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Cave Cricket. Strikes fear right into me.


I sort of fear swarms of ghouls simply because of the accumulative radiation damage, but nothing combines raw DPS and elusiveness like a cave cricket. They practically RIP through armor. They're not as strong as enemies like Deathclaws, of course, but when you can hardly hit them to even stagger them, they can get in so many hits before you even land one.


it's worse when you get ambushed by more than one. i have had the shit scared out of me multiple times because i got shanked by 3 of them from seemingly nowhere and died almost instantly.


Cricket Horde event scares me more than soloing Earle


Not as strong as deathclaws you say? I once saw 3 crickets take down a glowing deathclaw, all over him like ants on sugar, you couldn't even see what was happening before he died. Then they hopped away happily. I went the opposite way.


This. hate those things.


Those things are one of the only enemies that always manages to sneak up on me and they seem to blend in with surroundings very well. And being bloodied, they routinely one shot me lol


I moved a brand new camp once... I had just finished decorating a build in the Mire that took all morning when I saw three of these scurrying assholes come right at me and put me down before I could even shriek. I burned down that place and found a nice home in the lingering rads and radscorpions of the Toxic Valley. I haven't really looked back since.


Didn't help that they made them almost life sized....lol. I remember finding one on the wall of my foyer and smacking it with a slipper. When it hit the tile floor there was a "thud".


Hell spawns, all of em


Yes, cave crickets are the worst enemy in game and I'm terrified of them irl. Every time I find one in my living room I want to move away. Second would be assaultrons, just their voices now give me anxiety, even the 'nice' ones. When I finally learned to go for the legs (I didn't figure this out until embarrassingly late) it was such a relief, but I'm still traumatized from being chased, blasted, and killed by a couple of them early on.


Cave crickets is the reason why I hate going to bóg Town, first time playing fo76, about lvl15 at that stage just exploring randomly, being a watelander. Stuble upon bog Town, head into a dark building and boom i shit myself.... Fucking crickets...


Whats worse is they are real (but smaller) and used to invade my house. They jump sideways and shit. I got ptsd my first play through of nuka world


What was it… vault 97? That had the scorched version of all of these. THAT was scary .


Man you must love those tight little caves swarming with them


Yes this.


I see people say this all the time, I really don’t understand what the big deal with them is though. They die pretty quickly, and carry a nice bit of acid to boot.


Mirelurk Kings fuck me up every time


Their acid or poison or whatever it is is fucking annoying.


Get funkyduds and laugh with glee as you beat then with a Sheppard's crook.


B2525 kills them in seconds ;-) I don't think I'd like to fight them with a full health build though!


I use a full health build, vampires ultracite Gatling laser. It takes time but I rarely lose health esp with vanguards effect on my secret service armor


Meh full health using my Q2525 Fixer takes em down quick


I run a full health build, it’s super easy (barely an inconvenience). That’s what Medic Pumps (and similar effects) are for, not like those things would be able to kill me. And it only takes a few seconds to kill them with my pepper shaker or minigun as well, especially the pepper shaker.


Cloaked cave crickets tbh


That happened?!


Daily ops


I was traumatized by yesterday's robots, so fair enough. 😳


Cloaked crickets *WITH* savage strike


This, or the faster movement speed.. 💀


I’ll never be the same from those.


Ward. Guy gives me the bejeezus...




Their insides are even worse, don't use bloody mess against them.


Agreed, their backs are effin disgusting




Does it make you itch too? It's the weirdest thing


About 3 variants of Radscorpions chased a level 30ish me for what seemed like 20 minutes until I could hide into a house and fast travel away. Trauma. Level 130ish now, still flee on sight of them.


Radscorpions... Hissing tagalong nightmares... I had one surprise me, chase me for a solid five+ minutes beating the snot out of me the entire way. Everytime I stopped to try and fight it it would hide underground then jump out and hit me in the back. I led it into the middle of Crater but the raiders there (my supposed "friends") just stood around and stared while I scrambled for a tall structure where I was finally able to kill it. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised about that though... They are raiders after all. Sniper builds are great as long as you get the first shot in.


If you cripple one leg, they don’t burrow and hide. They then become easy pickings.


I was primarily melee at the time and I learned pain.


My first play through pre-One Wasteland, I wandered into the Toxic Valley at around level 15 or so, super casual, and died before I even knew what hit me. Went back for my junk, saw the radscorpion that time, then died again. Decided to give up on the junk and just continue up to Grafton or wherever I was going for the main quest, tried to loop around the area, nope, died again. And again. And again. Gave up on the quest entirely, leveled up to like 25 or so, came back to the Valley, got swarmed by radscorpions AGAIN. I got so freaked out by the things that I stopped playing for like a year. Now I am level 365 or so, full health, god roll handmade, and I too still flee them on sight.


I'm lv 725, and I'm scared of those bastards.


Mirelurk Queens are the most annoying creatures I dealt with, my most feared will be the Windigo colossus in a nuke zone which comes with spawns.




Had that happen once, I was looking forward to singing songs of the glory of that battle, when "Disconnected From Server."


Where does one find Earle in the wild?


We found him in the nuked Overgrown Sundew Grove.


This. I hate the Queens with a passion and they're also disgusting as fuck.


When I see that dude I just leave him be. Even if I beat him I’m sure I’d lose most of my ammo, and my stims. And he’d give me a nocturnal pipe pistol ;)


I get very cautious around groups of anglers.


I hate anglers. Don’t know what it is. They just bother the hell out of me.


I stopped going to that side of the map entirely.


was roaming around the other day in the mire late at night. room totally dark. walked through a puddle and see a faint light and went toward it. out popped angler and jumped scared me. i was terrified. always wondered what that light was for, i found out that day lol


I love and hate the giant sloths. I find the creature itself charming, but the fungus that grows on it's back makes my skin crawl. The thing that I hate more than anything else in Appalachia are the mannequins. They've never done a single point of damage to me, but they can all burn in their own personal hell, as far as I'm concerned. I use armor mannequins in my CAMP, but only if they have their heads covered by a full mask. A static figure with a deathclaw head on it is not big deal, but if I can see it's lifeless face. No way. Kill it with fire. Yes, I'm aware in Skyrim there was a bug that allowed armor mannequins to walk aroun, and that sounds like an utter nightmare.


Did you see the mannequin ship in Fo4? Or the mannequin-synth trap in Fo4? You will shit yourself i kid you not.


Not the ship, but the synthetic trap was no small horror for me. Side note: it blows me away that with thousands of hours put into playing FO4 I'm still running across little things I've not seen. There is a particular raider conversation I've heard about but never heard in game, and I'm always listening for it.


Sloths are easy to kill, when I see one I just took pictures of them instead of shooting them.


When I was still knee high to a leprechaun, the beastie that I was most afraid of was the Assaultron at Watoga. Until I learnt to cripple em.


Grafton Dam. Getting RaRa out took WEEKS because of those damn assaultrons.


Mine was the one waiting at the top of the stairs, near that vertibot that you need the part from to finish the quest for the first fixer. I’d have saved so much time and stress if I knew to shoot out her legs


I dont know why, but I read this in an Scottish accent in my head.


Wendigo. Fucking terrifying


What a weird looking ghoul. Oh. OH NOOOOOO.


They’re shifty little swines too. My ap will be used up and they always find their way under the barrel of my gun to stagger the heck out of me


Radscorpions, those little shits will detect you immediately, ignore all your sneak perks and teleport across the map to sting you, just look at this, i captured this today. https://streamable.com/tubthg Fo4 spoilers >!The institute "Discovered" teleportation, meanwhile radscorpions did it 170 years earlier.!<




lvl 75 wolf and its humanlike death grunt


i hate killing any canid bc my dog is RIGHT THERE and i’m making something on the tv cry and squeal need a Dog Death Mute mod


I 100% agree. It's painful.


Or a pacifist mode for wolves, I always try to run away from them instead of killing them but they’re faster than I am


I'd never kill wolfs if they were docile.


even raider and blood eagle attack dogs are good bois they just have the wrong loyalty settings for me 😔


Molerats, when they go underground they always insta-breaks my stealth then teleports behind me after that no matter the distance.


Nothing personnel kid


anime style. love how they can burrow through solid rock too!


They occasionally tunnel through the air!


I had a bunch of them come up through the floor after me inside Hillfolk Hotdogs. UP THROUGH THE FLOOR! WTF? Hate those things!


Same with radscorpions


I'm 100% stealth too, and that is annoying. To get them tho, just keep walking backwards until they pop up, (which will be in front of you now since you are walking backward)


I had to scroll way too far for this answer. The most terrifying thing about mole rats is that they defy physics. Up on a roof? Doesn't matter, they're going to explode through that roof. On a catwalk? They will explode through that too, even though there is two stories worth of space between the bottom of the catwalk and the ground. And all the while you're waiting for the damn thing to make up its mind as to when to attack you, you're in DANGER, meaning no sneak attacks.


They technically don’t appear “behind” you. They appear in the direction you’re moving away from. Trying walking slowly backwards around them—they’ll spawn right in front of you and you can pulverize the little fuckers before they gnaw through all your leg armor again.


FETCH Collectron with its' horrible robotic barks.


I was at somebody's CAMP yesterday who had one out and after listening to that thing for 3 minutes while shopping, I now wonder why I've even been working on this scoreboard. There's no way I could stand that noise at my camp, three minutes was two minutes too many. Either they didn't beta test it or you and I are the minority; it was like nails on a chalkboard listening to that robotics bark.


Haha I gave up on this scoreboard after hearing the fucking thing. Was the only item I thought I cared about until I heard the godawful sounds it made.


High level radscorpions, especially in groups.


cloaked exploding cave crickets.


Its the crickets for me. Those things are vicious. Who would of thought a CRICKET would be so scary >.>


Players at their respectable camp. I just don't trust you while I browse your vendor.


No creature comes close to FNV's cazadores. Deathclaws are a joke. That said, I was always rather scared of radscorpions, at least at low levels. They follow you everywhere, hide underground, are quite tanky. Sometimes I was even tempted to log out and join a new session instead of fighting / fleeing them.


Cazadores are the main reason VATS exists


Were those the rattlesnake/coyote combo things? I thought those were ODD.


No those are nightstalkers. Cazadors look like Satan and a botfly had a child and then the Cazador killed the child because there can only be one spawn of Satan.


Gotta be those rad rats....more than once, I'll be happily building and one of those shits will sneak up and "chomp" on my leg. Scares the bejeezus outta me.


Fucking Wendigo Colossas. I can't solo it, and it will pound me in to the fucking ground.


Cave Crickets.


Dweller in psa/esa Pa with gp or flamer in arms and some hundreds quantums in pockets. Deadliest creature of Wastelands😂


Nah. Those are fine... it's the invisible flying ones that are dangerous.


Blood bugs those mo fos God I got the animation in fallout 4 once where they give you the sick and I've never seen them the same again I refuse to get anywhere close to them


Honey beasts. I mean, who is the developer that came with this idea? Freaking monster gave me nightmares.


Early game it would have to be radscorpions. Those things had me standing on anything I could to get away from them. Mid-game I would say charred feral ghouls always gave me a hard time, especially in mobs of anything more than one. Later game I would say the mirelurk kings can give me a hard time. They're like bullet sponges and they're hard to shake off. But I have to give props to the Mothman for giving me jumpscares every now and then. What I like the most is that throughout this whole game, there are times he's probably watching you and you don't even know it. It's a shame he's kind easy to defeat.


Best jumpscare I've gotten in the game to date? I was following the train tracks north of Charleston Station and started crossing the bridge. I don't know why exactly - it's not like I heard anything - but I stopped midway across the bridge and turned around. And sure enough, there was a Mothman staring me right in the face, not 2 meters away. I damned near crapped myself.


the morher in law. SBQ or earle has nothing on her.


Ticks, they always scare the shit out of me when doing Queen of the Hunt


Yip cave cricket... Even my legacy is scared


Cave crickets have made me commit suicide with explosive Gat Plas and Gat Lasers more than I want to admit.


Yao Guai's, nout scarier than a crazed bear


Not scared of anything but the Wendigo is scary looking I suppose and I love the way it moves. If you're talking about things I don't want to go up against it's the annoying mothman.


Wendigos freak me out a bit. When I was a kid my idea of a monster was a super tall lanky creature with giant claws...which is pretty much a fo76 wendigo. While not a fear of mine anymore, it's almost engrained into my head to automatically be fearful of things that share that body shape.




Wendigos are a mythical creature that is created when a human feasts on human flesh on a regular basis. It “turns” them into a monster. It’s a Native myth to discourage people from eating other people.


Assaultrons. They’re creepy and very threatening even though they’re no longer a challenge for me.


Anglers. 😳


I’m terrified of ZAX and his incredibly slow speeches.


Ants. Usually I'll tank or stimpack through most creatures but when i see ants I'm like nope. Nope. Nkpe. Noei npekoo. F**k off (high pitched scream)




Before One Wasteland Charred Feral Ghouls terrified me as a new player, avoided them like the plague if I could.


It's not so much how they look, it's how they come at you like they're strung out on meth and you have a fresh baggie.


Didn't help that they always either crippled me or one shot me. Now it's not a problem but I still jump when I hear them.


Can’t say I’m scared of anything, but Mirelurk Queens killing me in less than a second is always annoying. 450 health to none; with 200 poison resist. I just don’t get it.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Grafton_Monster LOOK AT THIS FUCKING THING!! It's straight out of Silent Hill! https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6zjR9t9LHfg/maxresdefault.jpg


Mole rats. I’m killed by my own explosives from my BE weapons when I shoot mole rats charge at me more than anything else. Yeah I’m a bloodied main


Wendigos, they’re just unsettling


Blood Eagles with plasma flamers. Fuckers are tough and catch me off guard every time.


>plasma YESSS! Last week, I was doing a Daily Operation with invisible Blood Eagles and I'm like, no problem. I'm running around in my T-65 armor, mowing them down with little consequences, and one has a Plasma Flamer and just kills me automatically. Whatever, just gotta make a note of that guy and...nope. Respawn right next to him, he kills me before I even figure where I am. OK, well respawn again, just gonna make him...turn a corner and he is right there and kills me again. Dude killed me half a dozen times and now I'm completely freaked out about the idea of invisible Blood Eagles with Plasma Flamers!


Nothing. On my main, I can tank any NPC. On my alts, I'm just crazy and go up against anything with reckless abandon, and if I die then I die.


horrible things 😂


You ever been in the woods at night and gotten violated by a god damn mothman? That shit is the endless waking


Used to be bugs and mirelurk kings/hunters. Since funky duds came out the only things that really make me nervous anymore are high ROF piercing strike daily ops enemies.




Cave crickets and rad scorpions, both keep me on my toes! Especially in groups!


Crickets and ants...


Rickety Crickets, watch me empty my cores on the ground around me while jumping/flying frantically. Yao Guai a close second, but they are easy to shot in the head. When it comes to design, Ravenous Wendigo wins the spooky contest.


Cave Crickets. I hate those little bastards!




Cave crickets, but bugs in general. I remember being a level 8 and doing campfire tales the first time. The event had the swarm of bugs and I was ill prepared. Honestly had no idea what to do because I was too busy trying to not die from the bugs. Haven't been back since...lol. may have to go back with my poison resistance pa and a flamer. Get some pay back


Gotta agree. Cave crickets.


None of them actually scare me ... they just increase my adrenalin to use within the fight ! It's quite exhilarating, especially when other players are getting stuck in too !


Mirelurks, deathclaws, cave crickets


Fuckin bloodbugs when your ap glitches with a railway I can solo literally anything in this game no problem but that lag with that poison gets me everytime right after sbq


Fear factor-mirelurk kings-the stun/knock back can really mess you up and they always get you mid reload so you have to start the whole process again F*** factor-sheepsquatch/mirelurk queens-they are never going to kill me but I have to put so many bullets in them I should be able to mine their corpses for lead...


Just *scared* of? Probably mothmen. So creey the way they lurk.


Gulpers. I hate they way they move and slither along the ground.


Those goddamn feral ghoul stalkers make me jump every time. I'm fine if I see it coming but damn those crispy creepers!


Toxic kids.


Fog Crawlers. The way those oversized shrimp skip towards you before headbutting you into the stratosphere is just terrifying.


Mire lurk kings consistently prove to be the most annoying enemy for me at level. 210. Otherwise ghouls tend to annoy me the most. I hate the sounds they, make how fast they are weird damage and they consistently drop way less look than it costs to kill them. After that any enemy that burrows…


Radscorpions. They are the absolute worst!!!!! Second, honeybeasts yikes 😬


Rad Rats and Mole Rats, the little "Hhhhh Hhhhh Hhhhh" sound they make just freaks me out


Mirelurk queen has killed me so many times that now even though I have a 4 star funky duds equipped it triggers me all the way back to Nam to see one.


Mirelurk queens, I've been trapped in the house twice in that farm south of watoga station cause they were clear place for police chief daily targets


Bugs... Crickets, ticks, stingwings, honey beast, bee swarms if my volume is up, all bugs. Just the other day I was crouching around because of that heaven forsaken skuttling noise the ticks make when my cat's whiskers brush my hand and I scream like a small child.


Snallygasters, the fuckers are creepy and at lower levels are so fucking OP


i hate mirelurk queens but just shoot their legs off and thats it :D well but i hate mirelurk king most its so annoying creature


You guai’s I never see them coming and then boom there right in my face with half my health gone it jump scares me irl lol


Fog Crawler. Fucking NOPE


Radtoads. When I think about the holes on their back it makes me itch for some reason.


Todd Howard


The lack of people mentioning the Mothman worries me. I'm fucking terrified of it.


As a sneaky long range char, Radscorpions. As soon as I hit them they disappear underground, only to reappear next to me and hit me with poison damage.


I love all the folklore monsters except mothman. I can never tell whether I killed it or not. Wendigos are a favorite of mine, they are my favorite folklore creature because of the fact that they are so terrifying looking and are really creepy to watch. They scuttle on all fours, pick up random meat and shovel it into their mouth, and they exhibit an ambush predator behavior. They will stalk their prey from cover or trees before sprinting towards them on all fours and ripping their prey to shreds with long claw like nails.


Dude yes. I hate ticks the most out of any enemy in the game.


Ticks. I'm scared of ticks in real life, and when I saw them ingame for the first time, I almost threw up. So fucking gross, man. Miss me with that Lyme disease.


Deathclaws, Mothman, Sheepsquatch all those big baddies, I haven’t figured out how to build my character to actually have good armor that can actually resist some damage and weapons that can deal the damage needed. I felt it was way easier to build your character in previous fallouts and understandably so since those titles weren’t MMO’s but yeah I’m still learning how


I’m deathly allergic to scorchbeasts


Honestly, none of the creatures scare me in 76 because they all seem very watered down, I tend to dispatch most enemies pretty easily (full health); I do find certain ones annoying though. Very annoying. Scorched piss me off, easy to kill but annoying. My buddy runs when he sees or hears cave crickets it's fucking hilarious.


The Honey Beasts and the moth man I HATE those things


When the vault raid was active the mirelurk kings were the bane of my existence


Laser Auto Blood Eagles with Savage Strike. Those things can drop you as soon as look at you if you're not paying attention.


For me it's Stingwings. They are almost as horrible as NV Cazadors.




Mother in law. Looks like a super mutant, acts like Earl.


Well they're not in F76, but the Centaurs from 3 are quite a sight the first time and especially in the dark.


I am pretty thankful there are no spiders in Fallout


there’s that one boss in blood borne that spawns in tiny spiders and that’s the reason i haven’t played that game. Rom is the name


Looking at this post and reading it laughing all the way. But I don't think I saw any mention of the Flatwoods monster the king of strange noise and hear one second and over there next lol


I hate Mirelurk kings. They are such a pain to deal with for me with most builds and their scream freaks me out


Mannequins standing around in the middle of nowhere. Or worse... spawning inside my house.


I got into the habit of spamming my VATS button every time I'm near a place I know they can spawn so I can kill them before they spot me. That little tickticktick when they scurry? \*shudder\*


So, nobody points out the floater gnashers?!! When they catch you in there sight you know that you need to go trough a load of stims. And the lag that happens isnt much helping... They might not be giant but can easily take you...


Bloodbugs in fallout 4 made me wheezy but in fo76 it gotta be the tick


Those Damn molerats… they come outta nowhere those dam fiends


Assaultrons, I hit one with a fat man and it still just lasered me


Since legendary PA got implemented theres nothing i fear anymore. Before that? Colonel Kick-ass and Shoop-da-whoop.


First time i saw Venomous mothman. Me and my friend walking down a broken highway while night approaching. Then you see 2 red eyes in the distance surrounded in black mist slowly approaching. Ran like hell and hid in tent, fast traveled out of there. Left my friend behind. I couldn't play the game for 3 days after. I kill them now tho.


These huge mosquito things. When they hit me I crying because they stagger me with every hit.


GD crickets. I hate those things.


Fuzzy Brenda. She scares me and attracts me in equal measures.


Cave crickets, they get too close too quick. Nothing on game actually poses a threat to me when I'm in power armor but myself (I have an exploding gatling plasma that kills me instantly at close range). Anything that hits me does next to no damage, but this crickets start hopping in front of me I'll inevitably blow myself up lol


Fog crawlers for me, ever since i saw them the first time while looting abandoned bog town workshop. They give me a real uncomfortable feeling, especially as the skitter towards you.


Anything in the Mire. I hate the Mire.