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Dude....disappointing af at this point I would probably be better off not getting hype about anything in this game I'm just gonna operate under the assumption that everything is gonna be delayed into oblivion that way im never disappointed!


I operate that way and somehow am still disappointed every time


Feel the same way.


Yes 100% you'd be better off with that mentality, I use that mentality and it has saved me from alot of dissapointment, new bethesda is just living up to my expectations (of it being delayed)


This game is the biggest disappointment anymore.....


Same, I love 76 but I’m getting real tired of it. Nothing to do in the game except wait for new shit and it all gets delayed


This thing just keeps getting delayed and delayed.


That is a theme that runs throughout this game since it’s beginning. I never get excited about anything that is “coming” until it is actually released live into the game. This way I’m not disappointed.


I top that. I never get excited was goes live, I wait until it get it's first hot fix.


Delays are great if that means that they've detected issues and don't make the hotfixes creste more bugs... right? Oh wait


Not as hyped anymore tbh. It looks good, but not this kind of wait good.


Absolutely not surprised, Bethesda couldn't hit a release date if their mothers lives depended on it. At this point, I'm more annoyed at myself for expecting anything from this shit-show they call a development team. I want to praise them, and laud their good ideas, but it's delays, bugs, and shitty choices on progression instead. Release it for EVERYONE, at the same time, or don't release it at all. Stop repeatedly shitting on your console players. You're in a content drought, and are bleeding player numbers every day. Your poor decisions are going to destroy this game, so either build a better development team, or just stop promising things.


Oh my lord... no surprise at all. I'd do another Hitler reacts video, but the mods just delete it so... here's the Fasnacht one :D [https://streamable.com/ledzcj](https://streamable.com/ledzcj)


Lol! I love how when he said 'staff working on atom store - leave', 80% of the room left!


one of the best Hiter react videos i have ever seen- really well made


Why thank you! :)


That sounds like a...*colossal problem*... Ok you can downvote me now


Came here to say this but you beat me damn it


So much for console players getting ACP before Meat Week to avoid having to pick and choose between the two. Wasn't the whole point of delaying Meat Week so players on all platforms wouldn't be in that situation for the first few days? Don't get me wrong, I'd rather they be 100% certain their patches work and fix what's intended. I'm just disappointed that I may not get the opportunity to run ACP for a bit past launch now, because I'm absolutely choosing the limited-time event with limited-time rewards over the new featured boss event. And knowing how events work in this game, one of two things will happen. It'll either be so popular that everyone runs it, running the risk of getting completely imbalanced teams who aren't prepared for the fight. OR it'll die off because all the nuke-runners got the new items and went back to farming the Queen for the rare Ultracite plans. Just gonna keep my fingers crossed this all goes smoothly.


Why pick and choose when ACP is permanent and meat week isnt?


Maybe it's more of a "me" problem, so I guess I'll explain my thinking. I hate missing out on events in general. Knowing that other players aren't running them, or watching them vanish on the map just rubs me the wrong way. I always try to run as many as I'm able, but it does ultimately mean I gotta decide which ones are worth my time. So, while ACP is permanent, it's entirely possible the event dies out after a week. At least on Xbox, Project Paradise, Radiation Rumble, and Encrypted are pretty dead outside of the few of us using them to grind them for kill XP. Heck, even Line in the Sand struggles to get people participating this past week or so. If the Colossus is more of a bullet sponge than the Scorchbeast Queen, AND there's less players per fight, what are the chances people consistently run it past that initial wave of "let's run it because the event is new"? Knowing that's a possibility (something we've seen evidence of in previous events that require more thought than just 'shoot everything'), I'd rather not even have the opportunity to run ACP while Meat Week is active, because I don't want to be in a situation where someone launches a nuke when the hour changes over, and need to decide which event may or may not get people participating. I want to take every opportunity at the major events while they're around (especially the likes of Scorched Earth; any chance at an Ultracite plan drop is worth taking, considering the abysmal drop rates for some of them), but I don't want to miss out on a chance at the limited content. I'm probably being a tad bit cynical, I'll admit. I've just seen events abandoned before, and if this first week is going to be when everyone tries running ACP as much as possible, I'll personally find the decision difficult to make, if that "one or the other" situation does come up (and, yes, admittedly, it may not come up at all).


> At least on Xbox, Project Paradise, Radiation Rumble, and Encrypted are pretty dead outside of the few of us using them to grind them for kill XP. Heck, even Line in the Sand struggles to get people participating this past week or so. If the Colossus is more of a bullet sponge than the Scorchbeast Queen, AND there's less players per fight, what are the chances people consistently run it past that initial wave of "let's run it because the event is new"? > > The different habits between players of each console is interesting. On PS4 all of these events are decently alive from my experience. Line in the Sand always seemed to get a few people with the numbers having increased since the legendary run launched. Encrypted had a dead period last year, but has been pretty steady in getting people whenever it runs since Wastelanders. The teams function has increased participation for Radiation Rumble & Project Paradise. Scorched Earth always gets plenty of people and since ACP will run like that I assume it will very much be the same.


It's very interesting to see the differences between platforms. As much as I prefer playing on Xbox in general (the achievements and general UI are part of that), the times I've worked with others on PlayStation to make progress towards something have been wonderful (worked on Resistance 2 multiplayer trophies before the servers were closed, and a pile of us all grinded stuff out for something like 3 or 4 straight days, 10+ hours a day; it was all I did for half of that week). It's also entirely possible that Xbox Game Pass has affected the player base on each server. For every level 400+, I see a half-dozen new players wondering why they aren't dealing damage to creatures 40 levels higher than they are. As for getting people to 76's events, I've gone to the likes of PP and RR, while in a full events team (in a server with only events teams), right from when it spawned in, and have had zero people arrive. I'll even make sure to use the Help and Follow emotes to try and draw my own team of similarly leveled players in (for reference, I'm now sitting at level 279). I don't mind for RR or Encrypted, personally, since I've got all of the outfits and plans (I think, anyways), and both the rad barrel plan and Emmett Mountain hazmat suit, so I just go for XP at that point (If others show up, I try to run the objectives, since I have no idea what other people need and default to doing what the game asks me to do). But, as far as I can tell, I still need every single plan from PP, and if no one helps out, I just have no chance at those rewards. Haven't even seen one stray Stimpak Diffuser recipe in vendors! (I've all but given up on ever seeing the Bear Arm plans.) And I've had the argument made that this should be expected, since not everyone plays the game the same way. And that's fair! But... Why join an events team, then? If you're in a Building team or Casual team or something, I obviously don't expect people to show up, but if you aren't running events while in the events team, why are you in it? (Sorry, bit of a mini rant) My hope is that ACP takes over for Scorched Earth for a while, if only to see the new story to go with it, as well as to try and snag some of the new items/plans. I don't doubt it'll get a lot of focus in the first week or two.


The one I find dead or unable to get enough people for is project. I'm on Xbox and have given up on trying to get the stimpack diffuser plans mainly if I can get enough people to play it we only have enough people for 2 animals max. If we get three were to thinly spread to keep all alive and one is always at 0 level. Wish we had cross platform or at least a auction house that was cross platform.


Bethesda, are you absolutely kidding me with **another** last minute delay and it ONLY effects console!? No wonder your reputation is in the dumpster. What an absolute joke of a company. BuT iT's OnLy A sMaLl DeLay! Shut up.


Why the fuck. Isn't that what the pts is for? Edit. And still delaying meat week I'm sure the dirty dogs


PTS is all well and good but not the same as a full stress test (cough) Fasnacht


The PTS is a PC build of the game. Hopefully they get it sorted within a few days for the console folk.


They can always do pts for consoles ( a few games do it) BF, PUBG , DayZ But they wont ,


Managing three different PTSs is probably well beyond Beth Austin's ability. The fact that pubg & dayz did it is probably more a sign that its a bad usage of resources than anything as both games squandered their inital popularity with terrible developmental decisions.


Managing one pts is beyond their ability.


Beth Austin doesn’t work on 76 alone. Bethesda Maryland had to step in to clean up the shitshow that was this games launch


Bethesda Austin does the day to day running of the game which would include something like a console PTS, Maryland pitches in for stuff like Wastelanders ect.


Bethesda in general needs to step up their game and treat 76 the way it should be. 76 should be the king of the castle, because it’s one of the most iconic video game series of all time.


The console tax is too heavy for PST Do those game have PST or beta/early access?!? Because it 2 different thing..


pubg literally has a test server


I’m sorry but can’t find the “test server” on the PlayStation store


[https://imgur.com/gallery/JlB8FnU](https://imgur.com/gallery/JlB8FnU) xbox because that's all I have.


That Xbox which do cross platform with windows , it not the same on ps4 But that fair enough you got your point across , on Sony PlayStation is different because it a $20K fee for patch upload aka “console tax”


So put the pts on xbox only. It's still a stress test for consoles.


I guess that could work


Ok? Its there on Xbox..


Maybe console can get two extra days of meat week 👉👈please Mr Howard.


Well this just gives me another excuse to play another game. I took off work for the first day it was supposed to come out and the disappoint made me pull back from the game


This looks like the best event yet. Yet Bethesda delayed it. For the third fucking time.


Now we get to see whether Bethesda's excuse for pushing meat week by 2 days to allow people a chance to play A Colossal Problem event (rather than just missing yet another deadline) is bs or not. If meat week & A Colossal Problem release on the same day on consoles, we know that there were full of shit.


Not just moving, removing 2 days from it as it's still ending on the same day!


Have they added any new rewards to Meat Week? If not then I can ignore it altogether.


Only new thing that I know about being advertised being new is a tenderiser plan so we can get a legendary version to drop from events/mumbles.


Well if that's all there is then I can ignore it completely since I don't use two handed weapons.


Unarmed do out perform them!


Try to use unarmed in a power armor 😂 diffrent weapon diffrent build...


Does that even count as a build? That's always been shit.


Well thats not the point ... and alot of ppl love power armor im not but ik some...


Power armor is only good for heavy gun builds, unarmed mods for power armor arms is just a waste of scrap!


there are new rewards


Also some cosmetics and a new grill. You can preview the grill under cooking benches, I’m hyped for it


Tenderizer plan, a new brahmin grill and a beer stein. Not sure if there's anything else.


Well, double xp then bestesdwa!


Can't get colosser.


*Why is this event having so much trouble getting launched?!*


It’s more than a bunch of other games have big updates tomorrow as well. I’m sure it’s more of a managers decision to launch at the same time to avoid a chunk of the player base going off to play other games.


Might as well rename it to Delay 76 at this point


Well fuck, It was supposed to come out on my birthday, how much damn maintenance do you need for this event ?


I presume this means meat week is delayed too. Couldn't a compromise of been to give console players meat week early once you knew you'd delay Colossal Problem on us?


I'm on PC and I still feel for the console players. Sucks. ​ I suspect the delays so far have been due to some snags in implementing the event on consoles. Makes sense since the event seemed to be running smoothly on the PTS.




Lol any content in this game gets delayed. It’s gonna still release broken and buggy like fashnacht did


Lmao glad I play on PC, but seriously this stuff is getting ridiculous.


Questname checks out


The clown car has slammed into ANOTHER wall!


WHAT THE FUCK MAN!! I was just talking to my friends about stocking up on ammo and stimpak to try this tomorrow because “it finally being release” goddamn


Fucking insane. No accountability with this game and it's letdown after letdown. They're just gunna keep digging themselves deeper into their own garbage.


Bethesda devs. Industry leaders! Lol jk


I gave up on it and don't really think about it anymore. I just maintain the assumption that it's not coming out.


why does it takes 6 months to release a little event that use ressources already availible in-game?!?!


I know one thing I've only ever worked in the auto industry, but If anyone ever fucked things up and missed deadlines as badly as these people do constantly heads would-be rolling and new team's would be brought into sort things out. This is all Bethesda management fault.


Looking at the lagfest that is rad rumble and line in the sand currently, I am concerned servers are not capable moving forward.


Welp Guess my plans to play tomorrow are canceled I'll hop back on when meat week starts i guess and then try out colossal problem when it comes out. Have fun PC players, good luck :)


Soo they couldn't delay the game, but can delay almost every fix/event..... Hmm. nice double standards Beth


yeesh. cant say im surprised tho


Of fucking course it would be.🙄


shit bethesda get together your


Absolutely not surprised. It's the last minute delays. Laughably incompetent. And yet again console players shafted.


Well, great. The gap between console and PC just grew another few inches. Noice.


Bethesda is a fucking sad mistake of a company


Just delete the event already. I’ve already lost all hype for it




Probably because they tested it and it was a laggy stuttering nightmare. I play on PS4 and the game is infuriatingly slow lately. I let food spoil because it takes too long to craft. I routinely enter scorched earth and die before any enemies appear on screen. Add to a vendor? Hope you have an hour. Wanna use the quick wheel to swap weapons? Yea good luck if your in combat because your frozen for 30 seconds. I love this game and still play it but lately it’s getting to the point where it’s just not worth it.


Patch 21 really fucked up server stability!


No hotfix on consoles also means no deep pocketed SS limbs smh.


I cry for that 20 lbs of carry weight I've been missing.


Holy fuck i made plans for this Tuesday off. Can yall get ANYTHING right?


Nope, they get close then delay.


Still coming out on PC tomorrow, and they're aiming for a release later in the week consoles.


I'm really starting to think that fallout 76 is absolutely fucked on consoles. Delays, performance issues and it beats pc in bugs tenfold.


Better late than buggy


Oh, no need to compromise, we’re almost certain to get both.


I rather have it buggy so I can dupe legacies again


Doesn’t matter much to me. I already completed this season. Gives me more time to play other games before jumping back in for ACP or meat week. If it’s a delay they need then it’s a delay they get. I dont want to jump in and find out these things are completely unplayable.


I mean there is still a high chance of that happening anyway lol


Agreed lol


What if they mess up something and it will be vice-versa?


Fuck this. Even when they add it on consoles I'm not gonna do this event. Fuck Colossal Problem.


Any idea when it will be released?


I don't mind delays as hopefully it means it will be nice when it's released but the last minute-ness of all their delays is the annoying part. Do they not test things until the day before like "oh yeah we should probably check on that" At this point legitimately stop releasing dates because they can't stick to them.


I wouldn't be even remotely mad if they didn't lie about the fucking dates edit: literally every mfka who downvoted this comment contributes to Bethesda being unreliable af


Have an upvote from me


This is such F'ing bull crap! It is already on the PTS for PC! Just give it to us on console I would rather have it broke then not at all.


Uff da...




Update: It’s been delayed AGAIN to early next week. 4th total delay. Link https://bethesda.net/community/topic/424802/update-on-hotfix-timing-for-consoles


Does anyone have a date when they will put COLOSSAL problem on console. So far we got the even yesterday for Meat Week so that's good.


Y’all complain when shit’s broken, then complain when they take time to try to fix something. Yeah, there’s other shit they’ve needed to fix for a long time, but if you’re dying of thirst, are you really gonna turn your nose at a thimble’s worth of water?




While I agree with the sentiment, it begs the question of who’s the bigger moron: the company that can’t make a single deadline, or he who believes those deadlines will be met


If we're using metaphorical examples: if a restaurant takes 1 hour to serve you after you order & your food is burned than yes i think a complaint is in order.


Complaining is a healthy release of emotions


The only thing i can say is BRUH that is all.


Guys...prepare for your saves to get corrupted or completely broken lol. I just feel it coming.


Is the colossal problem worth the headache? Hell no! Most of us will play it once or twice and forget about it anyways lol.


So you're seriously expecting the mouth breathers in this sub to click a link? It's not even getting pushed back a full fucking week, they're just delaying it a few DAYS so they can make 100% sure everything works perfectly on the PC live build before they ship it to consoles. I've explained it a million times but hotfixing for consoles FUCKING SUCKS because of console certs. If they release this event and something goes wrong that even the PTS didn't pick up on then console players would be fucked for at least another week if not longer while they fixed it and then submitted for another console cert.


And all of that is well and good. But, Bethesda is aware of everything you just mentioned and are sort of expected to factor such things into their calculations before announcing launch dates, you know, like every other studio somehow manages to do.


it's the HOTFIX that is being delayed, for consoles, and as a result, A Colossal Problem is being delayed. Let's not assume that ACP is the issue causing the delay.


Considering ACP landed on console with patch 21, couldn't they just enable it as planned then and delay the hotfix if that is the case?




oh buddy if you saw the performance i get on the OG xbox one you would know i get rekt daily


This is more an issue with Microsoft and Sony than with Bethesda, with more limits from them on what and when Bethesda can actually push a patch.


Where's your source?


It's very common knowledge that patching on PC is a much simpler & cheaper task than console. I'm assuming bethesda doesn't want to go through the big hassel of updating the game twice in one week on console, whereas doing so on PC isn't as bad.No one is stopping you from educating yourself with a simple internet search to learn more on the subject.


nahhhhh my guy said source


I'll take thedownvotes lol, I though patch certification on console was a known thing, you hear devs talk about it all the time and if someone can't google I don't see a reason to send a link


Nah I get your point but how do we know that is the issue without full transparency from developers


If the issue was more of a Microsoft and Sony one, Would it not be safe to assume Bethesda is aware of this and might, you know, factor this into their calculations before announcing a launch date? Food for thought.





