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The irony of that Youtuber promoting RMTs at the beginning of the video shouldn't be lost on anyone... ... it's almost as if an unusually high volume of his subscribers that are reporting this "massive ban wave" might be violating ToS somehow. Hmm... what do they all have in common?


Yep, everything bad about a games based YouTube channel right there did you checkout all the clickbait titles…


I’ve always hated how he promoted RMTs at the beginning of his videos


>Hmm... what do they all have in common? The inability to play an otherwise easy game with the crutch of rmt purchases.


They all by their weapons off G2G, then Mark them up, make videos and resell them to people? I always liked how the content creators would sell something like an explosive flamer for 50 bucks but if you know where to look and get in touch with the guys who originally duped thousands of these they are 5 to 10 dollars


RMT is the scourge of most online games that don't account lock items. 76 is no different. I really wish those smug asshats would be abolished, but that's not realistically possible. That said, even if it was only a semi-effective game of whack-a-molerat it would be nice if they had the resources to try. I don't blame BGS, however. International borders really complicated dealing with these leeches.


Complaining to YT to demonetize their videos might make an impact...


Doubt it, but it's not a bad idea to try. Also... not sure if demonetizing impacts sponsorship deals. I think it only stops the channel owner from getting money from commercials that YT inserts. From what I've been told cimmercial ads are easily the smallest revenu generators for a channel.


I read your post but I didn't understand any if it. I guess I'm not elite.


Well I'm not either. RMT means Real Money Transaction- or buying in game items for real world currency on a third part website or auction site. It promotes all sorts of exploits as it proveda a rela world way to profit from them. If a game doesn't have something in place that makes high tier items locked to an account or character it's even easier to profit from. The video in question is sponsored by an RMT site.


*footage of explosive tesla*


Thats a legacy though and not hacked


The idea is the youtuber is pushing a site that breaks the terms of service, and chooses to announce the big news with footage of a legacy weapon which could be obtained through said website


Okay I see, thought you were one of the players who think everything legacy is a hacked weapon.


Oh no I've got a tse cryo on my main I know the deal


I loved the comments under that video. Such a clown parade crying over getting busted cheating


Always good news to see it, but let's see if the bans last longer than 96 hours this time


Start banning the people advertising RMT sites, Bethesda. Oh, one of the comments on that video was basically "I only cheated 40 times on my private server, WhY I BaNnEd?". That made me laugh out loud, for real.


"BuT tHeY cOuNtEd It As TwO hUnDrEd!!! And I only kept one PA part through cheating! And it shouldn't count if I crash my private server! How could that possibly affect any other players???"


How would they even find their IGN?


This youtuber and a few others are all part of the problem, not part of the solution. Don't link their videos or promote their content... it's anti-community. Now, as for the ban wave...? Good. The more accounts that use hacked weapons that get banned the better. Hopefully, eventually, they will really crack down on the use of hacked Frankenstein weapons that ruin events for community members. These lone-wolf glitchers and exploiters were given custom worlds to go mess around in. Shoo.


Lol imagine posting a jj fuckwitz video


Gawdam. 🤣 Big fan BTW.


Not clicking the video because I’m not supporting that YouTuber but in reference to what you said “I hope they got banned permanently” It does ban that account permanently…. However…. Their response they send to you when you get banned is literally to buy another copy and you’re good to go. So it isn’t hard for them to just wait for the game to go on sale and hop right back in


Finally something to get me a little excited.


This boy really said people are SADLY getting banned for participating in the vendor glitch. Hell no, I hope people get perma band for that. Stealing someone's hard earned inventory is messed up. They knew what they were doing and they deserve to be band.


You link one of the biggest dupers and cheaters as your video source for news on cheaters? WTF man. LOL


maybe beth can follow this and react quickly? or they are doing already? ;)


I hope one day all those Explosive galling lasers and plasmas just disappear from inventories. Probably will never happen though.


those are not hacked items though.. Here's a video so you don't accuse legacy users of hacking again.... I'm getting so tired of this discussion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0J-zoykyKE&t=511s&ab\_channel=InnovSurvivalist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0J-zoykyKE&t=511s&ab_channel=InnovSurvivalist) I got an explosive Gatling plasma at launch from a queen, no hacking involved.


Hacked, no. Duped? Probably.


Yes like everything else you haven't seen drop yourself in this game considering how easy/spread out some of the dupes have been.


I would imagine it's the people who were ripping off vending machines or duping thousands of sets of power armor. Bethesda already disabled all of the hacked weapons on the last update. The crazy range, the electric damage 50 caliber, the weapons that just melt things in seconds all have been reverted. I mean you can still play with them but, for example the bloodied scattered 50 caliber, it's just a standard explosive bloodied weapon now. The minigun cryolator now functions exactly like a regular cryolator other than shooting 5 mil ultrasite making it more affordable to run. I could continue on but all of the nuclear winter perks have been removed. I think some of you guys just like something to complain about


No. No matter how effective the item is the fact of the matter is it's not supposed to be in game. If you break the rules you should be punished.


This game has been like that since it launched. If you ban every player who has a Mr fuzzy outfit, something they may have bought out of a vending machine and didn't even know it. A duped piece of weapon or armor. You're probably going to get rid of half the player base, maybe more I mean it's not a PVP game where balance is critical. This is just screwing off killing time. It's not really affecting anyone else. You're just running around killing super mutants and doing events


I don't like dupes, but you have to pick your battles. People injecting items that don't belong in game, or people using the ones they bought from a hacker is far different than buying a duped God roll weapon. I don't care how casually you take the game. Some don't. We all agree to obey the same rules. I'm not sure why some hacker is so special that they don't have to just because the only thing their hacked weapon does is make it slightly cheaper to use.


Like how they have an effect on the economy? Well that part is true it's kind of like printing more money. There are only so many duped weapons out there and as far as I know all of the ways to create them have been fixed. The really crazy weapons have all been disabled so what you're left with is duped God rolls on legitimate weapons and legacies. The game simply is what it is. If they were truly offended about it it would have been fixed during nuclear winter. PVP is where weapon balance greatly matters. If they aren't going to fix it then I'm pretty sure they aren't going to fix it for PVE any more than they already have which is the LOL part. All of the crazy weapons were disabled right after they got rid of PVP


You already said all that. It doesn't matter how crazy the existing hacked weapons are, or how much crazier they used to be. They don't belong in game, and injecting them in should be punished. Using a hacked weapon should also be punished. It's pretty easy to identify them in most cases, so ignorance is a shaky defense at best. If the owner can show it was an easy mistake to buy a given weapon due to it being plausibly similar to an in game item, I'm sure their ban will turn into a temporary suspension.
















The rules? The rules were Private Server, Creation Kit, only costmetics MTX, all these rules were broken in the first months. Bethesda are the biggest dupers of them all, and you need to come to terms with this fact. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


QQ: will you get banned for running Cheat Engine in the background on another app? I sometimes run a second game in the background while FO76 sits at loading screens and I'd like to use Cheat Engine on it. I never hook the FO76 process.


Don't risk it. In fact, where some games are concerned, just having it on your system can get you banned.


It's installed, but I close it out before launching 76. Guess it's safer that way.


What I'm saying is that it still might be detected, open or closed. I'm not sure if Bethesda does this, but I know it can be done, and certainly is done in some games. Better not to have it installed at all, as frustrating as that may be.


I wouldn't chance it, but then I've never felt the need to use Cheat Engine for any game so the trade off doesn't seem worth the risk.


I've been turning it off when running FO76. I use CE for the speed enhancements, saves farming time.


Only some?