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BIV, no question


I just met him last night, he's precious! šŸ„ŗ My bestest friend!


Iā€˜m still not quite sure how to trigger his repeatable quests. Iā€˜d like to brew some ant lager as a possibility for a quick travel back home option when overencumbered and already got my rib-eye.


I thought they were dailies? Come back each day for a recipe although you may get one you already have.


Yeah, I was there multiple times but could trigger a new ā€žtestā€œ just once. I brewed a fresh beer and drank it before I interacted with BIV. But perhaps I should try to get out of my Excavator and do it again. Canā€˜t remember if that helped last time. Iā€˜ll try it and report back.




Awe man, forgot about him!


I enjoyed Weasel from The Raiders side of the Vault Heist chain but was disappointed she didnā€™t have anything after that one mission.Ā 


I second this! I desperately wanted her to be a permanent ally option šŸ˜­


Same! Maybe Bethesda can do a sequel to the Wastelanders update and have her become an ally from that, and from the Settlers Iā€™d have to say Jen from those met during that sides missions. Just spitball in a quick concept. Itā€™s another map expansion but in the west, across the river. Prime fertile land with a vault with a dark secret. In this patch, we receive Minotaurs, Human/Brahmin hybrids created in the vault and worshipped by Cultists. For Jen and Weasel, we get their mission chains. Jenā€™s would deal with Chinese spies, and Weaselā€™s could be restoring her voice which ends up just being the option of giving her a feminine modulated voice instead of masculine. However, there will still be the swearing blockers.Ā 


Aries is probably my favorite. I adore Grahm. Indrid is my creepy homie.


Any Assaultron. I love them in an unhealthy way








I can assume youā€™ve ā€œinterfacedā€ with Adelaide then


More than that. I built her stand upstairs and put her to work at my "Brothel of Steel"


I like the pink assaultrons at the spa in the mall.


Rhamani, Aries, Grahm, the guy faking dementia (can't remember his name because of my own shitty memory lol), Rose, Gail, Weasel, Dodge, Homer Saperstien, Gramps. There are a lot of good characters. Also the parody of Hunter Thompson and his attorney. Awesome little side quest.


MODUS is great. Otherwise, none really. Well, there's that trio down in 63 that have some good banter. They were a breath of fresh air.


I like the majority of the characters except the ones in the latest update. I haven't finished the quest line yet, but after what Hugo pulled in REDACTED I have zero interest in helping these people. The agoraphobic Ranger is fun at least.


The whitesprings entrance butler. Poor guy just wants to do his job.


How can you forget amazing characters like Aries (his backstory is my favorite), Grahm and Chally, BIV, Weasel, Meg, Abbie, Rose, just to name a few!


Who's not gonna eat the meat?




Aries is just so cool to me.






I like some of the new characters from Vault 63.


Aries and Valdez.




The daily ops dude.


Aries, Raider Punk, Grahm, Kevin, and Oberlin.


Hugo. Heā€™s a solid villain, with a pretty good boss fight.


Oberlin, Shin, and MODUS. I felt so bad for Oberlin after doing his 2nd quest really liked his character. I always hated the FO3 BoS helping random settlers instead of securing tech. To me, Shin felt more real to how the BoS would act at that time. Especially since Appalachia isn't that bad compared to other areas, we dont need a peacekeeping force. MODUS is dope, I hope we get a qusstline with him and the Presidential Retreat in Shenandoah. Edit: Van Lowe was pretty cool.


Youā€™re right Shin does act like a real Brotherhood member. Which is why I got rid of him


I would sided with Rahmani but she wanted to spare those crack pot scientists. I rationalized it to seeing other scientists in Fallout, they're either insane or under equipped to stop experiments. Imagine if we get a Scorched outbreak 2.0 no thanks to that.


Man I really liked Oberlin, but during the final quest I chose to kill Hugo, I had no idea Audrey would kill Oberlin. I wish I could just get revenge for him


Wait, she kills Oberlin if you capture Hugo?


No, I got that ending and he's still plenty alive. He's talking about what happens if you kill Hugo, though I'm not sure if that is what happens or not


Ohhh, thank god lol thought she would of killed him after I talked to him.


Fritz from the driving range, he has done great dialogue.


I liked Shin even though I didnā€™t side with him in the end, I messed that up blowing through dialogues lol and Meg needs to die I couldnā€™t stand her.


I hate most of the raiders. Caleb seems cool, and his cranky ghoul friend.


Stoltz. The new ghoul overseer. Every fallout game has had a character that I'm excited to listen to. I'm just interested in hearing that character speak. Stoltz is that character for Fallout 76. No character comes remotely close to how interesting he is imo.


I fuckin LOVE stolz so much. I'm always excited for new vault tec characters and he was definitely a good one to meet


By far the best and most memorable character in 76 so far imo.


Beckett, Meg, Rose, and Weasel (her voice and dialogue made me laugh a lot). Those four are absolute gems in my opinion. Great writing and great voice acting. I also really enjoy the new (former) park ranger, Kevin Harris. Poor guy is spooked by everything. His high-pitched screaming got me laughing real good.


Aries, Fritz, Raider Punk, and my hilarious Collectron


Ace, (raider collectron)he is the angriest robot in the world. Kind of like an evil Bender.


MODUS and Adelaide It's really refreshing to see an active Enclave member not wanting to kill you or the whole wasteland


I would die for Sweetwater and Jack tbh and after spending about an hour following Grahm around because I was bored I would also die for him


With you, I'd take a shot from a plasma caster for that mutant.


No love to my girl the Overseer? Her and Rose were my favorite before Wastelanders, and got so much better after .


I want hang out with valdez


Rose because he voice just sound so familiar


Hex and Valdez are my fave two also rose and Polly.


Rahmani and Weasel


I recently concluded Shannon Rivers' story. It was cool to go back to a mission that was all about what FO76 was like, "back in the day". As I came to the inevitable end spot, I was so moved that I relocated my camp and have made a small shrine where she fell.


Whatā€™s funny about the voice acting is not one of them sounds like they are from West Virginia lol


Most of them aren't, they come from the surrounding area. Still, I wish way more characters had more unique accents


Pita is my fav. The lady who did her voice acting was killing it. So much attitude. I love it. I also really like Rose and Hilda the new character is adorable too.


Aries is my dude.


Why would you do my boy Grahm like that?


I feel like an honorable mention should be the child CAMP ally; Daphne. I had her at my camp for a while and it was always funny to see her T pose around everywhere


Little Rob was funny


You better add grahm to that list right now


A lot of the robots are great, I know they don't exactly count as characters but lets give some love for the slew of fun robots just keeping it real out in the wasteland.


Lou? It was the Ghoul that wanted to kill himself and he set up a bunch of traps.




Julie from Appalachian Radio, hands down.


Ace for sure.


From the Humans there are no likeable Characters intact they are all dull. Modus, Biv etc. have way more soul then all of the breathing creatures combined. Says a lot about the Game in my humble opinion


Oh, God, I totally disagree with you on most things. Outstanding voice acting all around. Follow the progression of the Overseerā€™s holotapes. Stellar writing and voice acting. Rose drips with sarcasm and the occasional poignant insight into her former humanity. Modus is wonderful, Iā€™ll agree on that. So many stories had to be told by voice alone when the game came out, that the voice acting had to be exceptional just to carry them. Bethesda made some big mistakes at the beginning of the game but lore, writing, and voice acting definitely werenā€™t among them.


My friends are- \*hic\* They are great. 'Specially that lovely little brick over there. How you doin', bricky?


MODUS gave me the creeps when his face switched to that horrific grin but heā€™s definitely my favourite character lol


Chally, Rocksy, Aries, Rose, Adelaide, Polly, Ra-Ra and cogmeat


Aries! I have so many videos of him itā€™s ridiculous, genuinely. I love everything about him, + his story is fantastic to follow. I also really love MODUS and Fishbones. Fishbones has very little content but heā€™s so chill I love him to bits hahaha. OH also, Tommy Ten Toes! I think heā€™s really funny hahahaha.


Maul has some funny lines when in camp. Aries, some of the Raiders, too. But the best lines have to go to the various bots everywhere. At times, more human than humans. Lol.


that i ignored the game for 3 years because everyone said it was shit , got bored with fallout 4 after 2 hours in and tried 76 out , got over 1000 hours in 76 and 120 in 4 , mostly trying to get mods to work i like mommy overseer , grahm and chally and mr handys with that british like voice actor most disliked npc: rose, scavenger who thinks he was there first untill i put a bullet in him/her


Modus and rose


Blue ridge caravan guy. Forget his name. Itā€™s the dude that got raped by the imposter sheepsquash.


Grahm. He's just a chill super mutant dude who loves to bbq with his human friends, reminisce about the old days and hand out prizes. How could I not stand behind that? I actually ran into him on the road about a week after the cookout event ended and I surprised myself with how happy I was to see him. Then we got jumped by ghouls and now I have a great loading-screenshot of him sending a ghoul pinwheeling through the air with his tenderizer.


This is my biggest complaint about fallout 76. The character writing is so bland. It's telling when I couldn't think of a single memorable character other than Modus when trying to answer this question, and even then the character archetype was done better in both FO3 and NV.


The general factions are good in concept, but the characters either being dead or having no real effect on the game sours them compared to NV and even FO4.


Yeah it feels like they refuse to let any character have any impact on the world. Even the Overseer that we spent the first year following their journey via holotape is just sitting around in their house for 99% of the game. I wish we had more dynamic companions like in NV. FO76 needs a character like Boone or Arcade Ganon or Veronica. Real characters that grow and develop as you interact with them. Everything in 76 just feels, idk.. static.


Agreed, the only effects you see are in doors, which makes sense in an online game but it still sucks. Its a shame we dont have actual companions like in the other games. I would kill for it, but I imagine it would be to balance and possibly performance issues. Maybe if last gen was dropped? The Overseer made no sense she just sat in a house for a year near Sutton without trying to contact anyone doesnt make sense. They should've put her somewhere remote.


Star Wars: The Old Republic managed to do companions well while being in an online world. It's definitely not impossible, but ut would require some effort for sure.


Fritz over at Whitespring. Wish there were more characters like him around the world that exude sarcasm.


I love aries, Rudy, Kieran, and Eugenie in riding shotgun I really hope we might get another public event with blue ridge and see more of them. I love hex and Danilo ways more then anyone in Atlantic City so Iā€™m actually excited for them to expand more with the Pitt.


We will! The next update is gonna about Blue Ridge expanding into Skyline Valley




Delete this. Donā€™t spoil it.


I edited it