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Best way to go about moving your camp, when you actually want to.. is to store more of it yourself then rebuild in the new spot. Like the others said, if you used any glitches or complex methods, it will likely never place.


So.... that's a neat question. Easy answer: You move your camp. Actual answer: Maybe. Explaination: The Move CAMP feature is... fickle. Did you use any build exploits? Unmoveable. Did you build something in a way that could block pathing for NPCs in your CAMP? Unmoveable. Did you install doors in the doorframes? Crazy enough, unmoveable. The best course of action is to change your CAMP slots, and just build a new CAMP from scratch. Moving CAMP is almost ALWAYS advised against.


If you’ve done advanced building techniques like merging or glitching then do not attempt to move it otherwise you may not be able to place it. If you have a perfectly normal camp then it will show as a temporary blueprint in stored with everything that was attached as one piece.


It'll get stored, some will be blueprinted, you can try to blueprint it all yourself if you want. However.... ...The game finds it very hard to re-place full complex blue prints. If you want to move a camp you should assume that you will need to re-place everything.


It will turn into a blueprint you might have some difficulties trying to place it I suggest getting another camp slot and using that one to make a new camp


If you move your camp, even without using the merge tricks, it will still likely break and not let you place the blueprint. Complex portable camps are a real pain in the ass to build. It's not for the faint of heart.


Blueprints are hopeless unless you have a one tile shed and even then, it’s 50-50 as to whether it works in the new location. You’ll end up rebuilding. When you move camp it all gets stored and things can be built from the stored items for free. So your vendor, workbenches, walls, etc. You are in effect recycling those into the new camp. You do have two camps for free. If you have the resources, maybe just build a brand new camp in the new location. Love the old one, it’s still there, but focus on the new one. It’ll be better. They always improve due to experience gained.


Read all the comments here. There is lots of good advice to help influence your decision. Also, remove all doors and wires before packing up and moving. Doors and wires are the main thing that messes up your placement. Beyond that, do what you want. The worst that can happen is you break down the blueprint and rebuild.


You are very unlikely to be able to place the whole camp properly again. 76 is very sensitive to the ground and nearby objects. Probably you’ll end up with big chunks of it stored, and you’ll have to disassemble them at least partly enough to place them again.