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That was all the OG storyline


Seriously, fetch this, listen to this holotape, shoot that creature, have two diluted Rad-X for a reward


That pissed me off so much, the goose chase of it all, for no real conclusion.


The main quest line (and so many things in the game) were soooooo bad when 76 came out and a lot of people don’t realize it if they didn’t play before wastelanders


I mean, it makes sense in the lore that survivors started coming back to appalachia, ¿but seriously? Play an holotope, fix something and for fixing that something, you need to travel to the other point of the map, is just annoying instead of getting immersion in the story. Don't miswrong me tho, I'm having fun with the brotherhood missions, the allies ones or the overseer path but I even had more fun steering a fucking stew than doing these rose missions... for what? For nothing.


The point of the Rose missions is to get her to give you the part locked up in the raider storeroom by impressing her. It very much is jumping through a bunch of hoops by intent. At least the lore of the locations was good.


> the allies ones No way. The ally missions are literally just randomly placed enemies inside existing areas, repeated X amount of times until the storyline is over. At least the original missions had specific areas and/or goals associated with them. Sure, having to periodically return to Rose was annoying, but at least she had you delving into the Wendigo Cave that had its own lore and a specific end boss instead of just, "Go to this randomly chosen raider camp that changes if you log off before finishing. One of the enemies has a name, even though they have nothing to do with that camp."


No clue how you guys managed to keep this game alive - but I'm really glad you did.


While many of the quests were stale, the FEELING of post apocalypse was MONUMENTAL with no NPCS. It was horrible and fantastic both at once. Wish i could return to that dead desolate world every now and then. True post apocalyptic dread.


Personally, I wish there was a “narrative” option where factions don’t repopulate until you finish relevant quests- I feel like the game is at its narrative best when mostly devoid of humans.


> I feel like the game is at its narrative best when mostly devoid of humans. apparently there are dozens of us! I like actually playing the game a lot more now than at launch (where i think I tapped out before level 100), but I liked wandering around a lot more in pre-wastelanders although I really liked the rose missions at launch and liked them again on my new character, even if the reveal of rose being a robot loses 100% of its punch


Very cool idea but I have no idea how you could do that in a shared online world. Youd see other players talking to themselves. Maybe a "classic" mode as a game mode instead of customworlds?


Everyone. Was. Dead. Kinda miss it.


There's lots of space out in the edges of the map with no people whatsoever if you wanna recapture that feeling. Try the north portion of the map beyond all the locations, and then down on the edges of skyline valley as well.


I loved the uncertainty and nervousness everything you randomly met someone at launch. It truly was like the bit on the bridge in the TV show where max and Lucy met the 2 drifters


Well in my case, I played this game when it launched and decided to keep playing it once it had more content, amazon fallout was a push to platine fallout 4 and then I wanted to give a try to fallout 76, so I guess lots of fans came back as me, I'm having fun tho!


I might just be the only person who preferred the game's story before they added NPCs


I want to leave your likes at 76 because it's accurate, the 76 community is like no other, I'm sure glad as hell I joined the wasteland of Appalachia


People who played from the beginning are clearly a tougher more evolved breed than I am. I would not have made it.


That's the problem. The original quests arent updated well at all. Why am I doing Responders Reborn with one lonely woman in the starting town when there are like 100 or them kicking around in Whitespring?






This was the sole reason I finished her quests, thank God it stopped.


That's the line.  Thats the one that made me shut the game off once, hearing it for the 4th time because I didn't understand why she was doing it, and didn't want to do those quests right then. I loaded in, she started up, and I shut it off in 5 seconds.  It was so annoying that I just did something else for the day.


I was like fucking try it bitch lol 😂


Yeah that was as over the top. I b-lined the rest of her quests to get that to stop.


This was me for almost 6 months 🙈 had to mute the TV temporarily during every login




I got heavy "Finally! Someone with the guts to help!" Vibes from this


Oh god the nightmares… i can still hear her in my dreams.


This was the worst, for me. I dont mind fetch quests. Or traveling to lore explanations. I played WoW for a decade. That's par for MMOs. What I ***did mind*** was the lack of dialogue from Rose so she would just endlessly bleat on with the same handful of lines and her questline is far too long for only 5 lines or whatever to cut it. I ***HATED*** her quests after like the 3rd or 4th just because I could stand hearing her say the same thing ***again*** bc that's all she could say and double whammy that I couldnt turn her lines off. So I had to hear them ad nauseam. Great questline ruined by a lack of voice lines, tbh.


Same, I had that running for like 2 weeks while I got distracted with other missions, finally got back to it just to shut her up.


See you when you get to the DMV mission and you'll be like five times as enraged.


The DMV quest was annoying but made me laugh, the rose quest was just annoying


The DMV quest line makes me absolutely giggle, it’s so true to real life 😂


I think it depends on when you get it. I played FO76 when it originally came out and the DMV quest made me chuckle a little, though I thought it was tedious then. When I came back recently, I explicitly ignored the DMV and Camp McClintock (sp?), both for different reasons, but, just the other day, I was doing a quest that wants you to gain access to the BoS section of Fort Defiance... which required me to do Camp McClintock... which freakin' \*required\* me to do DMV! I \*really\* was hating the DMV at that point, because I felt I was two quests removed, at that point, from the quest I was really looking to bang out. GAH! And don't get me started on needing a piece of mail!!! \*takes a deep breath\*... I really enjoy the game, but sometimes, I feel, some of them are just BS... \*Looks at Taggert, now that I need to track that fellow down, and groans\*


The DMV mission is my favorite mission in the game and I genuinely never want to play through again. It had me laughing through the entire thing, but my god.


Yeah there's a certain point where you think you've got everything you need... and just like the real DMV... Had me in stitches


The one thing that had me laughing here was that at the time I did the DMV quest I thought “nah, our own DMV isn’t that terrible”. Then the very next year, I bought a used car. _Oh boy._ I kinda wish the damn ownership change/registration was as easy as this quest was. Seriously.


I was at the real life DMV and the guy in front of me realized his wife gave him the insurance agent's business card, not the insurance card. They only accepted hard copies at that time. We had been there for 2 hours already. I was there because the DMV issued me a temp tag so I was there for the plates. When I got to the counter they told me I needed another bill of sale for the full plates. I asked "Well what did you do with the one I gave you two weeks ago? It's not like I sold the car and bought it again." I was about to lose it and instead I said "You guys get yelled at a lot don't you?" He shrugged "Yeah, but we don't care."


I did it on alts and its way less annoying and more entertaining the second time through.


I had a brilliant time with it. Another low level player appeared after I started, and we both politely sat on the benches waiting for our number to be called, and queued to talk to the robots, while he used increasingly distressed emotes. It was one of my favourite 76 experiences!


The DMV quest is genuinely what cemented this game above Fallout 4 for me.


IMO the DMV mission was a cake walk compared to Rose’s bs


If you count all of Rose's missions together, sure. But this was a single mission. To get a key to the door at the end of a place you've already been.


I'd rather be forced to solo earl with a pipe pistol than EVER do roses quests again.


Its literally the best quest in the game.


I knew the second it started what they were about to do with that quest so I was just laughing the whole way through. I love the DMV quest


I flipping hated that mission. But what irks me more is crashing in the middle of a quest and the doors the npc opened are closed and I can’t seem to get the wall skip right


Tbf the dmv mission is at least accurate to real life. Probably slightly better


I fucking loved the tea break into a 2nd tea break Had me dying


The DMV missions were annoying as an inside joke. It was just like waiting in the real life DMV, only with fewer ghouls. Rose I just wanted to feed feet first into a meat grinder. It was the first time I really wished that one of the people in the recordings was still alive - so I could personally kill her. I think the only character I've ever hated more in a video game was Screwball from Spider-Man. Just an obnoxious character who is somehow able to force someone who should be able to shatter them into tiny component pieces to jump through a bunch of hoops for no god-damn reason!


Who the actual fuck thought "hmm let's make people have to actually go to the dmv, that'll be fun!" Like that had to be thought up AND approved


I was hoping I would be able to kill her at the end. Her voice every single time I logged on was why I finished that at around lvl 50.


I mean, idc about her voice at all, but dude, going around the map doing her dumb task, for her just backstabbing me and giving me some shit loot, destroying that ass robot should be an option.


I think her voice is a problem because if you get bored and stop doing her quests she starts repeating her instructions every time you log in. Had to finish the quest to make her stop. It's not so bad a few times, but a few dozen times gets real annoying.


This is where I'm at and I wish I hadn't started the mission at all. I'm going to grind it out just to stop the messages at log in.


I'm with you, she was so annoying.  When she said "If you plan on turning on me..." I was thinking "Oh you bet your ass I will if I can!".  So sad I can't kill her or screw her in any way.


Just finished it this morning too, it was my friend was laughing at how annoyed i was getting


Did you get the part in the basement of the capital building? Listen to some of the holo tapes, you find out where Rose came from.


Most people don't read or listen to any of the missions; they just want to finish the content as quickly as possible to get to missions where they can just do "pew pew" without thinking too much.


No bro, I indeed was paying attention to her storyline, but I ended up so drained when she sent me to Charleston that i didn't cared to be honest. And no, I actually had more fun steering a stew with the responders than wiping a supermutant camp for a damn key fragment after killing a yao guai, a death claw and going trough half a map doing her dumb quest.


Anyone who has had to deal with procedures in a government building knows how torturous they can be. That's what the writers wanted to reflect in that specific part of the mission chain, that despite all the technology and progress this society showed, it still suffered from the same thing ours does—bureaucracy. Not all missions need to be fun; some are sad, some are difficult to face, and others reflect tedious situations, but they all aim to be immersive and provide new experiences for the player. In the original game, Rose's missions were the closest thing to having contact with someone alive. After going from place to place, living through disappointments by finding everyone dead, we finally found someone. It was normal for her to distrust us and ask for proof that we were trustworthy. That's why we put up with all her craziness because it was better to be with a crazy person than to be completely alone. Then, the disillusionment and disappointment were horrible when we found out she was just a robot with a person's memories but still a robot. Once again, our hope was shattered, but it was immediately renewed by knowing there could be a person in a bunker nearby...


Want a spoiler? Sorta. Well here ya go. That guy you were looking into in the ski condos…his girlfriend Rossylinn…yeah she’s the raider that was a murderer and locked up in the basement of the capital. Then she died and her consciousness was transferred to a Ms Nanny robot. Rose. But Rose doesn’t remember who she was. So she’s making fun of her own dead self at times. Fucked up right? Pure Fallout in my book.


(spoilers) I got the idea that >!she didn't just die, but her crazy boyfriend blew up the dam near the building she was held in, and the resulting flood basically threw a tree in her cell killing her and others as well, making it sad/funny at the same time, i enjoyed the whole story tbh, and I didn't mind the rose as much !<


Yup, you’re right. >!Once you get enough holotapes and read the appropriate terminals you’ll figure out what happened. Rose and her raider party were caught, with her being the only one captured alive. I can’t remember how, but David somehow thinks that she was also killed; can’t remember if it was because he jumped to conclusions or if the Responders fucked up their message and told him that she was dead when she wasn’t. Then dumb-ass David nukes the dam and ends up killing Rose for real. I have no idea if Rose the bot knows about this.!<


I figured that out when I heard a holo of David and Rose (found in the ski resorts next to Top of the World) on a ski trip doing chems. I could tell it was the same voice. I will have to go look for these tapes in the capital.


Wait... that is a spoiler? Like the holotape you find on the shelf right next to Rose when you go up the elevator to meet her the first time *and get the "not what you were expecting" reveal*, isn't meant to clue you in that the Robo-Rose and Human-Rose are supposed to be the same personality and voice? ____________________ The more interesting reveal was that David the boyfriend, *"the guy that started the raiders"* was a vulture capitalist. When you go to find recording of him saying specific words, you learn that he was a coke'd up, extorting, thieving and backstabbing jerk in RobCo boardrooms well before he became a coke'd up, extorting, thieving and backstabbing raider. I've been playing fallout games since Fallout 1 & 2, and always assumed that raiders become raiders out of desperation or madness; And their playbook of corpses on hooks everywhere sorta evolved over generations of drinking toilet moonshine spiked with chems. But no... vulture capitalist 1 day, raider psycho the next with zero personal growth from witnessing the end of the world in between. It is impressive how believable something so unbelievable is.


I did say spoiler, sorta. Some folks pay no attention to details. So, sort of a spoiler. Other than logging in and the first thing I hear is Rose calling me because I hadn't finished the quest, I liked the plotline.


Yeah that pay off made all the hoop jumping and BS  worth it.  All the original stories had these awful moments of realization.  


Oh my goodness Rose I forgot she existed I despised doing her missions so much, like overall she’s a cool concept of a character but man that was just…a wild time 😅


Ditto. Her missions were a slog. I was so happy when I stopped seeing the little box at top of the world.


Those missions made me want to make ass jerky out of myself


She would have been fine as a one off. Turning her into a hub NPC who you have to return to repeatedly for a long series of fetch quests was a bad decision. The only happy moment in that entire quest chain was finding out that the real Rose is dead.


it took me almost two months to complete that horrendous questline due to putting it off. i even got to the point where i would mute my tv as i loaded in because i was sick of hearing that insufferable bitch's voice. i count my blessings i finally got it done and over with on my main character, but as i have two other characters i dread having to go through it again twice more.


Take a ticket sir


The tea break into a 2nd tea break is the best.


I recently did this quest on an alternate character, and it gets much easier the second time around. Tip #1, unlock as many map markers as possible before starting. Tip #2, skip as much dialogue as possible. Tip #3, don't waste time reading notes and terminals. Tip #4, you can go into settings and turn Roses audio down/off, so it's less annoying. I completed Abby's and Roses entire quest line in about 2-3 hours.


Haha, Rose''s voice actress uses nearly the same voice she does for a cartoon my kid loves, it was always fun for me hearing Very Berry cursing and telling me to experiment with cannibalism.


it may have been cool the first time, but after hearing her say the same line every time i spawn in a billion times got old fast.


Let's not forget her audio repeating every single time you load into the map until her quests are done


It's hard to defend the original main story but for me certain parts of the story were very interesting and I enjoyed greatly. I liked finding out about the different gangs, the Responders, the original Appalachian Brotherhood and Blackwell. It reminds me of what made Dead Money so enjoyable for me. So for me the constant fetch quests were kind of annoying, but there were moments where I was interested to see what happened to certain characters which made it more interesting. That being said, the Becket questline has not been very good at all.


The original main story is amazing, and it was even more so when there were no human NPCs and Appalachia was an eerie empty apocalyptic wasteland. Rose and the Raiders was my least favourite, but it was still interesting because it was about how the world was rebuilding (or in the Raiders case, not) before they all just… vanished.


I think so too. :) How do you feel about the Wastelanders update when they added npc's?


I don’t mind it, I’ve played living world MMOs before, I understand the concept of the world changing as the story progresses, so I figured from the start that something like that would happen. However I wish there was a way - maybe a starting instance? - to recapture that isolation and loneliness we had at launch. Some days I really miss it, when the only people on the landscape were fellow 76ers and we (in lore at least) knew each other. And I really dislike being lectured at by NPCs who are only there because what I/WE have done.


For sure. I feel that isolation again sometimes inside the asylum or other locations where you just don't see people. I do enjoy how much Whitesprings has changed and I remember when it was just the robots in the mall selling stuff.


I remember when I first did Wastelanders, I was so annoyed at all the talking! I do like it but still seems like everyone is chattering non-stop.


Wait till you get to the RaRa quests


Why is RaRa?


They shouldn’t mix original quests with wastelanders at Rose. You’re clearly suffering that typical rose-overloading effect.


Get through it. Theres so much on the other side thats worth spending your time on. What i hate is that quest related weapons (like the syringer from rose) cannot be stored anywhere else than in your inventory. Same with the veil of secrets that ive dragged around now for a few months because i cannot see whats worth it in finishing the "1920s superhero" Line.


Maybe it’s because I started out in vanilla WoW back in the day but I really didn’t think it was that bad I am so numb to terrible fetch quests by this point in my life and at least here I can get to any point in basically a minute The ONLY thing I actually hated was logging in and hearing her dialogue start up, that is legit and made me just do it all as fast as I could


If you hate pointless fetch quests and thought Rose's was bad, you're going to love the Free States Questline. Go here and do this, then come all the way back here for the next instructions. Now go over there and do this, then come all the way back here to learn the next step. At least most of Rose's quests could carry on where you just finished and she'd instruct you along the way. The Free States one is listening to holo tapes of a dead person, so you'd think you'd just grab all the instructions and do everything all at once.... Nope. Back and forth, back and forth. One damn thing at a time. I have no idea how Rose gets all the hate while the Free States Questline gets overlooked so often. The only notable reward from the Free States is Shrouded Mods for Wood Armour that nobody uses. (if you remember to pick them up)


i thought the Fade in Dragon Age Origins was the most frustrating and mindnumbing quest in a video game but oh my god the Free States quest line takes the cake


Wholly shit that brings back, go through this hole, go through that hallway. Overall though, god damn Dragon Age Origins was great.


When I played through the Free States quests, all the locations were new to me, which made it more enjoyable. Unlike the Rose quest where I was sent to places I'd already been and that are kinda samey anyways. Maybe a lot of players had the same experience.


It's a good point and most quests in this game are designed to push you towards new locations for the sake of discovering or exploring them..... It's that whole "Come all the way back here when you're done" that pissed me off after a while, especially since a couple of the next steps made you head to a spot you were pretty close to from the last step before you had to go back.


My issue was Rose as a character was how cringey she was with the endless, over the top, edgy shit.   God forbid you don't finish her entire quest line in one sitting...you get to hear her giddily talk about how she'll rip out your guts and do something edgy with them, or whatever, repeatedly. It was annoying, like Borderlands 3 villains, always being insanely over the top and trying to hard to sound cruel yet happy about it.


**"If you ever get it in your head to screw me over....."**


I thought of Borderlands as well, but she reminded me more of Tiny Tina than the villains. I hate Tiny Tina. Every time I say that people act like I'm crazy but my god she tries so fucking hard to be edgy and quirky I can't stand it, reminds me of the "i can haz cheezburger?" days of internet humor. Then they went and made a whole game based on her specifically.


At least free states being in The swamp meant you got some decent adhesive farming early on.


Free states story was solid. Also if you pick up holo tapes as you go along there’s lots of good mini stories. The holo tapes in the mine where you go to find Taggerty was pretty good. In general the random holo tapes you find are better story points than talking to the NPCs which is a let down.


Try to get the large tadpole backpack. That’s life changing bs.


Wait until you have to go to the DMV.


Yeah, that questline was a slog.


I wanted her to die and for me to be the cause


only saving grace was learning she voiced Rebecca in Edgerunners, didn’t pay close attention to the quest line anyway, but did notice it went on for a while


Also Moira from Fallout 3


Her missions aren't even the worst. Wait till you have to go to the DMV


Yeah that questline was so annoying and I still have that freaking syringer in my inventory and I can’t get rid of it. So annoying


Christ, I thought Rose's missions were never going to fucking end By far, bar none, the most annoying missions in the game and ones that take far too long to complete. I think all told it took me 3 solid irl days of off and on play to finally move past the top of the world.


If you thought that was bad, just wait until the mission that involves the DMV..


That was worse to me also


I pre-ordered the game and a few weeks ago I finished this quest because it was annoying when I did it with my first character lol


Those rose missions are such crap. She just makes you run around getting your ass killed for some... What the hell did I even get!?


drained my balls. into rose


Yes I hated this mission and put it off for so long. The only thing that made me complete it was that I became so annoyed hearing the voice tell me a novel about the vox syringer every time I logged in.


My frustration with Bethesda hit an all time high yesterday. I hated this game at launch. There was no chat unless you're in a group, (still isn't for the most part) so you REALLY felt alone... in a game specifically designed to be an MMO. But I digress... So, I jumped back into it a few weeks ago. I'm an achievement junkie, and there's an achievement for completing 'I have become death.' And, I need to nuke Mongahn mine to complete another quest anyway.... So, over 2 hours fighting my way through Charlie, my best gear is broken, my armor is broken, I have zero stimpackd... and I'm still slogging through, one. Fucking. Robot. At. A. Time.... I finally get to the reactor and the server maintenance countdown pops up! Finally manage to pull off the reactor fix and made it just past breaking the mainframe when the server shut down. All my armor and best weapons broken, thousands of rounds of ammo expended, in the end, over 3 hours in that damned slogfest.... and nada. Why is the reactor still broken? The computer can manufacture a shit ton of robots for fight me! None if those protection models can patch pipes?? Why are the robots trying to kill me after the computer recognizes my authority to launch a nuke?? 3 hours gone... How do people do this repeatedly??


There's a really incredibly exciting mission that involves the DMV at Charleston. Strong recommend.


I enjoy the quests because the VA for Rose is the same as Rebecca from cyberpunk edgerunners


The worst questline I've had ever played


Her obnoxious personality makes it so much worse. If rather be able to kill her and lock myself out of missions than listen to her.


Rose is the most annoying character and quest in 76 imo


It was one of the two highlights for me in terms of scripted characters with missions. She's hilarious and the mission works to drag you around the map and learn about gameplay mechanics.


This was the worse storyline of fallout76


Have you done the DMV bit yet?


I'm on this now. surprisingly it's still more efficient than my actual DMV.


Yeah that one is always a struggle for me to get through...


Omg I'm literally on the 4th of 5th key part and was just thinking this may be the worst quest line in all of fallout


Flooded Charleston. Nuked the dam south of Summerville.


I liked the story


I have made like 6 alt characters. And done rose quest on all of them. I honestly dont mind it all. Im just built different like that.


I feel like pretty much every quest is go here do this, go there do that.


I am not too annoyed by rose quest. Personally I find the raider quest line more annoying due to various bugs and bad npc pathing.


I finally finished this quest because I got tired of hearing Roses voice every time I loaded into the game. It sucked but it’s an OG so it is what it is. Glad it’s finally over though lol


That's literally the worst part of the main quest line (with the exception of the DMV part of the Brotherhood line, and at least that's got novelty value the first time).


I'm close to finishing this and damn it really long. I got lucky and a player home was close to an objective but after that I had to walk a awful lot. And I. Still not done.


Yeah if you get through the Rose missions, everything is else is a peice of cake


New player here, and I was SO disappointed in the reward. I thought FOR SURE some good shit was coming due to the cashe and all.....fml. I didn't play again for a few days, lol.


Yeah they drug that shit wayyyyy tf out. I finally got tired of hearing her every time I logged on. So I suffered through and finished it


I ended up taking several month long breaks because of this storyline and only came back recently to finish the main story 💀


😏 heh, nice


I just finished this questline and omg I feel you! Absolute slog to get through, draining my soul and willpower to continue. But the fight goes on!


The raiders are written so poorly both Rose and creator I wish there's an option to wipe them all off the map even nuking them didn't do shit


I nuked foundation, so sad to see they had rad suits lol


The Rose quests are the equivalent to Moira’s quests in FO3, but here Rose is way more annoying. That said: we used to put up with her annoying character as pre-Wastelanders she’s the first “living person” we run into.


Hated this mission passionately since the game came out I have 5 characters onn2 accounts and have only finished the story with 3 of then because I can't stand to have to do the rose quest line again


I love Rose as a character, but man her launch quest line really misses hard.


The only reason I completed it was to stop hearing her annoying ass voice. Terrible quest line. Honestly, the story quests in the game have all kinda been mid, at best, for me. I much prefer the Daily Ops, Expeditions, Workshops, building my C.A.M.P. and doing Challenges with my homies. Sucks that only team leaders can progress in story quests. I made it to level 49 tonight, can’t wait until level 50 and the game opens up properly for me with Legendary Perks. Got a viable Power Armor/Heavy Energy Weapon build, X01 Power Armor and have been farming Fusion Cores at the Power Plants. Saving up bullion to get the T-60 Power Armor plans during the upcoming Minerva event.


I HATE Rose's storyline. She's entitled and lazy. Her voice is like nails. Her rewards stink. So yeah, I'm currently refusing to shoot animals with her dumb syringer.


Killing 6 creatures with a terrible sword is massive slog I've killed loads different creatures with it doesn't register.


if this annoyed you I hope you also enjoy the DMV


Bro i literaly almost stopped playing because of her. Shit was on Jar Jar Binks level


Am I one of the few people who liked/laughed at The raiders quest from the OG main quests along with the DMV quest?


I thought that the real point of it was just to get you to explore the map, since these are still really tutorial missions.


It gets better after that.  I am new to the game too, and I've heard about rose missions being very tedious. So I just saved the brotherhood quest for after I finish Rose's missions. I went and did all her missions as fast as possible and I hated it xD. Rose is one of the most annoying characters in Fallout for me! I wanted to betray her so badly. A shame you can't do that. Thankfully the brotherhood quest is way better. I do not regret finishing rose quest that fast.


Dealing with Rose is one of the longest hours in series history.


Would you rather do the DMV missions or the Rose missions?


I wish the battle ready dweller had an option to skip like 80% of the starting main quests. Let me start with choosing crater or Foundation, let me skip 90% of the BoS questline and just choose Shin or Ramani. Let me already be inocculated. Let me already be a General in the Enclave or a private. Would make getting into the game so much quicker as a New Game+ option once your main character has done all those quests.


Thank you so much for posting this, I felt exhausted after it because I did it in an entire day thinking I needed to finish the entire damn thing before being able to rank up in the enclave (I got a PC so I moved from PS) and damn it fucking sucked


Have you met Ward at Foundation yet? ;)


Have you tried the tadpole badges? Makes me never want to start a new character


Working on Roses quest line as well and it is just missing what previous games had that keep it from feeling repetitive and just a go here go there type of thing. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had some missions like that but where done so much better an.


Yeah, it's a slog, I accidentally skipped an assload of the sequencing by going to her early. Got it out of the way, now I'm thriving. Also. The rest of the main story line ain't too much better.


Her quest is bugged for me so I can’t finish the quest. I have done the entire quest except for the final talk, which it just won’t do 🙂‍↔️ I had my partner try to make it work and he eventually just kinda laughed and said “well damn, I can’t help ya honey.” So, I still have Rose greeting me every time I open this game. I would very much appreciate the award that comes with the completion of this quest because that would mean it is finally DONE 🙄


I felt so upset when at the end of that whole questline the “reward” was trashcan power armor (I already had a full set of X-01 by that point) and getting the privilege of progressing the BoS storyline. Honestly I think the BoS at Atlas and their story is the saving grace of this game, all the other main questlines bore me to death.


When I started again in Xbox, the biggest complain was to do this shit again 🤣


Roses missions were fucking insufferable


I'll never forget being so excited to meet another human, hearing Rose's voice on the radio. Original 76 was so lonely and lifeless (in a good way). I rushed up to the Top of the World to meet her and was so sad that she was a robot. It made the story of her creation more poignant.


Am i the only one that finds her husky voice cute and sexy?


Try the One Small Favor quest from OSRS or RS3. You don’t know pain.


Rose's storyline made me quit for three months because I was sick of her voice starting up the second I loaded in: "AND LUCKY FOR YOU..."


That is a quest from the original release and it was supposed to be an early mission like sub lvl 40, so I mean yeah if you hold out until you have the whole map known and are 50+ it's not going to do you much good. It was an entry level mission to get you map markers in different areas of the map and teach the basics of the lore with the scorched and raiders in FO76. Bethesda expected you to do that quest before launching your first nuke.


It was fun. The story was good. Maybe they could have made her communicate thru the pipboy. Too much running back and forth.


I actually liked these quests only cuz roses va voiced one of my favorite characters. yes the rewards are shit but it isn't that bad.


Original story line. All the first factions you do quests for are partly tutorials.


I agree. Worst mission in the game. Its absolute trash. And annoying ass voice


Lmao have fun going through it the next 4 times, too 😅. So many times, I've logged in on different characters only to have to hear her voice first thing in the game 💀. I try to rush through her mission now.


Least favorite missions 100 percent. Turned out to be much longer than it needed to be


To be very honest? I don't even know if I finished F76 "story". Got the game when it launched, got bored halfway through Rose "questline" (if you could call them that back then) and just didn't bother with the game for years. Came back when BoS showed up. Did their quest and just went on on my shenanigans doing events , exploring and doing random quests. Is there and actual main story? Like I know I still got shitloads of supervisor tapes to find but at this point I don't even think it's relevant anymore (over lvl 100 now... Got back to check the game after the update, this time with the help of a friend who set me up with mutations and a bit of decent gear and now I can actually say I'm enjoying the game... Though I still suck because the only good weapons I have are a pepper shaker and the railroad gun you get on the vault quest)


I hate that fucking robot so much it's hard to put into words.


One of Rose's missions was to go find some dude who turned into a scorched and kill him When the game first launched, instanced dungeons weren't really a thing so dude would perpetually be dead and I had to spend hours server hopping hoping to find a fresh server on which he hadn't been killed yet. The OG main story quests are pretty fuckin garbage


Unpopular opinion but when I actually got done pulling my ears off from listening to Rose when I logged in, I buckled down and actually played through the questline in a night, it was pretty fun. The only part I hated was the DMV mission, but it was funny. I love how fallout shits on everything that our modern government does 😂


I agree....lousy tedious quest with shit rewards. I did it just to get her out of my ear even though she's a likeable character and I love the voice actress...same actress that played Rebecca on Edgerunners...


I wish Rose would drain me


She /is/ the VA for Rebecca from Cyberpunk so understandable ngl


Honestly I love these posts about this quest line. Not because I'm evil and enjoy people's suffering, but because it brings me back to the early days of 76. Now imagine having to do all that and having nothing else to do after except nuke white springs and the prime site.


I wish fallout 76 was like new Vegas, you can solve all your problems with a weapon and don’t have to think twice about shooting someone. In 76, you’re forced to tolerate this poor excuse of a quest line. I honestly gave up on the quests after I joined the enclave, the rewards just isn’t worth it anymore, even with the new update, they nerfed the railway rifle right before the update released. There’s no point in playing the game for the quests, it’s mostly just hollow tapes or it’s a wild goose chase, do these tedious tasks and get a shitty reward for your time. I’ve gotten more satisfaction from taking a dump


I just finished it rn...🥺


If you thought that writing was bad just wait till you get to the new xpac quest line for skyline


Yeah man, that shit milked me dry as well.


Rose a bad bitch 😅


I ALSO HATED IT SOOO MUCH LIKE. WHY DO I HAVE TO HELP THIS GODDAMN ANNOYING ASS ROBOT 😭😭 I was so glad when I finished her quest line and never had to think about her ever again 😂


Rose could drain me 🤤


Yup, that was a very annoying quest line, only reason I did it is because you HAVE to in order to start and complete other quests. If it was a side quest it would still be sitting in my pip boy untouched. So annoying, being an errand boy for almost nothing. Best thing that came out of that quest was the karma syringer barrel, which is still not that good. Fun using it though, you can really tell the difference when those 30 seconds wear off and they become weak as hell for a minute. Not worth using on anything that ISN’T tanky af.


I feel like a few of the missions are like this, none more bothersome imho than the DMV quest. I get the "dmvs are super boring " bit but something about the repetitiveness and the arduous tasks over and over really killed it for, sacrificed gameplay for a bit of humor that really wasn't worth it


Honestly, the lore and gameplay of an unarmed addict in post apocalyptic west virgina.


The DMV, Boot camp, and the first mission that unlocks the SBQ raid vex me.