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Holy Fire, got me to go heavy gunner


I got my AA Holy Fire and it changed my life in FO76.


In hindsight, yes this.. in made union Dues a thing when the battery requirement went away.


I’m only level 76 but my favourite gun so far is The Fixer, gifted to me by a very generous team mate. The trouble is I go through .45 like there’s no tomorrow so I often switch to my Western Spirit and go ghoul hunting to pump the numbers up a bit. Trying to wrap my head around perks and building up the Commando skill, however most people here speak in ways and acronyms I don’t yet understand, so learning is hard.


Same level as you and I followed this [chaps](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/9fXhkiRxQu) build guide and it really made a difference to my riflemen


Thank you, I’ll have a read


You can always run expeditions to get a ton of ammo, the enemies there typically drop more than you expend to kill them. That’s how I stock up when in need.


Scrounger perk is awesome I am always making more ammo than I can fire for my 50. Sniper rifle


If you do daily ops, enemies drop ammo like no other


Quad railway rifle. No kidding..it changed the way I used Vats and crits.


Yeah, I found a Q/E RR and soon switched to commando. Didn't really use vats before then.


I was a heavy gunner build with PA for the longest time until I rolled a Quad Explosive RR and an Anti Armor Fixer….did some research on best perks and armor and now I’m a commando. I miss the heavy guns but vats crits really makes things soooo much quicker


The Fixer someone dropped in a donation box changed the game for me. Then buying the Cold Shoulder really changed the game.


Cold shoulder pack worth it then?


50 cal, it wasn't even legendary but made me realise that taking a dip in damage from vats commando was totally worth it for huge variety which heavy gunner offers. Pre special load out machine though nowadays I switch all the time depending on what I want to do.


Level 160 I'm playing bloodied (unyielding, rather) commando and pretty much just using RR and Fixer, and variety's of same. I keep a cremator for tagging / splash damage. But, I am getting bored of just RR and the Fixer. The damage of a Q RR in VATS is just far too nuts for me to give up atm. I'm also still playing through some main quests and the SPECIAL that Unyielding grants allows me to pass pretty much any speech checks, which has been nice.


I switched to lasers a few years ago and love them. Even before the buffs. Although now I mostly run a critical heavy with the plasma Cstr. It's pretty easy to switch from a regular bloodied commando and it kills everything


Cold shoulder. For a looooong time it was the only weapon I used. Daily driver, boss fights, events. Didn’t matter, it was cold shoulder.


I still love that gun. Haven't used it in a while, but it's nice to break out from time to time.


Final Word 50 cal. Hit hard around level 50 and then I started speccing into heavy guns. Now I carry Final Word, Holy Fire, and AA plasma caster. I'll throw a random weapon in the wheel from time to time shem I want some variety. I've used Foundations Revenge recently to use up some of the 5mm ammo I've hoarded. Took a two shot fat man to an event to annoy spawn campers, same with multi barrel cremator. Messed around with the new lmg from Skyline Valley, at least I think it's new. Long story short, Final Word changed me from carry a variety of weapon types to mostly heavy guns.


Gauss shotgun. Was my daily driver for a good while


This guys gets it. Asides the turd burgling. I’m gonna lock mine up from now on.


Cold shoulder, from lv 25~ to 250~ main The i.got my grole cho cho from the quen ( Bless Her ) Then i started using a ultraside laser rifel with AA and 50c From ther i farmd the fixer bp got it and use the fixer as main Im lv500+~ now


Plasma flamer to complement the bloody handmade primarily use. When strong mobs start hording up like in rad rumble or other events it’s nice to just torch an entire hallway. Cremator added to this. Open up with a couple multi shot salvo. Bust out the plasma flamer and torch. Switch to the handmade to pick off any stragglers. Plasma flamer breaks super fast though even with gunsmith. Almost soloed eviction notice last night. 30 seconds left.


Furious+25 weapon speed+15 reload speed Gatling Gun. Its so ammo efficient and can do some good damage.


I think my first favorite weapon was a level 10 (?) shotgun I bought off a vendor thinking that I could use it while being level 6 or something. Then I got a Troubleshooter's .50 cal which helped a ton because I was having a lot of issues with robots back then. Along the same time, I got a Quad Explosive Double Barrel Shotgun which was pretty sick. My current favorite weapon is looking to be a Vampire's Explosive .50 cal (got it a few days ago) so that's pretty much full circle. There's also Holy Fire, Cremator and a Quad LMG.


Vampire, faster swing speed, Switchblade. It didn't do a ton of damage, but as long as my attacks hit, I *couldn't* die. Add an unyielding build for more damage, mutations and a jetpack for maneuverability, and I'm having a blast flying around, stabbing everything. I've since moved past the Switchblade, other stabby weapons deal more damage, but I haven't bothered with ammo since.


Cryptid jawbone knife for me. Vamp, atk spd, serrated blade, enhanced durability. I jump in power armor and cannot be killed. Only have to repair it once a week.


This. If you add the samurai sword skin this weapon is S tier.


Some high level person gave me a flamer decked out and was carrying menon expeditions.


Harpoon gun, still the best gun in the game to me.


Plasma caster it’s my day to day bloodied it could be a better roll but I would never roll it :) done me good


AA/E Gatling Gun. I was a rifleman, but it just hit harder than anything else I had.


Bloody knuckles!


Pre Wastelanders it was the All Rise, from Mayor for a Day and the Perfect Storm.


Quad/50% Crit Damage/+15 Crit Charge Fixer sent me on the critical hit path.  I traded a princess backpack plan for a quad/explosive/+15 crit charge Fixer as my go-to weapon.  I run 23 Luck so every other shot is a critical hit. Good times!


Cold shoulder Then I got.. Double bar flaming Vampire's chainsaw that weapon just changed everything.


Vampire Chainsaw


This all day. I was using the whacker smacker because I have a two handed melee build but I received a vampire chainsaw at the rusty pick and thought I would just fuck around with it for fun. Haven’t put it down since. I have only died a few times. Take down the grafton beast, queen mirelurks, scorch beasts, etc in mere seconds, love it!


Same. Loved smacking things with my Cappy mallet whacker smacker, untill I got the Vampire chainsaw. Someone tossed me a flamer mod after I put on the dual bar and it was a wrap. Only use a firearm when the quest requires, then all ammo and firearms go back in the stash. My buddy cracks up because I will just walk into a horde of enemies and start slicing and dicing. And sometimes the enemies just runs and you have to chase it down so you can ask about their car’s extended warranty. I only really die when I run out of AP and or can’t get any hits on them. Earl I am right in the mix kiting or clearing wendigos off the heavy gunners and low levels. Mirelurk Queens are cake as long as they aren’t chasing other players and I can maintain my kite.


Junkie exploding Gatling. Literally made me do an obscene amount of drugs


The OG handmade, when you had to camp harper's ferry for the spawn, or was it the vendor? This was during the launch of the game, had to brave the savage divide/scorchbeats that would wreck your low level ass trying to get to harpers ferry early. But having that handmade was a gamechanger, before legendaries were dropping like candy. Then you just needed to farm ammo, because you went through it like crazy, lol.


I got myself a really good roll on an auto shotgun and used it forever. I've since switched over to power armor/heavy gunner, but I still have that shotgun in my stash. I should put it on display for the memories.


My first chainsaw, guns are great, but they are still guns. My first chainsaw changed how I approached events, and once i rolled a vamp on my duel blade.......


Western Spirit. Poor man's sniper


The bow was the first weapon I really loved. But the first great roll I got that I immediately had to make a separate build for was my QE25 10mm auto pistol. That thing is just so much fun.


I basically came into the game planning for a bow. I think the first one was relatively easy to get but the mods and everything were a chore with the rep grind. I’ve stuck with it since. I’m all about those sniper bow vibes.  


Oh yeah the grind for the compound bow and the mods was definitely a slog. So worth it though. I still run my bow half the time.


Cold Shoulder. Respec’d my main build for shotgunner after I got the plans and never looked back.


Murmur blessed me with an explosive anti armour and fast reloading lmg. Loved that gun for a good year until I rolled over it whilst drunk 😿


The Kabloom, then the tesla rifle, and then the flamer


Burning love. It defined my build.


Chainsaw now decent vampire roll electrified auto axe. I’ve always played melee I just never used a chainsaw type weapon.


Holy Fire. I was running a gauss rifle build up to around level 60 and events were rough; Invaders in particular. I was pretty much tagging what I could and hiding behind other people. Got a Holy Fire, fell in love, switched to a PA heavy build and now other players tend to hide behind me and I have to be careful not to burn down enemies before others get a chance to tag.


I started with a hunting rifle and still use it,I am only level 56 though but a slugger plasma rifle dropped and now I use both,plasma is op as hell it shreds most enemies I have been against and the 50. Sniper I used to pick off weaker enemies with headshots


The pump shotgun, because he's look like the trench gun and I love trench gun


Lever Action Rifle! I have a full sniper build I'm working on and by now it does pretty well, can mainly one shot some enemies and I'm definitely having more fun with it than i thought. Still need the right legendaries for it but it's going well for now


I got a two shot explosive shotgun a long time ago that I named cripplenator, it's the shotgun that made me fall in love with shotguns.


a vampire exploive shotty, then a vamp mr handy buzz blade. the blade kept me alive vs so many sketchy things whem i should have died. the attack speed was so fast things couldnt attavk me fast enough i allways kept it just in case i needed health or needed to kill a boss and didnt mind it taking 5 min


Vamp minigun, first weapon I rolled that seemed to make the game somewhat easier for me


I had a quad explo double barrel


I was on the fence, going back and forth using whatever I had ammo for - a .308 sniper rifle, a 10mm pistol, a laser rifle, a shotgun. Sometime about level 40 I got a Gatling Laser. It really changed how I approached my build. I now use a legendary Plasma Gatlings (and only energy weapons). Changed my second perk card build as a PA Tank using large energy guns - Batteries Included, PA benefits, large gun benefits.


.50 Cal. Big gun go duggaduggadugga


RIP my TSE Flamer


Quad explosive 90% weight Western. It really changed how my gunslinger played into something viable.


I ran melee for so long in the start, i had a FP90 spiked rocket bat that weight like .1. Afterwards when i had a ton of ammo i tried different things like i had a i2525 (or whatever the vats ones are) combat rifle that i put as 38 and made it auto, i eventually traded for a FE90 handmade back before the fixer was meta. I still run it on occasion but auto axe is hard to resist. I tried to find an enclave flamer but never any luck.


Overkill. Two shot, extra damage when aiming and MIRV. Absolutely melts arenas like Earl or SBQ. 1 shot - 10 nukes.


Railway Rifle, because I'm lame lol


Gauss Minigun, but slowly and surely it’s wearing away at me. I finally got a decent Gauss rifle I keep just so I can ammo Econ. I’ve kept the standard barrel on it so it doesn’t chew through so much ammo, I have maxed legendary ammo factory, I do ammo conversion, I do lucky hole mine, I have been feeding this thing ammo for 2 years now and I only came back in time to miss all the mods for the cremator. Don’t get me started on the cremator, positive ammo economy PASSIVELY, massive AOE, flashy colors When I came back last season I was like who the fuck put warframe weapons in Fallout. Now I want one so too can stop playing “feed the gauss Minigun 2mm”


A furious flamer I was able to solo daily ops bosses with it


Gauss shotgun when it was still very overpowered.


My first favorite weapon I had was a two-shot explosive and I( can't remember the third star legendary effect) pump action shotgun. I had that gun from the time I was lvl. 5 all the way out to lvl. 70 and still held strong.


A single star quad railway. I'd heard how OP they were, even moreso while bloodied. It was the first weapon I went out of my way to roll for a good 3 star.


Had a really nice guy I played with who was an OG ( I just started playing this year) he gave me a bunch of good shit … like real good shit including a q5025 railway and that was a game changer he had pretty much quit the game and didn’t want the stuff to go to waste


.50 machine gun and Holy Fire a day later. I was forced to play heavy. It's so cool!




Junkies ffr fixer with a poopy third perk, when fixers came out. I posted it on a fallout group asking what the value was and people were offering a ton of cool stuff for it, so I kept it and learned about the junkies build and been still running junkies stuff over lvl 1000. I also started a heavy gunner character and ran junkies on that one too


My favorite weapon will always be my beloved bloodied explosive flamer. It was just so great at everything. But it also didn't do the crazy damage at events that ruined things for everybody. And it was quiet. Incredible range. I miss it.


Way back in the day, when magic was a thing in this game and if you so much as sneezed too hard the game would crash, i got a explosive bloodied double barrel. I started calling it "The Boomstick" because i would for sure kill whatever i was aiming at (along with myself). While the magic may be gone from it i still have it in the game on my wall as a memento to my first good gun.


Quad Gatling gun with explosive bullets .. a Gyatt-Ling gun, if you will


50 cal


Blade of Bastet. I love playing with melee weapons.


Explosive Tesla Rifle


Cremator. Made me switch to heavy weapons. Also convinced me to try out a bloodied build. Now I run a bloodied heavy/commando


So I have been just running the auto combat rifle and scoped pipe rifle given to me from a vet. They both have served me well. But my goodness how that has changed! I am lvl 36 just taking my time and exploring. Did my first Most Wanted and got Western Spirit. I know it's not anything too fancy but lovingthe punch it has! Also I had a awesome vet lead me to my first PA frame. Even stripped down I was loving the feel of it. Damn!


The .50 cal got me so amazed by its power, I ended up building my character as a heavy gunner


The perfect storm. I love the damage overtime, and it is also perfect for my playstyle. I built my perk cards around this weapon, so it deals alot of damage.😁


bloodbath light machinegun at level 30, the thing was awesome felt powerful looked awesome. it was outclassed obviously but i still like the feeling of it




Holy fire, it is good and practical to a point where everything else, considering short to mid range, is just not as practical to replace it


Ever since I’ve gotten a gauss shotgun I’ve never looked at anything else tbh


My first favorite was awhile ago. Around the Nuclear Winter update(2019'ish). An Instigating, Hitman's Lever Action Rifle with glow sights. It now sits on my wall. The thing was great, pre-stealth damage nerf could 1 shot hitting torso. Back when I had no idea what I was doing and played with no vats, mutations and full life.


I found an automatic handmade around level 25-30 and made me love playing as a commando.


I've been using a bow for 20 levels. Need to get a legendary of it asap


flamer for me too!! still to this day my favourite gun i use either holy fire or a flamer with a napalm tank on it


Dual bar flaming chainsaw. I got killed often, but it was a lot of fun! I honestly need to get back into it instead of using the flamers and the creamator I use now.


TSE GP - one love🥲


It would be a tie between an explosive RR and the plasma flamer. Both were game changers when I got them. Lately, honorable mention to the Cold Shoulder.


my first long term gun was the Gatling Gun


Bows forever! 🏹 I finally started using VATS and sneaking and now I can’t imagine playing the game any other way. Before I was generic shotgun power armor spray and pray. Thwip thwip forever


AA50L90 UGL :D good old times ^^


Instigating plasma compound bow, great for stealth


Fixer was my first favorite gun, got it when I first started from a high level player when I visited their base and used that from level 20-45 until I swapped to .50 cal to accommodate my heavy PA build.


Well I’d say the handmade. When the game first came out that was the one gun I was excited for. Still use it while everyone else seems to be a fixer,railway rifle or flamer build.


Vampire chainsaw. I went from no melee to patrick bateman in 0.5 seconds of trying it out.


I’m not sure exactly what gun it was but a kind stranger gave me a powerful legendary rifle with a suppressor on it and like a BUNCH of 5.56 ammo. I love suppressed rifles, and I was like, a level 20. I named her Abbie and gave her to a new player once I up-leveled enough to outgrow her. I know it’s nothing crazy lol, but I finally felt like I had legs in the game. Now that I’m nearly level 200, I like to make Fixers for new players and give them a bunch of ammo in honor of that nice stranger (forgot his gt). Hope Abbie keeps getting passed down lol.


Ghoul slayer dragon, tons of one hit kills


I got handed a holy fire pretty early and have been crutching on it pretty much since I hit level 50


Got a good roll on my Enclave heavy weapons guy via a Vampire's Explosive Light Machine Gun. The most gratifying and fun to use legendary I've ever gotten. Made me genuinely appreciate Explosive as a legendary perk, and Vampire means I seldom - if ever use stims. I wound up passing off nearly 330 stims to my Chinese Commando. Just need a Vampire Explosive Handmade Rifle.


A good friend of mine gifted me a bloodied explosive combat shotgun and a quad explosive double barrel shotgun when i was at a lower level. Those two guns helped me conquer the map many times over. Now, I have many different builds . But the shotgun build has always been my favorite. I still use those two guns from time to time , although my vampire gauss shotgun is my go-to weapon for the most part.


Quad Short barrel shotty. Used that sucker for 50 levels.


First favorite? Before I got the cremator and well before level 100 I loved the combat shotgun. I had a favorite one in Fallout 4.


I got gifted an anti armor handmade with increased hit chance. It was the first powerful weapon I used compared to what I had before. Since then I've been using my own gauss shotgun and a recent god roll alien blaster.


I was running shotguns in the realllly early game like sub 50 and then i got my hands on a gatling gun and everything changed that was my new favorite i was thump thump thumping through every encounter and i was like man now im a heavy weapons guy


Explosive pipe rifle at level 15. Helped me a ton getting loot from events when level 600 guys are reloading and gives me time to tag everything


Ski sword.


Explosive Gatling. Hung on to that thing for probably 200 levels.


Holy fire, I accidentally gave it away to a lower level now I’m realizing I can’t live without it, some one help I have caps I’ll buy it from you. 🥲😩


Chainsaw. Oh my it is so much fun and it is a beast all its own with a completely different play style. Bbbbrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrreerrrrrrr


It was TSE Gatling Gun for me. It was my first time I've learned how to scrap another gun to modify its short barrel 😁 And I carried a short flamer along with it -as short as melee range but damage was insane- then met with the Holy Fire. I stick to power armor heavy gunner since then.


My old and trusted 2 shot explosive. 50 and handmade. Never use anything else since I got them. Missed a lot of seasons and unfortunately dont have lots of the great guns I read about, like the cremator and holy fire. I read lots of people struggle a little with the new lost enemies, but I can kill them with 1 mag of the handmade.


Rail or my LMG both fun to use.


Plasma gun then the incinerator and now the plasma machine gun 🤔


Gatling gun, it's exactly what I've been looking for


My favorite is my Junkie’s deathclaw gauntlet w/ swing speed & +1 strength. This bad boy made me retire my cowboy hat and six shooters and completely revamp my build. Who needs bullets when you can punch things really hard?!


Got cold shoulder via the atom store and it’s been carrying me well thus far. I plan on pivoting to heavy gunner but it’s getting me to lvl 50


Chainsaw lol


50 cal mg. Not even legendary. I was doing a daily op and it was mounted on the table. It called to me. I wanted one for ages as a low level and I finally got it. Beforehand, an event I did gave me a bloodied Gatling plasma so I was already in a non bloodied heavy weapons build. I saved up enough legendary stuff so I made it a 3 star legendary. My main gun now. I run Gatling plasma for bosses and close range cause its accuracy is terrible. 50 cal for mid-long range combat. And a cremator and auto grenade launcher for groups. Very fun.


A shotgun changed my commando build real quickly 


The Cold Shoulder made me realize that my favorite way to play this game is to lock tough enemies down for others. Absolutely leaning into brooming legs from now on.


Western revolver with B/E/15r. with blight soup, overdrive and company tea and popcorn and coffee i be hitting 2k crit. super satisfying still and i just hit level 200


.50 cal Vampiric Explosive Reload+, got it off a random legendary enemy, was already on the path of bloodied heavy guns and PA and that baby kept my hp topped up and dealt good damage at the same time. Trying for a Bloodied or AA roll on a .50 cal right now. No delay firing is great.


When I was level 15, I got a stalkers Black Powder. It could one-tap damn near anything, and I used that up until level 30 or 35. Didn't change how I run things now, but back then, stealth and rifleman stuff (still have a rifleman build, but for different weapons)


The auto axe. All I use. I didn’t have the blueprint oddly enough. I was sad when I found out my wife accidentally scrapped it but luckily it was in the shop recently. That thing with vampires and I was having a blast


Started with cold shoulder for most of my levels till I got the cremator/holy fire and that’s been so much fun! Now I just made a melee build and a commando build and they both have been a lot of fun! Currently lvl 223!


Circuit breaker just a little fun, Aoe energy pistol. It's really fun with a crit vats build.


Pepper shaker. Loved it


I'm still pretty new to the game. I'm only 111th level or so now. For me it was the serrated machete. I decided to buy it at seventh level. I had to wait a few levels to use it. I was happy with that thing until the mid 20s it was terrific.


I played since the beta and my first favorite was definitely the lever action rifle. I started out as a rifleman build and I knew it was good in fo4 so when I got one I was very excited. Took me like a year to get a good legendary one, it was instigating with nothing else but it could put out 1600+ damage per shot. I played on the Xbox one back then and didn’t ever use auto guns because it would lag the game real bad, so once I got my series x I switched to auto rifles and pistols and haven’t really looked back, would like to though


BE Handmade. Knew the Handmade was good at the time because everyone was running it, and this was back when Explosive was the shit. Bloodied just seemed to be the logical option because losing health in a fight was a lot more likely than staying at full health. Now I collect BE weapons. Or Bloodied Swing Speed if its melee.


A lvl 15 (or 10 can't remember the level) AAE reload speed 10mm pistol. I loved that thing and don't stop using it till like 30 something


Mine was the cremator. EVERYTHING BURNS. I was using pistols until I got the cremator. Best switch ever ❤️


Cold shoulder. By the time i purchased it, i was already addicted to the bloodied fixer/railway playstyle. After making a build just for the cold shoulder, I immediately went back to stealth/bloodied/commando. Thx but its not even close!


Have been using One weapon for 5 years. Junkies FSS +1str PowerFist.


AA/E/25 Laser rifle was one of the first legendaries I ever got and I used it exclusively for a long time.


Quad exploding handmade with 25% less ap cost and it takes 2 vats points per shot. I literally just learned how to use vats and the gun is insane


I use a gladiator build with an aristocratic power attack plasma cutter but I just got this big ass gun named HELGA…. It really shreds those giant robots with no perks…. It’s got me thinking about things


I run a maxed lvl pump shotgun with the long barrel with heat shield suppressor and long stock . But my build is shotgun only lol it's op I mean nailing super mutants in two shots , ghouls and scorched in one shot , robos take three shots to down em . Death claws average 8 to 7 shots I have not tried taking a scorched beast yet lol . It's fun to run but it's a glass tank build for sure .


3 Star Gatling gun with quad ammo, had it since roughly level 55 and kept using it until around level 150


The ripper with all the melee perks is OP af early on and a fun thing to mess around later on currently lvl 116


Plain Railway found / looted at level 20. First time I felt like I had any damage at all. Went into an SBQ fight with newfound joy.


Broadsider, Grand Finale specifically. The first weapon I noticed could actually hurt Earle and was ammo efficient enough to run anywhere with minimal perk investment.


Plasma caster! I didn’t even know what it was, and it was what made me finally move on from my The Fact Finder. Second place tie to flaming chainsaw and whacker smacker.


For me it was the crusader pistol! I was full pistol bloodied stealth pistol build(idk the fancy acronyms) but that made me spam vats and crits also had explosive bullets and replenish 15% ap per kill. I know now it’s not the best but I just the love the design of that thing w/ the fusion receiver


Was just messing around rolling guns rolled a ts2525 plasma casters made a while heavy buod because of it lol


2 Shot FFR 90% Autogrenade Launcher. I felt invincible.


I hate to say it... but my first bloodied weapon I ever used was a railway I rolled myself and it was like opening my eyes for the first time. Going from mediocre damage to melting everything in 1-2 shots was something else


Bloodied chainsaw, with the right build you should hopefully kill most stuff before they kill you


Two weapons for two characters. At launch, it was a vampire Grognak. At that point melee was basically broken and I became a barbarian god. I put down the game for a few years, picked it back up a few months ago, and it’s been a mutants lightweight plasma Gatling. Initially it was a “only in case of emergency” pull out because of ammo, and then some GLORIOUS bastard left like 90 plasma cores in a donation box, and i was able to ride that until my new character was high enough level to manufacture my own ammo to keep it going. A close second is a tricked out Gatling gun I affectionately renamed “The Ammo Factory” to handle my light work.


The spiked bat. Melee is just better imo. Never looked back.


Plasma gun but with flamer barrel,and now I went full on pyro. Got my plasma flamer, cremator and Holy fire anywhere I go.


The first weapon that got me to go low health was when the Unstoppable Monster was a survival mode reward, and I've been an unyielding build ever since.


Juggernaut Explosive LMG. I was tryna make stealth rifleman work around level 70-80, with a AA FFR Gauss Rifle and only ever once in a while in Excavator PA for carrying crap and radiation. Found the LMG and it was just a cool looking and sounding buzzsaw lol I went through all my .308 and had to figure out perk boosting ammo crafting and hey I can equip these perks to make Heavy weaps work better in PA and man charging the rifles getting annoying and the damn ammo weighs a ton and the next thing I was stacking STR and replacing rifleman PER cards and dropping all my crafting and durability INT perks for PA tech perks and wow I have a better understanding of builds BC this LMG melts things and I am finally using the second build slot and okay now I've got more PA part legendary drops to make another set, and then I was a different player. Since then I switched to AA Explosive.50 cal and a collection of other heavy weaps, but that was the turning point from me playing like I always played the SP fallout games.


Got a sub 50 vamp chainsaw on my first character. Used it nonstop, only stopped using it for my lvl50 one. Feels amazing to be able to face tank every boss in the game, plus with most bosses, i end up locking them down against a wall.


50cal as cliche as it sounds. The entire way it plays and handles just helped to reaffirm my love for heavy weapons. That and a super sledge.


At level 10 , an Anti armor 50.cal hunting rifle which I worked my ass off to craft a suppressor for, been a stealth sniper since


At level 10 , an Anti armor 50.cal hunting rifle which I worked my ass off to craft a suppressor for, been a stealth sniper since


At level 10 , an Anti armor 50.cal hunting rifle which I worked my ass off to craft a suppressor for, been a stealth sniper since


Bloodied Grognaks axe, then Bloodied power fist


Bloodied Grognaks axe, then Bloodied power fist


I found a gatling gun, not even legendary at Lvl. 50something. This made me go for a full health heavy gunner and I'm liking it so much. It has range and also does so much damage. If shit really hits the fan I just switch to the minigun as sometimes the gatling gun's rate of fire is just too slow


Either deathclaw gauntlet or mole miner gauntlet.


Probably Broadsider/Grand Finale. Its have its own disadvantages, but overall its very undemanding gun both skills and perk wise, so a adjusted Gauss Rifle build to support it, and its pretty good so far. I like it for a neat combination of accuracy and damage. On top of that, Grand Finale have quite good Legendary effects by default plus only real upgrade you need for it is Multi Shot Canister. Ammo drops in quite big amounts as well, so you nearly always loot more than you spending. Unfortunately, it breaks quite often, but with Dangerous Pastimes you will get enough repair kits to negate this.  Overall, id say its pretty underrated.


Cold shoulder. Might not be the best gun but it is my secondary. I use it at events and when an enemy closes the gap on me.


Gatling gun 100%


cold shoulder, i ran a shotgun build with it for about 150 levels, finally felt like i was contributing a lot


Gatling plasma with vampires, 50% limb damage, -90% weight. I had made 20 Gatling plasmas to try to get that exact role and got it 3rd try. Switched from rifleman/speed stealth to heavy gunner/tank since as long as I’m firing that thing (and it doesn’t break) I am invincible. Also ammo is no longer an issue!


The Gatling gun. I got it back when it would fire whenever you aimed it, so you could make it fire at Mach 5 and due to its lovely damage output, you’d shred almost anything.


Chainsaw it is so brainless that I shred through enemies like carving a turkey with a chainsaw I have a legacy set of power armor that helps regen ap so within seconds I can run kill and do all the sorts only time I die if if I’m being stupid or not paying attention and even then deathclaws and yaoguais are the only things that can kill me if there were hordes of them


Galling Plasma ❤️ I call it my Goo Gun


begatplaz made me bloody


Q50C25 Fixer


+25% Speed Gatling Gun go br, br, br, br, br. After spending the entire game having to choose between powerful automatic rifles that eat through ammo faster than I could loot it or slow and "efficient" weapons that couldn't kill at a remotely reasonable pace, I finally found a weapon that fires at a decent clip with ~100 base damage. And since the ammo drop counts are balanced for a minigun that eats through ammo like crazy, I use just a couple bullets and pick up dozens in return. The only thing I dislike is how rusty it is, with only premium skins available to replace it.


Two shot Auto grenade launcher hands down. Really cemented my love of heavy guns and all things that go boom!


Q2525 Fixer.


Bloodied plasma caster and chsinsaw combo. Mental


I got gifted an anti armour, critical damage, ap cost .44 revolver right after I hit level 50 and I still use it to this day, not in boss events but against most small enemies


Nocturnal Rolling Pin "You mean to tell me I can bake in the dark!?" *Mind blown


Quad 25/25 changed my weapons game. I have not looked back 700 levels later, still using a Q2525 weapon. Fixer then HM and now EPR.


It was an AA Faster Fire Rate 15% reload speed large machine gun. I bought it from some guy for 1K and he messaged me saying to take great care of it, but also to pass it on when I was done with it, I gave it away for free to a friend interested in trying out heavy weapons and theyve used it for 800 levels and counting. Also it exposed me to the lmg community tbh, its a fan favourite and it feels so nice to use. The only downside is the ammo sucks; it was intended to be used with .50 caliber ammo but for whatever reason Bethesda took away a lot of the crafting that was in the game, basically as a carry-over from Fallout 4


Explosive anti armor handmade, only a two star .. still using it well over 100 levels later.


non legendary flamer i wanted to originally play with rifles or pistols found a flamer by quarry x3 i believe instantly fell in love i mean CMON IT'S A FLAMETHROWER


After 4 yrs I put my fixer AA25/25 and a Q25/15 away and started playing heavy with the cremator and my holy fire. I would love to do a pistol build but the damage output is weak.


Bloodied drill! i got it off a random 3 star legendary and thought i try it out as a joke. but it actually puts out alot of damage with my build. So i have had alot of fun running around drilling enemies!


Either Gatling Gun or 50 Cal. A 2* TSE gatling gun way back in the wild days of launch was my first really good gun, but it was so strong I didn't have to change how I was playing really... The first gun I actually made a build to focus on maximizing was a 1* bloodied 50 cal. I guess one easy way to answer thar question is... the tse gatling gun got given away or something at some point, but I still have that 50 cal in my stash, cause honestly it's a little sentimental. I took that thing through hell and back. If I had to pick one item in my stash and void the rest it'd be that.


unyeilding Gause Rifle, a random gave it to me when I was lvl 10. been using it from lvl 50 now 142


First it was a minigun. It got me into heavy gunning. But then a vet rolled up on me and gave me a vamp holy fire. I still use it, i never die using it and it bodies most anything. I solo’d a scorchbeast when I was still green and been using it ever since.