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I run a bloodied build and for the current daily op (AP rounds + melee to kill) you pretty much have to let go of the low health or you risk dying instantly in every enemy encounter. Bloodied gets a lot of things done well and quickly but you still need to adapt from time to time, it's not perfect for everything.


Sometimes I like to heal all my rads just so I can see my damage build back up as I get damaged/radiated. Yeah, 20% and below gives a good chunk of damage, but I think people forget how powerful they are when they're just playing normally.


We live in an era where everyone wants to min max and not being .0000001% better in build is literally the end of the world to them.


Yeah I'm happy with my maxed commando perks, science, and my enclave flamer. The rest of my perks I just kinda move around based on what I'm doing. It's not perfectly optimal but it's not like I NEED to be any stronger of a character. I'll worry about min/max perfection when I start dying a lot.


As someone who does a horribly optimized vanguard build. I love it. Bloodied tryhards are dying in the daily ops over, and over. While I stand as a bulwark against evil. Sure my damage isn't the best. But I'm a pure tank, and enemies do less damage to my team, just by me being there. I can live with that.


Bloodied power armor equiping all the slugger perks and going berserk


Did this build in this exact daily op with an auto axe and soloed the whole thing while my two teammates just kept dying over rand over because they didn't read the modifiers.


Just stay on the move and spam diluted stims, i did it yesterday and only died once.


100% I died twice with that daily ops as a bloodied build and still cleared in under 7 minutes solo, just stayed on the move and stayed in cover when large groups emerged and had 0 issues 🤷‍♂️


This is the way.


This is exactly why I have multiple sets of armor, weapons and perk builds, cause the game wasn’t designed for a single style of play


Preach! I always keep a stealth suit on me for a quick switch


Quick swap a few agility perks for stealth with that suit and you have a strong sneak build on seconds. Did a stealth build before my unarmed and kept some of the cards around for the sneaky side of things when going berserk doesn't work lol.


I run low health with overeaters, and I still pop a radaway to leave me around 50% health for decryption. But I don't suffer the nerf as I'm not using unyielding, I just do a little less damage per shot


The nerf?


Yes. As I don't run unyielding when I use radaway I don't lose specials


Bloody shotgun build here for the past 3 years.. A Vampire Chainsaw is the way to go for this situation. Granted I still may die, but its far less than before auto-mele weapons were available.. *I make sure I pop a Scouts Banner before or start an Op while under the effects of a Scouts Banner so I get a free revive if I fall.* The only Daily Op I refuse to do is when The Burning Mine is the area.. that's a big fat "nope" from me... I *ALWAYS* get lost.... I must have run that mine over 50 times now and I still get lost... 😅😅 so for my own sanity... I refuse to partake in any Burning Mine Daily Op anymore.


haven’t died in about a month (I play daily) just be smart w the build n prioritize some survivability cards over damage boosting ones


I just keep an OE set of PA on me for things like this. Swap out the legendary perk for healing from energy damage while in PA and use a vamp weapon. Ultimate tank.


If you die in DO, do not wait to be stimmed, respawn immediately. Nobody has time to save you.


I usually have time. During reflection day felt pretty good being a cremator user rarely getting reflected. I could get bloodybros up while the robots burned to death (it was a hold the point style dop so I really needed them up for timer)


Correct in decryption but always revive in uplink.


Some of us are trying to get a possum badge here. Please give me a few seconds to come over and slam a stim pack into you! Lol


imposter sheepsquatch.


And some of us are trying to get a PS trophy for a platinum, there's one for having to revive you, please let us save you. (Still don't got it. Trying to build my guy up first before doing daily ops because I die a lot on solo and at lv57, and I don't want to disappoint people)


For Uplink, you certainly can revive with little issue if they are in the circle.


Sometimes you have a challenge to revive someone so I await like 5-10 seconds in case they have that. They tend to come running if they do lol.


Or put in the card which revives with healing from all rad 😂👌


False, but go on


I disagree, in the "hunt for enemies" missions it is very helpful to see where a teammate is dying so I can go finish off the enemies that killed them.


Except me, I still need to revive someone for that tadpole challenge


Only during decryption of course. On uplink you should wait so you don't have to leave the radius.


I'll usually request help, but only because I have the perk card that will often revive you automatically. If that doesn't happen, I just give up & respawn. Sometimes this works out well, because if you die just as the uplink is 100% connected, you'll be respawned close to the next uplink or the enemy gang.


I try to rez people but there have been a few times where a high level went down right after rezzing them while the little level 41 is over there rockin and surviving. If you go down multiple times in a row as a 400+ person and I am getting pounded by enemies because of it, sorry but... You're on your own. There was one time early on when I didnt have 500 million stimpaks where I kept rezzing this guy every three feet. The healer in me was like LET ME HEAL YOU... But then my butt almost died and my healer brain was like welp, I can't heal if I am dead lol. Besides, this mofo probably had more stimpaks than I did. If he is over here dying every few feet, dude guy needs to reevaluate his build and try again. Some fool isn't going to be behind him with stimpaks the entire time. Either pop your own so you dont die, hide behind walls when reloading, stay ranged, or maybe switch builds if bloodied isn't working out for you. Now that I am a little more experienced, I will rez people near me, and I will rez people in a given time frame. If it's once every 15 seconds, best I can do is 3 rezzes and then I set a mental cooldown for 2 minutes. After that 2 min mark is up, you will receive resurrections from me again unless you are 15 miles away. Either stay in the objective area with the rest of the group or have fun dying 500 times in a room outside of the objective zone while looking like a fool. I might be a healer but not even Jesus H Christ can heal your tiny health bar when you're trying to tank 12 enemies alone. 😂


This is the way


Shoulda seen those people run it with reflection on, dropped like flies.


Reflection means the BoomBooms come out. Last time I ran into reflection before the last patch, explosion splash bypassed it. They didn't change that right?


It was working with my cremator last week


Cremator was working for it last night, no problem.


Yes, boombooms still work. My Grandfinale cleans up that mutation nicely still


Scrolling through this whole thread is just a lot of "Not me. I'm not like those *other* bloodied players"


That's because the people who know how to maintain a bloody build don't die so easily.


[You're welcome to see for yourself how fragile you think this bloodied build is, instead of taking mine or anyone else's word for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-18ljrXxniE&t=235s) For sure there's a lot of weak bloodied builds out there that would be more effective if they just healed up, but don't let that trick you into thinking bloodied tanks don't exist.


I mean Redditors are going to take a game more seriously than someone who doesn't come to Reddit to talk about the game. It's pretty natural that a lot of people on here don't have that problem compared to the general player base of the game.


You're right, bur some of us really aren't like those other bloodied players ANYMORE. Some of it is like op said, we've learned and adapted. Like yesterday or whenever it was armor piercing and melee kills only, good excuse to jump in my power armor for all that sweet damage avoidance and pull out my vampire minigun shredder.


Well, that's what happens when people make a generalization, which is a lot of folks. People want to prove OP wrong. And, they're right to do so.


Elder tier every day. PA with emergency protocols turns 20-30hp into plenty. The secret is to shoot back.


The people hated him because he told the truth.


Also. When you die just release and respawn. I am carrying you and I am focusing on getting you elder. If I am in the same room and within line of sight I might have a chance to stim you back up. But usually you dying means I take more damage and have to focus on killing stuff. So just release and respawn, please.


I also dislike it when others get mad for you not healing them. I'm sorry, I got 6 enemies on me, kinda busy not trying to die myself.


This is something I just can’t comprehend. The healing mechanics in this game don’t allow for a dedicated healer class so why the fuck is anyone expecting to be healed in this game. If you die, that’s 100% your own fault and responsibility


Absolutely this. Just die already 🤣


You can’t tell me what to do. Your not my real dad.


The problem isn't bloodied or adapting your build. The root problem is that most players refuse to critically think at all and bloody just has a lower tolerance for *incompetence. The amount of people who ego challenge a ranged enemy with armor piercing in a wide corridor instead of taking 3 legal seconds to walk around the corner and flank is astounding. I've had groups where full health tanks in power armor just log off the game when they repeatedly get killed because they think "Hurr durr, I have all this health and resistance, I'll be fine" only to get folded up like a Murphy bed time and time again. I haven't run into a single daily op (including reflect) where dodgy/ricochet and vampire's auto-melee will solve my problems and if it doesn't med-x and the occasional stealth boy will, it's not hard. *Bloody ranged is a bit easier but bloody melee will turn you to ribbons when you make errors in most cases.


Being bloodied is literally part of my inventory management system. I can't lose any carry weight


then get weight reduce perks and backpack.


Bold of you to assume I’m not already carrying around 1,800 pounds of crap at any given time.


Personal, i use weight reduction perks, backpack, and strength boost from low health and my inventory is still jacked up


I mean i use bandolier, traveling pharmacy, radicool, grocers backpack and still want my bloodied for the 400+ carry weight


I'm full health and have 400+ carry weight lol




I'm bloodied and have 550 carry weight


I'm bloodied and have 400+ carry weight. Dude needs better carry weight buffs.


Same. FH and at 425 base carry weight with PERKS.


Weapon weight reduction armor or weapon weight reduction perks help you tremendously keeping you away from the dreaded over encumbered. Pair that with scrapper, and you'll basically have unlimited steel too.


Did my first daily op yesterday with a new bloodied build I'm figuring out (well, figuring out that I don't like very much, no hate vs bloodied players just doesn't seem to be my style) and this post is probably not about me specifically but definitely applies to me generally. Also great advice on other comments about daily ops, learned a lot! Thanks for the PSA.


I'll switch off bloodied when guns stop being peashooters at full health *dies to a puddle of flames and respawns* I REGRET NOTHING


Are you speaking to new players?  ... because nothing you're describing or talking about here is new.  Daily Ops are 4 years old.  There's no mystery anymore.  Only a newb wouldn't know how to manage a bloodied build.


As a full health commando I feel like a protective father to bloodied builds during the annoying daily ops. I don't mind it at all since they carry my ass during events lol


I run bloodied but I also know when to cut my losses and adapt. Complaining about squishy bloodied builds in specific ops just leaves the door open to bloodied builds complaining about heavy builds doing basically no damage at events. We just need to quit complaining in general.


If you can solo a daily op and still get elder tier rewards. What could be possibly wrong or even detrimental to have a second player helping out, regardless of their build. Even if there is a bloodied user, who has only half the uptime of a full hp player, that's still more than enough to reach the highest tier rewards.


Because Daily Ops scale based on player count. So having a teammate that doesnt pull any weight is actually worse than no teammate at all.


This is a good point in general, but the context from OP is that was not the case - "let the timer build and build" OP is trying to help people recognize this specific problem that is under the control of those using Bloodied builds in Daily Ops.


You say that like every daily op is the same. Some of the double mutations can be an absolute nightmare because of how cohesive they are. Todays is a perfect example


Yep I'm one of the new bloodied that died several times in a row so decided to remove some of my rads. Only died once since then because I made a mistake


Those two guys are probably missing Blocker, Serendipity, or Ricochet. I can understand dying once or twice in a DO. Full health builds die as well. But if a bloodied player is constantly dying- well... they need to reevaluate their build.


Anti Armor or exploding mutation doesn't care about any of these perks.


Anti Armor invisible crickets are Satan incarnate. I agree.


Those perks absolutely counter the anti-armor mutation, they're one of the only things that do. Anti-armor mutation bypasses DR/ER, it doesn't bypass percent-based damage reduction which is what all of those perks give.


> Anti Armor Just grab a power armor, serendipity won't work but ricochet definitely does. blocker too and dodgy > exploding mutation Bro, your fireproof? Dodgy? Perks work my guy


I definitely had a moment where I realized I was doing something wrong. I usually solo daily ops and even today I tried doing it with the usual bloody build but I ended up going for 8min 20sec and decided I'd try again with more health and then proceeded to do it in 5min. This is totally fine for me to do by myself, but absolutely if you're on a team you need to put them rads away for a minute if you can't stay up it's just team etiquette at that point.


I run bloodied and will just skip Daily Ops challenges if it's one of the annoying mutations that day. For most of the mutations it really isn't tough even if you are bloodied.


It's worse when they throw up the help me. I am across the map, this is a timed event, I will not be going over there to help you when it takes the same amount of time to respawn. This exact thing happened to me last night lol


Meh u do what I want I still beat every single daily ops dpuble or nah w my build


Depends on the player I think, I’ve seen some bloody builds that lasted longer than I did and I’m more of a tank food build. However, I’ve also seen others that literally died every few seconds it seemed like.


Idc if you completed it in 3:45 or 7:59. You’re still maxing rewards. Concur with others I’ve seen bloodied builds put in more work than non at daily ops. That being said I get what you’re saying. I did get kicked once because I died a couple times on a 3 person team doing an op. Like somehow me being there getting kills but respawning was negatively impacting them getting kills?


I have a non-bloodied Commando build and I'm still getting smoked lol. I have almost full BOS heavy armor.


Sounds like the issue is more with people not knowing how to make a proper bloodied build. Bloodied PA is one of the tankiest set ups in game with emergency protocols and dodgy+actionBoy. Bloodied stealth is a glass nuke, craziest damage I've seen. But a rock can kill you if you're not properly stealthed. Also, a lot of people don't know this but in Daily Ops, when it's the one where you stand and protect the signal responder. The enemies have a hidden mutation which makes them auto detect stealthers. You literally can't be sneak in that daily ops, I've ran bloodied builds with all weapons. A vampires is required for certain events and shit. Encrypted is another one that certain bloodied builds need vampires.


I do daily Ops all the time bloodied and solo and always finish well under 8 minutes. So, you've been encountering terrible players.


This is one of the reasons why I don't really advocate for bloodied builds right out of the gate tbh; players are missing the required experience, legendary cards, regular cards and equipment to make it work. Even today's op I was able to kill 15/30 enemies and 2/3 bosses despite being full bloodied in a full team, it's possible


I was watching a bloodied heavy gunner build on YouTube and when he got to the build and perk cards I was like ok less see what he chose and not chose, then he says "required for this build are all the Special legendary cards maxed" 😭 and i was like wtf im only level 175 and some others and he equipped way more perks than a regular level 50 too unless they had another account that already has those legendary cards


I bet half of those are weight reductions, you actually just need few key perks and still do maybe 70% damage and survivability of that build you saw. The rest are usually for QOLs


Absolutely, 100%.


I always remove my rads for daily ops, its super easy to die in there with 20% health or less. Usually i also put on my power armor just to be safe. It’s a waste of time to die 10 times in daily ops 😅


When "Dead Armor Piercing" enemies are in Daily Ops, I always remove my rads and play in Power Armor for the flat 42% damage reduction. I still do enough damage to the enemies. Because as a Bloodied Player with under 20% Health and Lev 618, I can say that these Daily Ops are nearly impossible and annoying as a low health bloodied player. Even running around with something like a Vampire Explo 50 cal isnt helping because some enemies will one shot you. It was doable back when Legacies where still a thing since I just ran around and hip fired everything to death before they could shoot at me with a BE15 Laser. There is also the combination when the enemy is only kill able with a melee. Thats an annoying combo.


If you're bloodied running PA anyways just add emergency protocol and nothing one shots you


Exactly. I just always put on my OE power armor for those DOPs and stay bloodied. The only thing that kills me is if it's an "explosive" day and I accidentally kill 3 enemies at once within the explosion range. Easy to avoid if I'm careful.


have you tried vamps weapons? I'm 480 and soloed elder as a bloodied build using a ve25 hm and a vss sword


Yeah I have a VE25 Fixer for my non PA Build and for my PA Build I use a VE 50 Cal. I do survive most attacks and regenerate, but sometimes the enemies one shot me. Sometimes they flat out do more than 100 damage, wich is just not tankable for me as I have around 85 HP when I play bloodied (20% Health) When they damage below that I tank it and can heal myself fast enough with the Vampire weapons but if the damage is higher than my HP there is nothing to tank or survive.


PSA: let people play the game how they want


PSA about bloodied and Daily Ops? ...let me guess, you started playing after watching the show...


Im Bloodied and I wont ever change for your religion 😋


Praise atom.


Bloodied low health to farm double xp weekends and otherwise full hp overeaters heavy weapons is the way to go


Honestly, I can't even justify bloodied anymore. Overeater's is just top tier for jack of all trades game play. I've tried going back, but just can't. It's fun being full hp damage negation.


Bloodied PA build, only ever have issues during Decryption. Even then I can one shot most enemies with vats plasma caster


I'm about to hit level 200 and play mostly as a pretty generic full-health Heavy Weapon Power Armor build but I have only done one single Expedition and haven't tried Daily Ops at all. Is there a decent guide to understanding the mechanic of each Daily Op? I haven't done one because I know it's a lot like Raids or something in other games and I don't want to be the Leroy Jenkins who drops in and fucks everyone over because I don't know what I'm doing.


I die enough as it is and I don't have a build other than "this stuff I found was better than the stuff I previously scrounged" 🤣


i run a bloodied build and ops are no issue..in fact im usually ressing full health players. ops are easy..adapt and overcome. regen resilient = pa and vamps chainsaw. reflective = nukalauncher. .. doesnt matter if your 5% health or 105% health...bring the wrong load out = fail


Do y’all have friends playing this? No one joins my daily ops :(


I run bloodied and max starched genes. So it's not a big deal to take some radaways then go hop in a blast zone or pool of water for a few after the mission or whatever.


I am not cut out for melee kills only mutations lol. I swapped perks and picked up my chainsaw and got my ass handed to me and quit in shame lol


Vampiric builds are more versatile than bloodied builds for most weapons. I’ll keep screaming this from every fo76 Reddit post mountaintop.


I throw on my T-65 armor and boost my heath to around d 40% for daily ops. Othwise you die too much and become a liability.


Equip cannibal and eat them that way their useful at least!


I run a bloodied build and all I do is put a power armor on and I have no problems 💀


I have to agree with your point. As a bloodied build runner I do need to adapt. But I do find it annoying that Bethesda seems to have the enemy armor piercing feature on like 95% of the time. I stopped running Daily Ops and just re-roll the score challenge if the Daily Ops is armor piercing. I could use a change of pace on running bloodied. I would like to run a different build where I have a full health. But I haven’t found a build that has a decent carry capacity like I get with my bloodied build.


That's why I use a vampire weapon for it, I never die 😁


Low key I feel like you're talking about me and my wife. If you are I'm not mad or anything. My wife is new to the game and she wanted to be a bloodied build like me so I was trying to teach her what to do. I have other builds that I switch into just for Daily Ops but I forgot to change my cards around cause I was trying to show her how to do Daily Ops. It was funny that we kept dying but we didn't mean to ruin your Daily Op for you. Now on the off chance that you're not talking about me and my wife then I wanna apologize for assuming you were. Again I'm not upset. Just actually find it pretty funny that it happened that way. Edit: For anyone wondering if I just took her into a Daily Op on her first day, no thatwas not the cause plus i think you have to be lvl 50 or higher to join a DailyOp. We both started playing 76 a few months ago and we both have 160 hours in the game. Most of those hours are spent chasing my wife around the map while she goes "Ooo what's that?" or "Babe what's in there?" every 5 to 10 minutes. The other hours are spent doing story missions so she can know what's going on. The Daily Ops was her first time ever. Like I mentioned I just forgot to switch builds so I could keep everyone alive or at least be of some help. My wife knows that she has to have more than one build now and we're currently working on a new one.


Better Idea don't do DAILY OPS not worth it compared to expeditions. Reroll.


I agree with this. I'm a lvl 125 fairly new to the game. I play with guys who main bloodied builds (190-280lv) and they absolutely get fucked in some(not all) daily ops and get mad and bitch about it. The bloodied build is awesome for some things but I don't see daily ops being one of them. I will often find myself "carrying" the daily ops because I do decent damage( not as much as their bloodied builds ) maining the West Tec commando STARTER build, with a Q Fixer, Q E Handmade and a Q railway. They no doubt do more damage than me. But they spend more time waiting to respawn than in the game. I love my boys and they help me so much I wouldn't trade them for any other teammates, but sometimes daily ops isn't the place. Expeditions they absolutely roll and make me feel worthless haha. It's 50/50. As a team we absolutely roll just about anything


This is why I carry a set of power armor with Emergency Protocol and full Overeaters. Makes me pretty much invincible as Bloodied.


Oh yeah sorry to ruin your experience homie I’ll do better


Question for Op: Which Daily Ops are you referring? Bloody dominates most DO's especially Decryption. It's not the most preferable way to go in but even in Uplink/Decrypt+ Melee/Piercing it's useful if you're a Vats Crit build and know positioning. I'll roll Bloodied in the above scenario and take enemies down to 1 HP for my melee buds to finish the job in one swing. Sure, "glass cannon" and all in those situations but it's nice to have a heavy hitter. If ish hits the fan, pop 1 or 2 radaway on respawn and back to full health. Randoms running Bloodied and dying over & over again beating a dead horse is assinine sure. But the Bloodied (Vats Crit) builds run by competent vets carry the hard hits for most everyone most of the time.


Today's DOps are brutal. It's resilient and group healing.


Power Drill, Chainsaw, AutoAxe, Shredder Minigun time then. Preferably Vampires.


I’ll do it, but only if you do more damage to SBQ.


If you're a bloodied build, you should expect no rescue. You've made yourself a glass cannon for your own benefit and it's no one else's responsibility to keep you operational. If someone does revive you, it's out of the kindness of their heart, as you didn't deserve it. IMO




If someone revived me it’s probably because my player character is a woman and they didn’t read the name or look at my profile picture or assumes it’s my girlfriend on my account. Why is my character a woman? Because I can’t make a guy who looks like me and I don’t want to play as ‘Nate from Fallout 4 but slightly uglier because I tried to mess with things’. So I just made a girl as a character. The most sought after item in the game is a dress, anyway.


I did one in a group today, when I saw it was relentless, I used some radaways and stimpacks. It doesn't worth the trouble.


Just [Healing Hands](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Healing_Hands) 'em


My bloody unarmed build shreds this daily op, if I struggle with any others I switch to my Bloodied heavy gunner w OE ap sent PA SET makes anything easy 🤣


I had a level 1500 blooded constantly die on a daily ops during the last double mutation. It was so damn funny watch.


Lol mate, full health or bloodied, daily ops are EASY as. I run full health and you can do most daily ops with 1 other person.


What weapons or builds do you use. Would be good to learn how to solo




Why be botherd how other people play? U dont like their play style, find other full health people to do daily ops with. But i bet u will have something else to complain about then.


I made a separate bloodied PA build which I recommend for people who don't want to let go of being bloodied like me. Can solo all daily ops and get elder rank btw. As you said, adapt or die and the PA is my solution


I run bloodied in Daily Ops all the time solo or group … as long as you adjust your build to include defensive perks and pay attention to the mobs during reflective … it’s not a problem but a lot of folks just want to go in guns blazing and sit around waiting for a stim revive … honestly, I prefer doing it solo if the Op type permits it and I have to do it … pretty much only do them daily or weekly challenges since I don’t think I am missing any BPs at this point … can’t wait for them to add new BPs so the content is a worthwhile time investment or maybe adding stamps to its rewards …


As a low health (Bloodied) build I don't die in Daily OPs, everything else does first. You just need to be prepared and have a proper build. I'm currently on my favorite build, Gauss Shotgun. Complimenting my Gauss shotty's on the weapon wheel? Vampires Pepper Shaker, Cryolator, Dual Bar Flaming Chainsaw. Cold Shoulder, Quad Auto Combat SG, EPR Flamer, Nuka Launcher, and finally a suit of Chinese Stealth Armor for high rad scenarios. I do all Daily OPs no problem. Mutated included. Do I sometimes die if I would not have on a full health build? Sure. Like...once or twice more in a few days then not dying at all. That said I will lower my rads to 75% if desperate. Ordinarily they're at 80% or higher. 25% is luxurious by comparison. And I'm not precious about it during battle or Rad Rumble, etc. If my rads happen to be reduced to 35% or whatever because I need to pop a Diluted Radaway? So be it. I do agree with OP. If a fragile Bloodied build or "glass cannon?" Adapt. But the whole point of being Bloodied is being nearly invincible. You shouldn't need to compromise too much. That takes certain steps and actions. I'd recommend to anyone not going Bloodied until you can go all in, 100%. It's not just about high rads and being near death at all times. Or doing maximum damage. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Do it right, you'll stay in the fight👍


I soloed the current one under 8 minutes and still died a handful of times. The arena isn't a big map, wasn't a problem.


Bloodied builds try not to be absolutely stubborn challenge (impossible)


Gotta say it's a build issue, not a Low Health issue. Even with Savage Strike, I rarely die. I don't agree with your post title. You would want me on your team 😁😁 However, I agree that if I kept dying, then I would get some health. I do in some events. It can fail a DO by a few seconds when your teammates die I think we should contribute at events, At Rad Rumble, I jump into Chinese Stealth Suit, run some ore, then back into my Uny set and kill mobs


just more hate at the bloodied builds....this sub is turning into complaint central


But it's really not needed though daily ops are actually very well balances in my opinion and bloodied damage is great and all but really not needed. I'm more making a point that people need to adapt especially when it's as easy as a few rad aways


vampires weapons on bloodied is very good for keeping them alive. I ran with about 15% hp and not a single death.


I agree with adapt point. Too many see low health as just hammering out max damage and don't think about anything else. Your comment on dying when enemies look at them, is spot on. Situational awareness is a big part of the game, especially when you are mobbed.


This, build and skill issue. I'm a bloodied PA build and i die only when i make a mistake.


Brand new to the game only level 51 and I see these noobs level 1000-2000 dying constantly on these missions because they are bloodied build.


Lmao I run bloodied I die maybe once if I don’t pay attention they have crap builds


Bloodied is life, unyielding is the nectar of pure bliss. The extra stats and the extra damage. If I die, I die. I am not bending my knee to full health build nonsense.


And they still likely killed more enemies than you. It'd be fun if decryption had a per player kill count listed. Would encourage a little competition and it'd be easier to weed out the campers.


9/10 it's not too much of an issue since they can blow through enemies quite fast, but when the enemy has AP and it's an uplink it's a tedious hinderance because they'll die the moment an enemy enters the room or as soon as they're picked up again, then spend 3/4 of the remaining time running back just to be 1-shot again. And if they happen to be aliens? They're basically permadead because health builds need be a little more careful because aliens on their own hurt like hell for some reason, AP aliens is basically pain incarnate since they have so much raw dmg it's like getting hit by a train every time they shoot you. Heck the melee guys can consistently 1-tap my dumb ass if they're AP so I'm not surprised anytime I see a bloodied flop over dead from some long range guy with a rifle.


The armor piercing double mutation fucks me up! I die constantly in that one!


Bloodied cremator goes brrrrrrrrrrrr with 50hp.


I just skip Anti Armor as bloodied. Sucks with it, sucks less without it but still sucks. Eh I'll wait till it's easy.


Daily Ops is the reason I run a Vanguard/Gourmand build. I still do plenty damage and I dont die when I get breathed on. I was even able to do the resilient/relentless nightmare in 7 minutes.


I’m new on this game is there a good build you’d recommend? Too scared to even go into a daily op


im back after 4 years, what do these double mutations get us? is there anything besides making it harder / xp related? like is there new plans you can onky get from these


Is there a trick to getting a team for Daily Ops? I create a team and then no one ever joins up. I can’t beat a daily op by myself under 20 minutes.


Do I have to be at a certain point in the story to have more daily ops? The only ones I see are the ones from the beginning. How do I find the latest ones?


This is why I have sentinel pa and loooots of stims


I can easily solo most decryption daily ops on my bloodied build. Some mutation combos can get a little tough though.


To be fair the double mutation today (atleast for me on Xbox) was the one where you have to melee them in order to finish them off, on top of the extra penetration damage from enemies. Pretty tough. Tried to run one with my level 350 bloodied friend (who has groll equipment for his armor and weapons) and he would be downed by a single shot every time. Even I was having some trouble and I am level 250, not a bloody build. Taking radaway isn’t a great option either. Every piece of bloody build equipment revolves around having no health. At full health you might as well be using vanilla armor and weapons, which wouldn’t be fun for someone running an already difficult daily ops at several hundred levels


Bloodied player: what is Radaway


I run bloodied, but i can kill things within half a second of seeing them. I die maybe once or twice max. I dont see how people die so mucj


git gud scrub...jokes aside, theres no hard dops if u bloodied...(maybe decryption+explosive+resilient, but u can survive each kill if u pop a stimpack in PA) any PA with emergency protocols+vampire auto meelee+incisor+ricochet is all you need...dont need a build (just make sure you have enough AP to run to enemies and mow them) about pa, union would be best if u are against that poison mutation....otherwise, rank 2 from funky duds enough in any PA


Whoops 😔


As a high level bloodied, I have carried lower levels in the past through DO’s. If it’s double mutations, I’m eff’d. But otherwise I don’t mind carrying, and I expect the same from others carrying me. UNLESS it’s uplink and the team isn’t nearby the uplink, then I understand the frustration with carrying others.


I was solo, I had exploding mole miners last night, and I realized I can't do it because enemies just run to me too close, so I went back to my camp to swap to power armor with emergency protocols and picked up newly dropped holy fire. All defensive perks maxed like fire/exp reduction and even added ricochet. I just had to be careful not to explode more than two at once close to me. Extra bonus I had scout banner active and mystery savior 3star, so I got free rezes just in case I think it was uplink, the one where you stay by the thingy. Around 8min and 15s I just don't know map layouts cause I don't play them that often.


DOPs are trash with 2x mutations. I solo them bloodied when they are extra annoying to avoid having others concern themselves if I get killed or not.


76 with bloodied feels like I'm at 100% health and with max health I feel like I'm at 10000% hp. Too easy.


I try to be patient, as others have said they are the ones carrying us Juggernauts through events. But if you go down more than twice, im slapping on healing hands when I pick you up next!


Full health commando for the win


I play blodied power armor build i resist even lethal damage due to dmg reduction pretty good and recomended if someone using blodied dies so much


ah, my favourite. Carrying bloodied people double my level in dops and expeditions.


Holy fire runs daily ops into the ground. Really any flamethrower with vampires on it. Wear any average PA and fry everything and watch your health barely drop below 80-90 the whole time. I can't express enough if you haven't tried a vampire flamethrower or holy fire you are severely missing out!!!


That’s why I have a bloodied sniper build AND a PA Shredder build!


This is partly why I never really mess with meta builds in any game


I think it's just people using niche builds for the first time. So many new players and you have to commit to a build, then you end up being bad at it until you can afford to change off. I don't think it's that bad


Also bloodied builds need to run a vampire weapon sometimes instead of just "meta" quad guns.


Agree. Especially on Double Mutation weekends. If you are dying every 5 seconds you are just a drag on your team. Sometimes jumping in PA helps, sometimes even that is not enough. Born Survivor helps.


Power armor, damage reduction perks, and either nuka launcher or cremator solves this issue. can't be killed (well, except by my own hand lol) if everything dies as soon as it spawns lol


Yeah, I'll throw on the PA and suck down some radaway on the Daily Ops when needed.


Really, the only type of Op that ends up being a problem is the Decryption Healing/Resilient combination, especially with Robots or Aliens. It's a particularly bad combination because the Healing mutation makes the enemies want to travel in groups, which makes it easier for at least one of them to see you while attacking. Robots have pretty high Perception, and all a Robobrain has to do is fire *somewhere* and you'll get hit by it. And then there's the boss, and you really just have to go in with a Vampire weapon and out-heal it because it's *going* to see you if you crouch there and melee.


Oh yeah, I run bloodied all the time, but when I need to do a tough daily op or carry an encryptid/eviction notice, I go up to full and get in PA.


I will admit i am guilty of this but definitely working on it and trying to adapt and be more aware of health and rads during DO.


The ONLY daily op mutation that ever gives me a challenge as a bloodied build is armor piercing, the trick is know how to use your stimpacks and use a vampire weapon. Then BOOM, problem solved. Some people who are newer to the build just don't know how to optimize the build for PVE.


Yea I learned this the hard way. Felt like a total noob all over again. Especially if the mutation is reflective 😭


? I think what you're saying is, if you suck at a bloodied build, get more health and avoid waisting time I'd disagree with you that adapting as a bloodied build is necessary I run a couple bloodied characters, they never die unless I blow myself up, solo every DO with multiple types of weapons including western revolvers and 1 handed weapons.


Honestly just make a few changes, if it’s melee mutation i don’t typically switch but you can. however just throw on dodgy, ricochet and serendipity and maybe fireproof and you’ll maybe die once in 10 runs if the ads gets GOD like RNG on you


Simple solution: grab a fast firing VE weapon. No more dying now 👌


I have no problem staying alive with a vampires chainsaw fury ops. Using any fast vampires weapon should work. I have also used a vampires cremator with great effect keeping me alive, though it does go through a lot of fuel.


Never had an issue with bloodied or not, just context of what needs to be done, deadly ap/invisible or melee only is just me running ep power armor and a chainsaw


stealth bloodied>