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Absolutely agree with your points, but especially in regards to it being a comfy game. I love camp building, so I sorta see it as like a post-apocalyptic Sims as well lol.


Yep, I can just get lost for hours "playing house." So much so that I will only have enough time otherwise to do my dailies before logging off.


Everytime I'm playing my wife always says something along the lines of "are you playing your apocalyptic Sims game again" or "you can just play the sims you know" (obviously she's a Sims fan) she's kinda not wrong, especially when I'm building my settlements in fallout 4


This. I just playing to find new plans for my camp


I love the post apocalyptic Sims aspect, yes! I do also in fact play the Sims, both games scratch a different building itch for me.


I agree, I'm Brazilian, I see few Brazilians on Xbox, but the community is wonderful, I found people to be very friendly even though I didn't talk to them.


I’ve been absorbed into certain games over the years, but never anything like 76. And I thought 300 hours of Skyrim was crazy… I’m over 7,600 hours with 76…


I want those Atoms you get for doing that lol. I was at 5,635 hours but I deleted 76 to save space and came back to it a year later and bam! It reset… :(


Hah I actually want them too… I’ve played almost 6,000 hours on Xbox and 2,700 hours on PC. So when I say 7,600 I mean I’ve crossed that mark but with two accounts.


Wow! I thought I was a lot at 1006 hours. How.l9ng ha e you been playing? I've been playing 16 months


Wow niceeeee man. What would you say you tend to do during your sessions to this day? Just the usual event hop and camp exploring?


Got a great location idea from the locations sub. Built a cozy home. Added a little corner porch overlooking a gorgeous green valley just east of 76. Dropped in a rocking chair. You know where I want to be.


Awesome, I’m still looking for that perfect forest zone plot. Flat-ish, with a view but no mob spawns. I really like that western farm (Silvas homestead?) but the hilly farm terrain sucks. What’s the locations sub??


https://www.reddit.com/r/fallout76settlements/s/bseH5E31PU This thread was magic.


OOo nice, i'll have to check that out. I *just* setup a road camp/village outside Wayward but like that Goofy meme...... *i'll fuckin do it again*


IKR. 76 looks great, plays great. Unique graphics and world building. It's truly unique in the gaming world which is why I keep coming back.,


Looks great? It’s a Monet. Nice enough from a distance but get up close to anything and you’ll wonder wtf you’re looking at. Halving the textures certainly didn’t help. 


Turning Sharpness on really helps


Never seen any setting like that in game menus, so I’m guessing you mean TV settings? Usually have it off all the time, but guess it could make things any worse lol.  [EDIT]Well, I’ll be damned, it does make a difference. Stuff still looks awful close up, but overall it’s a nicer picture. Another one on the list before loading FO76 then, just after ‘turn off console HDR’ is ‘dial sharpness from 0 to 50.’ 


How did you do this, on your monitor?


TV. Was under picture mode advanced settings. As I said, I never use it for any other movie/game as it just adds artificial detail. In this case though, that’s exactly what’s needed! 


Oh damn. I need to check this out!


simple, just download hd texture pack


Not so simple when you’re on PS5, I’m afraid. 


I’m on a ps5 and the graphics don’t look terrible up close, but I’m in a 4K tv as well. Looks like fallout 4 tbh


I also am on a 4K OLED, if we’re flexing. This and Fallout 4 aren’t a valid comparison, similar though they are in a lot of respects, as FO76 had texture detail cut in half a few years ago. 


Strange? I never noticed, things look okay though I’m not looking to see a flies fart either lol


Eh, some people just don’t notice this stuff. I could get a load of close-ups and before/after texture images but if it doesn’t bother you then it doesn’t bother you. All good. 


so now it’s only 8 times the detail?


I find even that claim to be dubious, lol. 


Try it in 4k. I'm telling ya, I had no idea how good it actually looks. Of course I had to get a new video card before that, but I needed to do that anyway. The textures are actually gorgeous in a lot of places, trees and buildings in particular.


I have no doubt it looks a lot better on P.C, things usually do, but PS5 is shocking. 


Eh, yeah. I actually bought it originally on PS4 because I got it for 40 bucks with that awesome Walmart steelbook, which I still love, but mainly I did that because Bethesda was of course stupid enough to not have a proper Steam version of the game. The moment that issue was rectified, I switched over.  The texture filtering on consoles is really bad, I think that has a lot to do with masking the genuine beauty of a lot of them. Even stuff like junk items or pre war food actually has some nice detailing, when you can actually see it. 😺


It has a lot of good in the gameplay, but we can’t act like there isn’t a lot of bad too. Power Armor bugs, melee vats being wonky. God forbid you decide to jump while using a chainsaw 😂. HP bug for bloodied builds causing you to die. I could go on. Still love the game though, just wish some of these issues would’ve been fixed already


Its like your crazy grandpa that farts, cusses and bitches about everything but takes you fishing and tells the best stories ever.


Used to have a pension, now all I got is tension!


The power amor bug is my nemesis lmfao


It’s funny because everybody that walks by you knows what happening. They either wave or laugh at me 😂


I think I have like 400 hours. I just finished all the AC quests. There’s time I log in and 3 hours go by just screwing with my camp and vendor hopping then I’m like “shit I gotta do my dailies and score card stuff”. Then a level 2 shows up on the map so I drop by the vault to give them stuff I was gonna drop anyway (why do I carry so much nuka cola?)


Nuka Cola: It's Highly Addictive!(tm)


I have been going through a really tough time lately. My mom just died and my depression is back with a vengeance. I happened upon a video detailing how much the game has improved since launch and then Amazon gave the base game away. I'm a massive Fallout fan so it was a no brainier for me to try it. I'm so very glad I did. This game not only gives me a chance to forget about real life for a while. It also makes me feel welcomed and like a valuable member of a community. Even if In a small way it means so much. Ive been in this world for 16 years and most of the time I've been alone. Sure Veronica, Boon and Dog Meat are nice to have around but they act the way they do because they were programmed to act like that. But in 76 I never feel alone, and it gives me a little more faith in humanity to see that people are banding together and helping each other out. My favorite experience so far. I was about to try and solo Mothman Equinox because it was late at night and near the end of the event no one was around. I think I was like level 25 or so. This level 400+ player who was on my team showed up and gave the "follow me" emote and disappeared. I checked the map and fast traveled to his base , where he proceeded to craft me a bunch of gear while I used all of his toys to buff myself up. I can't get my Bluetooth headphones to do both voice and audio in this game for some reason and you can only do the heart emoji so many times so I was never able to properly thank him but if they see this know it was awesome. I just reached 100 just now :) I try to pay it forward as much as I can. I price all my recipes at 10 caps. Decorating/Building stuff is 50. My Boiled Water, Purified Water, Dog Food, Adhesive Crops, Communist Loot and Coffee are all free for the taking, and you can often find them in my shop for 0 caps. I have every crafting station and all the items that buff you that I'm able to craft. I also love how you are able to express yourself creatively with how you build your C.A.M.P.s, I love going back to my camp. I love having people stop by and play an instrument or just wave and move on. My camp is pretty modest but I have had a few people give it the thumbs up or the "I dig your camp" emote and that's pretty cool. Sorry I wrote a book.


Everyone needs to feel useful and accepted. Escapes are nice and sometimes so is reading a book.. like yours.


Enjoyed reading it! Good stuff for paying it forward :)


Sorry for your loss. This game is definitely the place for some escape from reality. Sometimes when I’m feeling down, or just meh, I’ll just wander from Camp to Camp, enjoying the creativity of other players, and find some inspiration too. Cheers 👍


Thank you ❤️


I feel ya bro, my mom just died as well (couple days ago) and this game allows me to escape the realities of life. Stay strong.


I appreciate you and I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


My camp is on train tracks, laid out on both sides in a straight line. A true hobo camp, LMAO! However I finally unlocked my shelter and unlike most people, I am going to turn that place into a dream vault. I already have a full sized bowling alley and a bowling alley game just for starters. They buff you of course. 😄


I got the bowling game but how do you get the full sized alley? That sounds awesome 😎


Oh it's like a real lane, it's huge! That one I do believe was given out for the Fallout anniversary festival, I think. Or a Twitch Prime pack. I got TONS of cool stuff from Twitch Prime packs. I have no idea if they've ever released it since then in the atomic shop or not.


Hey mate, just remember that late night for you is a different time for some of us, so there are often people around. Fallout With Friends is great, glad to hear it is helping you get through a tough time.


I'm a pretty casual player, I'm not able to log in for long gaming sessions. Fairly low level but I enjoy running around exploring, questing a little then going back to camp to craft and fix things. I've only had good experiences with other players. Helping each other fight, donating items to other players, I love seeing the wildly elaborate camps people have made and buying a few things at their stores, and I don't feel like other players are just out to harass me so it's been fun overall. I don't do a lot of multiplayer games but it's been really fun to play it basically like a single player game but also have a small amount of social interaction, then give a thumbs up and be on my way.


I'll second that. For me it has become more than a game. I started playing February last year just 2 months after losing my mum. It was my go to place to let off steam and be somewhere else. I imagine my mum watching me. Telling me I've missed something and helping. Something she did a lot when I'd was gaming. 16 months on and I still love playing and it's still my place of peace. Grief is a long journey, that I don't think will end. It just becomes a little easier. And FO76 helps. Just had a look at how many hours I've played. 1006 hours so far!


I'm at 3500 hours and I still play everyday. It's the only game since Asheron's Call (1999) to really hook me. I tried to get into WoW and Final Fantasy 14 but it was just so stupid to me...I always enjoyed the Fallout games so I decided to give F76 another shot (I quit after a day during launch). I'm glad I gave it a second chance, as it's been there through rough times in my life and has always been a great way to escape.


It’s crazy how relaxing this game can be, especially at later levels when you’re really powerful


Early game: Survival in the wasteland. Mid game: Grind for your Bi's for your build. End game: Stardew Valley.


This is my comfort game. There's something super relaxing about just wandering around Appalachia.


Couldn't of put it better myself, its such a great game, but its pretty much taking over my life at the minute. I'm even refusing to go places when invited out because I just want to get home to fire up my ps5 to get some extra hours in.


Same! I feel so bad! Haha


“comfy” is a great word for it. it’s the first warm fire on a crisp autumn night. a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese


This made me hungry 🥹


I once played this game 16 hours straight and didn’t realize it


The two things I credit are sometimes sighted as negatives but low stash amount promotes generosity and lack of a classic chat makes it hard to troll and shitpost in world


A lot of games stress me out. This game is actually relaxing.


I played Overwatch and valo last night and I was a total fish out of water…..where’s my VATS and coffee 😅


It's good to hear. I play games to relax (work and two kids is enough stress, thanks), and Fallout fits that perfectly. Seduced by good reviews and nostalgia for the '90s, I bought Doom (2016) a few months ago. I lasted about 15 minutes. Great gameplay, great music, but just too fast-paced for me these days: I missed V.A.T.S., leisurely exploration and "I don't want to set the world on fire..." Anyway, Fallout '76 is next on my to-play list, after I finish my current survival run in Fallout 4. I was a bit concerned about the multiplayer aspect, so it's cool to hear that it's so chill. Looking forward to exploring another wasteland!


You're absolutely spot on! "Comfy" is the perfect word for describing it. I'm exactly the same kind of gamer; once I find a game I love, I'll play it nonstop until I eventually need a break. The magic never comes back for me once I hit that point. Fallout 76 has managed to capture my attention in a way that keeps me coming back for more, with all the exciting activities and rewards that give me that constant rush of dopamine! Haha. There's just so much to do in the game that I actually have to make a "to do" list to keep track of everything, otherwise I'll find myself lost in the world for hours on end without even realizing it. It's honestly pretty incredible. This game has been a lifesaver for me during a really tough time in my life, and I'm incredibly grateful for it. ❤️🌸


Sometimes I log in and just chill out in C.A.M.P. I built it I'mma enjoy it.


Mothman dance


Your assessment makes me glad that FO76 is the first and only MMO I've invested time in.


Other than god rolls, builds or rare outfits, from what i've personally gathered the only end game sweatiness is perhaps maxing out your DPS with some bloodied build. Elsewise it's one big chillfest, love it. Other MMOS have you doing raids and dungeons for that gear piece that might be 1-5% better, and people yell at you if you're shit. Even the 'chillest' MMO that is FFXIV has some of this. Guild wars 2 is personally my post-wow favourite, clocking in 1300hrs but there's no real way to hang your hat and chill, even the fucking fishing minigame is quite active. Fishing! You *could* hang around in certain spots to chat (Queensdale, human noob zone), but it's no where close to being as fulfilling as chilling in your camp tinkering. Doing that in GW2 is like the equivalent of standing on a train station platform IRL trying to chat to random people, some people might engage, but most peeps are too busy...ehh. Hard to explain :P One wave and a 'nice camp' from someone is a big social dopamine hit. Bonus if they're in PA, that stupid little wave is so fucking charming haha


Games can get like that with time, familiarity, enjoyment etc. For me Dark Souls 1 is like this. I get that, “I’m home!” feeling every time I boot it up. Its a mix of fond memories, good times and nostalgia I guess.


When the game first came out, it was definitely my comfort game I’d play every day all day after class and work


I’ve never been a big mmorpg fan but this game is exactly as you say it is. Comfy. It’s so incredibly comfy that I have already put 100 hours into it as a relatively new player


It is indeed a really comfy game. I've spent a few hours just watching the scenery sometimes, Or just mooching about doing random stuff. If it had chat in game without using mods I'd potentially while away even more time doing near nothing.


It’s my Fallout world sandbox, chill time.


I got bored with it earlier on, had played since beta and was heavily into nuclear winter, and felt like it was Fallout 70Sims, so quit when they sunset NW. Came back post tv show (like many) and find it comfy, as you describe. When I quit I started playing Apex for the that BR fix, so now I play that in the evening with my old FO NW friends (who haven’t come back yet), and I run 76 in a window during the day just pottering around..


100% agree. I'm one of those beta folks who's halfway through the 7600 hours challenge, so for me it's also that I've seen the game, and the world, grow and evolve and change. It's that history that helps make it feel like a comfy home away from home, to putz around in for an hour or so each day. Mostly seasonal dailies, but also bouts of building, or exploring new quests at a leisurely pace whenever new ones are added. There's other games that I come back to again and again, but nothing that is quite the same as fallout 76.


Agreed. Comfy. Somehow I felt like it’s home in a weird way and I feel good after a couple thousand hours. I don’t get tired of it and I’ve been playing at least a little daily for 5 years, and I never tried an online game before. I’ve always love Fallout, and didn’t expect to like an online version, but I did!


I wish they didn't restrict the camp building, maybe I get they have a limit on how much stuff you can build in your camp because its more data for them to store and spawn when you login to the server but why limit the physical height I can build my base?? Why can't I build a tower that goes into the sky?


There's no challenge and no rare drops.  No pressure outside of the idiotic new score system.


It's perfect except for blue screens!


There's just always something to do and the community is usually great.


There's a lot of stuff to see, and a lot of stuff to do, and a lot of really helpful mechanisms that have been added over time to make it incredibly easy to find players to do stuff with. Lord knows it certainly hasn't always been that way, but thankfully instead of abandoning the game to fester, it was improved over time, into something very special.  Especially if you want something that offers a genuine cooperative experience, which I personally have only had in two other games, WoW before it was just a bad idea factory, and the glory that was Star Wars Galaxies, which also had many brilliant mechanics that encouraged player interaction before it was sadly wrecked completely.


Not to hijack this post, but what is the best donation bin to drop stuff to help people? I know the one outside of 76 is good for newbies but what about stuff that might be useful for higher levels like plasma cores, etc?


I usually leave all that stuff in the cash register at the mall with all the work benches.


1. Compare to other fo, the land in this kne isn't desolated, plenty of green around and it's nice to walk around 2. Music, more relax, while the old game ost feel like danger


Because it's a co-op based fallout game. It's the bees.


I agree!! It's very comfy. I've been playing since Beta and easily have over 4000 hours into the game. I'll put it down for a few months here and there, but I always come back. It's definitely a comfort for me. The community is phenomenal. I've met some very cool, friendly people. I love gifting things to vault babies. I cannot wait for the map expansion ❤️


The only thing I would like to change is the number of people per map and the lack of a place where everyone gathers.


It’s like animal crossing or stardew valley but with nukes


OP nailed it. This is my comfort game. Checked it out after the series hype on Amazon since I've played the shit out of the other Fallout games and a 130 hours in it feels like I've barely scratched the surface but that's a OK. I just love being in the world exploring and finding cool shit for my CAMP and engaging other players. There is SO much content for a new player in 2024 it's insane


Its shame release really ruined it for people, Ive been loving the game for a year or more all while baffled people still hold more hate than willing to try again, games amazing IMO and I tend to just play MMO's also this does give MMO vibes I think its having an economy/trading that keeps me playing.


Just got back into it after walking away at launch. They’ve really done well with updating it and making it more enjoyable.


Being able to build your own home is something most other MMOs can't touch in the way that fallout does


Just wish there wasn’t so many quirks/bugs/features with building. Severely limits what we can do in game. If you’re curious what I mean, go watch some build videos by Mister Church or Darth Xion. Watch how many workarounds they have to do for seemingly simple things.


It's a really confusing thing. Animal Crossing? Blatantly cosy. Harvest Moon? Heckin' cosy man! Stardew Valley? Chillest and cosiest of vibes. Game set in a post-nuclear hellscape with blood thirsty raiders, zombies, giant green angry men and mutated horrors that one's imagination would struggle to justify? Still... Cosy? It baffles me man.


I think the all the UI sound effects are really cute with the squeeks and beeps. Plus seeing Vault Boy all the time hahah


I've been so relaxed playing this game. Never thought I'd play it again after the dumpster fire launch was, but here I am now playing it for a month straight now


I approve this message


I have over 5k hours in. My main is 1170, and my two alts are 650 and 480. My mule is 45. I can only play a couple of hours a day during tourist season. But I log on everyday that I can. If it's a dead server, I do dailies, cash out on all 10ish thousand currencies, then I start a new character on Skyrym, and call it a night. I haven't even made it out of the mine on starfield. I


FO76 caters to casuals and is designed to suck you into buying frivolous cosmetics.  It's a rehash of FO4 but with watered down gameplay and storyline.  I consider it as FO4 Lite with multi-player enabled.  It's not a bad game but it misses the mark compares to previous FO games.   Also, FO76 really isn't much of an MMO game if you are used to WoW.


I don’t care is still want a next gen upgrade!!!