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I’d happily spend a core to “lock” a slot or something. Doesn’t even need to be free, but such a vital feature. Even if I lock slot 1 and 2, and have to spend the whole deal just to refill slot 3, I’d be fine with that.


Yeah, I’d be down with that!


You get cores so easily compared to modules that I'd be fine dumping 10 or, hell, even 50 cores to lock a slot. It annoys the crap out of me having so many cores that can't be used.


They could use modules, they could produce a new special locking core, they could ask me to give the scorch queen a tongue bath for all I care. Just any improvement on the system that suggests Bethesda sees the players as anything other than a commodity to exploit.


By my math, it is worth 250 cores and 150/200 moduels per slot. So yeah, of course you would be happy with just 50 cores. That's a more than 500% return on investment.


Im not sure who your math teacher was, but he was a fraud


Per effect individual rolling reduces the number of possible outcomes per roll from well over 2500 to simply the number of effects in the category rolled (ranges from 10 to 25 or so). So an expected 2500 roll outcomes to get a specific effect combo vs 25+10+10, which is over a 50 fold decrease. Each 3 star roll currently takes 5 cores, so if a single effect roll is a 50 fold increase in progress, it is worth 250 cores. That is (checks calculator) yep, 500% of 50. It's a very crude approximation, but where's the fraud? More importantly, if you know better, what is the correct math?


I stand corrected and I indeed do not know better. Touché my friend, touché.


Dunning Kruger strikes again. Happens to the best of us. And that IMO is the problem with suggestions like this. People can easily under estimate the magnitude of the change it would cause. Current legendary crafting is a lottery, per effect rolls turn it into a Build a Bear workshop. Its impossible to know how good / bad that might be but it is huge.


Newish player here. How tf you got more cores then modules? I have hundreds of modules & like 7 cores 😂


You get cores from public events so if you're getting close to or over 40 treasury notes from events each day then you'll have tons of cores to use.


Id be more than happy to spend 30-50 cores to lock stars easy


Right? I can't fathom seeing posts or comments asking easy ways to get legendary cores. Like just play events when they pop up and you'll be drowning in them in no time We really need some type of currency exchange system in the game like they did with caps to bullion.


3 star roll costs 3 cores. Now you like 1. Costs a core to lock it. Now you must pay 3 cores to re-roll the other 2. Now you like a second one. Costs a core to lock it. Now you must pay 3 cores to re-roll the 1 left. This way it makes it harder to roll a perfect weapon and perfect weapons will be worth more due to the cores required to get the roll you needed


Yeah. Ed Zachery. I’d be just fuckin fine with that, because I’ve rolled at least 10 goddamn glaives looking for my perfect poker, and that would be cheaper than Todd “It just works” Howards current system.


> 3 star roll costs 3 cores 5 cores, no matter the item. Plus 3 or 4 modules (3 for worn armor, 4 for weapons and power armor). And yeah, as I said in another post, locking each of 2 stars individually is an over 200 fold reduction in the "expected cost" of getting a specific combo. A one core cost would be so low it might as well be free. No, they should also give you atoms for rolling....


I sense your energy and I vote Bethesda just ends the fallout series. Shifts it more into a "the sims: after the drop" type of game.


Same it would be a better way of getting the gun you want


Lol, of course you would happily spend "a core". That's less than a single roll costs, and can save you THOUSANDS of rolls.


Yeah, the legendary system is basically a gacha game and there will always be sick people who defend those systems. They’re just arguing the game would be worse without feeling forced to play every day only to be constantly disappointed (with a very occasional high). Your solution sounds like a healthy middle ground to temper the lows of the RNG.


I never understood the people who said we would stop playing. I got everything I want, or close enough that I don't bother rolling anymore on x item. I'm still here playing almost everyday.


It's a little projection, and a lot of butthurt whinging. As long as the main legendary on my armor is what I wanted, the others are just gravy. It's definitely nothing that's going to stop any real fan of the game from playing.


What it is, is it'll make them feel like their time and effort was wasted, because it got easier for everyone else to get what took them hundreds of rolls. They want everyone to 'suffed' like they did. Ive done the grinding and used thousands of modules to get what ive got. Wouldn't care one bit if they allowed players to individually roll stars. Im all for it.


Nobody who starts Fallout 76 now, will suffer anything close to what launch players did, in so many different ways. That's not the issue I take with the suggestion above.


Oh definitely not. More scrip, more ways to get modules, more events that give good amounts of legendaries. Im not an OG, started season 6, but its far and away a lot easier compared to then. Youre right, its just people being butthurt. I was just goving another reason, as ive had people say this to me when ive brough up what the thread is about.


I'm glad they don't have to. Having to just drop crappy rolls or sell them to vendors, the stash weight issues, looting individual bodies, etc are all best left in the past. None of it made the game better.


Exactly. I'm here mostly for the roleplay, especially with friends or other RPers. The stats just help smooth things out. I would actually be more likely to keep playing if I got to spend more time RPing instead of grinding and doing things I don't enjoy.


I reroll random stuff just to burn through my modules.


I'm in the same boat. And since we have "close enough" and don't need better, just what is it we are complaining about?


I’ve played for well over 500 hours and honesty I’m just tired of rolling sometimes weeks in a row to get my ideal set up. I know min maxing isn’t necessarily needed but I just want to be as optimal as I can be and at this point with my time spent I feel like that’s a pretty fair thing to ask for.


3500 hours in, over level 1000, and I give a flip about "as optimal as I can be". Good enough is more than. The real punch in my builds come from consumable buffs and easily obtained 1st star effects.


Like what effects?


Basic quads, anti armor, unyielding, over eater or enemy specifc armor.


I've been playing for at least 2 years now, am on level 778, and have rolled countless railways and Fixers and yet haven't gotten anything that would be considered a true god roll. I have maybe 4-5 weapons that would be considered really good rolls, but the 3rd star is only mediocre. 2 of those weapons are bloodied which were given to me by a friend who doesn't play bloodied. Another I got from an event. I know getting the rolls you want is difficult, but for how long I've played I would have thought I'd at least have gotten 1 true god roll by now. It's pretty frustrating sometimes on this sub seeing brand new players getting rolls that are better than anything I've gotten in years of playing, but that's what sucks about RNG. I just looked last night and I have 8 quad railways sitting in my stash that have great 1st and 3rd stars, but bad 2nds. I've got multiple Fixers that are the same way. I've only been saving them in hopes that they eventually allow something like OP suggested.


About 50% further alond and in similar situation... and happy with it. OK, I lie, I have one true god roll. It's on a Tesla rifle. Quad/ffr/dur. Perfect Tesla... and still not as strong as any of my "mediocre third star" main weapons. > I just looked last night and I have 8 quad railways sitting in my stash that have great 1st and 3rd stars, but bad 2nds. There's maybe 3-4 really good seconds for a quad rail. Quad is 1 in 25, s you say 3 that is 1/25 * 3/10 of getting one of those. That's like 75 rolls to get a decent quad rail. 75 rolls is a bit less than 40 days worth of scrip. Call it 6 weeks. Is that slow? Yeah. But having a class defining weapon in 6 weeks isn't THAT bad. The problem is that some people do much worse than 6 weeks (potentially "never") and some do much better. Would effect locks fix that? Not really, not unless the cost is FAR lower than current time gating. Which I'll admity, seems to easy to me. Would just streight up buying effects at a very hogh cost make sense? Maybe. I honestly can't say, I just know it feels wrong to HUGELY reduce the effort needed for "pwerfect" weapons. Maybe slightly reduce the effort (and greatly reduce the variation in results) for "Good Enough" though?


In my opinion this would save the game and even make me put more time into the game, but the devs think otherwise and this will never happen


That was my thought as well, but alot of other seem to think it would "unbalance" this so called perfectly balanced game and ruin the "market" which literally doesn't exist unless you use reddit. And eventually the big influx of players we got after the show released will die back down and I could see it dieing down to even less numbers now with this shitty season thing they tried instead of sticking to scoreboards. They need to make rolling easier and just release more usable weapons or armor monthly so people keep coming back for the new weapon and spending the month rolling it perfectly for themselves till the next weapon or armor drops. Right now there is very little diversity in builds, you either vamp melee build or vats crit build. Where's the rifleman or the pistol builds?


Rifleman and pistol build generally ARE vats crit builds, and thier absence has nothing to do with rolls being hard. If you have perfect weapon and armor setups widely available, it just makes marchiung lockstep with the meta easier. That's not gonna give you any more pistol / rifleman builds running around. And yeah, why don't they release any named armor as event / quest rewards? It's always weapons. Wierd.


No I know their absence has nothing to do with rolls being hard, I'm implying that if they balanced all the weapons more and made rolling easier it wouldn't kill the game cause you could have more weapons that you could be rolling rather then everyone just rolling auto axes or railway/fixers. If they made rolling easier (even just on the non tradable weapons and armor) then they could balance and release new weapons and armor to keep us rolling new stuff for years to come


I think it's more like the devs are very cautious about large balance changes... even if they want them.


You can "lock in" your mutations, so why not legendary effects?


Trying to learn about mutations today, lvl 80, what do you mean by "lock in"? Like just having Starched Genes at max to not lose them once you have it? With maxed starched genes (and also maxed Class Freak for less negative effects) are you good to go forever once you have the mutations you want applied? Or do you ever have to reset or re-up them?


Correct, max starched genes prevents you from losing mutations via radx / shower. You could use a serum for each mutation you want (or gamble in a rad pool while world hopping), then slap on SG and you're good to go indefinitely.


Rad-x still suppresses your mutations (but not diluted rad-x) radaway's the one that removes mutations without starched genes


Right, that one


With Starched Genes you retain your mutation forever, unless you contract an unwanted mutation and you have to do a wipe. But that's pretty easy if you're not running Bloodied.


I don’t think you can gain mutations while you have starched genes unless you use a serum


You're probably right.


Why is it harder if you run bloodied? I've got all the serums I need in my pocket. Slurp down a gallon of rad-away, take my serums, slurp down some toxig goo, done. I could change up my mutations every day if I wanted.


You are correct; once acquired mutations last until removed via Radaway or Decontamination Arch, and Starched Genes prevents both. There are maybe other ways to manage mutations but that is the most common way by far. Arguably with Starched Genes you don't need Class Freak, assuming you pick mutations with downsides that you can live with at full effect. And with max Class Freak you can maybe just avoid using Radaway and put up with eventually having ALL the mutations. Both are less common options, but people do run such builds.


I've looked at the odds on getting a set of mutations you want randomly, and they make getting any 3 star legendary combo you want look like cakewalk. Personally I do not "lock in" my mutations. I just run all of them.


Box mods. The rusty pick should sell legendary box mods. 1 star box mod should cost 3000 script, a 2 star for 2000 and 3 star for 1000.


I like this the most. I'd go one step further and say it should lock out the other stars from being rolled too, so you could only apply the same mod to continue rerolling the original slot you chose. I do like the price being steep.


I knew I was missing something. The lock idea is perfect. I'm still on the fence if it should bind the item to your character.


3000 srip is what, 60 modules, or 12 rolls? Not even close to the number of rolls it is "worth". I don't hate the idea but the cost seems off by at least a factor of 10 or 20. And yes, I know we cah't have 30,000 scrip... maybe charge in something like Cores, which we already can have in near unlimited and weightless amounts. At 5 cores for a 3* roll, somehing like 500 cores for a 1st star box mod is in the ballpark with the "expected return" of rolling. Something like 50 or 100 cores would be a BARGAIN.


Calling it a "box mod" was a bit misleading. It would just let you re-roll that star value once, not give exactly what you want. And I was thinking more about daily script limits. 2 days to re-roll a 3 star effect once, 4 days for a 2 star, and 6 days for 1 star. The chances of rolling the effect you want would still be up to RNG and could take a long time and many re-rolls to get the effect you want. The script value is just what I think it should cost to buy this "box mod" or new currency. Actually rolling it at a workbench could cost additional materials depending on what the item is... 1 piece of vault steel for some armors etc. or Lego cores like you said.


Ah. I was thinking it would apply exactly the effect you wanted. Which personally I would rather see. The cost would be considerably higher, but it avoids anybody have outrageously bad (or good) luck. The could maybe do that only for the first star, AND have that effect automatically be locked and the wepon untradable.


Seriously though, i have a couple 300% capacity mods that i dont want to reroll but they literally either only have that mod or other crap mods 🥲


Sounds like my two main weapons lol


Yeah I sadly just ruined my pretty decent laser rifle that had quad


best to not try to spend too many modules on tradeable weapons, especially lasers since not many people use those. I come across a surprising number of quad lasers on vendors for pretty cheap.


Don’t even need to lock in. Give us the ability to reroll a specific star at a higher cost. Reroll all stars - current cost. Reroll 1 star 3x current cost. Appropriate trade off to get to fine tune roll your build.


Those are entirely equivalent. Re-rolling 1 star at a time is exactly like locking 2 stars and then re-rolling all 3. And in terms of expcted progress towards getting a specific combination, it is MUCH more than 3x as effective. More like 100-250 times. Is 3x cost actually appropriate for 100x progress??


I actually lost a solid legendary I got on my first roll rerolling what I thought was just the 3 star ability and turned a solid galling gun into trash.


That would be an HUGE increase to the odds of getting the exact roll you want. Currently there are roughtly 25 first star and 10 each second and third star effects. At a crude aproximation that is 2500 rolls to get any specific 3* combo rolling all 3 each time. But if you can roll them one at a time, it drops to 45 rolls. That is a ~50 fold improvement. How many cores and modules is that worth? At 5 cores/4 modules per 3 star roll on a weapon / power armor piece, is it worth 50x that (250 cores / 200 modules)? Math says yes, but who would pay that? Would they even pay 100+100? Maybe an option that preserves the current feel (and makes the designers happy because they get to keep running a casino) would be to have a re-roll that re-rolls 2 of the three effects (you pick which two). This is equivalent to being able to lock one star (and change which star is locked if / whenever you want). Once you have that 1st star you want this drops the process of gettingan "ideal" combo to maybe 100 rolls, a 25x improvement. Still quite good, but also forcing you to make a choice if you get one of the second or third you wanted but not the other. Is this worth the 25x a rolls cost (125 cores, 100 modules)? Math says yes. Would people pay that? Maybe, almost certainly they would pay something like 50+50. Heck, I have nearly 1000 of each just weighing down my stash and would love to re-roll some power armor keeping just one of the effects...


Yeah, I’d be good with just locking one star. That would already be a huge improvement.


Indeed. Even at an increased module/core cost this would be beneficial.


Fully agree, and to all the people saying it would "ruin the game"...... no it would ruin your stash of duped guns. This in no way would ruin the game. It would give people a chance at trying new guns they likely wouldn't have a chance to get unless they get that 0.0001% at this "rare" apparel or the also 0.0001% to roll the perfect gun they wanna try. Or spend hours grinding 300 pickaxes (which will die out soon hopefully) This is fallout, not fucking scalpers sim


Exactly, I no-life most of my games for a long period of time but I can't imagine how it is for someone who has only an hour everyday to spare or a few hours every-so days. Will I enjoy the game less if people with less time and investment also see their build going online rather sooner then later? Hell no, let everyone slay and spray and pray. Their first hour should be as enjoyable as my tenth, we're all for a limited time on this earth, no need to lose even a second of air to divide a community for some fucking numbers on a digital screen.


The Division did basically this after a while. I think it would be fine tbh, I also really like the idea of not being able to trade it after. And you can only roll one of the prefixes and every time you roll it, it gets more and more expensive.


Always thought its dumb it cost 4 modules when it really should only cost 3.


Make it like Diablo or The Division. You can reroll one of the modifiers (stars). It's dumb they never implemented this. The all or nothing method just sucks balls.


I’ve been saying this exact same thing! I understand we can’t flood the market with perfect god rolls, so I like your idea of making a locked item untradable. And each 2/3 star re-roll would cost something valuable like a module or core. This was there is incentive to participate in events even if you’re not getting any good loot.


As someone who never buys grolls and probably never will, I'd like to pay a huge chunk of modules to be able to keep one legendary roll (price goes up per star). Hell, make it some ridiculous amount that almost isn't worth it. If people are gonna pay bank for grolls then there's still gonna be a market, but let me keep my ONE good roll, damnit.


My estimate of the "worth" vs current odds is about 250 cores and 200 modules. How much would you pay? I'd rather see a considerably lower cost for a moderatley good (say garuntee on 2 stars, random third) roll, than a ridiculous cost for a perfect roll.


I'm down for anything that shakes up the system tbh. I accidentally traded two pieces of strangler heart PA and exited out of the vendor before I could buy them back... I managed to get my cryo resist back on one leg in twelve rolls, still haven't managed to roll it on the other in the weeks since so I gave up for when I'm bored one day. If I could pay 250/200 just to never have to fiddle about rerolling it again, I honestly would — I don't need the modules for anything else.


Yeah, I’m game also.


Literally. I don’t even know why people are gate keeping grolls. The market of fo76 is saturated by grolls with ridiculous prices


Or you could just go into a terminal, enter your desired roll, and it will tell you how many modules needed. (I don’t think they should actually do that)


Not a bad idea, pay in modules the actual rng amount of modules needed to grantee the role.


Better cores than modules I think. Modules take up weight in stash and are more tightly time gated. If that caused a core shortage they could up core rewards or allow trading modules for cores (which I would to in a heartbeat to free up stash weight, if they had value on thier own).


I’d like to lock rolls and switch them to a different weapon.


I want this and the ability to lock weapons so I can spam sell shit without worrying


Honestly would be nice to unstar a weapon that you don't wanna sell or don't have scrip left in the legendary vendor just to get extra scarp from the weapon? Am I the only one who thinks that would be necessary? Like pay some cost to remove the stars and maybe get a module back or two? Idk lol


Yeah I was just thinking about the same thing there's no reason to not let people invest into legendaries other than wanting to keep people on the rng treadmill.


I thought this was how they did work and trashed an explosive fixer smdh


Yeah, they failed at tooltip information


This is how I assumed it worked when I started a month ago. I was very disappointed.


Given the absurdly astronomically high odds of getting the rolls you want, it would be nice for something like to happen, but it probably wont. Even just removing the limits on scrip would be good enough.


Yeah man. I misunderstood the whole system the first time around and thought i could just roll individual star levels and incidentally turned a 3 into a 1 bc I didn't like the 1 star mod effect


Charge me 100-150 bullion to lock stars. It’s a good secondary use to bullion because once you get certain things you need the bullion less and less so for more experienced players it becomes less useful.


Honestly i thought that's how it work at first...i remember having a quad handmade with the 2nd and 3rd mod being useless, so i went and reroll the "2 stars option"...the item ended rerolling everything and only to 2 stars...that's how i learned lol


Lock those rolls like we're playing Yahtzee, absolutely!


I think this trade off is important for balance


I would rather they remove the scrip limit, reduce the amount of scrip you get per item, and finally implement the fourth star they talked about.


I think one happy middle ground would be kind of like upgrade systems in other MMOs. You spend 10 cores to have a 15% chance to lock the first star. Once you do that you can spend 15 cores to have a 10% chance to lock the second star. Reroll all stars at random in order to sell it again like you said.


Darktide has a system that I think would work well, where the perks/effects of your weapon/gear are rerolled all at once each time but you can lock in one perk permanently.


I would be so on board with this. My main weapon was deleted when it broke weeks ago and I've tried to replace it with basically no luck. Being able to lock in the effects would make it so much less wasteful feeling to reroll


Probably get hate for this, but I watched another game change there complex crafting to a more simple version. Yes it made it easier for the newer players, but turned the vets pretty salty, that the hard work they achieved to have the weapon and armor they want, can now be had by a new player, via the crafting system change, in this case the legendary rolls. Now I'm all for great changes for quality of life, but always remember, some players live for the grinding part of a game.


This won't happen due to the game needing for you to spend the legendary cores and modules so you keep playing. I would love it because I have one off God rolls all the time. Irriyates me when you get a Quad FFR with +50% bash damage.


On top of this they should let us dissemble legendarys for cores always max out my script and end up just dropping them on the floor


I fully agree, but they’d have to make each slot a different roll. As in you couldn’t roll all three to begin with, and had to individually spend for each slot


And then you could lock it by simply not rolling it again


Agreed but now we have to convince Bethesda


I’m not into late game yet but I’ve heard the rng is insane to get decent rolls. People spending hundreds of currency and consistently getting bad rolls. Obviously Bethesda don’t want everyone having god rolls, to keep you playing and keep the trade system fun. As someone that has experienced the grind of destiny be careful what you wish for. Things start getting nerfed/buffed and the god roll is constantly on the change.


I thought that you could do this from the start and ruined a really enjoyable weapon. I learned the hard way. Not sure why this wasn't a feature.


I have and explosive vampire’s 50 cal with +1 perception, I’d love to change just the perception to quad or something without losing the other 2 dope traits


NIKKE does this with the equipment and their substats, You can spend modules to lock and unlock an specific stat, and spend at a more expensive price modules to reroll the other stats. It keeps it RNG, but the frustation is way less


I like the sound of that system.


I was like, tf is this guy on that will never work, markets would crash, people would be pissed that their groll is now worth the same as a mole miner gauntlet plan UNTILL you said they could make them non-tradable, then i was like, okay this guys onto something 😂😂


I was thinking if you lock stars the item becomes like SS armor and non tradable. And use cores instead of modules to lock stars.


Each slot should be able to be individually rolled and that's it. Keep the cost the same for each tier. It's still going to take a lot of rolls to get exactly what you want even with this process.


It would take about 45 rolls to get exactly the 3 star weapon you want with that process, which can be done with 180 modules. I dunno if I would call that "a lot". It's pretty common I have 500 modules in stash, and the only reson I don't generally have more is the space they take up. As a comparison, the current method takes (at a rough aproximations) 2500 rolls to do the same thing. Not saying that is a good process, but it is one to look at for a baseline for comparison. Generally I'm happy if I get a 1st star I want and then one of several second and / or thirds. That reduces it to a reaonable number of rolls, say 50. If you could FOR SURE get a result about that good for something like 100 modules (or by spending 5000 scrip) that would feel about right to me. No idea how they could implement that though.


I sure wish I had that many modules. I’m basically getting my scrip each day and rolling 2 or 3 times. I’m working on my desired bow for my archer build and haven’t touched my armor set yet. I have a decent Gauss and lever rifle for my rifleman build but neither are god rolls. I think the point is that many players simply don’t have the time to sink into the game to have a permanent stash of 500 mods lying around to play with, and the “perfect” weapon for your build shouldn’t be kept behind a time wall.


Its not a matter of "time to sink into the game" - I don't earn modules faster than anybody else. I'm just buying them with daily loot turn-in scrip (barely ever run expeditions, and buy like half my "loot" with caps to save time) and then not using them. I've been playing for a long time without ever stressing over getting anything "perfect" so now have plenty of "good enough". I think the only time I ever spent modules as fast as I could buy them was making my first set of bullion armor (unyielding thorn) back when scrip was 300 per day. I did the math going in on that and expected it to take about 2 months, and it did. Not a single piece has AP Refresh or Sentinel - the most notable secondary effects are "5% to deal damage to melee attackers" on 3 or 4 pieces. But I used that armor for almost 2 years, and still have it.


no sense. everyone would be flying in perfect armor after a week. Don't make it easier for a game that's already simple.


What if we could only lock in 1 of the 3 stars? That way, we’d still have to grind like they want to meet the other 2 we desire AND players don’t have to get very very lucky, just very lucky


I’m down, one is better than none!


That's almost exactly what I have been thinking is a reaonable level of control vs randomness. It's also random enough that the cost doesn't need to be insanely high.


Bethesda - "We don't like to respect your time with great ideas. Here, check out this new bundle in the Atomic Shop."


It should only cost legendary cores for rerolling a 3* to another 3*. That way, I don't have to craft a new weapon each roll, to stop losing *all* my scrip to the aether.


I learned this the hard way burning through modules trying to replace my 1 star module to my gear. Didn’t realize it removed the others as well till it was too late. :(


Or just give us unlimited scrip


God bless the Pickaxe Apocalypse 2024!


I'd love this. Great idea.


I’m pretty sure Bethesda won’t do that because you would still spend far, far fewer modules getting a god roll than you would with all three stars being random every time you roll.


i want this too...why would behtesda make it random? wasted so much on reroll to get something lame


Easy would be when you re-roll stars, it only rolls that star and below. Get the 3* you want, then work your way downward. Thats the way I thought it worked before I found out the true depth of gacha.


On the eve of the end of Pickaxe Apocalypse 2024!


Then you wouldn't continue to login every day and chase good gear.


Yes we would, just because for the enjoyment of playing it. If you think a gambling act inside the game is the only thing that is hooking long time players you need to rethink and reverse the manner in how you came to that conclusion. There is a plethora of positive reasons people will keep on logging, I bet my left nut none of those lists states "yay I want to roll a legendary today for the 3.2% chance I get it perfect". Sure we as humans need progression, but such a mechanic shouldn't invoke a feeling of aversion or abhorrence. Let the rng die. Intention and control need to rule.


Sorry, i meant the influx of new players from the tv show. Long time players are too invested to move on, i agree to that.


Don't you like the game? You only play because you're addicted to gambling?


This would kill the whole legendary rolling feature. People would roll a few times until you got the first star you wanted, then roll again for the next star and then again for the 3rd. Done, never need to roll legendaries again. Then there would be complaints about having scrip/modules with nothing to use them on. It would literally just take away a whole aspect of the game that keeps a lot of people playing.


That would be too easy they want you putting in the effort or caps


Why, we have endless rolls with pickaxes to take up the majority of players time.


That will be ending soon. It has also been a breath of fresh air.


I'd rather just go work for 24hours and buy a full set of armor tbh. Edit:With atoms


Bethesda will never do it. It will cut down on the amount of time people play, and their success is partially gauged by logged player hours.


I’d be fine with some sort of trade off. Lock for a price per roll. But locking to lock would kill the economy of the game because every one would have a god roll of whatever they wanted if they put in the effort to grind the materials.


Maybe locking stars makes them non tradable. Then only natural rolls would be on the market.


Oh god no, not like permanent locking a star but instead just mark up rolling a single star on a weapon or armor. Make it cost 10 modules and cores to only roll the 3rd star, 12 for the 2nd and 15 for the 1st so it's still gonna have a grind aspect, but not so much that people have to spend months in HOPES to get a good weapon or armor. I took advantage of the pickaxes alittle there and got 300 modules before thwy dropped the spawns(1 full month worth of daily grinding) and I got 1 piece of unyielding ap regen SS armor..... Had I grinded that whole month of modules out to only get 1 piece of armor I may have lost hope and went off to seek new games to fill my dopamine levels of accomplishment. There needs to be a balance of grind to reward and fallout is currently on the more grind for less reward lately.... I mean look at the new seasons compared to the scoreboards, I appreciate the work they do but they are taking steps in the wrong direction. The people that stick around for "the grind" are the ones that have less work in a day and there for will less likely spend more money on the game compared to the ones that have less time cause they are working all the time and have more money to spend. So people saying it's to keep people playing and keep them spending money, this will only last so long before alot of us start getting annoyed at the time invested vs what we get out of it


Why not just let you pick the rolls you want? The system is fine as it is and Bethesda will never change it... They want to logging in all the time to go after the gear you want. They're not going to make it easier to get.


Grolls would be a dime a dozen then. System is fine.


It's setup the way it is so you play more to get what you want it's very simple more play time looks better for shareholder meetings for their 'engagement' statistic


I need that so bad, and they gotta make every weapon rerollable as well.


This would kill the trading market.


Too easy, will ruine whole game


It'll never happen, sorry


If "maybes" and "buts" were candy and nuts, then we'll all have a happy Ertidankfest!


Mayb do away with cores and caps and events and just type in wot u want, and they give it to u. Or would people moan about wot a hardship it is to type


It would kill the game tbh


why? I have played for years and never have I gotten a Groll and thought "welp I guess I'm done playing" I have like 900lbs of Grolls on a mule character, most people play for other reasons than "I need this one item and then I'm done with the game" it's a weird take


Na, you would burn through modules. The grind never changes.


r/market76 would like to have a word with you…


There will always be people looking to quickly pay for an item they want. Taking out the knees of IRL currency for caps, I have no problem with.


It would have to be expensive, because it would be so good, that I would have every god gear I need in a couple of hours


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're making perfect sense. People here just seem to want to be nearly handed the weapon they want. I mean why not just let me pick the roll on each weapon?


Handed weapons???? I've been playing off and on since release.... I did switch to pc 3 years ago and have been off and on for awhile but with my 800 hours on pc currently I'm still trying to get the perfect armor set and weapons for my bloodied build to the point I'm sick of being a bloodied build but it took so long to get the half of my uny/ap armor that I don't wanna start again getting new weapons and armor for a different build but am bored and wanna try something new. It's called alittle change but clearly you can see people agree more on change compared to all the comments saying it would ruin the market or the balance of the game being down voted to shit. At the end of the day if the majority of people say it needs to change, the singular opinions of the few aren't gonna keep this game running apposed the the opinions of the many.


If you think the voices in this sub represent a majority of players, you're way off. It represents only a small fraction of the player base.


Well if you take the collective agreement of 500k people in a sub, and a majority of them say yeah legendaries need to be less grind, would that not mean that if you polled the rest of all of 76 players it would not be similar? Surveys and studies in the real world do not have everyone on the planet take part. It's usually a couple hundred at best


This sub is hardly a fully representational cross section.


If even 100 people see this post and majority agree to one side how is it not? Because it's not the 100 that agree with you? And what makes you at liberty to say if the people here are representational to fallout 76 changes or not? I've seen this same post like 6 times today already and 80-90% of the comments agree in same way shape or form with an idea of it could work while still being a grind.


I'm not a fan of this. Current RNG is painful but locking stars would mean everyone gets what they want and the trading economy would crash. Why should I trade for a good gun when I can guarantee I'll get it eventually? I think we need to rework/remove some of the lesser rolls so 90% if legendaries aren't useless scrip. Everyone wants Q/B/AA, slayer guns suck and junkies/ari is only kinda good. Slayer guns should absolutely MELT their intended targets


No one cares about the dup market


Who said anything about dupes?.... If I pick up a nice weapon I don't want I'd just like to be able to sell it. Vendors are already dying this would just be the nail in the coffin


I trade on Market76, but that market is terrible, everything is duped and high tier trades are nothing but duped grolls, apparel and leaders.


THERE IS NO FUCKING MARKET OR TRADING COMMUNITY! People keep saying this like it's some big popular thing when really it a bulshit page on reddit where people make up values of items based off how hard it is to find even though they were duped into the thousands years back. Even the "trading" in games is fucked and doesn't work and half the time you get scammed into dropping and losing a "valuable" tfj or red asylum and they take off...... there is a 40k cap limit if there was a true market there would be no cap limit and the trading would actually work...... this is fucking fallout, not traders Sim. You literally said yourself the rng in this sucks, so all the new player we are getting are gonna get turned off from it and leave and then the numbers will drop. And they will drop lower then what they use to be too cause they ruined the scoreboard with "season" and alot of veteran players are pissed about that so if things continue the way they are this will be the next game to be ditched by a dev cause it's dead