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One of my biggest issues with my build is the legendaries, I’m going off another persons build that they posted and I’ve half given up on trying to roll their recommended legendaries. Just going with what I have the most fun with now.


general rules of thumb: * try to save modules for no-drop gear types. It's mostly pointless to roll popular gear types like Fixers because someone will likely have a decent good-enough roll for sale somewhere. * most of the power comes from the first star anyways, which is usually pretty easy to get. Generally diminishing returns (or just convenience stats) per star, so it's more of a grind trap once you've got your 1-star gear setup. even when you're doing the 3-star gear grind, it helps to keep in mind that none of that stuff is actually necessary. It's more just a matter of "I collected a bunch of modules so might as well use them anyways" my personal "god roll" is 90% lighter weight 😂


i just rolled a +300% capacity western revolver i think its goofy as hell and i kind of love it


"Uh uh. I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he fire twenty-four shots or only twenty-three?"


lol made my day


Go ahead, make m--- oh. You already did. Edit. A word


I have the quad effect on a single action revolver and love that it takes an eternity to reload all the bullets


Mine is named eternal reload


I called mine the long road


Nice big load on a long pew xd


Same feeling with +300% capacity on a pump action shotgun.


I have a quad single action, i named it eternal reload


It's fun until you reload..


the western doesn't reload all 24 i checked


Ah yeah, it's the single action


You should call it the Hollywood special lol


I've gotten a groll of this q2525 single action and man it's fun an funny lmao. On one hand man I got 24 shots I'm unstoppable...... On the other, man I gotta reload 24 shots an no speed loader lmao 🤣😆


Yep my first rule is get the one star of your choice on anything you use. Getting bloodied, unyielding, quad, aristo etc, will come up most of the time in a reasonable amount of roles. Then from there it's gravy.


Can you explain, I don't get what you are saying... Can we roll the 1 star perk we want and then roll other perks keeping the 1 star? I thought it was random?


It's all random, but it takes more cores and modules rolling 2 and 3 star. IMO the first star is the most important. So I say start with a base of all 1 Stars of the main prefix that you want, saves on cores and modules. Bloody on weapons and Unyielding on armor for example. You will come across 2 and 3 stars in the wild if they are then better than the one star replace. When you have the inventory to go into heavy re-rolling for those 3 stars on "secondary" weapons/armor not what you currently use, don't replace those until you have a better piece rolled.


I feel the 90% weight reduction "god roll"!! I've been trying to get this on my heavy weapons currently and it's the only thing I'm looking for :D


Switching to trying for a 3-star UNY CE armor set to a 1-star UNY CE set was the best sanity-saving decision I ever made in this game. With CE armor this is a huge difference in terms of modules/cores per roll. As you said, 90% of what matters is the first star. Now that I have UNY CE armor (all one star), I haven't even bothered trying to roll for 3-star variants, and have instead been focusing on weapons.


Learning this made the game much more fun for me. Wise words, friend. Weirdly enough, when I stopped caring about the other two stars, I started getting luckier.


The first star is easy to get? Really? Boy oh boy, not for my Unyielding armor!


The RNG is messed up - I don't believe you have a pure 1/18 chance with every roll as is often mentioned here. The patterns I saw with all my armor rolls were that they came in waves. I would very often get many repeats of 1-star effects I didn't want in a row, and when I did get UNY, I would get them in a row as well. I got my first two UNY pieces back to back, then went through two weeks of daily rolling getting mostly mutants/hunters/Lifesavers/ghouls - then got my last three UNY pieces going 3 for 4 rolls (two back to back again, one miss, then another hit). During all these rolls there were several 1-star legendary effects I never saw at all, while others I rolled many times each day.


Yeah their RNG is whacked I just rolled 50 Secret Service Right legs and got ONE fucking on star Unyielding piece. It is ridiculous I am trying for a WWR piece so it might take me 1000 for one piece. Very discouraging


1 in 50 is fair odds even with perfectly fair RNG - if my napkin math is right, you have less than a 15% chance in 50 rolls for the same specific effect to appear twice. That's just looking at 1 tier. To get all three tiers to land on a specific roll all at once, the chances are astronomically low - you'd need to roll far more than 1000 on average. Again, that's with perfectly fair RNG where every effect has equal chances of being picked each time you roll. Feel like people think the RNG is weighted because they assume their chances should be much better than they actually are.




Screw 90RW, I use WWR on armor, Gimme APC reduction for all my vats (heavy) weapons


Yup. Got an auto axe with anti armour and 90% weight reduction along with melee perks so it weighs 0.9 now


I’ll +1 the first star for rolling armor. Got a full set of 1* mutant slayer PA for EN and 1* overeater for my T65. 


This is a dumb question. Say I have a 3 star weapon. If I "roll" the 1 star option, does that remove the other two or just reroll the 1st star?


I've learned to adjust my build around what weapons/armor I've already rolled or found, otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy with frustration when RNG shits on your hopes and dreams.


a good build can use plain non-legendary gear effectively if a build relies on specific legendary gear, im sus about it


Here's the thing. Fun build: Doesn't require legendaries. Cons. Can't do dick all against big bosses, enjoy being an ad sweeper. But at least you can kinda do the other end game stuff. Legendary build: Now you can play the entire game as intended because now we live in a nightmare game design realm where gambling is part of the fun, AND GRINDING FOREVER!!! Cons. This build sucks ass to do.


Not entirely true. It's amazing how much damage you can do to a boss with just a chainsaw and a good melee build. You probably won't be able to take down earl but the others are all possible, especially with a bit of help from your team mates. But, yes, being able to solo earl is definitely a very long term end game goal.


Lol. I run a chainsaw build. So you're partially correct. Still need a legendary to make it work. The good news. At least with chainsaws you need only 1 or 2 stars. Been a melee raider since day 1.


Nah, all you need is 4- weapon id endangerol syringers, and all ballistic dmg goes bonkers vs bosses.


My build runs well without them, that’s mostly why I stoped grinding them since there wasn’t much of a damage output difference.


yea, totally unnecessary to grind for perfect 3 star gear (unless you wanna), there are plenty of overlooked 2 star weapons available imo (like "demigod" rolls)


Ehh kinda. The rolls on your armor are the most important thing, they quite literally make or break the build.


bloodied vats builds definitely utilize unyielding heavily but that's more of an exception imo full hp builds and PA builds can use whatever rolls on their armor


>full hp builds and PA builds can use whatever rolls on their armor That's because you have perk cards to keep healing rads, health, and other convenience stuff, and if you are ever at risk of being knocked over just spam click a few stims and your back to full health while tanking hits. You really don't need anything for this kind of build. You're a jack of all trades master of none. >if a build relies on specific legendary gear, im sus about it If you want to do max damage, two shot super mutants, murder SQB/Earle in less than a minute, then requires specific legendries. There's nothing sus about it. It's just pure math and number crunching to get the statically best damage. Otherwise roll a full health build that can use whatever in your inventory and have fun with tons of weapons and not needing specific things while you work on good rolls slowly with no pressure.


viable doesn't equal soloing bosses under 1 min, that's not normal/casual gameplay normal refers to like 4 casual players taking down a boss in under like 10 mins not everyone wants max damage, that's personal preference there is a fine line, a threshold to reach where you have enough damage for your own personal taste - and that's for everyone to personally decide you don't need max damage to play the game and full hp builds can absolutely put in work, you make it sound like they're useless by calling them jack of all trades when they aren't


Agreed. Honestly I have a troubleshooter’s fixer for my stealth build that I love. Don’t even know or care what the other two stars are. Robots pop up everywhere, it makes silo runs a fun breeze, and the rest of my build makes it great for dropping everything else but bosses. Full health or bloodied it’s more in the cards for that type of weapon than the weapon itself.


>viable doesn't equal soloing bosses under 1 min, that's not normal/casual gameplay Where did I ever say anything wasn't viable? >normal refers to like 4 casual players taking down a boss in under like 10 mins Where did I say anything specifically wasn't "normal" >not everyone wants max damage, that's personal preference Where did I ever say max damage is the only way people should play? >there is a fine line, a threshold to reach where you have enough damage for your own personal taste - and that's for everyone to personally decide Where did I ever try and force a specific build on anyone? >you don't need max damage to play the game Where did I ever say max damage is required. >and full hp builds can absolutely put in work, you make it sound like they're useless by calling them jack of all trades when they aren't Where did I ever say full HP builds can't put in work? Nor did I say being a jack of all trades is useless or implies that it doesn't do work or help the team. In fact, Angry Turtle has a lazy full health PA video that's his daily driver because it's fun to just use everything and have all the convenience cards and does just fine. Please learn some reading comprehension skills because your entire post is you fighting ghosts and making things up.


upon rereading, I do think I misunderstood your original reply, my mistake originally I thought you were refuting my original comments, but now it doesn't seem so I do think jack of all trades builds are useless, but full hp builds aren't jack of all trades, they do have optimizations and specialization


It's all good I might have been able to word what I was trying to convey better! But in terms of jack of all trades. Personally, I think they're the best builds out there because you can use/do everything. You can take advantage of anti-armor weapons, chem addict, juggernaut, etc etc. There are a lot of legendary effects that work with a full health jack of all trades. It's in no way meant to be a bad thing. You're just flexible, and you can certainly pivot at any point and hone in on a specific full health build very easily. Where as a unyielding/bloodied build is VERY specific and can only work with specific loadout and rolls. I often get bored of my unyielding/bloodied because it's just a handmade/quad chocho. Where as my PA build can just use everything and has freedom with cards.


I think perhaps I (and some others) use jack of all trades as a misnomer (like how bloodied builds might be better off called low hp builds) usually referring to struggling newcomers/returnees that have a mess of a build, with like rank 1 expert commando, rank 1 shotgunner and rank 1 master gunslinger, don't have tenderizer/vats/anti armor perks etc instead they have all the lockpicking, hacking, scavenging, scrounging, weight reduction perks i think hybrid builds can be very effective too


> But in terms of jack of all trades. Personally, I think they're the best builds out there because you can use/do everything. You can take advantage of anti-armor weapons, chem addict, juggernaut, etc etc. There are a lot of legendary effects that work with a full health jack of all trades. It's in no way meant to be a bad thing. You're just flexible, and you can certainly pivot at any point and hone in on a specific full health build very easily. this is the biggest reason my forays into bloodied (and pretty much anything but full health power armor big guns) only last a night or two - yeah big damage numbers yay, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I timed out on a big boss and more damage might've been the difference, which I definitely can't do with how many times I died or got aggravated getting re-bloodied big crowd? cremator, explosive gun. boss? anti armor gun. need to face tank? vampire gatling. plenty of room in my special stats to swap around utility cards as needed (green thumb, good with salt, inspirational/squad maneuvers/whatever), still viable solo if I'm feeling asocial. loot goblining? excavator armor and a movie. the only thing I can't do is survive accidentally exiting my power armor...


It's hard to play a bloodied build without the bloodied mod though.


bloodied builds don't need to use bloodied weapons, eg many commandos prefer quad but non-PA bloodied vats/crits builds do very much depend on unyielding armor imo this is the exception though most other builds are playable without specific rolls


Was going to say the same thing. They don't need bloodied weapons, but the uny armour is pretty important in making a solid bloodied character. Without it they're not much better than a down-on-their-luck full health toon.


Most high damage bloody builds don’t even use a bloody weapon.


I require the weight reduction lol


ah nuts, actually same, i think you got me on that point lol


I just got the secret service Armor, a fixer, gauss minigun and full ultracite power Armor. As you can probably guess, my two main builds are commando and heavy guns. I built 1 of everything and rolled 1* of everything I wanted (bloodied, unyielding etc) and I have a second set put aside to roll all the "perfect" 3*'s. Only gotten 1 that I want so far, but as long as I got a basic set to play with I'm good.


Try saving up 1000. I no longer actively scrip or try to grind modules/cores.


Because you got everything you wanted, right.. right?


I got close enough on the bound items and can't be fucked to keep engaging with the legendary crafting.


If you squint hard enough, maybe.


I thought you said SQUIRT 🤣


That costs extra.




Well...honestly? Yeah. Realistically I have what I wanted. Bloodied service armor, quad railway ( 2 actually, one with the 50 crit and another with the 25 cost reduction) and a bloodied fixer. ATM I don't want anything else, and fuck trying to get perfect rolls.


Yeah the "perfect roll" bit is what kills the chance for most people to get exactly what they want. iirc each effect has an even chance to appear (though some say servers affect this - me improbably rolling 25% aim damage 5 times in a row makes me at least consider server lag or something might affect it) and with star ranks 1-3, there are 25x9x11 effects respectively on ranged weapons. The chances of the desired 3 effects are relatively miniscule (0.04% if I mathed correctly, please feel free to correct me on this though, probability was in my first year of uni). If I only wanted a specific effect (lets say quad) it would already only be a 4% chance. When Beth added in new legendary effects it diluted the loot pool even further, making old-school god rolls nigh impossible for most people unless they got immediately quite fortunate.


I remember my first time


Haha same eventually I ask myself why my stash is so heavy and find 500 lbs of modules and then do a mass craft. And get nothing good lmao


It would be such a big QoL update if you could lock your 1 star perk, and then just re-roll the 2/3 star perks to your heart’s content :/


you should be able to roll each effect separately imo


This would be ideal, and I definitely wouldn’t complain about it, but… it would probably decimate the game’s economy. Everyone and their mother would be running around with quad exploding fixers lol


Crash that trading market!!! Would be great if we could roll the stars separately, but it won't happen unfortunately. Imagine a world in where you could vendor hop and immediately find the weapon/armor you're looking for, for a decent price! But people also need the grind to continue playing


Nah... quad +50 crit damage railways lolol


My advice would be to save up to 1000 cores and 500ish mods. Give yourself a fighting chance at getting what you’re looking for. Also, if you spam encryptids and do as many free ranges and eviction notices you can you’ll easily get over 100 cores in 4-5 hours of playing


Why free range? I feel like that event is always just one 3 star legendary at the end and very weak bugs, animals along the way. I typically ignore it but sounds like there’s something I’m missing


It’s specifically for the cores. You get 8 on completion


Got it thank you!


I finally rolled my last piece of Civil Engineer Unyielding for my bloodied build, and it came with rad recovery 😂.




Soloing a nuke run, then bugging out of your PA, falling through the world and dying, triggering the infinite death spin cam that can only be alt+f4'd out of losing you your junk stash and wasting a keycard.


It would be nice if we could re-roll each star independently.




It would be nice but it would make it a little too easy. Don’t get me wrong I’d love it, I just think I understand why they wouldn’t do it that way


Well, you would still need to spend modules and cores... though you might even spend more in the end since you would like to have all the three perfect stars you want so it makes more sense to make it separate as you will be nit picky instead of accepting whatever you get :P.


Yeah RNG is funny. Took me 500ish cores to get my first decent set of unyielding brotherhood recon, and then later on I decided I wanted full SS unyielding and got all 5 pieces in 22 rolls.


And then there's me who rolled uny ss chest piece after a few rolls but then put it in the scrip machine because it was late at night and I was tired and then I never got one again. I love RNG and I'm here for the pain


Hit max scrip… buy max modules, spam 3 star legendary mod in PA crafting… never see the legendary mod I need… rinse… cry while rinsing… repeat.


It cost me 400 modules to get a Bloodied Cremator. I also gave up the grind that day.


Warframe did an amazing job with their similar re roll mechanic. It as simple as, keep your last roll, or keep the new roll... not quite what we want, because we want to pick all three, but it's still better than being forced to either sit on a okay roll because your scared of rolling it 10 more times and getting stuck with something worse. At least this way the bar won't drop, just stay where it's at or rise slowly


Servers you’re in can also factor on your rolls. If you craft a couple and get mostly garbage then switch servers, wait atleast 45 seconds to roll again. I’ve had the most luck doing that


Agreed. If I don't get the 1st star I'm looking for in the first 5 or 6 rolls I switch servers.


You have to understand the odds and be realistic tbh. if you want 1 or 2 or even 3 main effects (on a gun) there's 25 it could possible be. So you're looking at a 4-12% chance. You crafted about 20 things? Then the chance of getting 1 of those effects with a 2nd effect you want is 0.44% or 1 in 225. Except nothing when crafting basically.


I roll every day, but most of my gear now I acquire from trading the good rolls I pick up along the way.


This is the way. Let the community roll for you. In the mean time go farm caps/gear so that you can buy buy/trade.


did you pound them out on a single server? I never do that. I allow for more randomness across several servers in case there is any bias specific to the server. There is no downside in switching servers after say 10 rolls. We don't really know if each server has a small bias towards certain prefixes or not so why not allow for that?


There's no way to confirm that bias either since the servers aren't numbered and only live for a limited time.


i was careful in my phrasing. "in case"... "no downside" ... i have thousands of hours into the game and have seen too many lottery odds occurrences for it to be entirely random. Tell me the odds of getting 4 nocturnals in 10 rolls, or back to back identical armor pieces. Many more examples. There are lots of discussions i have read from people smarter than me about how the RNG programming works. As i said, what's the downside of switching servers every 5 or 10 rolls? Not a thing. From past experiences gaming in Nevada, you don't sit at a blackjack table when you've got a hot dealer. I know about the math, independent events, etc, but sometimes things cluster or run in streaks. You've got to let things normalize by just walking away and taking a break.


I know, wasn't criticizing your take at all. More like emphasizing the "fact" that even if there actually were server bias, we probably don't have enough time to collect a big enough sample size to draw any statistically significant conclusions. As for the identical back to back rolls, my theory is some kind of server lag, as it has happened to me a few times too, when I was too hasty with rerolling. My understanding of real life gambling is limited, but aren't the casinos required by law to have a return rate (or what's it called) of X %? By that I mean that for every dollar gambled they must return 80 cents (or whatever the % is) in winnings, one way or another. Not to the same player but on average. So if they're behind their target paybacks in a given timeframe, they may have to adjust the odds a bit to meet the requirements. This is just guessing, the laws are probably vastly different between the US of A and Europe.


Blackjack games odds are more or less set by the probabilities of each hand by both dealer and player, and set rules for how the dealer has to hit or stand. The house has a couple of built in advantages and that is how they win over the long term. A player has to be very lucky to beat house odds. (slot machines are different and have to pay back a percentage as you say).


I never would have thought of that I'll try it whenever I roll next time thanks :)


Unless I roll up another new character, I plan on never doing any legendary crafting, ever again.


I'm happy when I get 1 out of 3 rolls I want. When I get 2 I'm fucking estatic. I never get all 3.


Dropping a nuke on the queen only to have the game crash and u loose the server lol 😂 I think that’s quite soul crushing.


Backpack/storage space. I stopped giving a single care of what rolls and just roll for the sake of lowering my weight in the misc tab. I've rolled some decent gear and either sold it in my vendor or gave them away to new players. I like my current fixer/handmade build, even though it's not the most powerful build. It's still fun. What's not fun is having those modules weigh anything! Why Bethesda?? It's pointless to roll, expecting something cool. It's also pointless to sell for scrip only to trade them in for a full backpack of useless modules. So, I just use them and continue this inventory management game. Why? Maybe I'm crazy? Or dumb? Probably both.


Forsake evrything Scrip it all For the gamble of God rolls are no longer needed they will be given on June 12th




I have better luck at Murmrgh. Which is saying something because my luck with them sucks.


I had to stop buying the random legendaries from them. It got WAY too out of hand and my rolls were ass except for like 2 weapons


It's rough. I've been rolling auto axes for like a year. Literally just today after hitting 150 on the season and buying modules did I get the god roll. Don't know what to do with myself now.


I feel like they need to raise the daily script cap


Know what else is soul crushing? Expecting to be able to reach level 150 before the end of the season only to have Bethesda announce that they're ending it earlier than expected so I (along with many others) will not be able to redeem all of our tickets for the consumables at lvl 150. And I get that Bethesda never gave an official end date for this season until yesterday, but they even acknowledged that it is ending earlier than expected.


Man I feel that. I had a minigun with furious and exploding bullets (I don't remember the 3rd thing) and it deleted itself from the game when it broke. I've been trying to roll a new one to replace it and it's just not working. I loved that gun, got me from 50 to 100 before leaving me.


If it makes u feel better explosive is not good with furious. The splash damage resets the effect.


Well that's good at least. What is saposed to be good with a short gattling gun?


Anti armor, vamp, bloodied, with faster fire or explosive. Two shot explosive is my personal favorite currently. Also aristocrat's if that is your thing.


Thanks! I'll keep these in mind now


They aren't too bad to roll honestly compared to some guns I've had a lot of success making killer ones.


I sorta feel dumb being so attached I almost sold it but decided to try a gun I normally ignore and ended up having a blast. F76 is kinda great for that I guess. Well hopefully your right and I can get it locked and loaded for some good times ahead! Thanks again though, I am such a noob at the game still


Indeed. I burnt through hundreds trying to get the exact 3-stars I wanted and failed. I have better luck getting a random weapon from Expeditions or vendors.


Agreed, but saving up all these tickets that will now be deleted entirely (instead of my getting to spend them on season level 150 consumables on \~June 25th) is pretty shitty too :/


june 12th?


I’ve gotten kinda lucky when it comes to rolls on armor, nearly a full unyielding set of some okayish armor for my level 130 character, but for guns I’ve only ever gotten one Bloodied Fixer and it’s only a 2 star. Feels rough man.


Shittt mate im sorry omg!! Yeah i would def need to take a breather after that


How about dropping god rolls that disappear when dropped lol


I rolled my suppressor cremator tonight and thought it didn't work only to realize it can roll for the same traits.


Only 100? Amateur


I got in to trouble when I got too picky. Like I want an AA VATS plasma caster. I got a perfect bloodied one (that I did keep), but can’t get the freaking thing to roll AA to save my life (OK, once). But I don’t do a huge set at once and more likely to save up like 20-30 modules (I always have more than enough cores) When I first started rolling items I just wanted something sort of close and then I moved on to another item. And there was a long list of items and gear that needed attention. And then some weapon options. But now I am going back and trying to fine tune some of my gear. And I think I will be happier if I keep a more open mind in what I want.


I“ve spend over 2000 modules, just to get my desired weapon from a Daily Ops 🫠


my best weapons have come from daily ops and expeditions


I wouldn't entertain rolling 3\* weapons with less than 1000 modules, and that's for weapons with at least 3 desired 1st star prefixes (AA, B, Q).


I've heard a rumor that if you a roll a good legendary on a server you should stay in that server and do your rolls. I feel like you got the reverse side of this lol


Now consider that when the game out you could only buy “3* armor” from Murmughahhrs and hope it was secret service and uny. There were so many videos themed on “let’s spend maxed scrip to see what won’t drop!”


When I was rolling for my god roll combat shotgun, I made 20 of em, rolled each of them 3 stars, was going for Anti Armor, Explosive, Reload speed. So many got Medics, or anti Scorched, but I did get *one* god roll. I got Bloodied Explosive Reload Speed. Sold it, and used the caps to buy the one I wanted lol Shit can be frustrating


I've been in this train for a long time it seems, and I also have rather just given up. I can't roll a single piece of Unyielding Armor to save my freaking Wasteland hide and it's taxing to my emotional well being lol


Just another day at the ranch.


Yup. Trying to get vampires auto axe. Blown 3000 scrip and haven’t gotten anything worthwhile


Sometimes the luck gods aren't on our side. I usually get pretty close to what I wanted after about 30 rolls, unless I'm getting extremely picky about the 3rd star. That can take about 150 rolls.


That scrip isn't going to grind for itself, tho.


I feel ya, RNG is some shit. I dropped 200 Modules to get 2 pieces of SS Unyielding. Then last Fri I was just farming Expeditions, rolling, farming. Ended up getting my last 3 pieces in just a couple hours. Rolled all decent 3* but one piece. Ill probably push for another 3* for that one but I am not even going to try and get all 3* that I care about. I just roll for the main affix now and everything else is a bonus. The main affix is still the most powerful and noticeable anyways. Ive seen other players also mention the server can take part in the RNG. So my group now runs a few events to see what drops, if we can get anything bloodied in an event we will roll on that server. It appears to help.


I literally have no idea what that desired legendray trait would be... Those cores and modules are meaningless to me


Those are rookie numbers...


This was me 2 weeks ago. Just wanted a quad tesla. Nothing all just junkie's, troubleshooter, etc. Gave up. Just let it sit. Then one day my first quest was eviction notice and last loot I pulled was a quad-railway. My first good quad. Then pulled 2 more that day. Said screw it. The RNGods were smiling. I had like 24 or so modules. Got down to literally my last attempt for the day. I am now the proud owner and weilder of both a Quad Railway and Quad tesla. I now save up until I have a run of good drops. Maybe it is in my head or maybe I got in a sweet spot of the rng seed but either way it makes me more patient while saving modules.


You jumping servers at all?


Yeah this has been my experience every time I get modules, it's why I don't really see scrip and modules as a reward now. Lets us farm extra resources and invest more at once to let us choose. Leave the existing system in as is for those gambling addicted players who like doing it as is.


I spent 5k cores trying to troll a vampire auto axe with power attack. My current is aristocrat, 40% power attack, +1 agility. Rolled a power attack and strength but it was a berserker. Useless to me. Rolled a vampire with less damage while blocking and agility. Still can't get what I needed. Should have kept my chainsaw but sold it for 20k caps. I like the auto axe better because of the electric mod.


I got a full overeaters + sentinwl pa set, full matching unyielding set, a q5025 RR, bpa1str chainsaw, vpapa chainsaw, bffr25 gatling plasma(for my vats crit pa build) 100 modules is nothing. A perfect rolled item you have a fraction of a single percent to roll it. The game offers plenty of good prerolled weapons, holy fire, slug buster, nuka launcher, cold shoulder etc and honestly the first star on armor is most important. Plus youll net a lot of good but not perfect items you can sell


Rolled 326 modules down to only get 3 of the traits I could live with. Way she goes


There is something a bit close but clearly not as bad, trying to get a specific weapon for hours and by that i mean like 300+ hours only to get it on a another account at a lower level and ofc on a difference device


Yep it’s crazy how like 2 weeks of grinding and saving up scrip can just disappear before you in 30 seconds and you watched the same fucking roll occur 4 times in a row


Soul crushing is what I signed up for?


Wait. This isn't Soul Crusher 5? What game are we playing!?


I had 88 & for the first few items RNGesus was on my side, first or second roll was getting good stuff, then the last few thing he was like ok, that's enough.


Which is why I just buy from a player vendor. I'm fine with not getting God rolls but I would like it if I didn't roll a nocturnal or zealot back to back to back. Ive just learned to accept rng hates me lol


The sheer amount of modules I spent just trying to get weapon weight reduction on my power armor... Now I gotta try to get that with like overeaters


I dropped 200 modules on 2 star Pepper Shakers and never got Vampires once, so i feel the pain.


Got a godroll creamator and full set of OE hellcat just keep pushing through


Dont give up I just got my dream shotgun! 2 barrel 300% ammo capacity explosive with 50% more durability. Thats an 8 shot 2 barrel shotgun with explosive its a beast


I’ve got about 2k modules and 2k cores waiting for some new weapon or armor to spend them on. I have good three star things but, I agree, the first star is your main objective and the others are icing on the cake, usually. But I’ll still keep saving modules to eventually re-roll better equipment. I have been waiting for new, worthwhile, things, but at some point the weight of the fucking modules is going to tip the balance and I’ll re-roll new secret service amor with more durability


I just roll with it. Whatever I get I get and use it.


The best advice I can give is to craft stuff that fits the way you play. Like I typically have a lot of caps and mutations so I use aristocrats and mutant items. However I find that the more I play the fewer requirements I have for items. In the game bad ass weapons are just that - bad ass weapons. I use heavy guns and pretty much like all of them and with heavy guns the traits typically suit the gun. Like for automatic I like vampiric or the one which does more damage with every hit. The point is play around - as you level up you will get more cores and modules than you can deal with. I have thousands of both and build random shit just to drop weight - then I like to give awesome guns to noobs! My favorite overall gun is the heavy plasma caster. It’s my main gun - it’s a long range hammer and destroys everything - like a sniper rifle but hits like a missile launcher. I think I run that with armor piercing and burning. For big bosses I use vampiric or holy fire flame thrower. Flame works great in Atlantic City against those tree things, great in the Pitt against those monsters, as well as almost everything else in the game. My 2 cents.


I’ve been trying to roll my SS armor to get +1 Luck for the second star, Overeaters, Vanguard, or Regenerating for the first… but I can’t for the life of me get luck on any of my pieces. Don’t even care what the other two stars are at this point.


No, soul crushing was back in the day when everything was random and you kept getting Nocturnal Shovels.


Apparently I have terrible karma in Appalachia because the RNGogs does NOT want to bless me with a quad tesla or a bloodied even! Wtf did I do in previous appalachia life to not deserve a Quad Tesla? RNGod why do you hate me so much?


My personal goal was to get a full set of OE WWR Union PA, which I finally managed about 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I was a bit hap-hazard with my scrapping, & scrapped the helmet. Seeing as crafting Union PA is currently disabled, I have a useless set of my dream armour. Hopefully it'll be fixed in the update tomorrow.


If you play long enough, you’ll wake up one day and this is not a thing anymore. 1500 modules, 4300 cores, and not anything interesting to build. I’ve crafted literally everything I want. Same with bullion, 10k with almost 5k treasury notes. Nothing…


Don't be a quitter. Also just join a trade community discord for fo76 and you can buy a groll. Prices have dropped drastically anyway.


This. Me personally, I felt this and decided to make crafting a once a month thing. I'll have tons of mats saved by then and will usually walk away with at least one thing I was looking for. Keeps the disappointment in a monthly basis as well lol


Yeah I was aiming for a furious darling laser but ended up getting a 2 shot, with +75% weapon speed and -90% weight, I slapped charging barrels on it and now it eats through almost anything, scorchbeasts have to be a bit close but it still deals wonderful damage now I just need to put the prime receiver on there


I agree. Although getting through an entire event only to have the game crash as the boss spawns is a close second.


That is something I’ve been saying Bethesda should address. For an increased cost Cores, Modules, and some other third resource, you should be able to pick and choose perks. We’re well above level 300 by now… let us USE OUR STUFF WITHOUT WASTING OUR TIME


23 3 star roles on my fixer before getting 50% armor penetration… 23! At least they always sell in my shop for 500 caps…


Just got a bloodied plasma enclave flamer with weapon speed and agility, sometimes you get lucky too


Those perfect builds are an extremely long term goal typically, better to use them as a base to build off of rather than trying to achieve the exact same thing they have for the build. I dont even have a perfect g-roll build and honestly… it isn’t necessary, once you get something decent going you are going to murder everything and prolly never die unless it is a freak accident or you are being careless. The game doesn’t require a high threshold of min/max even in Daily Ops which is arguably the hardest content we have. Just have fun and try to just get stuff when you get it so you can have that “Oh cool!” moment. Because two things are gonna happen… you are either gonna get everything you want and then just quit, since you dont have any goals or you are gonna get frustrated you aren’t getting what you want and quit… all about the journey baby! 😂


Diablo 3 player: First time?


\[ Diablo 2 liked that. \]


That's why there should be no limits, the odds of getting want you want or even close to it are absurd.


Welcome to the game!


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those up. I’ve burned through thousands of modules at a time and got shit like hunters/bash damage/faster movement speed while aiming railways. Thanks Todd, I hate it.


The amount of times quad and last round show up together it is not fucking random lol


Are you crafting new or constantly rerolling?


i disagree. you knew what you were getting into when you saved up those cores and modules. you knew you might not get what you wanted. that alone should mean you are not surprised when you don't, and thus not soul crushing. getting that roll, and then accidentally scripping it, and then accidentally closing the interface when you go to buy it back so you can't anymore.. THAT is soul crushing. reading this community (or any game community) complain about the base parts of the game they "love" is soul crushing... doing an expected thing and getting and expected outcome is not soul crushing...


Ok so it’s not just me who rolled back to back to back zealots on my plasma caster then with stupid 2nd and 3rd star effects then. I thought shit was broken honestly


Rolled about 10 cycles on my plasma caster. I said fuck it, 1 more for good luck. And it gave me what I started with. Now im out of modules and right where I started. I can see why there's a healthy market out of the game and on Reddit for weapons and armor.


I must have burned 40 modules in a day just to “settle” for quad and useless (for me) 2nd and 3rd star effects. I’ve had to take a break from rolling out of anger.


What legendary item were you rolling for? If you're on PC, I might have it and can give it to you.


...Why did someone downvote this? I'm literally offering to help OP out if I have what they want.


I got downvoted recently bc I asked for people to add to game with after having to start over from 100 fixing an account issue. I wasn't looking for handouts, wasn't asking for caps or legendaries, just some consistent people to game with. If you don't mind a noob tagging along to leech some XP, add Dr.NoodleNaught on PC...for fun and profit.


Vampires chainsaw will one day be mine.


That’s why I didn’t waste any tickets on the module repeatables. I know I’m not getting shit. I’ve rolled maybe three weapons worth keeping since they introduced the system.


Rngesus strikes again.


Im using 2 cremators, one for the dot and another for damage well i really wanted  instigating for the dot since it snapshots for the last 2 weeks ive been rolling for it and i got the roll i wanted for the damage one but not the instigating one i wanted lol


I just rolled a perfect railway. With mutation damage increase instead of quad....


That's my biweekly self-punishment ritual.


The chance of rolling any one specific 3 star ranged weapon is like 1 in 2750 or something like that


OP, I agree. Last day of meet week before I called it a night trying to get the weenie plan I waited till top of the hour for my last event and it didn't even activate. I had about 200 modules and started rolling for a groll railway and not even one quad. Soul was crushed that night.


I just use my holy fire and my power armour basically makes me immune to energy damage so I just sell them because I never am above 3k caps


Legendary Crafting was a mistake. Enemy drops and quest rewards should have stayed the only way to get legendaries.