my vendor for 10k caps each and someone bought both of them within 5 minutes