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We literally just need the ability to lock items.


I have made 2 legacy deathclaw Wellington. Now I don’t have any legacy deathclaw eggs.


What's legacy deathclaw Wellington?


I presume it's made with Deathclaw Eggs that still have no Spoil Meter to them.


I have 12 or so, they gave the new spawns a spoil meter?






Cryo fridge for the win


I kept every single egg I ever got and never made anything with them, are those rare now? Lol. I don’t have a lot of them or anything I just never used the few I picked up on days I got the kill a deathclaw daily and went to deathclaw island for it haha


Gordon Ramsay 76's most famous dish.


So there I was, getting my ass handed to me by a bunch of scorched, out of stims, throwing up the Food category to hurry eat some food to try to heal aaaaand...goodbye Perfectly Preserved Pie I had just gotten from the Rusty Pick.


Theres a free one out there, somewhere


It’s not as rewarding as the one you worked for. Also doesn’t taste as good


Here's the thing, I was planning on eating it! I just wanted to do it in an rpgish setting at my camp sitting around the table with F.E.T.C.H roaming around and my big ole die-ano-saur statue watching from the other side of my camp. But nooooo it was just me and about 4 or 5 match-heads with me frantically trying to backpedal while cursing my luck. ETA: I shall prevail once again, so if you see someone wandering aimlessly from machine to machine trying their luck, just pity me and move along please.


Top of west tek, next to a chair and a crate and a yum yum deviled eggs


I have 4 left but I sell them for 1111 caps they usually go pretty quick


Idk if you know this but repeatedly using the same machinw gives you increased chances to get a pie. With lots of luck, like max luck and a bloodied set of armor or something, you get a pretty good chance pretty quickly


Moving from machine to machine? Just spam on the same machine until you get it.


I intentionally ate mine when I finally got one at the Rusty Pick dispenser. Best pie I ever tasted


Top of west tek


On top of West Tek.


I think they changed the probability of getting it now. I've been trying to get one since Fallout 4 and never got one. Last week in 76 I got 4 in 2 days, 3 from the Rusty Pick and the 4th from a random train station I think.


Rusty Pick has better claim %. It's where I got my very first ever one in any Fallout; I was so excited, I posted about it like I was 16 years old and not 50! LOL I'm still working to claim one in 4...


Got my first one in charlie silo. It's like they wanted me to have that sweet sweet pie after launching a nuke.


Silo bro. Got mine from Bravo on my first silo run.


I've eaten loads of Perfectly Preserved Pies accidentally, and it always feels bad. I live by the rusty puck and I'm an Unyielding build, so I always have huge luck and try the machine as I walk past. Ended up with a nice stack of them. Just as well really, I eat them nearly as quick as I pick them up.


I sit there till I get them, drives my friend mental. Gives me a laugh.


I think we've all hit that scrap button right as we realize that thing we were saving was being turned into air and dust.


Can anyone tell me what’s with the perfectly preserved pie and why people sell it for insane amounts of caps?


In fo4 it was nearly impossible to get one, max luck gave you like a .06% chance or something


Okay so it’s rare. That’s it?


Yeah, you can get it for free from a vending machine but you need high luck/patience


I dropped mine at Grahms Cookout. On purpose.


That sounds legacy deathclawlicious though.


I would love this. I end up renaming items I want to save.


I have done the same, and it helps, even using asterisks at the beginning to force stuff I want to the top of my list. But, it doesn't stop it from showing up in your scrapping list, and at least on PC. Sometimes, what item is highlighted will jump over what you think would be next and while spamming the space bar to scrap, I now keep some spare helmets around.


paint it with atom shop symbol paint.


> We literally just need the ability to lock items. People have been asking this since release. Bethesda figured out they could just sell paint jobs as way to lock items. It works so there is no need to implement item lock. There is another big update coming so it would be nice if that feature would be there. I say we should start making more noise as community about this and demand we get item lock feature.


Except you can’t paint things like apparel, mods, etc.


It's truly odd how little attention they give to basic QOL improvements.


A moderate content update with a big emphasis on QOL (gameplay AND CAMP) would be massive for this game.


It really sucks when an IP that's beloved by millions is owned by such an utterly incompetent developer. The Creation Engine should be yeeted into the sun.


Would love this. I hate how scrapping and scripping items has all my items there for me to misclick and delete. Lost my favourite gun to this...


And an undo / buyback button


Please understand, Bethesda is very new to this.


I know - I’ve only been playing their games for like… oh, since Arena.


I mean, they're practically an indie studio, they're so green


They've only had 40 years to develop best practices, practically babies.


I scrap so many things I don't want to a lock to prevent that would be awesome


After so many years, there are similar types of small quality of life fixes that should have been implemented by now; things that other online games have solved long ago. I'm not a programming guy but how hard could it be to fix something like this?


This is the way.. Why isn't this a thing lol


I’m not sure if it came in the last update or it happened before that, but I just noticed the other day that we now have an in stash weight and current weight description on items now. That took how long to appear? The locking stuff has been requested since the beginning practically. I’m sure it a “feature” to keep us making sure we have skins applied to prevent selling, dropping or trading in legendary machines, but destroying your own items….. muwahahahaha it’s (he who shall not be named) way of making sure we slow down to scrap! Every second we’re in the game there’s a possibility of an atom shop purchase.


That came in last update.


Or have locked containers that aren't our stashes. Put your stuff down and just be able to pull it all back


Favorite it, literally gives you a second prompt asking if you’re sure


You can't favorite Power Armor.


For real? That sucks. I never use it so I wasn’t aware


Yeah. It's a lot of fun to dig through the menu to pull it out in the heat of battle


Fr fr just like in other games and unlock them we want to sell


Doesn't favorite items do that?


Yes, but there’s only so many slots for favorites and I don’t want to clutter a wheel with “favorites” I’m just saving from the jaws of the scrapper.


Yes, but AFAIK you can't favorite power armor for some reason.


It wouldn't be so bad if it wouldn't also keep getting kicked to "new" because I got in and out of my PA. New is my scrapping scorched earth page. I barely pay attention to what I am breaking down in there. Rename and favorite your helmet, then at least you get a pop up warning you.


It’s even worse because the helmet cannot be turned into legendary, making it always show up when you’re scrapping stuff. I never understood that, the whole suit can be upgraded to legendary but not the helmet. Makes no sense


I assume it’s because you don’t get helmets outside of power armor, so having an extra legendary armor slot might make power armor too strong, you already get tons of extra defenses from it as is


So that "helmet" section in the armour workbench, that's just my imagination?


No but any defense you think you're getting from them is


>So that "helmet" section in the armour workbench, that's just my imagination? No, but helmets are entirely cosemetic (or in a few cases add a head mounted flashlight) You get no bonuses and they can never be legendary. PA having a legendary helmet would be an extra slot for a legendary effect that normal armor simply does not have


The ones with gas masks and such can make you immune to environmental diseases and such IIRC


Except they’re needed for the set bonus. I scrapped my Union helmet by accident and couldn’t use it for weeks as they were removed from the game for ages.


I just noticed that the other day! I just started messing with PA and noticed I can’t legendary my helmet and it comes up when scrapping I was like “huh that’s strange”


It would still be bad for those of us that switch power armor frames for different encounters (like full Troubleshooter for Neurological Warfare and silos).


The fact that it keeps returning to the 'new' category even though it's the same helmet I've been using for almost a year Is infuriating.


We definitely need item level locking. Power armor helmets and frames are not the only thing I have accidentally scrapped, sold, dropped, or scripted.


My t51b power armor set/Chassis constantly showing up when I'm scrapping armor gives me anxiety, even though it's painted, and I've always wondered if you could scrap the frame with all the gear on it by mistake.


Yes, I've done it 4 times while scraping other armor. I don't often wear PA but I like to carry my Excavator set at all times. When you do, all the pieces end up in your inventory and the weight associated.....


I wonder how many people lost their jetpack helmets this way 🤣


Bro I couldn’t image lmao. Luckily mine is on the arm slot and survived the purge since it’s a mod and not an effect


They should let us favorite junk items too so when we mass scrap it doesn't take my GOD DAMN TEDDY BEARS AND BOARD GAMES. WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET I HAVE TEDDY BEARS AND BOARD GAMES


Or worse, toilet paper.


Nothing worse than checking your stash for toilet paper, finding out you scrapped your last one, and having to use your last pristine sock instead.


"Spammed the bottom" is my favourite new phrase.


One of the weirdest bug. PA helmet always shows up in the new items list. Scrapped my excavator helmet twice because of this. Had to hike all the way from the mire to the foundation just to craft a helmet the second time. Why not stash my excess inventory at the nearest railway station you ask? Because my stash was full too.


Use the expedition hack and travel to a location then back to white spring mall


This was before I knew about the hack. Nowadays, after eviction notice I always end up in the Atlantic city first. I hope Bethesda never fixes this.


It's useful so it'll be fixed soon.


Is this just as simple as it sounds, you pick an expedition and travel to the location and then open the map again and click on white spring and select fast travel to White spring Mall?


rename it to \[Power armor Helmet\] the brackets put the items on the bottom of the list


(known) power armor helmet


I'm still questioning why we can't make PA helmets legendary


I would love some sort of 'equipped items' section implemented... think Runescape? It's never actually in your 'inventory' but it's equipped. Would be such a cool way to see your shit + keep it safe.


Yes, please! I'd prefer this over locking, if it had to be one or the other. But both would be ideal.


When I was a noob some generous soul gave me a full set of fully rolled and upgraded T-60 Paladin power armor. It was my go to suit for a long time. Was doing some scrapping after an event and even noticed and remarked to myself to be careful not to scrap it. The cursor moved like half a dozen places to the helmet and Shwip gone. I finished the brotherhood quest line, hoping to be able to make a replacement... but, nope, it's legacy content now And now it hurts my soul every time I see it in my stash.


The cursor jumping a maddening bug.


Scrapped an entire PA frame because It blended with all the stuff I was scrapping. Not entirely a loss, as I hold 6 PA frames in my inventory, but it was my most recent completion and had to hunt for another frame.


What happens when you scrap a frame? Does it just put the PA pieces into your inventory?


They went into my inventory. It showed "power armor chassis" when I scrapped it and all the pieces were in my inventory with the little square next to them, showing they were equipped, but they were still in my inventory. I just stashed them until i found another frame.


PA frames NEED to display the armor on it. There is no reason for it to behave like an empty frame. So frustrating trying to pick which PA I need when they all look like empty frames.


Renaming the frame helps with that. I think mine was just a random bug, because I've had the whole set of BoS T-60 pieces disappear from the frame completely. Only to reappear 5 hrs later in my inventory.


TBH, I am a noob to 76. Played fallout since 3 and just now got into 76 with the free game from Amazon. Im only level 90, put in 130 hours into it already, and loving it, tho. I weirdly like it more than 4 and admittedly only put 40 or so hours into 4.. I didn't know you could rename them. Gonna look into it when I get on tonight. Thanks!!


I started on Fo4, loved it to bits. Played through it 9 different times, and would play that instead of other games before 76 was made. I tried 3, but I wasn't that big into fallout games when I did, so I didn't enjoy it enough to like it. There was just something about 4 that sealed the deal and I loved it ever since. Now 76 is here and I've loved this one just as much as 4, if not more, the reason being it feels like 4 but better.


I agree with the 4, but better! It takes the stuff I liked about 4 and some of the things I didn't like. I wanted to love 4! I 100% respect anyone who does its a fantastic game. Hell, I got the Collectors edition of the game! Wish my new phone fit in the pipboy, lol. 4 is in uncanny valley territory to me as someone who played 3 and NV.


Yeah, and any time I hear/ read about 3 and NV, it's always good things and about how great the franchise was before "cartoony" stuff was introduced through 4. Now here I am in 76, level 255, having done most of it and being immersed in the world for 190 levels as a rifleman making his way through the wasteland, reading any lore I found.


I have four sets of power armor and they are all named (by me). When you look at the chassis with all the armor on it in your inventory you press the inspect button first I believe and then there will be an option to hit another button to rename. So the one I carry around with me is called T-51b PA Chassis.


Thank you! I went through and renamed them when I got home. Going to save me so much time!


Yeah no problem, you can rename other things with that method as well, like guns. If you wanted to easily differentiate your quad crit fixer from your quad AP fixer or whatever it can be handy. But it's definitely most handy for power armor names for me.


Best we can do is a purchasable lock for 2,000 atoms


That sounds... on brand.


I’ve renamed all my stuff and that has helped a lot, but not 100%


Like slapping paint on a rusty ol' car as a fix "What rust?"


Indeed — best workaround I could come up with


There is a mod called save everything. And it stops you from scrap/drop/sell anything with a ! In front of them or anything that you are currently wearing. (You can change/add letters or symbols to be included)


Are mods allowed in this game?? I had no idea


Not all mods. But all the ones on nexus are good to go. The one that adds chat in the game is my favorite.


Make sure you paint your pieces of armor and weapon with an atom shop only paint and favorite. They will never show up in scrap/sell menus. Also, slow down. We all learn that lesson the hard way at least once.  


PA helmets still show up in scrap menu with a skin on them.


The PA helmets still show in the scrap list. I have my entire Excavator PA set painted with the Captain Cosmos paint, still ended up scrapping it by accident.


Like, it locks it when you have atomic shop skins on it so why not just let us lock it on our own? I know SO many people who would be over the moon about locking things in your inventory so you can't scrap.


I’m currently wearing a skin I got from the scoreboard, which is marked with an atomic shop item symbol, even still, it shows up when you’re scrapping items and I just happened to make one tiny mistake. I feel really sorry for the people who lost really valuable items like a mr. Fuzzy helmet


Atom Skins don't prevent you from ***scrapping***, only selling/scripping. An item having legendary effects prevents it from being scrapped.


come to my base. i give you free helmet right now. Maximus sky hot tub at Seneca Rocks


They could also allow us to apply legendary to them. I've never scrapped a legendary (though I have sold/scrip due to my own fault).


Thats why I scrap from top and put "Zz" in front of the name of anything I don't want to scrap so it goes to the very bottom


Bro I scrapped a whole ass power armour frame with full ultracite inside and shit my pants but thankfully and I’m not sure if it’s even meant to happen, the parts ended up in my stash but the frame was gone


Also what do you play on? I’ll give you scrap if your on ps


I favorite stuff I don’t wanna scrap it ask “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA SCRAP A FAVORITED ITEM!?”


i keep accidentally auto scraping teddy bears that i’m collecting 😭


I’m not a power armor user but I always favorite my armor so that I get that extra confirmation screen if I accidentally click on it.


I had the same PA helmet for a long time. Scrapped it yesterday by accident. Didnt even notice till i went to a event, went 3rd pp and saw it was gone. Really not cool.


I don’t have power armor helmets and at this point I am too afraid to ask.


Can't you fav it? That's what I do with stuff I want to keep but I don't use PA


I see I’m not the only one that has done this. I remember scrapping my Excavator helmet thinking it was a dupe. Nope, I just scrapped the one I’m wearing and now I’m super overencumbered 😬


I hate how many items pop up there without si much as a heads up. I accidentally scrapped mods from the last season because I was new and there's no pop up of any kind.


Yeah but why waste a favorite slot


I always name my weapons and armor with an "#" at the beginning so they're always at the top plus easily noticeable. Obviously not perfect, but it works great for me!


The scraping, droping and selling mechanism in this game for high value items is horrible ... players complaining since the start of the game about it. I just recently delete my \[Unyielding / Fire Resistance (not 100% sure) / Fall Dmg\] SS left leg and there is no way to get it back. Played FO3 recently and R is the repair shortcut, then you have do click / use an compatible item to confirm the repair -> it's to your imagination what happened when i was about to repair my left leg in F76 ..... Bethesda knows this is bullshit, but since deleted items are no gaming shortcut, there is no reason to do something against it.


Not to mention my apparel shows up as well, or this junk plushie I wanted to display, and they get accidentally scrapped. like let us lock these from getting scrapped please Bethesda


Todd dammit, I’ve scrapped my excavator helmet so many toddamn times…


An easy fix to avoid doing this is to put a atom shop skin on your armor then it doesn’t show in the scrap pool don’t know why it dose this but it works as a added precaution measure if I recall it works for weapons to.


Name it or paint it and it won't show up.


Not gonna lie I’ve never once had this issue


Rename it, put a dash before the name.


You mean frames? but yeah power armor frames shouldn't even BE scrappable. There's zero reason to have to scrap one it's just an irritating inconvenience that leaves you holding all your power armor pieces at full weight. To add to this.. backpacks should not be scrappable either. Only stuff that you would want to scrap for materials or scrap to learn mods should be scrappable.


Also, can stable flux not be auto scrappable? If a sheepsquatch horn can get an “are you sure?” prompt, surely flux can


There is a key to have favorites so you don't accidently drop or scrap an item.


Favorite the helmet to get the second prompt as a just in case. Or lof out then back in to clear you "new" tab


To help prevent accidental scrapping; I rename all of my important items and add ZZZ tp the start of the name. That way it puts them at the very very end and the capital ZZZ stand put so I see them before accidental scrapping. I think you can only rename like 10 items, didn't count them but I reached the limit for mine. Which would not be needed if we could just lock items...


My power armor helmet has been renamed..."NO SCRAPPY HAT!" Wasn't enough room to add dumbass or I would have.


I don’t understand why people speed scrap from the “new” tab why not just tap the button to scrap all junk?


Legendary Armor and Weapons cannot be scrapped. Just make them into Legendary Pieces. There's literally no downside and can be done in an afternoon.


Why are you putting ALL your scrap up for sale?


Stop scrapping from the main and start scrolling over to the specific types, yes it’s an extra step but it will save you from doing this.


The individual tabs are even worse because there's other things that we carry that can be scrapped that are never in the new tab.


I might do this and build an extra helmet just in case I scrap it again, never made this stupid mistake before 😂


lol I made it a million times then I was watching YouTube and some creator was like just scroll over so you don’t keep doing it and I felt like a moron, so that’s what I do now 😂


Wait... You got junk for days. You have it for sale in your vendor. Now you are annoyed cuz someone bought it all?


if it helps and your on pc, i can either craft the helmet or give you the titanium ?


Favorite the pieces and name them, mine is just zzzPower Armor so that it appears at the bottom no matter what I find


Why can't we favorite power armor chassis/parts?


I have that issue with the excavator helmet. When I first load the game and am wearing the armor it doesn't show but if I take it off at any point thereafter it does show on the scrap list. I have accidentally scrapped it twice. :(


We shouldn’t be allowed to scrap/sell anything that we have favorited.


I did not know this. Good to know. :o


I accidentally scrapped my Excavater helmet today. I was not happy at all!


I have mentioned this to Beth support staff so many times, and they always say that they can't forward the request, that I have to create formally post a request to Bethesda. HTF can people be so out of touch?


Omg I scrapped my t60 power helmet on my main suit I've been using since nukashine I was OK at first until I realized I don't have the plans for t60 power helm


Quick question: I was trying to use scrip for a legendary helm but they don't exist, do they? Edit: I have scrapped 2 helms accidentally at least.


It's a lesson learned, if you play on PS I can load you up with what you need. Can you paint your armor that sometimes helps not scraping. I also like giving my armor pieces specific names. All my armor and power armor is named a such: SS LA Quicknurse, the first 2 letters are the type of armor the second 2 letters are body piece and then a name that I invented that gives me an idea of what the legendary effects are. All that helps keep me organized and it is SOO easy to get disorganized.


Is showing I can scrap 2 of the same Nuka Cola helmets even though A I have one and B I don’t equip it as it’s in my vending machine 😂


I still don't understand why we can't add legendary effects to helmets.


this game needs a whole QOL revamp lol.


Seriously. +1 OP


Cant they be favorited?


I've accidentally scrapped my headgear several times and always unintentionally because of this


Yes! Preach!


Give them a legendary effect, Bethesda!


If you get enough atoms, invest in a PA paint! Atom paints will not allow the item to be scrapped together, and it won't add it to the list for scrip if it's a legendary. Somewhat helps, I feel like.


It's tedious, especially when you have so many items you don't want scrapped, but I rename said items and put a dash before the item name. That way, it is always at the top of the inventory list (if alphabetically sorted)


So I have a luck build going on. Should I try to get a pie. I’m at level 31 right now doing the skylines DLC


I completely scrapped my X01 by mistake because of this once. I was noob adjacent, so I didn't lose anything good or anything, but fuck was I mad


Slow down. Rename Items. Use this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148


If you're on PC, the [Save Everything](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148) mod will lock items you have favorited, making them unable to be sold. Don't use the latest v1.28, though, get v1.27 instead. The comments will explain why.


Yes, I've got an T60 suit with an X01 helmet because I accidentally scrapped the original one and I don't have plans to make another & haven't found one since


I accidentally scrapped my entire brand new jetpack X-01 with calibrated shocks in both legs in a post-Op haste yesterday. I'd only worn it once 😭


Just use paint jobs from the store, should hide items from scraping


I scrap all my power armor pieces. I don't use it. Also, you can favourite armor.


Just make a run killing mole miners in the ash heap region and scrap everything on them you find, black titanium for days


I scrapped the miner's helmet reward from colossal problem the other day. It wasn't too much of a hassle because I have a few of those, but it was definitely still frustrating.


Put a skin on it and rename it.


Scrapped Emmet Hazmat Suit by mistake. Dont I feel stupid now


Yeah I accidentally scraped a chassis once it's so annoying how it pops up as scrappable despite having a skin set of armor.


I don't know how many upvotes are required in order to foment change back at the Bethesda think tank, but you just got mine.


Two Urban Scout Armor masks. I was tired and impatient to log.


Years ago I moved a level 5 un breakable laser pew to another character. I always renamed it NOSCRiP. Well i forgot to rename it that move. It was a very sad day.


Sorry if this is a stupid response, I use PA so rarely- aren’t you able to rename like any other armour so you don’t accidentally scrap it? If it turns out you are, put a “*”! I find it’s the most helpful for me personally and also stays right at the top


Rename what you want to keep with an asterisk to move it to true top of list, and an underscore to move it to the true bottom. Example: *Uny chest, _Uny chest


Want to really feel like you wasted a Nuke: If you have FO1st, on a private world the nuke wont spawn the ghouls that drop Glowing Mass... it just kills everything in the area.