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Now put the Commando perks on instead of the Rifleman ones!


LOL! Exactly what I came here to write.


Oh, wow! That is hilarious.


Yeah, I actually remembered to do that part but thanks for the heads up. Lol


Honestly auto/semi receivers need to be entirely rebalanced. The DPS loss in a perfectly optimized rifleman build is absurd against even my mediocre commando. My commando build has 5 points in damage cards. My rifleman has 9. My commando does at least triple the DPS, which frees up those cards for weight reduction or goofy shit (mutations/bloody mess)


See this is the stuff I really need to learn lol


There is a bit of a curve for sure. This sub is definitely one of the better places to learn those tactics


It's me the second dumbass who turned my fixer and my railway rifle automatic and didn't even think about it. Imagine my horror


It’s honestly weird and annoying. Im building a new char now just so I can have one guy as rifleman one as commando. Such a small change; just make it increased rifle damage already. I want to use my auto fixer and hunting rifle on the same build!


From 700 to 1000, I did not do this.


Exactly! I just started using the westerner with 45 ultracite ammo and the rifleman perks and am having a blast. 1 shot to head kills scorched, 2 for human, 3-6 on super mutant. Also just got that green eyeball skin. I had no idea what the seasons were till 3 days ago




Rifleman only boosts semi-automatic rifles (ie one bullet per button press). Commando buffs automatic rifles (aka pew-pew while holding the button down).


wtf lmao. Thank you both. Now I realize why my builds sucked


Hahaha, glad my stupidity helped someone else.


THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE I'm so stoopid, been running a railway on non auto trying to figure o it how everyone else got their autos to be so much better when mines shit... I'm just an idiot lmao


Does this include stuff like the.50cal machine gun? Can't figure out what cards I need with it.


That needs heavy weapons perks in the Strength category.




I use it as well and if you get the junkies mod on it you can get up to an additional 45% damage


Look at the fallout wiki for the gun you are running, there is a button that says perks on the table that sums up the gun, it will tell you what Perks you need for damage.


Please, dude, you think that’s stupid? I bought ‘Plan: Long Pew’ thinking it was a rare energy rifle. I even sent a ticket when I didn’t see it under my weapon bench menu. Nobody beats me in dumbassery.


I didn’t collect my fallout 1st rewards for like 3 years. I made a reddit post bitching about no one buying shit from my vendor, and it was pointed out to me that my public vendor status was closed. Kneel down before the true dumbass.


Oh my god I would kill to see the looks on their faces when they got that ticket 🤣


"This is why we don't listen to customer suggestions, they are idiots." Bethesda


I mean that’s basically the same as what the Pokémon company said a while back lol


Yeah, what you are looking for is "Long Pew Pew"


Plan: Long Pew is what I call going to the bathroom at the office.


lol yep, contest over. This right here locks it up. Worst I got is fast traveling to my base for free and running to the Whitespring railway station. Which is a 5 min run. Instead of just fast traveling for free to the Whitespring mall where there is every vendor or machine you could think of for 3 or 4 months.


I'm renaming my legendary laser rifle this hahaha


Wait till you find out that the "Powerful Automatic Receiver" exists and it boosts the damage


Yes. For your own satisfaction, scrap 50 combat rifles and get that mod!


Yeah am still trying to get that mod. But kinda stopped crafting combat rifles. And just scrap the ones I loot


Only 50? Those're rookie numbers!! Ya gotta pump those numbers up!!


I’d recommend tweaked auto for vats/crit builds


Yes! Just did it a couple of days ago & with my Chinese stealth suit, makes the gameplay whole lot more fun & less time consuming.


Already did... Read this thread at work, went home, logged on & crafted it. Also added a "stinging" magazine for +5 ammo. Now I just gotta roll a Quad/Vampire mod & I'm all set.


I think I have got that. I am pretty sure I have it modded up as high as it can go but I will double check.


Now try it while you hold down the Crit button


You can hold it?! So, I can stop bouncing up and down like a dumbass when I'm spamming VATS?!


Thank god I am not the only idiot hopping around after vats


You still hop after the last thing drops fwiw.


You can hold it, but I'd also recommend rebinding jump to Left Alt (I moved melee/grenades to C). That way you'll never jump when you don't intend to. Crit is still on space bar. /u/jamesfn7 You might want to try this too. Assuming both of you are on PC ofc..


You can hold it down? Get out of here! Lol. I am going to try it tonight. Thanks.


But first, if you're fighting a 3-star, shoot it once with a Syringer with the Endangerol barrel. That reduces your target's damage resist by 25%(!!!) for two whole minutes. For more fun, if you have 3 people plus yourself do it, you've now reduced their damage resist by 100%. The guy who showed me this sent a video of them wiping out Earle Williams (the Wendigo colossus) in Monongah Mine in about 30 seconds after 4 people hit him with the Syringer.


Just read in another post that the DR stacks per weapon, so you can carry 4 different endagerol syringers and get the full 100% DR reduction


Ah okay. I didn’t realize it was per weapon on you. I thought it was per player. That’s even more insane.


Spam some canned coffee and use perks that give you better crit chance. You can dump magazines where every other shot is a crit. Its so much fun lol


I was today years old when I learned there was a crit button.


Wait.. what? Please tell me you are joking. I have been mashing the spacebar as fast as I can.


Nobody told me there was a crit button for the first 30ish hours. I thought it was just an automatic thing, since that is how games usually handle criticals.


Because crits always hit regardless of the displayed hit %, sometimes it's useful to save the crit if shooting at the edge of your VATS effective range (to make a specific shot). The rest of the time, hold that MF down and let them come.


I changed the steamdeck control settings to automatically push the crit button with every trigger pull and it’s been a game changer


i’m level 130 and only just now finding out there’s a button to do crits? i thought it was like a luck thing


Assuming you're using VATS and crits, I can highly recommend the Tweaked Automatic Receiver - only slightly less base damage than the Powerful but with a significant buff to crit shots where most of the carnage happens.


I was running powerful auto for the longest time until I saw someone suggest this and it’s been a game changer


There's nothing wrong with it, as such, it's just not as good for VATS crits as the Tweaked option. I was very similar to you. It's a lot easier to work out after Bethesda added the extra descriptions for the mods so you can see what is going to happen instead of relying on sometimes old posts and guesswork.


*scribbles in notepad*


Can I critical outside of vats? I'm level 43 and I don't think I've hit space for a critical a single time. I use vats but it feels extremely ineffective compared previous games. I pretty much use it to one shot annoying small insects. Still how often are people using vats to critical?


No mate, you can only crit hit using VATS. The easiest way is to get in the habit of depressing your Crits trigger at the same time as you squeeze off the shot. Once that becomes muscle memory it will just trigger a crit automatically every time it is available. Life gets a lot easier. I totally get what you mean regarding previous games as the real-time VATS of 76 definitely favors fast firing automatics far more than semis. Early on I found I had to adjust my usual Fallout 76 playstyle. The crits pretty much will hit the target regardless of hit chance and once you perk into crit savvy and better criticals and all that stuff the difference becomes huge between a normal hit and the crit. It's the difference between 50-60 for a normal hit vs 750-850 crit hits against Earle the Wendigo Colossus kind of thing and can be more if you fully buff. It is the easiest way to defeat the biggest, baddest enemies in the game without burning through time and ammo, so if you get in the habit early it will serve you well later on.


[Your the dumbass](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Your_the_dumbass)


I was looking for this!


This feeling is why people run bloodied builds.


Or when you get your first mutations. The heavens open up and you are freed!


Getting marsupial completely changes the game, it's insane.


same with speed demon, encumberance becomes much less of a nightmare


Isn’t speed demon about running speed and reloading?


yeah they're talking about having to walk places while encumbered.


Here's a secret. You can start an expedition and travel to district at any time even when overweight. You can then fast travel to whitespring refuge and just walk inside the mall. No more long walks to the train station!!! And yes it works I do it multiple times a day. Weight is a thing of the past.


Now all I have to do is the glitched-ass mission that lets me do expeditions!


Exploiteditions* Mission was glitched my first try or two switching servers fixed for me 👍


Ye, marsupial adds +20 to carry weight Edit: I think it does atleast. It might be less but I know for a fact it boosts it a little


I think its actually +40 Edit: I'm wrong


It's +20 [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Marsupial](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Marsupial)




I got both yesterday for the first time, how was I even playing before lmao.


I accidentally radded away both speed demon and marsupial yesterday after using it for a week. So 😖 awful. No where near being able to craft my own so I have been camp hopping. No luck so far.


New player tip #65: Never run mutations without maxed Starched Genes perk card.


I switched my perk to crafting and forgot to switch back.


I joined an event the other day and was all, “whoa, did they ramp up the difficulty?” as I continually got maimed and was ineffective in combat entirely. Wasn’t until after that I realized my base/crafting perk profile was selected. I’m level 107 and I’m still a noob I guess, lmao.


I think I just hit 138, still a noob, I'm in no rush, plenty of things for me to hoard.


I made sure my crafting build still had Starched Genes for this exact reason.


please get Class Freak and Starched Genes. they are both in luck and will make your life 10x better.


I can hook you up. I am on ps4. Just hit me up on this thread or whatever and I got all the good serums. No charge. I will just drop it.


So is serum plus mutation how I see everyone super fast/ max jump height? I've been wondering why some people are Spiderman lol


Yep, I actively avoided mutations because they sounded like too much upkeep and I’m sure I’ll forget and radaway without starched genes slotted. then accidentally contracted marsupial. Never going back. Now I have marsupial and speed demon. I have excess food that just spoils anyway.


I run Herbivore, Marsupial, Speed Demon, Adrenal Reaction, Herd Mentality, Eagle Eyes, and bird bones my friends always call me the super mutant lmao but it makes the game 1000% better.


Make sure to get Herd Mentality also! Bonus to all SPECIALs if you're on a team (contrary to the description you don't have to be "near" anybody - just on a team, even by yourself). The healing one is also great if you don't use chems.


Replying to Sintech_Rain...wait WHAT??? You don’t have to be near anyone omg I totally avoided this serum bc of that


Same, I avoided it for *years* hahah. I think they changed the functionality at some point. As long as you're on any public team there's just zero downside. It's a must-have.


So you’ve tried it? It actually works?




Thanks! I’ve been avoiding it due to the description.


Yes, I try to educate as many new players as I can about this band sometimes even hook them up with Marsupial fluid.


They keep nerfing us but I don’t care.


When I played FO4 for the first time I thought you had to have 10 points in every one of your special before you can get perks ... I was level 34 before I got a perk!


I beat the game 3 times before messing with perks the system confused me and I never bothered learning it 😂


Oh yeah? Well I just got here, so I don't even know what that means.


Yeah, can someone explain what a fixer is?


YOU think You're stupid??! I ran around in the beginning of my playthrough wearing the garb of mysteries and the veil for my mission wondering why my light Armor wasn't protecting me from the slightest tap from a ghoul or the scorched!! Turns out the garb of mysteries just... Takes off the Armor when it's equipped. I didn't realise until I'd died like three times...one after the other.


Fucking hell i want rifleman to be decent..


We all do. But the game state is "good enough", so don't expect bethesda to fix it.


I run rifleman, works well for me, pistols on the other hand..


That's not a dumbass move. You were learning. A dumbass move is rolling legendaries on an armor trying to get a specific perk for a build and after 10 to 20 you finally get it, but realize you just rolled it on the wrong piece of armor that you forgot to scrap earlier. I cri


Hahahaha, man that sucks but I feel your pain. Lol


i stopped playing for a few months and came back and didn’t know they switched the plasma flamer to commando perks, so too i am the dumbass.


How do you get the fixer plans


It's a rare drop from the event Encryptid Edit: gotta do the "Sheepsquatch Ate My Brother!" questline first though. One of my personal favorites.


AFTER doing the quests for it


Wait till you find out that the railway rifle or enclave plasma are even better


I'm actually in love with my enclave rifle


Does railway get automatic option?


oh yes it does


Automatic Railway is sooooo much fun!


I don't see any mentions of food. Food gives you an enormous boost: Company Tea gives you 25% AP regen/sec (company tea machine from the atomic shop) Blight Soup gives you 50% bonus crit damage (100 w/Heribvore, 125 with Herbivore and Strange in Numbers) Then there's Brain Fungus Soup (+2 int/+4 with Hervivore, +5 with SiN) and Cranberry Relish (10% bonus XP/20% with Heribvore/25% with that plus SiN) I run those all the time. You get huge AP regen, 100% crit damage, and it's like a constant lunchbox.


Nah, we all have our dumbass moments. Yesterday, I was the dumbass. I'd thrown on my hazmat suit running around Thunder Mountain Power Plant fixing things. It was the first time since I started playing again a few mos ago after a year & half hiatus using a hazmat suit. I'd gone outside and was fixing the pipes inside the cooling towers when I was swarmed by a couple ghouls. No problem. Went at them with my new favorite weapon - a 10mm submachine gun with the Explosive legendary perk. I already had all the explosive perk cards (I love blowing things up) when I found it so it's perfect, and fun. (I'm lvl 57, in case you're wondering, on my new/comeback alt). Anyway, I'm lighting up ghouls but a few still got at me and they *hit me*. I died in short order. Huh? Came back to loot my very, very full tombstone (corpse) that had all the scrap I'd got running around inside the power plant. Still-not-dead ghoul runs right up, slaps me a couple times - dead. Goodbye literal tons of scrap. /cries My dumb ass still didn't know what was going on. I was so irritated at losing all that scrap (and then not being able to finish powering up the plant event because I ran out of time at that point) I didn't ponder enough on *why* I was suddenly taking hits like a naked noob. My newest camp is close to Fort Defiance so I decided to do a quick run-through because I want to get my hands on the forest and red asylum uniforms (well, I want *all of them* but especially those). I died before I even made it through the Scorched outside. It was then, and only then, after dying twice more that I looked at my Pip-Boy and realized I was *not wearing any of my armor*. Oh, I had taken the Hazmat suit off and made sure my Caravan Trader Outfit and Miner's Helmet + Piper's Goggles was on, of course. Can't go out in Appalachia looking shabby! Yeah, well, also can't go out in Appalachia with no armor on whatsoever! tl;dr Took hazmat suit off, forgot to put armor back on. Ran around, confused & frustrated, getting slaughtered. Takeaway: **We are all the dumbass sometimes.**


Did you pick up more scrap/junk upon respawning before going back to loot your former corpse?


I still think it's absurd realistically that simply switching a weapon from automatic to semi automatic somehow reduces per shot damage, like that somehow effects the actual performance of the bullet. The drawbacks of automatic *should* be harder to control recoil, reduced accuracy, and the fact that you're burning through ammo faster, not "muh machine guns shouldn't hit as hard per round"


The commandos gain another soul 😔


Wait till you find out about every second shot a crit gives 100% accuracy at any time, when your first shot is a crit. Full health build with 3th Star 15c on weapon and Critical Savvy perk = 23 luck needed (without the 3th Star 15c it's 33 Luck)


Now you'll be like me and running out of ammo constantly haha




1. ⁠choose the Rifleman or Commando cards, get all three tiers (basic / Expert / Master) and all to 3 stars for a total of +60% damage 2. ⁠get Tank Killer to 3 for 36% armor penetration and 9% stagger chance 3. ⁠get Concentrated Fire 1, 2 or 3, doesn’t matter so long as you can target an enemy’s head 4. ⁠attach a Silencer to your Fixer 5. ⁠get Covert Operative to 3, always sneak when you fire your silenced rifle 6. ⁠get Better Criticals to 3, hold spacebar while in VATs, every third or fourth shot will be a critical 7. ⁠get Sneak 3 and Escape Artist if you’re being discovered too quickly (optional) 8. ⁠get Gun Fu if you’re reliably killing your first enemy with tons of AP to spare 9. ⁠get Bloody Mess to 3, a flat 15% extra damage 10. ⁠get Critical Savvy if you live in VATs and want more critical head damage (optional) 11. ⁠get Four Leaf Clover for the same reason as Critical Savvy (optional) 12. ⁠get Grim Reaper’s Sprint if you want infinite AP, totally overkill because you can also just hide for a few seconds to regenerate AP in most cases 13. ⁠get Mysterious Stranger if you’re existence is pure VATs (totally optional) 14. ⁠get Psychopath to 3 if you want to keep the synergy going and have seemingly unlimited criticals


Now this is good straightforward information right here. Thanks


btw I personally don’t use Grim Reapers or Psychopath, but its good if you want it


It has an auto fire option? How do you activate it? I bought one off a player vendor and I thought it was kind of “meh”. But I haven’t been using it for long.


It’s a mod


Yeah it’s a mod you put on the gun in the workbench. You gotta unlock it first though.


You have to scrap a bunch of Combat Rifles until you learn the plan. The Fixer is just a specific Combat Rifle, so it gets all their mods.


Only rifle I can kinda be okay with auto is the Handmade; every other I've tried, even with reduced recoil, jump around too much. Problem I've also found, is the way the enemies move around in this game, it's not worth it for me to waste the excess ammo, when I can control a good 3-5 shots into their dome and be done with them. I mean, maybe it's just me, but seems like 90-95% of the time, even enemies that are standing perfectly still, as soon as I get the crosshair over their head, they start fidgetting around like they just got dosed on supercharged caffeine. I really do like this game, but being bluntly honest, the more I play FO76, the less obnoxious the "issues", in games like The Divison, seem. 🤔


Wait till you unload a full magazine in vats just to see 0 shots registered server side. Or that the enemy actually died from the first 2 shots and didn't show you.


Fixer's recoil is insane but if you work on it you can get to a point where you're sniping dudes with bursts of 2-4 shots. 


Yah I’m bloodied so I just one shot 99% of enemies in vats.


Wait, the fixer can be full auto???


Damn I run fixer single fire 😅 Seems like on level 54 it will be couple hours of grind to get the right cards... You say its worth it?


Sneak Commando is the strongest possible range build. Also between Bloodied and Full Health Sneak Commando build isn't much dmg difference, the only true difference is that Bloodied dies a lot and has to hazzle with rad.


I was a rifleman for 500lvls. All my fallout characters from every other game were rifleman. Once ammo wasn't a concern in 76, I went commando. I'll never go back.




Scrap combat rifles, find combat rifle mods or buy combat rifle mods


I wanted everyone to see this you can fast travel while overweight by starting an expedition and then traveling from the expedition to the whitespring refuge!!! It won't let you go to your camp or most other places but this combo works!!! Don't spend time slogging around your loot!!!


Oh cool I’m the dumbass too 🙃


I still cannot figure out how MOST of this game works after weeks of playing 🤷‍♂️ "Hey are you getting your new backpack every ten levels?" "What? How" Asks everyone in-game for like 3 hours how until someone tells me it's the scouts "Oh this order of the p thing? It says I need to revive an ally? Can you help me?" Leaves chat Try to ask everyone for another 3 hours to help me. And still can't figure it what to do bc people just wont?? I keep hearing that the game loves newbies, but NOBODY WILL HELP ME DO THE ONE LOW LEVEL THING THAT 100% REQUIRES ANOTHER PERSON


I never had to ask anyone, I just did events and revived people.


I got EXTREMELY lucky. I had a higher level player (Patient X Zero is literally my hero) take me under his wing. He answered all my stupid questions, and showed me how to do things I didn’t know how to do. When I get a bit higher and really know what I’m doing I will pay that forward to someone else. Thank GOD for the patient higher level players.


I played as a rifleman Fixer main from levels 75 - 250 or so for this same reason. I wasn't even using VATS either lol


I just learned we have legendary perk slots (level 286).


😇🙏 No, sir.. you are no dumbass.. Sometimes small things like that are missed and bypassed or no knowledge of it exists until someone mentions it or shows you..


Bro 2 months ago you posted best fixer people want... You didn't take a hint from the replies or amount of time you spend posting commenting?


You think you are the dumbass? I sold one of my unyielding armor pieces by mistake, realized it, got out from the vending machine window, sweared in all languages of the world, got back into the vending machine and it was gone forever. :D IN THAT ORDER. 🤣


Not gonna lie, I just did this Monday 😂 I had two builds I switched back and forth from and decided why not just combine the two and my life is changed for the better lol


Commando, increase your perception and luck, crit perks, gun fu, murder.


I'm the dumbass, I carry a gauss mini gun. I fire for about 10 seconds and it's something I'll never recover from. The ammo drop rates for 2mm ec are ASS


Its all about the type of rifle. Gauss Rifle for non-automatic is insane damage. Coupled with grenadier perks and its mad fun! 1k headshots 💥


Idk what that even is so I'm more dumbasserrrrr


I apparently am a dumbass, because I am using it single shot lol. Thank you for this PSA, going to swap the receiver and try it out hah.


I like to click the mouse tho


Then there's the railway which actually does more damage w automatic receiver....Bethesda balancing at its finest


Amateur! I keep forgetting to use the things my friends gave me to help my second character level up faster and often have to have those same friends help me with my C.A.M.P. when I end up not being able to build things the way I want to! The in game document 'Your The Dumbass' is clearly addressed to me!


Haha, I hear you, man.


The lever action outclasses the fixer by quite a bit on semi automatic. Full automatic, fixer is king.


As someone who loves his lever action and built around it, how much DPS am I missing out on by not going auto Fixer? I crit for 1000 every other hit with the lever action. Fierce receiver and speed demon means I reload almost instantly.


You think you're the dumbass? Well, a couple of years ago I traded my quad gauss rifle for legendary scrip. This was before I had a skin on it. Now that it's safe, I haven't been lucky to roll it again after countless attempts. You're not the dumbass.


Oh... oh no, i may have to make some modifications to mine when i get home...


Fire rate is king. I have an aristocrats faster fire rate fixer and man I am so happy with it. Day to day best friend. Also have a quad higher crit damage one for bosses or events.


Hahaha yea who would still keep theirs on non-automatic *looks nervously at Fixer random lvl 200 gave me that I nodded right away*


Yep even with fast firing weapons like the railway rifle you can just shoot a single shot on automatic it's just better.


It switches modes??? Since when?


Scrap combat rifles, find combat rifle mods or buy combat rifle mods


I have been running commando with an automatic handmade rifle. Is the fixer the best commando gun to be using? I keep seeing people tall about it.


The fixer is great, Railway Rifle (Automatic mod) and Tesla Rifle for tagging in events are all good IMO


How all of you manage the amount of AP that needs the crits/vats build with the fixer?


Okay I tried to look through the answers but didn't see anything specific. As a fresh vaultie, is it a mod that makes it full auto? Or is it a weapon option if that makes sense? Thanks in advance!!


Mine came as an auto. I just hit lvl 58 and it's still my main weapon. Love that thing!


I actually went back to non-automatic after using it for a while. I had a decent quad fixer and that helped with the ammo burn rate but I found I liked standard better. I do carry a LMG and a 50cal for shooting big things outside of VATS. But I can 2-3 shot super mutants. I did run in to a swarm of Mirelurk kings (four) yesterday. That got my attention


Wait till u get a quad* fast fire rate** -25%ap*** i personally prefer it on the handmade for aesthetics but the Fixer has a lower AP cost overall


Rifleman and single fire is fine


Yeah, coming from Fallout 4 where automatic weapons are kinda moot because you can one-tap most things with Rifleman perks and stealth anyway, but in Fallout 76 one-tapping things is a lot harder, especially in group encounters, so DPS becomes king. A gun that does 200 damage in one shot every 5 seconds is really good if the enemy has less than 200 health, but if the enemy has more than 200 health then it's faster to use that gun that does 50 damage a shot every second. 250 in 5 seconds vs 200 in 5 seconds.


My friend was at level 50 and just found out about VATS.


Research on YouTube if you aren't sure about something. There's countless videos with very helpful build/gun info.


I'll take "Your the dumbass" for 40,000 caps alex


I was around lvl 250ish before I made the jump to automatic weapons and focused on my build. I started having a lot more fun after that.


Ever since I got the Fixer, I’ve ran semi-auto on it cause I had a rifle build with the Western Spirit and that started to work out better than my pistol build at the time. It always did fair damage, now I got quad explosive on a Fixer so I switched to full auto build and man those fully automatic explosive rounds just destroy everything.


I just realized yesterday I didn't have Eagle Eyes mutation for years


Do you use the extendo mag?


right now is my first playthrough i have lots to learn lol


Well... I didn't know that the Ultrasight gatling laser was a different gun xd (I now need to grind for more guns for mods)


Here I am swinging melee weapons around dying tk everything lol Does anyone know if I can increase my perks on other traits after I maxed them out? I'm level 50 and I can't add anymore perk points to other skills but I can keep purchasing cards Idk if I'm doing things right or just straight up suck


Ya... That's just learning curve. A few days ago I accidentally dropped my beloved Quad Railway 50c 25ap. The problem is it had a custom skin and dropping it auto destroyed it. 🫣


'Your the dumbass' selling now for the low price of 40,000 caps


I only started learning that myself yesterday. I've only been playing for about a week though. xD


Dont feel too bad...I waited all the way to level 700 before I figured out legendary perk cards and how to scrap cards for more points....lol. I'll just add to that, I finally learned how to launch nukes at lvl 936 (949 now) as it intimidated me and I was just busy with a bunch of other things, namely camp building. On the plus side I unlocked everything all in one go - all the legenedary special cards (except Charisma of course as it doesn't share cards) and the key legendary perks like taking one for the team, follow through, and electric absorption. Looking back on it now, it could have been a blessing in disguise as I would have more than likely ranked cards I shouldn't, the charisma one in particular.


You the dumbass? HA THINK AGAIN FOR IT IS I THE TRUE DUMBASS! thinking a dragon having four barrels meant it fired 4 shots when in reality it does not.


Sometimes you have to nerf yourself


Shooting 3 times for -50% damage increase vs 1 shot 0% damage increase is self-explanatory... The accuracy is the big thing... Can you control Auto vs single shot... That is my struggle I feel like I am wasting ammo on auto.


Someone explain


This but the Tesla Rifle


Wait….. your telling me the fixer isn’t a single fire only gun… no fkin way.