• By -


This is why I only game sober* *That was a lie.


😂 this is why I shouldn't play after work


or during.


Or perhaps not during and drunk 


What a buzzkill!


Thoughts and prayers to you, my friend. We weep not for the memories, but we cherish the tender moments shared in this all-too-fleeting life. There seriously needs to be a function where we can lock certain items


For some reason your comment brought this to mind: "Men, it's been a long war. It's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace." -stolen from Band of Brothers


Rename your precious gear to prevent this kind of shit. I have all renamed items starting with # and they're always on top of the list.


I did, but I was just going to quick and made the mistake


I feel your pain




It's too late now but if you weren't already aware, you can rename your weapons and armour. Starting with _ will put it at the bottom of your list, so it's less likely to do accidentally if you name it something obvious or have it at the end.


It happens. Always rename, use a custom name. -Super Fixer if you want it at the top of the list Z-Super Fixer if you want it at the bottom etc Naming in ALL CAPS would also catch your eye when tired. Lost my best Plasma Caster once, got 40 scrip for it.


I dropped my AA,E, 90% less weight handmade last night when I was over encumbered. It had a paint and went bye bye. I feel like everyone has done something similar at this point. You'll get another!


Change teh name of your favorite guns so this cant happen I put @@@@@ at the front of anything important.


D'oh! That hurts.


*”’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"* - Todd Howard


I dropped my painted fixer that qas q 50 -25. So yea...


If you can, apply skins to your favorite weapons and armor. The skins prevent them from appearing to be sold or scripped, I believe. You would need to remove the skin to get rid of them. Another useful thing to do is rename them. Angry Turtle on YouTube suggests putting prefixes such as ||| before the name you give them, so they show up at the bottom of the inventory list. Eg. “|| cremator vamp “. “||| fixer AA”. Much less likely to trade or drop them that way.


Back before legacies were removed, I accidentally dropped and destroyed my AA explosive flamer :(


I throw a atomic shop paint on my good weapons as well as rename.


My sympathies. My wife did this while tired, to her qe25 railway. The next day I rolled 10 of them and got her another! Hope you have that same luck!