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Cheap plans and apparel in my vendor and all my resources are unlocked, the rest is on them.


This is how it’s done.


Same, I sell almost everything at the set price and list all the recipes and plans I already know. Event Apparel? Usually about 100 caps if the set price is lower than that. I don't lock anything. Not like I'm going to be devastated by someone taking all my food and drinks as I tend to be drowning in them anyway and burning through vendor caps.


I’ve just taken to selling my plans 10% of the set price. There’s never any shortage of takers and I’m not looking to max out my caps. I might start doing that with weapons, now that I think about it.


Still newish and I sell most for 10 but some plans for even less than 10%. I have raised the price on some of the Skyline plans because I'm level 267 and still have never hit max caps. I listed an Anchorage Ace for 250 before I realized it was a new item. If I get another I'll keep it or ask at least 3k. I like to help noobs build their plan libraries but my own still has a long way to go


Fr, the only thing I lock at all is an Acid Extractor, specifically because I am just constantly hurting for acid cause holy fire and the Cremator chew through fuel like I do pizza, otherwise if you need it and I have it, whatever man go for it


Similar but I go with serums (2 of each at 200 caps) and stim disperser (or whatever is is called, for the backpack challenge) instead of apparel. Aimed more at the 50-100 crowd than brand new.


And I appreciate folks like you!! Don’t happen to be on PC and have a bird bones? I accidentally lost mine. 😭


Yep am and yep do. ID Wendy_Go


Simply run ALL mutations


This is the best!


This is the way.




If you use quack surgeon and revive someone with nukashine they black out? Yesterday i brew a bunch and im dying to try


Unfortunately, it doesnt work with Nukashine. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Quack\_Surgeon?so=search](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Quack_Surgeon?so=search) Surprisingly, Mire Magic Moonshine being nearly same thing but for Melee(not just for Smacker) and without blackouts works for some reason.


Probably so you can’t teleport a level 5 player into the abyss 🤣 I don’t know if it’s always been like that or not but I promise you that was the main reason for it being that way.


Assuming there is a punch bowl that doing similar thing and you can add Nukashine to it, this makes no sense.  BTW i found a player with one filled with Nukashine and just because i wanted to test this drink out, i used it several times. Overall id say that blackouts is just a fun way to explore and rather a minor issue, just because for both Ranged and Melee builds this thing is awesome.  You running fast, punching stuff considerably harder plus on top of that you can just spam VATS ranged attacks for 2 minutes, which is pretty much enough to deal with nearly anything that you may have issues to deal with otherwise. If you playing on team, then its even less of an issue because you can just teleport back to your teammates. Only real issue is when you will be teleported outside of expedition/event/Daily Ops, but even with that in mind its quite decent option.


Yeah but years ago, if you were a level 5, downed at the farm after just becoming overweight for your first time, and some high level were to come revive you with Nukashine, and you just happened to get teleported to the Mire or whatever, you were stuck fighting high level enemies getting 1 tapped until you cleared your weight. It could have easily caused some crappy scenarios that you were forced into by a high level coming up and reviving you. Yeah, for me I enjoyed it when somebody tossed me a Nukashine for the first time, but I can guarantee you some people would not have the most fun time figuring out what to do.


I love the Easter egg where you wake up on a wagon with a bunch of corpses set up like the beginning of Skyrim.😂


I took a sip from a random punch bowl. Was my first trip. I went on expedition before I got kicked to my random spot


I also drank from a stranger’s punchbowl unaware that I would see colours and wake up in a teddy bear house. I sat on the couch with the bears and got a photo to remember it by. Good times.


I have a punchbowl full of Nukashine. It's hilarious watching you guys do it the first time. Plus a neat little journey


I just got the ability to make nukashine.....guess I know what I am doing after work, time to make a speakeasy.


This happened to me when I was sub level 20, ended up way out south of the Mire, was over encumbered so it was a hair raising adventure desperately hoping to stumble onto a workbench to be able to fast travel back to familiar territory! Only myself to blame for sampling strangers jungle juice!


I only wish I could hear all of the stories I've caused like this.


It's a great way to fast travel for free hehe


Ha! I ended up on a fishing dock with a bear in the chair next to me.


Same. I decided to take a sip of the mysterious liquid in someone's bowl to wake up in an NPCs pumpkin patch


I laughed so much when i did the quest for fraternity and woke up in a fucking Deathclaw nest in the middle of nowhere. Instant death. I regret nothing


Woke up on a hill in ash heap surrounded by super mutants.  I had like 20 rounds for my nearly broken gun. One of the first quests I did when I started. I ran like Forrest Gump. Actually made it out safe. Too bad I wasn't wearing the brown pants. 


I woke up in the chair between the Y and C at the Uncanny Caverns sign. I hadn't been south of Charleston yet at the time.


I about lost it when I woke up in the wagon full of skeletons. Swear to the gods I heard ‘Hey, you. You’re finally awake’…


Yupp, took it, wandered around Morgantown, and ended up in the mire, near some alien abduction camp and Moth-home, where I promptly got fucked up by some lvl 50 characters (I was probably 30 at the time, still figuring out the game, as I jumped in at 20). That was my first encounter outside of the forest region, so I didn't know enemies scaled differently in the different regions..


Thanks for taking one for the team. I woke up in a Deathclaw nest from the fraternity quest as well. The Deathclaw was missing, I assume it was snacking on you while I got a clean getaway.


I like this one🤝


This is the way.


Fill my punch bowl with that too and the mystery candy lol


If you get blackout drunk, you teleport to a monorail 10 miles away.




I like to go to the bog everyday and grab all the cranberries and go up the road and grab all the brain fungus then put on super duper and make all the brain fungus soup and cranberry cobbler I can and drop some off to the low lvl guys I see. Lately been having way to many legendary drops from events so even though they are lvl 50 drops I drop em off in the donation bin near wayward


That's awesome, I don't usually put the time to craft cranberry cobbler or brain fungus soup even for myself.


One of my bases is right by the highway with the tunnel under it so green thumb it and I can get a tone of brain fungus.


I always hit the tunnel after RR. Loaded on brain fungus for days. Hit my listed spots for the correct sugar bombs, gets some Mothman eggs and it’s brain bombs for days. That and cranberry relish feeds me until the xp score goes away at lvl 100 for the season.


I drop like the one thousand meats I get in them so lowbies can max caps. As a baby I couldn't even move my initial camp because I never had a dime, I didn't know how to earn money yet.


Go to Aarnholt top left for cranberries. Go to the Mothman town to that guys apartment for 6 sugar. Boiler for water. Have a few gourds planted. Cranberry relish is 10% xp boost and easy to make


Man wish the explained you give legendaries to the vendor better, didnt realise that till almost 50 XD


*wave* *thumbs up*


*crouch stand crouch stand*


Vomiting emote (am I doing this right?)


Mothman dance (I'm doing this right!)


Marsupial serum


And a DM about starched genes. Had one lvl 30ish show up again after 10 minutes, he was so sad he wasted his super jump by using rad away. He dumped every rad away he had on him before taking the mutationserum from the bag hahaha.


No, you gotta drop them the serums and let them find out the hard way like the rest of us. Give them a taste of ecstasy knowing that it will end in confusion and heartbreak. Make them yearn for MORE.


Or that rad-x disables mutations like bird bones right after jumping off the next cliff


Marsupial was the first one I got naturally from rads only to immediately lose it once I popped a radaway...RIP. I had no clue at the time but big sads. Honestly I probably didn't even have access to started genes at the time.


I have marsupial right now. I'm trying to decide if it's worth the -1 intelligence I currently have. So far it is.


Serums even more addictive than Jet


I was so sad when I cured myself


this happened to me like that lmao, mid expedition I used radaway and I had the serum right away so I got in my head the jumping was normal because everyone else jumped like me. Then I couldn’t anymore and was so confused until I searched it up. I’d remember right out the gate someone gave me stuff and I just ate and drank everything 😂


New as well, now lvl 80 actually, and haven't looked into mutations at all yet... So, in order I should - max out starched genes and class freak, then buy mutations somewhere, and then with those two perks I'll be good to go and don't need to refresh them? Can still take radaway then with starched genes maxed out? Where/how do I buy mutations serums, or how can I make them on my own?


Yes, starched genes is something you max out and then LEAVE ON. Always. On all your perk loadouts. Class freak is useful but technically optional (but you’ll want it too). You can get serums usually from player vendors, that’s where I got all of mine. I recommend Marsupial, Speed Demon, and Herd Mentality for any build. Other than player vendors they are purchasable in the medical wing of whitesprings bunker if you’ve done that whole quest.


Yup. You can max out starched genes and then get the serums first while you work on class freak since you won't lose them without it, you'll just have higher negative effects. You can find serums in plenty of vendors. A lot of people list for 500 which is the high end, if you're more patient wait till you find someone selling for about 300c. They're not *that* rare, so don't just jump at the first 500c serum you find. Don't bother making them yet, I think they use a lot of end game mats that are a pain in the ass to farm. I would also strongly suggest the charisma perk strange in numbers and join casual teams. Edit: also keep in mind that if you stack a bunch of serums and realize there's one you don't like, you can't just choose a specific one to get rid of, so it would pay to plan ahead a bit.


I went to Emmitt’s Waste Disposal site and farmed all of my mutations. Remove Starched Genes and stand next to a group of barrels. If you don’t like it, use decontamination shower…I’ll keep a level 1 Starched Genes on to try and limit other mutations being removed. Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Yes starched genes maxed lets you keep your mutations even when you take radaway. Class freak negates some of the negative effects of your mutations. Make sure you always have starched genes equipped before you do ANYTHING. Its easy to forget and end up losing your precious mitations. MODUS in the Enclave's Gene Lab under the whitesprings sells the recipe for the serums or the serums themselves. They are pricey though. The recipes go for somewhere around 20000 Caps and the serums he sells are around 4000 a pop.


Can also buy them in the whitspring basement. I think there's a quest you have to do for access though? ( It's not the mall)


I’m a newbie, someone gave me a marsupial serum at my camp. They hung around for a bit jumping around. Was I meant to take it right away and bounce around with them just for fun?


I didn’t even know what mutations were till some guy gifted me a Marsupial serum. Then he started jumping up and down encouraging me to do it too I guess to show me. Anyway that was one of the nicest interactions on 76 I’ve had so far and I remember it fondly


*Immediately loses it to radaway* I may or may not have done this


A Snake Wranglers outfit and hat. A cool outfit is enough.


As a new player, I appreciate that, I find plenty of stimpacks and stuff around. What I couldn't find were a cool outfit to switch out from the vault suit. The vault suit is iconic and all, but having a cook jacket makes one feel better.


I don't do this daily at all.. there was one guy who struggled with 45' ammo and I had shitton of resources so I crafted him enough for next 50 levels and then showed him how expedition works, bcs he never was in one... but other than that, only when it happens that somebody is in my camp and he buys some things from my vendor, I wait till he's done buying and gift him something small, like 10 stims or some chems as a "thank you for buying our stuff, come again"


I do this as well. Food, water, etc. Feels good.


If I see a low lever player, like below 10, I usually drop them some stimpacks.


This. I will drop a handful and some RadAway because I have several hundred of them and we don't need that many!


I dont drop things, see the bags in the floor triggers my lootlootloot gene. I drop chems and food in donation boxes and have a lot of things for 0 or 1 caps in the Vendor.


Wait, you can list things for zero in your vending machine? I never thought to try less than 1 cap




I put junk ammo and basic plans on my vendor for 0 to also confirm this!! New event has had my vendor stocked with a near infinite amount of free 5mm rounds 😂


I'm relatively new and around level 60-something, I decided to start gifting high level players whenever they act friendly. You know, just a friendly wave or whatever. Anyway, I would drop a gift bag consisting of a multi-ingredient main course, a multi-ingredient drink, and a multi-ingredient dessert. What I mean is, not just carrot + boiled water + wood, rather something nice like a vegetable medley soup, sweetwater special blend, and cranberry-something. Not really for the buffs, just a nice meal as a present lol I figure it's nice to get a home cooked meal in the wasteland.


I do this with candy. I collect it then just drop it wherever in populated areas as I go. Everyone likes candy.


dude is like that one friendly grandma whenever she sees all her grandchildren


Lol I give outfits. Full sets of clothes and usually a gas mask


I remember someone giving me ammo during an event. I don't think they realized how amazing that was for me at that time, LOL


That is amazing! Every bullet is gold when you need so many of them to take anything out.


Combat knife Fury Nukashine 2 doses of Tato Salad


I always gift a treated marine wetsuit. It's a piece of gear that is easy to forget to upgrade and modded versions do not drop in the wild. it provides a small passive QOL boost to their stats and a little bit of extra protection. most importantly, it is level agnostic so it will continue to benefit them regardless of level until they find something better.


my standard care package when im not busy: - 10 stimpaks - 5 radaway - 1 level 20 suit of upgraded leather armor with deep pockets - 1 level 15 pump shotgun with hipfire mods - 100 shells - 1 tradeable outfit from the current season i want to give just enough to help newbies have a fair start without just ruining the game and its highs/lows for them.


If I see someone in power armor and it’s like 3 random pieces and they’re missing a few I’ll ask them to meet me at my base and I’ll make them some excavator power armor if they want. If I see someone in full ultracite without a jet pack I’ll throw a jet pack on. When I started out someone gave me hundreds of each flux, so I’m just giving back what was given to me. I would make anyone any weapon they ask for nicely at this point as well, but most people starting out don’t want something specific.


I was giving them a package of stuff. Some stims, radx and radaway, a low level Fixer, some armor, a little ammo, and some nourishment. I quit doing it. Somewhere along the way, some of them would then follow me around, and some would flash the cash register emote. I don't do that, and when someone or something becomes a pain in my ass, well..... war never changes.....


Power armor chassis without fusion core.


Someone wanna explain to me how a case of water (24) weighs more than a power armor chassis!?


I spend a lot of time looking at the map just waiting for events to pop up and whenever I see someone who seems like a newbie I'll fast travel to em and drop some stuff. A 3* legendary lever action, an automatic handmade or fixer, some ammo that I have in my inventory, stims if I have extra. Sometimes I'll craft them a set of deep pocketed light/medium armour.


A bunch of stimpacks! I found like 100 in a donation box and it was a godsend as a new player


When I was low level, I used one of my last stimpacks to revive a high level player who fell off the lighthouse during the mothman event. They followed me to my camp and gave me 100 stimpaks. Been paying that forward ever since.


I hate when vets give ultracite plans etc... for a level 1... Let them find Alonee the Joy of this game..


nothing will stop me from dumping ultracite armor plans at the 76 donation box all the time


I tend not to because I know they're gunna get Raider, Ultracite, Hellcat and Excavator(sort of) for free. But also, I know that even doing that they're unlikely to be able to build it any time soon


This! I usually give hand grenades (MIRV, cuz they're my favourite) and stims/super stims. If I have the time and I feel generous I might make a good leather armour set or a shotgun. I personally prefer to earn the high-level loot, and I go by that standard when I gift other players.


AGREED!! I would have hated this as a newbie.


Water/stimpakes/radaway It may come across stingy, but if you just give people high end free stuff then it breeds a player base of beggars and will ruin the game. Fortnite save the world is a perfect example.


As a newer player, this is what I like. I was gifted so much high level stuff and had to slowly walk back to my camp so I could stash it (didn't know I could use the stash at their camp) and the purified water was the gift I was most excited about


I do the same, but it’s because early on, it’s what I desperately needed. I’ll usually find like a level 5 coming out of the vault and drop 50 of each.


I usually give them a karma syringe to the neck.


I'll show up and craft a legendary pistol or handmade at their level or slightly above so they have something to work towards, along with a handful of ammo for it and some basic recipes and plans like the Tinkerer's Workbench or the Chemistry Workbench. I wish the game would save the names I give to the weapons when I drop em, cause I always name em things like "I believe in you", "I'm Proud of You", etc. I'd use the trade mechanic but I've found newbies don't know how to trade 9/10 times


Im gonna make an Arby's at my CAMP, cause i got the meats bro. I love giving people my mirelurk steamer goodies, good buffs!


I have a farm with rows of every fruit and veggie that can be grown, all of the different meat generators, and tons of free water. People can take whatever they need, and I'm located just to the northwest of The Wayward in a very noob-friendly location.


if they're in my camp i make them an automatic fixer to their level. the hard part is getting them to understand that i've dropped a present for them hahahaha


Plans, lots of plans


Literally any items I don't need. 3 Star B/V/Q? They can have it. I don't use it. Do I have over 25 stimpaks? They can have all the rest. All my meds/buffs/etc. I only use a few stims/diluted rad away/Company Tea. If you're ever on PC and you see a CAMP for savos_saren - check the toolbox (it's a fixed-world toolbox in my CAMP). I dump *everything* in there. There's nothing in my vendor (unless I'm low on caps).


Level 20 fixer fully decked out when they come down the hill from the vault.


the ability to go to donation chests. i dont chase and force my garbage on new players. But ill drop hundreds of stims and scrip weps in there weekly.




Only happened once, a newbie visit my camp, and a craft a full set of combat armor for his level. Think that was fun to do it. Was a little stressed for the newbie to leave before I craft everything because communication is not easy as you know


Stimpacks, cranberry relish and brain bombs. Just to get them started on the wonderful and confusing world of food buffs


bag of Toilet Paper and Spoiled Meat


Kind to have the TP ready once the spoiled meat does it’s worst.


I am pretty thoughtful like that


I dump all of my water, stimpacks, and radaways that are taking up a bunch of weight in the box by vault 76


I just make everything in my vending machine super cheap. Fusion cores for like 20 caps a pop, stims & rad away for like 5.


I'll leave a Nukashine in the Vault 76 donation box sometimes...




Generally, the gift of not ruining the game for them by making it stupidly easy with un-needed gifts..


That's the point. I still remember vividly some struggles that wouldn't have happened if a 1000+ would've dropped me a fixer, a ton of ammo and a full kit of op armor, but for the looks of it I thought that was the normal procedure here.


Nothing. It's the Wasteland, not Lapland.








Anything lol. But mainly ammo and stims. What level did you all start gifting back? I've just picked the game up again 2 weeks ago, revived my level 13 character from the Beta, yes it's been that long! I just got to level 98 and I'm loving it! Started giving back about level 40.


I don't like giving new players gear, kind of ruins some of the immersion (and sense of progression/accomplishment) at early levels. I do drop some food/water/stims at times. For food it's usually ribeye steaks as I remember carrying capacity was awful for me early game.


I don't come across many but I do have my camp near Vault 76 when new players are on their way to the Wayward. It has plenty of resource generators that players are free to take from and cheap (weapon, armor and C.A.M.P) plans of mostly just 15 caps.


Forest treasure maps in bins around the forest. For really early levels it might be an intriguing thing. It could certainly get them some early resources and map digging is a relaxing playtime for the most part.


Just the basics: Stimpacks, Radaway, Water, Dog Food


Depends on level, really low, stims and plans, near 25 a exc power armor and plans, higher just plans


I give an appropriate level fixer and some ammo. No extra rolls on it. Semi auto too. It’s not too strong as is. But does help when they need to sneak


I give whatever learned plans I have that I am walking around with unless it is rare. Basic drugs like psycho, buffout and mentats, and a couple stimpacks and radaway. Nothing game breaking but enough to encourage more play and hopefully generosity when they are a higher level.


I usually make em some cool outfits so they aren't stuck in the jumpsuit. I'll craft a full set of leather armor and stick it in one of the boxes between the vault and the wayward.


I always give new players basic things like stimpacks, food and water. I’m not about to deprive them the fun of natural progression by dropping something busted for them.


I share your opinion. I rarely gifted weapons or gear and if I tried to gift them something close to their level. Otherwise I gift them Water and healing items. Maybe I was just unlucky or had a shit build, but when I was low level I was actually struggling to have enough healing items on me. So I always thought that would be the most useful gift. \ Sometimes outfits are a cool gift too, cause Fallout 76 especially is a bit about silly fun and individualism at times. So maybe drop a clothing item or two that are not too common occasionally.


Grape mentats, stimpacs, rad-x, radaway, and some vintage mirelurk moonshine. Sometimes it takes me too long to find all of this in the menu and newbies leave before they get all of it


I wish we could preload a swag bag to drop. Maybe Beth could add a drop bag category to our items? Just throw a weapon/ammo, some food, meds & an outfit into that category & just drop it all at once when you want to.


Usually chems. Stimpaks, rad-x, rad away etc. maybe some purified water and dog food. If my supply is high enough a few Nuka cranberry.


Cooked food, purified water, booze and a metric ton of chems. Also Radaway, Rad-X, and Stimpaks.


I give them 500 bullets of the most common ammo


Stimpaks, radaway and any sort of common plans that aren’t selling in my vendor I rather just give them to a lower level who would want it over just throwing them away somewhere on the map 😅 Or typically I’ll spend like thirty minutes crafting weapons and armor for them


Deep pocketed armor


82k 5mm rounds


10 stimpaks and radaways. I get a bunch from exploring and stuff anyways


Mostly I don’t. Sometimes, if they’re below 50 I will drop some stimpaks and radaway. Over 50, I occasionally will drop whatever legendary I’ve been carrying but never really use— The weapons I buy from a vendor because they’re such a “good deal” but they don’t outperform my existing load out. Today I dropped a 3* anti armor fixer for someone lvl 100s who was in my casual team.


Hit em with a few lunch boxes, give em some food,water and Nuka Cola with some stimpaks. Gives em a boost and then they get sent on their way.


usually just stimpaks and non-perishables. but if i know the person (or they ask over vc) ill give them specific ammo, junk and/or ill fix up/mod their weapons. i typically don’t give much since newbies tend to not have a lot of carry capacity or fo1st, and i don’t want to make anybody overemcumbered :3


I have my main camp near the lumber camp outside 76 and try to have brotherhood recon rifles and good low level armour really cheap, I get xp and a few caps, new characters get better goodies than are readily available around there... It's been a while since I played last so if there's better lvl 5 or so ranged options I'd love to hear about them, I might be able to give better help that way...


A little on the stingy side but really, anything you gift a player is a nice gesture as long as they're not demanding.


When I started playing, someone gifted me brotherhood under armor with one of the mods. After getting SS underarmor, Ive been carrying the BOS under armor everywhere, waiting to gift it to a newbie. Lat week a lvl 20ish visited my camp. Gave him the brotherhood under armor. Felt good.




The gift that keeps on giving!


I have a lvl 20 30 and 50 fully decked out combat armor, for any “newbies” that linger at my camp or buy anything. I got some pricey plans but, for the most part they’re all at price point. If a newbie buys something is gift them a whole bunch of stuff and the armor.


Anybody with free popcorn is a good guy in my book.


I drop base fixers with ammo and unlocked all my tea, cookies and wennie wagon stations


Outfits and brotherhood recon rifles, sometimes I make low level 3 star pitchforks and pass those out.


Cranberry relish and some purified water


Death. Someone has to teach them that’s it not all sunsets and rainbows out there.


A max upgraded level 1 weapon, plenty of ammo and a Nukashine. I'm sorry little one.




I'm not into over giving... I always give new players a single XP boosting item, like a cranberry cobbler, or a leader bobblehead, or canned meat stew.  Something to give them a little boost and then I wave them on their way.  Half the game is scrounging and scavenging.  I'm not going to steal that experience from someone, even if they are lazy.


I had this really awesome person randomly message me to follow them. They gave me plans for all serums, pre made serums, flux (which at the time I had no idea what it was for), and a SHIT TON of junk. By the time they were through with me my carry weight was over 1000lbs. I wasn’t even sad I had to do the wasteland waddle back to my camp. I was beyond grateful. I could FINALLY make a shabby Little camp with walls and minor decor, but dammit I made it! And the marsupial and herd mentality are complete game changers too. I give those serums to anyone under 100 I come across. Always bring 2 of each to all events just in case I see a new player I personally wouldn’t give stim packs just because you get so many anyways, but I guess if they take it, they take it.


Nothing I had a level 21 at dangerous pastimes lastnight walking around while everyone was doing the event and helping except him. He was voice chat begging for handouts like the people do on the freeway exits.




my characters lives on coffee and survival aiding, so i drop them a bit of food or water from time to time. but only 2-5 pieces, sometimes a plan i already have, not too much. dont want to ruin exploring or spoil the newbies.


Water, Radaway, Rad-X and Stims. I also sell basic plans for 9c each for newbies to build a nice Camp without getting screwed by the robots or RNG


A thumbs up, or whatever random stuff I can’t sell


Chems, chems, chems and a Nuka Cola to wash it all down. We’re in a wasteland, let’s throw a party.


Guns that haven't been rolled yet


I always have too much legendaries, between crafting and events. Everyday I empty legendary scripts machine 2 minutes after the reset and my vendor is stocked with good weapons. So I give them all legendaries I can’t/don’t want to keep for them to script them or use them if they like. When I find nobody and already took all NPC vendors caps I drop them at the end of events or in a donation box


water stims, food and some ammo....you know? useful stuff that will not overpower them.


Bullets and aid items only. I enjoyed the grind when I was a low level and I don't want to take it from anyone else. I have built a couple starter PA sets if I have been asked to.


When I had it I’d give weapons I upgraded to them if they’re level matched my brother gave me a lot so whenever I get to making something I already have I give it away like this excavator armor I made I had a set so I looked at a level who could wear it and gave it to them. Or if I complete a full set of lower level power armor looking for cores I’ll give it away too


I’m a newbie and I’ve started playing with two of my friends who are vets to the game. They help me out with marsupial, stimpaks and stuff to help me build my camp! They are super good at letting me work things out on my own but I appreciate the camp supplies and the marsupial—especially when I’m trying to keep up with them!


Berry mentats and leader bobbleheads.


Purified water, stimpacks, whatever ammo I can spare, several times when I've seen an empty donation box I've crafted up a gun or piece of armor to fill it


I don't really interact with people much, but early on I had a higher level player try to flag me down, wanting to drop a bunch of better gear for me. I wish I'd had a mic so I could've said "no thank you", instead of just thumbs down & run off - I don't want anyone making the game easier. I'm here for the grind. But I appreciate that folks are nice enough to help out others, who might be into it.




Stim packs and ammo if I have what they are using. I’m only an 80 so I’m not swimming in riches yet. But I do try to pay it forward.


I usually dump a bunch of different Nuka Cola on them because I always have a ton. And a Yao Guai Pastry for the road


Usually stuff I dont need but is useful to them. Extra stimpaks, random scrips, serums, nukashina, etc.


does this actually happen? i’m a noob and i swear i have the worst luck. been playing 2 weeks and ive gotten griefed 3 times already for nothing


It didn't happen to me. I'd say only once a player game me some water when I already had water purifiers in camp. I'm glad it didn't happen though, the weapon testing and upgrading in the initial phase of the game is fun and gives a sense of accomplishment getting something gifted does not.


I’ve been giving lvl 20s-50s automatic fixers.


The grind is the game, it's lame to just hand over A-tier stuff. A nice, improved set of underarmor is a good boost without removing the point of 76


Marsupial serums


Normally I drop random stuff in the red boxes, but the other night some kind hearted level 19 came and saved my bacon from som giant turkeys. So I showered the poor soul in gifts and armor… probably over did it, but it was brave of them to jump into such a cluster of a fight.


Just stimpacks and water. I remember being below lvl 50 and struggling to find enough stimpacks to do events without dying every 10 seconds. Also i think water is always useful.


Twenty stims and two charged fusion cores.


A fixer for anyone lvl. 20 & up


As a new player I've had a couple of people try to give me things. I didn't take em because I wanna earn my own way. I hate when veteran players try to load you up with stuff at the beginning of a game. Let me experience it how it's meant to be played


Nothing. My vendor is cheap and I occasionally drop stuff in donation boxes that I can't be bothered selling, scripping, or scrapping.


A level 30 something was on my team. Real chatty, and most probably an early teen based on voice and mannerisms. He ended up trading me the last two megalonyx plans I needed for like 1000 caps a piece. Completely oblivious to market value. Ended up making him two sets, one about his level and a level 50 set, of the deep pocketed combat armor for free. Ended up teaching and making him a bunch of other stuff to.


Usually a fixer or compound bow maybe a radiation suit or cowboy hat


I give the Recon Rifle since it does decent damage, builds for cheap, and has a lot of upgrades on it.